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Monday, April 29, 2013
Dilema politik di Indonesia: Sistem Politik yang belum bisa membendung Korupsi Politik. Oleh: Muhammad Jusuf*
Dilema politik di Indonesia: Sistem Politik yang belum bisa membendung Korupsi Politik.
Oleh: Muhammad Jusuf*
Baru saja Komisi Pemilihan Umum (KPU) menerima daftar calon anggota Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat (DPR) dari sebelas partai politik yang berhak ikut pemilu Presiden dan anggota DPR yang dijadwalkan tahun 2014 mendatang.
Sejak reformasi politik di Indonesia pemilihan anggota DPR tidak lagi ditentukan pimpinan Partai Politik lagi, tapi langsung oleh rakyat lewat pemilu. Proses ini juga berlaku untuk pemilihan calon Gubernur, Bupati dan Walikota.
Dari sistem politik ini kita berharap bisa dihasilkan para pemimpin yang bersih dan berdedikasi untuk mensejahteraan rakyat. Tapi ternyata banyak sekali Gubernur, Bpati dan Walikota termasuk anggota DPR yang terjerat kasus pidana korupsi baik yang dijerat oleh Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK), Polisi atau Kejaksaan.
Tidak disangka mereka banyak yang tersangkut hukum karena menjadi tersangka kasus korupsi. Ini terjadi konon (saya menggunakan istilah konon ,karena informasi ini harus dibuktikan lagi oleh KPK, Polisi dan Kejaksaan) karena informasi ini saya tulis berdasarkan cerita dari para kandidat itu sendiri, anngota tim sukses, maupun anngota masyarakat lain. Proses awal untuk menjadi Gubernur, Bupati, Walikota maupun an, anggota DPR cukup besar, sehinnga ketika mereka menjabat menjadi Gubernur, Walikota maupun anggota DPR tergoda untuk mencari jalur cepat (Korupsi) untuk mana mengembalikan dana yang telah mereka keluarkan, atau untuk mengembalikan utang-utang dari pihak ketiga karena berani memodali calon kandidat dengan utangnya.
Biasanya bila kandidat merupakan kader dari partai politik yang bersan
gkutan tidak sebesar dana yang harus dikeluarkan bila calon kandidat bukan berasal dari partai politik.
Seorang kandidat bila maju ingin menjadi Bupati harus diusung partai pilitik yang memiliki kursi di DPR atau DPRD. Sehingga jauh sebelum seorang kandidai mendaftarkan diri di KPU atau KPUD harus sudah dapat dukungan dari partai politik yang memiliki kursi yang cukup di DPR atau DPRD. Bila satu partai tidak memiliki cukup kursi ,maka seorang kandidat akan akan memburu partai lain walaupun partai kecil yang ngak memiliki kursi, karena akumulasi suara pemilih bisa dihitung menjadi kursi.
Berapa dana yang harus dikeluarkan seorang kandidat agar bisa terpilih agar dapat diusung oleh partai politik. Biasanya proses pemilihan kandidat calon Gubernur, Bupati ,Walikota tetap melului jalur kongres atau jalur proses prosedur partai semacam Fit dan Proper test. Tapi ini konon hanya formalitas belaka, walaupun kandidat telah membeberkan visi dan misinya di raker atau kongres partai tetap saja mereka seperti tender dagang sapi, misalnya bila ada calon Bupati menyanggupi membayar Rp 25 miliar untuk pencalonannya menjadi seorang Bupati, walaupun kandidat Wakil Bupati adalah dari kader partai yang bersangkutan, tetap saja kandidat lain yang hanya sanggup setengahnya atau sepertiganya akan gugur.
Belum lagi pengeluaran dana yang harus dikeluarkan untuk ‘’membeli” partai-partai kecil lain.
Bukan itu saja, seorang kandidat juga biasanya banyak mengeluarkan dana untuk mengambil hati rakyat walau dibungkus bakti sosial swperti bantu sembako (beras, gula, kopi dan lain-lain) untuk korban banjir, atau bakti sosial lain, belum lagi belanja iklan sepeti Baliho , poster yang terpampang dimana-mana jauh sebelum hari deperbolehkannya kampannye resmi.
Mengapa seorang kandidat berani mengeluarkan begitu banyak dana, kalau bukan jabatan yang diincar itu memang ladang ‘’empuk’’ korupsi. Tidak heran bila seorang Gubernur,Bupati atau Walikota yang telah menjabat dua periode (10 tahun) pada Pilkada (pemilu) berikutnya karena ngak boleh dipih lagi bersedia dicalonkan lagi jadi Wakil, atau bahkan mendorong istrinya, bahkan kerabatnya seperti anak, untuk menjadi kandidat mengantikan dirinya, agar kesinambungan korupsi tetap dijaga.
Inilah simalakama korupsi di Indonesia,sistem politik sebaik apapun banyak celah untuk dilangar, karena korupsi juga tidak saja melibatkan Gubernur,Bupati, Walikota dan anngota DPR,DPRD, tapi bahkan komon sudah merasuk ke kalangan penegak hukum dan para pengawas di lembaga pemilu sendiri termasuk konon para oknum Di Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan yang melegalisir seorang kandidat walau tanpa pernah menginjak bangku sekolah ,tapi dilololoskan KPU/KPUD, karena ijasah sekolahnya (termasuk paket)telah sah dilegalisir.
*30 tahun wartawan Koran, Kantor Berita Radio dan Majalah di Indonesia, kini pensiun setelah terkena stroke dua tahun lalu. Bagi media ingin mengutip tulisan ini diharap mentransfer uang penganti riset (media di Indonesia Rp250.000), media asing di luar Indonesia US$ 100,00 ditransfer ke Bank Central Asia (BCA) cabang Villa Pertiwi, Depok, Jawa Barat, Indonesia. No.Rekening 7170000042 atas nama Muhammad Jusuf)
Political dilemma in Indonesia: Political system is not able to stem the Political Corruption. By: Muhammad Jusuf *
Political dilemma in Indonesia: Political system is not able to stem the Political Corruption.
By: Muhammad Jusuf *
Just Indonesian General Elections Commission (KPU) receive a list of candidates for the House of Representatives (DPR) of the eleven political parties were entitled to the President and members of the House of Representatives election scheduled in 2014.
Since the political reform of the parliamentary elections in Indonesia are no longer determined leadership of political parties anymore, but directly by the people through elections. This process also applies to the selection of candidates for governor, regents and mayors.
Of the political system we expect to be produced leaders who are dedicated to clean and to empower of the people. But it turns out a lot of the Governor, and the Mayor, Bupati (District Leader) including members of the House of corruption cases that ensnared both snared by the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK), police or prosecutors.
