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Wednesday, June 26, 2013
Indonesia in Focus: inaccuracies in the data base target households (R...
Indonesia in Focus: inaccuracies in the data base target households (R...: inaccuracies in the data base target households (RTS). caused many relatively wealthy waega are lining up their use of motorcycles and wear...
inaccuracies in the data base target households (RTS). caused many relatively wealthy waega are lining up their use of motorcycles and wearing gold jewelry take the rights of the poor
inaccuracies in the data base target households (RTS). caused many relatively wealthy waega are lining up their use of motorcycles and wearing gold jewelry take the rights of the poor
Messy while direct aid societies (BLSM) could not be separated from the data inaccuracies base target households (RTS).
The announcement was made Economist Institute for Development of Economics and Finance (Indef), Enny Sri Hartati, Monday (24/6).
Enny said recipient data distribution based BLSM rice subsidy for the poor (Raskin) number of 15.5 million RTS inaccurate. Because, said Enny, based on the facts on the ground for many recipients Raskin which are not effective.
"This means that the database used is not appropriate," said Enny.
By Enny, Social Protection Program (PPLS) is used as the data base is the result of the calculation of the distribution BLSM 2011. "Update said no, but on the ground there who should have received but did not receive or otherwise. Means that there is no validity of the data," said Enny.
Enny also highlights BLSM ceremonial division on Saturday (22/6) yesterday. Therefore, his next ministers handing BLSM describe the government is still unsure of the recipient BLSM.
Rising prices of fuel oil (BBM) with compensation for the poor one of which directly help the community while (BLSM) political drama played just government.
"The increase in fuel prices and BLSM it into a political drama, as seems to be a justification for political ads that show people do need BLSM," quipped Wasekjen PDI Hasto Kristianto in Jakarta, Tuesday (06/25/2013).
According Hasto, how wrong the government to empower the poor and not able to pass BLSM. Due to refer to the constitution, the Government tasked to empower them through productive ventures that can lift the economy.
"The context is the duty of government to create jobs for the people, not to compensate for the suffering of the people that it is only temporary," said Hasto.
Since the beginning, the struggle questioned PDI compensation through BLSM rising fuel prices. To treat people as people of dignity, and shape tanggunjawab state, poor state maintained by empowering them.
BLSM, even in ways that caricature by giving money especially the short-term nature. That means the government position pitied the poor to continue without a space for them better.
"We also see no ideological issue. We know the rise in fuel prices has resulted in human suffering, suffering that can not be compensated, as though by granting mercy," he explained.
PDI-P criticized the government during this time never see another attempt to increase the production capacity of the people, so then politically victimized by power.
PDI experience how such a ruling political drama viscous when in June 2008 until February 2009 or before the election, the Government provided funds for dogs large amount BLT.
"The visible, ruling that political motives than compensation to the people due to the fuel price hike. Increase in fuel is missed due to the government's fiscal management. Was not as a result of the fuel price hike outside," he said again.
Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs Hatta Rajasa denied funds Direct Aid Society meantime (BLSM / Balm) is still low and only reached Rp 19 billion. Previous real time data PT Pos Indonesia showed different figures.
"Not really new channeled Rp 19 billion circulating in the media, it may be less accurate data," he said after reviewing the division directly at the Post Office BLSM Kramat Jati Jakarta, Tuesday (25/06/2013).
According to him, it happened because of errors in data base. But he sure was not a lot of errors occur.
"This data is updated 3 years, so that provision can no longer grow up," he continued.
Previously, the Rp 19 billion recorded until Monday (6/25/2013) afternoon. Up at 8:55 pm on Tuesday (25/06/2013), 99.53% of the fund looks Balm has not been absorbed. In the data, as many as 72 957 target households (RTS) which just received BLSM. While the remaining 15,457,940 has not been received.
The total funds that have been disbursed to the recipient until this morning Balm reached Rp 21.8 billion. Hatta said, channeling funds BLSM since Saturday was very large.
"The grants BLSM since Saturday is huge, cards received later this month as many as 15.5 million cards have already been all," he said.
In addition to the card do not get BLSM, also discussed the deliberations that are not eligible for BLSM, but still get BLSM. For the people who are actually able and hence not entitled to the public are encouraged to mengmbalikan BLSM card.
"In the village meetings for people who restore his BLSM card and then piped to the right. Afterwards new revision," he said.
For a smooth distribution of BLSM no monitoring team from each ministry, there is also the task force in each area.
"In real time data entry in the data hold our information. Includes complaints and suggestions from the whole community responded well," said Hatta.
Indonesia in Focus: ketidakakuratan basis data rumah tangga sasaran (R...
Indonesia in Focus: ketidakakuratan basis data rumah tangga sasaran (R...: ketidakakuratan basis data rumah tangga sasaran (RTS).menyebabkan banyak waega yang antri relatif kaya mereka mengunakan sepeda motor dan...
ketidakakuratan basis data rumah tangga sasaran (RTS).menyebabkan banyak waega yang antri relatif kaya mereka mengunakan sepeda motor dan mengenakan perhiasan emas mengambil hak orang miskin
ketidakakuratan basis data rumah tangga sasaran (RTS).menyebabkan banyak waega yang antri relatif kaya mereka mengunakan sepeda motor dan mengenakan perhiasan emas mengambil hak orang miskin
Berantakannya penyaluran bantuan langsung sementara masyarakat (BLSM) tak lepas dari ketidakakuratan basis data rumah tangga sasaran (RTS).
Pernyataan itu disampaikan Ekonom Institute for Development of Economics and Finance (Indef), Enny Sri Hartati, Senin (24/6).
Enny mengatakan, penyaluran BLSM berbasis data penerima subsidi beras untuk masyarakat miskin (raskin) sejumlah 15,5 juta RTS tidak akurat. Sebab, kata Enny, berdasarkan fakta di lapangan selama ini banyak penerima raskin yang tidak tepat sasaran.
"Artinya basis data yang digunakan tidak tepat," sebut Enny.
Menurut Enny, Program Perlindungan Sosial (PPLS) yang dijadikan basis data penyaluran BLSM adalah hasil perhitungan 2011. "Update katanya ada, tapi di lapangan ada yang seharusnya menerima tapi tidak menerima atau sebaliknya. Artinya belum ada validitas data," ujar Enny.
Enny juga menyoroti seremonial pembagian BLSM pada Sabtu (22/6) kemarin. Sebab, ikutnya sejumlah menteri membagi-bagikan BLSM menggambarkan pemerintah masih ragu dengan penerima BLSM.
Kenaikan harga bahan bakar minyak (BBM) disertai pemberian kompensasi bagi masyarakat miskin salah satunya bantuan langsung sementara masyarakat (BLSM) hanya drama politik yang diperankan pemerintah.
"Kenaikan harga BBM dan pemberian BLSM itu menjadi drama politik, seolah-seolah menjadi suatu pembenar untuk menunjukkan iklan politik bahwa rakyat memang perlu BLSM," sindir Wasekjen PDI Perjuangan Hasto Kristianto di Jakarta, Selasa (25/6/2013).
Menurut Hasto, cara pemerintah keliru memberdayakan warga miskin dan tak mampu lewat BLSM. Karena merujuk konstitusi, Pemerintah bertugas memberdayakan mereka lewat usaha produktif yang bisa mengangkat ekonominya.
