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Sunday, July 5, 2015

False allegations against Salafi Wahabi calling

The ride was not finished (306)

(Part three hundred six), Depok, West Java, Indonesia, 5 July 2015, 19:07 pm)

False allegations against Salafi Wahabi calling

A few years ago before knowing ahlul sunnah waljamaah (salafi), there is a friend asked me to listen to Radio Rodja, Radio Sunnah (salafi).
Several years later, after meeting again with my friend that I was asked to hear other Radio (Radio suspect that my friend belongs to Shia).
And my friend was even accused us that Wahabi and Salafi as he talked much with defending Shia.
Whereas Shia Fatwa according to the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) as heretic (there are 10 criteria why the MUI regard Shia as heretics).
The mosque in the complex I lived in his lecture there was a cleric who without any scientific argument is also often attacked as Wahabi and Salafi Wahabi identical to firqah misguided.

Ustadz Badrusalam, Lc at Radio Rodja the TV video Rodja said,
We often hear some people mention the "Wahhabi ... Wahabi ..." accompanied by a negative impression attached to it. So actually what it Wahabi / Wahabiyah? How Wahabi history? When did they appear? Whether we've really understood about the claimed Wahabi misguided?
The words of a scholar:
لان أخطأ في العفو احب الي من ان اخطأ اخي العقبة
"I was wrong in forgiving that I like better than me wrong in giving a verdict."
Rasululah sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam said:
أيما رجل قال لأخيه يا كافر فقد باء بها أحدهما إن كان كما قال, وإلا رجعت عليه
"Anyone who says to his brother," O infidel, "then it will go back to one of the two. If the dituduhkannya indeed disbelieve, then it is true (infidels). But if the charges are not true, then the charges will be returned to him ( people who speak it). " (Bukhari and Muslim)
Wahabi / Wahabiyah
Wahabi it from the word 'Wahhaab' and 'i', 'i' in Arabic called "ياء النسبة", yes' which is penisbatan, meaning nisbat to Wahhab. And Wahhab (الوهاب) was one of the names of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala. That language only limited significance.
Ever (Ustadz Abu Yahya Badrusalam - Ed) at the Al-Azhar first brought light dialogue between Saudi cleric named Sheikh Dr. Muhammad Ash-Syuwai'ir with the scholars of Morocco (Maghrib), found a fatwa from a scholar named Al-Lakhmi, where cleric named al-Lakhmi was once asked about the mosque by firqah Wahabiyah, how the status of this mosque and how Wahabiyah it. And he (Al-Lakhmi) memfatwakan that it (is) the mosque to be destroyed and he stated that Wahabi firqah firqah misguided and misleading, firqah Khawarij misleading.
So then, Dr. Muhammad ibn Sa'd ash-Syuwai'ir said to the man who brought the edict. He said, that he brought the fatwa from where? It was from a book entitled Al-Mi'yar Mu'rib fi Al-Ahli Al-Maghrib Fatawa written by Ahmad bin Muhammad Al-Wansyarisi who died in 914 AH (1508 AD). Then he (ash-Shaykh Sa'd ash-Syuwai'ir) asked, that Ibnul Lakhmi were asked about the Wahabi firqah died in what year? Mentioned that Ibn Lakhmi died in 478 H (5th century AH), and which narrates fatwa of Ibn Al-Al-Lakhmi is Al-Wansyarisi who died in 914 AH (10th century AH). Then Ash-Shaykh Sa'd ash-Syuwa'ir say, that if you (the recipient ash-Shaykh) know when Shaykh Muhammad bin Abdul Wahhab was born? Ash-Shaikh interlocutors do not know. Ash-Shaikh said, bahwaSyaikh Muhammad ibn 'Abdul Wahhab was born in 1115 H. Whereas Ibn Al-Lakhmi died 478 H, which narrates Ibn Lakhmi fatwa, Al-Wansyarisi died in 914 H, while Shaykh Muhammad bin Abdul Wahhab was born in 1115 H.
Could Ibnul Lakhmi memfatwakan about an upcoming firqah hundreds of years later? So here we have to understand, it turns Wahabi referred by Ibn Al-Lakhmi is firqah brought by Abdul Wahhab bin Rustum.
Who Wahabi? How Wahabi History?
Wahabis are firqah that appears in the 2nd century AH brought by Abdul Wahhab bin Rustum. He was a Khawarij who mengkafirkan Muslims. The thinking is misleading, even difatwakan by the scholars will this firqah disbelief.
So in history, naming it with the claimed Wahabi said, "frontman Wahabi preaching it (is) Shaykh Muhammad ibn 'Abdul Wahhab", (then) this is a strange history. Wahabiyah firqah that had emerged long before Shaykh Muhammad ibn 'Abdul Wahhab was born. Incidentally, Sheikh Muhammad bin 'Abd al-Wahhab (contain) the name "' Abdul Wahhab", now thought by people (lay) that 'this is the founder Abdul Wahhab than Wahabiyah, finally diklaimlah Wahabi. Subhanallah, whereas his name adalahMuhammad bin 'Abdul Wahhab, in penisbatan be very wrong; "Wahhabi" was nisbat to Wahhab, his name was Muhammad, the supposed "Muhammadiyah", not "Wahabiyah".
This lecture videos is also a partial refutation of the book by the author on behalf of himself as Sheikh Idahram.