Not unexpectedly snagged them much law as a corruption suspect. This supposedly happened (I use the term supposedly, because this information be confirmed by the Commission, the Police and the Prosecutor) because this information is based on a story I interview from the candidates themselves, member of advisor (successful team), as well as other memer of the community. Beginning the process to become governor, regent, mayor or late, big enough legislators ring, and so when they served as Governor, the Mayor and members of the House are tempted to seek fast-track (Corruption) which returns the funds to have them remove it, or to restore the debt- debt of a third party for daring to capitalize candidates with debt.
Usually when a candidate is a cadre of the political party is not as big as the funds must be spent if the candidate does not come from a political party.
If a candidate wants to be advanced Regents have carried pilitik party that has seats in the DPR (house of representative) or DPRD (local house of representative) . So far before a kandidai enroll in the Commission or the Election Commission should have the support of a political party that has enough seats in Parliament or Parliament. If one party does not have enough seats, then a candidate will be chasing another party ngak although smaller parties have a seat, because the accumulation of the votes can be counted on to be chair.
How much money should be spent in order to elect a candidate to be promoted by the political parties. Usually the process of selecting candidates for governor, regent, mayor keep track synthetically by congress or some sort of party line process procedures Fit and Proper test. But this is supposedly a mere formality, even though the candidate has revealed its vision and mission in the meeting or congress party anyway they like tender beef trade, for example if there is a candidate for Regent agreed to pay Rp 25 billion for his nomination to be a regent, although candidates are Vice Regent of cadres parties concerned, still another candidate who could only half or a third will fall.
Not to mention spending money should be spent to'' buy "other smaller parties.
Not only that, a candidate also usually spend a lot of money to take care of the people though wrapped charity aids for example groceries (rice, sugar, coffee, etc.) for victims of floods, or other social events, not to mention a case of spending on advertising billboards, posters are plastered everywhere long before the official campaign were permitted.
Why would a candidate dare to spend so much money, if not the coveted title field is'' soft'' corruption. Not surprisingly, a governor, regent or mayor who has served two terms (10 years) in the elections (elections) should be next because no longer to be elected again willing to be nominated again be Vice, or even pushing his wife, even relatives such as children, to be a candidate replace him , so that continuity is maintained corruption.
This is the dilemma of corruption in Indonesia, the political system as well as any gaps to violate, because corruption not only involves the Governors, Regents, Mayors and anngota DPR, DPRD, but even involves has penetrated to the law enforcement agency and the superintendent of the election itself, including reputedly the elements in the Ministry of Education and Culture, which legalized a candidate even without ever stepping on the school bench, but dilololoskan Commission / Election Commission, because school diploma (including package) has been legally certified.
* 30-year newspaper reporter, Radio, News Agencies and Magazine in Indonesia, now retired after a stroke deseases two years ago. For the media like to quote this paper are expected to transfer money substitute research (media in Indonesia Rp.250,000), foreign media outside Indonesia U.S.D $ 100.00 transferred to Bank Central Asia (BCA) branch Villa Pertiwi, Depok, West Java, Indonesia. No.of account 7170000042 in the name of Muhammad Jusuf)
Sunday, April 28, 2013
The Government has announced the selection of digital multiplexing broadcasting for zone 1 of Aceh and North Sumatra and zone 14 includes South Kalimantan and East Kalimantan.
The Government has announced the selection of digital multiplexing broadcasting for zone 1 of Aceh and North Sumatra and zone 14 includes South Kalimantan and East Kalimantan.
Zone 1 is the winner in RCTI, quiz, Trans 7, Metro TV and Indosiar. While the winner for zone 14 is Trans 7, Global TV, AFP, Metro TV and SCTV. Ministry of Communication and Information will establish 10 winners in the two zones on the 3rd May.
The winners welcomed the results of the tender digital TV. A number of TV managers expressed readiness to invest in the zone that they have acquired.
Neil Tobing, Corporate Secretary of PT Visi Media Asia Tbk (Viva Media), the holding company of the quiz and the AFP, said that investment in zone 1 and zone 14 is much more expensive than the investment in the zone before the majority are on the island of Java.
"Investing for digital TV in the Java island approximately Rp 50 billion. Meanwhile in the two zones can be many times, maybe three times as much," he told KONTAN, Sunday (28/04/2013).
Neil argued, in the two zones, Viva Media management must build the infrastructure from scratch, could not take advantage of existing infrastructure. While in Java, Viva Media can take advantage of existing infrastructure.
He said, on the island of Java, a subsidiary of the Bakrie Group has the infrastructure transmitters spread across 11 cities. However, city services to 32 cities in Java and Viva Media managers must provide at least a transmitter which amounts to half of the number of city services.
"Then in the second zone (zone 1 and zone 14), there are approximately 25 city services and infrastructure we've had in the three city services. So, we had to create a new network," said Neil.
However, in accordance with the proposal that they convey Viva Media for Digital TV selection in the second zone, Viva Media management is committed to implementing it. Related to the number of set-top box into commitment, Viva Media set up 1,200 units set-top box with the details of each zone supported 600 units set-top box. Set-top box decoder is also called, a tool which contains useful tools to manage television channels to be received, then selected according to the needs.
In addition to the zone 1 and zone 14, Viva Media Group won the tender of digital TV in zone 4 (DKI Jakarta and Banten) via Reuters, zone 5 (West Java) passing the quiz Bandung, zone 6 (Central Java and Yogyakarta) and the AFP through the zone 7 (East Java) through the quiz.
In contrast to Neil, Corporate Secretary of PT Surya Cipta Media Tbk (SCMA), manager of the television station SCTV, Hardijanto Saroso said, the investment will be spent by SCMA in zone 14, it is cheaper. "It should be cheaper, because the population is small. Amount city services that are not too broad also helped reduce costs," he said yesterday.
However SCMA management could not give details how the value of the investment required for the migration to digital TV in the Kalimantan region. What is clear, said Hardijanto, the amount is less than Rp 50 billion.
After the official government set SCTV as a winner in zone 14, the manager of SCTV was determined to build an infrastructure of digital TV. "If the existing legal umbrella, we immediately move. Was in the Kalimantan region there are 15 city services, we are committed to build 13 transmitters spread across 15 city services," he said.
For information, SCTV has spent Rp 50 billion investment fund to build a digital TV infraastruktur in zone 4 which includes Jakarta and Banten, zone 7 (East Java) and zone 14 (Riau Islands).
On the third day of the death of al-Ustaz Jeffry Buchori, about a thousand people came to his house to give prayer. One of those who pray Uje is a minister of religion, Suryadharma Ali.
On the third day of the death of al-Ustaz Jeffry Buchori, about a thousand people came to his house to give prayer. One of those who pray Uje is a minister of religion, Suryadharma Ali.
