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Friday, July 24, 2015

Why sucking tobacco (smoking) are forbidden.

The ride was not finished (321)

(Part three hundred and twenty-one), Depok, West Java, Indonesia, 25 July 2015, 7:23 pm)

Why sucking tobacco (smoking) are forbidden.

My neighbor, a friend of the congregation in the mosque housing complex environment in my home, once told me, that his youth including heavy smokers (tobacco addiction), until retirement he had twice pairs of rings (bypass) of the heart, and had twice surgery due to cancer the brain, the first operation was successful, but one year later the second brain cancer surgery, he was in a coma for several months, before she died.
My younger brother of the man since Junior High School (SMP) also  cigarettes addic, adulthood, have not had time to marry (married) she died of lung cancer.
There is a younger brother of my other cigarette addiction as a teenager and likes to drink beer (drunkenness), now after the age of 50 years, abnormalities in the brain (such as not having a normal mind) so till his old age there is no desire to work and for a living or have absolutely no desire to get married (married) as a result of mental illness allegedly affected.
That is why according to Ustad Abu Yahya Badrussalam in tauziahnya in Radio Rodja, smoking is forbidden by the Council of Ulema of Saudi Arabia.
Said Abu Yahya as a comparison, that each cigarette contains toxic substances 2000s, the pig about 60 bad substances while arak (liquor / beer) contains 30 toxic substances.
In terms of religion, said Abu Yahya Badrusalam, in the Hereafter later, smoke became ballast weights sin in the hereafter.

Muhammadiyah fatwa Cigarettes Haram

Five years ago, the Legal Affairs Committee and Tajdid PP Muhammadiyah still memfatwakan cigarette permissible. However, the fatwa was this year transformed into unlawful. Controversy also appear.

Muhammadiyah why change it? Is it true that because of related foreign aid received by these organizations?

On its website, the Legal Affairs Committee and Tajdid has now memfatwakan reason why smoking Muhammadiyah haram. In the question and answer session about smoking haram fatwa, described in 2005, the Legal Affairs Committee and Tajdid not yet have enough data and information that can be conveyed to the framers of the fatwa. "And after a study by inviting back some health experts, demographic and sociologists, the Legal Affairs Committee and Tajdid change becomes haram fatwa smoking permissible," explains Majlis Legal Affairs Committee and Tajdid.

With the issuance of this new fatwa, then the previous fatwa on smoking is permissible declared null and void. Explained, smoking is considered as dangerous and addictive and contains 4,000 chemicals, where 69 of them are carcinogenic (cancer triggers). Some harmful substances in cigarettes are among tar, cyanide, arsenic, formaldehyde, carbon monoxide, and nitrosamines. He also explained that smokers are more likely to be exposed to serious diseases such as lung cancer than nonsmokers. No cigarettes are "safe".

Director-General of WHO, Dr. Margaret Chan, reported that the tobacco epidemic already kills 5.4 million people per year due to lung cancer and heart disease and other diseases caused by smoking. That means that one death in the world due to tobacco for every 5.8 seconds.

If the proper control measures are not carried out, an estimated 8 million people will die annually from smoking by the year 2030. During the 20th century, 100 million people died because of cigarettes and during the 21st century it is estimated that approximately 1 billion lives would have been lost as a result of smoking.

Cigarette proposition Haram

Muhammadiyah issued a fatwa smoking is the goal to strive for the maintenance and improvement of the health of society as part of the objectives of sharia (Islamic law). According to the Chairman of Muhammadiyah, Yunahar Ilyas, the fatwa is ijtihad of the scholars. "It's a leap after assembly tarjih more depth about cigarettes. In 2005, the law establishes permissible. Similarly, in 2007, "he said.

