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Thursday, April 3, 2014

Campaign Democrat , SBY reign Display Success

 Campaign Democrat , SBY reign Display Success

Democratic Party Chairman Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono in the Democratic campaign in Jakarta , Thursday ( 3/4 ) describe the successes achieved by the government during the last 10 years .

 Democratic Party Chairman Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono in the Democratic campaign in JI Expo Kemayoran - Jakarta, Thursday ( 3/4 ) , exposing the government 's success over the last 10 years . Through graphics displayed on two large screens , Yudhoyono reveal the success of poverty reduction , decreasing the ratio of foreign debt and a few other things .

Yudhoyono said , " Poverty 19.1 % in 2000 . I received 16.7 % of the previous administration . Coming increases when we raise the price of fuel to 150% due to the fuel crisis of that time. , But after that kept us down gradually . And now is at rate 11.47 % . while foreign debt ratio continues to decline . 27.8 % in 2004 , 7.8 % is now live . Next again our state budget , at the end of the term of office pack and pack Habibie Harto our state budget of Rp 204 trillion . akir tenure Wahid and Megawati administration of our state budget of Rp 403 trillion . and now reached Rp 1,657 trillion . "

Yudhoyono criticized some of the jargon of some party campaign for a change in Indonesian movement . However, according to the President during the two periods of the Democratic party , it is only a political slogan , without offering concrete solutions as to what changes .

" Let us specify the changes and improvements that have not been good . , But is already well and felt by the people why waste must be disposed of and replaced or modified ? Like what it changes ? Screaming You change change change . , But what kind of change ? , "said Yudhoyono .

At the end of his campaign , Yudhoyono in Indonesia invites voters to choose Democrats back in power .

" The term we use , we have given a lot of evidence and not just good promise . Now we invite people to assess whether major goals that have been achieved for nearly 10 years . Though a number of objectives have not been fully achieved , but would not it be a lot that we have achieved and produce. then the No. 7 pick Democrat because we have a solution , we have a direction , we have a policy and we have plans for the next 5 years , "said Yudhoyono .

Convention participants Democratic Presidential Candidate , Pramod Edhie Wibowo optimistic in the April 9 legislative elections later , the Democrats can reach 20 % acquisition of sound . He denied suggestions that various groups calling Democrats the vote will be mired in legislative elections .

Pramod said , " So I believe that what is written electability low democrat can we see later on April 9 . The work of our cadres good one . I remain optimistic we can be 20 % so that it can ask the presidential candidates . , But if not then we are talking about later . "

Political observers of the Indonesian Institute of Sciences Siti Zuhro not sure Democrats can get in on the big 3 of the vote in the April 9 legislative elections later . According to him it is certainly related to the involvement of some officials in the party cadre corruption .

" I am personally not sure yes ( Democrats ) can get in the top three . Democrats can get away in the middle position is good yes . Range ( position ) five or seven it is good. Because it was likely to decline sharply in line with the case law faced by the cadre . And also linked to the performance of the current government also contributed the vote democrat party in the 2014 elections , "says Siti Zuhro .VOA

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