"I came to express my sincere condolences to the family of the deceased," said Suryadharma Ali in Rempoa, South Jakarta, Sunday (28/04/2013).
Minister of religion came accompanied by his wife and several aides. Using Toyota crawn bernopol RI 33 Suryadhama until around 19:30 pm and was greeted by family Uje. Kompas.com watchlist, mourners packed the house Uje. Mourners who did not get a place in the room had to hold the carpet in front of the road to be able to pray ust the slang.
In addition, the vehicle used to get to the house mourners Uje parked up next to the residential gateway Bukit Mas, Rempoa. Some policemen were also seen on guard in front of the residential gateway.
Previously, Uje died in an accident on the road Pondok Indah Green House on Friday (4/26/2013) ago. He breathed his last at the age of 40 years. Men born in Jakarta, 12 April 1973 is survived by his wife, Dian Pipik Irawati, and four children, Adiba Khanza Az-Zahra, Abidzar Mohammad, Bilal Al-Ghifari, and Ayla Azuhro. Uje comes from a family with strong religious education and had received his religious education in schools and madrasah aliyah.
Uje also had to undergo life-style clubbing youth. However, the way of life back to the world of propaganda. Personal experience that encourages preachers preaching in the language pack young children, even often regarded as "ustaz slang".
Nobody could have guessed about death. That is precisely what happened with Ustaz Jeffry Al Buchori. Just at the age of entering the head of four, who was familiarly called Uje ust it died just a few days after celebrating his birthday-40.
In celebration of his birthday two weeks ago, Uje specifically chose to celebrate with his family.
"Usually late celebrating with friends or other preachers," said Fajar Sidik, his younger brother, at the funeral home in Gold Hill Housing, Narmada Road III, Rempoa, Bintaro, Friday (04/26/2013).
"Maybe this will be a sign to leave us," he said.
Ust that has many of the young congregation was born on 12 April 1973. The day after the birthday event, Uje was twittering via his Twitter account with the words: "In the end .. All will find that his name .. And a saturation point at that time was my best .. Go .. Go back to who ..?? To "HE" must .. Bismi_KA Allohumma ahya amuut wa .. "
Uje who was born in Jakarta met his end when the motorcycle he was traveling crashed into a tree at Jalan Green Building 7 Pondok Indah, Jakarta, Friday (04/26/2013) morning. Uje was rushed to Pondok Indah Hospital, but his life was saved.
Uje survived by his wife, Dian Pipik Irawati, and three of four children, namely Adiba Khanza Az-Zahra, Mohammad Al-Ghifari Abidzar, Ayla Azuhro, and David Baurah.
Uje comes from a family with strong religious education and had received his religious education in schools and madrasah aliyah.
Before conducting preaching activities, Uje had claimed so familiar with the world of sparkling (clubbing).
However, the way of life back to the world of propaganda. Personal experience Uje resemble propaganda encouraging young people in the language, even he is often regarded as "ustaz slang".
Although initially targeted proselytizing among young children, Uje it acceptable to people of all ages.
Uje was the third of five children, of a deceased partner and Ustazah H Ismail Capital Tatu Mulyana.
Great educators in the family environment, small Uje already fluent reading verses of the holy Quran. He even often be a champion in the Musabaqah Tilawatil Quran (MTQ) to the provincial level.
Uje life is full of color. Bright life teenage children had also passed. In the early 1990s, he even became a dancer (dancer) in one of the nightclubs.
He also never tasted the world of acting, even once named the best male actor in a soap opera week TVRI Teens held in 1991.
Street preaching then he passes when a mandate from his elder brother, the late Ustaz Abdullah H Riyad, to continue his mission in Jakarta.
From here, Uje rebuild itself. However, the road preaching Uje not as smooth as imagined. He even once dicibir and left the congregation when they want to lead the prayer because of his past life. "Why diimamin same drunkard," he repeated in a number of occasions when Uje recalled the early preaching.
Although time of despair, thanks to encouragement from his wife, Uje it up and show sincerity and repentance. His name became public so memorably.
Uje lecture style was spelled slightly differently. He uses slang and often insert songs that contain propaganda.
Not only the ability to recite the verses of the holy Quran, he also has a vocal capability that is not less. In addition, he also had released several albums of songs. Debut album Rebirth was launched in 2006. Some of the songs he created himself and singers sing along religious songs.
Uje has also collaborated with Opick and band Ungu.
Now, no more Uje are so warm and friendly. However, his name will never be forgotten. Uje goodbye ..
Attorney General's Office has officially set a corruption convict Commissioner-General (Ret.) Susno Duadji enter the search list (DPO). Former Police Kabareskrim that until now was not known to exist and the search party AGO.
Attorney General's Office has officially set a corruption convict Commissioner-General (Ret.) Susno Duadji enter the search list (DPO). Former Police Kabareskrim that until now was not known to exist and the search party AGO.
"To him the summons has been done legally and worth. Which means de facto that question has become a fugitive," wrote Deputy Attorney General DARMONO via text message received Kompas.com, Monday (29/04/2013) morning.
Darmono said, now he is also not aware of the existence Susno. Attorney assisted Resmob team of City Police had visited the residence Susno in Cinere, Depok, and his family in the Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta, Sunday (04/28/2013). However, no Susno in place.
The existence of a mysterious Susno
On Friday (26/04/2013), the prosecutor also track the whereabouts Susno. After the failed execution attempt in London, whereabouts unknown.
"Yes, in fact it's still in the search. Estimated between Jakarta and Bandung-lah," said Darmono, last Friday.
Darmono confirmed, it will still execute the corresponding command Susno legislation. He hoped, after the Attorney General Basrief Arief coordinate with National Police Chief Gen. (Pol) Pradopo East, further execution can run smoothly.
Meanwhile, attorney Susno Duadji, Word Wijaya, conceal the existence of his clients who mysteriously disappeared. Word argued that his client was still in the protection of the Witness and Victim Protection Agency (Agency).
"Currently, (Susno) is still in the protection of the Agency," the Word of claims in an interview with Reuters afternoon, Friday (26/04/2013).
Word adds, retired three-star general is psychologically insecure pick-linked plan forced by the Prosecutor.
The execution process is a follow up after the Supreme Court rejected an appeal Susno. With this verdict, the verdict according Susno locked up the South Jakarta District Court, which is three years and six months. Susno judges found guilty in corruption case PT Salmah Arowana Lestari and corruption of election security in West Java.
He was three times did not meet the call execution South Jakarta District Court. Susno stated, he can not be executed for various reasons. First, he stated the decision of the Supreme Court (MA) which does not include the refuse kasasinya restraining order three years and six months in prison.
