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Monday, August 17, 2015

Debt can be prevented man to go to heaven.

The ride was not finished (348)

(Part three hundred and forty eight), Depok, West Java, Indonnesia, August 17, 2015, 13:54 pm).

Debt can be prevented man to go to heaven.

One of the reasons hindered human (child adam) enter Paradise, is when the dead man still stuck in debt, pay it off immediately unless the heirs or the creditors forgave (willingly forgive the entire debt debtor.
If any man sin even as high and as big as the sky and the earth, if he repents (faith and apologize to God / Astaghfirullah Allazim), then all sins will be forgiven except the sin of shirk (associating partners with God), but the sin of shirk if he repents (faith) in God and began to consistently run the pillars of Islam, idolatry will be deleted.
Rich Muslim obligation is to help his brother in order to frees the debt of his brother.
Reward those who give the debt to his brother the trouble, then the reward will continue to flow until the debts are paid, and the reward is much greater when the creditor to frees the debt. The problem of the debt frees his debt is quite important, because these issues become a barrier humans go to heaven.
Until when will the prayer of the Prophet Muhammad (menyolatkan) wanted to pray the corpse, another prayer asks participants whether the deceased still have debt, because there is a recognition of the companions that the deceased was still stuck in debt, then the Prophet Muhammad did not want to pray the corpse, after there among friends could pay off debts the deceased, then the Prophet willing to pray new bodies.
One of the key so that we avoid debt, is that we live a simple (not to exceed the salary / or our income.
We also avoid debt containing riba (interest / interest) because usury is forbidden by Allah (Qur'an and Sunnah / Hadith), even a hadith mention sin consuming usury of money equivalent to fornicate with 36 people.
Avoid borrowing containing usury, either from a bank, credit card or on per puppets (people).
Many pray at prayer time so that we get out of debt.
Prophet Muhammad himself during his lifetime always prayed to God to be free of debt and the crush of poverty.
Prophet Muhammad (infallible / guarded God from sin) always ask God almighty and all-givers rich sustenance, so he was released from the debt, and of the narrowness of sustenance (poor), let alone us ordinary mortals Servant of God who lives always sinning ,
Because the Prophet said every human being must have sinned, and God will forgive all the sins one shouldered servant if he repents (faith and ask for forgiveness to God), except debt should he or heirs) who should pay for it.

Martyrdom Not Erase Rights Bani Adam, but God Removes Rights Ta'la
How does this hadith brings together between the two:
1. From Amr bin Ash somebody making real anhu Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam said, "People who die a martyr forgiven all sins except debt."
2. From Umar bin Khttab radhialahu anhu said, "When Khaibar, a group of Companions of the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam facing and say," So and so martyr, martyr so and so. So the Prophet sallallahu'alaihi wa sallam said, "No, actually I saw him in hell because of the shawl (Burdah) or cover clothes to hide." Then he said to me, "O Ibn Khattab, stand, and call on the people actually do not will enter Paradise except the believers. "So I stood up and called on the people.
The first hadith confirms that the sins of the dead martyr forgiven except debt. Whereas in the second hadith asserts, that people martyred not forgiven because she hid ghanimah. Do not hide sins but ghanimah including debt. Then it should be forgiven according to the first hadith. Explanation please.



Narrated by Muslim, 1886, from Abdullah bin Amr bin Ash verily the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam said,

يغفر للشهيد كل ذنب إلا الدين

"People who die a martyr forgiven all sins except debt."

Narrated by Muslim, (114) from Ibn 'Umar ibn Abbas said Khottab tell me said,

لما كان يوم خيبر أقبل نفر من صحابة النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم فقالوا: فلان شهيد فلان شهيد, حتى مروا على رجل فقالوا فلان شهيد, فقال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: (كلا, إني رأيته في النار في بردة غلها أو عباءة), ثم قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: (يا ابن الخطاب! اذهب فناد في الناس أنه لا يدخل الجنة إلا المؤمنون) قال: فخرجت فناديت: ألا إنه لا يدخل الجنة إلا المؤمنون "

"When the time Khoibar war, a group of Companions of the Prophet sallallahu'alaihi wa salllah facing and say," So and so martyr, martyr so and so. "Then they pass someone (who was killed), then they say 'This guy Shaheed." So the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam said, "No, actually I saw him in hell because of the shawl (Burdah) or cover clothes to hide." Then the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam said, "O Ibn Khattab! Get out, and to convey to people that are not going to heaven except the believers. So I came out and called, "Know that nothing makes heaven except the believer."