"Konteksnya menjadi tugas Pemerintah untuk menciptakan lapangan pekerjaan bagi rakyat, bukan untuk mengkompensasikan penderitaan rakyat yang sifatnya hanya sementara," terang Hasto.
Sejak awal, PDI perjuangan mempersoalkan kompensasi kenaikan harga BBM lewat BLSM. Untuk memperlakukan rakyat sebagai orang yang bermartabat, dan bentuk tanggunjawab negara, fakir miskin dipelihara negara dengan memberdayakannya.
Pemberian BLSM, justru melalui cara-cara yang karikatif dengan memberikan uang apalagi yang sifatnya jangka pendek. Itu artinya Pemerintah memposisikan warga miskin untuk terus dikasihani tanpa membuka ruang bagi mereka lebih baik.
"Kita juga melihat ada persoalan ideologis. Kita tahu kenaikan harga BBM ini berakibat pada penderitaan rakyat, penderitaan yang tidak dapat dikompensasikan, dengan pemberian seolah-olah belas kasihan," terangnya.
PDI Perjuangan mengkritik pemerintah selama ini tidak pernah melihat upaya lain untuk meningkatkan kemampuan produksi rakyat, sehingga kemudian dikorbankan secara politis oleh kekuasaan.
PDI Perjuangan mengalami bagaimana drama politik penguasa sedemikian kental ketika pada Juni 2008 sampai Februari 2009 atau menjelang pemilu, Pemerintah memberikan dana BLT yang jumlahnya begit besar.
"Yang nampak, motif politik penguasa begitu besar daripada kompensasi kepada rakyat akibat kenaikan BBM. Kenaikan BBM ini akibat missed manajemen fiskal pemerintah. Bukan sebagai akibat kenaikan BBM luar," katanya lagi.
Menteri Koordinator Bidang Perekonomian Hatta Rajasa membantah jika penyaluran dana Bantuan Langsung Sementara Masyarakat (BLSM/Balsem) masih minim dan baru mencapai Rp 19 miliar. Sebelumnya data real time PT Pos Indonesia menunjukkan angka yang berbeda
"Tidak betul baru tersalurkan Rp 19 miliar yang beredar di media, itu mungkin datanya kurang akurat," katanya usai meninjau langsung pembagian BLSM di Kantor Pos kramat Jati Jakarta, Selasa (25/6/2013).
Menurutnya, hal tersebut terjadi lantaran kesalahan data base. Namun dirinya memastikan kesalahan itu tidak banyak terjadi.
"Data ini selalu diperbaharui 3 tahun, jadi kalau rezeki bertambah meningkat tidak dapat lagi," lanjutnya.
Sebelumnya, angka Rp 19 miliar tercatat sampai Senin (25/6/2013) sore. Sampai pada pukul 08.55 WIB di Selasa (25/6/2013), terlihat 99,53% dana Balsem belum terserap. Dalam data, sebanyak 72.957 rumah tangga sasaran (RTS) yang baru menerima BLSM. Sedangkan sisanya sebanyak 15.457.940 belum menerima.
Adapun total dana yang telah dikucurkan ke penerima Balsem sampai pagi tadi mencapai Rp 21,8 miliar. Dikatakan Hatta, penyaluran dana BLSM sejak Sabtu kemarin sudah sangat besar.
"Penyaluran dana BLSM sejak Sabtu kemarin sangat besar, kartu yang diterima akhir bulan ini sebanyak 15,5 juta kartu juga sudah selesai semua," katanya.
Selain yang belum mendapatkan kartu BLSM, musyawarah tersebut juga membahas masyarakat yang sebenarnya tidak berhak mendapatkan BLSM, namun masih mendapatkan BLSM. Untuk itu masyarakat yang sebenarnya mampu dan tidak berhak maka masyarakat tersebut dihimbau untuk mengmbalikan kartu BLSM.
"Di musyawarah desa untuk orang yang mengembalikan kartu BLSM nya lalu disalurkan ke yang berhak. Setelah itu baru di revisi," ujarnya.
Untuk kelancaran pembagian BLSM ada tim pemantau dari tiap-tiap kementerian, ada juga satgas di setiap daerah.
"Secara real time data-data masuk terus dalam data informasi kita. Termasuk pengaduan-pengaduan dan saran- saran dari seluruh masyarakat juga direspons," kata Hatta.
Indonesia in Focus: Party-led ruling coalition will be left democrat p...
Indonesia in Focus: Party-led ruling coalition will be left democrat p...: Party-led ruling coalition will be left democrat party voters survey evidence to prove they refuse to increases in fuel oil. The poll resu...
Party-led ruling coalition will be left democrat party voters survey evidence to prove they refuse to increases in fuel oil.
Party-led ruling coalition will be left democrat party voters survey evidence to prove they refuse to increases in fuel oil.
The poll results Indonesian Survey Circle, as much as 86.6 percent of respondents rejected if the price of fuel oil increased government subsidized. Only 11.26 per cent agreed the increase and the rest, ie 2.14 per cent, did not answer.
The survey was delivered Adjie Alfaraby, LSI investigators, during a press conference at the Office of LSI in Jakarta, Sunday (03/11/2012).
The survey was conducted on 5-8 March 2012 against 440 randomly selected respondents. According Adjie, all respondents are given handset is programmed to answer the survey.
Adjie explained, the majority of respondents rejected in all segments of the economy, people's houses in village or city, gender, education level, political party supporters, or supporters of the presidential candidate who is now sticking.
The high resistance to fuel price increases were also seen in the previous two surveys LSI. Adjie said, amounted to 82.3 per cent of respondents reject the fuel price hike when suvei in 2005 and declined by 75.1 percent in 2008. "The most neglected is Premium price increases than Pertamax, Pertamax Plus, or diesel.'s Not uncommon for LSI based survey, 71.1 percent premium public use," said Adjie.
As reported, the government plans to raise fuel prices as of 1 April 2012. The Government has proposed subsidized fuel price increase to Rp 1,500 per liter in the 2012 draft budget.
In the 2012 Revised State Budget, the government proposed the Indonesian crude oil price assumption (ICP) pegged 105 U.S. dollars per barrel. However, given the freedom to ask the government to raise the price of gasoline and diesel if the development of the ICP reaches above 5 percent assumed in the Revised ICP 2012.
Rejection of rise in prices of fuel oil (BBM) taken by the government not only come from the constituent political parties which are outside the government. Rejection was also coming from voters who support the government's political parties, including the Democratic Party.
This is revealed in a survey of the Indonesian Survey Circle (LSI) on the effects of electoral politics the government policy to increase fuel prices. The survey of 1,200 respondents conducted at 18 to June 20, 2013 with a margin of error of 2.9 percent. The result, a majority of voters support parties that reject the fuel price hike is precisely the policy.
"As many as 77.56 percent of Democratic voters reject the fuel price hike. While 80.81 percent of Golkar voters also rejected the fuel price hike," said researcher LSI, Adjie Alfaraby, in a press conference at the Office of LSI, Rawamangun, East Jakarta, Sunday (23/6 / 2013).