Sheikh Muhammad Bin Abdul Wahhab Love to acuse People infidel with ?

Ustadz Isma'il Abu Muslim al-Atsari

Shaykh Muhammad bin Abdul Wahhab rahimahullah is one of a scholar who is recognized by many as mujaddid (religious reformer) in the 12th century Hijrah. Because a lot of goodness impacts generated by Rahimahullah his mission. His mission is propaganda which is based on the holy book of the Qur'an, the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, and follow the Salaf (predecessors) who worships.

However, there are some people who do not understand his mission rahimahullah rahimahullah dare denounce him, even trying to keep people from his mission Rahimahullah. They accused Shaikh Muhammad bin Abdul Wahhab rahimahullah with various charges, among rahimahullah he accused Muslims like mengkafirkan blindly. They also alleged that the acts of terrorism in this era, including various bombings and destruction, is the fruit of the teachings of Shaykh Muhammad bin Abdul Wahhab rahimahullah.

How the truth of this allegation? Indeed, all the charges were untrue. Due to Shaykh Muhammad bin Abdul Wahhab rahimahullah just verdict infidels to those who have proof upright and true way to know the truth, but he is still desperate in deed kufurnya. And to say that the teachings he rahimahullah cause various acts of terror, then it is refuted by the facts. How many people who study and follow the teachings of Shaykh Muhammad bin Abdul Wahhab rahimahullah but they did nothing, not broken and do vandalism. Even otherwise, that arises is the great kindness to those who were given instructions by Allah Almighty. Thought terror exist in some people, it is the result of a misunderstanding and menyelisihi truth.

To prove that Shaykh Muhammad bin Abdul Wahhab rahimahullah infidels are not sentenced to any person, we felt the need to bring his words perkatan rahimahullah in this matter. The point is people who zhahirnya Islam, if he does shirk or disbelief to cause ignorance, then he does not dikafirkan until no explanation except after her and after her hujjah upright.

The principle of Shaykh Muhammad bin Abdul Wahhab In takfir (Dropping verdict Kafir)
As the attitude of the scholars of Ahlus Sunnah others, Shaykh Muhammad bin Abdul Wahhab rahimahullah also have a principle: no mengkafirkan man committing shirk or disbelief except after no explanation for her and once upright hujjah him.

Shaykh Muhammad bin Abdul Wahhab rahimahullah said:

بل نشهد الله على ما يعلمه من قلوبنا بأن من عمل بالتوحيد وتبرأ من الشرك وأهله فهو المسلم في أي زمان وأي مكان, وإنما نكفر من أشرك بالله في إلهيته بعدما نبين له الحجة على بطلان الشرك

In fact, we witness Allah who knows our hearts, that people who practice monotheism, innocent of shirk and the perpetrator, then he is a Muslim, anytime and anywhere. We just mengkafirkan people who do shirk (associating actions) Allâh in uluhiyah (worship) after we explained to him about the sleaze proof of shirk. [Majmu 'Muallafât Shaykh Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab, 3/34]

Allegations Lies To Shaikh Muhammad Bin Abdul Wahhab
Indeed charges like mengkafirkan Muslims addressed to Shaykh Muhammad bin Abdul Wahhab rahimahullah, not only rampant in this day and age, even accusations and slander that has been deployed since he is still alive!