These two authentic hadith narrated by Muslim in his Saheeh Rahimahullah. There is no contradiction in both Alhamdulillah. The first hadith shows that the dead martyr forgiven all sins done between him and his Lord except debt. So he did not diampuninya. Because it depends on the inter-human affairs. Then, Bani Adam's rights can not be forgiven by martyrdom.

Imam An-Nawawi rahimahullah said, "The Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam (Except debt) in which there is a warning to all the rights of Bani Adam. That jihad and martyrdom and apart from two practice kindness can not remove the right of Bani Adam. But can remove the right of Allah Ta'ala. "Sharh Muslim, 13/29.

Al-Haafiz Ibn Hajar rahimahullah said, "As for the other authentic hadith, that the martyrdom that unless the debt be forgiven all his sins. It is instructive that martyrdom was not able to remove the rights of people. While the rights of people on him, did not prevent getting degrees syahadah / martyr. There is no meaning of the Declaration but that God gives to those who receive the Declaration with a special reward. Honored with the glory of the excess. Indeed in a hadith has been explained that God forgives (sins) unless there is a hook (human rights). If the martyrs that have the pious deeds, and syahadah can abolish evil apart from the hook (right). Then the righteous deeds will be beneficial in weight (to remove) plugs (right). So that the degree of shahadah will remain (acquired) perfect. If you do not have a virtuous deeds, then it depends (decision of Allah). Wallahu'alam. "Fath Bari, 10/193.

Tourbasyti said, "The purpose of debt here is related to the dependents of the rights of Muslims. Because the person who owes it no more entitled to threats and demands than those who do evil, those who seize property of others, those who betrayed and steal. "Tuhfatul Ahwadzi, 5/302, with slight edits.


Adam Ghanimah including children's rights, including the rights of the child he even very large adam, Because associated with common property. Al-Hijawi in Az-Zad, p. 97 says, "Ghanimah obtained by controlling the territory of war (Darul Harbi). He was the one who fought in the army. Set aside one fifth, then the rest, pedestrian one part, equestrian three parts: one part for him and the two parts of the horse. The whole troop included as soldiers to get ghanimah. "

Ghulul is theft ghanimah before the split. Imam Nawawi rahimahullah said, "(Al-Ghulul) betrayal, his home is the theft of the spoils (ghanimah) before the split." So syahadah can not eliminate ghulul, because syahadah can not remove adam children's rights, as (described) was ,

The phrase questioner 'Do ghulul is sin apart from the debt?' Then said, "is a sin Ghulul related to child rights adam. The purpose of the debt in this hadith is human rights, not special just debt. Some scholars argue that blocking ghulul highest martyr status to those who steal ghanimah that made him unfit for forgiveness for all sins, even though it does not prevent him from getting basic martyrdom and virtues. Imam An-Nawawi rahimahullah said, "Ghulul can hinder the general martyr status for the culprit if he was killed."

Al-Qori rahimahullah said, "In the hadith there is discussion, that there is no proposition in this hadith that deny the status of martyrdom. How not, he had been killed in the way of Allah (sabilillah) and defended the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam. Consensus is not required under (consensus of the scholars), that the martyrs should not have sin or debt. "Mirqotul Mafatih, 6/2583.

It can be said also that ghulul hinders the martyrs achieve the highest degree of the Declaration, so that all sins are removed, although he did not terhalan get basic status martyrdom and virtues. In addition, please read the explanation that it should not underestimate the problem of debt in the answer to question no. 144 635.


