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BUS in Compressed Gas Station |
Unfinished journey (27)
(Part twenty seven, Depok, West Java, Indonesia, 1
September 2014, 20:50 pm)
In 1995 I was on duty with a senior journalist from Radio
Republik Indonesia (RRI) Ahmad Parembahan to covering Energy World Conference
held in the city of Madrid, Spain,
The conference, which opened the King of Spain Juan
Carlos who was accompanied by queen Sofia was attended by thousands of
delegates from over 100 countries who discuss energy problems of the world,
such as petroleum, coal, natural gas, and alternative energy such as geothermal
energy, solar energy, hydropower, wave and various other alternative energy
such as bio diesel.
From Indonesia Prof.Dr.Zuhal represented at the
conference, and the expert staff of the Minister of Mines and Energy Ermansyah
In the conference illustrated how much consumption, and
the availability of energy reserves such as oil, coal, natural gas and other
alternative energy.
As well as how to maintain a balance between consumption
and exploration of search for available resources, as well as discuss the use
of new technology that allows the use of coal for power generation, but using
technology to filter the smoke does not cause environmental pollution (acid
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"Crude Oil" redirects here. For the 2008 film,
see Crude Oil (film). For the fuel referred to outside of North America as
"petrol", see Gasoline. For other uses, see Petroleum
Proven world oil reserves, 2013
Pumpjack pumping an oil well near Lubbock, Texas
An oil refinery in Mina-Al-Ahmadi, Kuwait
Natural petroleum spring in Korňa, Slovakia
Petroleum (L. petroleum, from early 15c. "petroleum,
rock oil" (mid-14c. in Anglo-French), from Medieval Latin petroleum, from
Latin petra rock(see petrous) + Latin: oleum oil (see oil (n.)).[1][2][3]) is a
naturally occurring, yellow-to-black liquid found in geologic formations
beneath the Earth's surface, which is commonly refined into various types of
fuels. It consists of hydrocarbons of various molecular weights and other
liquid organic compounds.[4] The name petroleum covers both naturally occurring
unprocessed crude oil and petroleum products that are made up of refined crude
oil. A fossil fuel, petroleum is formed when large quantities of dead
organisms, usually zooplankton and algae, are buried underneath sedimentary
rock and subjected to intense heat and pressure.
Petroleum is recovered mostly through oil drilling
(natural petroleum springs are rare). This comes after the studies of
structural geology (at the reservoir scale), sedimentary basin analysis,
reservoir characterization (mainly in terms of the porosity and permeability of
geologic reservoir structures).[5][6] It is refined and separated, most easily
by distillation, into a large number of consumer products, from gasoline
(petrol) and kerosene to asphalt and chemical reagents used to make plastics
and pharmaceuticals.[7] Petroleum is used in manufacturing a wide variety of materials,[8]
and it is estimated that the world consumes about 90 million barrels each day.
The use of fossil fuels, such as petroleum, has a
negative impact on Earth's biosphere, releasing pollutants and greenhouse gases
into the air and damaging ecosystems through events such as oil spills. Concern
over the depletion of the earth's finite reserves of oil, and the effect this
would have on a society dependent on it, is a concept known as peak oil.
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Queen Sofia and King Juan Carlos |
Contents [hide]
1 Etymology
2 History
2.1 Early history
2.2 Modern history
3 Composition
4 Chemistry
5 Empirical equations for thermal properties
5.1 Heat of combustion
5.2 Thermal conductivity
5.3 Specific heat
5.4 Latent heat of vaporization
6 Formation
7 Reservoirs
7.1 Crude oil reservoirs
7.2 Unconventional oil reservoirs
8 Classification
9 Petroleum industry
9.1 Shipping
10 Price
11 Uses
11.1 Fuels
11.2 Other derivatives
11.3 Agriculture
12 Petroleum by country
12.1 Consumption statistics
12.2 Consumption
12.3 Production
12.4 Export
12.5 Import
12.6 Import to the USA by country 2010
12.7 Non-producing consumers
13 Environmental effects
13.1 Ocean acidification
13.2 Global warming
13.3 Extraction
13.4 Oil spills
13.5 Tarballs
13.6 Whales
14 Alternatives to petroleum
14.1 Alternatives to petroleum-based vehicle fuels
14.2 Alternatives to using oil in industry
14.3 Alternatives to burning petroleum for electricity
15 Future of petroleum production
15.1 Peak oil
15.2 Unconventional Production
16 See also
17 Notes
18 References
19 Further reading
20 External links
The word petroleum comes from Greek: πέτρα (petra) for
rocks and Greek: ἔλαιον (elaion) for oil. The term was found (in the spelling
"petraoleum") in 10th-century Old English sources.[9] It was used in
the treatise De Natura Fossilium, published in 1546 by the German mineralogist
Georg Bauer, also known as Georgius Agricola.[10] In the 19th century, the term
petroleum was frequently used to refer to mineral oils produced by distillation
from mined organic solids such as cannel coal (and later oil shale), and
refined oils produced from them; in the United Kingdom, storage (and later
transport) of these oils were regulated by a series of Petroleum Acts, from the
Petroleum Act 1863 onwards.
Main article: History of petroleum
Early history[edit]
Oil derrick in Okemah, Oklahoma, 1922.
Petroleum, in one form or another, has been used since
ancient times, and is now important across society, including in economy,
politics and technology. The rise in importance was due to the invention of the
internal combustion engine, the rise in commercial aviation, and the importance
of petroleum to industrial organic chemistry, particularly the synthesis of
plastics, fertilizers, solvents, adhesives and pesticides.
More than 4000 years ago, according to Herodotus and
Diodorus Siculus, asphalt was used in the construction of the walls and towers
of Babylon; there were oil pits near Ardericca (near Babylon), and a pitch
spring on Zacynthus.[11] Great quantities of it were found on the banks of the
river Issus, one of the tributaries of the Euphrates. Ancient Persian tablets
indicate the medicinal and lighting uses of petroleum in the upper levels of
their society. By 347 AD, oil was produced from bamboo-drilled wells in
China.[12] Early British explorers to Myanmar documented a flourishing oil
extraction industry based in Yenangyaung that, in 1795, had hundreds of
hand-dug wells under production.[13] The mythological origins of the oil fields
at Yenangyaung, and its hereditary monopoly control by 24 families, indicate
very ancient origins.
Modern history[edit]
In 1847, the process to distill kerosene from petroleum
was invented by James Young. He noticed a natural petroleum seepage in the
Riddings colliery at Alfreton, Derbyshire from which he distilled a light thin
oil suitable for use as lamp oil, at the same time obtaining a thicker oil
suitable for lubricating machinery. In 1848 Young set up a small business
refining the crude oil.
Young eventually succeeded, by distilling cannel coal at
a low heat, in creating a fluid resembling petroleum, which when treated in the
same way as the seep oil gave similar products. Young found that by slow
distillation he could obtain a number of useful liquids from it, one of which
he named "paraffine oil" because at low temperatures it congealed
into a substance resembling paraffin wax.[14]
The production of these oils and solid paraffin wax from
coal formed the subject of his patent dated 17 October 1850. In 1850 Young
& Meldrum and Edward William Binney entered into partnership under the
title of E.W. Binney & Co. at Bathgate in West Lothian and E. Meldrum &
Co. at Glasgow; their works at Bathgate were completed in 1851 and became the
first truly commercial oil-works in the world with the first modern oil
refinery, using oil extracted from locally-mined torbanite, shale, and
bituminous coal to manufacture naphtha and lubricating oils; paraffin for fuel
use and solid paraffin were not sold until 1856.[15]
Shale bings near Broxburn, 3 of a total of 19 in West
Another early refinery was built by Ignacy Łukasiewicz,
providing a cheaper alternative to whale oil. The demand for petroleum as a
fuel for lighting in North America and around the world quickly grew.[16] Edwin
Drake's 1859 well near Titusville, Pennsylvania, is popularly considered the
first modern well. Drake's well is probably singled out because it was drilled,
not dug; because it used a steam engine; because there was a company associated
with it; and because it touched off a major boom.[17] However, there was
considerable activity before Drake in various parts of the world in the
mid-19th century. A group directed by Major Alexeyev of the Bakinskii Corps of
Mining Engineers hand-drilled a well in the Baku region in 1848.[18] There were
engine-drilled wells in West Virginia in the same year as Drake's well.[19] An
early commercial well was hand dug in Poland in 1853, and another in nearby
Romania in 1857. At around the same time the world's first, small, oil refinery
was opened at Jasło in Poland, with a larger one opened at Ploiești in Romania
shortly after. Romania is the first country in the world to have had its annual
crude oil output officially recorded in international statistics: 275 tonnes
for 1857.[20][21]
The first commercial oil well in Canada became
operational in 1858 at Oil Springs, Ontario (then Canada West).[22] Businessman
James Miller Williams dug several wells between 1855 and 1858 before
discovering a rich reserve of oil four metres below ground.[23] Williams
extracted 1.5 million litres of crude oil by 1860, refining much of it into
kerosene lamp oil.[22] William's well became commercially viable a year before
Drake's Pennsylvania operation and could be argued to be the first commercial
oil well in North America.[22] The discovery at Oil Springs touched off an oil
boom which brought hundreds of speculators and workers to the area. Advances in
drilling continued into 1862 when local driller Shaw reached a depth of 62
metres using the spring-pole drilling method.[24] On January 16, 1862, after an
explosion of natural gas Canada's first oil gusher came into production,
shooting into the air at a recorded rate of 3,000 barrels per day.[25] By the
end of the 19th century the Russian Empire, particularly the Branobel company
in Azerbaijan, had taken the lead in production.[26]
Access to oil was and still is a major factor in several
military conflicts of the twentieth century, including World War II, during
which oil facilities were a major strategic asset and were extensively
bombed.[27] The German invasion of the Soviet Union included the goal to
capture the Baku oilfields, as it would provide much needed oil-supplies for
the German military which was suffering from blockades.[28] Oil exploration in
North America during the early 20th century later led to the US becoming the
leading producer by mid-century. As petroleum production in the US peaked
during the 1960s, however, the United States was surpassed by Saudi Arabia and
the Soviet Union.
Today, about 90 percent of vehicular fuel needs are met
by oil. Petroleum also makes up 40 percent of total energy consumption in the
United States, but is responsible for only 1 percent of electricity generation.
Petroleum's worth as a portable, dense energy source powering the vast majority
of vehicles and as the base of many industrial chemicals makes it one of the
world's most important commodities. Viability of the oil commodity is
controlled by several key parameters, number of vehicles in the world competing
for fuel, quantity of oil exported to the world market (Export Land Model), Net
Energy Gain (economically useful energy provided minus energy consumed),
political stability of oil exporting nations and ability to defend oil supply lines.
The top three oil producing countries are Russia, Saudi
Arabia and the United States.[29] About 80 percent of the world's readily
accessible reserves are located in the Middle East, with 62.5 percent coming
from the Arab 5: Saudi Arabia, UAE, Iraq, Qatar and Kuwait. A large portion of
the world's total oil exists as unconventional sources, such as bitumen in
Canada and oil shale in Venezuela. While significant volumes of oil are
extracted from oil sands, particularly in Canada, logistical and technical
hurdles remain, as oil extraction requires large amounts of heat and water,
making its net energy content quite low relative to conventional crude oil.
Thus, Canada's oil sands are not expected to provide more than a few million
barrels per day in the foreseeable future.
In its strictest sense, petroleum includes only crude
oil, but in common usage it includes all liquid, gaseous, and solid
hydrocarbons. Under surface pressure and temperature conditions, lighter
hydrocarbons methane, ethane, propane and butane occur as gases, while pentane
and heavier ones are in the form of liquids or solids. However, in an
underground oil reservoir the proportions of gas, liquid, and solid depend on
subsurface conditions and on the phase diagram of the petroleum mixture.[30]
An oil well produces predominantly crude oil, with some
natural gas dissolved in it. Because the pressure is lower at the surface than
underground, some of the gas will come out of solution and be recovered (or
burned) as associated gas or solution gas. A gas well produces predominantly
natural gas. However, because the underground temperature and pressure are
higher than at the surface, the gas may contain heavier hydrocarbons such as
pentane, hexane, and heptane in the gaseous state. At surface conditions these
will condense out of the gas to form natural gas condensate, often shortened to
condensate. Condensate resembles petrol in appearance and is similar in
composition to some volatile light crude oils.
The proportion of light hydrocarbons in the petroleum
mixture varies greatly among different oil fields, ranging from as much as 97
percent by weight in the lighter oils to as little as 50 percent in the heavier
oils and bitumens.
The hydrocarbons in crude oil are mostly alkanes,
cycloalkanes and various aromatic hydrocarbons while the other organic
compounds contain nitrogen, oxygen and sulfur, and trace amounts of metals such
as iron, nickel, copper and vanadium. The exact molecular composition varies
widely from formation to formation but the proportion of chemical elements vary
over fairly narrow limits as follows:[31]
Most of the world's oils are non-conventional.[32]
Composition by weight
Element Percent
Carbon 83 to
Hydrogen 10 to 14%
Nitrogen 0.1 to
Oxygen 0.05 to
Sulfur 0.05
to 6.0%
Metals <
Four different types of hydrocarbon molecules appear in
crude oil. The relative percentage of each varies from oil to oil, determining
the properties of each oil.[30]
Composition by weight
Hydrocarbon Average Range
Alkanes (paraffins) 30% 15 to 60%
Naphthenes 49% 30 to 60%
Aromatics 15% 3 to 30%
Asphaltics 6% remainder
Crude oil varies greatly in appearance depending on its
composition. It is usually black or dark brown (although it may be yellowish,
reddish, or even greenish). In the reservoir it is usually found in association
with natural gas, which being lighter forms a gas cap over the petroleum, and
saline water which, being heavier than most forms of crude oil, generally sinks
beneath it. Crude oil may also be found in semi-solid form mixed with sand and
water, as in the Athabasca oil sands in Canada, where it is usually referred to
as crude bitumen. In Canada, bitumen is considered a sticky, black, tar-like
form of crude oil which is so thick and heavy that it must be heated or diluted
before it will flow.[33] Venezuela also has large amounts of oil in the Orinoco
oil sands, although the hydrocarbons trapped in them are more fluid than in
Canada and are usually called extra heavy oil. These oil sands resources are
called unconventional oil to distinguish them from oil which can be extracted
using traditional oil well methods. Between them, Canada and Venezuela contain
an estimated 3.6 trillion barrels (570×109 m3) of bitumen and extra-heavy oil,
about twice the volume of the world's reserves of conventional oil.[34]
Petroleum is used mostly, by volume, for producing fuel
oil and petrol, both important "primary energy" sources.[35] 84
percent by volume of the hydrocarbons present in petroleum is converted into
energy-rich fuels (petroleum-based fuels), including petrol, diesel, jet,
heating, and other fuel oils, and liquefied petroleum gas.[36] The lighter
grades of crude oil produce the best yields of these products, but as the
world's reserves of light and medium oil are depleted, oil refineries are
increasingly having to process heavy oil and bitumen, and use more complex and
expensive methods to produce the products required. Because heavier crude oils
have too much carbon and not enough hydrogen, these processes generally involve
removing carbon from or adding hydrogen to the molecules, and using fluid
catalytic cracking to convert the longer, more complex molecules in the oil to
the shorter, simpler ones in the fuels.
Due to its high energy density, easy transportability and
relative abundance, oil has become the world's most important source of energy
since the mid-1950s. Petroleum is also the raw material for many chemical
products, including pharmaceuticals, solvents, fertilizers, pesticides, and
plastics; the 16 percent not used for energy production is converted into these
other materials. Petroleum is found in porous rock formations in the upper
strata of some areas of the Earth's crust. There is also petroleum in oil sands
(tar sands). Known oil reserves are typically estimated at around 190 km3 (1.2
trillion (short scale) barrels) without oil sands,[37] or 595 km3 (3.74
trillion barrels) with oil sands.[38] Consumption is currently around 84
million barrels (13.4×106 m3) per day, or 4.9 km3 per year. Which in turn
yields a remaining oil supply of only about 120 years, if current demand remain
Octane, a hydrocarbon found in petroleum. Lines represent
single bonds; black spheres represent carbon; white spheres represent hydrogen.
Petroleum is a mixture of a very large number of
different hydrocarbons; the most commonly found molecules are alkanes
(paraffins), cycloalkanes (naphthenes), aromatic hydrocarbons, or more
complicated chemicals like asphaltenes. Each petroleum variety has a unique mix
of molecules, which define its physical and chemical properties, like color and
The alkanes, also known as paraffins, are saturated
hydrocarbons with straight or branched chains which contain only carbon and
hydrogen and have the general formula CnH2n+2. They generally have from 5 to 40
carbon atoms per molecule, although trace amounts of shorter or longer
molecules may be present in the mixture.
The alkanes from pentane (C5H12) to octane (C8H18) are
refined into petrol, the ones from nonane (C9H20) to hexadecane (C16H34) into
diesel fuel, kerosene and jet fuel. Alkanes with more than 16 carbon atoms can
be refined into fuel oil and lubricating oil. At the heavier end of the range,
paraffin wax is an alkane with approximately 25 carbon atoms, while asphalt has
35 and up, although these are usually cracked by modern refineries into more
valuable products. The shortest molecules, those with four or fewer carbon
atoms, are in a gaseous state at room temperature. They are the petroleum
gases. Depending on demand and the cost of recovery, these gases are either
flared off, sold as liquified petroleum gas under pressure, or used to power
the refinery's own burners. During the winter, butane (C4H10), is blended into the
petrol pool at high rates, because its high vapor pressure assists with cold
starts. Liquified under pressure slightly above atmospheric, it is best known
for powering cigarette lighters, but it is also a main fuel source for many
developing countries. Propane can be liquified under modest pressure, and is
consumed for just about every application relying on petroleum for energy, from
cooking to heating to transportation.
The cycloalkanes, also known as naphthenes, are saturated
hydrocarbons which have one or more carbon rings to which hydrogen atoms are
attached according to the formula CnH2n. Cycloalkanes have similar properties
to alkanes but have higher boiling points.
The aromatic hydrocarbons are unsaturated hydrocarbons
which have one or more planar six-carbon rings called benzene rings, to which
hydrogen atoms are attached with the formula CnHn. They tend to burn with a
sooty flame, and many have a sweet aroma. Some are carcinogenic.
These different molecules are separated by fractional
distillation at an oil refinery to produce petrol, jet fuel, kerosene, and
other hydrocarbons. For example, 2,2,4-trimethylpentane (isooctane), widely
used in petrol, has a chemical formula of C8H18 and it reacts with oxygen
2 C
18(l) + 25 O
2(g) → 16 CO
2(g) + 18 H
2O(g) (ΔH = −5.51 MJ/mol of octane)
The number of various molecules in an oil sample can be
determined in laboratory. The molecules are typically extracted in a solvent,
then separated in a gas chromatograph, and finally determined with a suitable
detector, such as a flame ionization detector or a mass spectrometer.[40] Due
to the large number of co-eluted hydrocarbons within oil, many cannot be
resolved by traditional gas chromatography and typically appear as a hump in
the chromatogram. This unresolved complex mixture (UCM) of hydrocarbons is
particularly apparent when analysing weathered oils and extracts from tissues
of organisms exposed to oil.
Incomplete combustion of petroleum or petrol results in
production of toxic byproducts. Too little oxygen results in carbon monoxide.
Due to the high temperatures and high pressures involved, exhaust gases from
petrol combustion in car engines usually include nitrogen oxides which are
responsible for creation of photochemical smog.
Empirical equations for thermal properties[edit]
Heat of combustion[edit]
At a constant volume the heat of combustion of a
petroleum product can be approximated as follows:
Q_v = 12400, - 2,100d^2.
where Q_v is measured in cal/gram and d is the specific
gravity at 60 °F (16 °C).
Thermal conductivity[edit]
The thermal conductivity of petroleum based liquids can
be modeled as follows:[41]
K = \frac{1.62}{API}[1-0.0003(t-32)]
where K is measured in BTU · °F−1hr−1ft−1 , t is measured
in °F and API is degrees API gravity.
Specific heat[edit]
The specific heat of a petroleum oils can be modeled as
c = \frac{1}{d} [0.388+0.00046t],
where c is measured in BTU/lbm-°F, t is the temperature
in Fahrenheit and d is the specific gravity at 60 °F (16 °C).
In units of kcal/(kg·°C), the formula is:
c = \frac{1}{d} [0.4024+0.00081t],
where the temperature t is in Celsius and d is the
specific gravity at 15 °C.
Latent heat of vaporization[edit]
The latent heat of vaporization can be modeled under
atmospheric conditions as follows:
L = \frac{1}{d}[110.9 - 0.09t],
where L is measured in BTU/lbm, t is measured in °F and d
is the specific gravity at 60 °F (16 °C).
In units of kcal/kg, the formula is:
L = \frac{1}{d}[194.4 - 0.162t],
where the temperature t is in Celsius and d is the
specific gravity at 15 °C.[43]
Structure of a vanadium porphyrin compound (left)
extracted from petroleum by Alfred E. Treibs, father of organic geochemistry.
Treibs noted the close structural similarity of this molecule and chlorophyll a
Petroleum is a fossil fuel derived from ancient
fossilized organic materials, such as zooplankton and algae.[46] Vast
quantities of these remains settled to sea or lake bottoms, mixing with
sediments and being buried under anoxic conditions. As further layers settled
to the sea or lake bed, intense heat and pressure build up in the lower
regions. This process caused the organic matter to change, first into a waxy
material known as kerogen, which is found in various oil shales around the
world, and then with more heat into liquid and gaseous hydrocarbons via a
process known as catagenesis. Formation of petroleum occurs from hydrocarbon
pyrolysis in a variety of mainly endothermic reactions at high temperature
and/or pressure.[47]
There were certain warm nutrient-rich environments such
as the Gulf of Mexico and the ancient Tethys Sea where the large amounts of
organic material falling to the ocean floor exceeded the rate at which it could
decompose. This resulted in large masses of organic material being buried under
subsequent deposits such as shale formed from mud. This massive organic deposit
later became heated and transformed under pressure into oil.[48]
Geologists often refer to the temperature range in which
oil forms as an "oil window"[49]—below the minimum temperature oil
remains trapped in the form of kerogen, and above the maximum temperature the
oil is converted to natural gas through the process of thermal cracking.
Sometimes, oil formed at extreme depths may migrate and become trapped at a
much shallower level. The Athabasca Oil Sands are one example of this.
An alternative mechanism was proposed by Russian
scientists in the mid-1850s, the Abiogenic petroleum origin, but this is
contradicted by the geological and geochemical evidence.[citation needed]
Crude oil reservoirs[edit]
Hydrocarbon trap.
Three conditions must be present for oil reservoirs to
form: a source rock rich in hydrocarbon material buried deep enough for
subterranean heat to cook it into oil, a porous and permeable reservoir rock
for it to accumulate in, and a cap rock (seal) or other mechanism that prevents
it from escaping to the surface. Within these reservoirs, fluids will typically
organize themselves like a three-layer cake with a layer of water below the oil
layer and a layer of gas above it, although the different layers vary in size
between reservoirs. Because most hydrocarbons are less dense than rock or
water, they often migrate upward through adjacent rock layers until either
reaching the surface or becoming trapped within porous rocks (known as
reservoirs) by impermeable rocks above. However, the process is influenced by
underground water flows, causing oil to migrate hundreds of kilometres
horizontally or even short distances downward before becoming trapped in a
reservoir. When hydrocarbons are concentrated in a trap, an oil field forms,
from which the liquid can be extracted by drilling and pumping.
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LNG Tanker |
The reactions that produce oil and natural gas are often
modeled as first order breakdown reactions, where hydrocarbons are broken down
to oil and natural gas by a set of parallel reactions, and oil eventually
breaks down to natural gas by another set of reactions. The latter set is
regularly used in petrochemical plants and oil refineries.
Wells are drilled into oil reservoirs to extract the
crude oil. "Natural lift" production methods that rely on the natural
reservoir pressure to force the oil to the surface are usually sufficient for a
while after reservoirs are first tapped. In some reservoirs, such as in the
Middle East, the natural pressure is sufficient over a long time. The natural
pressure in most reservoirs, however, eventually dissipates. Then the oil must
be extracted using "artificial lift" means. Over time, these
"primary" methods become less effective and "secondary"
production methods may be used. A common secondary method is
"waterflood" or injection of water into the reservoir to increase
pressure and force the oil to the drilled shaft or "wellbore."
Eventually "tertiary" or "enhanced" oil recovery methods
may be used to increase the oil's flow characteristics by injecting steam,
carbon dioxide and other gases or chemicals into the reservoir. In the United
States, primary production methods account for less than 40 percent of the oil
produced on a daily basis, secondary methods account for about half, and tertiary
recovery the remaining 10 percent. Extracting oil (or "bitumen") from
oil/tar sand and oil shale deposits requires mining the sand or shale and
heating it in a vessel or retort, or using "in-situ" methods of
injecting heated liquids into the deposit and then pumping out the
oil-saturated liquid.
Unconventional oil reservoirs[edit]
See also: Unconventional oil, Oil sands and Oil shale
Oil-eating bacteria biodegrade oil that has escaped to
the surface. Oil sands are reservoirs of partially biodegraded oil still in the
process of escaping and being biodegraded, but they contain so much migrating
oil that, although most of it has escaped, vast amounts are still present—more
than can be found in conventional oil reservoirs. The lighter fractions of the
crude oil are destroyed first, resulting in reservoirs containing an extremely
heavy form of crude oil, called crude bitumen in Canada, or extra-heavy crude
oil in Venezuela. These two countries have the world's largest deposits of oil
On the other hand, oil shales are source rocks that have
not been exposed to heat or pressure long enough to convert their trapped
hydrocarbons into crude oil. Technically speaking, oil shales are not always
shales and do not contain oil, but are fined-grain sedimentary rocks containing
an insoluble organic solid called kerogen. The kerogen in the rock can be
converted into crude oil using heat and pressure to simulate natural processes.
The method has been known for centuries and was patented in 1694 under British
Crown Patent No. 330 covering, "A way to extract and make great quantities
of pitch, tar, and oil out of a sort of stone." Although oil shales are
found in many countries, the United States has the world's largest
Some marker crudes with their sulfur content (horizontal)
and API gravity (vertical) and relative production quantity.
See also: Benchmark (crude oil)
The petroleum industry generally classifies crude oil by
the geographic location it is produced in (e.g. West Texas Intermediate, Brent,
or Oman), its API gravity (an oil industry measure of density), and its sulfur
content. Crude oil may be considered light if it has low density or heavy if it
has high density; and it may be referred to as sweet if it contains relatively
little sulfur or sour if it contains substantial amounts of sulfur.
The geographic location is important because it affects
transportation costs to the refinery. Light crude oil is more desirable than
heavy oil since it produces a higher yield of petrol, while sweet oil commands
a higher price than sour oil because it has fewer environmental problems and
requires less refining to meet sulfur standards imposed on fuels in consuming
countries. Each crude oil has unique molecular characteristics which are
understood by the use of crude oil assay analysis in petroleum laboratories.
Barrels from an area in which the crude oil's molecular
characteristics have been determined and the oil has been classified are used
as pricing references throughout the world. Some of the common reference crudes
West Texas Intermediate (WTI), a very high-quality,
sweet, light oil delivered at Cushing, Oklahoma for North American oil
Brent Blend, comprising 15 oils from fields in the Brent
and Ninian systems in the East Shetland Basin of the North Sea. The oil is
landed at Sullom Voe terminal in Shetland. Oil production from Europe, Africa
and Middle Eastern oil flowing West tends to be priced off this oil, which
forms a benchmark
Dubai-Oman, used as benchmark for Middle East sour crude
oil flowing to the Asia-Pacific region
Tapis (from Malaysia, used as a reference for light Far
East oil)
Minas (from Indonesia, used as a reference for heavy Far
East oil)
The OPEC Reference Basket, a weighted average of oil
blends from various OPEC (The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting
Countries) countries
Midway Sunset Heavy, by which heavy oil in California is
There are declining amounts of these benchmark oils being
produced each year, so other oils are more commonly what is actually delivered.
While the reference price may be for West Texas Intermediate delivered at
Cushing, the actual oil being traded may be a discounted Canadian heavy oil
delivered at Hardisty, Alberta, and for a Brent Blend delivered at Shetland, it
may be a Russian Export Blend delivered at the port of Primorsk.[52]
Petroleum industry[edit]
Crude Oil Export Treemap (2012) from Harvard Atlas of
Economic Complexity[53]
New York Mercantile Exchange prices ($/bbl) for West
Texas Intermediate since 2000
Main article: Petroleum industry
The petroleum industry is involved in the global
processes of exploration, extraction, refining, transporting (often with oil
tankers and pipelines), and marketing petroleum products. The largest volume
products of the industry are fuel oil and petrol. Petroleum is also the raw
material for many chemical products, including pharmaceuticals, solvents,
fertilizers, pesticides, and plastics. The industry is usually divided into
three major components: upstream, midstream and downstream. Midstream
operations are usually included in the downstream category.
Petroleum is vital to many industries, and is of
importance to the maintenance of industrialized civilization itself, and thus
is a critical concern to many nations. Oil accounts for a large percentage of
the world's energy consumption, ranging from a low of 32 percent for Europe and
Asia, up to a high of 53 percent for the Middle East, South and Central America
(44%), Africa (41%), and North America (40%). The world at large consumes 30
billion barrels (4.8 km³) of oil per year, and the top oil consumers largely
consist of developed nations. In fact, 24 percent of the oil consumed in 2004
went to the United States alone,[54] though by 2007 this had dropped to 21
percent of world oil consumed.[55]
In the US, in the states of Arizona, California, Hawaii,
Nevada, Oregon and Washington, the Western States Petroleum Association (WSPA)
represents companies responsible for producing, distributing, refining,
transporting and marketing petroleum. This non-profit trade association was
founded in 1907, and is the oldest petroleum trade association in the United
In the 1950s, shipping costs made up 33 percent of the
price of oil transported from the Persian Gulf to USA,[57] but due to the
development of supertankers in the 1970s, the cost of shipping dropped to only
5 percent of the price of Persian oil in USA.[57] Due to the increase of the value
of the crude oil during the last 30 years, the share of the shipping cost on
the final cost of the delivered commodity was less than 3% in 2010. For
example, in 2010 the shipping cost from the Persian Gulf to the USA was in the
range of 20 $/t and the cost of the delivered crude oil around 800
$/t.[citation needed]
Main article: Price of petroleum
After the collapse of the OPEC-administered pricing
system in 1985, and a short lived experiment with netback pricing,
oil-exporting countries adopted a market-linked pricing mechanism.[58] First
adopted by PEMEX in 1986, market-linked pricing was widely accepted, and by
1988 became and still is the main method for pricing crude oil in international
trade.[58] The current reference, or pricing markers, are Brent, WTI, and
Further information: Petroleum products
The chemical structure of petroleum is heterogeneous,
composed of hydrocarbon chains of different lengths. Because of this, petroleum
may be taken to oil refineries and the hydrocarbon chemicals separated by
distillation and treated by other chemical processes, to be used for a variety
of purposes. See Petroleum products.
A poster used to promote carpooling as a way to ration
gasoline during World War II.