Shaykh Muhammad bin Abdul Wahhab rahimahullah said:

وإذا كنا لانكفر من عبد الصنم الذي على عبد القادر, والصنم الذي على قبر أحمد البدوي, وأمثالهما لأجل جهلهم وعدم من ينبههم, فكيف نكفر من لم يشرك بالله إذا لم يهاجر إلينا أو لم يكفر ويقاتل? سبحانك هذا بهتان عظيم

If we do not pass sentence to those who worship the pagan idol that is on top (grave) Abdul Qadir (Gilani), and who worship idols are on top of the grave Ahmad Badawi, and in others, because of their ignorance also because no one reminds them , then how can we mengkafirkan people who do not associate Allah if he did not emigrate to us, or he does not mengkafirkan and fight? Glory to Thee O Allah, this is a lie (fitnah) is great !! [Ad-Durar as-Saniyyah, 1/66]

Shaykh Muhammad bin Abdul Wahhab rahimahullah also said:

ما ذكر لكم عني أني أكفر بالعموم, فهذا من بهتان الأعداء, وكذلك قولهم: إني أقول: من تبع دين الله ورسوله وهو ساكن في بلده أنه ما يكفيه حتى يجيء عندي, فهذا أيضا من البهتان, إنما المراد اتباع دين الله ورسوله في أي أرض كانت , ولكن نكفر من أقر بدين الله ورسوله ثم عاداه وصد الناس عنه, وكذلك من عبد الأوثان بعدما عرف أنه دين المشركين وزينه للناس, فهذا الذي أكفره وكل عالم على وجه الأرض يكفر هؤلاء إلا رجلا معاندا أو جاهلا)). مجموع مؤلفات الشيخ (3/33).

What is told to you about me, that I mengkafirkan with the general, then this is included lies (slander) of the enemy. Likewise, their words that I say, "Whoever follows the religion of Allah and His Messenger, but he lived in the city, then it is not sufficient (ie unauthorized Islamic!) Until he comes near me", this also includes lies (slander). Indeed desired (religion) is to follow the religion of Allah and His Messenger, anywhere on earth. But we mengkafirkan people who recognize the truth of the religion of Allah and His Messenger, then he is hostile and man blocking him. We also mengkafirkan people who worshiped idols after he knew that it was the religion of the Pagans and he adorned it (take it well) to humans. This is what I kafirkan. And all the people of knowledge in the earth's surface mengkafirkan these people. Except those who oppose or stupid. [Maj'mû Muallafât Shaykh Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab, 3/33]

He also said:

((وأما ما ذكر الأعداء عني أني أكفر بالظن وبالموالاة أو أكفر الجاهل الذي لم تقم عليه الحجة, فهذا بهتان عظيم يريدون به تنفير الناس عن دين الله ورسوله))

As told by enemies about me, that I was sentenced infidel based perasangka, and based muwâlah (loyalty, meaning that if there are people that are not defended by Sheikh Muhammad bin Abdul Wahhab, the convicted pagan-pen), or I ignorant mengkafirkan (stupid; not knowledgeable) are not proof him upright, then it lies (slander) which is great. They want to keep people from the religion of Allah and His Messenger. [Maj'mû Muallafât Shaykh Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab, 3/14]

After his testimony Ulama
Cautious stance taken by Shaykh Muhammad bin Abdul Wahhab rahimahullah above is also confirmed by people who understand his mission Rahimahullah. This is Shaikh Abdul Latif bin Abdurrahman bin Hasan Shaikh aalu, one of the great scholar descendants of Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab Shaykh rahimahullah, he rahimahullah said:

((والشيخ محمد رحمه الله من أعظم الناس توقفا وإحجاما عن إطلاق الكفر, حتى أنه لم يجزم بتكفير الجاهل الذي يدعو غير الله من أهل القبور أو غيرهم إذا لم يتيسر له من ينصحه ويبلغه الحجة التي يكفر تاركها, قال في بعض رسائله: ((وإذا كنا لا نقاتل من يعبد قبة الكواز, حتى نتقدم بدعوته إلى إخلاص الدين لله, فكيف نكفر من لم يهاجر إلينا وإن كان مؤمنا موحدا)).