Adjie rate, this condition is very alarming because a political party was formed as an extension of the aspirations of the people in parliament. However, the fuel price hike would indicate the gap between voters and political parties in the legislature.
"This suggests a gap between the aspirations of the party attitude, refused but supportive, the irony of our public policy," he said.
Here are the results of a survey of voters LSI political party coalition government that refused to hike fuel prices:
Democrats: 77.56 percent reject the fuel price hike.
Golkar voters: 80.81 percent reject the fuel price hike.
PPP voters: 82.06 percent reject the fuel price hike.
Voters PKB: 85.65 percent reject the fuel price hike.
PAN: 66.21 percent reject the fuel price hike.
Voters MCC: 82.56 percent reject the fuel price hike.
Indonesia in Focus: Partai koalisi penguasa yang dipimpin partai demok...
Indonesia in Focus: Partai koalisi penguasa yang dipimpin partai demok...: Partai koalisi penguasa yang dipimpin partai demokrat akan ditinggalkan para pemilihnya buktinya hasil survei membuktikan mereka menolak a...
Partai koalisi penguasa yang dipimpin partai demokrat akan ditinggalkan para pemilihnya buktinya hasil survei membuktikan mereka menolak adanya kenaikan bahan bakar minyak.
Partai koalisi penguasa yang dipimpin partai demokrat akan ditinggalkan para pemilihnya buktinya hasil survei membuktikan mereka menolak adanya kenaikan bahan bakar minyak.
Hasil jajak pendapat Lingkaran Survei Indonesia, sebanyak 86,6 persen responden menyatakan menolak jika harga bahan bakar minyak bersubsidi dinaikkan pemerintah. Hanya 11,26 persen setuju kenaikan dan sisanya, yakni 2,14 persen, tidak menjawab.
Hasil survei itu disampaikan Adjie Alfaraby, peneliti LSI, saat jumpa pers di Kantor LSI di Jakarta, Minggu (11/3/2012 ).
Survei itu dilakukan pada 5-8 Maret 2012 terhadap 440 responden yang dipilih secara random. Menurut Adjie, seluruh responden diberikan handset yang sudah diprogram untuk menjawab survei.
Adjie menjelaskan, responden yang menolak mayoritas di semua segmen ekonomi, lokasi tempat tinggal baik di desa maupun kota, jenis kelamin, level pendidikan, pendukung partai politik, ataupun pendukung calon presiden yang saat ini mencuat.
Tingginya penolakan terhadap kenaikan harga BBM juga terlihat dalam dua survei LSI sebelumnya. Adjie mengatakan, sebesar 82,3 persen responden menolak kenaikan harga BBM ketika suvei tahun 2005 dan sebesar 75,1 persen menolak pada tahun 2008 . "Yang paling ditolak adalah kenaikan harga Premium ketimbang Pertamax, Pertamax Plus, atau solar. Ini lumrah karena berdasar survei LSI, 71,1 persen publik menggunakan premium," tutur Adjie.
Seperti diberitakan, pemerintah berencana menaikkan harga BBM per 1 April 2012. Pemerintah telah mengajukan usulan kenaikan harga BBM bersubsidi Rp 1.500 per liter dalam Rancangan APBN Perubahan 2012.
Dalam RAPBN-P 2012, pemerintah mengusulkan asumsi harga minyak mentah Indonesia (ICP) dipatok 105 dollar AS per barrel. Namun, pemerintah minta diberi keleluasaan untuk kembali menaikkan harga premium dan solar jika perkembangan ICP mencapai 5 persen di atas asumsi ICP dalam APBN-P 2012.
Penolakan kebijakan kenaikan harga bahan bakar minyak (BBM) yang diambil pemerintah tak hanya datang dari konstituen partai politik yang berada di luar pemerintah. Penolakan ternyata juga datang dari pemilih partai politik yang menopang pemerintah, termasuk Partai Demokrat.
Hal tersebut terungkap dalam hasil survei yang dilakukan Lingkaran Survei Indonesia (LSI) tentang efek elektoral politik pemerintah terhadap kebijakan kenaikan harga BBM. Survei ini melibatkan 1.200 responden yang dilakukan pada 18 hingga 20 Juni 2013 dengan margin of error 2,9 persen. Hasilnya, mayoritas pemilih parpol yang mendukung kenaikan BBM justru menolak kebijakan tersebut.
"Sebanyak 77,56 persen pemilih Demokrat menolak kenaikan BBM. Sementara 80,81 persen pemilih Golkar juga menolak kenaikan harga BBM," kata peneliti LSI, Adjie Alfaraby, dalam konferensi pers di Kantor LSI, Rawamangun, Jakarta Timur, Minggu (23/6/2013).
Adjie menilai, kondisi seperti ini sangat memprihatinkan lantaran partai politik dibentuk sebagai kepanjangan tangan aspirasi rakyat di parlemen. Tetapi, kebijakan kenaikan harga BBM justru menunjukkan kesenjangan antara pemilih dan partai politik di legislatif.
"Hal ini menunjukkan adanya kesenjangan antara aspirasi dengan sikap partai, menolak tapi mendukung, ini ironi kebijakan publik kita," paparnya.
Berikut hasil survei LSI tentang pemilih partai politik koalisi pemerintah yang menolak kenaikan harga BBM:
Pemilih Demokrat: 77,56 persen menolak kenaikan harga BBM.
Pemilih Golkar: 80,81 persen menolak kenaikan harga BBM.
Pemilih PPP: 82,06 persen menolak kenaikan harga BBM.
Pemilih PKB: 85,65 persen menolak kenaikan harga BBM.
Pemilih PAN: 66,21 persen menolak kenaikan harga BBM.
Pemilih PKS: 82,56 persen menolak kenaikan harga BBM.
Friday, June 21, 2013
Indonesia in Focus: Pilgrimage ever crossed out, above the age of 75 y...
Indonesia in Focus: Pilgrimage ever crossed out, above the age of 75 y...: . Pilgrimage ever crossed out, above the age of 75 years and who uses a wheelchair delayed departure Hajj trip this year. Drektur Genera...
Indonesia in Focus: Indonesia in Focus: Indonesian econ...
Indonesia in Focus: Indonesia in Focus: Indonesian econ...: Indonesia in Focus: Indonesian economic power is still not able to pro... : Indonesian economic power is still not able to p...
Pilgrimage ever crossed out, above the age of 75 years and who uses a wheelchair delayed departure Hajj trip this year.
. Pilgrimage ever crossed out, above the age of 75 years and who uses a wheelchair delayed departure Hajj trip this year.
Drektur General of the Indonesian Ministry of Religious Affairs Haji Anggito Abhimanyu confirmed due to the quota reduction of approximately 20% of the government of Saudi Arabia, the government Insonesia decided that those who have never been on a pilgrimage, those aged over 75 years, and that involves their wheelchair will be delayed departure Hajj this year.
The impact of rising fuel prices hit almost all sectors of the economy. But there is one sector that is claimed not affected rising fuel prices, the Umrah sector. How can that be?
Director of Hajj and Umrah travel agency Maktour, Muhammad Rocky, said of the experience of previous years, the number of Umrah pilgrims not affected fuel price hike in the country. In fact, he said, the oppressed condition of the domestic economy umrah relatively fixed number of applicants.