Shaikh Abdullah bin Abdul al-Azhim Khalafi

Allah says:
إنما الصدقات للفقراء والمساكين والعاملين عليها والمؤلفة قلوبهم وفي الرقاب والغارمين وفي سبيل الله وابن السبيل فريضة من الله والله عليم حكيم

"Zakat-alms Indeed, it is just for poor people, poor people, officials-administrators zakat, the Muslim convert who persuaded him, for (liberation) slaves, those who owe, to the way of Allah, and those who are in journey, as something that required God's provision. And Allah is Knowing, Wise. "[At-Tawbah: 60]

Ibn Kathir rahimahullah said when interpreting this verse (II / 364), "When Allah mentions rejection hypocrites and pencelaannya to the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam in the distribution of alms problem. He goes on to explain that that define the split, explaining the law and that addressing this issue is God himself. He does not represent the division to one, then He is Sadaqah is to divide the factions mentioned in the paragraph above. "

Is Dividing Mandatory score Zakat Harta To All GolonganTersebut?
Ibn Kathir rahimahullah said, "The scholars disagree regarding the eight groups are eligible to receive zakat, zakat is obliged to hand over property to any group or may be submitted to the majority group are allowed to be given kepadannya? In this issue there are two opinions:

First: Mandatory leave it up to all groups and this is the opinion of Imam Shafi'i, and the congregation of the scholars.

Second: There must give to all classes, may even share them with one class only and submit all the Zakat to them although there are other groups. And this is the opinion of Imam Malik and some of the Salaf and Khalaf, among them 'Umar, Hudhayfah, Ibn' Abbas, Abul 'Aliyah, Sa'id bin Zubair and Maimon bin Mihran. Ibn Jarir said, 'It is the opinion of most scientists. "Based on this opinion, the purpose of the mention of the classes mentioned in this paragraph is to explain about the class are eligible to receive zakat is not to explain the obligation to share them with all of these groups."

Ibn Kathir rahimahullah back saying, "We will mention some of the hadith related to the eight groups:

1. First: People Fakir
It was narrated from Ibn 'Amr radi anhuma, he said that the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam has said:

لا تحل الصدقة لغني ولا لذى مرة سوي.

"Zakat is not kosher is given to the rich and those who have the power to work." [1]

From 'Ubaidullah ibn' Adi ibn al-khiyar that there are two people who had told him that they had been facing the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam to ask for alms to him. Then he watched them and he saw they were still strong, and then he said:

إن شئتما أعطيتكما ولا حظ فيها لغني و لا لقوي مكتسب.

"If you want I'll give you alms, but no charity for the rich, and they are still strong enough to work." [2]

2. Second: People Poor
From Abu Hurayrah radi anhu, that the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam has said:

ليس المسكين بهذا الطواف الذي يطوف على الناس, فترده اللقمة واللقمتان, والتمرة والتمرتان, قالوا فما المسكين يا رسول الله? قال: الذي لايجد غنى يغنيه, ولا يفطن له فيتصدق عليه, ولا يسأل الناس.

"It is not including those poor people around begging to man, and then only with a mouthful or two bribes of food and one or two dates he returned home." The Companions asked, "Then who is said to be poor, Messenger of Allah? "He replied," The poor are those who do not have something that can meet their needs. But no one knows the situation so anyone want to give him alms and he did not beg to man. "[3]

3. Third: Amil Zakat
They are officers who collect and interesting charity, they are entitled to receive the amount of Zakat as a reward for their work and they should not include the family of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam is forbidden to eat them alms, as narrated in Muslim Shahiih of' Abdul Muttalib bin Rabi'a ibn al-Harith, that he and al-Fadl ibn al-'Abbas went to the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam to ask that they both serve as amil zakat, the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam said:

إن الصدقة لاتحل لمحمد ولا لآل محمد, إنما هي أوساخ الناس.

"Surely charity is not lawful for Muhammad and the family of Muhammad, because he actually is human waste." [4]

4. Fourth: Muallaf (People softened his heart)
They are there some sort. There given Zakat so that they convert to Islam, as the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam has provided Safwan bin Umayya treasures of the spoils of war Hunain, and he fought in a state still idolaters, he recalled, "the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam did not stop -hentinya gave me the spoils until finally he became a man I loved most, but before that he was the man I hate most. "[5]

And among them were deliberately given Zakat so that they get better and stronger heart has become Muslim in Islam, as has been done by the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa salla when war Hunain, he gave one hundred camels to a group of leaders of the ath-Thulaqa' (disbelievers of Quraysh were not combated at the time of the conquest of Makkah), convenie-dian he said:

إني لأعطي الرجل, وغيره أحب إلي منه, خشية أن يكبه الله على وجهه في نار جهنم.