Shaykh Muhammad (ibn Abdul Wahhab) rahimahullah include people who are very careful and do not dare to convict unbelievers (other Muslims). Until he rahimahullah not ensure disbelief fool praying to other than Allah, both pray to the tomb occupants or other, if there are no people who advise him and deliver him proof, which is proof that people are leaving disbelieve. He rahimahullah said in most of his treatise, "If we do not mengkafirkan those who worship dome al-Kawaz until we mendakwahinya to mengikhlaskan religion for Allah, then how do we mengkafirkan people who did not emigrate to us, even though he was a believer and tauhid !! [Minhaj at-Ta'sîs wat Taqdîs, p. 98-99]

Sheikh Abdul Latif bin Abdurrahman bin Hasan Shaikh aalu Rahimahullah also said:

((فمن بلغته دعوة الرسل إلى توحيد الله ووجوب الإسلام له, وفقه أن الرسل جاءت بهذا لم يكن له عذر في مخالفتهم وترك عبادة الله, وهذا هو الذي يجزم بتكفيره إذا عبد غير الله, وجعل معه الأنداد والآلهة, والشيخ وغيره من المسلمين لا يتوقفون في هذا, وشيخنا رحمه الله قد قرر هذا وبينه وفاقا لعلماء الأمة واقتداء بهم ولم يكفر إلا بعد قيام الحجة وظهور الدليل حتى إنه رحمه الله توقف في تكفير الجاهل من عباد القبور إذا لم يتيسر له من ينبهه, وهذا هو المراد بقول الشيخ ابن تيمية رحمه الله: حتى يتبين لهم ما جاء به الرسول *, فإذا حصل البيان الذي يفهمه المخاطب ويعقله فقد تبين له)).

Whoever has to preaching of the Apostles are invited to tauhîdullâh (Oneness of Allah Almighty in worship) and the obligation to surrender to him, and he has to understand that the Apostles brought these teachings, then he has no reason to menyelisihi Apostles and do not worship Allah. This is the guy who ensured disbelief, when he worshiped but Allah and made a counter-counter and gods alongside Allah. Shaykh Muhammad bin Abdul Wahhab rahimahullah and others of Muslims did not hesitate in this regard. Our Shaykh (Sheikh Muhammad bin Abdul Wahhab rahimahullah) has been set and it has been explained as approved and emulate Ulama Muslims. And he did not mengkafirkan until the establishment of proof and clear proposition. Until he rahimahullah not ensure disbelief fools who pray to the graves, if there is no one who reminded. And this is what is meant by the words of Shaykh Ibn Taymiyyah rahimahullah "Until the matter clear to those carried by the Apostle sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam". If you have no explanation that can be understood by people who talk, it was clear to him ". [Mishbâhuzh Zhalam, p. 499]

Sheikh Abdul Latif bin Abdurrahman bin Hasan Shaikh aalu Rahimahullah also said:

((وشيخنا رحمه الله لم يكفر أحدا ابتداء بمجرد فعله وشركه, بل يتوقف في ذلك حتى يعلم قيام الحجة التي يكفر تاركها, وهذا صريح في كلامه في غير موضع, ورسائله في ذلك معروفة

Our Shaykh (Sheikh Muhammad bin Abdul Wahhab rahimahullah) mengkafirkan no one has since the beginning of the sheer deeds and kemusyrikannya. Even he does not set it until the establishment of proof known to him, which is proof that people are leaving disbelieve. This is evident in his words in many places. And treatises he had known about it ". [Mishbâhuzh Zhalam, p. 516]

With little information of this then hopefully the truth is becoming increasingly clear. People who pursue the truth in order to menitinya with confidence. And those who deviate please deviate with knowledge. Only Allah Who Gives taufik.

[Copied from the magazine edition of As-Sunnah 08 / Year XVI / 1433H / 2012M. Publishers Foundation Standing Committee Istiqomah Surakarta, Jl. Solo-Purwodadi Km.8 Selokaton Gondangrejo Solo 57 183 Tel. 0271-858197 Fax 0271-858196]

Answering allegations of Lies Against the Da'wah Shaykh Muhammad bin Abd al-Wahhab

Ustadz Firanda Andirja, MA

Defend the dignity of fellow Muslim is very precious arrives worship. Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:

من رد عن عرض أخيه رد الله عن وجهه النار يوم القيامة

Whoever defends the honor of his brother, God will defend her from the Fire on the Day of Judgment. [1]

Moreover, if the defended is the dignity of Ulama which has a very large merit for Muslims classmates Shaykh Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab, a leader and fighter propaganda bermadzhab Hanbali. He then stood up thanks to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia which is safe and quiet, and is the only country to apply the law and Islamic law. And since the first until now many lies are disseminated about preaching Shaykh Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab's. People are sensible, of course, when reading the lies that would question the truth, because the accusations addressed to him is very basic and full of lies.