The following proposition underlying the decision taken that smoking is haraam, as quoted from the text of the Legal Affairs Committee and Tajdid Fatwa numbered 6 / SM / MTT / III / 2010:

Smoking is categorized deeds do khabaa'its (dirty / unclean) are prohibited in the Qur'an Surat Al Araf (v) 157.
Deeds smoke contains elements flopped into destruction and even a suicidal act slowly so that it is contrary to the prohibition of the Koran Al Baqoroh (v) 2 and An-Nisa (verse) 29.
The act of smoking endanger themselves and others affected by exposure to cigarette smoke because cigarettes are addictive substance plus contains 4000 chemicals, 69 of which are carcinogenic / originator cancer (TCSC-AKMI Fact Sheet, fact Tobacco in Indonesia) as agreed by medical experts and medical academics. Therefore smoke contrary to Islamic principles in the hadith the Prophet that "no act endangering themselves and harm others."
Smoking is recognized as an addictive substance and contain elements harmful toxins, although not immediately, but within a short time later that therefore the act of smoking, including categories do anything that weakens so contrary to the Prophet's hadith that prohibits any case heady and debilitating.
Therefore smoke obvious health hazard to smokers and people around that exposure to cigarette smoke, then spending money on cigarettes means committing redundant (waste) is prohibited in the Qur'an Surat Al-Isra (v) 26-27.
Smoking is contrary to the purpose of the elements of sharia (maqaasid ash-syariiah), namely the protection of religion, soul / body, mind, family and property.

Muhammadiyah chairman Din Syamsuddin called on all parties not to carry polemic fatwa banning smoking. Instead must respect the law as a high view of his position. "Anyone who does not agree and refused due regard less powerful reason, please feel free to submit another fatwa with more reason," said Din Shamsuddin.

It was mentioned Din on the sidelines of the National Seminar "Building Construction Ideal Muhammadiyah Relations and Politics" at the DPW Muhammadiyah, Jalan Dukuh Menanggal Surabaya, Tuesday, March 16, 2010.

Told him, fatwas issued Tarjih and Muhammadiyah Tajdid not binding. However, the fatwa has a higher position and must be adhered to.

According to Din, from smoking fatwa religious views are not binding. But, morally binding. For those who do not agree please ignore. "Please think, many mudharad her or not," he said.

Syafii Support Cigarette Haram
Former Chairman of Muhammadiyah Shafi Maarif cigarette agree with the fatwa issued by the Legal Affairs Committee of Muhammadiyah. Therefore, the negative effects of smoking not only for smokers but also the health of those around him. "I agree, although it is not easy to implement,".

Smoking ban, said Shafi, had long done. However, implementation is hampered by too many smokers and those already considered commonplace. "It should be considered also cigarette factory workers, tobacco farmers and others," he said. According to him, though difficult to implement, the fatwa worth following. With notes, people are given a lesson in kindness and understanding behind the smoking ban.

Muhammadiyah memfatwakan illicit cigarettes in the agreement forged in March 8, 2010. Previous Yogyakarta Muhammadiyah for years berfatwa legal cigarette permissible or prohibited.

Chairman of Muhammadiyah in charge of the Legal Affairs Committee, Yunahar Ilyas, recognizes the hard dilaksanankan fatwa. Therefore, in the text tarjih fatwa was distinguished legal status and implementation. "The legal status clearly unlawful, but in the implementation stages, not necessarily all at once," he said.

At the same time, said Yunahar, tobacco farmers could seek alternatives. "This fatwa is determined by considering the principle of at-tadriij (gradually), at-taisiir (ease), and 'adam al-kharaj (not difficult)," he said. Yunahar said that many smokers want to quit but difficulty because it is an addiction. Therefore, the hospital under the auspices of Muhammadiyah will open clinic smoking cessation therapy. "There is a method," he said.

He pointed out, among other methods to stop smoking be replaced with a special candy or counterfeit cigarettes. "Dangerous toxic substances is eliminated, in the existing cigarette nicotine alone. Eating it to really be able to stop, "he said.

Background Why It Should Forbidden to smoke?

Forbid smoking is a major decision that have a major impact as well. The impact of the huge benefits when it is performing well because more than mudharatnya mangutamakan benefits. To determine the major decisions that the scholars should consider the many arguments of the Islamic religion and combined with health information and data about the dangers of smoking and mudharatnya good for yourself and others in the vicinity. The big decision is bound to cause a huge controversy also remember, smoking pleasure is difficult to remove. for unlawful smoking support group will certainly suck because demkian fierce dangers of smoking for mankind. For opponents are many factors that become the reason because in addition to difficult to eliminate smoking, lose the classic reasons to close a cigarette factory, the argument of religious reasons and the reasons that need a long debate. While the scientific data loss interrupt smokers smoke had real and human in the vicinity. But certainly various scholars in Islamic countries the world has begun to forbid smoking for his people.