This economic crisis experience 1997-1998. "I think when the economic crisis Umrah travel time would be hit. Eh was not," says Rocky on the press in Makkah on Friday (21/6). He joked as he continued, "The more difficult economic conditions that trigger him to one Umrah. Pray that success again," he said with a smile.
Umrah applicants from Indonesia is very much. On Friday morning until noon watchlist Republika example of Umrah pilgrims from Indonesia dominate participants tawaf. In addition to the frequency of flights from Jakarta to Makkah every day never diminished.
Noted there are 11 daily flights between the two cities. Each flight was almost always full. One plane generally contains 400 passengers. Rocky describes, for Maktour course per week dispatched two umrah group. Each group of as many as 150-200 people.
Ministry of Religious Affairs (MORA) formally approved the criteria RI hajj pilgrim candidates (calhaj) 2013, which delayed his departure for the Holy Land.
"However, this list was made while waiting for a response from the government of Saudi Arabia on the letter sent by President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono," said Director General Hajj and Umrah Organizers, Anggito Abhimanyu in MORA, Friday (21/6).
Calhaj criteria based PMA No. 62/2013 is the calhaj who have settled payments BPIH yet age 75 years and over.
"We were forced to apologize and their departure has been delayed due to security and safety reasons," said Anggito.
The second criterion is calhaj who have physical limitations that require tools. Anggito exemplifies those who fall into this category are a wheelchair user or a stick.
Calhaj criteria which would also delayed their departure is a pilgrimage that has been previously. However, this requirement does not apply to those who served as mentors Hajj or calhaj being mahram.
Anggito confirmed three criteria applicable to regular and special pilgrimage hajj. Implementation of these criteria will be determined by the provincial and city district. While travel agents are given the freedom to make cuts according to the criteria of pilgrims.
- One by one, the problem began to unfold due to the unilateral policies of Saudi Arabia this year's Hajj quota limit. Treasurer Haj Consul General in Jeddah expressed confusion about how the pilgrims advance lodgings and transport.
This is because the government of Indonesia is the first stage of an advance deposit to the landlady. While the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia recently announced it would cut 20 percent of Haj quota of each country at the beginning of this month. Terken 42.200 Indonesian pilgrims.
"We've put up the roughly 250 billion for this year's Hajj boarding," said Suyanto told reporters in Jeddah, Friday (21/6). The down payment, he continued, is likely to grow to be paid in the near future.
He estimates the condition no any policy of the government of Indonesia will then advance into the boardinghouse owner could increase to Rp 250 billion more for a total of Rp 500 billion.
With this incident Suyanto admitted there has been no discussion of solutions. Menag Suryadharma Ali and Director General Hajj and Umrah Anggito new Abhimanyu will leave for Jeddah on June 22. Both will meet representatives of the Kingdom of Saudi to talk about quotas and initial funding had gone into lodgings and transport.
Is the down payment can be withdrawn again? Suyanto shook his head. He said one possible solution is to ask the Kingdom of Saudi refund the amount of the down payment of 42.200 pilgrims boarding.
This, too, if approved Arabia. Or second solution, he said, the advances reported back for next year. If that is the problem will appear in the guest-house owners are expected to oppose.
Suyatno wish there was a win win situation for both countries as soon as possible.
Haram expansion process unfinished trimmed membuatkuota Hajj in 2013.
For comfort and absorption Muslims the hajj, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia decided to cut the entire Hajj quota countries in the world, including Indonesia.
Ministry of Religious Affairs establishes three criteria pilgrims who delayed his departure this year.
"This morning has been decided, there are three criteria that are set to be delayed his departure," said Director General Hajj and Umrah Kemenag Peneyelenggara Anggito Abhimanyu in a press conference on Hajj Pondok Gede, East Jakarta, Friday (21/6).
Three criteria, first, calhaj age above 75 years. Second, have physical limitations, eg using tools such as a wheelchair or cane. Third, for the pilgrimage ever unless she is supervising or yangberfungsi be mahram.
Pilgrims who meet all three criteria, postponed his departure and prioritized in 2014.
When can you know their names, can not provide certainty Anggito time.
Haram expansion reportedly completed in 2016.
Indonesia in Focus: Indonesian economic power is still not able to pro...
Indonesia in Focus: Indonesian economic power is still not able to pro...: Indonesian economic power is still not able to provide subsidies to people, so it was forced to raise the price of fuel will increase i...
Indonesia in Focus: Indonesia in Focus: Kekuatan ekonom...
Indonesia in Focus: Indonesia in Focus: Kekuatan ekonom...: Indonesia in Focus: Kekuatan ekonomi indonesia masih belum mampu membe... : Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono dan keluarga Kekuatan ...
Indonesian economic power is still not able to provide subsidies to people, so it was forced to raise the price of fuel will increase inflation and accused to hits lives of most people who do not have strong purchasing power and further complicate the lives of the farmers, fishermen, workers, and small traders.
Indonesian economic power is still not able to provide subsidies to people, so it was forced to raise the price of fuel will increase inflation and accused to hits lives of most people who do not have strong purchasing power and further complicate the lives of the farmers, fishermen, workers, and small traders.
The government finally decided to raise the price of fuel oil (BBM) subsidy of Rp 6,500 to Rp 5,500 types to premium and diesel per liter.The announcements were made at the office of Minister for Economic Affairs, Jl 2-4 East Jakarta Banteng.
A total of 22 ministers attended the announcement of the subsidized fuel price increases, including Coordinating Minister for Economy Hatta Rajasa M, M Chatib Basri Minister of Finance, Minister for National Development Planning / Head of Bappenas Armida Alisjahbana.Announcement of the increase was read by Minister Jero Wacik.
Meanwhile, Coordinating Minister for the Economy Hatta Rajasa M said in his explanation of subsidized fuel prices had to be raised so that the load is not too heavy budget."It's also to keep our economy as a whole. Global economic crisis we have experienced. Rise in world oil prices and fuel consumption and declining oil production could potentially increase the fuel subsidy," he said on Friday (06/21/2013) night
.In the 2013 state budget posture, state revenue is Rp 1.502 trillion from Rp 1,488 the previous government filings trillion. Meanwhile, state spending in the state budget approved Rp 1.726 trillion in 2013, which included a central government expenditure of Rp 1,196 trillion.
The energy budget for fuel subsidies in the state budget in 2013 agreed to Rp 199.850 trillion, while the electricity subsidy of Rp 99.8 trillion.Although there was an increase in subsidized fuel prices, increased allocation of subsidy budget of Rp 30.9 trillion.
This is due to changes in the parameters that are used as the basis for calculating energy subsidies, such as the volume of subsidized fuel consumption.President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono wrote that the price of fuel oil (BBM) subsidy had to go up."After the last 2 years the government not to raise subsidized fuel prices despite very swollen, this time had to be increased," wrote SBY in the social networking accounts, Twitter, Friday (21/06/2013) morning.
President mentioned, the subsidized fuel price hike is a bitter decision. "However, we must take. I do not want our economy to be worse and eventually complicate people's lives," he wrote."If I do not raise fuel prices as calculating the costs and benefits in terms of politics, the burden of the future we will only continue to grow," he wrote again.Reduction of fuel subsidies, he added, is to save the Indonesian economy.