'I give (property) to someone, whereas others are more I love thereof, only I fear God will put it in Hell. "[6]

In the ash-Shahiihain narrated from Abu Sa'eed, that 'Ali handed over to the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam raw gold bullion from Yemen, then he distributed them to four people, al-Aqra 'ibn Habis,' Uyainah bin Badar, 'Alqamah bin 'Ulatsah and Zaid al-Khair, then he said, "I want to soften their hearts." [7]

Among them were given zakat with the intention that people like them go in Islam. Also there were given Zakat so that later can collect Zakat from those who afterwards or to prevent the danger of some of the country against the Muslims.

Allahu knows best.

Whether Zakat is given to people who softened his heart after the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam died?

Ibn Kathir rahimahullah said, "In this issue occurs dissent:

It was narrated from 'Umar,' Amir, sya'bi and a number of other scholars, that they not be given Zakat after the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam died, because Islam and the Muslims have been victorious and they have mastered a few countries, and has been subdued for them a lot of people.

And another opinion says that they are still eligible to receive zakat, because the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam still give their zakat after the conquest of Makkah and Hawazin. And the case is sometimes necessary so that Zakat is given to them. "

5. Fifth: Slaves
It was narrated from al-Hasan al-Basri, Muqatil ibn Hayyan, 'Umar ibn' Abd al 'Aziz, Sa'id bin Jubair, an-Nakha'i, az-Zuhri and Ibn Zaid they found the slave is meant by al-Mukatab (slaves who had entered into an agreement with the master to pay a sum of money as ransom for him). It is also narrated from Abu Musa al-'Asyari. And this is the opinion of Imam Shafi'i also al-Laitsi. Said Ibn 'Abbas and al-Hasan, "No why Zakat which will serve as a ransom for freeing a slave." And this is the madhhab Ahmad, Malik and Ishaq. It means that giving alms to the slaves is more general than just liberate al-Mukatab or buy a slave, then gave him his freedom. A great many hadiths that explain about the reward the people who freed the slaves. And Allah will free from the flames of Hell limbs of liberty slaves as a reward of his limbs merdekakan slave, until genitals with pubic [8]. This is all because of a reply from a practice se-keeping with the practice type:

وما تجزون إلا ما كنتم تعملون.

"And it's not you be rewarded except in accordance with the practice you are doing."

6. Sixth: People Who Owe
They exist several types, there are other people who bear the debt and have until the time of payment when he uses his money to pay it off so that his money runs out, there can not repay their debts, there are losers because of disobedience is done then he repented, this is what they are entitled to receive zakat ,

Proposition in this matter is the hadeeth Qabishah Mukhariq bin al-Hilali, he said, "I'm for the debts of others, then I went to the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam to ask for his assistance, he said," Wait, if there is zakat we get we will deliver it to you. "Then he said:

يا قبيصة, إن المسألة لاتحل إلا لأحد ثلاثة: رجل تحمل حمالة فحلت له المسألة حتى يصيبها ثم يمسك, ورجل أصابته جائحة اجتاحت ماله فحلت له المسألة, حتى يصيب قواما من عيش أو قال سدادا من عيش, ورجل أصابته فاقة حتى يقوم ثلاثة من ذوى الحجا من قومه: لقد أصابت فلانا فاقة, فحلت له المسألة, حتى يصيب قواما من عيش أو قال سدادا من عيش, فما سواهن من المسألة يا قبيصة! سحتا يأكلها صاحبها سحتا.