Supreme Court rejected the appeal in writing only and charge a court fee of Rp 2,500 to the defendant. The second reason, Susno judge that the High Court decision was legally flawed because one writes the numbers in the South Jakarta District Court. With a series that argument, Susno considers the case has been completed.
Joint prosecution team failed to make the execution of former Police Chief of Criminal Investigation Police Commissioner General (Ret.) Susno Duadji, Wednesday (24/04/2013) and then, at his residence, Dago Pakar, Bandung regency, West Java. Susno, which is entangled in corruption cases, adamant about not executed.
Most common reason given rejection Susno and his legal team is no arrest warrant inclusion in the ruling issued by the Supreme Court appeal. According to Susno, the decision was null and void because it did not contain an execution order. A similar argument was also presented the former Minister of Justice, who is also Chairman of the Shura Council of the Crescent Star Party, Yusril Ihza Mahendra. However, opinions differ delivered a number of legal practitioners, and the Chairman of the Constitutional Court Akil Mochtar. How to see the debate on the issue sitting Susno execution? Actually, he could be executed?
The root of the debate
The legal arguments used Susno is the provision of Article 197 paragraph (1) letter k Act No. 81 of 1981 of the Code of Criminal Procedure. The article states that the provisions of criminal letters must include orders that the defendant be detained, remains in custody, or released. Susno parties interpret, in accordance with Article 197 paragraph 2 of the decision null and void if not load command execution.
Article 197 Paragraph (1) The Code of Criminal Procedure letter k material ever tested in the Constitutional Court. Petition filed by Riduansyah Parlin. At that time, Izha Yusril Mahendra acted as its legal counsel.
In a ruling that was read on 22 November 2012, the Court argued, is mentioned in the explanation of the Criminal Code, in case of mistakes or errors in the writing of offenses set forth in Article 197, it does not lead to the cancellation of the decision by law. As a servant of God who is not perfect, according to the Court, the judge may make mistakes, whether intentional or unintentional.
"It is very ironic, that the defendant was found guilty and sentenced to be executed and its decision not only because it does not include a requirement that the defendant be detained or remain in custody or be released," the decision of the Court.
The Court also believes, if his case is not widespread impact as an insult, may not be too detrimental to the public interest if the decision is declared null and void. However, if his case as far-reaching corruption, but it should be null and void, the opinion of the Court, then the decision will hurt the public's sense of justice.
Variety of opinions
A number of the start of the Chairman of the Constitutional Court Akil Mochtar, former Chief Justice Mahfud MD, and Jimly Asshiddiqie also give opinions. What they said about the pros and cons on the interpretation of the Code of Criminal Procedure Article 197?
1. Chairman of the Constitutional Court Akil Mochtar
Responding to the pros and cons about the interpretation of Article 197, the Chairman of the Constitutional Court Akil Mochtar said, it does not include Article 197 Paragraph (1) Criminal Procedure Code in the ruling of the former Head of the Criminal Investigation Police Commissioner-General (Ret.) Susno Duadji not necessarily going to cancel the execution process against him. If interpreted that way, according to him, all convicted in the case law will ask for release from prison.
"He's definitely going to take a lawyer to win his client's corner. If the opposite assumption, that first off all the dong," Akil said when met at the Constitutional Court, on Thursday (04/25/2013).
Akil said the decision taken by the Supreme Court is legally enforceable (in kracht). Therefore, it is natural that the prosecutor exercised against Susno, which become convicted of corruption cases PT Salmah Arowana Lestari and securing funding corruption elections in West Java in 2008.
"The verdict is final and binding it must be run as the verdict was not just the ruling, but also judgment," he said.
2. Former Chief Justice Mahfud MD
Former Chief Justice Mahfud MD asserted, there is no multi-interpretation of Article 197 of the Criminal Procedure Code. According to him, there is nothing blocking the prosecutor to execute kasasinya Susno after the Supreme Court rejected.
"There are multiple interpretations, differing only by Yusril," said Mahfud, Saturday (09/03/2013).
He said, in a judicial decision on the proposed Parlin Riduansyah, the Court does not enact new laws. Thus, the case before the Constitutional Court's decision can be executed prosecutor, including Susno Duadji.
3. Former Chief Justice Jimly Asshiddiqie
Meanwhile, former Chairman of the Constitutional Court Jimly Asshiddiqie also argued, prosecutors should not be affected by a variety of interpretations that developed against the execution Susno. He asserted, execution can be done Susno appeal filed after the Supreme Court rejected.
"Must be implemented at this minute? For state officials, do not hesitate. Nickname eye on all the existing debate, that there would be no end it. Do not listen to the people to interpret the law as they wish," said Jimly, when contacted on Thursday (25/04/2013) night.
According to him, the absence of a restraining order in a ruling of the Supreme Court decision does not diminish the substance of the decision. "But, it does not reduce substance. Whereas there are errors colon, comma, it's a lot going on," he said.
"If it gets technical issues in question, prosecutors must remember how much those who have no such power Susno should be punished for mistakes semicolon," said Jimly.
Despite its many shortcomings, Jimly affirmed, the Supreme Court decision should be implemented and respected. "For those who are not satisfied, do not have a lot of commentary on the outside, just debate in the courts," he said.
4. Legal practitioners Todung Mulya Lubis
Legal practitioners assess Todung Mulya Lubis, the Supreme Court's decision is clear. Although it does not include an order to arrest Susno, the Supreme Court decision is final corroborate previous court ruling that declared Susno guilty and was sentenced to three years and six months in prison.
South Jakarta District Court previously stated Susno guilty in two cases, namely the handling of cases of PT Salmah Arowana Lestari worth Rp 500 billion and securing funding case Jabar Election 2008 worth Rp 8 billion as a West Java Police chief.
"Because even though there is no word detention, orders Supreme Court has previously upheld the ruling. So, legally, that is final and previous court decisions have affirmed. Detention without a word, for me, there should be no debate about this," said he argued.
Execution Susno
After failing to execute Susno, the prosecutor will go back to reschedule the execution process. However, Deputy Attorney General Darmono said, prosecutors now do not know for sure where Susno. AGO suspect, Susno was in Jakarta or Bandung, West Java.
"Yes, in fact it's still in the search. Estimated between Jakarta, Bandung was," said Darmono, in Jakarta, Friday (26/04/2013).
Darmono confirmed, it will still execute the corresponding command Susno legislation. He hoped, after the Attorney General Basrief Arief coordinate with National Police Chief Gen. Timur Pradopo, further execution can run smoothly.
Meanwhile, attorney Susno Duadji, Word Wijaya, conceal the existence of his clients who mysteriously disappeared. Word argued that his client was still in the protection of the Witness and Victim Protection Agency (Agency).