"For the money the state can not afford to help people and building infrastructure," said SBY.Student community action roadblocks on foot in the area of Jalan Dago, Bandung, West Java, on Friday (06/21/2013) night.
Action was marred by burning tires. Severe congestion occurs along the segment Dago Bandung (city center) result from this action.Student action begins with a circular SMS among students who also received reporters. SMS contains an invitation to fight (fight) against the fuel price increase.
Through SMS, students Bandung invite other student community took to the streets, and choose the action near the ITB campus wearing a suit alma mater.Started at about 20:00 pm, the students master one of the existing two-lane road. The police arrive 15 minutes after the action began.
Until 21:00, the students are still quite free to carry out the action in spite of the vehicle and traffic had circled the entrance hall.However, information about fuel prices will rise at 22:00 pm has also resulted in snaking lines at the pump. At Jalan RE Martadinata, for example, the line snaking from 18:00 pm. The length of the line up to the intersection before the pump.Police officers look on guard, as has been promised by the West Java Police Chief Inspector General Suhardi Alius.
He said the police would keep the pump until the security conditions conducive considered related to rising fuel prices.Special Presidential Economic Staff Firmanzah tell us why President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono is not announced a price increase of fuel oil (BBM) subsidy directly. According to him, the increase was to be announced by ministers. Because the increase is regulated by Regulation of the Minister (Candy)."Kan is regulated by Regulation of the Minister of Energy. So, retail fuel prices," said Firmanzah after as a speaker in a discussion titled Effectiveness BLSM in various regions in the Houses of Parliament, in Jakarta, Friday (21/06/2013).
However, Firmanzah not sure who the minister will announce the subsidized fuel price hike. However, assumptions, Coordinating Minister for the Economy Hatta Rajasa or the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM)
Wacik will announce it.Previously, the House of Representatives plenary session, held on Monday, June 17, 2013 approved the Act (the Act) Budget Amendment 2013 that one of the article contains the fuel subsidy budget reductions. In the Law, also allocated funds amounting to Rp 9 trillion for subsidized fuel compensation.Government still raise subsidized fuel prices despite rejection so great turmoil.
The reason the government is to rescue the country's finances.Bung Karno University students held a anarchistic action, Friday (06/21/2013) night, before the implementation of the increase in fuel prices. In the middle of a rally, they undermine public facilities, even burn police station in Jalan Diponegoro, Central Jakarta.The incident began when dozens of students began to protest with back cover Jalan Diponegoro.
They burned tires and began doing speeches around 20:30 pm, Friday (21/06/2013).At approximately 22:40 pm, a dozen police officers started going loksi. Officers came from the direction of Jalan Imam Bonjol leads to Jalan Diponegoro, precisely in front Megaria.Saw the officer arrived, the student "agent of change" that began violent.
They began pelting officers with rocks, Molotov cocktails, and even fireworks.Outnumbered the police to retreat. Seeing the police retreated, the students still chasing police.Besides pelted officers, students also damaged some public facilities, such as pots that were in the park in front of the median Megaria.All the little pots in the garden destroyed.
Garden grass too many have been on the streets. Even students pelted one office building that was nearby by using stones and fireworks.Student fury peak occurs when they set fire to a police station in Jalan Diponegoro. They menimpuki post with a variety of objects so that the glass is broken post.
Situation more tense when the police station was finally caught fire after fireworks were thrown endlessly students at him.After that, the students return to their protest in front of the Legal Aid Institute (LBH) Jakarta. They continued giving speeches. When the Jalan Diponegoro was closed from Jalan Imam Bonjol.Students went back to burning tires in the middle of the street and screaming.
The streets were already filled with glass and stone mess.Hundreds of police officers dressed in full, powered barracuda car, came in at 23:30 pm. Again, the police ditimpuki.This time around, the police throw replied with teargas. Students who had anarchistic act suddenly scattered ran to their campus at Jalan Chemistry.Meanwhile, tear gas smoke fired by police mengabutkan Jalan Diponegoro.
Moreover, the police then fired tear gas towards Jalan Chemistry and sweeping towards the students.None of the students were arrested by the police at this location. Only about 00.00 pm the situation calmed down. However, police officers are still on guard.Around 00.30 pm the police then left the site by using dozens tronton while opening access Jalan Diponegoro.
Residents around the scene was immediately comply.UBK student anarchistic action is not the first time this has happened within the past week. They have three times clashed with police officers in the same location, since the government decided to raise subsidized fuel prices earlier this week.Not only the police, they are also often attacked motorists passing vehicles. Current condition of Jalan Diponegoro is still a mess.
Glass and stone that meets the road is still not cleared.Police officers allegedly used live ammunition when disperse demonstrations against rising fuel prices held students of the Institute of Social and Political Sciences, Jakarta, Saturday (06/22/2013) morning.
Shell casings found at the scene.Chairman of the Executive Board of Students IISIP, Tintus Formancius, explains, the original shell casings were found in front of the residents around the campus gate IISIP. Gold-colored shell casings with a size of about 2 inches that was given to students
."This suggests to us the police action is a violation of human rights," said Tintus, while showing the bullet casings. He questioned the existence of the shell casings at the location of the campus student protests.Tintus sure it is owned by the police evidence.
He also asked the police officers to explain the findings in the national media as soon as possible. "What if the bullet hit residents or students. Did it include police procedure, it should be explained," he continued.Previously reported, protests the rejection of fuel price increases by dozens of students IISIP on Highway Lanteng Agung, South Jakarta, led to clashes. In the period at 02.00 am until 03.00 pm, there were at least two times between students and riot police armed to the teeth.
Tear gas fired by police as well as to the people living around the campus. No doubt, the unrest had spread not only between students and police, but also between local residents and police. New chaos subsides around 03.00 am. Good students, residents, and police later withdrew each.
Indonesia in Focus: Kekuatan ekonomi indonesia masih belum mampu membe...
Indonesia in Focus: Kekuatan ekonomi indonesia masih belum mampu membe...: Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono dan keluarga Kekuatan ekonomi indonesia masih belum mampu memberikan subsidi kepada rakyatnya, sehingga terpak...
Kekuatan ekonomi indonesia masih belum mampu memberikan subsidi kepada rakyatnya, sehingga terpaksa harus menaikkan harga bahan bakar minyak yang dituding akan meningkatkan inflasi dan semakinmencekik kehidupan sebagian besar rakyatnya yang belum memiliki daya beli yang kuat dan semakin menyulitkan kehidupan para petani, nelayan, kaum buruh, dan pedagang kecil.
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Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono dan keluarga |
Pemerintah akhirnya memutuskan untuk menaikkan harga bahan bakar minyak (BBM) bersubsidi sebesar Rp 6.500 untuk jenis premium dan Rp 5.500 untuk solar per liter.
Pengumuman dilakukan di kantor Menko Perekonomian, Jl Lapangan Banteng Timur 2-4 Jakarta. Sebanyak 22 menteri hadir dalam pengumuman kenaikan harga BBM bersubsidi itu, di antaranya Menko Ekonomi M Hatta Rajasa, Menteri Keuangan M Chatib Basri, Menteri Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional/ Kepala Bappenas Armida Alisjahbana.