The most common distillation fractions of petroleum are
fuels. Fuels include (by increasing boiling temperature range):[59]
Common fractions of petroleum as fuels
Fraction Boiling
range oC
Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) −40
Butane −12 to
Petrol −1 to
Jet fuel 150
to 205
Kerosene 205 to 260
Fuel oil 205
to 290
Diesel fuel 260 to
Other derivatives[edit]
Certain types of resultant hydrocarbons may be mixed with
other non-hydrocarbons, to create other end products:
Alkenes (olefins), which can be manufactured into
plastics or other compounds
Lubricants (produces light machine oils, motor oils, and
greases, adding viscosity stabilizers as required)
Wax, used in the packaging of frozen foods, among others
Sulfur or Sulfuric acid. These are useful industrial
materials. Sulfuric acid is usually prepared as the acid precursor oleum, a
byproduct of sulfur removal from fuels.
Bulk tar
Petroleum coke, used in speciality carbon products or as
solid fuel
Paraffin wax
Aromatic petrochemicals to be used as precursors in other
chemical production
Since the 1940s, agricultural productivity has increased
dramatically, due largely to the increased use of energy-intensive
mechanization, fertilizers and pesticides.
Petroleum by country[edit]
Consumption statistics[edit]
Global fossil carbon emissions, an indicator of
consumption, for 1800–2007. Total is black, Oil is in blue.
Rate of world energy usage per day, from 1970 to 2010.
daily oil consumption from 1980 to 2006
oil consumption by percentage of total per region from
1980 to 2006: red=USA, blue=Europe, yellow=Asia+Oceania
Oil consumption 1980 to 2007 by region.
According to the US Energy Information Administration
(EIA) estimate for 2011, the world consumes 87.421 million barrels of oil each
Oil consumption per capita (darker colors represent more
consumption, gray represents no data).
This table orders the amount of petroleum consumed in
2011 in thousand barrels (1000 bbl) per day and in thousand cubic metres (1000
m3) per day:[61][62][63]
Consuming Nation 2011 (1000
day) (1000 m3/
day) population
in millions bbl/year
per capita m3/year
per capita national
United States 1 18,835.5 2,994.6 314 21.8 3.47 0.51
China 9,790.0 1,556.5 1345 2.7 0.43 0.41
Japan 2 4,464.1 709.7 127 12.8 2.04 0.03
India 2 3,292.2 523.4 1198 1 0.16 0.26
Russia 1 3,145.1 500.0 140 8.1 1.29 3.35
Saudi Arabia (OPEC) 2,817.5 447.9 27 40 6.4 3.64
Brazil 2,594.2 412.4 193 4.9 0.78 0.99
Germany 2 2,400.1 381.6 82 10.7 1.70 0.06
Canada 2,259.1 359.2 33 24.6 3.91 1.54
South Korea 2 2,230.2 354.6 48 16.8 2.67 0.02
Mexico 1 2,132.7 339.1 109 7.1 1.13 1.39
France 2 1,791.5 284.8 62 10.5 1.67 0.03
Iran (OPEC) 1,694.4 269.4 74 8.3 1.32 2.54
United Kingdom 1 1,607.9 255.6 61 9.5 1.51 0.93
Italy 2 1,453.6 231.1 60 8.9 1.41 0.10
Source: US Energy Information Administration
Population Data:[64]
1 peak production of oil already passed in this state
2 This country is not a major oil producer
For oil reserves by country, see List of countries by
proven oil reserves.
Oil producing countries
Graph of Top Oil Producing Countries 1960–2006, including
Soviet Union[65]
In petroleum industry parlance, production refers to the
quantity of crude extracted from reserves, not the literal creation of the
# Producing
Nation 103bbl/d (2006) 103bbl/d (2007) 103bbl/d (2008) 103bbl/d
(2009) Present Share
1 Saudi Arabia
(OPEC) 10,665 10,234 10,782 9,760 11.8%
2 Russia 1 9,677 9,876 9,789 9,934 12.0%
3 United
States 1 8,331 8,481 8,514 9,141 11.1%
4 Iran (OPEC) 4,148 4,043 4,174 4,177 5.1%
5 China 3,846 3,901 3,973 3,996 4.8%
6 Canada 2 3,288 3,358 3,350 3,294 4.0%
7 Mexico 1 3,707 3,501 3,185 3,001 3.6%
8 United Arab
Emirates (OPEC) 2,945 2,948 3,046 2,795 3.4%
9 Kuwait
(OPEC) 2,675 2,613 2,742 2,496 3.0%
10 Venezuela
(OPEC) 1 2,803 2,667 2,643 2,471 3.0%
11 Norway 1 2,786 2,565 2,466 2,350 2.8%
12 Brazil 2,166 2,279 2,401 2,577 3.1%
13 Iraq (OPEC) 3 2,008 2,094 2,385 2,400 2.9%
14 Algeria
(OPEC) 2,122 2,173 2,179 2,126 2.6%
15 Nigeria
(OPEC) 2,443 2,352 2,169 2,211 2.7%
16 Angola (OPEC) 1,435 1,769 2,014 1,948 2.4%
17 Libya (OPEC) 1,809 1,845 1,875 1,789 2.2%
18 United
Kingdom 1,689 1,690 1,584 1,422 1.7%
19 Kazakhstan 1,388 1,445 1,429 1,540 1.9%
20 Qatar (OPEC) 1,141 1,136 1,207 1,213 1.5%
21 Indonesia 1,102 1,044 1,051 1,023 1.2%
22 India 854 881 884 877 1.1%
23 Azerbaijan 648 850 875 1,012 1.2%
24 Argentina 802 791 792 794 1.0%
25 Oman 743 714 761 816 1.0%
26 Malaysia 729 703 727 693 0.8%
27 Egypt 667 664 631 678 0.8%
28 Colombia 544 543 601 686 0.8%
29 Australia 552 595 586 588 0.7%
30 Ecuador
(OPEC) 536 512 505 485 0.6%
31 Sudan 380 466 480 486 0.6%
32 Syria 449 446 426 400 0.5%
33 Equatorial
Guinea 386 400 359 346 0.4%
34 Thailand 334 349 361 339 0.4%
35 Vietnam 362 352 314 346 0.4%
36 Yemen 377 361 300 287 0.3%
37 Denmark 344 314 289 262 0.3%
38 Gabon 237 244 248 242 0.3%
39 South Africa 204 199 195 192 0.2%
40 Turkmenistan No data 180 189 198 0.2%
41 Trinidad and
Tobago 181 179 176 174 0.1%
Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration
1 Peak production of conventional oil already passed in
this state
2 Although Canada's conventional oil production is
declining, its total oil production is increasing as oil sands production
grows. When oil sands are included, Canada has the world's second largest oil
reserves after Saudi Arabia.
3 Trinidad and Tobago has the worlds third largest pitch
lake situated La Brea south Trinidad
4 Though still a member, Iraq has not been included in
production figures since 1998
In 2013, the United States will produce an average of
11.4 million barrels a day, which would make it the second largest producer of
hydrocarbons,[66] and is expected to overtake Saudi Arabia before 2020.[67]
See also: Fossil fuel exporters and Organization of
Petroleum Exporting Countries
Oil exports by country.
In order of net exports in 2011, 2009 and 2006 in
thousand bbl/d and thousand m³/d:
# Exporting
Nation 103bbl/d (2011) 103m3/d (2011) 103bbl/d
(2009) 103m3/d (2009) 103bbl/d (2006) 103m3/d (2006)
1 Saudi Arabia
(OPEC) 8,336 1,325 7,322 1,164 8,651 1,376
2 Russia 1 7,083 1,126 7,194 1,144 6,565 1,044
3 Iran (OPEC) 2,540 403 2,486 395 2,519 401
4 United Arab
Emirates (OPEC) 2,524 401 2,303 366 2,515 400
5 Kuwait
(OPEC) 2,343 373 2,124 338 2,150 342
6 Nigeria
(OPEC) 2,257 359 1,939 308 2,146 341
7 Iraq (OPEC) 1,915 304 1,764 280 1,438 229
8 Angola
(OPEC) 1,760 280 1,878 299 1,363 217
9 Norway 1 1,752 279 2,132 339 2,542 404
10 Venezuela
(OPEC) 1 1,715 273 1,748 278 2,203 350
11 Algeria
(OPEC) 1 1,568 249 1,767 281 1,847 297
12 Qatar (OPEC) 1,468 233 1,066 169 – –
13 Canada 2 1,405 223 1,168 187 1,071 170
14 Kazakhstan 1,396 222 1,299 207 1,114 177
15 Azerbaijan 1 836 133 912 145 532 85
16 Trinidad and
Tobago 1 177 112 167 160 155 199
Source: US Energy Information Administration
1 peak production already passed in this state
2 Canadian statistics are complicated by the fact it is
both an importer and exporter of crude oil, and refines large amounts of oil
for the U.S. market. It is the leading source of U.S. imports of oil and
products, averaging 2,500,000 bbl/d (400,000 m3/d) in August 2007. [1].
Total world production/consumption (as of 2005) is
approximately 84 million barrels per day (13,400,000 m3/d).
Oil imports by country.
In order of net imports in 2011, 2009 and 2006 in
thousand bbl/d and thousand m³/d:
# Importing
Nation 103bbl/day (2011) 103m3/day (2011) 103bbl/day (2009) 103m3/day
(2009) 103bbl/day (2006) 103m3/day (2006)
1 United
States 1 8,728 1,388 9,631 1,531 12,220 1,943
2 China 2 5,487 872 4,328 688 3,438 547
3 Japan 4,329 688 4,235 673 5,097 810
4 India 2,349 373 2,233 355 1,687 268
5 Germany 2,235 355 2,323 369 2,483 395
6 South Korea 2,170 345 2,139 340 2,150 342
7 France 1,697 270 1,749 278 1,893 301
8 Spain 1,346 214 1,439 229 1,555 247
9 Italy 1,292 205 1,381 220 1,558 248
10 Singapore 1,172 186 916 146 787 125
11 Republic of
China (Taiwan) 1,009 160 944 150 942 150
12 Netherlands 948 151 973 155 936 149
13 Turkey 650 103 650 103 576 92
14 Belgium 634 101 597 95 546 87
15 Thailand 592 94 538 86 606 96
Source: US Energy Information Administration
1 peak production of oil expected in 2020[68]
2 Major oil producer whose production is still
increasing[citation needed]
Import to the USA by country 2010[edit]
oil imports to US 2010
Non-producing consumers[edit]
Countries whose oil production is 10% or less of their
# Consuming
Nation (bbl/day) (m³/day)
1 Japan 5,578,000 886,831
2 Germany 2,677,000 425,609
3 South Korea 2,061,000 327,673
4 France 2,060,000 327,514
5 Italy 1,874,000 297,942
6 Spain 1,537,000 244,363
7 Netherlands 946,700 150,513
8 Turkey 575,011 91,663
Source: CIA World Factbook[not in citation given]
Environmental effects[edit]
Diesel fuel spill on a road
Main article: Environmental issues with petroleum
Because petroleum is a naturally occurring substance, its
presence in the environment need not be the result of human causes such as
accidents and routine activities (seismic exploration, drilling, extraction,
refining and combustion). Phenomena such as seeps[69] and tar pits are examples
of areas that petroleum affects without man's involvement. Regardless of
source, petroleum's effects when released into the environment are similar.
Ocean acidification[edit]
Seawater Acidification
Ocean acidification is the increase in the acidity of the
Earth's oceans caused by the uptake of carbon dioxide (CO
2) from the atmosphere. This increase in acidity inhibits
life such as scallops.[70]
Global warming[edit]
When burned, petroleum releases carbon dioxide; a
greenhouse gas. Along with the burning of coal, petroleum combustion is the
largest contributor to the increase in atmospheric CO2. Atmospheric CO2 has
risen steadily since the industrial revolution to current levels of over 390
ppmv, from the 180 – 300 ppmv of the prior 800 thousand years, driving global
warming.[71][72][73] The unbridled use of petroleum could potentially cause a
runaway greenhouse effect on Earth.[citation needed] Use of oil as an energy
source has caused Earth's temperature to increase by nearly one degree Celsius.
This raise in temperature has reduced the Arctic ice cap to 1,100,000 sq mi
(2,800,000 km2), smaller than ever recorded.[74] Because of this melt, more oil
reserves have been revealed. It is estimated by the International Energy Agency
that about 13 percent of the world's undiscovered oil resides in the
Oil extraction is simply the removal of oil from the
reservoir (oil pool). Oil is often recovered as a water-in-oil emulsion, and
specialty chemicals called demulsifiers are used to separate the oil from
water. Oil extraction is costly and sometimes environmentally damaging,
although Dr. John Hunt of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution pointed out
in a 1981 paper that over 70 percent of the reserves in the world are
associated with visible macroseepages, and many oil fields are found due to
natural seeps. Offshore exploration and extraction of oil disturbs the
surrounding marine environment.[76]
Oil spills[edit]
Further information: Oil spill and List of oil spills
Kelp after an oil spill
Oil Sick from the Montara oil spill in the Timor Sea,
September, 2009
Volunteers cleaning up the aftermath of the Prestige oil
Crude oil and refined fuel spills from tanker ship
accidents have damaged natural ecosystems in Alaska, the Gulf of Mexico, the
Galapagos Islands, France and many other places.
The quantity of oil spilled during accidents has ranged
from a few hundred tons to several hundred thousand tons (e.g., Deepwater
Horizon Oil Spill, Atlantic Empress, Amoco Cadiz). Smaller spills have already
proven to have a great impact on ecosystems, such as the Exxon Valdez oil spill
Oil spills at sea are generally much more damaging than
those on land, since they can spread for hundreds of nautical miles in a thin
oil slick which can cover beaches with a thin coating of oil. This can kill sea
birds, mammals, shellfish and other organisms it coats. Oil spills on land are
more readily containable if a makeshift earth dam can be rapidly bulldozed
around the spill site before most of the oil escapes, and land animals can
avoid the oil more easily.
Control of oil spills is difficult, requires ad hoc
methods, and often a large amount of manpower. The dropping of bombs and
incendiary devices from aircraft on SS Torrey Canyon wreck produced poor
results;[77] modern techniques would include pumping the oil from the wreck,
like in the Prestige oil spill or the Erika oil spill.[78]
Though crude oil is predominantly composed of various
hydrocarbons, certain nitrogen heterocylic compounds, such as pyridine,
picoline, and quinoline are reported as contaminants associated with crude oil,
as well as facilities processing oil shale or coal, and have also been found at
legacy wood treatment sites. These compounds have a very high water solubility,
and thus tend to dissolve and move with water. Certain naturally occurring bacteria,
such as Micrococcus, Arthrobacter, and Rhodococcus have been shown to degrade
these contaminants.[79]
A tarball is a blob of crude oil (not to be confused with
tar, which is typically derived from pine trees rather than petroleum) which
has been weathered after floating in the ocean. Tarballs are an aquatic
pollutant in most environments, although they can occur naturally, for example,
in the Santa Barbara Channel of California.[80][81] Their concentration and
features have been used to assess the extent of oil spills. Their composition
can be used to identify their sources of origin,[82][83] and tarballs
themselves may be dispersed over long distances by deep sea currents.[81] They
are slowly decomposed by bacteria, including Chromobacterium violaceum,
Cladosporium resinae, Bacillus submarinus, Micrococcus varians, Pseudomonas
aeruginosa, Candida marina and Saccharomyces estuari.[80]
James S. Robbins has argued that the advent of
petroleum-refined kerosene saved some species of great whales from extinction
by providing an inexpensive substitute for whale oil, thus eliminating the
economic imperative for open-boat whaling.[84]
Alternatives to petroleum[edit]
Further information: Renewable energy
In the United States in 2007 about 70 percent of
petroleum was used for transportation (e.g. petrol, diesel, jet fuel), 24
percent by industry (e.g. production of plastics), 5 percent for residential
and commercial uses, and 2 percent for electricity production.[85] Outside of
the US, a higher proportion of petroleum tends to be used for electricity.[86]
Alternatives to petroleum-based vehicle fuels[edit]
Brazilian fuel station with four alternative fuels for
sale: diesel (B3), gasohol (E25), neat ethanol (E100), and compressed natural
gas (CNG).
Main articles: Alternative fuel vehicle, Hydrogen economy
and Green vehicle
Alternative fuel vehicles refers to both:
Vehicles that use alternative fuels used in standard or
modified internal combustion engines such as natural gas vehicles, neat ethanol
vehicles, flexible-fuel vehicles, biodiesel-powered vehicles, and hydrogen
Vehicles with advanced propulsion systems that reduce or
substitute petroleum use such as battery electric vehicles, plug-in hybrid
electric vehicles, hybrid electric vehicles, and hydrogen fuel cell vehicles.
Alternatives to using oil in industry[edit]
[icon] This section
requires expansion. (July 2008)
Biological feedstocks do exist for industrial uses such
as Bioplastic production.[87]
Alternatives to burning petroleum for electricity[edit]
Main articles: Alternative energy, Nuclear power and
Renewable energy
In oil producing countries with little refinery capacity,
oil is sometimes burned to produce electricity. Renewable energy technologies
such as solar power, wind power, micro hydro, biomass and biofuels are used,
but the primary alternatives remain large-scale hydroelectricity, nuclear and
coal-fired generation.
Future of petroleum production[edit]
US oil production and imports, 1910-2012.
Consumption in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries
has been abundantly pushed by automobile growth; the 1985–2003 oil glut even
fueled the sales of low economy vehicles in OECD countries. The 2008 economic
crisis seems to have had some impact on the sales of such vehicles; still, the
2008 oil consumption shows a small increase. The BRIC countries might also kick
in, as China briefly was the first automobile market in December 2009.[88] The
immediate outlook still hints upwards. In the long term, uncertainties linger;
the OPEC believes that the OECD countries will push low consumption policies at
some point in the future; when that happens, it will definitely curb oil sales,
and both OPEC and EIA kept lowering their 2020 consumption estimates during the
past 5 years.[89] Oil products are more and more in competition with
alternative sources, mainly coal and natural gas, both cheaper sources.
Production will also face an increasingly complex situation; while OPEC
countries still have large reserves at low production prices, newly found
reservoirs often lead to higher prices; offshore giants such as Tupi, Guara and
Tiber demand high investments and ever-increasing technological abilities.
Subsalt reservoirs such as Tupi were unknown in the twentieth century, mainly
because the industry was unable to probe them. Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR)
techniques (example: DaQing, China[90] ) will continue to play a major role in
increasing the world's recoverable oil.
Peak oil[edit]
Main article: Peak oil
Global Peak Oil forecast
Peak oil is the projection that future petroleum
production (whether for individual oil wells, entire oil fields, whole
countries, or worldwide production) will eventually peak and then decline at a
similar rate to the rate of increase before the peak as these reserves are
exhausted. The peak of oil discoveries was in 1965, and oil production per year
has surpassed oil discoveries every year since 1980.[91]
Hubbert applied his theory to accurately predict the peak
of U.S. conventional oil production at a date between 1966 and 1970. This
prediction was based on data available at the time of his publication in 1956.
In the same paper, Hubbert predicts world peak oil in "half a
century" after his publication, which would be 2006.[92]
It is difficult to predict the oil peak in any given
region, due to the lack of knowledge and/or transparency in accounting of
global oil reserves.[93] Based on available production data, proponents have
previously predicted the peak for the world to be in years 1989, 1995, or
1995–2000. Some of these predictions date from before the recession of the
early 1980s, and the consequent reduction in global consumption, the effect of
which was to delay the date of any peak by several years. Just as the 1971 U.S.
peak in oil production was only clearly recognized after the fact, a peak in
world production will be difficult to discern until production clearly drops
off.[94] The peak is also a moving target as it is now measured as
"liquids", which includes synthetic fuels, instead of just
conventional oil.[95]
The International Energy Agency (IEA) said in 2010 that
production of conventional crude oil had peaked in 2006 at 70 MBBL/d, then flattened
at 68 or 69 thereafter.[96][97] Since virtually all economic sectors rely
heavily on petroleum, peak oil, if it were to occur, could lead to a
"partial or complete failure of markets".[98]
Unconventional Production[edit]
The calculus for peak oil has changed with the
introduction of unconventional production methods. In particular, the
combination of horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing has resulted in a
significant increase in production from previously uneconomic plays.[99]
Certain rock strata contain hydrocarbons but have low permeability and are not
thick from a vertical perspective. Conventional vertical wells would be unable
to economically retrieve these hydrocarbons. Horizontal drilling, extending
horizontally through the strata, permits the well to access a much greater
volume of the strata. Hydraulic fracturing creates greater permeability and
increases hydrocarbon flow to the wellbore.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
For other uses, see Coal (disambiguation).
Sedimentary rock
Coal anthracite.jpg
Anthracite coal
Primary carbon
Secondary hydrogen,
Bituminous coal
Coal (from the Old English term col, which has meant
"mineral of fossilized carbon" since the 13th century)[1] is a
combustible black or brownish-black sedimentary rock usually occurring in rock
strata in layers or veins called coal beds or coal seams. The harder forms,
such as anthracite coal, can be regarded as metamorphic rock because of later
exposure to elevated temperature and pressure. Coal is composed primarily of
carbon along with variable quantities of other elements, chiefly hydrogen,
sulfur, oxygen, and nitrogen.[2]
Throughout history, coal has been used as an energy
resource, primarily burned for the production of electricity and/or heat, and
is also used for industrial purposes, such as refining metals. A fossil fuel,
coal forms when dead plant matter is converted into peat, which in turn is
converted into lignite, then sub-bituminous coal, after that bituminous coal,
and lastly anthracite. This involves biological and geological processes that
take place over a long period. The Energy Information Administration estimates
coal reserves at 948×109 short tons (860 Gt).[3] One estimate for resources is
18 000 Gt.[4]
Coal is the largest source of energy for the generation
of electricity worldwide, as well as one of the largest worldwide anthropogenic
sources of carbon dioxide releases. In 1999, world gross carbon dioxide
emissions from coal usage were 8,666 million tonnes of carbon dioxide.[5] In
2011, world gross emissions from coal usage were 14,416 million tonnes.[6]
Coal-fired electric power generation emits around 2,000 pounds of carbon
dioxide for every megawatt-hour generated, which is almost double the
approximately 1100 pounds of carbon dioxide released by a natural gas-fired
electric plant per megawatt-hour generated. Because of this higher carbon
efficiency of natural gas generation, as the market in the United States has
changed to reduce coal and increase natural gas generation, carbon dioxide
emissions have fallen. Those measured in the first quarter of 2012 were the
lowest of any recorded for the first quarter of any year since 1992.[7] In
2013, the head of the UN climate agency advised that most of the world's coal
reserves should be left in the ground to avoid catastrophic global warming.[8]
Coal is extracted from the ground by coal mining, either
underground by shaft mining, or at ground level by open pit mining extraction.
Since 1983 the world top coal producer has been China.[9] In 2011 China
produced 3,520 millions of tonnes of coal – 49.5% of 7,695 millions tonnes
world coal production. In 2011 other large producers were United States (993
millions tonnes), India (589), European Union (576) and Australia (416).[9] In
2010 the largest exporters were Australia with 328 million tonnes (27.1% of
world coal export) and Indonesia with 316 millions tonnes (26.1%),[10] while
the largest importers were Japan with 207 million tonnes (17.5% of world coal
import), China with 195 million tonnes (16.6%) and South Korea with 126 million
tonnes (10.7%).[11]
Contents [hide]
1 Formation
2 Types
2.1 Hilt's law
3 Content
4 Early uses as fuel
5 Uses today
5.1 Coal as fuel
5.2 Coking coal and use of coke
5.3 Gasification
5.4 Liquefaction
5.5 Refined coal
5.6 Industrial processes
5.7 Production of chemicals[67]
6 Cultural usage
7 Coal as a traded commodity
8 Environmental effects
9 Bioremediation
10 Economic aspects
11 Energy density and carbon impact
12 Underground fires
13 Production trends
13.1 World coal reserves
13.2 Major coal producers
13.3 Major coal consumers
13.4 Major coal exporters
13.5 Major coal importers
14 See also
15 References
16 Further reading
17 External links
Example chemical structure of coal
At various times in the geologic past, the Earth had
dense forests in low-lying wetland areas. Due to natural processes such as
flooding, these forests were buried underneath soil. As more and more soil
deposited over them, they were compressed. The temperature also rose as they
sank deeper and deeper. As the process continued the plant matter was protected
from biodegradation and oxidation, usually by mud or acidic water. This trapped
the carbon in immense peat bogs that were eventually covered and deeply buried
by sediments. Under high pressure and high temperature, dead vegetation was
slowly converted to coal. As coal contains mainly carbon, the conversion of
dead vegetation into coal is called carbonization.[12]
The wide, shallow seas of the Carboniferous Period
provided ideal conditions for coal formation, although coal is known from most
geological periods. The exception is the coal gap in the Permian–Triassic
extinction event, where coal is rare. Coal is known from Precambrian strata,
which predate land plants — this coal is presumed to have originated from
residues of algae.[13][14]
Coastal exposure of the Point Aconi Seam (Nova Scotia)
As geological processes apply pressure to dead biotic
material over time, under suitable conditions it is transformed successively
Peat, considered to be a precursor of coal, has
industrial importance as a fuel in some regions, for example, Ireland and
Finland. In its dehydrated form, peat is a highly effective absorbent for fuel
and oil spills on land and water. It is also used as a conditioner for soil to
make it more able to retain and slowly release water.
Lignite, or brown coal, is the lowest rank of coal and
used almost exclusively as fuel for electric power generation. Jet, a compact
form of lignite, is sometimes polished and has been used as an ornamental stone
since the Upper Palaeolithic.
Sub-bituminous coal, whose properties range from those of
lignite to those of bituminous coal, is used primarily as fuel for
steam-electric power generation and is an important source of light aromatic
hydrocarbons for the chemical synthesis industry.
Bituminous coal is a dense sedimentary rock, usually
black, but sometimes dark brown, often with well-defined bands of bright and
dull material; it is used primarily as fuel in steam-electric power generation,
with substantial quantities used for heat and power applications in
manufacturing and to make coke.
"Steam coal" is a grade between bituminous coal
and anthracite, once widely used as a fuel for steam locomotives. In this
specialized use, it is sometimes known as "sea-coal" in the US.[15]
Small steam coal (dry small steam nuts or DSSN) was used as a fuel for domestic
water heating.
Anthracite, the highest rank of coal, is a harder, glossy
black coal used primarily for residential and commercial space heating. It may
be divided further into metamorphically altered bituminous coal and
"petrified oil", as from the deposits in Pennsylvania.
Graphite, technically the highest rank, is difficult to
ignite and is not commonly used as fuel — it is mostly used in pencils and,
when powdered, as a lubricant.
The classification of coal is generally based on the
content of volatiles. However, the exact classification varies between
countries. According to the German classification, coal is classified as follows:[16]
German Classification English
Designation Volatiles % C Carbon % H Hydrogen % O
Oxygen % S Sulfur % Heat content kJ/kg
Braunkohle Lignite
(brown coal) 45–65 60–75 6.0–5.8 34-17 0.5-3 <28,470
Flammkohle Flame
coal 40-45 75-82 6.0-5.8 >9.8 ~1 <32,870
Gasflammkohle Gas
flame coal 35-40 82-85 5.8-5.6 9.8-7.3 ~1 <33,910
Gaskohle Gas coal 28-35 85-87.5 5.6-5.0 7.3-4.5 ~1 <34,960
Fettkohle Fat coal 19-28 87.5-89.5 5.0-4.5 4.5-3.2 ~1 <35,380
Esskohle Forge
coal 14-19 89.5-90.5 4.5-4.0 3.2-2.8 ~1 <35,380
Magerkohle Nonbaking
coal 10-14 90.5-91.5 4.0-3.75 2.8-3.5 ~1 35,380
Anthrazit Anthracite 7-12 >91.5 <3.75 <2.5 ~1 <35,300
Percent by weight
The middle six grades in the table represent a
progressive transition from the English-language sub-bituminous to bituminous
coal, while the last class is an approximate equivalent to anthracite, but more
inclusive (US anthracite has < 6% volatiles).
Cannel coal (sometimes called "candle coal") is
a variety of fine-grained, high-rank coal with significant hydrogen content. It
consists primarily of "exinite" macerals, now termed
Hilt's law[edit]
Main article: Hilt's law
Hilt's law is a geological term that states that, in a
small area, the deeper the coal, the higher its rank (grade). The law holds
true if the thermal gradient is entirely vertical, but metamorphism may cause
lateral changes of rank, irrespective of depth.
Average content
Substance Content
Mercury (Hg) 0.10±0.01
Arsenic (As) 1.4
– 71 ppm[18]
Selenium (Se) 3
Early uses as fuel[edit]
Further information: History of coal mining
Chinese coal miners in an illustration of the Tiangong
Kaiwu encyclopedia, published in 1637
Coal from the Fushun mine in northeastern China was used
to smelt copper as early as 1000 BCE.[20] Marco Polo, the Italian who traveled
to China in the 13th century, described coal as "black stones ... which
burn like logs", and said coal was so plentiful, people could take three
hot baths a week.[21] In Europe, the earliest reference to the use of coal as
fuel is from the geological treatise On stones (Lap. 16) by the Greek scientist
Theophrastus (circa 371–287 BC):[22][23]
Among the materials that are dug because they are useful,
those known as anthrakes [coals] are made of earth, and, once set on fire, they
burn like charcoal. They are found in Liguria ... and in Elis as one approaches
Olympia by the mountain road; and they are used by those who work in metals.
—Theophrastus, On Stones (16) translation
Outcrop coal was used in Britain during the Bronze Age
(3000–2000 BC), where it has been detected as forming part of the composition
of funeral pyres.[24][25] In Roman Britain, with the exception of two modern
fields, "the Romans were exploiting coals in all the major coalfields in
England and Wales by the end of the second century AD".[26] Evidence of
trade in coal (dated to about AD 200) has been found at the Roman settlement at
Heronbridge, near Chester, and in the Fenlands of East Anglia, where coal from
the Midlands was transported via the Car Dyke for use in drying grain.[27] Coal
cinders have been found in the hearths of villas and Roman forts, particularly
in Northumberland, dated to around AD 400. In the west of England, contemporary
writers described the wonder of a permanent brazier of coal on the altar of
Minerva at Aquae Sulis (modern day Bath), although in fact easily accessible
surface coal from what became the Somerset coalfield was in common use in quite
lowly dwellings locally.[28] Evidence of coal's use for iron-working in the city
during the Roman period has been found.[29] In Eschweiler, Rhineland, deposits
of bituminous coal were used by the Romans for the smelting of iron ore.[26]
Coal miner in Britain, 1942
No evidence exists of the product being of great
importance in Britain before the High Middle Ages, after about AD 1000.[30]
Mineral coal came to be referred to as "seacoal" in the 13th century;
the wharf where the material arrived in London was known as Seacoal Lane, so
identified in a charter of King Henry III granted in 1253.[31] Initially, the
name was given because much coal was found on the shore, having fallen from the
exposed coal seams on cliffs above or washed out of underwater coal
outcrops,[30] but by the time of Henry VIII, it was understood to derive from
the way it was carried to London by sea.[32] In 1257–59, coal from Newcastle
upon Tyne was shipped to London for the smiths and lime-burners building
Westminster Abbey.[30] Seacoal Lane and Newcastle Lane, where coal was unloaded
at wharves along the River Fleet, are still in existence.[33] (See Industrial
processes below for modern uses of the term.)