Although there are no verses of the Koran, the hadith of the Prophet Muhammad and the four schools scholarly opinion which stated cigarette as illicit goods, cleric Quraish Shihab has reason reinforces his opinion that cigarettes tend to be unlawful. Cigarettes, according to the Quraysh, had a very bad impact on health and it is not in accordance with religious purposes. Whereas the purpose of diversity is to maintain health, intellect, property, and honor. "Islamic law can be determined in accordance times. If there is a bad effect, is clearly prohibited. Otherwise too, the term Makruh or unpopular, "he said.

In today's development, he said, has many experts and doctors who said, smoking can damage the health. "Even the tobacco companies also admit it. Otherwise it would not have made the statement in (packs) of cigarettes, "he said. In addition, smoking causes wastage. Costs for treating diseases caused by cigarettes is much greater than the tax advantage obtained by the government. Smoke, also drove people to addiction and religions do not condone their addiction. "Based on the consideration that many contemporary scholars who declared smoking haram. I myself tend to judge illegitimate. Only waste, cause disease, and it is admitted by the cigarette factory, "he said. Therefore, it is time for the government reactivate the anti-smoking campaign that involves all parties. "The media should be involved, scholars involved, the government also," he said. In addition, smoking rule should also be further tightened. "Sanctions should also be tightened, as long as it is not too firm," said Quraish. Contemporary scholars have long ago judging cigarettes as illicit goods. The biggest imam of Al-Azhar Egypt in the 1960s, Sheikh Mahmud Syaltut assess opinion stating that smoking is forbidden even makruh, closer to the truth and a stronger argument. Shaykh Muhammad Al-Kuttani call 17 'arguments / reasons concerning the prohibition of smoking

The dangers of smoking to health

Cigarette smoke contains thousands of toxic chemicals and substances that can cause cancer (carcinogens). Even hazardous substances and toxins in cigarettes not only cause health problems in people who smoke, but also to the people around him who do not smoke, mostly infants, children and mothers are forced to be passive smokers because of the father or their husbands smoked at home. Whereas passive smokers have a higher risk to suffer from lung cancer and heart disease ishkemia. Whereas in fetuses, infants and children have a greater risk to suffer from low birth weight incidence, bronchitis and pneumonia, ear infections and asthma cavity.

Given the magnitude of the problem of cigarettes, the whole society and the government should elalu attempt to run the ways smoking prevention systematically and continuously is improving counseling and provision of information to the public, expand and streamline non-smoking area, gradually reduce the advertising and promotion of cigarettes, streamline the functions of the label , using the price mechanism to lower demand and excise smoking and improve laws and regulations on smoking prevention issues. According to Minister of Health, poverty and smoking, especially for the poor are two things that are interconnected and influence each other. Someone who burned cigarettes each day means it has lost the opportunity to buy milk or other foods that are nutritious for children and families. As a result of the child can not grow well and kecerdasanya also not developed enough, so that the capacity for a better life in adulthood to be very limited. Moreover, most likely the father also died due to diseases related to smoking. And so on, so that smoke and poverty is a circle setan.Menkes added, smoking habits in Indonesia tends to increase. Based on data from Susenas (National Socioeconomic Survey) Indonesian population aged adults who have a habit of smoking as much as 31.6%. With the large number and the high percentage of residents who have a smoking habit, Indonesia is the fifth highest cigarette consumers in the world with the number of cigarettes consumed (burnt) in 2002 as much as 182 billion cigarettes annually after the People's Republic of China (1.697.291milyar), United States (463.504 billion), Russia (375,000 billion) and Japan (299 085 billion). Head of the WHO Representative to Indonesia in a written speech read Dr. Frits Reijsenbach de Haan stated, the poor are groups of people who most are victims of tobacco industry because it uses the income to buy things (cigarettes) that is jeopardizing their health.

In a report recently issued by WHO, entitled "Tobacco and Poverty: A Vicious Cycle or Tobacco and Poverty: A Vicious Cycle" in commemoration of World No Tobacco Day May 31, 2004, proves that most smokers are poor people. Even in developed countries though, the number of smokers mostly came from community groups below. They also who have the economic burden and health brunt of cigarette addiction. Of the approximately 1.3 billion smokers worldwide, 84% of them in developing countries.