Pengumuman kenaikan dibacakan oleh Menteri ESDM Jero Wacik. Sementara itu, Menko Perekonomian M Hatta Rajasa dalam penjelasannya mengatakan harga BBM bersubsidi memang harus dinaikkan agar beban APBN tidak terlalu berat.
"Ini juga untuk menjaga perekonomian kita secara keseluruhan. Krisis ekonomi global telah kita rasakan. Naiknya harga minyak dunia dan konsumsi BBM dan menurunnya produksi minyak berpotensi meningkatnya subsidi BBM," ujarnya, Jumat (21/6/2013) malam.
Dalam postur APBN-P 2013, pendapatan negara ditetapkan sebesar Rp 1.502 triliun dari pengajuan pemerintah sebelumnya Rp 1.488 triliun. Sementara itu untuk belanja negara dalam APBN-P 2013 disepakati Rp 1.726 triliun, yang di dalamnya terdapat belanja pemerintah pusat Rp 1.196 triliun.
Adapun anggaran subsidi energi untuk BBM pada APBN-P 2013 disepakati menjadi Rp 199,850 triliun, sedangkan subsidi listrik Rp 99,8 triliun.
Meskipun ada kenaikan harga BBM bersubsidi, alokasi anggaran belanja subsidi meningkat Rp 30,9 triliun. Hal ini disebabkan adanya perubahan parameter yang digunakan sebagai basis perhitungan subsidi energi, seperti volume konsumsi BBM bersubsidi.
Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono menulis bahwa harga bahan bakar minyak (BBM) bersubsidi terpaksa naik.
"Setelah 2 tahun pemerintah bertahan untuk tidak naikkan harga BBM meskipun subsidi sangat membengkak, kali ini terpaksa dinaikkan," tulis SBY dalam akun jejaring sosial, Twitter, Jumat (21/6/2013) pagi.
Presiden menyebutkan, kenaikan harga BBM bersubsidi ini merupakan keputusan yang pahit. "Tetapi, harus kita ambil. Saya tidak ingin ekonomi kita menjadi buruk & akhirnya menyulitkan kehidupan rakyat," tulisnya.
"Jika saya tidak naikkan harga BBM karena berhitung untung rugi dari segi politik, beban kita ke depan justru akan terus bertambah," tulisnya lagi.
Pengurangan subsidi BBM, lanjut Presiden, adalah untuk menyelamatkan ekonomi Indonesia. "Agar uang negara bisa untuk bantu rakyat tidak mampu & bangun infrastruktur," sebut SBY.
Komunitas mahasiswa melakukan aksi blokade jalan dengan berjalan kaki di kawasan Jalan Dago, Bandung, Jawa Barat, Jumat (21/6/2013) malam. Aksi itu diwarnai pembakaran ban. Kemacetan parah terjadi di sepanjang ruas Dago Bandung (pusat kota) akibat dari aksi ini.
Aksi mahasiswa diawali dengan edaran SMS di kalangan mahasiswa yang juga diterima wartawan. SMS berisi ajakan untuk fight (bertarung) melawan kebijakan menaikkan harga BBM. Melalui SMS tersebut, mahasiswa Bandung mengajak komunitas mahasiswa lainnya turun ke jalan, dan memilih aksi di dekat kampus ITB dengan mengenakan jas almamater.
Dimulai sekitar pukul 20.00 WIB, para mahasiswa menguasai satu dari dua jalur jalan yang ada. Polisi datang 15 menit setelah aksi dimulai. Sampai pukul 21.00, mahasiswa masih cukup leluasa menjalankan aksinya kendati kendaraan dan lalu lintas harus memutari jalan masuk gang.
Namun, informasi perihal bakal naiknya harga BBM pada pukul 22.00 WIB juga telah mengakibatkan antrean mengular di SPBU. Di Jalan RE Martadinata, misalnya, antrean mengular sejak pukul 18.00 WIB. Panjangnya antrean sampai ke perempatan sebelum SPBU.
Aparat kepolisian tampak berjaga-jaga, sebagaimana telah dijanjikan oleh Kapolda Jawa Barat Irjen Suhardi Alius. Dia mengatakan, kepolisian akan menjaga SPBU hingga kondisi keamanan dianggap kondusif terkait kenaikan harga BBM ini.
Staf Khusus Presiden Bidang Ekonomi Firmanzah menyampaikan alasan Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono yang tidak mengumumkan kenaikan harga bahan bakar minyak (BBM) bersubsidi secara langsung. Menurutnya, kenaikan itu akan diumumkan oleh menteri. Pasalnya, kenaikan tersebut diatur melalui Peraturan Menteri (Permen).
"Kan itu diatur melalui Peraturan Menteri ESDM. Jadi, harga BBM eceran," kata Firmanzah seusai menjadi pembicara dalam diskusi bertajuk Efektivitas BLSM di Daerah di Gedung Parlemen, Jakarta, Jumat (21/6/2013).
Namun, Firmanzah belum bisa memastikan siapa menteri yang akan mengumumkan kenaikan harga BBM bersubsidi. Tetapi, asumsinya, Menteri Koordinator Perekonomian Hatta Rajasa atau Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Jero Wacik yang akan mengumumkannya.
Sebelumnya, rapat paripurna DPR RI yang digelar pada Senin 17 Juni 2013 menyetujui Undang-Undang (UU) APBN Perubahan 2013 yang salah satu pasalnya berisi mengenai pengurangan anggaran subsidi BBM. Dalam UU itu, juga teralokasi dana sebesar Rp 9 triliun untuk kompensasi kenaikan BBM bersubsidi.
Pemerintah tetap menaikkan harga BBM bersubsidi walau gejolak penolakan begitu besar. Alasan pemerintah adalah untuk menyelematkan keuangan negara.
Mahasiswa Universitas Bung Karno kembali menggelar aksi anarkistis, Jumat (21/6/2013) malam, menjelang pemberlakuan kenaikan harga bahan bakar minyak. Di tengah unjuk rasa, mereka merusak fasilitas umum, bahkan membakar pos polisi di Jalan Diponegoro, Jakarta Pusat.
Kejadian bermula saat puluhan mahasiswa mulai melakukan aksi unjuk rasa dengan kembali menutup Jalan Diponegoro. Mereka membakar ban dan mulai melakukan orasi sekitar pukul 20.30 WIB, Jumat (21/6/2013).
Sekitar pukul 22.40 WIB, belasan petugas polisi mulai mendatangi loksi. Petugas datang dari arah Jalan Imam Bonjol mengarah ke Jalan Diponegoro, tepatnya di depan Megaria.
Melihat petugas berdatangan, para mahasiswa "agen perubahan" itu mulai beringas. Mereka mulai melempari petugas dengan batu, bom molotov, bahkan kembang api.
Kalah jumlah, polisi memilih mundur. Melihat polisi mundur, para mahasiswa masih terus mengejar polisi.
Selain melempari petugas, mahasiswa juga merusak beberapa fasilitas umum, seperti pot-pot yang berada di taman median di depan Megaria.