These easily accessible sources had largely become
exhausted (or could not meet the growing demand) by the 13th century, when
underground extraction by shaft mining or adits was developed.[24] The
alternative name was "pitcoal", because it came from mines. It was,
however, the development of the Industrial Revolution that led to the
large-scale use of coal, as the steam engine took over from the water wheel. In
1700, five-sixths of the world's coal was mined in Britain. Britain would have
run out of suitable sites for watermills by the 1830s if coal had not been
available as a source of energy.[34] In 1947, there were some 750,000 miners in
Britain,[35] but by 2004, this had shrunk to some 5,000 miners working in
around 20 collieries.[36]
Uses today[edit]
Castle Gate Power Plant near Helper, Utah, USA
Coal rail cars
Coal as fuel[edit]
Further information: Electricity generation, Clean coal
technology, Coal electricity and Global warming
Coal is primarily used as a solid fuel to produce
electricity and heat through combustion. World coal consumption was about 7.25
billion tonnes in 2010[37] (7.99 billion short tons) and is expected to
increase 48% to 9.05 billion tonnes (9.98 billion short tons) by 2030.[38]
China produced 3.47 billion tonnes (3.83 billion short tons) in 2011. India
produced about 578 million tonnes (637.1 million short tons) in 2011. 68.7% of
China's electricity comes from coal. The USA consumed about 13% of the world total
in 2010, i.e. 951 million tonnes (1.05 billion short tons), using 93% of it for
generation of electricity.[39] 46% of total power generated in the USA was done
using coal.[40]
When coal is used for electricity generation, it is
usually pulverized and then combusted (burned) in a furnace with a boiler.[41]
The furnace heat converts boiler water to steam, which is then used to spin
turbines which turn generators and create electricity.[42] The thermodynamic
efficiency of this process has been improved over time; some older coal-fired
power stations have thermal efficiencies in the vicinity of 25%[43] whereas the
newest supercritical and "ultra-supercritical" steam cycle turbines,
operating at temperatures over 600 °C and pressures over 27 MPa (over 3900 psi),
can practically achieve thermal efficiencies in excess of 45% (LHV basis) using
anthracite fuel,[44][45] or around 43% (LHV basis) even when using lower-grade
lignite fuel.[46] Further thermal efficiency improvements are also achievable
by improved pre-drying (especially relevant with high-moisture fuel such as
lignite or biomass) and cooling technologies.[47]
An alternative approach of using coal for electricity
generation with improved efficiency is the integrated gasification combined
cycle (IGCC) power plant. Instead of pulverizing the coal and burning it
directly as fuel in the steam-generating boiler, the coal can be first gasified
(see coal gasification) to create syngas, which is burned in a gas turbine to
produce electricity (just like natural gas is burned in a turbine). Hot exhaust
gases from the turbine are used to raise steam in a heat recovery steam
generator which powers a supplemental steam turbine. Thermal efficiencies of
current IGCC power plants range from 39-42%[48] (HHV basis) or ~42-45% (LHV
basis) for bituminous coal and assuming utilization of mainstream gasification
technologies (Shell, GE Gasifier, CB&I). IGCC power plants outperform
conventional pulverized coal-fueled plants in terms of pollutant emissions, and
allow for relatively easy carbon capture.
At least 40% of the world's electricity comes from
coal,[41][49] and in 2012, about one-third of the United States' electricity
came from coal, down from approximately 49% in 2008.[50][51] As of 2012 in the
United States, use of coal to generate electricity was declining, as plentiful
supplies of natural gas obtained by hydraulic fracturing of tight shale
formations became available at low prices.[50]
In Denmark, a net electric efficiency of > 47% has
been obtained at the coal-fired Nordjyllandsværket CHP Plant and an overall
plant efficiency of up to 91% with cogeneration of electricity and district
heating.[52] The multifuel-fired Avedøreværket CHP Plant just outside
Copenhagen can achieve a net electric efficiency as high as 49%. The overall
plant efficiency with cogeneration of electricity and district heating can
reach as much as 94%.[53]
An alternative form of coal combustion is as coal-water
slurry fuel (CWS), which was developed in the Soviet Union. CWS significantly
reduces emissions, improving the heating value of coal.[citation needed] Other
ways to use coal are combined heat and power cogeneration and an MHD topping
The total known deposits recoverable by current
technologies, including highly polluting, low-energy content types of coal
(i.e., lignite, bituminous), is sufficient for many years.[quantify] However,
consumption is increasing and maximal production could be reached within
decades (see world coal reserves, below). On the other hand much may have to be
left in the ground to avoid climate change.[54][55]
Coking coal and use of coke[edit]
Main article: Coke (fuel)
Coke oven at a smokeless fuel plant in Wales, United
Coke is a solid carbonaceous residue derived from
low-ash, low-sulfur bituminous coal from which the volatile constituents are
driven off by baking in an oven without oxygen at temperatures as high as 1,000
°C (1,832 °F), so the fixed carbon and residual ash are fused together.
Metallurgical coke is used as a fuel and as a reducing agent in smelting iron
ore in a blast furnace.[56] The result is pig iron, and is too rich in
dissolved carbon, so it must be treated further to make steel. The coking coal
should be low in sulfur and phosphorus, so they do not migrate to the metal.
The coke must be strong enough to resist the weight of
overburden in the blast furnace, which is why coking coal is so important in
making steel using the conventional route. However, the alternative route is
direct reduced iron, where any carbonaceous fuel can be used to make sponge or
pelletised iron. Coke from coal is grey, hard, and porous and has a heating
value of 24.8 million Btu/ton (29.6 MJ/kg). Some cokemaking processes produce
valuable byproducts, including coal tar, ammonia, light oils, and coal gas.
Petroleum coke is the solid residue obtained in oil
refining, which resembles coke, but contains too many impurities to be useful
in metallurgical applications.
Main articles: Coal gasification and Underground coal
Coal gasification can be used to produce syngas, a
mixture of carbon monoxide (CO) and hydrogen (H2) gas. Often syngas is used to
fire gas turbines to produce electricity, but the versatility of syngas also
allows it to be converted into transportation fuels, such as gasoline and
diesel, through the Fischer-Tropsch process; alternatively, syngas can be
converted into methanol, which can be blended into fuel directly or converted
to gasoline via the methanol to gasoline process.[57] Gasification combined
with Fischer-Tropsch technology is currently used by the Sasol chemical company
of South Africa to make motor vehicle fuels from coal and natural gas.
Alternatively, the hydrogen obtained from gasification can be used for various
purposes, such as powering a hydrogen economy, making ammonia, or upgrading
fossil fuels.
During gasification, the coal is mixed with oxygen and
steam while also being heated and pressurized. During the reaction, oxygen and
water molecules oxidize the coal into carbon monoxide (CO), while also
releasing hydrogen gas (H2). This process has been conducted in both
underground coal mines and in the production of town gas.
C (as Coal) + O2 + H2O → H2 + CO
If the refiner wants to produce gasoline, the syngas is
collected at this state and routed into a Fischer-Tropsch reaction. If hydrogen
is the desired end-product, however, the syngas is fed into the water gas shift
reaction, where more hydrogen is liberated.
CO + H2O → CO2 + H2
In the past, coal was converted to make coal gas (town
gas), which was piped to customers to burn for illumination, heating, and
Main article: Coal liquefaction
Coal can also be converted into synthetic fuels
equivalent to gasoline or diesel by several different direct processes (which
do not intrinsically require gasification or indirect conversion).[58] In the
direct liquefaction processes, the coal is either hydrogenated or carbonized.
Hydrogenation processes are the Bergius process,[59] the SRC-I and SRC-II
(Solvent Refined Coal) processes, the NUS Corporation hydrogenation
process[60][61] and several other single-stage and two-stage processes.[62] In
the process of low-temperature carbonization, coal is coked at temperatures
between 360 and 750 °C (680 and 1,380 °F). These temperatures optimize the
production of coal tars richer in lighter hydrocarbons than normal coal tar.
The coal tar is then further processed into fuels. An overview of coal liquefaction
and its future potential is available.[63]
Coal liquefaction methods involve carbon dioxide (CO
2) emissions in the conversion process. If coal
liquefaction is done without employing either carbon capture and storage (CCS)
technologies or biomass blending, the result is lifecycle greenhouse gas
footprints that are generally greater than those released in the extraction and
refinement of liquid fuel production from crude oil. If CCS technologies are
employed, reductions of 5–12% can be achieved in Coal to Liquid (CTL) plants
and up to a 75% reduction is achievable when co-gasifying coal with
commercially demonstrated levels of biomass (30% biomass by weight) in
coal/biomass-to-liquids plants.[64] For future synthetic fuel projects, carbon
dioxide sequestration is proposed to avoid releasing CO
2 into the atmosphere. Sequestration adds to the cost of
Refined coal[edit]
Main article: Refined coal
Refined coal is the product of a coal-upgrading
technology that removes moisture and certain pollutants from lower-rank coals
such as sub-bituminous and lignite (brown) coals. It is one form of several
precombustion treatments and processes for coal that alter coal's
characteristics before it is burned. The goals of precombustion coal
technologies are to increase efficiency and reduce emissions when the coal is
burned. Depending on the situation, precombustion technology can be used in
place of or as a supplement to postcombustion technologies to control emissions
from coal-fueled boilers.
Industrial processes [edit]
Finely ground bituminous coal, known in this application
as sea coal, is a constituent of foundry sand. While the molten metal is in the
mould, the coal burns slowly, releasing reducing gases at pressure, and so
preventing the metal from penetrating the pores of the sand. It is also
contained in 'mould wash', a paste or liquid with the same function applied to
the mould before casting.[65] Sea coal can be mixed with the clay lining (the
"bod") used for the bottom of a cupola furnace. When heated, the coal
decomposes and the bod becomes slightly friable, easing the process of breaking
open holes for tapping the molten metal.[66]
Production of chemicals[67][edit]
Production of Chemicals from Coal
Coal is an important feedstock in production of a wide
range of chemical fertilizers and other chemical products. The main route to
these products is coal gasification to produce syngas. Primary chemicals that
are produced directly from the syngas include methanol, hydrogen and carbon
monoxide, which are the chemical building blocks from which a whole spectrum of
derivative chemicals are manufactured, including olefins, acetic acid,
formaldehyde, ammonia, urea and others. The versatility of syngas as a
precursor to primary chemicals and high-value derivative products provides the
option of using relatively inexpensive coal to produce a wide range of valuable
Historically, production of chemicals from coal has been
used since the 1950s and has become established in the market. According to the
2010 Worldwide Gasification Database,[68] a survey of current and planned
gasifiers, from 2004 to 2007 chemical production increased its gasification
product share from 37% to 45%. From 2008 to 2010, 22% of new gasifier additions
were to be for chemical production.
Because the slate of chemical products that can be made
via coal gasification can in general also use feedstocks derived from natural
gas and petroleum, the chemical industry tends to use whatever feedstocks are
most cost-effective. Therefore, interest in using coal tends to increase for
higher oil and natural gas prices and during periods of high global economic
growth that may strain oil and gas production. Also, production of chemicals
from coal is of much higher interest in countries like South Africa, China,
India and the United States where there are abundant coal resources. The
abundance of coal combined with lack of natural gas resources in China is
strong inducement for the coal to chemicals industry pursued there. In the
United States, the best example of the industry is Eastman Chemical Company
which has been successfully operating a coal-to-chemicals plant at its
Kingsport, Tennessee, site since 1983. Similarly, Sasol has built and operated
coal-to-chemicals facilities in South Africa.
Coal to chemical processes do require substantial
quantities of water. As of 2013 much of the coal to chemical production was in
the People's Republic of China[69][70] where environmental regulation and water
management[71] was weak.[72]
Cultural usage[edit]
Coal is the official state mineral of Kentucky.[73] and
the official state rock of Utah;[74] both U.S. states have a historic link to
coal mining.
Some cultures hold that children who misbehave will
receive only a lump of coal from Santa Claus for Christmas in their christmas
stockings instead of presents.
It is also customary and considered lucky in Scotland and
the North of England to give coal as a gift on New Year's Day. This occurs as
part of First-Footing and represents warmth for the year to come.
Coal as a traded commodity[edit]
In North America, Central Appalachian coal futures
contracts are currently traded on the New York Mercantile Exchange (trading
symbol QL). The trading unit is 1,550 short tons (1,410 t) per contract, and is
quoted in U.S. dollars and cents per ton. Since coal is the principal fuel for
generating electricity in the United States, coal futures contracts provide
coal producers and the electric power industry an important tool for hedging
and risk management.[75]
In addition to the NYMEX contract, the
IntercontinentalExchange (ICE) has European (Rotterdam) and South African
(Richards Bay) coal futures available for trading. The trading unit for these
contracts is 5,000 tonnes (5,500 short tons), and are also quoted in U.S.
dollars and cents per ton.[76]
The price of coal increased from around $30.00 per short
ton in 2000 to around $150.00 per short ton as of September 2008. As of October
2008, the price per short ton had declined to $111.50. Prices further declined
to $71.25 as of October 2010.[77]
Environmental effects[edit]
Main article: Environmental effects of coal
Aerial photograph of Kingston Fossil Plant coal fly ash
slurry spill site taken the day after the event
A number of adverse health,[78] and environmental effects
of coal burning exist,[79] especially in power stations, and of coal mining,
Coal-fired power plants cause nearly 24,000 premature
deaths annually in the United States, including 2,800 from lung cancer.[80]
Annual health costs in Europe from use of coal to generate electricity are
€42.8 billion, or $55 billion.[81]
Generation of hundreds of millions of tons of waste
products, including fly ash, bottom ash, and flue-gas desulfurization sludge,
that contain mercury, uranium, thorium, arsenic, and other heavy metals
Acid rain from high sulfur coal
Interference with groundwater and water table levels due
to mining
Contamination of land and waterways and destruction of
homes from fly ash spills. such as the Kingston Fossil Plant coal fly ash
slurry spill
Impact of water use on flows of rivers and consequential
impact on other land uses
Dust nuisance
Subsidence above tunnels, sometimes damaging
Uncontrollable coal seam fire which may burn for decades
or centuries
Coal-fired power plants without effective fly ash capture
systems are one of the largest sources of human-caused background radiation
Coal-fired power plants emit mercury, selenium, and
arsenic, which are harmful to human health and the environment.[82]
Release of carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, causes
climate change and global warming, according to the IPCC and the EPA. Coal is
the largest contributor to the human-made increase of CO2 in the
Approximately 75 Tg/S per year of sulfur dioxide (SO2) is
released from burning coal. After release, the sulfur dioxide is oxidized to
gaseous H2SO2 which scatters solar radiation, hence its increase in the
atmosphere exerts a cooling effect on climate that masks some of the warming
caused by increased greenhouse gases. Release of SO2 also contributes to the
widespread acidification of ecosystems.[84]
The white rot fungus C. versicolor can grow on and
metabolize naturally occcuring coal.[85] The bacteria Diplococcus has been
found to degrade coal, raising its temperature.[86]
Economic aspects[edit]
Coal (by liquefaction technology) is one of the backstop
resources that could limit escalation of oil prices and mitigate the effects of
transportation energy shortage that will occur under peak oil. This is
contingent on liquefaction production capacity becoming large enough to satiate
the very large and growing demand for petroleum. Estimates of the cost of
producing liquid fuels from coal suggest that domestic U.S. production of fuel
from coal becomes cost-competitive with oil priced at around $35 per
barrel,[87] with the $35 being the break-even cost. With oil prices as low as
around $40 per barrel in the U.S. as of December 2008, liquid coal lost some of
its economic allure in the U.S., but will probably be re-vitalized, similar to
oil sand projects, with an oil price around $70 per barrel.
In China, due to an increasing need for liquid energy in
the transportation sector, coal liquefaction projects were given high priority
even during periods of oil prices below $40 per barrel.[88] This is probably
because China prefers not to be dependent on foreign oil, instead utilizing its
enormous domestic coal reserves. As oil prices were increasing during the first
half of 2009, the coal liquefaction projects in China were again boosted, and
these projects are profitable with an oil barrel price of $40.[89]
China is the largest producer of coal in the world. It is
the world's largest energy consumer, and relies on coal to supply 69% of its
energy needs.[90] An estimated 5 million people worked in China's coal-mining
industry in 2007.[91]
Coal pollution costs the EU €43 billion each year.[92]
Measures to cut air pollution may have beneficial long-term economic impacts
for individuals.[93]
Energy density and carbon impact[edit]
See also: Energy value of coal
The energy density of coal, i.e. its heating value, is
roughly 24 megajoules per kilogram[94] (approximately 6.7 kilowatt-hours per
kg). For a coal power plant with a 40% efficiency, it takes an estimated 325 kg
(717 lb) of coal to power a 100 W lightbulb for one year.[95]
As of 2006, the average efficiency of
electricity-generating power stations was 31%; in 2002, coal represented about
23% of total global energy supply, an equivalent of 3.4 billion tonnes of coal,
of which 2.8 billion tonnes were used for electricity generation.[96]
The US Energy Information Agency's 1999 report on CO2
emissions for energy generation quotes an emission factor of 0.963 kg CO2/kWh
for coal power, compared to 0.881 kg CO2/kWh (oil), or 0.569 kg CO2/kWh
(natural gas).[97]
Underground fires[edit]
Main article: Coal seam fire
Thousands of coal fires are burning around the world.[98]
Those burning underground can be difficult to locate and many cannot be
extinguished. Fires can cause the ground above to subside, their combustion
gases are dangerous to life, and breaking out to the surface can initiate
surface wildfires. Coal seams can be set on fire by spontaneous combustion or
contact with a mine fire or surface fire. Lightning strikes are an important
source of ignition. The coal continues to burn slowly back into the seam until
oxygen (air) can no longer reach the flame front. A grass fire in a coal area
can set dozens of coal seams on fire.[99][100] Coal fires in China burn an
estimated 120 million tons of coal a year, emitting 360 million metric tons of
CO2, amounting to 2–3% of the annual worldwide production of CO2 from fossil
fuels.[101][102] In Centralia, Pennsylvania (a borough located in the Coal
Region of the United States), an exposed vein of anthracite ignited in 1962 due
to a trash fire in the borough landfill, located in an abandoned anthracite
strip mine pit. Attempts to extinguish the fire were unsuccessful, and it
continues to burn underground to this day. The Australian Burning Mountain was
originally believed to be a volcano, but the smoke and ash comes from a coal
fire that has been burning for some 6,000 years.[103]
At Kuh i Malik in Yagnob Valley, Tajikistan, coal
deposits have been burning for thousands of years, creating vast underground
labyrinths full of unique minerals, some of them very beautiful. Local people
once used this method to mine ammoniac. This place has been well-known since
the time of Herodotus, but European geographers misinterpreted the Ancient
Greek descriptions as the evidence of active volcanism in Turkestan (up to the
19th century, when the Russian army invaded the area).[citation needed]
The reddish siltstone rock that caps many ridges and
buttes in the Powder River Basin in Wyoming and in western North Dakota is
called porcelanite, which resembles the coal burning waste "clinker"
or volcanic "scoria".[104] Clinker is rock that has been fused by the
natural burning of coal. In the Powder River Basin approximately 27 to 54
billion tons of coal burned within the past three million years.[105] Wild coal
fires in the area were reported by the Lewis and Clark Expedition as well as
explorers and settlers in the area.[106]
Production trends[edit]
Continental United States coal regions
Coal output in 2005
A coal mine in Wyoming, United States. The United States
has the world's largest coal reserves.
In 2006, China was the top producer of coal with 38%
share followed by the United States and India, according to the British
Geological Survey. As of 2012 coal production in the United States was falling
at the rate of 7% annually[107] with many power plants using coal shut down or
converted to natural gas; however, some of the reduced domestic demand was
taken up by increased exports[108] with five coal export terminals being
proposed in the Pacific Northwest to export coal from the Powder River Basin to
China and other Asian markets;[109] however, as of 2013, environmental
opposition was increasing.[110] High-sulfur coal mined in Illinois which was
unsaleable in the United States found a ready market in Asia as exports reached
13 million tons in 2012.[111]
World coal reserves[edit]
The 948 billion short tons of recoverable coal reserves
estimated by the Energy Information Administration are equal to about 4,196
BBOE (billion barrels of oil equivalent).[3] The amount of coal burned during
2007 was estimated at 7.075 billion short tons, or 133.179 quadrillion
BTU's.[112] This is an average of 18.8 million BTU per short ton. In terms of
heat content, this is about 57,000,000 barrels (9,100,000 m3) of oil equivalent
per day. By comparison in 2007, natural gas provided 51,000,000 barrels
(8,100,000 m3) of oil equivalent per day, while oil provided 85,800,000 barrels
(13,640,000 m3) per day.
British Petroleum, in its 2007 report, estimated at 2006
end that there were 147 years reserves-to-production ratio based on proven coal
reserves worldwide. This figure only includes reserves classified as
"proven"; exploration drilling programs by mining companies,
particularly in under-explored areas, are continually providing new reserves.
In many cases, companies are aware of coal deposits that have not been
sufficiently drilled to qualify as "proven". However, some nations
haven't updated their information and assume reserves remain at the same levels
even with withdrawals. Energy Watch Group predicted in 2007 that peak coal
production may occur sometime around 2025, depending on future coal production
Of the three fossil fuels, coal has the most widely
distributed reserves; coal is mined in over 100 countries, and on all
continents except Antarctica. The largest reserves are found in the United
States, Russia, China, Australia and India. Note the table below.
Proved recoverable coal reserves at end-2008 (million
tons (teragrams))[114]
Country Anthracite
& Bituminous SubBituminous Lignite Total Percentage of World Total
United States 108,501 98,618 30,176 237,295 22.6
Russia 49,088 97,472 10,450 157,010 14.4
China 62,200 33,700 18,600 114,500 12.6
Australia 37,100 2,100 37,200 76,400 8.9
India 56,100 0 4,500 60,600 7.0
Germany 99 0 40,600 40,699 4.7
Ukraine 15,351 16,577 1,945 33,873 3.9
Kazakhstan 21,500 0 12,100 33,600 3.9
South Africa 30,156 0 0 30,156 3.5
Serbia 9 361 13,400 13,770 1.6
Colombia 6,366 380 0 6,746 0.8
Canada 3,474 872 2,236 6,528 0.8
Poland 4,338 0 1,371 5,709 0.7
Indonesia 1,520 2,904 1,105 5,529 0.6
Brazil 0 4,559 0 4,559 0.5
Greece 0 0 3,020 3,020 0.4
Bosnia and
Herzegovina 484 0 2,369 2,853 0.3
Mongolia 1,170 0 1,350 2,520 0.3
Bulgaria 2 190 2,174 2,366 0.3
Pakistan 0 166 1,904 2,070 0.3
Turkey 529 0 1,814 2,343 0.3
Uzbekistan 47 0 1,853 1,900 0.2
Hungary 13 439 1,208 1,660 0.2
Thailand 0 0 1,239 1,239 0.1
Mexico 860 300 51 1,211 0.1
Iran 1,203 0 0 1,203 0.1
Czech Republic 192 0 908 1,100 0.1
Kyrgyzstan 0 0 812 812 0.1
Albania 0 0 794 794 0.1
North Korea 300 300 0 600 0.1
New Zealand 33 205 333-7,000 571–15,000[115] 0.1
Spain 200 300 30 530 0.1
Laos 4 0 499 503 0.1
Zimbabwe 502 0 0 502 0.1
Argentina 0 0 500 500 0.1
All others 3,421 1,346 846 5,613 0.7
World Total 404,762 260,789 195,387 860,938 100
Major coal producers[edit]
See also: List of countries by coal production
The reserve life is an estimate based only on current
production levels and proved reserves level for the countries shown, and makes
no assumptions of future production or even current production trends.
Countries with annual production higher than 100 million tonnes are shown. For
comparison, data for the European Union is also shown. Shares are based on data
expressed in tonnes oil equivalent.
Production of Coal by Country and year (million tonnes)
Country 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Share Reserve
Life (years)
China 1834.9 2122.6 2349.5 2528.6 2691.6 2802.0 2973.0 3235.0 3520.0 49.5% 35
United States 972.3 1008.9 1026.5 1054.8 1040.2 1063.0 975.2 983.7 992.8 14.1% 239
India 375.4 407.7 428.4 449.2 478.4 515.9 556.0 573.8 588.5 5.6% 103
European Union 637.2 627.6 607.4 595.1 592.3 563.6 538.4 535.7 576.1 4.2% 97
Australia 350.4 364.3 375.4 382.2 392.7 399.2 413.2 424.0 415.5 5.8% 184
Russia 276.7 281.7 298.3 309.9 313.5 328.6 301.3 321.6 333.5 4.0% 471
Indonesia 114.3 132.4 152.7 193.8 216.9 240.2 256.2 275.2 324.9 5.1% 17
South Africa 237.9 243.4 244.4 244.8 247.7 252.6 250.6 254.3 255.1 3.6% 118
Germany 204.9 207.8 202.8 197.1 201.9 192.4 183.7 182.3 188.6 1.1% 216
Poland 163.8 162.4 159.5 156.1 145.9 144.0 135.2 133.2 139.2 1.4% 41
Kazakhstan 84.9 86.9 86.6 96.2 97.8 111.1 100.9 110.9 115.9 1.5% 290
World Total 5,301.3 5,716.0 6,035.3 6,342.0 6,573.3 6,795.0 6,880.8 7,254.6 7,695.4 100% 112
Major coal consumers[edit]
Countries with annual consumption higher than 20 million
tonnes are shown.
Consumption of Coal by Country and year (million short
Country 2008 2009 2010 2011 Share
China 2,966 3,188 3,695 4,053 50.7%
United States 1,121 997 1,048 1,003 12.5%
India 641 705 722 788 9.9%
Russia 250 204 256 262 3.3%
Germany 268 248 256 256 3.3%
South Africa 215 204 206 210 2.6%
Japan 204 181 206 202 2.5%
Poland 149 151 149 162 2.0%
World Total 7,327 7,318 7,994 N/A 100%
Major coal exporters[edit]
Countries with annual gross export higher than 10 million
tonnes are shown. In terms of net export the largest exporters are still
Australia (328.1 millions tonnes), Indonesia (316.2) and Russia (100.2).
Exports of Coal by Country and year (million short
Country 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Share
Australia 238.1 247.6 255.0 255.0 268.5 278.0 288.5 328.1 27.1%
Indonesia 107.8 131.4 142.0 192.2 221.9 228.2 261.4 316.2 26.1%
Russia 41.0 55.7 98.6 103.4 112.2 115.4 130.9 122.1 10.1%
United States 43.0 48.0 51.7 51.2 60.6 83.5 60.4 83.2 6.9%
South Africa 78.7 74.9 78.8 75.8 72.6 68.2 73.8 76.7 6.3%
Colombia 50.4 56.4 59.2 68.3 74.5 74.7 75.7 76.4 6.3%
Canada 27.7 28.8 31.2 31.2 33.4 36.5 31.9 36.9 3.0%
Kazakhstan 30.3 27.4 28.3 30.5 32.8 47.6 33.0 36.3 3.0%
Vietnam 6.9 11.7 19.8 23.5 35.1 21.3 28.2 24.7 2.0%
China 103.4 95.5 93.1 85.6 75.4 68.8 25.2 22.7 1.9%
Mongolia 0.5 1.7 2.3 2.5 3.4 4.4 7.7 18.3 1.5%
Poland 28.0 27.5 26.5 25.4 20.1 16.1 14.6 18.1 1.5%
Total 713.9 764.0 936.0 1,000.6 1,073.4 1,087.3 1,090.8 1,212.8 100%
Major coal importers[edit]
Countries with annual gross import higher than 20 million
tonnes are shown. In terms of net import the largest importers are still Japan
(206.0 millions tonnes), China (172.4) and South Korea (125.8).[119]
Imports of Coal by Country and year (million short
Country 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Share
Japan 199.7 209.0 206.0 182.1 206.7 17.5%
China 42.0 56.2 44.5 151.9 195.1 16.6%
South Korea 84.1 94.1 107.1 109.9 125.8 10.7%
India 52.7 29.6 70.9 76.7 101.6 8.6%
Taiwan 69.1 72.5 70.9 64.6 71.1 6.0%
Germany 50.6 56.2 55.7 45.9 55.1 4.7%
Turkey 22.9 25.8 21.7 22.7 30.0 2.5%
United Kingdom 56.8 48.9 49.2 42.2 29.3 2.5%
Italy 27.9 28.0 27.9 20.9 23.7 1.9%
Netherlands 25.7 29.3 23.5 22.1 22.8 1.9%
Russia 28.8 26.3 34.6 26.8 21.8 1.9%
France 24.1 22.1 24.9 18.3 20.8 1.8%
United States 40.3 38.8 37.8 23.1 20.6 1.8%
Total 991.8 1,056.5 1,063.2 1,039.8 1,178.1 100%
[show] v t e
Lists of countries by energy rankings
Compressed natural gas
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"CNG" redirects here. For other uses, see CNG
Blue diamond symbol used on CNG-powered vehicles in North
Green bordered white diamond symbol used on CNG-powered
vehicles in China
A CNG powered high-floor Neoplan AN440A, operated by ABQ
RIDE in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Compressed natural gas (CNG) (Methane stored at high
pressure) can be used in place of gasoline (petrol), Diesel fuel and
propane/LPG. CNG combustion produces fewer undesirable gases than the fuels
mentioned above. It is safer than other fuels in the event of a spill, because
natural gas is lighter than air and disperses quickly when released. CNG may be
found above oil deposits, or may be collected from landfills or wastewater
treatment plants where it is known as biogas.
CNG is made by compressing natural gas (which is mainly
composed of methane, CH4), to less than 1 percent of the volume it occupies at
standard atmospheric pressure. It is stored and distributed in hard containers
at a pressure of 20–25 MPa (2,900–3,600 psi), usually in cylindrical or
spherical shapes.
CNG is used in traditional gasoline/internal combustion
engine automobiles that have been modified or in vehicles which were
manufactured for CNG use, either alone ('dedicated'), with a segregated
gasoline system to extend range (dual fuel) or in conjunction with another fuel
such as diesel (bi-fuel). Natural gas vehicles are increasingly used in Iran,
the Asia-Pacific region (especially Pakistan[1] and the Indian capital of
Delhi), and other large cities like Ahmedabad, Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai—as well
as cities such as Lucknow, Kanpur, etc. Its use is also increasing in South
America, Europe and North America because of rising gasoline prices.[2] In
response to high fuel prices and environmental concerns, CNG is starting to be
used also in tuk-tuks and pickup trucks, transit and school buses, and trains.
