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Thursday, July 17, 2014

Prabowo-Hatta wins hands down in some areas, such as Papua and Tangerang

Prabowo-Hatta wins hands down in some areas, such as Papua and Tangerang

  Mate Prabowo-Hatta Rajasa out the winner of the Presidential Election in Kota Tangerang. Of the 13 districts, Prabowo-Hatta excel in 10 districts over Jokowi-JK.

Couple that carried the red and white Coalition won the most votes in District Cipondoh, Batuceper, Ciledug, Middle Reef, Jatiuwung, Karawaci, Pot, Cibodas, Objects, and Pinang.

While the presidential and vice presidential order number 2, Jokowi-JK only excels in the District of Tangerang, Neglasari, and Prohibition.

"Plenary was held today with the results of the pair number 1 won 500 587 votes (54.10%), family number 425 345 Sort 2 won votes (45.90%)," said Commission Chairman Tangerang City, Sanusi, Thursday (17/7 / 2014).

The total valid votes 925 932 candidates. Previously, the Commission could do Electoral Votes Birthday (PSU) in TPS cottage Pucung, Tangerang City.

  Mate Prabowo-Hatta Rajasa out the winner of the Presidential Election in Kota Tangerang. Of the 13 districts, Prabowo-Hatta excel in 10 districts over Jokowi-JK.

Couple that carried the red and white Coalition won the most votes in District Cipondoh, Batuceper, Ciledug, Middle Reef, Jatiuwung, Karawaci, Pot, Cibodas, Objects, and Pinang.

While the presidential and vice presidential order number 2, Jokowi-JK only excels in the District of Tangerang, Neglasari, and Prohibition.

"Plenary was held today with the results of the pair number 1 won 500 587 votes (54.10%), family number 425 345 Sort 2 won votes (45.90%)," said Commission Chairman Tangerang City, Sanusi, Thursday (17/7 / 2014).

The total valid votes 925 932 candidates. Previously, the Commission could do Electoral Votes Birthday (PSU) in TPS cottage Pucung, Tangerang City.

General Elections Commission (KPU) East Java held a recapitulation 2014 presidential election began Friday, July 17 until Saturday, July 19, but until now there regencies / cities in East Java is still not deposit the ballot boxes to the Election Commission Office East Java, Tenggilis Jalan Surabaya.

Data were collected until this afternoon, as many as 11 districts / cities that have not been depositing the ballot box on Thursday (17/07/2014).

The region is the city of Surabaya, Malang, Banyuwangi regency, Pamekasan, Ngawi, Ponorogo, Psychology, vBulletin, Bondowoso, Jember and Kediri.

While the region has been deposited is Jombang district, Sidoarjo, Lumajang, Bangkalan, Madiun, Malang, Probolinggo, Madison County, City of Madison.

Then Magetan, Mojokerto, Nganjuk, Pasuruan, Sampang, Bojonegoro, Tuban, Sumenep, Gresik, Pasuruan, Batu, Blitar, Mojokerto, Pacitan, Situbondo, Blitar, Kediri, Probolinggo, and Lamongan.

East Java KPU chairman Eko Sasmito said it believes that all districts / cities will be ready when the recapitulation held tomorrow, because some unfinished areas recap already terseleseikan all.

"God willing, ready, they lived administration," said Eko, Thursday (07/17/2014).

East Java Commission allow time for the state / city in the delivery of ballot boxes until the results of the presidential election tonight. Thus, East Java Commission can immediately resolve any administrative process.

"We hope that today has entered all across the county and the city," said Eko as he called recapitulation East Java Commission will be held at Hotel Equator Surabaya, Jalan Mayjend Sungkono, Surabaya.

Commissioner of the General Elections Commission (KPU) Arief Budiman said that the Voting Re (PSU) has been conducted in 44 polling stations. He said he believes, the PSU will not affect the process of recapitulation tiered ongoing.

"PSU has been carried out, all is not no problem," he said when met at the sidelines of the recapitulation process for overseas voters in Election Commission Building, Jalan Imam Bonjol, Central Jakarta, Thursday (17/07/2014).

According to him, it is possible there will be another PSU recommendation. If that happens, it will be given additional time to pursue the process of recapitulation recapitulation stage at provincial and national level.

"If there appears recommendation today, it will be added when the recapitulation, but yesterday was finished. There are 20 polling stations yesterday and today had 44 polling stations in 18 provinces," he explained.

Former Member of the Election Commission of East Java mentioned several factors that led to a PSU, including the discrepancy between voters with ballots and double voters.

"There is a mismatch the number of voters with ballots and there is treatment that causes repeated because voters chose more than one time but," due diligence.

  Presidential and vice presidential candidate Prabowo-Hatta Rajasa July 9, 2014 presidential election won in the District of West Seram, Maluku, to reach 55 436 voice vote.

Commissioner of the General Elections Commission (KPU) Maluku La Alwi when it was confirmed on Thursday (17/07/2014), said the serial number of the candidate pairs was superior to Jokowi-JK who won 43 068 voice vote.

Prabowo-Hatta victory was based on the plenary meeting of the Commission SBB recapitulation in Piru, local district capital, which opened July 16, 2014 Chairman Patty Djafar.

"I attended the Maluku recapitulation Central Election Commission in order to monitor the performance of local administration in order to anticipate the possibility of violations of statutory provisions," said La Alwi.

The plenary meeting was marred interruptions of witness-mate Prabowo Hatta, Helmy Wenno who question the presence of La Alwi and Head of the General Election Supervisory Body Maluku Karepesina Sarka. However, after the Chairman of the Commission SBB Djafar Patty explained, it does not matter about the presence of both.

Presidential election voter turnout was 74.81 percent in SBB with the final voters list (DPT) of 139 297 voters.

He made sure there was no problem that occurs when the recapitulation of vote counting Presidential Election Commission July 9, 2014 at SBB. "We monitor the implementation of the recapitulation, both at the committee level since polling districts (KDP) to the Commission SBB was no claim of each - each successful teams of two couples and vice presidential candidates," said La Alwi.

SBB Commission will forward the results to the Commission recapitulation of vote counting for diplenokan Maluku in Ambon scheduled for July 18 to 19, 2014....Okezone

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