Results of the study also found that the number of smokers is highest in India Madras actually comes from the group of illiterate people. Then another research proves that the poorest communities in Bangladesh spend almost 10 times as much income for tobacco than for educational needs. Then research in three provinces Vietnam found that smokers spent 3.6 times more on tobacco than on education, 2.5 times more for tobacco than clothes and 1.9 times more for tobacco than for health care costs. According to WHO, smoking will create a double burden, because smoke will disturb the health so that more costs to be incurred to treat the disease. Besides, meropok also spent money that should be used to buy nutritious food.

To stop smoking Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) plans to issue a fatwa banning smoking. Smoking fatwa that will be applied nationally is currently still under intensive discussion among scholars. Chairman of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) Amidhan said, now that he is to discuss the possibility of issuing a fatwa on smoking. Interrupted accept Indonesian Child Protection Commission (KPAI) and Health Association, Amidhan said the fatwa is actually not a new thing for MUI. However, its provisions still to be discussed with a number of scholars. While the Indonesian National Commission on Child Protection (KPAI) and the Association of Health urged MUI fatwa immediately set for smoking. Commission will ensure the hand-rolled cigarettes produced from the tobacco disturb the health. So with this smoking fatwa enactment would be expected to reduce the number of smokers among children.

MUI AND PP Muhammadiyah Proscribe Cigarettes

Indonesian Ulema Council issued a fatwa smoking. This is supported later by the same fatwa issued Muhammadiyah through the Majlis Legal Affairs Committee and Tajdid. "The act of smoking contain elements flopped into destruction," said Chairman of PP Muhammadiyah Yunahar Ilyas Legal Affairs Division in Jakarta, Wednesday (10/3), on the background of the birth of the edict. Currently public awareness about the dangers of smoking are low. Similarly, regarding the prohibition of smoking in public places. From this was born the Regional Regulation No. 2 of 2005 on Air Pollution Control

While smoking fatwa MUI believes there should be enforced immediately. "Koran when forbid something that is already entrenched in the community, it's taken a gradual manner," said Deputy Chairman of the MUI Fatwa Mustafa Ali Ya`qub. When still be pros and cons, there is one that is certainly refuse. Namely tobacco industry and its workers. As one of the countries producing tobacco, thousands of workers dependent of cigarettes. This was accompanied by Indonesian smokers increased from year to year

Why Cigarettes Haram

Various proposition shows why cigarette unlawful because ruin yourself and others:

"And spend (your substance) in the way of Allah, and do not throw yourselves into destruction, and do good; for Allah loveth those who do good." [Al-Baqarah: 195]
And (We sent) to the residents of Mad-yan, their brother Shoaib, he said: "O my people! Worship Allah by you, expect (the reward) the end of the day, and you do not roam the earth do mischief." [Al 'Ankabuut: 36]
"And do not make mischief on earth after (God) to fix it" [Qur'an: 56]
"And do not harm humans on their rights and do not rampant in the earth to make mischief" [Ash Shu'ara: 183]
 Of Sa'd bin Sa'id bin Malik ra, that Rasululloh SAW said, "prohibited all dangerous and inflict harm." (Hasan hadeeth narrated by Ibn Majah, Daruquthni, and Malik in Al-Muwatha ')
Allah and His Messenger justifies all that is good and forbids all that bad: "the unlettered Prophet (name) they find written in the Torah and the Gospel by their side, commanding them to do that ma'ruf and forbidding them to do what is wrong and justifies those good things and forbids for them and bad things "[Al A'raaf: 157]
Often people smoking in public places so as to disturb others. Odors and cigarette smoke bothers other people. It is a great sin. Instead of illicit cigarettes, people who eat garlic is lawful because it smelled interfere barred from entering the mosque:
Ibn Umar. said: Indeed the Prophet. Khaibar once said: Those who eat this fruit (garlic), then he must not enter the mosque. (Saheeh Muslim # 870)
Anas .: That He was asked about the garlic. Anas said: Indeed the Prophet. once said: Those who eat this tree (garlic), then he must not go near us and do not he come pray with us. (Saheeh Muslim, 872)
Jabir ra. said: Messenger of Allah. prohibits eating onions and garlic daffodil. One time we took all so we ate it. He said: Those who eat this bad tree, let him not approach our mosque. The angels will feel pain (because it smells) like humans. (Saheeh Muslim, 874)
Smoking forbidden because it is a waste. If a pack of cigarettes Rp 8,000, then that person a month to spend Rp 240 thousand for things that would damage himself and others. Money that could be used to send two of his children. God forbid wasteful destructive nature like that: "And give to families who close their rights, to the poor and the traveler, and do not squander (your wealth) in wantonness. Indeed it is a spendthrift-spendthrift brothers Satan, and Satan is very dissenter to his Lord. "[Al-Israa ': 26-27]
Smoking is forbidden because it is not only useless, but would damage:
Abu Hurairoh ra said: "Prophet Muhammad once said:" Some signs of the good of Islam a person is he left something that is not useful to him. "(Hasan hadith, narrated by Tirmidhi and others) If you do things that are not useful just means all is not well Islamannya , let alone the people who do things that damage. People who smoke spend at least 10 minutes for each cigarette that he suction. So if 12 cigarettes a day, she spends 120 minutes each day for things that are destructive. The majority of scholars argue otherwise Makruh, then smoking it is forbidden. Therefore, it is time for Muslims to leave smoking. Muslims do not deserve to waste money on something that damages himself and hated by Allah SWT.
MUI should issue a Fatwa Haram smoke. Moreover, clerics in Saudi, Malaysia, and Iran already mengharamkannya.
"And spend (your substance) in the way of Allah, and do not throw yourselves into destruction, and do good; for Allah loveth those who do good." [Al-Baqarah: 195]
Turns research proves passive smokers (wife, children, and people who are near the smoker) just got a lot more danger. Why? Because the smoker is not inhaling cigarette smoke. But exhaling cigarette smoke that is inhaled others (secondhand smoke) "And do not harm humans on their rights and do not rampant in the earth to make mischief" [Ash Shu'ara: 183]
Of Sa'd bin Sa'id bin Malik ra, that Rasululloh SAW said, "prohibited all dangerous and inflict harm." (Hasan hadeeth narrated by Ibn Majah, Daruquthni, and Malik in Al-Muwatha ')
Smoking is forbidden because in addition to endanger themselves and others is also a waste. God calls spender as brother devil "And give to families who close their rights, to the poor and the traveler, and do not squander (your wealth) in wantonness. Indeed spender it is brother devil and the devil it is very dissenter to his Lord. "[Al-Israa ': 26-27]
Smoking is forbidden because it is not only useless, but would damage: Abu Hurairoh ra said: "Prophet Muhammad once said:" Some signs of the good of Islam a person is he left something that is not useful to him. "(Hasan hadith, narrated by Tirmidhi and others)
If the cigarette factory closed down the workers will be unemployed? The government must anticipate this. It is estimated that there are about 400 thousand workers in Indonesia's cigarette feed 1.6 million people (0.7%). The government should provide a budget to give the workers in the form of capital land for farming / breeding, money for business, or the factory to work. If each worker can help Rp 50 million, it should be budgeted Rp 20 trillion in the form of soft loans without collateral to avoid possible conflict. By raising the cigarette tax by 100% a year before the closure of the plant (if the plant is closed). From here can be got around Rp 70 trillion. Money Rp 184 trillion / year usually spent on cigarettes will still be there. Even with not smoking, the health and productivity of the person can be increased so that he could get more for example Rp 250 trillion / year. The money he could buy milk, food, medical expenses, and schools for their children. The cigarette industry is indeed closed, but other industries such as dairy farms, dairy, milk vendors, health clinics, schools will develop and absorb new workers. Yet before the cigarette factory also be able to live and work.
Do not be afraid to forbid smoking the cigarette factory employees will dirugukan. If this argument is accepted, then the liquor and drugs are also not forbidden because many people can work in a factory booze / drugs or so traders liquor / drugs. But because it is dangerous, the government banned the drug. Although a lot to absorb workers, yet the Prophet Muhammad did not hesitate to convey that pigs and liquor was forbidden to his community. Upon hearing the fatwa Muslims soon spilled wine in the houses into the street so that when the road so it smelled of wine. Something that damage despite the benefits unlawful if the damage is greater than the benefits. "They ask thee concerning wine and gambling. Say: "In them there is a great sin, and some profit, for men, but the sin is greater than the benefit ..." [Al-Baqarah: 219]