The cost and placement of fuel storage tanks is the major
barrier to wider/quicker adoption of CNG as a fuel. It is also why municipal
government, public transportation vehicles were the most visible early adopters
of it, as they can more quickly amortize the money invested in the new (and usually
cheaper) fuel. In spite of these circumstances, the number of vehicles in the
world using CNG has grown steadily (30 percent per year).[3] Now, as a result
of industry's steady growing, the cost of such fuel storage tanks have been
brought down to a much acceptable level. Especially for the CNG Type 1 and Type
2 tanks, many countries are able to make reliable and cost effective tanks for
conversion need.[4]
CNG's volumetric energy density is estimated to be 42
percent that of liquefied natural gas (because it is not liquefied), and 25
percent that of diesel fuel.[5]
Contents [hide]
1 Uses
1.1 Cars
1.2 Locomotives
2 Drawbacks
3 Codes and standards
4 Comparison with other natural gas fuels
5 Worldwide
5.1 South America
5.2 Asia
5.3 Africa
5.4 Europe
5.5 North America
5.5.1 Canada
5.5.2 United States
5.6 Oceania
6 Deployments
8 See also
9 References
10 External links
CNG pumps at a Brazilian gasoline fueling station
Main article: Natural gas vehicle
Worldwide, there were 14.8 million natural gas vehicles
by 2011, led by Iran with 2.86 million, Pakistan (2.85 million), Argentina
(2.07 million), Brazil (1.7 million) and India (1.1 million).[6] with the
Asia-Pacific region leading with 5.7 million NGVs, followed by Latin America
with almost four million vehicles.[2]
Several manufacturers (Fiat, Opel/General Motors,
Peugeot, Volkswagen, Toyota, Honda and others) sell bi-fuel cars. In 2006, Fiat
introduced the Siena Tetrafuel in the Brazilian market, equipped with a 1.4L
FIRE engine that runs on E100, E25 (Standard Brazilian Gasoline), Gasoline and
Any existing gasoline vehicle can be converted to a
dual-fuel (gasoline/CNG) vehicle. Authorized shops can do the retrofitting and
involves installing a CNG cylinder, plumbing, a CNG injection system and the
electronics. The cost of installing a CNG conversion kit[7] can often reach
$8,000 on passenger cars and light trucks and is usually reserved for vehicles
that travel many miles each year.
CNG locomotives are operated by several railroads. The
Napa Valley Wine Train successfully retrofit a diesel locomotive to run on
compressed natural gas before 2002.[8] This converted locomotive was upgraded
to utilize a computer controlled fuel injection system in May 2008, and is now
the Napa Valley Wine Train's primary locomotive.[9] Ferrocarril Central Andino
in Peru, has run a CNG locomotive on a freight line since 2005.[10] CNG
locomotives are usually diesel locomotives that have been converted to use
compressed natural gas generators instead of diesel generators to generate the
electricity that drives the traction motors. Some CNG locomotives are able to
fire their cylinders only when there is a demand for power, which,
theoretically, gives them a higher fuel efficiency than conventional diesel
engines. CNG is also cheaper than petrol or diesel.
* Increased life of lubricating oils, as CNG does not
contaminate and dilute the crankcase oil.
Being a gaseous fuel, CNG mixes easily and evenly in air.
CNG is less likely to ignite on hot surfaces, since it
has a high auto-ignition temperature (540 °C), and a narrow range (5–15
percent) of flammability.[11]
Less pollution and more efficiency: CNG emits
significantly fewer pollutants (e.g., carbon dioxide (CO
2), unburned hydrocarbons (UHC), carbon monoxide (CO),
nitrogen oxides (NOx), sulfur oxides (SOx) and PM (particulate matter) than
petrol. For example, an engine running on petrol for 100 km emits 22 kilograms
of CO
2, while covering the same distance on CNG emits only
16.3 kilograms of CO
CNG fuel system are sealed.
Carbon monoxide emissions are reduced even further. Due
to lower carbon dioxide and nitrogen oxides emissions, switching to CNG can
help mitigate greenhouse gas emissions.[11] The ability of CNG to reduce
greenhouse gas emissions over the entire fuel lifecycle will depend on the source
of the natural gas and the fuel it is replacing.
The lifecycle greenhouse gas emissions for CNG compressed
from California's pipeline natural gas is given a value of 67.70 grams of CO
2-equivalent per megajoule (gCO2e/MJ) by CARB (the
California Air Resources Board), approximately 28 percent lower than the
average gasoline fuel in that market (95.86 gCO2e/MJ).
CNG produced from landfill biogas was found by CARB to
have the lowest greenhouse gas emissions of any fuel analyzed, with a value of
11.26 gCO2e/MJ (more than 88 percent lower than conventional gasoline) in the
low-carbon fuel standard that went into effect on January 12, 2010.[13]
CNG-powered vehicles are considered to be safer than
gasoline-powered vehicles.[14][15][16]
Compressed natural gas vehicles require a greater amount
of space for fuel storage than conventional gasoline powered vehicles. Since it
is a compressed gas, rather than a liquid like gasoline, CNG takes up more
space for each GGE (gasoline gallon equivalent). Therefore, the tanks used to
store the CNG usually take up additional space in the trunk of a car or bed of
a pickup truck which runs on CNG. This problem is solved in factory-built CNG
vehicles that install the tanks under the body of the vehicle, leaving the
trunk free (e.g., Fiat Multipla, New Fiat Panda, Volkswagen Touran Ecofuel,
Volkswagen Caddy Ecofuel, Chevy Taxi - which sold in countries such as Peru).
Another option is installation on roof (typical on buses), requiring, however,
solution of structural strength issues.
Codes and standards[edit]
The lack of harmonized codes and standards across
international jurisdictions is an additional barrier to NGV market
penetration.[17] The International Organization for Standardization has an
active technical committee working on a standard for natural gas fuelling
stations for vehicles.[18]
Despite the lack of harmonized international codes,
natural gas vehicles have an excellent global safety record. Existing
international standards include ISO 14469-2:2007 which applies to CNG vehicle
nozzles and receptacle[19] and ISO 15500-9:2012 specifies tests and
requirements for the pressure regulator.[20]
NFPA-52 covers natural gas vehicle safety standards in
the US.
Comparison with other natural gas fuels[edit]
Compressed natural gas is often confused with LNG
(liquefied natural gas). While both are stored forms of natural gas, the key
difference is that CNG is gas that is stored (as a gas) at high pressure, while
LNG is stored at very low temperature, becoming liquid in the process. CNG has
a lower cost of production and storage compared to LNG as it does not require
an expensive cooling process and cryogenic tanks. CNG requires a much larger
volume to store the same mass of gasoline or petrol and the use of very high
pressures (3000 to 4000 psi, or 205 to 275 bar). As a consequence of this, LNG
is often used for transporting natural gas over large distances, in ships,
trains or pipelines, and the gas is then converted into CNG before distribution
to the end user.
CNG is being experimentally stored at lower pressure in a
form known as an ANG (adsorbed natural gas) tank, at 35 bar (500 psi, the
pressure of gas in natural gas pipelines) in various sponge like materials,
such as activated carbon[21] and MOFs (metal-organic frameworks).[22] The fuel
is stored at similar or greater energy density than CNG. This means that
vehicles can be refueled from the natural gas network without extra gas
compression, the fuel tanks can be slimmed down and made of lighter, weaker
Compressed natural gas is sometimes mixed with hydrogen
(HCNG) which increases the H/C ratio (heat capacity ratio) of the fuel and
gives it a flame speed about eight times higher than CNG.[23]
Iran, Pakistan, Argentina, Brazil and India have the
highest number of CNG run vehicles in the world.[6]
Top ten countries
with the largest NGV vehicle fleets - 2013[24][25]
Rank Country Registered
fleet Rank Country Registered
1 Iran 3.50 6 India 1.50
2 Pakistan 2.79 7 Italy 0.82
3 Argentina 2.28 8 Colombia 0.46
4 Brazil 1.75 9 Uzbekistan 0.45
5 China 1.58 10 Thailand 0.42
World Total = 18.09 million NGV vehicles
South America[edit]
CNG station in Rosario, Argentina.
CNG vehicles are commonly used in South America, where
these vehicles are mainly used as taxicabs in main cities of Argentina and
Brazil.[26] Normally, standard gasoline vehicles are retrofitted in specialized
shops, which involve installing the gas cylinder in the trunk and the CNG
injection system and electronics. Argentina and Brazil are the two countries
with the largest fleets of CNG vehicles,[26] with a combined total fleet of
more than 3.4 million vehicles by 2009.[2] Conversion has been facilitated by a
substantial price differential with liquid fuels, locally produced conversion
equipment and a growing CNG-delivery infrastructure.
As of 2009 Argentina had 1,807,186 NGV's with 1,851
refueling stations across the nation,[2] or 15 percent of all vehicles;[26] and
Brazil had 1,632,101 vehicles and 1,704 refueling stations,[2] with a higher
concentration in the cities of Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo.[26][27]
Colombia had an NGV fleet of 300,000 vehicles, and 460
refueling stations, as of 2009.[2] Bolivia has increased its fleet from 10,000
in 2003 to 121,908 units in 2009, with 128 refueling stations.[2] Peru had
81,024 NGVs and 94 fueling stations as 2009,[2] but that number is expected to
skyrocket as Peru sits on South America's largest gas reserves.[26] In Peru
several factory-built NGVs have the tanks installed under the body of the
vehicle, leaving the trunk free. Among the models built with this feature are
the Fiat Multipla, the newFiat Panda, the Volkswagen Touran Ecofuel, the
Volkswagen Caddy Ecofuel and the Chevy Taxi. Other countries with significant
NGV fleets are Venezuela (15,000) and Chile (8,064) as of 2009.[2]
A CNG powered Volvo B10BLE bus, operated by SBS Transit
in Singapore.
A CNG powered Hino bus, operated by BMTA in Thailand.
In Singapore, CNG is increasingly being used by public
transport vehicles like buses and taxis, as well as goods vehicles. However,
according to Channel NewsAsia on April 18, 2008, more owners of private cars in
this country are converting their petrol-driven vehicles to also run on CNG –
motivated no doubt by rising petrol prices. The initial cost of converting a
regular vehicle to dual fuel at the German conversion workshop of C. Melchers,
for example, is around S$3,800 (US$2,500); with the promise of real
cost-savings that dual-fuel vehicles bring over the long term.
Singapore currently has five operating filling stations
for natural gas. SembCorp Gas Pte Ltd. runs the station on Jurong Island and,
jointly with Singapore Petroleum Company, the filling station at Jalan Buroh.
Both these stations are in the western part of the country. Another station on
the mainland is in Mandai Link to the north and is operated by SMART Energy.
SMART also own a second station on Serangoon North Ave 5 which was set up end
of March 2009; The fifth and largest station in the world was opened by the
UNION Group in September 2009. This station is recognized by the Guniness World
Records as being the largest in the world with 46 refuelling hoses. This
station is located in Toh Tuck. The Union Group, which operates 1000 CNG Toyota
Wish taxis plan to introduce another three daughter stations and increase the
CNG taxi fleet to 8000 units.
CNG scooters (autorickshaws) in Dhaka, Bangladesh.
As a key incentive for using this eco-friendly fuel
Singapore has a green vehicle rebate for users of CNG technology. First
introduced in January 2001, the GVR grants a 40 percent discount on the OMV
(open market value) cost of newly registered green passenger vehicles. This
initiative will end at the end of 2012 as the government believes the 'critical
mass' of CNG vehicles would then have been built up.
The Ministry of Transport of Myanmar passed a law in 2005
which required that all public transport vehicles - buses, trucks and taxis, be
converted to run on CNG. The Government permitted several private companies to
handle the conversion of existing diesel and petrol cars, and also to begin
importing CNG variants of buses and taxis. Accidents and rumours of accidents,
partly fueled by Myanmar's position in local hydrocarbon politics,[28] has
discouraged citizens from using CNG vehicles, although now almost every taxi
and public bus in Yangon, Myanmar's largest city, run on CNG. CNG stations have
been set up around Yangon and other cities, but electricity shortages mean that
vehicles may have to queue up for hours to fill their gas containers.[29] The
Burmese opposition movements are against the conversion to CNG, as they accuse
the companies as being proxies of the junta, and also that the petrodollars
earned by the regime would go towards the defense sector, rather than towards
improving the infrastructure or welfare of the people.
In Malaysia, the use of CNG was originally introduced for
taxicabs and airport limousines during the late-1990s, when new taxis were
launched with CNG engines while taxicab operators were encouraged to send in
existing taxis for full engine conversions. The practice of using CNG remained
largely confined to taxicabs predominantly in the Klang Valley and Penang due
to a lack of interest. No incentives were offered for those besides taxicab
owners to use CNG engines, while government subsidies on petrol and diesel made
conventional road vehicles cheaper to use in the eyes of the consumers.
Petronas, Malaysia's state-owned oil company, also monopolises the provision of
CNG to road users. As of July 2008, Petronas only operates about 150 CNG
refueling stations, most of which are concentrated in the Klang Valley. At the
same time, another 50 were expected by the end of 2008.[30]
As fuel subsidies were gradually removed in Malaysia
starting June 5, 2008, the subsequent 41 percent price hike on petrol and
diesel led to a 500 percent increase in the number of new CNG tanks
installed.[31][32] National car maker Proton considered fitting its Waja, Saga
and Persona models with CNG kits from Prins Autogassystemen by the end of
2008,[33] while a local distributor of locally assembled Hyundai cars offers
new models with CNG kits.[34] Conversion centres, which also benefited from the
rush for lower running costs, also perform partial conversions to existing road
vehicles, allowing them to run on both petrol or diesel and CNG with a cost
varying between RM3,500 to RM5,000 for passenger cars.[31][35]
A CNG powered bus in Beijing. CNG buses in Beijing were
introduced in late 1998.
In China, companies such as Sino-Energy are active in
expanding the footprint of CNG filling stations in medium-size cities across
the interior of the country, where at least two natural gas pipelines are operational.[citation
A CNG powered car being filled in a filling station in
In India, the Delhi government under the order of Supreme
Court in 2004 made it mandatory for all city buses and auto rickshaws to run on
CNG with the intention of reducing air pollution.
The Delhi Transport Corporation operates the world's
largest fleet of CNG powered buses.[36]
In Pakistan in 2012, the federal government announced
plans to gradually phase out CNG over a period of approximately three years
given natural gas shortages which have been negatively affecting the
manufacturing sector.[37] Aside from limiting electricity generation capacity,
gas shortages in Pakistan have also raised the costs of business for key
industries including the fertilizer, cement and textile sectors.[38]
Iran has one of the largest fleets of CNG vehicles and
CNG distribution networks in the world. There are 1800 CNG fueling stations,
with a total of 10352 CNG nozzles. The number of CNG burning vehicles in Iran
is about 2.6 million.[39]
Egypt is amongst the top 10 countries in CNG adoption,
with 128,754 CNG vehicles and 124 CNG fueling stations. Egypt was also the
first nation in Africa and the Middle East to open a public CNG fueling station
in January 1996.[40]
The vast majority 780000 have been produced as dual fuel
vehicles by the auto manufacturer in the last two years, and the remainder have
been converted utilizing after market conversion kits in workshops. There are
750 active refueling stations country wide with an additional 660 refueling
stations under construction and expected to come on stream. Currently the major
problem facing the industry as a whole is the building of refueling stations
that is lagging behind dual fuel vehicle production, forcing many to use petrol
Nigeria CNG started with a pilot project in Benin City
Edo State in 2010 by Green Gas Limited. Green Gas Limited is a Joint Venture
Company of NGC (Nigerian Gas Company Ltd.) & NIPCO PLC. As at October 2012
about seven CNG stations have been built in Benin City Edo State, with about
1,000 cars running on CNG in Benin City Edo state. In Benin City Edo state,
major companies such as Coca-cola are using CNG to power their
fork-lifts/trucks while Edo City Transport Ltd (ECTS) is also running some of
its busus on CNG.
CNG powered bus in Italy
In Italy, there are more than 1173 CNG stations.[41] The
use of methane for vehicles, started in the 1930s and has continued off and on
until today. Since 2008 there have been a large market expansion for natural
gas vehicles (CNG and LPG) caused by the rise of gasoline prices and by the
need to reduce air pollution emissions.[42] Before 1995 the only way to have a
CNG-powered car was by having it retrofitted with an after-market kit. A large
producer was Landi Renzo, Tartarini Auto, Prins Autogassystemen, OMVL,
BiGAs,... and AeB for electronic parts used by the most part of kit producer.
Landi Renzo and Tartarini selling vehicles in Asia and South America. After
1995 bi-fuel cars (gasoline/CNG) became available from several major
manufacturers. Currently Fiat, Opel, Volkswagen, Citroën, Renault, Volvo and
Mercedes sell various car models and small trucks that are gasoline/CNG
powered. Usually CNG parts used by major car manufacturers are actually
produced by automotive aftermarket kit manufacturers, e.g. Fiat use Tartarini
Auto components, Volkswagen use Teleflex GFI[43] and Landi Renzo components.
In Germany, CNG-generated vehicles are expected to
increase to two million units of motor-transport by the year 2020. The cost for
CNG fuel is between 1/3 and 1/2 compared to other fossil fuels in
Europe.[citation needed] in 2008 there are around 800 CNG stations in
Germany[citation needed]
In Portugal there are four CNG refueling stations but
three of them do not sell to the public. Only in Braga, can you find public
access to CNG refueling—at the local city bus station (TUB).[citation needed]
In Turkey, Ankara has 1050 CNG buses.[44]
In Hungary there are four public CNG refueling stations
in the cities Budapest, Szeged, Pécs and Győr. The public transportation
company of Szeged runs buses mainly on CNG.[citation needed]
In Bulgaria, there are 96 CNG refueling stations as of
July 2011. One can be found in most of Bulgaria's big towns.[45] In the capital
Sofia there are 22 CNG stations making it possibly the city with the most
publicly available CNG stations in Europe. There are also quite a few in
Plovdiv, Ruse, Stara Zagora and Veliko Tarnovo as well as in the towns on the
Black Sea – Varna, Burgas, Nesebar and Kavarna. CNG vehicles are becoming more
and more popular in the country. The fuel is mostly used by taxi drivers because
of its much lower price compared to petrol.
In Macedonia, there is one CNG station located in the
capital Skopje, but it is not for public use. Only twenty buses of the local
Public Transport Company have been fitted to use a mixture of diesel and CNG.
The first commercial CNG station in Skopje is in the advanced stage of
development and is expected to start operation in July 2011.[citation needed]
In Serbia, there are four public CNG refuelling stations
in the capital Belgrade and in the towns of Pančevo, Kruševac and
Čačak.[citation needed]
In Slovenia, there is only one public CNG refuelling
station in the capital Ljubljana.[citation needed]
In Croatia, there is only one CNG station situated close
to the center of Zagreb.[46] At least 60 CNG buses are in use as a form of a
public transport (Zagreb public transport services).
In Estonia, there are two public CNG refuelling stations
- one in the country's capital Tallinn and the other one in Tartu.[47] From
2011, Tartu has five Scania manufactured CNG buses operating its inner-city
In Sweden there are currently 90 CNG filling stations
available to the public (as compared to about 10 LPG filling stations),
primarily located in the southern and western parts of the country as well the Mälardalen
region[49] Another 70-80 CNG filling stations are under construction or in a
late stage of planning (completions 2009-2010). Several of the planned filling
stations are located in the northern parts of the country, which will greatly
improve the infrastructure for CNG car users.[50] There are approx. 14,500 CNG
vehicles in Sweden (2007), of which approx. 13,500 are passenger cars and the
remainder includes buses and trucks.[51] In Stockholm, the public
transportation company SL currently operates 50 CNG buses but have a capacity
to operate 500.[52] The Swedish government recently prolonged its subsidies for
the development of CNG filling stations, from 2009-12-31 to 2010-12-31.[53]
In Spain the EMT Madrid bus service use CNG motors in 672
regular buses. Is rare to see another kind of CNG vehicle, and there are no CNG
refueling stations.[citation needed]
As of 2013, there are 47 public CNG filling stations in
the Czech Republic, mainly in the big cities.[54] Local bus manufacturers SOR
Libchavy and Tedom produce CNG versions of their vehicles, with roof-mounted
North America[edit]
The Honda Civic GX is factory-built to run on CNG and it
is available in several U.S. regional markets.
Buses powered with CNG are common in the United States such
as the New Flyer Industries C40LF bus shown here.
Natural gas has been used as a motor fuel in Canada for
over 20 years.[55] With assistance from federal and provincial research
programs, demonstration projects and NGV market deployment programs during the
1980s and 1990s, the population of light-duty NGVs grew to over 35,000 by the
early 1990s. This assistance resulted in a significant adoption of natural gas
transit buses as well.[56]
The NGV market started to decline after 1995, eventually
reaching today’s vehicle population of about 12,000.[56]
This figure includes 150 urban transit buses, 45 school
buses, 9,450 light-duty cars and trucks, and 2,400 forklifts and
ice-resurfacers. The total fuel use in all NGV markets in Canada was 1.9 PJs
(petajoules) in 2007 (or 54.6 million litres of gasoline litres equivalent),
down from 2.6 PJs in 1997. Public CNG refuelling stations have declined in
quantity from 134 in 1997 to 72 today. There are 22 in British Columbia, 12 in
Alberta, 10 in Saskatchewan, 27 in Ontario and two in Québec. There are only 12
private fleet stations.[17]
Canadian industry has developed CNG-fueled truck and bus
engines, CNG-fueled transit buses, and light trucks and taxis.
Fuelmaker Corporation of Toronto, the Honda-owned
manufacturer of CNG auto refueling units, was forced into bankruptcy by parent
Honda USA for an unspecified reason in 2009.[57] The various assets of
Fuelmaker were subsequently acquired by Fuel Systems Corporation of Santa Ana,
United States[edit]
Similar to Canada, the United States has implemented various
NGV initiatives and programs since 1980, but has had limited success in
sustaining the market. There were 105,000 NGVs in operation in 2000; this
figure peaked at 121,000 in 2004, and decreased to 110,000 in 2009.[58]
In the United States, federal tax credits are available
for buying a new CNG vehicle. Use of CNG varies from state to state; only 34
states have at least one CNG fueling site.[59]
In Athens, Ala., the city and its Gas Department
installed a public CNG station on the Interstate 65 Corridor, making it the
only public CNG station between Birmingham and Nashville as of February 2014.
The city's larger fleet vehicles such as garbage trucks also use this public
station for fueling. The city also has two slow-fill non-public CNG stations for
its fleet. Athens has added CNG/gasoline Tahoes for police and fire, a CNG
Honda Civic, CNG Heil garbage trucks, and CNG/gasoline Dodge pickup trucks to
its fleet.
In California, CNG is used extensively in local city and
county fleets, as well as public transportation (city/school buses). There are
90 public fueling stations in southern California alone, and travel from San
Diego so the Bay Area to Las Vegas and Utah is routine with the advent of
online station maps such as www.cngprices.com. Compressed natural gas is
typically available for 30-60 percent less than the cost of gasoline in much of
The 28 buses running the Gwinnett County Transit local
routes run on 100 percent CNG. Additionally, about half of the Georgia Regional
Transportation Authority express fleet, which runs and refuels out of the
Gwinnett County Transit facility, uses CNG.[60]
The Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority was
running 360 CNG buses as early as in 2007, and is the largest user in the
The Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) of New
York City currently has over 900 buses powered by compressed natural gas with
CNG bus depots located in Brooklyn, The Bronx and Queens.
The Nassau Inter-County Express (or NICE Bus) runs a 100%
Orion CNG-fueled bus fleet for fixed route service consisting of 360 buses for
service in Nassau County, parts of Queens, New York, and the western sections
of Suffolk County.
The City of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania has switched some of
the city's vehicles to compressed natural gas in an effort to save money on
fuel costs. Trucks used by the city's street and water, sewer and gas
departments have been converted from gasoline to CNG.[62]
Personal use of CNG is a small niche market currently,
though with current tax incentives and a growing number of public fueling
stations available, it is experiencing unprecedented growth. The state of Utah
offers a subsidised statewide network of CNG filling stations at a rate of
$1.57/gge,[63] while gasoline is above $4.00/gal. Elsewhere in the nation,
retail prices average around $2.50/gge, with home refueling units compressing
gas from residential gas lines for under $1/gge. Other than aftermarket
conversions, and government used vehicle auctions, the only currently[when?]
produced CNG vehicle in the United States is the Honda Civic GX sedan, which is
made in limited numbers and available only in states with retail fueling
An initiative, known as Pickens Plan, calls for the
expansion of the use of CNG as a standard fuel for heavy vehicles has been
recently started by oilman and entrepreneur T. Boone Pickens. California voters
defeated Proposition 10 in the 2008 General Election by a significant (59.8
percent to 40.2 percent) margin. Proposition 10 was a $5 billion bond measure that,
among other things, would have given rebates to state residents that purchase
CNG vehicles.
On February 21, 2013, T. Boone Pickens and New York
Mayor, Michael Bloomberg unveiled a CNG powered mobile pizzeria. The company,
Neapolitan Express uses alternative energy to run the truck as well as 100
percent recycled and compostable materials for their carryout boxes.[64]
Congress has encouraged conversion of cars to CNG with a
tax credits of up to 50 percent of the auto conversion cost and the CNG home
filling station cost. However, while CNG is much cleaner fuel, the conversion
requires a type certificate from the EPA. Meeting the requirements of a type
certificate can cost up to $50,000. Other non-EPA approved kits are available.
A complete and safe aftermarket conversion using a non-EPA approved kit can be
achieved for as little as $400 without the cylinder.[65]
K230UB CNG bus currently used as part of the "Scania
Koala CNG Bus Trial" at ACTION in Canberra.
During the 1970s and 1980s, CNG was commonly used in New
Zealand in the wake of the oil crises, but fell into decline after petrol
prices receded. At the peak of natural gas use, 10 percent of New Zealand's
cars were converted, around 110,000 vehicles.[66]
A Mercedes-Benz OC500LE (with Custom Coaches bodywork)
running on CNG, operated by Sydney Buses in Sydney, Australia.
Brisbane Transport in Australia has adopted a policy of
purchasing only CNG buses in future. Brisbane Transport has 215 Scania L94UB
and 324 MAN 18.310 models as well as 30 MAN NG 313 articulated CNG buses. The
State Transit Authority of New South Wales (operating under the name
"Sydney Buses") operates 100 Scania L113CRB buses, 299 Mercedes-Benz
O405NH buses and 254 Euro 5-compliant Mercedes-Benz OC500LE buses.[67]
In the 1990s Benders Busways of Geelong, Victoria
trialled CNG buses for the Energy Research and Development Corporation.[68]
Martin Ferguson, Ollie Clark and Noel Childs featured on
ABC 7.30 Report raised the issue of CNG as an overlooked transport fuel option
in Australia, highlighting the large volumes of LNG currently being exported
from the North West Shelf in light of the cost of importing crude oil to
AT&T ordered 1,200 CNG-powered cargo vans from
General Motors in 2012. It is the largest-ever order of CNG vehicles from
General Motors to date.[70] AT&T has announced its intention to invest up
to $565 million to deploy approximately 15,000 alternative fuel vehicles over a
10-year period through 2018, will use the vans to provide and maintain
communications, high-speed Internet and television services for AT&T customers.[71]
DNG, or diesel natural gas, is a retrofit system which
can be installed on trucks. It mixes diesel fuel with up to 70 percent natural
Liquefied natural gas
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Not to be confused with Natural gas processing or Liquefied
petroleum gas.
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Liquefied natural gas (LNG) is natural gas (predominantly
methane, CH4) that has been converted to liquid form for ease of storage or
transport. It takes up about 1/600th the volume of natural gas in the gaseous
state. It is odorless, colorless, non-toxic and non-corrosive. Hazards include flammability
after vaporization into a gaseous state, freezing and asphyxia. The
liquefaction process involves removal of certain components, such as dust, acid
gases, helium, water, and heavy hydrocarbons, which could cause difficulty
downstream. The natural gas is then condensed into a liquid at close to
atmospheric pressure by cooling it to approximately −162 °C (−260 °F); maximum
transport pressure is set at around 25 kPa (4 psi).
A typical LNG process. The gas is first extracted and
transported to a processing plant where it is purified by removing any
condensates such as water, oil, mud, as well as other gases such as CO2 and
H2S. An LNG process train will also typically be designed to remove trace
amounts of mercury from the gas stream to prevent mercury amalgamizing with
aluminium in the cryogenic heat exchangers. The gas is then cooled down in
stages until it is liquefied. LNG is finally stored in storage tanks and can be
loaded and shipped.
LNG achieves a higher reduction in volume than compressed
natural gas (CNG) so that the (volumetric) energy density of LNG is 2.4 times
greater than that of CNG or 60 percent of that of diesel fuel.[1] This makes
LNG cost efficient to transport over long distances where pipelines do not
exist. Specially designed cryogenic sea vessels (LNG carriers) or cryogenic
road tankers are used for its transport. LNG is principally used for
transporting natural gas to markets, where it is regasified and distributed as
pipeline natural gas. It can be used in natural gas vehicles, although it is
more common to design vehicles to use compressed natural gas. Its relatively
high cost of production and the need to store it in expensive cryogenic tanks
have hindered widespread commercial use.
Contents [hide]
1 Energy density and other physical properties
2 History [5]
3 Production
3.1 LNG plant production
3.2 World total production
4 Commercial aspects
4.1 Global Trade
4.2 Use of LNG to fuel large over the road trucks
5 Trade
5.1 Imports
5.2 Cargo diversion
5.3 Cost of LNG plants
5.3.1 Small-scale liquefaction plants
6 LNG pricing
6.1 Oil parity
6.2 S-curve
6.2.1 JCC and ICP
6.2.2 Brent and other energy carriers
6.3 Price review
7 Quality of LNG
8 Liquefaction technology
8.1 Storage
8.2 Transportation
8.2.1 Terminals
8.3 Refrigeration
9 Environmental concerns
9.1 Safety and accidents
10 See also
11 References
12 Other sources
13 References
14 External links
Energy density and other physical properties[edit]
The heating value depends on the source of gas that is
used and the process that is used to liquefy the gas. The range of heating
value can span +/- 10 to 15 percent. A typical value of the higher heating
value of LNG is approximately 50 MJ/kg or 21,500 Btu/lb.[2] A typical value of
the lower heating value of LNG is 45 MJ/kg or 19,350 BTU/lb.
For the purpose of comparison of different fuels the
heating value may be expressed in terms of energy per volume which is known as
the energy density expressed in MJ/liter. The density of LNG is roughly 0.41
kg/liter to 0.5 kg/liter, depending on temperature, pressure, and
composition,[3] compared to water at 1.0 kg/liter. Using the median value of
0.45 kg/liter, the typical energy density values are 22.5 MJ/liter (based on
higher heating value) or 20.3 MJ/liter (based on lower heating value).
The (volume-based) energy density of LNG is approximately
2.4 times greater than that of CNG which makes it economical to transport
natural gas by ship in the form of LNG. The energy density of LNG is comparable
to propane and ethanol but is only 60 percent that of diesel and 70 percent
that of gasoline.[4]
History [5][edit]
Experiments on the properties of gases started early in
the seventeenth century. By the middle of the seventeenth century Robert Boyle
had derived the inverse relationship between the pressure and the volume of
gases. About the same time, Guillaume Amontons started looking into temperature
effects on gas. Various gas experiments continued for the next 200 years.
During that time there were efforts to liquefy gases. Many new facts on the
nature of gases had been discovered. For example, early in the nineteenth
century Cagniard de la Tours had shown there was a temperature above which a
gas could not be liquefied. There was a major push in the mid to late
nineteenth century to liquefy all gases. A number of scientists including
Michael Faraday, James Joule, and William Thomson (Lord Kelvin), did
experiments in this area. In 1886 Karol Olszewski liquefied methane, the
primary constituent of natural gas. By 1900 all gases had been liquefied except
helium which was liquefied in 1908.