"Currently, (Susno) is still in the protection of the Agency," the Word of claims in an interview with Reuters afternoon, Friday (26/04/2013).
Word adds, retired three-star general is psychologically insecure pick-linked plan forced by the prosecutor.
How to end the execution of the general pros and cons? Clearly, President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has also spoke. Coming home from the trip to four countries, on Friday (26/04/2013), the President admitted directly ask for a report from Police Chief Gen. (Pol) East Pradopo and Attorney General Basrief Arief related Susno execution failure.
"From what was reported, I was instructed brief, enforce the law of the fairest and in truth," said the President, during a press conference held after the meeting is limited.
The President said, people want the rule of law and justice. The people also want the government, especially the police and prosecutors, can carry out their duties properly.
"That's what my point was. Rest, of Chief of Police and Attorney General can describe and execute it," the president said.
Sunday, April 21, 2013
Realized investment first quarter of 2013 that was recorded in the Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) to Rp 93 trillion, or an increase of 30.6 percent compared with the same period last year
Realized investment first quarter of 2013 that was recorded in the Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) to Rp 93 trillion, or an increase of 30.6 percent compared with the same period last year. This realization accounted for 23.8 percent of the total target of 2013.
This was stated by the Head of the Investment Coordinating Board, M Chatib Basri, in his press conference in Jakarta, Monday (04/22/2013).
The realization investasti, Chatib said, consisting of foreign investment amounting to Rp 65.5 trillion and domestic investment value of Rp 27.5 trillion. Compared with the same period last year, respectively grew 27.2 percent and 39.6 percent.
Until now, there are many sexual crimes are often received by women workers. In Jakarta, there are about 80,000 workers. As many as 90 percent of that number are women and 75 percent of workers labor in women who have experienced sexual violence Jakarta.
Until now, there are many sexual crimes are often received by women workers. In Jakarta, there are about 80,000 workers. As many as 90 percent of that number are women and 75 percent of workers labor in women who have experienced sexual violence Jakarta.
Of notes issued yearly by the National Commission for Women in 2012, there were 216 156 cases of sexual violence. Of which is received by as many as 2,521 women workers. That figure is based on the female workers who reported the events that happened.
According Jumingsih, chairman of the plant community level workers, cases of sexual harassment received by women workers often received at the factory. The culprit can be from anyone, starting from their superiors, to friends male sex workers.
"Usually workers raped with the threat of his contract would not be renewed.'s Already common practice in factories in North Jakarta," he said at the office Contrast, Central Jakarta, Friday (04/19/2013).
Not only that, according to Jumingsih, the workers also often been the object of sexual harassment outside the factory. This usually happens when the workers go home at night because of overtime. "At home at 22:00, we were not provided safe transportation to fit back in contact with rape," he said.
Jumingsih said, there are actually any incident of harassment, they are reported to the police. However, there are still many of these cases are not solved by the police. This is according to Jumingsih because the weak law in Indonesia in acts of abusers, especially if the victim of this harassment is a laborer.
"Here, we can see the existence of discrimination received by women workers," said Jumingsih.
United Development Party will submit a list of legislative candidates while (DCS) and document requirements, Monday (22/04/2013) afternoon. A total of 73 boxes pencalegan document will be taken to the General Elections Commission (KPU).
United Development Party will submit a list of legislative candidates while (DCS) and document requirements, Monday (22/04/2013) afternoon. A total of 73 boxes pencalegan document will be taken to the General Elections Commission (KPU).
"Image registration was taken with 73 boxes. Registration will be conducted by Mr. Chairman SDA (Suryadharma Ali), Secretary General along with Team 9 establishment of PPP candidates," said Secretary General of the PPP M Romahurmuziy, in a brief message on Monday morning.
PPP will submit the file will be 560 candidates. It consists of a number of men as much as 354 people (63%) and women as many as 206 people (37%).
"For female candidates are there in number 1 by 22 people from 77 constituencies or as much as 29 percent," said the politician who is familiarly called Romy.
In addition, almost all members of the House from PPP during this period re-elected. There are only four people who did not go forward as a candidate of a total of 38 members of Parliament from the existing PPP. Romy said, the one that did not renominated it the Wan Abubakar from Riau electoral district.
"He (Wan Abubakar) did not renominated penalized for signing up Riau election of independent paths, while the DPP has been officially set as the Riau branch of the PPP chairman cagub / cawagub," he said.
Additionally, Endang Sukandar of constituencies Jabar IX also not as advanced as candidates for being selected and will be sworn in as Regent Sumedang. Akhmad Muqowam of constituencies prefer candidate X Java Regional Representatives Council (DPD). Lastly, Hisham Ali from electoral district of Central Java II, chose to rest for reasons of age.
Furthermore, Romy explains PPP candidate qualifications based on education candidates who hold the 14 doctors (2.5 per cent), S-2 holds as many as 111 people (19.8 percent), and the rest holds undergraduate and graduate high school.
DKI Jakarta DPD Golkar Party politicians include 80 percent of youth in DCS are submitted to the Election Commission of Jakarta on Sunday (04/21/2013) afternoon.
With many young politicians included, Golkar optimistic DKI can gain 30 percent of the votes of 106 seats in the city council in the legislative elections in 2014.
"That if you do not dare to advance the younger generation, Golkar will not see the expected regeneration continues to go well. Perspective we have to think of the younger generation in building the city of Jakarta.'s Time we give them the opportunity to dabbling in politics. Age range 50 years to under the one, "said Vice Chairman of DKI Jakarta DPD Golkar Party Ashraf Ali after submission of DCS in the Election Commission of Jakarta.
In addition, the names of 106 candidates will be submitted as many as 32 percent are going to women candidates and 30 percent for allotments senior politicians who have been and made a large contribution in the party bearing the banyan tree. Golkar will put an average of 10 people per each constituency (electoral district) in which candidates will be nominated.
"Most candidates in East Jakarta because there are three constituencies. So there are 30 candidates in the region," said Ashraf who is also Chairman of the Golkar Party faction of City Council.
As for the handover process in the Election Commission of Jakarta, Golkar a third party who submitted the previous PKS DCS after DCS has delivered since Thursday (11/04/2013) and Gerindra a few hours before Golkar, which on Sunday (21/04/2013) afternoon . DCS submission process that was opened from Tuesday (04/09/2013) will be closed on Monday (04/22/2013).
DKI Jakarta DPD Gerindra optimistic to obtain a minimum of 22 seats out of 106 contested seats in the city council from 2014 to 2019 period. What's more, the majority of candidates that carried as much as 90 percent controlled Gerindra youth under the age of 40 years.