Why Formerly The Ulama only and do not forbid smoking memakruhkan

It used not as advanced medical technology now and have found strong evidence that the cigarettes damage the health. Smoking is considered harmless and merely wasteful. Hence the majority of scholars only memakruhkannya alone.
Now scientists have proved harmful cigarette and causing more than 400 thousand people die each year in Indonesia so that the label affixed on cigarette packs that danger. Therefore, it is only fitting the Indonesian scholars define cigarettes as illicit goods. Moreover, the Council of Ulema in Saudi Arabia, Iran, and Malaysia have established that smoking is forbidden.
Smoking is not haram because there is no proof that says smoking is forbidden. Indeed, there was no argument because the Prophet Muhammad lived in the 600s BC while the new cigarette is known in the 1500s when Europeans see Native Americans smoke tobacco is burned in the pipeline. Up to 1940 people take cigarettes are harmless. In 1962 the US government appointed 10 leading scientists to investigate the dangers of smoking. In 1964 the conclusions contained in the Report of the Surgeon General stating that smoking is harmful to health and asked the government to take action. In 1965, tobacco use dropped 40% since the publication of the report (MS Encarta). Cigarettes contain 4000 chemical substances in which 43 of them are cancer-causing. 90% of lung cancers are caused by smoking while the rest are passive smokers. Approximately 442 thousand people in the US die each year due to smoking. Cigarettes cause cancer paru2, throat, bladder, kidney, etc. The pack of cigarettes is clearly stated that smoking can cause cancer, heart attack, fetal health problems, and impotence.
All dangerous even though his name is not mentioned in the Qur'an and Hadith remain forbidden because the Prophet had said: "Prohibited all dangerous and inflict harm." (Hasan hadeeth narrated by Ibn Majah, Daruquthni, and Malik in Al-Muwatha ')
The US has banned cigarette advertising on TV-TV and Radio. People are prohibited from smoking in government offices and buildings where there are children (eg schools).
If smoking haram, why some scholars smoke? Cigarettes as drug addiction is causing the wearer so it is difficult to stop. It is inappropriate scholars who are inheritors of the Prophet hated acts of God or unclean. Inappropriate clerical also let his students were still level Ibtida'iyah (SD), Tsanawiyah (SMP) or 'Aliyah (SMU) for smoking. Ulama as an exemplary society should give an example of his community by doing things that mandatory or sunnah. Not exactly diligent work on the Makruh or hated God. Especially if illegitimate. Muslims, including clerics should leave it doubtful / not clear.
An-Nu'man ibn Bashir said, "I heard the Messenger of Allah. said, 'What is lawful is clear and the haram is clear, and in between there are things musyabbihat (doubtful / vague, unclear kosher-illicit), which is not known by most people. Anyone who keep things musyabbihat, then he has to clean his honor and religion. And, whoever is mired in doubtful, then he was like the shepherd in the land of the ban, almost he plunged into it. Know that every king has a ground ban, and the prohibition of land actually know God are the things that are forbidden him. Know that in the body there is a piece of flesh. If the meat was good, then the whole body is good; and if the piece of meat that is damaged, then the whole body that was damaged. Behold, he that is the heart. '"(HR. Bukhari) From the arguments above, as well as drugs, the same illicit cigarettes. Do not be afraid poor and tawakkallah to God
Smoking was haram fatwa:

Muzakarah Bureau of Majlis National Fatwa authority It Ehwan Islam Malaysia times to 37 which convened on 23 Mac 1995 in Kuala Lumpur.
Fatwa is famous all over the world that is Al-Marhum Saudi Mufti, Sheikh Abdul Aziz bin Baaz
Al-Azhar Fatwa former namely Sheikh Abdullah Al-Masyd (Azhar Fatwa Institution Chairman), Dr. Ahmad 'Umar Hashim' (Vice Chancellor of Al-Azhar) and others.
Scholars who think smoking is forbidden:

Dr. Yusof Al-Qaradawi is more likely to illicit smoking laws ..
 The Hijaz scholars also tend to smoke illicit law.

 Sheikh Mahmud Syaltut tend to unlawful smoking law.

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