The first large scale liquefaction of natural gas in this
country was in 1918 when the U.S. government liquefied natural gas as a way to
extract helium, which is a small component of some natural gas. This helium was
intended for use in British dirigibles for World War I. The liquid natural gas
(LNG) was not stored, but regasified and immediately put into the gas mains.
The key patents having to do with natural gas
liquefaction were in 1915 and the mid-1930s. In 1915 Godfrey Cabot patented a
method for storing liquid gases at very low temperatures. It consisted of a
Thermos bottle type design which included a cold inner tank within an outer
tank; the tanks being separated by insulation. In 1937 Lee Twomey received
patents for a process for large scale liquefaction of natural gas. The intention
was to store natural gas as a liquid so it could be used for shaving peak
energy loads during cold snaps. Because of large volumes it is not practical to
store natural gas, as a gas, near atmospheric pressure. However, if it can be
liquefied it can be stored in a volume 600 times smaller. This is a practical
way to store it but the gas must be stored at -260 °F.
There are basically two processes for liquefying natural
gas in large quantities. One is a cascade process in which the natural gas is
cooled by another gas which in turn has been cooled by still another gas, hence
a cascade. There are usually two cascade cycles prior to the liquid natural gas
cycle. The other method is the Linde process. (A variation of the Linde
process, called the Claude process, is sometimes used.) In this process the gas
is cooled regeneratively by continually passing it through an orifice until it
is cooled to temperatures at which it liquefies. The cooling of gas by
expanding it through an orifice was developed by James Joule and William
Thomson and is known as the Joule-Thomson effect. Lee Twomey used the cascade
process for his patents.
The East Ohio Gas Company built a full-scale commercial
liquid natural gas (LNG) plant in Cleveland, Ohio, in 1940 just after a successful
pilot plant built by its sister company, Hope Natural Gas Company of West
Virginia. This was the first such plant in the world. Originally it had three
spheres, approximately 63 feet in diameter containing LNG at -260 °F. Each
sphere held the equivalent of about 50 million cubic feet of natural gas. A
fourth tank, a cylinder, was added in 1942. It had an equivalent capacity of
100 million cubic feet of gas. The plant operated successfully for three years.
The stored gas was regasified and put into the mains when cold snaps hit and
extra capacity was needed. This precluded the denial of gas to some customers
during a cold snap.
The plant failed on October 20, 1944 when the cylindrical
tank ruptured spilling thousands of gallons of LNG over the plant and nearby
neighborhood. The gas evaporated and caught fire, which caused 130 fatalities.
The fire delayed further implementation of LNG facilities for several years.
However, over the next 15 years new research on low-temperature alloys, and
better insulation materials, set the stage for a revival of the industry. It
restarted in 1959 when a U.S. World War II Liberty ship, the Methane Pioneer,
converted to carry LNG, made a delivery of LNG from the U.S. Gulf coast to
energy starved Great Britain. In June 1964, the world's first purpose-built LNG
carrier, the "Methane Princess" entered service.[6] Soon after that a
large natural gas field was discovered in Algeria. International trade in LNG
quickly followed as LNG was shipped to France and Great Britain from the
Algerian fields. One more important attribute of LNG had now been exploited.
Once natural gas was liquefied it could not only be stored more easily, but it
could be transported. Thus energy could now be shipped over the oceans via LNG
the same way it was shipped by oil.
The domestic LNG industry restarted in 1965 when a series
of new plants were built in the U.S. The building continued through the 1970s.
These plants were not only used for peak-shaving, as in Cleveland, but also for
base-load supplies for places that never had natural gas prior to this. A
number of import facilities were built on the East Coast in anticipation of the
need to import energy via LNG. However, a recent boom in U.S. natural
production (2010-2014), enabled by the new hydraulic fracturing technique
(“fracking”), has many of these import facilities being considered as export
facilities. The U.S. Energy Information Administration predicts, with present
knowledge, that the U.S. will become an LNG exporting country in the next few
The natural gas fed into the LNG plant will be treated to
remove water, hydrogen sulfide, carbon dioxide and other components that will
freeze (e.g., benzene) under the low temperatures needed for storage or be
destructive to the liquefaction facility. LNG typically contains more than 90
percent methane. It also contains small amounts of ethane, propane, butane,
some heavier alkanes, and nitrogen. The purification process can be designed to
give almost 100 percent methane. One of the risks of LNG is a rapid phase
transition explosion (RPT), which occurs when cold LNG comes into contact with
The most important infrastructure needed for LNG
production and transportation is an LNG plant consisting of one or more LNG
trains, each of which is an independent unit for gas liquefaction. The largest
LNG train now in operation is in Qatar. These facilities recently reached a
safety milestone, completing 12 years of operations on its offshore facilities
without a Lost Time Incident.[8] Until recently it was the Train 4 of Atlantic
LNG in Trinidad and Tobago with a production capacity of 5.2 million metric ton
per annum (mmtpa),[9] followed by the SEGAS LNG plant in Egypt with a capacity
of 5 mmtpa. In July 2014, Atlantic LNG celebrated its 3000th cargo of LNG at
the company’s liquefaction facility in Trinidad.[10] The Qatargas II plant has
a production capacity of 7.8 mmtpa for each of its two trains. LNG sourced from
Qatargas II will be supplied to Kuwait, following the signing of an agreement
in May 2014 between Qatar Liquefied Gas Company and Kuwait Petroleum Corp.[10]
LNG is loaded onto ships and delivered to a regasification terminal, where the
LNG is allowed to expand and reconvert into gas. Regasification terminals are
usually connected to a storage and pipeline distribution network to distribute
natural gas to local distribution companies (LDCs) or independent power plants
LNG plant production[edit]
Information for the following table is derived in part
from publication by the U.S. Energy Information Administration.[11]
Plant Name Location Country Startup
Date Capacity (mmtpa) Corporation
Qatargas II Ras
Laffan Qatar 2009 7.8
Arzew GL4Z Algeria 1964 0.90
Arzew GL1Z Algeria 1978
Arzew GL1Z Algeria 1997 7.9
Skikda GL1K Algeria 1972
Skikda GL1K Algeria 1981
Skikda GL1K Algeria 1999 6.0
Angola LNG Soyo Angola 2013 5.2 Chevron
Lumut 1 Brunei 1972 7.2
Badak NGL A-B Bontang Indonesia 1977 4 Pertamina
Badak NGL C-D Bontang Indonesia 1986 4.5 Pertamina
Badak NGL E Bontang Indonesia 1989 3.5 Pertamina
Badak NGL F Bontang Indonesia 1993 3.5 Pertamina
Badak NGL G Bontang Indonesia 1998 3.5 Pertamina
Badak NGL H Bontang Indonesia 1999 3.7 Pertamina
Donggi Senoro LNG Luwuk Indonesia 2014 2.2 Mitsubishi
Sengkang LNG Sengkang Indonesia 2014 5 Energy
World Corp.
Atlantic LNG Point
Fortin Trinidad and Tobago 1999 Atlantic
[Atlantic LNG] [Point
Fortin] Trinidad and Tobago 2003 9.9 Atlantic LNG
Damietta Egypt 2004 5.5 Segas LNG
Idku Egypt 2005 7.2
Bintulu MLNG 1 Malaysia 1983 7.6
Bintulu MLNG 2 Malaysia 1994 7.8
Bintulu MLNG 3 Malaysia 2003 3.4
Nigeria LNG Nigeria 1999 23.5
Northwest Shelf Venture Karratha Australia 2009 16.3
Withnell Bay Karratha Australia 1989
Withnell Bay Karratha Australia 1995 (7.7)
Sakhalin II Russia 2009 9.6.[12]
Yemen LNG Balhaf Yemen 2008 6.7
Tangguh LNG Project Papua
Barat Indonesia 2009 7.6
Qatargas I Ras
Laffan Qatar 1996 (4.0)
Qatargas I Ras
Laffan Qatar 2005 10.0
Qatargas III Qatar 2010 7.8
Rasgas I, II and III Ras
Laffan Qatar 1999 36.3
Qalhat Oman 2000 7.3
Das Island I United
Arab Emirates 1977
Das Island I and II United
Arab Emirates 1994 5.7
Melkøya Hammerfest Norway 2007 4.2 Statoil
Equatorial Guinea 2007 3.4 Marathon
World total production[edit]
Global LNG import trends, by volume (in red), and as a
percentage of global natural gas imports (in black) (US EIA data)
Trends in the top five LNG-importing nations as of 2009
(US EIA data)
Year Capacity (Mtpa) Notes
1990 50[13]
2002 130[14]
2007 160[13]
The LNG industry developed slowly during the second half
of the last century because most LNG plants are located in remote areas not
served by pipelines, and because of the large costs to treat and transport LNG.
Constructing an LNG plant costs at least $1.5 billion per 1 mmtpa capacity, a
receiving terminal costs $1 billion per 1 bcf/day throughput capacity and LNG
vessels cost $200 million–$300 million.
In the early 2000s, prices for constructing LNG plants,
receiving terminals and vessels fell as new technologies emerged and more
players invested in liquefaction and regasification. This tended to make LNG
more competitive as a means of energy distribution, but increasing material
costs and demand for construction contractors have put upward pressure on
prices in the last few years. The standard price for a 125,000 cubic meter LNG
vessel built in European and Japanese shipyards used to be USD 250 million.
When Korean and Chinese shipyards entered the race, increased competition
reduced profit margins and improved efficiency—reducing costs by 60 percent.
Costs in US dollars also declined due to the devaluation of the currencies of
the world's largest shipbuilders: the Japanese yen and Korean won.
Since 2004, the large number of orders increased demand
for shipyard slots, raising their price and increasing ship costs. The per-ton
construction cost of an LNG liquefaction plant fell steadily from the 1970s
through the 1990s. The cost reduced by approximately 35 percent. However, recently
the cost of building liquefaction and regasification terminals doubled due to
increased cost of materials and a shortage of skilled labor, professional
engineers, designers, managers and other white-collar professionals.
Due to energy shortage concerns, many new LNG terminals
are being contemplated in the United States. Concerns about the safety of such
facilities created controversy in some regions where they were proposed. One
such location is in the Long Island Sound between Connecticut and Long Island.
Broadwater Energy, an effort of TransCanada Corp. and Shell, wishes to build an
LNG terminal in the sound on the New York side. Local politicians including the
Suffolk County Executive raised questions about the terminal. In 2005, New York
Senators Chuck Schumer and Hillary Clinton also announced their opposition to
the project.[15] Several terminal proposals along the coast of Maine were also
met with high levels of resistance and questions. On Sep. 13, the U.S.
Department of Energy approved Dominion Cove Point's application to export up to
770 million cubic feet per day of LNG to countries that do not have a free
trade agreement with the U.S.[16] In May 2014, the FERC concluded its
environmental assessment of the Cove Point LNG project, which found that the
proposed natural gas export project could be built and operated safely.[17]
Another LNG terminal is currently proposed for Elba Island, Ga.[18] Plans for
three LNG export terminals in the U.S. Gulf Coast region have also received
conditional Federal approval.[16][19] In Canada, an LNG export terminal is
under construction near Guysborough, Nova Scotia.[20]
Commercial aspects[edit]
Global Trade[edit]
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In the commercial development of an LNG value chain, LNG
suppliers first confirm sales to the downstream buyers and then sign long-term
contracts (typically 20–25 years) with strict terms and structures for gas
pricing. Only when the customers are confirmed and the development of a
greenfield project deemed economically feasible, could the sponsors of an LNG
project invest in their development and operation. Thus, the LNG liquefaction
business has been limited to players with strong financial and political
resources. Major international oil companies (IOCs) such as ExxonMobil, Royal
Dutch Shell, BP, BG Group, Chevron, and national oil companies (NOCs) such as
Pertamina and Petronas are active players.
LNG is shipped around the world in specially constructed
seagoing vessels. The trade of LNG is completed by signing an SPA (sale and
purchase agreement) between a supplier and receiving terminal, and by signing a
GSA (gas sale agreement) between a receiving terminal and end-users. Most of
the contract terms used to be DES or ex ship, holding the seller responsible
for the transport of the gas. With low shipbuilding costs, and the buyers
preferring to ensure reliable and stable supply, however, contract with the
term of FOB increased. Under such term, the buyer, who often owns a vessel or
signs a long-term charter agreement with independent carriers, is responsible
for the transport.
LNG purchasing agreements used to be for a long term with
relatively little flexibility both in price and volume. If the annual contract
quantity is confirmed, the buyer is obliged to take and pay for the product, or
pay for it even if not taken, in what is referred to as the obligation of
take-or-pay contract (TOP).
In the mid-1990s, LNG was a buyer's market. At the
request of buyers, the SPAs began to adopt some flexibilities on volume and
price. The buyers had more upward and downward flexibilities in TOP, and
short-term SPAs less than 16 years came into effect. At the same time,
alternative destinations for cargo and arbitrage were also allowed. By the turn
of the 21st century, the market was again in favor of sellers. However, sellers
have become more sophisticated and are now proposing sharing of arbitrage
opportunities and moving away from S-curve pricing. There has been much
discussion regarding the creation of an "OGEC" as a natural gas
equivalent of OPEC. Russia and Qatar, countries with the largest and the third
largest natural gas reserves in the world, have finally supported such
move.[citation needed]
Until 2003, LNG prices have closely followed oil prices.
Since then, LNG prices in Europe and Japan have been lower than oil prices,
although the link between LNG and oil is still strong. In contrast, prices in
the US and the UK have recently skyrocketed, then fallen as a result of changes
in supply and storage.[citation needed] In late 1990s and in early 2000s, the
market shifted for buyers, but since 2003 and 2004, it has been a strong
seller's market, with net-back as the best estimation for prices.[citation
Research from QNB Group in 2014 shows that robust global
demand is likely to keep LNG prices high for at least the next few years.[21]
The current surge in unconventional oil and gas in the
U.S. has resulted in lower gas prices in the U.S. This has led to discussions
in Asia' oil linked gas markets to import gas based on Henry Hub index.[22]
Recent high level conference in Vancouver, the Pacific Energy Summit 2013
Pacific Energy Summit 2013 convened policy makers and experts from Asia and the
U.S. to discuss LNG trade relations between these regions.
Receiving terminals exist in about 18 countries,
including India, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, China, Greece, Belgium, Spain, Italy,
France, the UK, the US, Chile, and the Dominican Republic, among others. Plans
exist for Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay, Canada, Ukraine and others to also
construct new receiving (gasification) terminals.
Use of LNG to fuel large over the road trucks[edit]
LNG is in the early stages of becoming a mainstream fuel
for transportation needs. It is being evaluated and tested for over-the-road
trucking,[23] off-road,[24] marine, and train applications.[25] There are known
problems with the fuel tanks and delivery of gas to the engine,[26] but despite
these concerns the move to LNG as a transportation fuel has begun.
In the United States the beginnings of a public LNG
Fueling capability is being put in place. An alternative fuel fueling center
tracking site shows 56 public truck LNG fuel centers as of July 2014.[27] The
2013 National Trucker's Directory lists approximately 7,000 truckstops,[28]
thus approximately 1% of US truckstops have LNG available as of July 2014.
In May 2013 Dillon Transport announced they were putting
25 LNG large trucks into service in Dallas Texas. They are refueling at a
public LNG fuel center.[29]
In Oct 2013 Raven Transportation announced they were
buying 36 LNG large trucks to be fueled by Clean Energy Fuels locations.[30]
In fall 2013, Lowe's finished converting one of its
dedicated fleets to LNG fueled trucks.[31]
UPS is planning to have over 900 LNG fueled trucks on the
roads by the end of 2014.[32] UPS has 16,000 tractor trucks in its fleet and
will be buying more LNG vehicles next year. 60 of the new for 2014 large trucks
will be placed in service in the Houston, Texas area alone where UPS is
building its own private LNG fuel center despite the availability of retail LNG
capability. They state they need their own LNG fueling capacity to avoid the
lines at a retail fuel center. UPS states the NGVs (natural gas vehicles) are
no longer in the testing phase for them, they are vehicles they depend on.[33]
In other cities such as Amarillo, Texas and Oklahoma City, Oklahoma they are
using public fuel centers.[34]
Clean Energy Fuels has opened several public LNG Fuel
Lanes along I-10 and claims that as of June 2014 LNG fueled trucks can use the
route from Los Angeles, California to Houston, Texas by refueling exclusively
at Clean Energy Fuels public facilities.[35]
In the spring of 2014 Shell and Travel Centers of America
opened the first of a planned network of U.S. truck stop LNG stations in
Ontario, California.[36] Per the alternative fuel fueling center tracking site
there are 9 LNG capable public fuel stations in the greater Los Angeles area,
making it the single most penetrated metro market.
As of August 2014, Blu LNG has at least 18 operational
LNG capable fuel centers across 8 states.[37]
Clean Energy maintains a list of their existing and
planned LNG fuel centers.[38] As of July 2014 they had 30 operational public
LNG facilities.
In 1970, global LNG trade was of 3 billion cubic metres
(bcm).[39] In 2011, it was 331 bcm.[39]
In 2004, LNG accounted for 7 percent of the world’s
natural gas demand.[40] The global trade in LNG, which has increased at a rate
of 7.4 percent per year over the decade from 1995 to 2005, is expected to
continue to grow substantially.[41] LNG trade is expected to increase at 6.7
percent per year from 2005 to 2020.[41]
Until the mid-1990s, LNG demand was heavily concentrated
in Northeast Asia: Japan, South Korea and Taiwan. At the same time, Pacific
Basin supplies dominated world LNG trade.[41] The world-wide interest in using
natural gas-fired combined cycle generating units for electric power
generation, coupled with the inability of North American and North Sea natural
gas supplies to meet the growing demand, substantially broadened the regional
markets for LNG. It also brought new Atlantic Basin and Middle East suppliers into
the trade.[41]
By the end of 2011, there were 18 LNG exporting countries
and 25 LNG importing countries. The three biggest LNG exporters in 2011 were
Qatar (75.5 MT), Malaysia (25 MT) and Indonesia (21.4 MT). The three biggest
LNG importers in 2011 were Japan (78.8 MT), South Korea (35 MT) and UK (18.6
MT).[42] LNG trade volumes increased from 140 MT in 2005 to 158 MT in 2006, 165
MT in 2007, 172 MT in 2008.[43] IT was forecasted to be increased to about 200
MT in 2009, and about 300 MT in 2012. During the next several years there would
be significant increase in volume of LNG Trade: about 82 MTPA of new LNG supply
will come to the market between 2009 and 2011. For example, about 59 MTPA of
new LNG supply from six new plants comes to the market just in 2009, including:
Northwest Shelf Train 5: 4.4 MTPA
Sakhalin II: 9.6 MTPA
Yemen LNG: 6.7 MTPA
Tangguh: 7.6 MTPA
Qatargas: 15.6 MTPA
Rasgas Qatar: 15.6 MTPA
In 2006, Qatar became the world's biggest exporter of
LNG.[39] As of 2012, Qatar is the source of 25 percent of the world's LNG
Investments in U.S. export facilities were increasing by
2013—such as the plant being built in Hackberry, Louisiana by Sempra Energy.
These investments were spurred by increasing shale gas production in the United
States and a large price differential between natural gas prices in the U.S.
and those in Europe and Asia. However, general exports had not yet been
authorized by the United States Department of Energy because the United States
had only recently moved from an importer to self-sufficiency status. When U.S.
exports are authorized, large demand for LNG in Asia was expected to mitigate
price decreases due to increased supplies from the U.S.[44]
In 1964, the UK and France made the first LNG trade,
buying gas from Algeria, witnessing a new era of energy.
Today, only 19 countries export LNG.[39]
Compared with the crude oil market, the natural gas
market is about 60 percent of the crude oil market (measured on a heat
equivalent basis), of which LNG forms a small but rapidly growing part. Much of
this growth is driven by the need for clean fuel and some substitution effect
due to the high price of oil (primarily in the heating and electricity
generation sectors).
Japan, South Korea, Spain, France, Italy and Taiwan
import large volumes of LNG due to their shortage of energy. In 2005, Japan
imported 58.6 million tons of LNG, representing some 30 percent of the LNG
trade around the world that year. Also in 2005, South Korea imported 22.1
million tons, and in 2004 Taiwan imported 6.8 million tons. These three major
buyers purchase approximately two-thirds of the world's LNG demand. In
addition, Spain imported some 8.2 mmtpa in 2006, making it the third largest
importer. France also imported similar quantities as Spain.[citation needed]
Following the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster in March 2011 Japan became a
major importer accounting for one third of the total.[44] European LNG imports
fell by 30 percent in 2012, and are expected to fall further by 24 percent in
2013, as South American and Asian importers pay more.[45]
Cargo diversion[edit]
Based on the LNG SPAs, LNG is destined for pre-agreed
destinations, and diversion of that LNG is not allowed. However if Seller and
Buyer make a mutual agreement, then the diversion of the cargo is
permitted—subject to sharing the additional profit created by such a diversion.
In the European Union and some other jurisdictions, it is not permitted to
apply the profit-sharing clause in LNG SPAs.
Cost of LNG plants[edit]
For an extended period of time, design improvements in
liquefaction plants and tankers had the effect of reducing costs.
In the 1980s, the cost of building an LNG liquefaction
plant cost $350 per tpa (tonne per year). In 2000s, it was $200/tpa. In 2012,
the costs can go as high as $1,000/tpa, partly due to the increase in the price
of steel.[39]
As recently as 2003, it was common to assume that this
was a “learning curve” effect and would continue into the future. But this
perception of steadily falling costs for LNG has been dashed in the last
several years.[41]
The construction cost of greenfield LNG projects started
to skyrocket from 2004 afterward and has increased from about $400 per ton per
year of capacity to $1,000 per ton per year of capacity in 2008.
The main reasons for skyrocketed costs in LNG industry
can be described as follows:
Low availability of EPC contractors as result of
extraordinary high level of ongoing petroleum projects world wide.[12]
High raw material prices as result of surge in demand for
raw materials.
Lack of skilled and experienced workforce in LNG
Devaluation of US dollar.
The 2007–2008 global financial crisis caused a general
decline in raw material and equipment prices, which somewhat lessened the
construction cost of LNG plants. However, by 2012 this was more than offset by
increasing demand for materials and labor for the LNG market.
Small-scale liquefaction plants[edit]
Small-scale liquefaction plants are advantageous because
their compact size enables the production of LNG close to the location where it
will be used. This proximity decreases transportation and LNG product costs for
consumers. It also avoids the additional greenhouse gas emissions generated
during long transportation.
The small-scale LNG plant also allows localized
peakshaving to occur—balancing the availability of natural gas during high and
low periods of demand. It also makes it possible for communities without access
to natural gas pipelines to install local distribution systems and have them
supplied with stored LNG.[46]
LNG pricing[edit]
There are three major pricing systems in the current LNG
Oil indexed contract used primarily in Japan, Korea,
Taiwan and China;
Oil, oil products and other energy carriers indexed
contracts used primarily in Continental Europe;[47] and
Market indexed contracts used in the US and the UK.;
The formula for an indexed price is as follows:
CP = BP + β X
BP: constant part or base price
β: gradient
X: indexation
The formula has been widely used in Asian LNG SPAs, where
base price refers to a term that represents various non-oil factors, but
usually a constant determined by negotiation at a level which can prevent LNG
prices from falling below a certain level. It thus varies regardless of oil
price fluctuation.
Oil parity[edit]
Oil parity is the LNG price that would be equal to that
of crude oil on a Barrel of oil equivalent basis. If the LNG price exceeds the
price of crude oil in BOE terms, then the situation is called broken oil
parity. A coefficient of 0.1724 results in full oil parity. In most cases the
price of LNG is less the price of crude oil in BOE terms. In 2009, in several
spot cargo deals especially in East Asia, oil parity approached the full oil
parity or even exceeds oil parity.[48]
Many formulae include an S-curve, where the price formula
is different above and below a certain oil price, to dampen the impact of high
oil prices on the buyer, and low oil prices on the seller.
JCC and ICP[edit]
In most of the East Asian LNG contracts, price formula is
indexed to a basket of crude imported to Japan called the Japan Crude Cocktail
(JCC). In Indonesian LNG contracts, price formula is linked to Indonesian Crude
Price (ICP).
Brent and other energy carriers[edit]
In continental Europe, the price formula indexation does
not follow the same format, and it varies from contract to contract. Brent
crude price (B), heavy fuel oil price (HFO), light fuel oil price (LFO), gas
oil price (GO), coal price, electricity price and in some cases, consumer and
producer price indexes are the indexation elements of price formulas.
Price review[edit]
Usually there exists a clause allowing parties to trigger
the price revision or price reopening in LNG SPAs. In some contracts there are
two options for triggering a price revision. regular and special. Regular ones
are the dates that will be agreed and defined in the LNG SPAs for the purpose
of price review.
Quality of LNG[edit]
LNG quality is one of the most important issues in the
LNG business. Any gas which does not conform to the agreed specifications in
the sale and purchase agreement is regarded as “off-specification” (off-spec)
or “off-quality” gas or LNG. Quality regulations serve three purposes:[49]
1 - to ensure that the gas distributed is non-corrosive
and non-toxic, below the upper limits for H2S, total sulphur, CO2 and Hg
2 - to guard against the formation of liquids or hydrates
in the networks, through maximum water and hydrocarbon dewpoints;
3 - to allow interchangeability of the gases distributed,
via limits on the variation range for parameters affecting combustion: content
of inert gases, calorific value, Wobbe index, Soot Index, Incomplete Combustion
Factor, Yellow Tip Index, etc.
In the case of off-spec gas or LNG the buyer can refuse
to accept the gas or LNG and the seller has to pay liquidated damages for the
respective off-spec gas volumes.
The quality of gas or LNG is measured at delivery point
by using an instrument such as a gas chromatograph.
The most important gas quality concerns involve the
sulphur and mercury content and the calorific value. Due to the sensitivity of
liquefaction facilities to sulfur and mercury elements, the gas being sent to
the liquefaction process shall be accurately refined and tested in order to
assure the minimum possible concentration of these two elements before entering
the liquefaction plant, hence there is not much concern about them.
However, the main concern is the heating value of gas.
Usually natural gas markets can be divided in three markets in terms of heating
Asia (Japan, Korea, Taiwan) where gas distributed is
rich, with a gross calorific value (GCV) higher than 43 MJ/m3(n), i.e. 1,090
the UK and the US, where distributed gas is lean, with a
GCV usually lower than 42 MJ/m3(n), i.e. 1,065 Btu/scf,
Continental Europe, where the acceptable GCV range is
quite wide: approx. 39 to 46 MJ/m3(n), i.e. 990 to 1,160 Btu/scf.
There are some methods to modify the heating value of
produced LNG to the desired level. For the purpose of increasing the heating
value, injecting propane and butane is a solution. For the purpose of decreasing
heating value, nitrogen injecting and extracting butane and propane are proved
solutions. Blending with gas or LNG can be a solutions; however all of these
solutions while theoretically viable can be costly and logistically difficult
to manage in large scale.
Liquefaction technology[edit]
Currently there are four Liquefaction processes
C3MR (sometimes referred to as APCI): designed by Air
Products & Chemicals, Incorporation.
Cascade: designed by ConocoPhillips.
Shell DMR
It was expected that by the end of 2012, there will be
100 liquefaction trains on stream with total capacity of 297.2 MMTPA.
The majority of these trains use either APCI or Cascade
technology for the liquefaction process. The other processes, used in a small
minority of some liquefaction plants, include Shell's DMR (double-mixed
refrigerant) technology and the Linde technology.
APCI technology is the most-used liquefaction process in
LNG plants: out of 100 liquefaction trains onstream or under-construction, 86
trains with a total capacity of 243 MMTPA have been designed based on the APCI
process. Philips Cascade process is the second most-used, used in 10 trains
with a total capacity of 36.16 MMTPA. The Shell DMR process has been used in
three trains with total capacity of 13.9 MMTPA; and, finally, the Linde/Statoil
process is used in the Snohvit 4.2 MMTPA single train.
Floating liquefied natural gas (FLNG) facilities float
above an offshore gas field, and produce, liquefy, store and transfer LNG (and
potentially LPG and condensate) at sea before carriers ship it directly to
markets. The first FLNG facility is now in development by Shell,[50] due for
completion in around 2017.[51]
LNG storage tank at EG LNG
Modern LNG storage tanks are typically full containment
type, which has a prestressed concrete outer wall and a high-nickel steel inner
tank, with extremely efficient insulation between the walls. Large tanks are
low aspect ratio (height to width) and cylindrical in design with a domed steel
or concrete roof. Storage pressure in these tanks is very low, less than 10 kPa
(1.45 psig). Sometimes more expensive underground tanks are used for storage.
Smaller quantities (say 700 m3 (190,000 US gallons) and less), may be stored in
horizontal or vertical, vacuum-jacketed, pressure vessels. These tanks may be
at pressures anywhere from less than 50 kPa to over 1,700 kPa (7 psig to 250
LNG must be kept cold to remain a liquid, independent of
pressure. Despite efficient insulation, there will inevitably be some heat
leakage into the LNG, resulting in vaporisation of the LNG. This boil-off gas
acts to keep the LNG cold. The boil-off gas is typically compressed and
exported as natural gas, or it is reliquefied and returned to storage.
Main article: LNG carrier
Tanker LNG Rivers, LNG capacity of 135,000 cubic metres
LNG is transported in specially designed ships with
double hulls protecting the cargo systems from damage or leaks. There are
several special leak test methods available to test the integrity of an LNG
vessel's membrane cargo tanks.[52]
The tankers cost around USD 200 million each.[39]
Transportation and supply is an important aspect of the
gas business, since natural gas reserves are normally quite distant from
consumer markets. Natural gas has far more volume than oil to transport, and
most gas is transported by pipelines. There is a natural gas pipeline network
in the former Soviet Union, Europe and North America. Natural gas is less
dense, even at higher pressures. Natural gas will travel much faster than oil
through a high-pressure pipeline, but can transmit only about a fifth of the
amount of energy per day due to the lower density. Natural gas is usually
liquefied to LNG at the end of the pipeline, prior to shipping.
Short LNG pipelines for use in moving product from LNG
vessels to onshore storage are available. Longer pipelines, which allow vessels
to offload LNG at a greater distance from port facilities are under
development. This requires pipe in pipe technology due to requirements for
keeping the LNG cold.[53]
LNG is transported using both tanker truck,[54] railway
tanker, and purpose built ships known as LNG carriers. LNG will be sometimes
taken to cryogenic temperatures to increase the tanker capacity. The first
commercial ship-to-ship transfer (STS) transfers were undertaken in February
2007 at the Flotta facility in Scapa Flow[55] with 132,000 m3 of LNG being
passed between the vessels Excalibur and Excelsior. Transfers have also been
carried out by Exmar Shipmanagement, the Belgian gas tanker owner in the Gulf
of Mexico, which involved the transfer of LNG from a conventional LNG carrier
to an LNG regasification vessel (LNGRV). Prior to this commercial exercise LNG
had only ever been transferred between ships on a handful of occasions as a
necessity following an incident.[citation needed]
Main articles: List of LNG terminals and Liquefied
natural gas terminal
Liquefied natural gas is used to transport natural gas
over long distances, often by sea. In most cases, LNG terminals are
purpose-built ports used exclusively to export or import LNG.