It was delivered by the Chairman of DKI Jakarta DPD Gerindra M Taufik after DCS submission process to the Election Commission of Jakarta on Sunday afternoon. In DCS submitted, Gerindra includes 106 names of candidates. "The six members of the Council at the City Council is also in the list of candidates. Targets, 2014, we will win," said Taufik, Sunday (04/21/2013).
Regarding the submission of a new DCS conducted in the last days of delivery limit, Taufik explained, it was because Gerindra factual verification process and the selection process is quite long, starting from February 28 until April 17. It was intended for candidates who will advance in the selection of candidates who are truly qualified and known to the public.
As for the 500 people who took the form, clearly Taufik, only 297 people who return the form. Later than 297 people, made factual verification, starting the selection process of the interview, the level of electability, to the legalization of diplomas.
"We did the selection process, we ask for help even at the level of the students to see elektabiltas in society. Proximity would we want to see these candidates in the midst of the community," said Taufik.
"I ask all candidates to begin to socialize him to the public. Determine the serial number is not elected or not elected candidates. Effort to determine precisely which candidates to introduce themselves and Gerindra socialize in the community," he continued.
In DCS Gerindra submission, the board of DPD Gerindra received by Jakarta Provincial KPU chairman Dahlia Umar, Chairman of the Council Working Group Registration and DPD candidates KPU Sumarno, and members of the Provincial KPU Aminullah.
According to the Chairman of the Election Commission of Jakarta Dahlia Umar, for delivery in the Election Commission of Jakarta, Gerindra a second party who submitted the previous PKS DCS after DCS has delivered since Thursday (04/11/2013).
Submission limit DCS opened since Tuesday (04/09/2013) and will be closed on Monday (22/04/2013).
Chairman of the Board of Trustees Gerindra Prabowo argue, it's time subsidy of fuel oil (BBM) is reduced. It was once he goes to President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono.
"So, I never suggest to the President that subsidy can we reduce our important and secured the poorest and most vulnerable. Were we secure, we watch. But, I guess, like it or not, we have to reduce fuel subsidies," said Prabowo in Jakarta, Thursday (04/18/2013).
According to him, the budget revenue expenditure (budget) is now heavily burdened with the subsidy. Load can be reduced if the state budget, he estimates that the construction can be more smoothly.
"The bottom line is the burden on the state budget has been very heavy, yes. So, anyway I think it is the government also had to adjust to the demands rather than reducing the burden to the state budget so that development can be more smoothly," he said.
Regarding the increase in fuel prices for private car users, Prabowo can not explain the solution. He argues that one right path taken by the government to reduce subsidies are brave. However, the maximum socialization necessary or proper preparation of the government before implementing it.
"There are several solutions yes, but I think after all the time we must have the courage to reduce subsidies. Hence, necessary preparation I think. But, yes we wait for the government how to stride," he said.
The Government will provide a signal to reduce fuel subsidies for private car users by applying the price of premium fuel in the range of Rp 6,500 per liter. The users of motorcycles and public transport can still buy premium at Rp 4,500 per liter. Implementation of the policy is expected as soon as later this April.
Government to calculate the economic price premium of Rp 9,500 per liter. If the price is raised to Rp 6,500, upper middle class still enjoy the subsidy of Rp 3,000 per liter. As for the middle to lower subsidized Rp 5,000 per liter.
When the policy was implemented, there will be a gas station that specialized in selling premium for motorcycles and public transport and there are gas stations that specialized in selling premium for private cars. This method is considered easier than monitoring mechanism stations that serve the same premium for private cars, public transportation, and motorcycles.
\President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, who began his tour in Singapore on Monday (04/22/2013), arrived at Changi International Airport around 10:45. President was accompanied by Mrs. Ani Yudhoyono, right attend a luncheon with President Tony Tan in Singapore Shangri-La Hotel.
\President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, who began his tour in Singapore on Monday (04/22/2013), arrived at Changi International Airport around 10:45. President was accompanied by Mrs. Ani Yudhoyono, right attend a luncheon with President Tony Tan in Singapore Shangri-La Hotel.
After lunch, the first activity is the President attended the conferment of an honorary doctorate (Doctor of Letters) from the Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore. The procession was held at Hotel Shangri-La.
In the afternoon, the President is scheduled to follow the annual meeting of the Leader's Retreat with Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, also at the Hotel Shangri-La. The meeting closed with the signing of a memorandum of cooperation, followed by a banquet dinner.
President's visit in Singapore last until Tuesday (23/04/2013). Before leaving Singapore to continue the trip to Myanmar, the President is scheduled to deliver a speech and dialogue with the business community in Singapore, the Thomson Reuters Newsmaker event.
President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, accompanied by First Lady Ani Yudhoyono and his entourage flew to Singapore, at 08.00 am, Monday (22/04/2013), in the framework of the working visit. The plan, after Singapore, President Yudhoyono and his entourage went on his trip to Myanmar and Brunei Darussalam until 26 April 2013.
The main activities of the President in Singapore, attended the annual meeting of the "Leaders Retreat". In that event, the President will meet privately with the Prime Minister of Singapore Lee Hsien Loong. The two leaders will discuss developments in the relationship and cooperation between the two countries, particularly since the 2012 Retreat Leaders meeting in Bogor.
Areas of concern Indonesia-Singapore, namely investment, air transport, tourism, labor, agribusiness, counterterrorism, and cooperation in Batam, Bintan, Karimun, and other economic areas.
"So far, cooperation either. Singapore is a trading partner and top investment for Indonesia. Total Singapore-Indonesia trade volume of 43 billion U.S. dollars. Huge amount. Investment Indonesia in Singapore last year 5 billion U.S. dollars. Also a large number . We have a common interest to maintain and enhance economic cooperation, "said the President, at Halim Airport, East Jakarta, on Monday.
In Singapore, the President will receive the degree of Doctorate Honoris Rajaratnam School of International Studies (RSIS), Nanyang Technological University (NTU). President is also scheduled to deliver a speech in front of the business and financial community in the "Thomson Reuters Newsmaker".
From Singapore, the President and his entourage will leave for Pyi Taw, Myanmar, on April 23. While in Myanmar, the President will meet Myanmar President U Thein Sein to discuss the development of cooperation in various fields, followed witnessed the signing of a memorandum of understanding.
President Yudhoyono is also scheduled to meet with representatives of the Indonesian community in Myanmar. After that, Yudhoyono and his entourage flew to Brunei Darussalam to attend the Summit (Summit) Asean to-22-9 and Summit Brunei-Indonesia-Malaysia-Philippines East ASEAN Growth Area, as well as the 7th summit and the Indonesia-Malaysia-Thailand Growth Triangle.
Since Nvidia introduced its newest mobile processor, Tegra 4, at the International Consumer Electronic Show (CES) at the beginning of January 2013, no single processor-based devices that are launched into the market.
