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Friday, December 12, 2014

Kidney Failure Increased Growth in Indonesia

Unfinished journey (161)

(Part one hundred and sixty-one, Depok, West Java, Indonesia, December 12, 2014, 22:01 pm)

Kidney Failure Increased Growth in Indonesia

The first time I know of people who suffer from kidney failure and had to do dialysis (hemodialysis) is Mr. Soebandi, my father colleagues.
Mr. Soebandi affected kidney failure in 1980; late due to high blood pressure. Mr. Soebandi which a fuel businessman who lived around Manggarai, South Jakarta when paying yourself dialysis, since when it has been no BPJS insurance.
The second is an Air Force Colonel Mr. Handjojo Nitimihardjo, my boss as Chairman of Antara News Agency. Handjojo Nitimihardjo affected kidney failure due to high blood.
Now, I am the one who also suffered kidney failure due to diabetes complications, and need dialysis in the hospital twice a week esnawan space.

Treatment of patients with renal disease or chronic renal failure simply can not be done easily and quickly, if you are still able to function, it must first be improved kidney function through a healthy lifestyle or medication from the doctor. But of course it would be another story if the kidneys are already really does not operate ... then what must be traveled
Why is the number of patients with kidney failure in Indonesia continues to increase?
Number of patients with renal disease in Indonesia from year to year continues to increase. Of this fact is not too surprising given the high rate of growth in Indonesian society and the high increase in the population of patients with diabetes and hypertension as the largest contributor to renal failure patients in Indonesia.

Here are 3 common medical procedures in dealing with kidney disease:
1. Hemodialysis (dialysis / HD), is the process of cleansing the blood by using a machine. Ideally, this treatment is done twice a week. In addition to actions to be performed in a hospital, the cost is also not small. This makes the action dialysis patients become dependent on machines and of course this requires no small cost.

2. Peritoneal dialysis is a method of removing toxins using a special liquid that is inserted into the abdomen. This process can be done at home, but it must be done for hours. Its mechanism is fluid in the abdomen must be allowed to absorb toxins. This process is usually done 4 times a day.
3. Kidney transplants (kidney transplant), is a renal replacement therapy involving kidney transplants from living or dead person to the needy. Kidney transplantation became the treatment of choice for most patients with kidney failure and end-stage renal disease.

Based on data released by PT. Askes in 2010 the number of patients with kidney failure is 17 507 people. Then increased again about five thousand more in 2011 with the exact number of 23 261 patients, "he said at an event themed Health Services Effective and Efficient in case of renal failure in Manhattan floor 5, Kuningan- Central Jakarta, recently.
Based Health Research Ministry of Health in 2007, the prevalence of renal failure estimated 400 people per 1 million inhabitants. From these data can also be predicted as many as 25,000 new patients with kidney failure each year.
For those readers who still need more information about kidney disease or other diseases associated want to consult, please come to the Hospital Complementary "Canon medicinae Indonesia" in Jalan Ismail VII Tubagus 21 Dago Bandung West Java Province - INDONESIA Phone: +62 - (022) 253-1000 / Fax. (022) 251-6663 / Mobile: +62 - 0812.2023.2009 (Kidney) / +62 - 0878.9537.5000 (Diabetes Mellitus) / +62 - 0856.9518.6000 (Cancer) / +62 - 0822.1848.2898 (Heart) PIN Blackberry: 7E8C39F5 (GENERAL), 7EBA27CF (CANCER), 7E7C3491 (RENAL) (Hospital Complementary Canon medicinae Indonesia only in Bandung - West Java - INDONESIA).

Pharmacy Team RS Complementary "Canon medicinae Indonesia" - Bandung - West Java INDONESIA.

8 Steps to Prevent Chronic Kidney Disease Thursday, February 6th, 2014
renal failure
Illustration Photo: NET
Indonesia, which has a population of around 250 million people, has a prevalence rate of kidney failure sekitar400 / million population, and the incidence rate of about 100 / million inhabitants.

"It means, there are about 100 thousand patients with renal failure and 25 thousand new patients every year gagalginjal requiring replacement therapy," said Professor DepartemenIlmu Faculty of medicine-RSCM, Prof. Dr dr. Endang Susalit, SpPD-KGH.

Renal failure patients in Indonesia is largely replacement therapy hemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis in part, and only a small part that gets transplantation. Currently there are many number of patients with renal failure who has not been touched and received replacement therapy or undiagnosed as gagalginjal patient.

Transplantation itself has become a major replacement therapy in patients failing ginjalhampir worldwide. The benefits and advantages of kidney transplant sudahterbukti better than dialysis in terms of procedures, dependence on medical facilities and increase the quantity and perbaikankualitas life.

"Transplantation of kidney failure is a way of handling the most ideal because dapatmengatasi all types of kidney function decline, while dialysis hanyamengatasi most types of kidney function decline," said Endang when menjadipembicara on "Success RSCM Lakukan100 kidney transplant with the laparoscopic technique in two years," Wednesday (5/2) in Jakarta.

Chairman of the Indonesian PerhimpunanNefrologi (PERNEFRI), dr. Dharmeizar, Sp.PD-KGH stressed, the important thing to do now is melakukanberbagai effort to prevent the occurrence of Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD), yaitudengan identify risk factors, namely the presence or absence of hypertension, diabetes, obesity and genetic factors.

Additionally, lanjutDharmeizar, people can do 8 steps, namely maintaining the health danrutin exercising, maintaining blood pressure within normal limits, mengonsumsimakanan healthy and maintain weight, drink lots of water, do not smoke, do not consume random drug and immediately check kidney function apabilamemiliki one or more risk factors.

Data RiskesdasKemenkes 2007 mention, patient risk factors of CKD is hipertensisebanyak 31.7% of Indonesia's population of adult age. And today, more and more young usiapenderita hypertension, was recorded there hipertensiberusia patients 18 years of age. In addition to hypertension, diabetes mellitus (DM), recurrent urinary infeksisaluran disease, kidney stones and urinary tract and inflammation penyakitginjal and lupus can cause CKD.

However, when CKD has occurred, should be of good management, namely dengancara overcome or prevent the progression of CKD in order to stage the disease is tidakmeningkat, not to the stage 5 (renal disease) that should be done hemodialysis (dialysis), peritoneal dialiasis and transplantation. Communities, particularly those with risk factors such as diabetes hipertensidan, you should immediately seek treatment and control and monitor regular penyakitnyasecara that can prevent complications of CKD.

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