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The insulation, as efficient as it is, will not keep LNG
cold enough by itself. Inevitably, heat leakage will warm and vapourise the
LNG. Industry practice is to store LNG as a boiling cryogen. That is, the
liquid is stored at its boiling point for the pressure at which it is stored
(atmospheric pressure). As the vapour boils off, heat for the phase change
cools the remaining liquid. Because the insulation is very efficient, only a
relatively small amount of boil off is necessary to maintain temperature. This
phenomenon is also called auto-refrigeration.
Boil off gas from land based LNG storage tanks is usually
compressed and fed to natural gas pipeline networks. Some LNG carriers use boil
off gas for fuel.
Environmental concerns[edit]
Natural gas could be considered the most environmentally
friendly fossil fuel, because it has the lowest CO2 emissions per unit of
energy and because it is suitable for use in high efficiency combined cycle
power stations. For an equivalent amount of heat, burning natural gas produces
about 30 per cent less carbon dioxide than burning petroleum and about 45 per
cent less than burning coal. [56] On a per kilometre transported basis,
emissions from LNG are lower than piped natural gas, which is a particular
issue in Europe, where significant amounts of gas are piped several thousand
kilometres from Russia. However, emissions from natural gas transported as LNG
are higher than for natural gas produced locally to the point of combustion as
emissions associated with transport are lower for the latter.[citation needed]
However, on the West Coast of the United States, where up
to three new LNG importation terminals have been proposed, environmental
groups, such as Pacific Environment, Ratepayers for Affordable Clean Energy
(RACE), and Rising Tide have moved to oppose them.[57] They claim that, while
natural gas power plants emit approximately half the carbon dioxide of an
equivalent coal power plant, the natural gas combustion required to produce and
transport LNG to the plants adds 20 to 40 percent more carbon dioxide than
burning natural gas alone.[58]
Green bordered white diamond symbol used on LNG-powered
vehicles in China
Safety and accidents[edit]
Natural gas is a fuel and a combustible substance. To
ensure safe and reliable operation, particular measures are taken in the
design, construction and operation of LNG facilities.
In its liquid state, LNG is not explosive and can not
burn. For LNG to burn, it must first vaporize, then mix with air in the proper
proportions (the flammable range is 5 percent to 15 percent), and then be
ignited. In the case of a leak, LNG vaporizes rapidly, turning into a gas
(methane plus trace gases), and mixing with air. If this mixture is within the
flammable range, there is risk of ignition which would create fire and thermal
radiation hazards.
Gas venting from vehicles powered by LNG may create a
flammability hazard if parked indoors for longer than a week. Additionally, due
to its low temperature, refueling a LNG-powered vehicle requires training to
avoid the risk of frostbite.[59]
LNG tankers have sailed over 100 million miles without a shipboard
death or even a major accident.[60]
Several on-site accidents involving or related to LNG are
listed below:
1944, Oct. 20. The East Ohio Natural Gas Co. experienced
a failure of an LNG tank in Cleveland, Ohio.[61] 128 people perished in the
explosion and fire. The tank did not have a dike retaining wall, and it was
made during World War II, when metal rationing was very strict. The steel of
the tank was made with an extremely low amount of nickel, which meant the tank
was brittle when exposed to the cryogenic nature of LNG. The tank ruptured,
spilling LNG into the city sewer system. The LNG vaporized and turned into gas,
which exploded and burned.
1979, Oct. 6, Lusby, Maryland, at the Cove Point LNG
facility a pump seal failed, releasing natural gas vapors (not LNG), which
entered and settled in an electrical conduit.[61] A worker switched off a
circuit breaker, which ignited the gas vapors. The resulting explosion killed a
worker, severely injured another and caused h
Unfinished journey (27)
(Part twenty seven, Depok, West Java, Indonesia, 1
September 2014, 20:50 pm)
In 1995 I was on duty with a senior journalist from Radio
Republik Indonesia (RRI) Ahmad Parembahan to covering Energy World Conference
held in the city of Madrid, Spain,
The conference, which opened the King of Spain Juan
Carlos who was accompanied by queen Sofia was attended by thousands of
delegates from over 100 countries who discuss energy problems of the world,
such as petroleum, coal, natural gas, and alternative energy such as geothermal
energy, solar energy, hydropower, wave and various other alternative energy
such as bio diesel.
From Indonesia Prof.Dr.Zuhal represented at the
conference, and the expert staff of the Minister of Mines and Energy Ermansyah
In the conference illustrated how much consumption, and
the availability of energy reserves such as oil, coal, natural gas and other
alternative energy.
As well as how to maintain a balance between consumption
and exploration of search for available resources, as well as discuss the use
of new technology that allows the use of coal for power generation, but using
technology to filter the smoke does not cause environmental pollution (acid
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"Crude Oil" redirects here. For the 2008 film,
see Crude Oil (film). For the fuel referred to outside of North America as
"petrol", see Gasoline. For other uses, see Petroleum
Proven world oil reserves, 2013
Pumpjack pumping an oil well near Lubbock, Texas
An oil refinery in Mina-Al-Ahmadi, Kuwait
Natural petroleum spring in Korňa, Slovakia
Petroleum (L. petroleum, from early 15c. "petroleum,
rock oil" (mid-14c. in Anglo-French), from Medieval Latin petroleum, from
Latin petra rock(see petrous) + Latin: oleum oil (see oil (n.)).[1][2][3]) is a
naturally occurring, yellow-to-black liquid found in geologic formations
beneath the Earth's surface, which is commonly refined into various types of
fuels. It consists of hydrocarbons of various molecular weights and other
liquid organic compounds.[4] The name petroleum covers both naturally occurring
unprocessed crude oil and petroleum products that are made up of refined crude
oil. A fossil fuel, petroleum is formed when large quantities of dead
organisms, usually zooplankton and algae, are buried underneath sedimentary
rock and subjected to intense heat and pressure.
Petroleum is recovered mostly through oil drilling
(natural petroleum springs are rare). This comes after the studies of
structural geology (at the reservoir scale), sedimentary basin analysis,
reservoir characterization (mainly in terms of the porosity and permeability of
geologic reservoir structures).[5][6] It is refined and separated, most easily
by distillation, into a large number of consumer products, from gasoline
(petrol) and kerosene to asphalt and chemical reagents used to make plastics
and pharmaceuticals.[7] Petroleum is used in manufacturing a wide variety of materials,[8]
and it is estimated that the world consumes about 90 million barrels each day.
The use of fossil fuels, such as petroleum, has a
negative impact on Earth's biosphere, releasing pollutants and greenhouse gases
into the air and damaging ecosystems through events such as oil spills. Concern
over the depletion of the earth's finite reserves of oil, and the effect this
would have on a society dependent on it, is a concept known as peak oil.
Contents [hide]
1 Etymology
2 History
2.1 Early history
2.2 Modern history
3 Composition
4 Chemistry
5 Empirical equations for thermal properties
5.1 Heat of combustion
5.2 Thermal conductivity
5.3 Specific heat
5.4 Latent heat of vaporization
6 Formation
7 Reservoirs
7.1 Crude oil reservoirs
7.2 Unconventional oil reservoirs
8 Classification
9 Petroleum industry
9.1 Shipping
10 Price
11 Uses
11.1 Fuels
11.2 Other derivatives
11.3 Agriculture
12 Petroleum by country
12.1 Consumption statistics
12.2 Consumption
12.3 Production
12.4 Export
12.5 Import
12.6 Import to the USA by country 2010
12.7 Non-producing consumers
13 Environmental effects
13.1 Ocean acidification
13.2 Global warming
13.3 Extraction
13.4 Oil spills
13.5 Tarballs
13.6 Whales
14 Alternatives to petroleum
14.1 Alternatives to petroleum-based vehicle fuels
14.2 Alternatives to using oil in industry
14.3 Alternatives to burning petroleum for electricity
15 Future of petroleum production
15.1 Peak oil
15.2 Unconventional Production
16 See also
17 Notes
18 References
19 Further reading
20 External links
The word petroleum comes from Greek: πέτρα (petra) for
rocks and Greek: ἔλαιον (elaion) for oil. The term was found (in the spelling
"petraoleum") in 10th-century Old English sources.[9] It was used in
the treatise De Natura Fossilium, published in 1546 by the German mineralogist
Georg Bauer, also known as Georgius Agricola.[10] In the 19th century, the term
petroleum was frequently used to refer to mineral oils produced by distillation
from mined organic solids such as cannel coal (and later oil shale), and
refined oils produced from them; in the United Kingdom, storage (and later
transport) of these oils were regulated by a series of Petroleum Acts, from the
Petroleum Act 1863 onwards.
Main article: History of petroleum
Early history[edit]
Oil derrick in Okemah, Oklahoma, 1922.
Petroleum, in one form or another, has been used since
ancient times, and is now important across society, including in economy,
politics and technology. The rise in importance was due to the invention of the
internal combustion engine, the rise in commercial aviation, and the importance
of petroleum to industrial organic chemistry, particularly the synthesis of
plastics, fertilizers, solvents, adhesives and pesticides.
More than 4000 years ago, according to Herodotus and
Diodorus Siculus, asphalt was used in the construction of the walls and towers
of Babylon; there were oil pits near Ardericca (near Babylon), and a pitch
spring on Zacynthus.[11] Great quantities of it were found on the banks of the
river Issus, one of the tributaries of the Euphrates. Ancient Persian tablets
indicate the medicinal and lighting uses of petroleum in the upper levels of
their society. By 347 AD, oil was produced from bamboo-drilled wells in
China.[12] Early British explorers to Myanmar documented a flourishing oil
extraction industry based in Yenangyaung that, in 1795, had hundreds of
hand-dug wells under production.[13] The mythological origins of the oil fields
at Yenangyaung, and its hereditary monopoly control by 24 families, indicate
very ancient origins.
Modern history[edit]
In 1847, the process to distill kerosene from petroleum
was invented by James Young. He noticed a natural petroleum seepage in the
Riddings colliery at Alfreton, Derbyshire from which he distilled a light thin
oil suitable for use as lamp oil, at the same time obtaining a thicker oil
suitable for lubricating machinery. In 1848 Young set up a small business
refining the crude oil.
Young eventually succeeded, by distilling cannel coal at
a low heat, in creating a fluid resembling petroleum, which when treated in the
same way as the seep oil gave similar products. Young found that by slow
distillation he could obtain a number of useful liquids from it, one of which
he named "paraffine oil" because at low temperatures it congealed
into a substance resembling paraffin wax.[14]
The production of these oils and solid paraffin wax from
coal formed the subject of his patent dated 17 October 1850. In 1850 Young
& Meldrum and Edward William Binney entered into partnership under the
title of E.W. Binney & Co. at Bathgate in West Lothian and E. Meldrum &
Co. at Glasgow; their works at Bathgate were completed in 1851 and became the
first truly commercial oil-works in the world with the first modern oil
refinery, using oil extracted from locally-mined torbanite, shale, and
bituminous coal to manufacture naphtha and lubricating oils; paraffin for fuel
use and solid paraffin were not sold until 1856.[15]
Shale bings near Broxburn, 3 of a total of 19 in West
Another early refinery was built by Ignacy Łukasiewicz,
providing a cheaper alternative to whale oil. The demand for petroleum as a
fuel for lighting in North America and around the world quickly grew.[16] Edwin
Drake's 1859 well near Titusville, Pennsylvania, is popularly considered the
first modern well. Drake's well is probably singled out because it was drilled,
not dug; because it used a steam engine; because there was a company associated
with it; and because it touched off a major boom.[17] However, there was
considerable activity before Drake in various parts of the world in the
mid-19th century. A group directed by Major Alexeyev of the Bakinskii Corps of
Mining Engineers hand-drilled a well in the Baku region in 1848.[18] There were
engine-drilled wells in West Virginia in the same year as Drake's well.[19] An
early commercial well was hand dug in Poland in 1853, and another in nearby
Romania in 1857. At around the same time the world's first, small, oil refinery
was opened at Jasło in Poland, with a larger one opened at Ploiești in Romania
shortly after. Romania is the first country in the world to have had its annual
crude oil output officially recorded in international statistics: 275 tonnes
for 1857.[20][21]
The first commercial oil well in Canada became
operational in 1858 at Oil Springs, Ontario (then Canada West).[22] Businessman
James Miller Williams dug several wells between 1855 and 1858 before
discovering a rich reserve of oil four metres below ground.[23] Williams
extracted 1.5 million litres of crude oil by 1860, refining much of it into
kerosene lamp oil.[22] William's well became commercially viable a year before
Drake's Pennsylvania operation and could be argued to be the first commercial
oil well in North America.[22] The discovery at Oil Springs touched off an oil
boom which brought hundreds of speculators and workers to the area. Advances in
drilling continued into 1862 when local driller Shaw reached a depth of 62
metres using the spring-pole drilling method.[24] On January 16, 1862, after an
explosion of natural gas Canada's first oil gusher came into production,
shooting into the air at a recorded rate of 3,000 barrels per day.[25] By the
end of the 19th century the Russian Empire, particularly the Branobel company
in Azerbaijan, had taken the lead in production.[26]
Access to oil was and still is a major factor in several
military conflicts of the twentieth century, including World War II, during
which oil facilities were a major strategic asset and were extensively
bombed.[27] The German invasion of the Soviet Union included the goal to
capture the Baku oilfields, as it would provide much needed oil-supplies for
the German military which was suffering from blockades.[28] Oil exploration in
North America during the early 20th century later led to the US becoming the
leading producer by mid-century. As petroleum production in the US peaked
during the 1960s, however, the United States was surpassed by Saudi Arabia and
the Soviet Union.
Today, about 90 percent of vehicular fuel needs are met
by oil. Petroleum also makes up 40 percent of total energy consumption in the
United States, but is responsible for only 1 percent of electricity generation.
Petroleum's worth as a portable, dense energy source powering the vast majority
of vehicles and as the base of many industrial chemicals makes it one of the
world's most important commodities. Viability of the oil commodity is
controlled by several key parameters, number of vehicles in the world competing
for fuel, quantity of oil exported to the world market (Export Land Model), Net
Energy Gain (economically useful energy provided minus energy consumed),
political stability of oil exporting nations and ability to defend oil supply lines.
The top three oil producing countries are Russia, Saudi
Arabia and the United States.[29] About 80 percent of the world's readily
accessible reserves are located in the Middle East, with 62.5 percent coming
from the Arab 5: Saudi Arabia, UAE, Iraq, Qatar and Kuwait. A large portion of
the world's total oil exists as unconventional sources, such as bitumen in
Canada and oil shale in Venezuela. While significant volumes of oil are
extracted from oil sands, particularly in Canada, logistical and technical
hurdles remain, as oil extraction requires large amounts of heat and water,
making its net energy content quite low relative to conventional crude oil.
Thus, Canada's oil sands are not expected to provide more than a few million
barrels per day in the foreseeable future.
In its strictest sense, petroleum includes only crude
oil, but in common usage it includes all liquid, gaseous, and solid
hydrocarbons. Under surface pressure and temperature conditions, lighter
hydrocarbons methane, ethane, propane and butane occur as gases, while pentane
and heavier ones are in the form of liquids or solids. However, in an
underground oil reservoir the proportions of gas, liquid, and solid depend on
subsurface conditions and on the phase diagram of the petroleum mixture.[30]
An oil well produces predominantly crude oil, with some
natural gas dissolved in it. Because the pressure is lower at the surface than
underground, some of the gas will come out of solution and be recovered (or
burned) as associated gas or solution gas. A gas well produces predominantly
natural gas. However, because the underground temperature and pressure are
higher than at the surface, the gas may contain heavier hydrocarbons such as
pentane, hexane, and heptane in the gaseous state. At surface conditions these
will condense out of the gas to form natural gas condensate, often shortened to
condensate. Condensate resembles petrol in appearance and is similar in
composition to some volatile light crude oils.
The proportion of light hydrocarbons in the petroleum
mixture varies greatly among different oil fields, ranging from as much as 97
percent by weight in the lighter oils to as little as 50 percent in the heavier
oils and bitumens.
The hydrocarbons in crude oil are mostly alkanes,
cycloalkanes and various aromatic hydrocarbons while the other organic
compounds contain nitrogen, oxygen and sulfur, and trace amounts of metals such
as iron, nickel, copper and vanadium. The exact molecular composition varies
widely from formation to formation but the proportion of chemical elements vary
over fairly narrow limits as follows:[31]
Most of the world's oils are non-conventional.[32]
Composition by weight
Element Percent
Carbon 83 to
Hydrogen 10 to 14%
Nitrogen 0.1 to
Oxygen 0.05 to
Sulfur 0.05
to 6.0%
Metals <
Four different types of hydrocarbon molecules appear in
crude oil. The relative percentage of each varies from oil to oil, determining
the properties of each oil.[30]
Composition by weight
Hydrocarbon Average Range
Alkanes (paraffins) 30% 15 to 60%
Naphthenes 49% 30 to 60%
Aromatics 15% 3 to 30%
Asphaltics 6% remainder
Crude oil varies greatly in appearance depending on its
composition. It is usually black or dark brown (although it may be yellowish,
reddish, or even greenish). In the reservoir it is usually found in association
with natural gas, which being lighter forms a gas cap over the petroleum, and
saline water which, being heavier than most forms of crude oil, generally sinks
beneath it. Crude oil may also be found in semi-solid form mixed with sand and
water, as in the Athabasca oil sands in Canada, where it is usually referred to
as crude bitumen. In Canada, bitumen is considered a sticky, black, tar-like
form of crude oil which is so thick and heavy that it must be heated or diluted
before it will flow.[33] Venezuela also has large amounts of oil in the Orinoco
oil sands, although the hydrocarbons trapped in them are more fluid than in
Canada and are usually called extra heavy oil. These oil sands resources are
called unconventional oil to distinguish them from oil which can be extracted
using traditional oil well methods. Between them, Canada and Venezuela contain
an estimated 3.6 trillion barrels (570×109 m3) of bitumen and extra-heavy oil,
about twice the volume of the world's reserves of conventional oil.[34]
Petroleum is used mostly, by volume, for producing fuel
oil and petrol, both important "primary energy" sources.[35] 84
percent by volume of the hydrocarbons present in petroleum is converted into
energy-rich fuels (petroleum-based fuels), including petrol, diesel, jet,
heating, and other fuel oils, and liquefied petroleum gas.[36] The lighter
grades of crude oil produce the best yields of these products, but as the
world's reserves of light and medium oil are depleted, oil refineries are
increasingly having to process heavy oil and bitumen, and use more complex and
expensive methods to produce the products required. Because heavier crude oils
have too much carbon and not enough hydrogen, these processes generally involve
removing carbon from or adding hydrogen to the molecules, and using fluid
catalytic cracking to convert the longer, more complex molecules in the oil to
the shorter, simpler ones in the fuels.
Due to its high energy density, easy transportability and
relative abundance, oil has become the world's most important source of energy
since the mid-1950s. Petroleum is also the raw material for many chemical
products, including pharmaceuticals, solvents, fertilizers, pesticides, and
plastics; the 16 percent not used for energy production is converted into these
other materials. Petroleum is found in porous rock formations in the upper
strata of some areas of the Earth's crust. There is also petroleum in oil sands
(tar sands). Known oil reserves are typically estimated at around 190 km3 (1.2
trillion (short scale) barrels) without oil sands,[37] or 595 km3 (3.74
trillion barrels) with oil sands.[38] Consumption is currently around 84
million barrels (13.4×106 m3) per day, or 4.9 km3 per year. Which in turn
yields a remaining oil supply of only about 120 years, if current demand remain
Octane, a hydrocarbon found in petroleum. Lines represent
single bonds; black spheres represent carbon; white spheres represent hydrogen.
Petroleum is a mixture of a very large number of
different hydrocarbons; the most commonly found molecules are alkanes
(paraffins), cycloalkanes (naphthenes), aromatic hydrocarbons, or more
complicated chemicals like asphaltenes. Each petroleum variety has a unique mix
of molecules, which define its physical and chemical properties, like color and
The alkanes, also known as paraffins, are saturated
hydrocarbons with straight or branched chains which contain only carbon and
hydrogen and have the general formula CnH2n+2. They generally have from 5 to 40
carbon atoms per molecule, although trace amounts of shorter or longer
molecules may be present in the mixture.
The alkanes from pentane (C5H12) to octane (C8H18) are
refined into petrol, the ones from nonane (C9H20) to hexadecane (C16H34) into
diesel fuel, kerosene and jet fuel. Alkanes with more than 16 carbon atoms can
be refined into fuel oil and lubricating oil. At the heavier end of the range,
paraffin wax is an alkane with approximately 25 carbon atoms, while asphalt has
35 and up, although these are usually cracked by modern refineries into more
valuable products. The shortest molecules, those with four or fewer carbon
atoms, are in a gaseous state at room temperature. They are the petroleum
gases. Depending on demand and the cost of recovery, these gases are either
flared off, sold as liquified petroleum gas under pressure, or used to power
the refinery's own burners. During the winter, butane (C4H10), is blended into the
petrol pool at high rates, because its high vapor pressure assists with cold
starts. Liquified under pressure slightly above atmospheric, it is best known
for powering cigarette lighters, but it is also a main fuel source for many
developing countries. Propane can be liquified under modest pressure, and is
consumed for just about every application relying on petroleum for energy, from
cooking to heating to transportation.
The cycloalkanes, also known as naphthenes, are saturated
hydrocarbons which have one or more carbon rings to which hydrogen atoms are
attached according to the formula CnH2n. Cycloalkanes have similar properties
to alkanes but have higher boiling points.
The aromatic hydrocarbons are unsaturated hydrocarbons
which have one or more planar six-carbon rings called benzene rings, to which
hydrogen atoms are attached with the formula CnHn. They tend to burn with a
sooty flame, and many have a sweet aroma. Some are carcinogenic.
These different molecules are separated by fractional
distillation at an oil refinery to produce petrol, jet fuel, kerosene, and
other hydrocarbons. For example, 2,2,4-trimethylpentane (isooctane), widely
used in petrol, has a chemical formula of C8H18 and it reacts with oxygen
2 C
18(l) + 25 O
2(g) → 16 CO
2(g) + 18 H
2O(g) (ΔH = −5.51 MJ/mol of octane)
The number of various molecules in an oil sample can be
determined in laboratory. The molecules are typically extracted in a solvent,
then separated in a gas chromatograph, and finally determined with a suitable
detector, such as a flame ionization detector or a mass spectrometer.[40] Due
to the large number of co-eluted hydrocarbons within oil, many cannot be
resolved by traditional gas chromatography and typically appear as a hump in
the chromatogram. This unresolved complex mixture (UCM) of hydrocarbons is
particularly apparent when analysing weathered oils and extracts from tissues
of organisms exposed to oil.
Incomplete combustion of petroleum or petrol results in
production of toxic byproducts. Too little oxygen results in carbon monoxide.
Due to the high temperatures and high pressures involved, exhaust gases from
petrol combustion in car engines usually include nitrogen oxides which are
responsible for creation of photochemical smog.
Empirical equations for thermal properties[edit]
Heat of combustion[edit]
At a constant volume the heat of combustion of a
petroleum product can be approximated as follows:
Q_v = 12400, - 2,100d^2.
where Q_v is measured in cal/gram and d is the specific
gravity at 60 °F (16 °C).
Thermal conductivity[edit]
The thermal conductivity of petroleum based liquids can
be modeled as follows:[41]
K = \frac{1.62}{API}[1-0.0003(t-32)]
where K is measured in BTU · °F−1hr−1ft−1 , t is measured
in °F and API is degrees API gravity.
Specific heat[edit]
The specific heat of a petroleum oils can be modeled as
c = \frac{1}{d} [0.388+0.00046t],
where c is measured in BTU/lbm-°F, t is the temperature
in Fahrenheit and d is the specific gravity at 60 °F (16 °C).
In units of kcal/(kg·°C), the formula is:
c = \frac{1}{d} [0.4024+0.00081t],
where the temperature t is in Celsius and d is the
specific gravity at 15 °C.
Latent heat of vaporization[edit]
The latent heat of vaporization can be modeled under
atmospheric conditions as follows:
L = \frac{1}{d}[110.9 - 0.09t],
where L is measured in BTU/lbm, t is measured in °F and d
is the specific gravity at 60 °F (16 °C).
In units of kcal/kg, the formula is:
L = \frac{1}{d}[194.4 - 0.162t],
where the temperature t is in Celsius and d is the
specific gravity at 15 °C.[43]
Structure of a vanadium porphyrin compound (left)
extracted from petroleum by Alfred E. Treibs, father of organic geochemistry.
Treibs noted the close structural similarity of this molecule and chlorophyll a
Petroleum is a fossil fuel derived from ancient
fossilized organic materials, such as zooplankton and algae.[46] Vast
quantities of these remains settled to sea or lake bottoms, mixing with
sediments and being buried under anoxic conditions. As further layers settled
to the sea or lake bed, intense heat and pressure build up in the lower
regions. This process caused the organic matter to change, first into a waxy
material known as kerogen, which is found in various oil shales around the
world, and then with more heat into liquid and gaseous hydrocarbons via a
process known as catagenesis. Formation of petroleum occurs from hydrocarbon
pyrolysis in a variety of mainly endothermic reactions at high temperature
and/or pressure.[47]
There were certain warm nutrient-rich environments such
as the Gulf of Mexico and the ancient Tethys Sea where the large amounts of
organic material falling to the ocean floor exceeded the rate at which it could
decompose. This resulted in large masses of organic material being buried under
subsequent deposits such as shale formed from mud. This massive organic deposit
later became heated and transformed under pressure into oil.[48]
Geologists often refer to the temperature range in which
oil forms as an "oil window"[49]—below the minimum temperature oil
remains trapped in the form of kerogen, and above the maximum temperature the
oil is converted to natural gas through the process of thermal cracking.
Sometimes, oil formed at extreme depths may migrate and become trapped at a
much shallower level. The Athabasca Oil Sands are one example of this.
An alternative mechanism was proposed by Russian
scientists in the mid-1850s, the Abiogenic petroleum origin, but this is
contradicted by the geological and geochemical evidence.[citation needed]
Crude oil reservoirs[edit]
Hydrocarbon trap.
Three conditions must be present for oil reservoirs to
form: a source rock rich in hydrocarbon material buried deep enough for
subterranean heat to cook it into oil, a porous and permeable reservoir rock
for it to accumulate in, and a cap rock (seal) or other mechanism that prevents
it from escaping to the surface. Within these reservoirs, fluids will typically
organize themselves like a three-layer cake with a layer of water below the oil
layer and a layer of gas above it, although the different layers vary in size
between reservoirs. Because most hydrocarbons are less dense than rock or
water, they often migrate upward through adjacent rock layers until either
reaching the surface or becoming trapped within porous rocks (known as
reservoirs) by impermeable rocks above. However, the process is influenced by
underground water flows, causing oil to migrate hundreds of kilometres
horizontally or even short distances downward before becoming trapped in a
reservoir. When hydrocarbons are concentrated in a trap, an oil field forms,
from which the liquid can be extracted by drilling and pumping.
The reactions that produce oil and natural gas are often
modeled as first order breakdown reactions, where hydrocarbons are broken down
to oil and natural gas by a set of parallel reactions, and oil eventually
breaks down to natural gas by another set of reactions. The latter set is
regularly used in petrochemical plants and oil refineries.
Wells are drilled into oil reservoirs to extract the
crude oil. "Natural lift" production methods that rely on the natural
reservoir pressure to force the oil to the surface are usually sufficient for a
while after reservoirs are first tapped. In some reservoirs, such as in the
Middle East, the natural pressure is sufficient over a long time. The natural
pressure in most reservoirs, however, eventually dissipates. Then the oil must
be extracted using "artificial lift" means. Over time, these
"primary" methods become less effective and "secondary"
production methods may be used. A common secondary method is
"waterflood" or injection of water into the reservoir to increase
pressure and force the oil to the drilled shaft or "wellbore."
Eventually "tertiary" or "enhanced" oil recovery methods
may be used to increase the oil's flow characteristics by injecting steam,
carbon dioxide and other gases or chemicals into the reservoir. In the United
States, primary production methods account for less than 40 percent of the oil
produced on a daily basis, secondary methods account for about half, and tertiary
recovery the remaining 10 percent. Extracting oil (or "bitumen") from
oil/tar sand and oil shale deposits requires mining the sand or shale and
heating it in a vessel or retort, or using "in-situ" methods of
injecting heated liquids into the deposit and then pumping out the
oil-saturated liquid.
Unconventional oil reservoirs[edit]
See also: Unconventional oil, Oil sands and Oil shale
Oil-eating bacteria biodegrade oil that has escaped to
the surface. Oil sands are reservoirs of partially biodegraded oil still in the
process of escaping and being biodegraded, but they contain so much migrating
oil that, although most of it has escaped, vast amounts are still present—more
than can be found in conventional oil reservoirs. The lighter fractions of the
crude oil are destroyed first, resulting in reservoirs containing an extremely
heavy form of crude oil, called crude bitumen in Canada, or extra-heavy crude
oil in Venezuela. These two countries have the world's largest deposits of oil
On the other hand, oil shales are source rocks that have
not been exposed to heat or pressure long enough to convert their trapped
hydrocarbons into crude oil. Technically speaking, oil shales are not always
shales and do not contain oil, but are fined-grain sedimentary rocks containing
an insoluble organic solid called kerogen. The kerogen in the rock can be
converted into crude oil using heat and pressure to simulate natural processes.
The method has been known for centuries and was patented in 1694 under British
Crown Patent No. 330 covering, "A way to extract and make great quantities
of pitch, tar, and oil out of a sort of stone." Although oil shales are
found in many countries, the United States has the world's largest
Some marker crudes with their sulfur content (horizontal)
and API gravity (vertical) and relative production quantity.
See also: Benchmark (crude oil)
The petroleum industry generally classifies crude oil by
the geographic location it is produced in (e.g. West Texas Intermediate, Brent,
or Oman), its API gravity (an oil industry measure of density), and its sulfur
content. Crude oil may be considered light if it has low density or heavy if it
has high density; and it may be referred to as sweet if it contains relatively
little sulfur or sour if it contains substantial amounts of sulfur.
The geographic location is important because it affects
transportation costs to the refinery. Light crude oil is more desirable than
heavy oil since it produces a higher yield of petrol, while sweet oil commands
a higher price than sour oil because it has fewer environmental problems and
requires less refining to meet sulfur standards imposed on fuels in consuming
countries. Each crude oil has unique molecular characteristics which are
understood by the use of crude oil assay analysis in petroleum laboratories.
Barrels from an area in which the crude oil's molecular
characteristics have been determined and the oil has been classified are used
as pricing references throughout the world. Some of the common reference crudes
West Texas Intermediate (WTI), a very high-quality,
sweet, light oil delivered at Cushing, Oklahoma for North American oil
Brent Blend, comprising 15 oils from fields in the Brent
and Ninian systems in the East Shetland Basin of the North Sea. The oil is
landed at Sullom Voe terminal in Shetland. Oil production from Europe, Africa
and Middle Eastern oil flowing West tends to be priced off this oil, which
forms a benchmark
Dubai-Oman, used as benchmark for Middle East sour crude
oil flowing to the Asia-Pacific region
Tapis (from Malaysia, used as a reference for light Far
East oil)
Minas (from Indonesia, used as a reference for heavy Far
East oil)
The OPEC Reference Basket, a weighted average of oil
blends from various OPEC (The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting
Countries) countries
Midway Sunset Heavy, by which heavy oil in California is
There are declining amounts of these benchmark oils being
produced each year, so other oils are more commonly what is actually delivered.