Semua pot di taman kecil itu hancur berantakan. Rumput-rumput taman pun sudah banyak yang berada di jalanan. Bahkan mahasiswa melempari salah satu gedung kantor yang berada di dekatnya dengan menggunakan batu dan kembang api.
Puncak keberingasan mahasiswa terjadi ketika mereka membakar satu pos polisi di Jalan Diponegoro. Mereka menimpuki pos dengan beragam benda sehingga kaca-kaca pos tersebut pecah. Keadaan makin mencekam ketika pos polisi tersebut akhirnya terbakar setelah petasan tak henti dilemparkan mahasiswa ke arahnya.
Setelah itu, mahasiswa kembali ke tempat mereka berdemo di depan gedung Lembaga Bantuan Hukum (LBH) Jakarta. Mereka pun melanjutkan berorasi. Ketika itu Jalan Diponegoro sudah ditutup mulai dari Jalan Imam Bonjol.
Mahasiswa pun kembali membakar ban bekas di tengah jalan dan berteriak-teriak. Jalanan yang sudah berantakan dipenuhi beling dan batu.
Ratusan petugas kepolisian berpakaian lengkap, didukung mobil barakuda, datang pada pukul 23.30 WIB. Lagi-lagi, para polisi ditimpuki.
Kali ini, polisi membalas lemparan tersebut dengan tembakan gas air mata. Mahasiswa yang tadinya bertindak anarkistis sontak berhamburan berlari menuju kampus mereka di Jalan Kimia.
Sementara itu, asap gas air mata yang ditembakkan polisi mengabutkan Jalan Diponegoro. Apalagi kemudian polisi juga menembakkan gas air mata ke arah Jalan Kimia dan melakukan sweeping terhadap mahasiswa.
Tak ada satu pun mahasiswa yang tertangkap polisi di lokasi ini. Baru sekitar pukul 00.00 WIB situasi kembali tenang. Tetapi, petugas kepolisian masih berjaga.
Sekitar pukul 00.30 WIB barulah polisi meninggalkan lokasi dengan menggunakan puluhan tronton sembari membuka akses Jalan Diponegoro. Warga sekitar pun langsung memenuhi lokasi kejadian.
Aksi anarkistis mahasiswa UBK ini bukan pertama kali terjadi dalam kurun sepekan terakhir. Mereka sudah tiga kali bentrok dengan petugas kepolisian di lokasi yang sama, sejak pemerintah memutuskan menaikkan harga BBM bersubsidi pada awal pekan ini.
Tidak hanya dengan kepolisian, mereka juga kerap menyerang pengendara kendaraan yang melintas. Saat ini kondisi Jalan Diponegoro masih berantakan. Beling dan batu yang memenuhi jalan masih belum dibersihkan.
Aparat kepolisian diduga memakai peluru tajam saat membubarkan demonstrasi menentang kenaikan harga bahan bakar minyak yang digelar mahasiswa Institut Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik, Jakarta, Sabtu (22/6/2013) dini hari. Selongsong peluru ditemukan di lokasi.
Ketua Badan Eksekutif Mahasiswa IISIP, Tintus Formancius, menjelaskan, semula selongsong peluru tersebut ditemukan warga sekitar di depan pintu gerbang kampus IISIP. Selongsong peluru berwarna emas dengan ukuran sekitar 2 sentimeter itu pun diberikan kepada mahasiswa.
"Ini menunjukkan tindakan aparat kepolisian kepada kami merupakan pelanggaran hak asasi manusia," ujar Tintus, sembari menunjukkan selongsong peluru itu. Dia mempertanyakan keberadaan selongsong peluru tersebut di lokasi unjuk rasa mahasiswa kampusnya.
Tintus yakin bukti itu adalah milik polisi. Dia pun meminta petinggi kepolisian menjelaskan temuan tersebut di depan media massa nasional sesegera mungkin. "Bagaimana jika peluru tersebut terkena warga atau mahasiswa. Apakah itu termasuk prosedur kepolisian, itu yang harus dijelaskan," lanjutnya.
Sebelumnya diberitakan, unjuk rasa penolakan kenaikan harga bahan bakar minyak oleh puluhan mahasiswa IISIP di Jalan Raya Lenteng Agung, Jakarta Selatan, berujung bentrok. Dalam kurun waktu pukul 02.00 WIB hingga pukul 03.00 WIB, setidaknya terjadi dua kali kericuhan antara mahasiswa dan aparat polisi bersenjata lengkap.
Gas air mata yang ditembakkan kepolisian juga mengenai masyarakat yang bermukim di sekitar kampus. Tak ayal, kericuhan pun meluas tidak hanya antara mahasiswa dan polisi, tetapi juga antara warga sekitar dan polisi. Kericuhan baru reda sekitar pukul 03.00 WIB. Baik mahasiswa, warga, maupun polisi kemudian masing-masing menarik diri.
Indonesia in Focus: yang pernah naik haji dicoret, diatas usia 75 tahu...
Indonesia in Focus: yang pernah naik haji dicoret, diatas usia 75 tahu...: yang pernah naik haji dicoret, diatas usia 75 tahun dan yang menggunakan kursi roda ditunda keberangkatan perjalanan hajinya tahun ini. ...
yang pernah naik haji dicoret, diatas usia 75 tahun dan yang menggunakan kursi roda ditunda keberangkatan perjalanan hajinya tahun ini.
yang pernah naik haji dicoret, diatas usia 75 tahun dan yang menggunakan kursi roda ditunda keberangkatan perjalanan hajinya tahun ini.
Drektur Jenderal Urusan Haji Departemen Agama Indonesia Anggito Abimanyu menegaskan akibat pengurangan kuota sekitar 20% dari pemerintah Arab Saudi, maka pemerintah Insonesia memutuskan bahwa mereka yang sudah pernah naik haji, mereka yang berusia di atas 75 tahun, dan mereka yang mennggunakan kursi roda akan ditunda keberangkatan hajinya tahun ini.
Dampak kenaikan harga BBM menerpa hampir seluruh sektor ekonomi. Namun ada satu sektor yang mengeklaim tidak terpengaruh kenaikan harga BBM, yaitu sektor umrah. Bagaimana bisa?
Direktur biro perjalanan haji dan umrah Maktour, Muhammad Rocky, mengatakan dari pengalaman tahun tahun sebelumnya, jumlah jamaah umrah tidak terpengaruh kenaikan harga BBM di dalam negeri. Malah, kata dia, makin terhimpit kondisi ekonomi dalam negeri jumlah peminat umrah relatif tetap.
Ini berkaca pada pengalaman krisis ekonomi 1997-1998. "Saya kira ketika krisis ekonomi waktu itu perjalanan umrah akan terpukul. Eh ternyata tidak," kata Rocky pada pers di Makkah, Jumat (21/6). Sambil berkelakar ia melanjutkan, "Makin susah kondisi ekonomi seseorang itu memicu dia untuk umrah. Berdoa agar sukses lagi," katanya sambil tersenyum.
Peminat umrah dari Indonesia memang sangat banyak. Pada Jumat pagi sampai siang misalnya dari pantauan Republika jamaah umrah asal Indonesia mendominasi peserta tawaf. Selain itu frekwensi penerbangan Jakarta-Makkah saban hari tak pernah berkurang.