Here among the charges-tudahan directed to Shaykh Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab. May be enlightening for us and the opponents-opponents.

First: The Wahhabis Accused As Khawarij?
Did you know, who Khawarij it? Khawarij is a cult that describes the specter bloodthirsty, hobby shed Muslim blood. What is the nature of this cult? So that, if true Salafis are Khawarij thirsty Wahhabi Muslim blood?

Scholars who write specifically about firqah-firqah Islam has specific mention of aqidah Khawarij.

Abul-Hasan al-Ash'ari (died 330 H) said about the case which gathered groups of Khawarij: The groups agree on the pengkafiran Khawarij Ali bin Abi Talib radi anhu because he handed law [2] and they (groups Khawarij) disagree, whether these constitute kufr shirk or not?

They agreed that all major sin is kufr, except for the late-Najdat [3] as an-Najdat group did not say so.

They agreed that Allah Ta'ala mengadzab who commit major sins are immortal, except for late-Najdat group, the followers Najdah (bin 'Amir). [4]

Abdul-Qahir al-Baghdadi (died 429 H) said: Scholars have been at odds about the case whether the collecting (approved) by groups as diverse Khawarij sect-sects.

Al-Ka'bi in Maqalat his book mentions that the sects gather all Khawarij is mengkafirkan Ali radi anhu, Uthman radi anhu, and two judges, the participants of war Jamal, and all were pleased with the legal submission to the two judges, and pengkafiran also because of transgression, and the obligatory khuruj (rebel) to the leader of the wrongdoers.

Our Shaykh Abu'l-Hasan al-Ash'ari said, "The cause they gather is pengkafiran (against) Ali, Uthman, the participants Jamal war, and judges, and anyone who's approval of the legal submission to the two judges, or justify both judges the, or one of them, and rebel against the ruler of the wrongdoers ".
The truth is that mentioned by our Shaykh Abu'l-Hasan al-Ash'ari from them (Khawarij). Al-Ka'bi been mistaken when he says that the Khawarij agree on the heathen sinner, because an Khawarij sect-Najdat not mengkafikan those who commit the sin of those who disagree with them. [5]

Ibn Hazm (died 456 H) said, "Anyone who agrees with the Khawarij in terms of denying legal submission (to the two judges), and mengkafirkan the perpetrators of major sins, as well as opinions (be) rebel against the rulers of the wrongdoers, and the perpetrators of major sins eternally in hell, the rulers may be of other than Quraish, he was Khawarij, although he menyelisihi Khawarij in other cases that are disputed by Muslims. And if he menyelisihi them on cases that we mentioned, it is not Khawarij "[6].

Ash-Syahristani (died 548 H) said, "He who rebelled against the legitimate authority agreed upon by the congregation then (he) called Kharijites, is the same whether the form of the uprising at the time of the Companions, which is revolting to the Khulafaur- Rasyidin, or uprising occurred after that, which rebelled against the tabi'in who followed the Companions well, and also rebel against the rulers throughout the ages .... and Wa'idiyah included in the Khawarij; and they were declared kafirnya commit major sins and eternal in hell ". [7]

From the description of the scholars experts Khawarij sects above, it can be seen that there are some special aqidah and are characteristic Khawarij sects agreed by all sects Khawarij. Aqidah-Aqeedah are: First, mengkafirkan Ali and two judges, namely Abu Musa al-'Asy'ari and 'Amr ibn al-`As radi an huma. Second, mengkafirkan who commit major sins, unless an-Najdat sect that does not think so. Third, obliging rebel to ruler injustice.

This is a special aqidah agreed by all Khawarij sect. Three aqidah is what has been done by the Khawarij who first appeared in the time of Ali ibn Abi Talib, (1) they have mengkafirkan Ali bin Abi Talib and some friends, and (2) because they mengkafirkan because they consider Ali bin Abi Talib has been mired in great sin which arbitrate to other than Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala (as Ali handed over to the law of two judges), and anyone who fall into major sins according to disbelieve them, (3) that they be rebellious to the government of Ali bin Abi Talib.

As Ibn Hazm rahimahullah statement that whoever has this aqidah (agreed with the Khawarij in this aqidah) although he menyelisihi Khawarij in other things he is (still as) a Khawarij. As if he menyelisihi aqidah-Aqeedah special Khawarij, then he is not Khawarij as confirmed by Ibn Hazm above.