"O Qabishah, actually begging not permitted except for one of the three people, namely those who bear the debt of others, then he may beg until he pay it off, and then he stopped to beg, misfortune befalls the person who spends his wealth , he may beg to get back alive or he said, something that can meet their needs, and the misery-stricken people live up to three of his people who are knowledgeable (alim) said, 'The user has overwritten the misery of life.' He should beg to get back alive or he said: Something that can meet their needs. The addition of the three groups, O Qabishah, it is unlawful and those who eat it is to eat food that is unclean. '"[9]

7. Seventh: Those Who Fought In the Way of Allah (Fii Sabilillaah)
They are the forces of war who do not have a right of Baitul Mal. As for Imam Ahmad, Ishaq al-Hasan and said that people who pilgrimage included in FII Sabilillaah, air-basis of a hadith.

I (the author) said, "What they mean by the hadith is the hadith of Ibn 'Abbas, he said,' Messenger of Allah sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam wanted to go for Hajj, and there is a wife who told her husband,' I Sertakanlah pilgrimage along the Messenger. 'The husband replied, 'I do not have the property that I could use to membiayaimu the hajj. "Then his wife said,' I am with your camel Hajikanlah it. 'He said,' That is the camel that I use to fight in the way of Allah. 'Then the man came to the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam and said,' O Messenger of Allah, indeed my wife greets you, and he has asked me to menghajikannya with you, he said, 'Hajikanlah I shared the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam. "Then I replied, 'Truly I do not have property would use to membia-yaimu go to Hajj. "He said, 'Then hajikanlah me with the camels.' I told him, 'That is the camel that I use to fight in the way of Allah.' 'Then the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam said, 'Surely if you menghajikan it with camel is also included in the FII Sabilillaah.' "[10]

8. Eighth: Ibnus Sabil
He is a traveler who is in a country and does not have anything whatsoever that can help him on his way, then he is given a taste of Zakat could use-right to return home, although maybe he has a little treasure. And this law applies to those who travel away from his country and there is nothing whatsoever with him, then he is given a number of treasures of zakat can be inadequate for the provision commute. And their argument is the paragraph about the class are eligible to receive zakat, as well as what self-wayatkan by Imam Abu Dawud, Ibn Majah from the hadeeth Ma'mar of Yazid ibn Aslam from 'Ata' ibn Yasar, from Abu Sa'eed radi anhu, he said that the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:

لا تحل الصدقة لغني إلا خمسة: العامل عليها أو رجل اشتراها بماله أو غارم او غاز في سبيل الله أو مسكين تصدق عليه فأهدى منها لغني.

"Zakat is not lawful given to the rich but five kinds, namely zakat or the person who bought it with his property or person who owes or those who fight in the way of Allah or the poor who receive alms, then he present it to the rich." [11 ]

Done words of Ibn Kathir. "- Ed.

[Copied from the book of Al-Sunnah wal Wajiiz FII Fiqhis Kitaabil Aziiz, Author Shaikh Abdul Azhim bin Badawai al-Khalafi, Indonesia Guide Fiqh Complete Edition, Translator Team Tashfiyah LIPIA - Jakarta, Ibn Kathir Reader Publishers, Printed in Ramadan 1428 - September 2007M]
[8]. Saheeh: [Shahiih al-Jaami'ish Shaghiir (no. 6051)]. Reported by at-Tir-midzi from the hadeeth of Abu Hurayrah radi anhu he said, "I have heard the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:

من اعتق رقبة مؤمنة أعتق الله منه بكل عضو منه عضوا من النار حتى يعتق فرجه بفرجه.

"Those who free a slave who believe Allah will liberate him (a slave limbs) of each limb man who gave him his freedom from the fire of Hell to his cock with his cock." (III / 49, no. 1541).

[9]. Saheeh: [Mukhtasar Shahiih Muslim (no. 568)], Shahiih Muslim (II / 722, no. 1044), Sunan Abi Dawood (V / 49, no. 1624), Sunan an-Nasa-i (V / 96). And including from zawil hija reasonable person and smart.
[10]. Hasan Saheeh: [Saheeh Sunan Abi Dawood (no. 1753)], Sunan Abi Dawood (V / 465, no. 19 740), Mustadrak al-Hakim (I / 183), al-Bayhaqi (VI / 164).
[11]. Saheeh: [Shahiih al-Jaami'ish Shaghiir (no. 725)], Sunan Abi Dawood (V / 44, no. 1619), Sunan Ibni Majah (I / 590, no. 1841).

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