Tercatat ada 11 penerbangan tiap hari antara kedua kota. Tiap penerbangan nyaris selalu penuh. Satu pesawat umumnya berisi 400-an penumpang. Rocky menggambarkan, untuk Maktour saja per pekan memberangkatkan dua rombongan umrah. Setiap rombongan sebanyak 150-200 orang.
Kementerian Agama (Kemenag) RI resmi mengesahkan kriteria jamaah calon haji (calhaj) 2013 yang tertunda keberangkatannya ke Tanah Suci.
"Namun, daftar ini dibuat sambil menunggu respons dari pemerintah Saudi Arabia atas surat yang dikirimkan Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono," kata Dirjen Penyelenggara Haji dan Umrah, Anggito Abimanyu di Kemenag, Jumat (21/6).
Kriteria calhaj berdasarkan PMA no 62/2013 adalah para calhaj yang sudah melunasi pembayaran BPIH namun usianya 75 tahun ke atas.
"Kami terpaksa dan mohon maaf keberangkatan mereka harus ditunda karena dengan alasan keamanan dan keselamatan," ujar Anggito.
Kriteria kedua adalah calhaj yang memiliki keterbatasan fisik sehingga membutuhkan alat bantu. Anggito mencontohkan mereka yang masuk kategori ini adalah pengguna kursi roda atau tongkat.
Kriteria calhaj yang juga akan tertunda keberangkatannya adalah mereka yang sudah berhaji sebelumnya. Hanya saja, syarat ini tidak berlaku bagi mereka yang bertugas sebagai pembimbing haji atau calhaj yang menjadi mahram.
Anggito menegaskan ketiga kriteria itu berlaku bagi haji reguler dan haji khusus. Pelaksanaan kriteria ini akan ditentukan oleh provinsi dan kabupaten kota. Sementara biro-biro perjalanan diberi kebebasan untuk melakukan pemotongan sesuai kriteria tersebut pada jamaah.
- Satu demi satu masalah mulai terkuak akibat kebijakan sepihak Arab Saudi membatasi kuota haji tahun ini. Bendahara Haji Konjen RI di Jeddah menyatakan bingung soal penyelesaian uang muka pondokan haji dan transportasi.
Ini karena pemerintah RI sudah menyetor uang muka tahap pertama ke pemilik pondokan. Sementara Kerajaan Arab Saudi baru mengumumkan akan memangkas 20 persen kuota haji dari masing masing negara di awal bulan ini. Indonesia terken 42.200 jamaah.
"Kami sudah menyetor kira-kira 250 miliar untuk pemondokan haji tahun ini," kata Suyatno kepada pers di Jeddah, Jumat (21/6). Uang muka itu, sambung dia, kemungkinan akan bertambah yang harus disetor dalam waktu dekat.
Ia memperkirakan dengan kondisi belum ada kebijakan apapun dari pemerintah RI maka uang muka yang akan masuk ke pemilik pemondokan bisa bertambah Rp 250 miliar lagi sehingga total Rp 500 miliar.
Dengan kejadian ini Suyatno mengaku belum ada pembahasan solusi. Menag Suryadharma Ali dan Dirjen Haji dan Umrah Anggito Abimanyu baru akan bertolak ke Jeddah pada 22 Juni. Keduanya akan bertemu perwakilan Kerajaan Arab untuk membicarakan soal kuota dan dana awal yang sudah masuk ke pemondokan dan transportasi.
Apakah uang muka itu bisa ditarik lagi? Suyatno menggeleng. Ia mengatakan salah satu solusi yang memungkinkan adalah meminta Kerajaan Saudi mengembalikan jumlah uang muka pemondokan dari 42.200 jamaah.
Inipun kalau disetujui Saudi. Atau solusi kedua, katanya, uang muka itu dilansir ke belakang untuk tahun selanjutnya. Kalau yang ini masalah akan muncul di pemilik pemondokan yang diduga akan menentang.
Suyatno berharap ada win win solution secepatnya untuk kedua negara.
proses perluasan Masjidil Haram yang belum selesai membuatkuota haji tahun 2013 dipangkas.
Demi kenyamanan dan kekhusyukan kaum Muslim beribadah haji, Kerajaan Arab Saudi memutuskan memangkas kuota haji seluruh negara di dunia, tak terkecuali Indonesia.
Kementerian Agama menetapkan tiga kriteria calon jamaah haji yang ditunda keberangkatannya pada tahun ini.
"Tadi pagi sudah diputuskan, ada tiga kriteria yang ditetapkan untuk ditunda keberangkatannya," kata Dirjen Peneyelenggara Haji dan Umrah Kemenag Anggito Abimanyu dalam jumpa pers di Asrama Haji Pondok Gede, Jakarta Timur, Jumat (21/6).
Tiga kriteria itu, pertama, usia calhaj di atas 75 tahun. Kedua, memiliki keterbatasan fisik, misalkan menggunakan alat bantu seperti kursi roda atau tongkat. Ketiga, bagi yang pernah naik haji kecuali dia adalah pembimbing atau yangberfungsi menjadi mahram.
Jamaah yang memenuhi ketiga kriteria itu, ditunda keberangkatannya dan diprioritaskan pada tahun 2014.
Kapan bisa diketahui nama-namanya, Anggito belum bisa memberikan kepastian waktunya.
Perluasan Masjidil Haram kabarnya baru tuntas pada 2016.
Friday, June 14, 2013
Indonesia in Focus: Durability Exam rupiah against foreign currencies,...
Indonesia in Focus: Durability Exam rupiah against foreign currencies,...: Durability Exam rupiah against foreign curr encies , especially the U.S. dollar , will continue to be tested , Thursday ( 13/06...
Durability Exam rupiah against foreign currencies, especially the U.S. dollar, will continue to be tested, Thursday (13/06/2013). Although still able to continue to survive in the range of USD 9800's, the rupiah against the U.S. dollar is still considered vulnerable to "qualify" at Rp 10,000 per U.S. dollar.
Durability Exam rupiah against foreign curr
encies, especially the U.S. dollar, will continue to be tested, Thursday (13/06/2013). Although still able to continue to survive in the range of USD 9800's, the rupiah against the U.S. dollar is still considered vulnerable to "qualify" at Rp 10,000 per U.S. dollar.
Bank Indonesia efforts to bring under Rp 9,900 rupiah per U.S. dollar is still underway. At the close of trading yesterday, the rupiah stood at Rp 9,861 per U.S. dollar, according to Bloomberg median rate. BI intervention managed to bring the value of the rupiah strengthened from the previous trading day, amid a weakening Asian currencies. Strengthening exchanges also occurred in Indonesia. The index closed up 4697.88 (1.9 percent) when most of the Asian markets fell.
Meanwhile, the weakening also occurs in the U.S. and European markets overnight. 10-year bond yield rose to 2.219 percent. However, the index still recorded negative Asian futures. This is according to economist Samuel Securities Indonesia, Lana Soelistianingsih, possible consequences ongoing correction in the Asian market.
About the exchange rate, Lana said, his position is still vulnerable. Although the rupiah can be covered under Rp 9,900 per U.S. dollar, but still traded in a daily trading above USD 10,000 per U.S. dollar. "Still at the level of cartilage that is troubling," he said.
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