By reviewing the above conclusion, let us ponder about the Wahhabi Salafi groups, whether they beraqidah as aqidah Khawarij sect?

Whether they are called Salafi Wahhabi mengkafirkan Ali, Mu'awiyyah, Aisha, 'Amr ibn al-`As, and the Companions who participated in the war Jamal and Siffin? Or do those who actually upholds the Sahaba, and defended them all out, especially Companion Mu'awiyyah and Umm al-Mumineen Aishah who have dikafirkan by the Shiite cult?

Is the Wahhabi Salafi Muslim mengkafirkan only because of the great sins committed by him? Or was it the Wahhabi Salafi denied keen understanding mengkafirkan government takfiriyin hobby? If ever found Wahhabi Salafi mengkafirkan people who commit adultery, steal, or kill someone else? Even if the Wahhabi Salafi mengkafirkan, then they kafirkan are declared infidel by the Qur'an and Sunnah, and it was after the enforced proof and explanation to him.

Is the Wahhabi Salafi call to revolt keada government? Or was it the Wahhabi Salafi who always called to be obedient to the government? Anyone who follows the studies submitted by the Salafi preachers, then he will understand that the Salafis are very combat opposition to the government.

Second, Wahhabis In mengkafirkan has been accused Muslims
Shaykh Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab accused of mengkafirkan all Muslims who do not follow it.

This is a false accusation that he had argued in his writings. As tangible evidence, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia who continue his mission was not mengkafirkan the pilgrims that millions come every year. If the pilgrims are considered infidels and polytheists, surely they are unclean and should not be touching the ground Haram in Mecca. Even the fact that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia would continue to improve services to the pilgrims. Wahhabis are a people who are very careful in mengkafirkan.

Sheikh Abdul-Latif bin Abdirrahman Shaykh Alu said: "Shaykh Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab, including the most safeguard and refrain expressed disbelief, even to the extent that he does not ensure an ignorant heathen praying to other than Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala from among the inhabitants of the grave or the other, if not eased her presence reminded people ". [8]

Shaykh Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab said: "The problem of a particular person is convicted pagan ma'ruf problems (known), if a person says a word that causes infidelity, it was said: 'Those who say these words then he is kafir', but people The particular if saying things that are not duhukumi become kafir until proof is established that a person becomes a kafir him for leaving the proof ". [9]

He also said: "It is a lie, as their words that we mengkafirkan in general, we require people who are able to manifest his religion to emigrate to us, we mengkafirkan people who do not mengkafirkan, also mengkafirkan people who do not fight; and falsehood like this a lot and done continuously. All of this is a lie that hinders man from the religion of Allah and His Messenger.

If we do not mengkafirkan people who worship idols that existed at the Abdul-Qadir, and the idol that is in grave Ahmad al-Baidawi and the like they are both due to ignorance and lack of people who remind them, then how do we then mengkafirkan people who do not do shirk to Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala if he did not emigrate to us, or not mengkafirkan, and not fight? So sacred Allaah, this is a big lie ". [10]

He also said: "As for takfir (pengkafiran), then I mengkafirkan people who know the religion of the Prophet, then after he learned agam Apostles (but) then he reproached and prohibit people from religions and hostile to those who practice the religion Apostle; then the person is what I kafirkan. And the majority of people -al-hamdulillah- not like it ". [11]

Here Confidence Wahhabis About Takfir (Pengkafiran).
First, Salafis Wahhabi considers that Takfir (pengkafiran) is the right of Allaah. Hence should not be mengkafirkan except those who have dikafirkan by Allah and His Messenger. Namely pengkafiran should be built based on the proposition syar'i.

Second, the Salafis Wahhabi mengkafirkan only with cases that are ijma 'ulama.

Shaykh Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab said when he was asked: "On the (runway) what he fight? Alpa which causes a person dikafirkan? ", Then he replied:" Pillars-the five pillars of Islam, the first is two creed, then four pillars. The fourth pillar if he admitted but leaving / not do it because of neglect, then we -although IMA combat that he was working on the fourth rukun- but we do not mengkafirkannya as he left it, while the scholars disagree about the people who menginggalkan kafirnya four pillars being lazy without opposing The four pillars obligatory. And we do not mengkafirkan except cases agreed by all scholars, namely two creed. In addition we also mengkafirkannya after explaining to him if he had known and remain indifferent ". [12]

Third, Salafis Wahhabi view differences between takfir mutlaq and takfir mu'ayyan.

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