Since Nvidia introduced its newest mobile processor, Tegra 4, at the International Consumer Electronic Show (CES) at the beginning of January 2013, no single processor-based devices that are launched into the market.
Some companies reportedly interested in quickly to market products based on Nvidia Tegra 4 is claimed as the fastest mobile processor in the world today. One is the Chinese telecom company, ZTE.
Information about the ZTE-made device is still not too much. However, the site claims to have tried to direct GSMInsider phones the ZTE-made Tegra 4.
According to GSM Insider, this device has the code name ZTE N988. The product will most likely be the first device based on Tegra 4 is present in the market.
ZTE also appear not to play in developing N988. The product will have a big screen to the size of a smartphone and the specs are frightening. Later, ZTE N988 will be armed with a screen measuring 5.7 inches which is capable of supporting a resolution of 1280 x 720 pixels.
Quoted from Ubergizmo, Wednesday (19/04/2013), ZTE N988 will also be equipped with 2GB RAM, 13-megapixel rear camera, 2 megapixel front camera, Bluetooth, microSD card slot, FM radio, and GPS.
To issue the operating system, the ZTE N988 will likely use Android version 4.1 (Jelly Bean).
No information about the official name, price, and also when the device will be available in the global market.
Tegra 4 processor is the first to apply the 4 CPU cores based on ARM A15 architecture. All four CPU cores in Tegra 4 combined with 72 GPU cores can deliver performance that is claimed up to six times faster than its predecessor, Tegra 3, which is used in Google's Nexus 7 tablet and smartphone HTC One X.
Nvidia also seemed very confident with the Tegra processor 4. It appears from the statement of Jen-Hsun Huang, CEO of Nvidia, which states that the product is the fastest mobile processor in the world today. He claims much faster than the Tegra 4 processor Apple iPad A6X in the fourth generation.
After leak circulating for some time, Nvidia on Sunday evening (06/01/2013) U.S. time or Monday morning Indonesia time, officially introduced the Tegra mobile processor 4, the successor to the Tegra 3 which will be deployed on Google Nexus 7 tablet and smartphone HTC One X .
This processor is the first to apply (4 pieces)-based CPU core ARM A15 architecture. All four CPU cores in Tegra 4 combined with 72 GPU cores can deliver performance that is claimed up to six times faster than its predecessor, the Tegra 3.
"Tegra 4 is the fastest mobile processor in the world today," said Nvidia CEO Jen-Hsun Huang in a press conference at CES 2013, which includes the introduction of the Tegra 4, as quoted from The Verge.
He claims much faster than the Tegra 4 processor Apple iPad A6X in the fourth generation.
Another flagship feature is compatibility with 4G LTE technology from Nvidia and Nvidia support Computational Photography Architecture that allows users to take pictures photos High Dynamic Range (HDR) in one-time shots, which is called the One Shot HDR Nvidia.
More precisely, on the Tegra 4 camera takes two pictures in 0.2 seconds for a combined time into an image with a broad dynamic range retang. "Much faster than the iPhone 5 that takes 2 seconds," said Jen-Hsun.
The shooting speed is claimed to eliminate the shadow of moving object problems that often arise in HDR photo.
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
National Exam (UN) high-cost every year, but does not measure the actual quality of national education. Therefore, President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono asked to urge the Minister of Education and Culture to stop UN next year.
National Exam (UN) high-cost every year, but does not measure the actual quality of national education. Therefore, President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono asked to urge the Minister of Education and Culture to stop UN next year.
"Please, just stop UN. Too many problems caused by UN policy that makes our national education is not moving forward, even backwards," said the Secretary-General of the Federation of Indonesian Teachers (FGSI) Retno Listyarti in Jakarta, Tuesday (16/4 / 2013).
The same thing also presented the Secretary General of the Indonesian Independent Teachers Federation (FGII) Iwan Hermawan. "Until the second day of the UN, there is still a problem. Today about the shortage of English at various high schools. At one school may lack a matter for the two rooms," said Iwan.
According to Retno, Kemendikbud care of UN incompetence has to be stopped. Moreover, the UN's policy of defiance of court decisions. "UN is like a chronic disease. Every year is not getting better, even worse," said Iwan.
General of the Army Special Forces Commander Maj. Gen. Agus Sutomo insists that nothing can interfere with Kopassus. It was as part of the moral of the incident assault Cebongan Penitentiary.
General of the Army Special Forces Commander Maj. Gen. Agus Sutomo insists that nothing can interfere with Kopassus. It was as part of the moral of the incident assault Cebongan Penitentiary.
"There should be no disturbing Kopassus because of Kopassus are weapons state. Kopassus Who's disturbing, that's the wrong address," said Agus after celebrating the anniversary of Ke-61 Special Forces in the Special Forces Command Center Building, Cijantung, Pasar Rebo, East Jakarta, Tuesday (16/04/2013) afternoon.
Agus insisted, what 11 young men attacked the prison Cebongan and shot dead four suspected killers Sertu Santosa, Kopassus Group II Surakarta at Hugos Cafe, has a moral message, which is about the eradication of the thugs that are considered often disturbing society.
He also confirmed that 11 Kopassus soldiers killed four attackers and prisoners in prisons Cebongan, Sleman, Yogyakarta, do not violate human rights. "There was no violation of human rights, violations of existing members, obviously!"
According to Agus, all members of the Special Forces who served in Indonesia under its responsibility. Therefore, if his men proved to have violated, the union itself will provide the fairest sanction, not as severe.
As reported, the Army called Prison Cebongan perpetrators are individual Kopassus Group II Kartasura. The raid allegedly involving 11 members of Kopassus, with one person as executor.
They carry 6 guns brought from Lawu training headquarters. The attack is called a background of strong corps spirit related homicide sergeant Heru Santoso at Hugo's Cafe. Four murder suspects Santoso, who then shot and killed the Gameliel Yermiyanto Riwu Rohi, Adrianus Candra Galaja, Hendrik aka Angel Sahetapi Deki, and John Juan Manbait.
Special Forces Command (Kopassus) today celebrated the anniversary of the 61. In a speech, the Commander General of Forces, Maj. Gen. Agus Sutomo said, Kopassus arms belongs to the people and the country.
"Kopassus is owned by the people. Therefore all citizens should have to maintain Kopassus, because Special Forces weapons state," said Agus, who cheered.
On the occasion, Agus also asked the support of all the people that Kopassus still maintain the values upheld by the corps beret merat it. That responsibility and corps spirit (corps and unity) in soldiers.
"The theme is based on the spirit of unity and oneness, Kopassus soldiers committed memperkkokoh solidity and professionalism in the work of the military, we can," he said.