While the reference price may be for West Texas Intermediate delivered at
Cushing, the actual oil being traded may be a discounted Canadian heavy oil
delivered at Hardisty, Alberta, and for a Brent Blend delivered at Shetland, it
may be a Russian Export Blend delivered at the port of Primorsk.[52]
Petroleum industry[edit]
Crude Oil Export Treemap (2012) from Harvard Atlas of
Economic Complexity[53]
New York Mercantile Exchange prices ($/bbl) for West
Texas Intermediate since 2000
Main article: Petroleum industry
The petroleum industry is involved in the global
processes of exploration, extraction, refining, transporting (often with oil
tankers and pipelines), and marketing petroleum products. The largest volume
products of the industry are fuel oil and petrol. Petroleum is also the raw
material for many chemical products, including pharmaceuticals, solvents,
fertilizers, pesticides, and plastics. The industry is usually divided into
three major components: upstream, midstream and downstream. Midstream
operations are usually included in the downstream category.
Petroleum is vital to many industries, and is of
importance to the maintenance of industrialized civilization itself, and thus
is a critical concern to many nations. Oil accounts for a large percentage of
the world's energy consumption, ranging from a low of 32 percent for Europe and
Asia, up to a high of 53 percent for the Middle East, South and Central America
(44%), Africa (41%), and North America (40%). The world at large consumes 30
billion barrels (4.8 km³) of oil per year, and the top oil consumers largely
consist of developed nations. In fact, 24 percent of the oil consumed in 2004
went to the United States alone,[54] though by 2007 this had dropped to 21
percent of world oil consumed.[55]
In the US, in the states of Arizona, California, Hawaii,
Nevada, Oregon and Washington, the Western States Petroleum Association (WSPA)
represents companies responsible for producing, distributing, refining,
transporting and marketing petroleum. This non-profit trade association was
founded in 1907, and is the oldest petroleum trade association in the United
In the 1950s, shipping costs made up 33 percent of the
price of oil transported from the Persian Gulf to USA,[57] but due to the
development of supertankers in the 1970s, the cost of shipping dropped to only
5 percent of the price of Persian oil in USA.[57] Due to the increase of the value
of the crude oil during the last 30 years, the share of the shipping cost on
the final cost of the delivered commodity was less than 3% in 2010. For
example, in 2010 the shipping cost from the Persian Gulf to the USA was in the
range of 20 $/t and the cost of the delivered crude oil around 800
$/t.[citation needed]
Main article: Price of petroleum
After the collapse of the OPEC-administered pricing
system in 1985, and a short lived experiment with netback pricing,
oil-exporting countries adopted a market-linked pricing mechanism.[58] First
adopted by PEMEX in 1986, market-linked pricing was widely accepted, and by
1988 became and still is the main method for pricing crude oil in international
trade.[58] The current reference, or pricing markers, are Brent, WTI, and
Further information: Petroleum products
The chemical structure of petroleum is heterogeneous,
composed of hydrocarbon chains of different lengths. Because of this, petroleum
may be taken to oil refineries and the hydrocarbon chemicals separated by
distillation and treated by other chemical processes, to be used for a variety
of purposes. See Petroleum products.
A poster used to promote carpooling as a way to ration
gasoline during World War II.
The most common distillation fractions of petroleum are
fuels. Fuels include (by increasing boiling temperature range):[59]
Common fractions of petroleum as fuels
Fraction Boiling
range oC
Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) −40
Butane −12 to
Petrol −1 to
Jet fuel 150
to 205
Kerosene 205 to 260
Fuel oil 205
to 290
Diesel fuel 260 to
Other derivatives[edit]
Certain types of resultant hydrocarbons may be mixed with
other non-hydrocarbons, to create other end products:
Alkenes (olefins), which can be manufactured into
plastics or other compounds
Lubricants (produces light machine oils, motor oils, and
greases, adding viscosity stabilizers as required)
Wax, used in the packaging of frozen foods, among others
Sulfur or Sulfuric acid. These are useful industrial
materials. Sulfuric acid is usually prepared as the acid precursor oleum, a
byproduct of sulfur removal from fuels.
Bulk tar
Petroleum coke, used in speciality carbon products or as
solid fuel
Paraffin wax
Aromatic petrochemicals to be used as precursors in other
chemical production
Since the 1940s, agricultural productivity has increased
dramatically, due largely to the increased use of energy-intensive
mechanization, fertilizers and pesticides.
Petroleum by country[edit]
Consumption statistics[edit]
Global fossil carbon emissions, an indicator of
consumption, for 1800–2007. Total is black, Oil is in blue.
Rate of world energy usage per day, from 1970 to 2010.
daily oil consumption from 1980 to 2006
oil consumption by percentage of total per region from
1980 to 2006: red=USA, blue=Europe, yellow=Asia+Oceania
Oil consumption 1980 to 2007 by region.
According to the US Energy Information Administration
(EIA) estimate for 2011, the world consumes 87.421 million barrels of oil each
Oil consumption per capita (darker colors represent more
consumption, gray represents no data).
This table orders the amount of petroleum consumed in
2011 in thousand barrels (1000 bbl) per day and in thousand cubic metres (1000
m3) per day:[61][62][63]
Consuming Nation 2011 (1000
day) (1000 m3/
day) population
in millions bbl/year
per capita m3/year
per capita national
United States 1 18,835.5 2,994.6 314 21.8 3.47 0.51
China 9,790.0 1,556.5 1345 2.7 0.43 0.41
Japan 2 4,464.1 709.7 127 12.8 2.04 0.03
India 2 3,292.2 523.4 1198 1 0.16 0.26
Russia 1 3,145.1 500.0 140 8.1 1.29 3.35
Saudi Arabia (OPEC) 2,817.5 447.9 27 40 6.4 3.64
Brazil 2,594.2 412.4 193 4.9 0.78 0.99
Germany 2 2,400.1 381.6 82 10.7 1.70 0.06
Canada 2,259.1 359.2 33 24.6 3.91 1.54
South Korea 2 2,230.2 354.6 48 16.8 2.67 0.02
Mexico 1 2,132.7 339.1 109 7.1 1.13 1.39
France 2 1,791.5 284.8 62 10.5 1.67 0.03
Iran (OPEC) 1,694.4 269.4 74 8.3 1.32 2.54
United Kingdom 1 1,607.9 255.6 61 9.5 1.51 0.93
Italy 2 1,453.6 231.1 60 8.9 1.41 0.10
Source: US Energy Information Administration
Population Data:[64]
1 peak production of oil already passed in this state
2 This country is not a major oil producer
For oil reserves by country, see List of countries by
proven oil reserves.
Oil producing countries
Graph of Top Oil Producing Countries 1960–2006, including
Soviet Union[65]
In petroleum industry parlance, production refers to the
quantity of crude extracted from reserves, not the literal creation of the
# Producing
Nation 103bbl/d (2006) 103bbl/d (2007) 103bbl/d (2008) 103bbl/d
(2009) Present Share
1 Saudi Arabia
(OPEC) 10,665 10,234 10,782 9,760 11.8%
2 Russia 1 9,677 9,876 9,789 9,934 12.0%
3 United
States 1 8,331 8,481 8,514 9,141 11.1%
4 Iran (OPEC) 4,148 4,043 4,174 4,177 5.1%
5 China 3,846 3,901 3,973 3,996 4.8%
6 Canada 2 3,288 3,358 3,350 3,294 4.0%
7 Mexico 1 3,707 3,501 3,185 3,001 3.6%
8 United Arab
Emirates (OPEC) 2,945 2,948 3,046 2,795 3.4%
9 Kuwait
(OPEC) 2,675 2,613 2,742 2,496 3.0%
10 Venezuela
(OPEC) 1 2,803 2,667 2,643 2,471 3.0%
11 Norway 1 2,786 2,565 2,466 2,350 2.8%
12 Brazil 2,166 2,279 2,401 2,577 3.1%
13 Iraq (OPEC) 3 2,008 2,094 2,385 2,400 2.9%
14 Algeria
(OPEC) 2,122 2,173 2,179 2,126 2.6%
15 Nigeria
(OPEC) 2,443 2,352 2,169 2,211 2.7%
16 Angola (OPEC) 1,435 1,769 2,014 1,948 2.4%
17 Libya (OPEC) 1,809 1,845 1,875 1,789 2.2%
18 United
Kingdom 1,689 1,690 1,584 1,422 1.7%
19 Kazakhstan 1,388 1,445 1,429 1,540 1.9%
20 Qatar (OPEC) 1,141 1,136 1,207 1,213 1.5%
21 Indonesia 1,102 1,044 1,051 1,023 1.2%
22 India 854 881 884 877 1.1%
23 Azerbaijan 648 850 875 1,012 1.2%
24 Argentina 802 791 792 794 1.0%
25 Oman 743 714 761 816 1.0%
26 Malaysia 729 703 727 693 0.8%
27 Egypt 667 664 631 678 0.8%
28 Colombia 544 543 601 686 0.8%
29 Australia 552 595 586 588 0.7%
30 Ecuador
(OPEC) 536 512 505 485 0.6%
31 Sudan 380 466 480 486 0.6%
32 Syria 449 446 426 400 0.5%
33 Equatorial
Guinea 386 400 359 346 0.4%
34 Thailand 334 349 361 339 0.4%
35 Vietnam 362 352 314 346 0.4%
36 Yemen 377 361 300 287 0.3%
37 Denmark 344 314 289 262 0.3%
38 Gabon 237 244 248 242 0.3%
39 South Africa 204 199 195 192 0.2%
40 Turkmenistan No data 180 189 198 0.2%
41 Trinidad and
Tobago 181 179 176 174 0.1%
Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration
1 Peak production of conventional oil already passed in
this state
2 Although Canada's conventional oil production is
declining, its total oil production is increasing as oil sands production
grows. When oil sands are included, Canada has the world's second largest oil
reserves after Saudi Arabia.
3 Trinidad and Tobago has the worlds third largest pitch
lake situated La Brea south Trinidad
4 Though still a member, Iraq has not been included in
production figures since 1998
In 2013, the United States will produce an average of
11.4 million barrels a day, which would make it the second largest producer of
hydrocarbons,[66] and is expected to overtake Saudi Arabia before 2020.[67]
See also: Fossil fuel exporters and Organization of
Petroleum Exporting Countries
Oil exports by country.
In order of net exports in 2011, 2009 and 2006 in
thousand bbl/d and thousand m³/d:
# Exporting
Nation 103bbl/d (2011) 103m3/d (2011) 103bbl/d
(2009) 103m3/d (2009) 103bbl/d (2006) 103m3/d (2006)
1 Saudi Arabia
(OPEC) 8,336 1,325 7,322 1,164 8,651 1,376
2 Russia 1 7,083 1,126 7,194 1,144 6,565 1,044
3 Iran (OPEC) 2,540 403 2,486 395 2,519 401
4 United Arab
Emirates (OPEC) 2,524 401 2,303 366 2,515 400
5 Kuwait
(OPEC) 2,343 373 2,124 338 2,150 342
6 Nigeria
(OPEC) 2,257 359 1,939 308 2,146 341
7 Iraq (OPEC) 1,915 304 1,764 280 1,438 229
8 Angola
(OPEC) 1,760 280 1,878 299 1,363 217
9 Norway 1 1,752 279 2,132 339 2,542 404
10 Venezuela
(OPEC) 1 1,715 273 1,748 278 2,203 350
11 Algeria
(OPEC) 1 1,568 249 1,767 281 1,847 297
12 Qatar (OPEC) 1,468 233 1,066 169 – –
13 Canada 2 1,405 223 1,168 187 1,071 170
14 Kazakhstan 1,396 222 1,299 207 1,114 177
15 Azerbaijan 1 836 133 912 145 532 85
16 Trinidad and
Tobago 1 177 112 167 160 155 199
Source: US Energy Information Administration
1 peak production already passed in this state
2 Canadian statistics are complicated by the fact it is
both an importer and exporter of crude oil, and refines large amounts of oil
for the U.S. market. It is the leading source of U.S. imports of oil and
products, averaging 2,500,000 bbl/d (400,000 m3/d) in August 2007. [1].
Total world production/consumption (as of 2005) is
approximately 84 million barrels per day (13,400,000 m3/d).
Oil imports by country.
In order of net imports in 2011, 2009 and 2006 in
thousand bbl/d and thousand m³/d:
# Importing
Nation 103bbl/day (2011) 103m3/day (2011) 103bbl/day (2009) 103m3/day
(2009) 103bbl/day (2006) 103m3/day (2006)
1 United
States 1 8,728 1,388 9,631 1,531 12,220 1,943
2 China 2 5,487 872 4,328 688 3,438 547
3 Japan 4,329 688 4,235 673 5,097 810
4 India 2,349 373 2,233 355 1,687 268
5 Germany 2,235 355 2,323 369 2,483 395
6 South Korea 2,170 345 2,139 340 2,150 342
7 France 1,697 270 1,749 278 1,893 301
8 Spain 1,346 214 1,439 229 1,555 247
9 Italy 1,292 205 1,381 220 1,558 248
10 Singapore 1,172 186 916 146 787 125
11 Republic of
China (Taiwan) 1,009 160 944 150 942 150
12 Netherlands 948 151 973 155 936 149
13 Turkey 650 103 650 103 576 92
14 Belgium 634 101 597 95 546 87
15 Thailand 592 94 538 86 606 96
Source: US Energy Information Administration
1 peak production of oil expected in 2020[68]
2 Major oil producer whose production is still
increasing[citation needed]
Import to the USA by country 2010[edit]
oil imports to US 2010
Non-producing consumers[edit]
Countries whose oil production is 10% or less of their
# Consuming
Nation (bbl/day) (m³/day)
1 Japan 5,578,000 886,831
2 Germany 2,677,000 425,609
3 South Korea 2,061,000 327,673
4 France 2,060,000 327,514
5 Italy 1,874,000 297,942
6 Spain 1,537,000 244,363
7 Netherlands 946,700 150,513
8 Turkey 575,011 91,663
Source: CIA World Factbook[not in citation given]
Environmental effects[edit]
Diesel fuel spill on a road
Main article: Environmental issues with petroleum
Because petroleum is a naturally occurring substance, its
presence in the environment need not be the result of human causes such as
accidents and routine activities (seismic exploration, drilling, extraction,
refining and combustion). Phenomena such as seeps[69] and tar pits are examples
of areas that petroleum affects without man's involvement. Regardless of
source, petroleum's effects when released into the environment are similar.
Ocean acidification[edit]
Seawater Acidification
Ocean acidification is the increase in the acidity of the
Earth's oceans caused by the uptake of carbon dioxide (CO
2) from the atmosphere. This increase in acidity inhibits
life such as scallops.[70]
Global warming[edit]
When burned, petroleum releases carbon dioxide; a
greenhouse gas. Along with the burning of coal, petroleum combustion is the
largest contributor to the increase in atmospheric CO2. Atmospheric CO2 has
risen steadily since the industrial revolution to current levels of over 390
ppmv, from the 180 – 300 ppmv of the prior 800 thousand years, driving global
warming.[71][72][73] The unbridled use of petroleum could potentially cause a
runaway greenhouse effect on Earth.[citation needed] Use of oil as an energy
source has caused Earth's temperature to increase by nearly one degree Celsius.
This raise in temperature has reduced the Arctic ice cap to 1,100,000 sq mi
(2,800,000 km2), smaller than ever recorded.[74] Because of this melt, more oil
reserves have been revealed. It is estimated by the International Energy Agency
that about 13 percent of the world's undiscovered oil resides in the
Oil extraction is simply the removal of oil from the
reservoir (oil pool). Oil is often recovered as a water-in-oil emulsion, and
specialty chemicals called demulsifiers are used to separate the oil from
water. Oil extraction is costly and sometimes environmentally damaging,
although Dr. John Hunt of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution pointed out
in a 1981 paper that over 70 percent of the reserves in the world are
associated with visible macroseepages, and many oil fields are found due to
natural seeps. Offshore exploration and extraction of oil disturbs the
surrounding marine environment.[76]
Oil spills[edit]
Further information: Oil spill and List of oil spills
Kelp after an oil spill
Oil Sick from the Montara oil spill in the Timor Sea,
September, 2009
Volunteers cleaning up the aftermath of the Prestige oil
Crude oil and refined fuel spills from tanker ship
accidents have damaged natural ecosystems in Alaska, the Gulf of Mexico, the
Galapagos Islands, France and many other places.
The quantity of oil spilled during accidents has ranged
from a few hundred tons to several hundred thousand tons (e.g., Deepwater
Horizon Oil Spill, Atlantic Empress, Amoco Cadiz). Smaller spills have already
proven to have a great impact on ecosystems, such as the Exxon Valdez oil spill
Oil spills at sea are generally much more damaging than
those on land, since they can spread for hundreds of nautical miles in a thin
oil slick which can cover beaches with a thin coating of oil. This can kill sea
birds, mammals, shellfish and other organisms it coats. Oil spills on land are
more readily containable if a makeshift earth dam can be rapidly bulldozed
around the spill site before most of the oil escapes, and land animals can
avoid the oil more easily.
Control of oil spills is difficult, requires ad hoc
methods, and often a large amount of manpower. The dropping of bombs and
incendiary devices from aircraft on SS Torrey Canyon wreck produced poor
results;[77] modern techniques would include pumping the oil from the wreck,
like in the Prestige oil spill or the Erika oil spill.[78]
Though crude oil is predominantly composed of various
hydrocarbons, certain nitrogen heterocylic compounds, such as pyridine,
picoline, and quinoline are reported as contaminants associated with crude oil,
as well as facilities processing oil shale or coal, and have also been found at
legacy wood treatment sites. These compounds have a very high water solubility,
and thus tend to dissolve and move with water. Certain naturally occurring bacteria,
such as Micrococcus, Arthrobacter, and Rhodococcus have been shown to degrade
these contaminants.[79]
A tarball is a blob of crude oil (not to be confused with
tar, which is typically derived from pine trees rather than petroleum) which
has been weathered after floating in the ocean. Tarballs are an aquatic
pollutant in most environments, although they can occur naturally, for example,
in the Santa Barbara Channel of California.[80][81] Their concentration and
features have been used to assess the extent of oil spills. Their composition
can be used to identify their sources of origin,[82][83] and tarballs
themselves may be dispersed over long distances by deep sea currents.[81] They
are slowly decomposed by bacteria, including Chromobacterium violaceum,
Cladosporium resinae, Bacillus submarinus, Micrococcus varians, Pseudomonas
aeruginosa, Candida marina and Saccharomyces estuari.[80]
James S. Robbins has argued that the advent of
petroleum-refined kerosene saved some species of great whales from extinction
by providing an inexpensive substitute for whale oil, thus eliminating the
economic imperative for open-boat whaling.[84]
Alternatives to petroleum[edit]
Further information: Renewable energy
In the United States in 2007 about 70 percent of
petroleum was used for transportation (e.g. petrol, diesel, jet fuel), 24
percent by industry (e.g. production of plastics), 5 percent for residential
and commercial uses, and 2 percent for electricity production.[85] Outside of
the US, a higher proportion of petroleum tends to be used for electricity.[86]
Alternatives to petroleum-based vehicle fuels[edit]
Brazilian fuel station with four alternative fuels for
sale: diesel (B3), gasohol (E25), neat ethanol (E100), and compressed natural
gas (CNG).
Main articles: Alternative fuel vehicle, Hydrogen economy
and Green vehicle
Alternative fuel vehicles refers to both:
Vehicles that use alternative fuels used in standard or
modified internal combustion engines such as natural gas vehicles, neat ethanol
vehicles, flexible-fuel vehicles, biodiesel-powered vehicles, and hydrogen
Vehicles with advanced propulsion systems that reduce or
substitute petroleum use such as battery electric vehicles, plug-in hybrid
electric vehicles, hybrid electric vehicles, and hydrogen fuel cell vehicles.
Alternatives to using oil in industry[edit]
[icon] This section
requires expansion. (July 2008)
Biological feedstocks do exist for industrial uses such
as Bioplastic production.[87]
Alternatives to burning petroleum for electricity[edit]
Main articles: Alternative energy, Nuclear power and
Renewable energy
In oil producing countries with little refinery capacity,
oil is sometimes burned to produce electricity. Renewable energy technologies
such as solar power, wind power, micro hydro, biomass and biofuels are used,
but the primary alternatives remain large-scale hydroelectricity, nuclear and
coal-fired generation.
Future of petroleum production[edit]
US oil production and imports, 1910-2012.
Consumption in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries
has been abundantly pushed by automobile growth; the 1985–2003 oil glut even
fueled the sales of low economy vehicles in OECD countries. The 2008 economic
crisis seems to have had some impact on the sales of such vehicles; still, the
2008 oil consumption shows a small increase. The BRIC countries might also kick
in, as China briefly was the first automobile market in December 2009.[88] The
immediate outlook still hints upwards. In the long term, uncertainties linger;
the OPEC believes that the OECD countries will push low consumption policies at
some point in the future; when that happens, it will definitely curb oil sales,
and both OPEC and EIA kept lowering their 2020 consumption estimates during the
past 5 years.[89] Oil products are more and more in competition with
alternative sources, mainly coal and natural gas, both cheaper sources.
Production will also face an increasingly complex situation; while OPEC
countries still have large reserves at low production prices, newly found
reservoirs often lead to higher prices; offshore giants such as Tupi, Guara and
Tiber demand high investments and ever-increasing technological abilities.
Subsalt reservoirs such as Tupi were unknown in the twentieth century, mainly
because the industry was unable to probe them. Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR)
techniques (example: DaQing, China[90] ) will continue to play a major role in
increasing the world's recoverable oil.
Peak oil[edit]
Main article: Peak oil
Global Peak Oil forecast
Peak oil is the projection that future petroleum
production (whether for individual oil wells, entire oil fields, whole
countries, or worldwide production) will eventually peak and then decline at a
similar rate to the rate of increase before the peak as these reserves are
exhausted. The peak of oil discoveries was in 1965, and oil production per year
has surpassed oil discoveries every year since 1980.[91]
Hubbert applied his theory to accurately predict the peak
of U.S. conventional oil production at a date between 1966 and 1970. This
prediction was based on data available at the time of his publication in 1956.
In the same paper, Hubbert predicts world peak oil in "half a
century" after his publication, which would be 2006.[92]
It is difficult to predict the oil peak in any given
region, due to the lack of knowledge and/or transparency in accounting of
global oil reserves.[93] Based on available production data, proponents have
previously predicted the peak for the world to be in years 1989, 1995, or
1995–2000. Some of these predictions date from before the recession of the
early 1980s, and the consequent reduction in global consumption, the effect of
which was to delay the date of any peak by several years. Just as the 1971 U.S.
peak in oil production was only clearly recognized after the fact, a peak in
world production will be difficult to discern until production clearly drops
off.[94] The peak is also a moving target as it is now measured as
"liquids", which includes synthetic fuels, instead of just
conventional oil.[95]
The International Energy Agency (IEA) said in 2010 that
production of conventional crude oil had peaked in 2006 at 70 MBBL/d, then flattened
at 68 or 69 thereafter.[96][97] Since virtually all economic sectors rely
heavily on petroleum, peak oil, if it were to occur, could lead to a
"partial or complete failure of markets".[98]
Unconventional Production[edit]
The calculus for peak oil has changed with the
introduction of unconventional production methods. In particular, the
combination of horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing has resulted in a
significant increase in production from previously uneconomic plays.[99]
Certain rock strata contain hydrocarbons but have low permeability and are not
thick from a vertical perspective. Conventional vertical wells would be unable
to economically retrieve these hydrocarbons. Horizontal drilling, extending
horizontally through the strata, permits the well to access a much greater
volume of the strata. Hydraulic fracturing creates greater permeability and
increases hydrocarbon flow to the wellbore.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
For other uses, see Coal (disambiguation).
Sedimentary rock
Coal anthracite.jpg
Anthracite coal
Primary carbon
Secondary hydrogen,
Bituminous coal
Coal (from the Old English term col, which has meant
"mineral of fossilized carbon" since the 13th century)[1] is a
combustible black or brownish-black sedimentary rock usually occurring in rock
strata in layers or veins called coal beds or coal seams. The harder forms,
such as anthracite coal, can be regarded as metamorphic rock because of later
exposure to elevated temperature and pressure. Coal is composed primarily of
carbon along with variable quantities of other elements, chiefly hydrogen,
sulfur, oxygen, and nitrogen.[2]
Throughout history, coal has been used as an energy
resource, primarily burned for the production of electricity and/or heat, and
is also used for industrial purposes, such as refining metals. A fossil fuel,
coal forms when dead plant matter is converted into peat, which in turn is
converted into lignite, then sub-bituminous coal, after that bituminous coal,
and lastly anthracite. This involves biological and geological processes that
take place over a long period. The Energy Information Administration estimates
coal reserves at 948×109 short tons (860 Gt).[3] One estimate for resources is
18 000 Gt.[4]
Coal is the largest source of energy for the generation
of electricity worldwide, as well as one of the largest worldwide anthropogenic
sources of carbon dioxide releases. In 1999, world gross carbon dioxide
emissions from coal usage were 8,666 million tonnes of carbon dioxide.[5] In
2011, world gross emissions from coal usage were 14,416 million tonnes.[6]
Coal-fired electric power generation emits around 2,000 pounds of carbon
dioxide for every megawatt-hour generated, which is almost double the
approximately 1100 pounds of carbon dioxide released by a natural gas-fired
electric plant per megawatt-hour generated. Because of this higher carbon
efficiency of natural gas generation, as the market in the United States has
changed to reduce coal and increase natural gas generation, carbon dioxide
emissions have fallen. Those measured in the first quarter of 2012 were the
lowest of any recorded for the first quarter of any year since 1992.[7] In
2013, the head of the UN climate agency advised that most of the world's coal
reserves should be left in the ground to avoid catastrophic global warming.[8]
Coal is extracted from the ground by coal mining, either
underground by shaft mining, or at ground level by open pit mining extraction.
Since 1983 the world top coal producer has been China.[9] In 2011 China
produced 3,520 millions of tonnes of coal – 49.5% of 7,695 millions tonnes
world coal production. In 2011 other large producers were United States (993
millions tonnes), India (589), European Union (576) and Australia (416).[9] In
2010 the largest exporters were Australia with 328 million tonnes (27.1% of
world coal export) and Indonesia with 316 millions tonnes (26.1%),[10] while
the largest importers were Japan with 207 million tonnes (17.5% of world coal
import), China with 195 million tonnes (16.6%) and South Korea with 126 million
tonnes (10.7%).[11]
Contents [hide]
1 Formation
2 Types
2.1 Hilt's law
3 Content
4 Early uses as fuel
5 Uses today
5.1 Coal as fuel
5.2 Coking coal and use of coke
5.3 Gasification
5.4 Liquefaction
5.5 Refined coal
5.6 Industrial processes
5.7 Production of chemicals[67]
6 Cultural usage
7 Coal as a traded commodity
8 Environmental effects
9 Bioremediation
10 Economic aspects
11 Energy density and carbon impact
12 Underground fires
13 Production trends
13.1 World coal reserves
13.2 Major coal producers
13.3 Major coal consumers
13.4 Major coal exporters
13.5 Major coal importers
14 See also
15 References
16 Further reading
17 External links
Example chemical structure of coal
At various times in the geologic past, the Earth had
dense forests in low-lying wetland areas. Due to natural processes such as
flooding, these forests were buried underneath soil. As more and more soil
deposited over them, they were compressed. The temperature also rose as they
sank deeper and deeper. As the process continued the plant matter was protected
from biodegradation and oxidation, usually by mud or acidic water. This trapped
the carbon in immense peat bogs that were eventually covered and deeply buried
by sediments. Under high pressure and high temperature, dead vegetation was
slowly converted to coal. As coal contains mainly carbon, the conversion of
dead vegetation into coal is called carbonization.[12]
The wide, shallow seas of the Carboniferous Period
provided ideal conditions for coal formation, although coal is known from most
geological periods. The exception is the coal gap in the Permian–Triassic
extinction event, where coal is rare. Coal is known from Precambrian strata,
which predate land plants — this coal is presumed to have originated from
residues of algae.[13][14]
Coastal exposure of the Point Aconi Seam (Nova Scotia)
As geological processes apply pressure to dead biotic
material over time, under suitable conditions it is transformed successively
Peat, considered to be a precursor of coal, has
industrial importance as a fuel in some regions, for example, Ireland and
Finland. In its dehydrated form, peat is a highly effective absorbent for fuel
and oil spills on land and water. It is also used as a conditioner for soil to
make it more able to retain and slowly release water.
Lignite, or brown coal, is the lowest rank of coal and
used almost exclusively as fuel for electric power generation. Jet, a compact
form of lignite, is sometimes polished and has been used as an ornamental stone
since the Upper Palaeolithic.
Sub-bituminous coal, whose properties range from those of
lignite to those of bituminous coal, is used primarily as fuel for
steam-electric power generation and is an important source of light aromatic
hydrocarbons for the chemical synthesis industry.
Bituminous coal is a dense sedimentary rock, usually
black, but sometimes dark brown, often with well-defined bands of bright and
dull material; it is used primarily as fuel in steam-electric power generation,
with substantial quantities used for heat and power applications in
manufacturing and to make coke.
"Steam coal" is a grade between bituminous coal
and anthracite, once widely used as a fuel for steam locomotives. In this
specialized use, it is sometimes known as "sea-coal" in the US.[15]
Small steam coal (dry small steam nuts or DSSN) was used as a fuel for domestic
water heating.
Anthracite, the highest rank of coal, is a harder, glossy
black coal used primarily for residential and commercial space heating. It may
be divided further into metamorphically altered bituminous coal and
"petrified oil", as from the deposits in Pennsylvania.
Graphite, technically the highest rank, is difficult to
ignite and is not commonly used as fuel — it is mostly used in pencils and,
when powdered, as a lubricant.
The classification of coal is generally based on the
content of volatiles. However, the exact classification varies between
countries. According to the German classification, coal is classified as follows:[16]
German Classification English
Designation Volatiles % C Carbon % H Hydrogen % O
Oxygen % S Sulfur % Heat content kJ/kg
Braunkohle Lignite
(brown coal) 45–65 60–75 6.0–5.8 34-17 0.5-3 <28,470
Flammkohle Flame
coal 40-45 75-82 6.0-5.8 >9.8 ~1 <32,870
Gasflammkohle Gas
flame coal 35-40 82-85 5.8-5.6 9.8-7.3 ~1 <33,910
Gaskohle Gas coal 28-35 85-87.5 5.6-5.0 7.3-4.5 ~1 <34,960
Fettkohle Fat coal 19-28 87.5-89.5 5.0-4.5 4.5-3.2 ~1 <35,380
Esskohle Forge
coal 14-19 89.5-90.5 4.5-4.0 3.2-2.8 ~1 <35,380
Magerkohle Nonbaking
coal 10-14 90.5-91.5 4.0-3.75 2.8-3.5 ~1 35,380
Anthrazit Anthracite 7-12 >91.5 <3.75 <2.5 ~1 <35,300
Percent by weight
The middle six grades in the table represent a
progressive transition from the English-language sub-bituminous to bituminous
coal, while the last class is an approximate equivalent to anthracite, but more
inclusive (US anthracite has < 6% volatiles).