HUT-61 Kopassus was held at the House of Special Forces Command Center, Cijantung, Pasar Rebo, East Jakarta. The event was heavily guarded Special Forces soldier, was also attended by a number of leaders, including Lt. Gen. (ret.) Prabowo, General (Ret.) Agum Gumelar, Gen. (Ret.) Luhut Panjaitan, Gen. (Ret.) Hendropriyono, and the Governor of Jakarta, Joko Widodo.
Monday, April 15, 2013
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Hotel diskon di kota Balikpapan, Kalimantan Timur:
Hotel diskon di kota Balikpapan, Kalimantan Timur:
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Negara-negara lain: di seluruh dunia, termasuk Singapura, Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia), Shanghai (Cina) dan Hong Kong (Cina), New York (AS), Paris (Franch), London (Inggris), Mekkah (Arab Saudi ), Madinah (Arab Saudi), dan Yerusalem (Israel)
Kota tertinggi di Amerika Serikat penjualan America
TTop pinggiran kota untuk dijual di Amerika Serikat dan Kanada
Asian Enterprise 17 award for entrepreneurs Indonesia, Saturday (04/13/2013) night, at the JW Marriot Hotel. The award dinner was opened President Enterprise Asia and also attended William Ng CMO of PAS FM which is a co-organizer of the Asia Pacifif Entrepreneurship Awards 2013 Robert Saputra.
Asian Enterprise 17 award for entrepreneurs Indonesia, Saturday (04/13/2013) night, at the JW Marriot Hotel. The award dinner was opened President Enterprise Asia and also attended William Ng CMO of PAS FM which is a co-organizer of the Asia Pacifif Entrepreneurship Awards 2013 Robert Saputra.
The 17 entrepreneurs it is:
1. Sri Ayati Noni Purnomo (Vice President of Blue Birds Group),
2. Mugi Rahardjo (President Director of PT Nusantara Energitama Dynamics),
3. Brian Yaputra (President of Eztu Glass Art 1981),
4. Johnnie Sugiarto (President Director and CEO of PT El John Indonesia),
5. Lau Chia Nguang (President Director of PT Malindo Feedmill Tbk),
6. Nanda Widya (President Director of PT Metropolitan Land Tbk),
7. Eva Kurniaty (President Commissioner of Multi Niaga Success),
8. Yanurmal (Director of Asian Tourism),
9. Rocky J Pesik (CEO of Caraka Group),
10. Iwan Suhermin (Director of PT Jaya Lestari Babybelle),
11. Yantje Wongso (Director of the Blue Universe Eternal),
12. Ariwibowo firm (CEO of PT Indonesia Dharmavoila Initiative),
13. Kadaryanto Tito (President Director of PT Indolima Perkasa),
14. Susanna S tycoon (President Director of PT Indonesian NBO),
15. M Akbar Djohan (CEO of Multi Freight Express),
16. Wempy Dyocta Koto (CEO of PT Wardour and Oxford,
17. Arie Mone (Owner of Business Nations Children).
"This award is an honor for us. We will be working hard to develop our business in the field of shipping. Indonesia is an archipelagic country and require a ship to transport a variety of existing mining results," said Eva Kurniaty on the sidelines of the awards show.
Enterprise Asia is a non-governmental organization whose mission is to foster entrepreneurship in the region.
Party State Palace confirmed that the account @ SBYudhoyono is the official Twitter account of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono. Presidential Special Staff for Political Communication Daniel Sparringa revealed, through these accounts, President Yudhoyono will greet the netizens.
Party State Palace confirmed that the account @ SBYudhoyono is the official Twitter account of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono. Presidential Special Staff for Political Communication Daniel Sparringa revealed, through these accounts, President Yudhoyono will greet the netizens.
"@ SBYudhoyono is the account that will be used by the President. Within hours, today, or tomorrow, that account will become active. For the first time, the President will greet another netizen world and make it a part of her new life, "said Daniel, via short message received by journalists on Saturday (13/04/2013).
Began to enliven the account @ SBYudhoyono Twitland on Saturday morning. The account was verified as an official account Yudhoyono. The account was originally photographed President slicker profile with all his greatness badge had been changed.
Not long ago, an account manager to change the account's profile picture with a picture of President SBY non-suit clad with background activities meet people. Until 12:04 pm, SBY's Twitter account has over 66,000 followers, aka followers.
Presidential spokesman Julian Aldrin Pasha just a few days ago revealed intentions of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono made a personal Twitter account.
Actually Presidential Palace already has an official account with the name @ IstanaRakyat, but the President is familiarly called by the acronym SBY felt need to have a personal account.
Saturday, April 13, 2013, this morning, it seems to have been realized. Account named @ SBYudhoyono appeared on Twitter. The owner mentioned named "Susilo B. Yudhoyono".
Just like @ IstanaRakyat account, the account @ SBYudhoyono also has obtained verification badge on Twitter (verified account) which indicates that the account really belongs to the president.
This account, based on the testimony of Julian, everyday will be managed by a team. However, the President may have to tweet yourself also if considered important information to be conveyed to the public.
When visited by Kompas Tekno around 09.00 earlier, the account @ SBYudhoyono've gathered about 3,500 followers, but this account has not write any tweet. The account is also listed in the website address presidenri.go.id.
In addition to the President, First Lady Ani Yudhoyono also had reportedly made a personal account on photo sharing social network Instagram.
President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono expressed his sympathy over Lion Air plane crash in Bali through his Twitter me @ SBYudhoyono. The new account was launched on Saturday (13/04/2013) this evening.
After writing her first tweet greet Indonesia, Yudhoyono also tweeted his sympathy by writing on the Lion Air plane crash. "Against Lion Air accident in Bali, I have instructed the MOC to treat the wounded and conduct investigations * SBY *" wrote the Twitter account @ SBYudhoyono.
Before writing the booms are both in front of the journalist in the Palace Cipanas, Cianjur, the Head of State admitted keep abreast of news about Lion Air crash. He claimed to have communicated with the Minister of Transportation, EE Mangindaan on the incident.
"One that we are thankful no one was killed. I've asked for priority treatment for injuries that later resolved, then investigate why it happened," said Yudhoyono.
The Head of State also expressed hope that Lion Air passenger casualty was immediately healed.
As is known, after the official launch of the Twitter account @ SBYudhoyono, President Yudhoyono began to "sing". He also became a follower or followers of a number of people.
The first in-person follow Yudhoyono is Vice President Boediono, then members of his family, as well as three journalists were selected through a lottery. According to Yudhoyono, he began to enter the world's per-Twitter in order to greet every day, sharing inspiration and important things which might be useful for the people.
"That is so my main goal in this communication through Twitter," said Yudhoyono.
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