Cannel coal (sometimes called "candle coal") is
a variety of fine-grained, high-rank coal with significant hydrogen content. It
consists primarily of "exinite" macerals, now termed
Hilt's law[edit]
Main article: Hilt's law
Hilt's law is a geological term that states that, in a
small area, the deeper the coal, the higher its rank (grade). The law holds
true if the thermal gradient is entirely vertical, but metamorphism may cause
lateral changes of rank, irrespective of depth.
Average content
Substance Content
Mercury (Hg) 0.10±0.01
Arsenic (As) 1.4
– 71 ppm[18]
Selenium (Se) 3
Early uses as fuel[edit]
Further information: History of coal mining
Chinese coal miners in an illustration of the Tiangong
Kaiwu encyclopedia, published in 1637
Coal from the Fushun mine in northeastern China was used
to smelt copper as early as 1000 BCE.[20] Marco Polo, the Italian who traveled
to China in the 13th century, described coal as "black stones ... which
burn like logs", and said coal was so plentiful, people could take three
hot baths a week.[21] In Europe, the earliest reference to the use of coal as
fuel is from the geological treatise On stones (Lap. 16) by the Greek scientist
Theophrastus (circa 371–287 BC):[22][23]
Among the materials that are dug because they are useful,
those known as anthrakes [coals] are made of earth, and, once set on fire, they
burn like charcoal. They are found in Liguria ... and in Elis as one approaches
Olympia by the mountain road; and they are used by those who work in metals.
—Theophrastus, On Stones (16) translation
Outcrop coal was used in Britain during the Bronze Age
(3000–2000 BC), where it has been detected as forming part of the composition
of funeral pyres.[24][25] In Roman Britain, with the exception of two modern
fields, "the Romans were exploiting coals in all the major coalfields in
England and Wales by the end of the second century AD".[26] Evidence of
trade in coal (dated to about AD 200) has been found at the Roman settlement at
Heronbridge, near Chester, and in the Fenlands of East Anglia, where coal from
the Midlands was transported via the Car Dyke for use in drying grain.[27] Coal
cinders have been found in the hearths of villas and Roman forts, particularly
in Northumberland, dated to around AD 400. In the west of England, contemporary
writers described the wonder of a permanent brazier of coal on the altar of
Minerva at Aquae Sulis (modern day Bath), although in fact easily accessible
surface coal from what became the Somerset coalfield was in common use in quite
lowly dwellings locally.[28] Evidence of coal's use for iron-working in the city
during the Roman period has been found.[29] In Eschweiler, Rhineland, deposits
of bituminous coal were used by the Romans for the smelting of iron ore.[26]
Coal miner in Britain, 1942
No evidence exists of the product being of great
importance in Britain before the High Middle Ages, after about AD 1000.[30]
Mineral coal came to be referred to as "seacoal" in the 13th century;
the wharf where the material arrived in London was known as Seacoal Lane, so
identified in a charter of King Henry III granted in 1253.[31] Initially, the
name was given because much coal was found on the shore, having fallen from the
exposed coal seams on cliffs above or washed out of underwater coal
outcrops,[30] but by the time of Henry VIII, it was understood to derive from
the way it was carried to London by sea.[32] In 1257–59, coal from Newcastle
upon Tyne was shipped to London for the smiths and lime-burners building
Westminster Abbey.[30] Seacoal Lane and Newcastle Lane, where coal was unloaded
at wharves along the River Fleet, are still in existence.[33] (See Industrial
processes below for modern uses of the term.)
These easily accessible sources had largely become
exhausted (or could not meet the growing demand) by the 13th century, when
underground extraction by shaft mining or adits was developed.[24] The
alternative name was "pitcoal", because it came from mines. It was,
however, the development of the Industrial Revolution that led to the
large-scale use of coal, as the steam engine took over from the water wheel. In
1700, five-sixths of the world's coal was mined in Britain. Britain would have
run out of suitable sites for watermills by the 1830s if coal had not been
available as a source of energy.[34] In 1947, there were some 750,000 miners in
Britain,[35] but by 2004, this had shrunk to some 5,000 miners working in
around 20 collieries.[36]
Uses today[edit]
Castle Gate Power Plant near Helper, Utah, USA
Coal rail cars
Coal as fuel[edit]
Further information: Electricity generation, Clean coal
technology, Coal electricity and Global warming
Coal is primarily used as a solid fuel to produce
electricity and heat through combustion. World coal consumption was about 7.25
billion tonnes in 2010[37] (7.99 billion short tons) and is expected to
increase 48% to 9.05 billion tonnes (9.98 billion short tons) by 2030.[38]
China produced 3.47 billion tonnes (3.83 billion short tons) in 2011. India
produced about 578 million tonnes (637.1 million short tons) in 2011. 68.7% of
China's electricity comes from coal. The USA consumed about 13% of the world total
in 2010, i.e. 951 million tonnes (1.05 billion short tons), using 93% of it for
generation of electricity.[39] 46% of total power generated in the USA was done
using coal.[40]
When coal is used for electricity generation, it is
usually pulverized and then combusted (burned) in a furnace with a boiler.[41]
The furnace heat converts boiler water to steam, which is then used to spin
turbines which turn generators and create electricity.[42] The thermodynamic
efficiency of this process has been improved over time; some older coal-fired
power stations have thermal efficiencies in the vicinity of 25%[43] whereas the
newest supercritical and "ultra-supercritical" steam cycle turbines,
operating at temperatures over 600 °C and pressures over 27 MPa (over 3900 psi),
can practically achieve thermal efficiencies in excess of 45% (LHV basis) using
anthracite fuel,[44][45] or around 43% (LHV basis) even when using lower-grade
lignite fuel.[46] Further thermal efficiency improvements are also achievable
by improved pre-drying (especially relevant with high-moisture fuel such as
lignite or biomass) and cooling technologies.[47]
An alternative approach of using coal for electricity
generation with improved efficiency is the integrated gasification combined
cycle (IGCC) power plant. Instead of pulverizing the coal and burning it
directly as fuel in the steam-generating boiler, the coal can be first gasified
(see coal gasification) to create syngas, which is burned in a gas turbine to
produce electricity (just like natural gas is burned in a turbine). Hot exhaust
gases from the turbine are used to raise steam in a heat recovery steam
generator which powers a supplemental steam turbine. Thermal efficiencies of
current IGCC power plants range from 39-42%[48] (HHV basis) or ~42-45% (LHV
basis) for bituminous coal and assuming utilization of mainstream gasification
technologies (Shell, GE Gasifier, CB&I). IGCC power plants outperform
conventional pulverized coal-fueled plants in terms of pollutant emissions, and
allow for relatively easy carbon capture.
At least 40% of the world's electricity comes from
coal,[41][49] and in 2012, about one-third of the United States' electricity
came from coal, down from approximately 49% in 2008.[50][51] As of 2012 in the
United States, use of coal to generate electricity was declining, as plentiful
supplies of natural gas obtained by hydraulic fracturing of tight shale
formations became available at low prices.[50]
In Denmark, a net electric efficiency of > 47% has
been obtained at the coal-fired Nordjyllandsværket CHP Plant and an overall
plant efficiency of up to 91% with cogeneration of electricity and district
heating.[52] The multifuel-fired Avedøreværket CHP Plant just outside
Copenhagen can achieve a net electric efficiency as high as 49%. The overall
plant efficiency with cogeneration of electricity and district heating can
reach as much as 94%.[53]
An alternative form of coal combustion is as coal-water
slurry fuel (CWS), which was developed in the Soviet Union. CWS significantly
reduces emissions, improving the heating value of coal.[citation needed] Other
ways to use coal are combined heat and power cogeneration and an MHD topping
The total known deposits recoverable by current
technologies, including highly polluting, low-energy content types of coal
(i.e., lignite, bituminous), is sufficient for many years.[quantify] However,
consumption is increasing and maximal production could be reached within
decades (see world coal reserves, below). On the other hand much may have to be
left in the ground to avoid climate change.[54][55]
Coking coal and use of coke[edit]
Main article: Coke (fuel)
Coke oven at a smokeless fuel plant in Wales, United
Coke is a solid carbonaceous residue derived from
low-ash, low-sulfur bituminous coal from which the volatile constituents are
driven off by baking in an oven without oxygen at temperatures as high as 1,000
°C (1,832 °F), so the fixed carbon and residual ash are fused together.
Metallurgical coke is used as a fuel and as a reducing agent in smelting iron
ore in a blast furnace.[56] The result is pig iron, and is too rich in
dissolved carbon, so it must be treated further to make steel. The coking coal
should be low in sulfur and phosphorus, so they do not migrate to the metal.
The coke must be strong enough to resist the weight of
overburden in the blast furnace, which is why coking coal is so important in
making steel using the conventional route. However, the alternative route is
direct reduced iron, where any carbonaceous fuel can be used to make sponge or
pelletised iron. Coke from coal is grey, hard, and porous and has a heating
value of 24.8 million Btu/ton (29.6 MJ/kg). Some cokemaking processes produce
valuable byproducts, including coal tar, ammonia, light oils, and coal gas.
Petroleum coke is the solid residue obtained in oil
refining, which resembles coke, but contains too many impurities to be useful
in metallurgical applications.
Main articles: Coal gasification and Underground coal
Coal gasification can be used to produce syngas, a
mixture of carbon monoxide (CO) and hydrogen (H2) gas. Often syngas is used to
fire gas turbines to produce electricity, but the versatility of syngas also
allows it to be converted into transportation fuels, such as gasoline and
diesel, through the Fischer-Tropsch process; alternatively, syngas can be
converted into methanol, which can be blended into fuel directly or converted
to gasoline via the methanol to gasoline process.[57] Gasification combined
with Fischer-Tropsch technology is currently used by the Sasol chemical company
of South Africa to make motor vehicle fuels from coal and natural gas.
Alternatively, the hydrogen obtained from gasification can be used for various
purposes, such as powering a hydrogen economy, making ammonia, or upgrading
fossil fuels.
During gasification, the coal is mixed with oxygen and
steam while also being heated and pressurized. During the reaction, oxygen and
water molecules oxidize the coal into carbon monoxide (CO), while also
releasing hydrogen gas (H2). This process has been conducted in both
underground coal mines and in the production of town gas.
C (as Coal) + O2 + H2O → H2 + CO
If the refiner wants to produce gasoline, the syngas is
collected at this state and routed into a Fischer-Tropsch reaction. If hydrogen
is the desired end-product, however, the syngas is fed into the water gas shift
reaction, where more hydrogen is liberated.
CO + H2O → CO2 + H2
In the past, coal was converted to make coal gas (town
gas), which was piped to customers to burn for illumination, heating, and
Main article: Coal liquefaction
Coal can also be converted into synthetic fuels
equivalent to gasoline or diesel by several different direct processes (which
do not intrinsically require gasification or indirect conversion).[58] In the
direct liquefaction processes, the coal is either hydrogenated or carbonized.
Hydrogenation processes are the Bergius process,[59] the SRC-I and SRC-II
(Solvent Refined Coal) processes, the NUS Corporation hydrogenation
process[60][61] and several other single-stage and two-stage processes.[62] In
the process of low-temperature carbonization, coal is coked at temperatures
between 360 and 750 °C (680 and 1,380 °F). These temperatures optimize the
production of coal tars richer in lighter hydrocarbons than normal coal tar.
The coal tar is then further processed into fuels. An overview of coal liquefaction
and its future potential is available.[63]
Coal liquefaction methods involve carbon dioxide (CO
2) emissions in the conversion process. If coal
liquefaction is done without employing either carbon capture and storage (CCS)
technologies or biomass blending, the result is lifecycle greenhouse gas
footprints that are generally greater than those released in the extraction and
refinement of liquid fuel production from crude oil. If CCS technologies are
employed, reductions of 5–12% can be achieved in Coal to Liquid (CTL) plants
and up to a 75% reduction is achievable when co-gasifying coal with
commercially demonstrated levels of biomass (30% biomass by weight) in
coal/biomass-to-liquids plants.[64] For future synthetic fuel projects, carbon
dioxide sequestration is proposed to avoid releasing CO
2 into the atmosphere. Sequestration adds to the cost of
Refined coal[edit]
Main article: Refined coal
Refined coal is the product of a coal-upgrading
technology that removes moisture and certain pollutants from lower-rank coals
such as sub-bituminous and lignite (brown) coals. It is one form of several
precombustion treatments and processes for coal that alter coal's
characteristics before it is burned. The goals of precombustion coal
technologies are to increase efficiency and reduce emissions when the coal is
burned. Depending on the situation, precombustion technology can be used in
place of or as a supplement to postcombustion technologies to control emissions
from coal-fueled boilers.
Industrial processes [edit]
Finely ground bituminous coal, known in this application
as sea coal, is a constituent of foundry sand. While the molten metal is in the
mould, the coal burns slowly, releasing reducing gases at pressure, and so
preventing the metal from penetrating the pores of the sand. It is also
contained in 'mould wash', a paste or liquid with the same function applied to
the mould before casting.[65] Sea coal can be mixed with the clay lining (the
"bod") used for the bottom of a cupola furnace. When heated, the coal
decomposes and the bod becomes slightly friable, easing the process of breaking
open holes for tapping the molten metal.[66]
Production of chemicals[67][edit]
Production of Chemicals from Coal
Coal is an important feedstock in production of a wide
range of chemical fertilizers and other chemical products. The main route to
these products is coal gasification to produce syngas. Primary chemicals that
are produced directly from the syngas include methanol, hydrogen and carbon
monoxide, which are the chemical building blocks from which a whole spectrum of
derivative chemicals are manufactured, including olefins, acetic acid,
formaldehyde, ammonia, urea and others. The versatility of syngas as a
precursor to primary chemicals and high-value derivative products provides the
option of using relatively inexpensive coal to produce a wide range of valuable
Historically, production of chemicals from coal has been
used since the 1950s and has become established in the market. According to the
2010 Worldwide Gasification Database,[68] a survey of current and planned
gasifiers, from 2004 to 2007 chemical production increased its gasification
product share from 37% to 45%. From 2008 to 2010, 22% of new gasifier additions
were to be for chemical production.
Because the slate of chemical products that can be made
via coal gasification can in general also use feedstocks derived from natural
gas and petroleum, the chemical industry tends to use whatever feedstocks are
most cost-effective. Therefore, interest in using coal tends to increase for
higher oil and natural gas prices and during periods of high global economic
growth that may strain oil and gas production. Also, production of chemicals
from coal is of much higher interest in countries like South Africa, China,
India and the United States where there are abundant coal resources. The
abundance of coal combined with lack of natural gas resources in China is
strong inducement for the coal to chemicals industry pursued there. In the
United States, the best example of the industry is Eastman Chemical Company
which has been successfully operating a coal-to-chemicals plant at its
Kingsport, Tennessee, site since 1983. Similarly, Sasol has built and operated
coal-to-chemicals facilities in South Africa.
Coal to chemical processes do require substantial
quantities of water. As of 2013 much of the coal to chemical production was in
the People's Republic of China[69][70] where environmental regulation and water
management[71] was weak.[72]
Cultural usage[edit]
Coal is the official state mineral of Kentucky.[73] and
the official state rock of Utah;[74] both U.S. states have a historic link to
coal mining.
Some cultures hold that children who misbehave will
receive only a lump of coal from Santa Claus for Christmas in their christmas
stockings instead of presents.
It is also customary and considered lucky in Scotland and
the North of England to give coal as a gift on New Year's Day. This occurs as
part of First-Footing and represents warmth for the year to come.
Coal as a traded commodity[edit]
In North America, Central Appalachian coal futures
contracts are currently traded on the New York Mercantile Exchange (trading
symbol QL). The trading unit is 1,550 short tons (1,410 t) per contract, and is
quoted in U.S. dollars and cents per ton. Since coal is the principal fuel for
generating electricity in the United States, coal futures contracts provide
coal producers and the electric power industry an important tool for hedging
and risk management.[75]
In addition to the NYMEX contract, the
IntercontinentalExchange (ICE) has European (Rotterdam) and South African
(Richards Bay) coal futures available for trading. The trading unit for these
contracts is 5,000 tonnes (5,500 short tons), and are also quoted in U.S.
dollars and cents per ton.[76]
The price of coal increased from around $30.00 per short
ton in 2000 to around $150.00 per short ton as of September 2008. As of October
2008, the price per short ton had declined to $111.50. Prices further declined
to $71.25 as of October 2010.[77]
Environmental effects[edit]
Main article: Environmental effects of coal
Aerial photograph of Kingston Fossil Plant coal fly ash
slurry spill site taken the day after the event
A number of adverse health,[78] and environmental effects
of coal burning exist,[79] especially in power stations, and of coal mining,
Coal-fired power plants cause nearly 24,000 premature
deaths annually in the United States, including 2,800 from lung cancer.[80]
Annual health costs in Europe from use of coal to generate electricity are
€42.8 billion, or $55 billion.[81]
Generation of hundreds of millions of tons of waste
products, including fly ash, bottom ash, and flue-gas desulfurization sludge,
that contain mercury, uranium, thorium, arsenic, and other heavy metals
Acid rain from high sulfur coal
Interference with groundwater and water table levels due
to mining
Contamination of land and waterways and destruction of
homes from fly ash spills. such as the Kingston Fossil Plant coal fly ash
slurry spill
Impact of water use on flows of rivers and consequential
impact on other land uses
Dust nuisance
Subsidence above tunnels, sometimes damaging
Uncontrollable coal seam fire which may burn for decades
or centuries
Coal-fired power plants without effective fly ash capture
systems are one of the largest sources of human-caused background radiation
Coal-fired power plants emit mercury, selenium, and
arsenic, which are harmful to human health and the environment.[82]
Release of carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, causes
climate change and global warming, according to the IPCC and the EPA. Coal is
the largest contributor to the human-made increase of CO2 in the
Approximately 75 Tg/S per year of sulfur dioxide (SO2) is
released from burning coal. After release, the sulfur dioxide is oxidized to
gaseous H2SO2 which scatters solar radiation, hence its increase in the
atmosphere exerts a cooling effect on climate that masks some of the warming
caused by increased greenhouse gases. Release of SO2 also contributes to the
widespread acidification of ecosystems.[84]
The white rot fungus C. versicolor can grow on and
metabolize naturally occcuring coal.[85] The bacteria Diplococcus has been
found to degrade coal, raising its temperature.[86]
Economic aspects[edit]
Coal (by liquefaction technology) is one of the backstop
resources that could limit escalation of oil prices and mitigate the effects of
transportation energy shortage that will occur under peak oil. This is
contingent on liquefaction production capacity becoming large enough to satiate
the very large and growing demand for petroleum. Estimates of the cost of
producing liquid fuels from coal suggest that domestic U.S. production of fuel
from coal becomes cost-competitive with oil priced at around $35 per
barrel,[87] with the $35 being the break-even cost. With oil prices as low as
around $40 per barrel in the U.S. as of December 2008, liquid coal lost some of
its economic allure in the U.S., but will probably be re-vitalized, similar to
oil sand projects, with an oil price around $70 per barrel.
In China, due to an increasing need for liquid energy in
the transportation sector, coal liquefaction projects were given high priority
even during periods of oil prices below $40 per barrel.[88] This is probably
because China prefers not to be dependent on foreign oil, instead utilizing its
enormous domestic coal reserves. As oil prices were increasing during the first
half of 2009, the coal liquefaction projects in China were again boosted, and
these projects are profitable with an oil barrel price of $40.[89]
China is the largest producer of coal in the world. It is
the world's largest energy consumer, and relies on coal to supply 69% of its
energy needs.[90] An estimated 5 million people worked in China's coal-mining
industry in 2007.[91]
Coal pollution costs the EU €43 billion each year.[92]
Measures to cut air pollution may have beneficial long-term economic impacts
for individuals.[93]
Energy density and carbon impact[edit]
See also: Energy value of coal
The energy density of coal, i.e. its heating value, is
roughly 24 megajoules per kilogram[94] (approximately 6.7 kilowatt-hours per
kg). For a coal power plant with a 40% efficiency, it takes an estimated 325 kg
(717 lb) of coal to power a 100 W lightbulb for one year.[95]
As of 2006, the average efficiency of
electricity-generating power stations was 31%; in 2002, coal represented about
23% of total global energy supply, an equivalent of 3.4 billion tonnes of coal,
of which 2.8 billion tonnes were used for electricity generation.[96]
The US Energy Information Agency's 1999 report on CO2
emissions for energy generation quotes an emission factor of 0.963 kg CO2/kWh
for coal power, compared to 0.881 kg CO2/kWh (oil), or 0.569 kg CO2/kWh
(natural gas).[97]
Underground fires[edit]
Main article: Coal seam fire
Thousands of coal fires are burning around the world.[98]
Those burning underground can be difficult to locate and many cannot be
extinguished. Fires can cause the ground above to subside, their combustion
gases are dangerous to life, and breaking out to the surface can initiate
surface wildfires. Coal seams can be set on fire by spontaneous combustion or
contact with a mine fire or surface fire. Lightning strikes are an important
source of ignition. The coal continues to burn slowly back into the seam until
oxygen (air) can no longer reach the flame front. A grass fire in a coal area
can set dozens of coal seams on fire.[99][100] Coal fires in China burn an
estimated 120 million tons of coal a year, emitting 360 million metric tons of
CO2, amounting to 2–3% of the annual worldwide production of CO2 from fossil
fuels.[101][102] In Centralia, Pennsylvania (a borough located in the Coal
Region of the United States), an exposed vein of anthracite ignited in 1962 due
to a trash fire in the borough landfill, located in an abandoned anthracite
strip mine pit. Attempts to extinguish the fire were unsuccessful, and it
continues to burn underground to this day. The Australian Burning Mountain was
originally believed to be a volcano, but the smoke and ash comes from a coal
fire that has been burning for some 6,000 years.[103]
At Kuh i Malik in Yagnob Valley, Tajikistan, coal
deposits have been burning for thousands of years, creating vast underground
labyrinths full of unique minerals, some of them very beautiful. Local people
once used this method to mine ammoniac. This place has been well-known since
the time of Herodotus, but European geographers misinterpreted the Ancient
Greek descriptions as the evidence of active volcanism in Turkestan (up to the
19th century, when the Russian army invaded the area).[citation needed]
The reddish siltstone rock that caps many ridges and
buttes in the Powder River Basin in Wyoming and in western North Dakota is
called porcelanite, which resembles the coal burning waste "clinker"
or volcanic "scoria".[104] Clinker is rock that has been fused by the
natural burning of coal. In the Powder River Basin approximately 27 to 54
billion tons of coal burned within the past three million years.[105] Wild coal
fires in the area were reported by the Lewis and Clark Expedition as well as
explorers and settlers in the area.[106]
Production trends[edit]
Continental United States coal regions
Coal output in 2005
A coal mine in Wyoming, United States. The United States
has the world's largest coal reserves.
In 2006, China was the top producer of coal with 38%
share followed by the United States and India, according to the British
Geological Survey. As of 2012 coal production in the United States was falling
at the rate of 7% annually[107] with many power plants using coal shut down or
converted to natural gas; however, some of the reduced domestic demand was
taken up by increased exports[108] with five coal export terminals being
proposed in the Pacific Northwest to export coal from the Powder River Basin to
China and other Asian markets;[109] however, as of 2013, environmental
opposition was increasing.[110] High-sulfur coal mined in Illinois which was
unsaleable in the United States found a ready market in Asia as exports reached
13 million tons in 2012.[111]
World coal reserves[edit]
The 948 billion short tons of recoverable coal reserves
estimated by the Energy Information Administration are equal to about 4,196
BBOE (billion barrels of oil equivalent).[3] The amount of coal burned during
2007 was estimated at 7.075 billion short tons, or 133.179 quadrillion
BTU's.[112] This is an average of 18.8 million BTU per short ton. In terms of
heat content, this is about 57,000,000 barrels (9,100,000 m3) of oil equivalent
per day. By comparison in 2007, natural gas provided 51,000,000 barrels
(8,100,000 m3) of oil equivalent per day, while oil provided 85,800,000 barrels
(13,640,000 m3) per day.
British Petroleum, in its 2007 report, estimated at 2006
end that there were 147 years reserves-to-production ratio based on proven coal
reserves worldwide. This figure only includes reserves classified as
"proven"; exploration drilling programs by mining companies,
particularly in under-explored areas, are continually providing new reserves.
In many cases, companies are aware of coal deposits that have not been
sufficiently drilled to qualify as "proven". However, some nations
haven't updated their information and assume reserves remain at the same levels
even with withdrawals. Energy Watch Group predicted in 2007 that peak coal
production may occur sometime around 2025, depending on future coal production
Of the three fossil fuels, coal has the most widely
distributed reserves; coal is mined in over 100 countries, and on all
continents except Antarctica. The largest reserves are found in the United
States, Russia, China, Australia and India. Note the table below.
Proved recoverable coal reserves at end-2008 (million
tons (teragrams))[114]
Country Anthracite
& Bituminous SubBituminous Lignite Total Percentage of World Total
United States 108,501 98,618 30,176 237,295 22.6
Russia 49,088 97,472 10,450 157,010 14.4
China 62,200 33,700 18,600 114,500 12.6
Australia 37,100 2,100 37,200 76,400 8.9
India 56,100 0 4,500 60,600 7.0
Germany 99 0 40,600 40,699 4.7
Ukraine 15,351 16,577 1,945 33,873 3.9
Kazakhstan 21,500 0 12,100 33,600 3.9
South Africa 30,156 0 0 30,156 3.5
Serbia 9 361 13,400 13,770 1.6
Colombia 6,366 380 0 6,746 0.8
Canada 3,474 872 2,236 6,528 0.8
Poland 4,338 0 1,371 5,709 0.7
Indonesia 1,520 2,904 1,105 5,529 0.6
Brazil 0 4,559 0 4,559 0.5
Greece 0 0 3,020 3,020 0.4
Bosnia and
Herzegovina 484 0 2,369 2,853 0.3
Mongolia 1,170 0 1,350 2,520 0.3
Bulgaria 2 190 2,174 2,366 0.3
Pakistan 0 166 1,904 2,070 0.3
Turkey 529 0 1,814 2,343 0.3
Uzbekistan 47 0 1,853 1,900 0.2
Hungary 13 439 1,208 1,660 0.2
Thailand 0 0 1,239 1,239 0.1
Mexico 860 300 51 1,211 0.1
Iran 1,203 0 0 1,203 0.1
Czech Republic 192 0 908 1,100 0.1
Kyrgyzstan 0 0 812 812 0.1
Albania 0 0 794 794 0.1
North Korea 300 300 0 600 0.1
New Zealand 33 205 333-7,000 571–15,000[115] 0.1
Spain 200 300 30 530 0.1
Laos 4 0 499 503 0.1
Zimbabwe 502 0 0 502 0.1
Argentina 0 0 500 500 0.1
All others 3,421 1,346 846 5,613 0.7
World Total 404,762 260,789 195,387 860,938 100
Major coal producers[edit]
See also: List of countries by coal production
The reserve life is an estimate based only on current
production levels and proved reserves level for the countries shown, and makes
no assumptions of future production or even current production trends.
Countries with annual production higher than 100 million tonnes are shown. For
comparison, data for the European Union is also shown. Shares are based on data
expressed in tonnes oil equivalent.
Production of Coal by Country and year (million tonnes)
Country 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Share Reserve
Life (years)
China 1834.9 2122.6 2349.5 2528.6 2691.6 2802.0 2973.0 3235.0 3520.0 49.5% 35
United States 972.3 1008.9 1026.5 1054.8 1040.2 1063.0 975.2 983.7 992.8 14.1% 239
India 375.4 407.7 428.4 449.2 478.4 515.9 556.0 573.8 588.5 5.6% 103
European Union 637.2 627.6 607.4 595.1 592.3 563.6 538.4 535.7 576.1 4.2% 97
Australia 350.4 364.3 375.4 382.2 392.7 399.2 413.2 424.0 415.5 5.8% 184
Russia 276.7 281.7 298.3 309.9 313.5 328.6 301.3 321.6 333.5 4.0% 471
Indonesia 114.3 132.4 152.7 193.8 216.9 240.2 256.2 275.2 324.9 5.1% 17
South Africa 237.9 243.4 244.4 244.8 247.7 252.6 250.6 254.3 255.1 3.6% 118
Germany 204.9 207.8 202.8 197.1 201.9 192.4 183.7 182.3 188.6 1.1% 216
Poland 163.8 162.4 159.5 156.1 145.9 144.0 135.2 133.2 139.2 1.4% 41
Kazakhstan 84.9 86.9 86.6 96.2 97.8 111.1 100.9 110.9 115.9 1.5% 290
World Total 5,301.3 5,716.0 6,035.3 6,342.0 6,573.3 6,795.0 6,880.8 7,254.6 7,695.4 100% 112
Major coal consumers[edit]
Countries with annual consumption higher than 20 million
tonnes are shown.
Consumption of Coal by Country and year (million short
Country 2008 2009 2010 2011 Share
China 2,966 3,188 3,695 4,053 50.7%
United States 1,121 997 1,048 1,003 12.5%
India 641 705 722 788 9.9%
Russia 250 204 256 262 3.3%
Germany 268 248 256 256 3.3%
South Africa 215 204 206 210 2.6%
Japan 204 181 206 202 2.5%
Poland 149 151 149 162 2.0%
World Total 7,327 7,318 7,994 N/A 100%
Major coal exporters[edit]
Countries with annual gross export higher than 10 million
tonnes are shown. In terms of net export the largest exporters are still
Australia (328.1 millions tonnes), Indonesia (316.2) and Russia (100.2).
Exports of Coal by Country and year (million short
Country 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Share
Australia 238.1 247.6 255.0 255.0 268.5 278.0 288.5 328.1 27.1%
Indonesia 107.8 131.4 142.0 192.2 221.9 228.2 261.4 316.2 26.1%
Russia 41.0 55.7 98.6 103.4 112.2 115.4 130.9 122.1 10.1%
United States 43.0 48.0 51.7 51.2 60.6 83.5 60.4 83.2 6.9%
South Africa 78.7 74.9 78.8 75.8 72.6 68.2 73.8 76.7 6.3%
Colombia 50.4 56.4 59.2 68.3 74.5 74.7 75.7 76.4 6.3%
Canada 27.7 28.8 31.2 31.2 33.4 36.5 31.9 36.9 3.0%
Kazakhstan 30.3 27.4 28.3 30.5 32.8 47.6 33.0 36.3 3.0%
Vietnam 6.9 11.7 19.8 23.5 35.1 21.3 28.2 24.7 2.0%
China 103.4 95.5 93.1 85.6 75.4 68.8 25.2 22.7 1.9%
Mongolia 0.5 1.7 2.3 2.5 3.4 4.4 7.7 18.3 1.5%
Poland 28.0 27.5 26.5 25.4 20.1 16.1 14.6 18.1 1.5%
Total 713.9 764.0 936.0 1,000.6 1,073.4 1,087.3 1,090.8 1,212.8 100%
Major coal importers[edit]
Countries with annual gross import higher than 20 million
tonnes are shown. In terms of net import the largest importers are still Japan
(206.0 millions tonnes), China (172.4) and South Korea (125.8).[119]
Imports of Coal by Country and year (million short
Country 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Share
Japan 199.7 209.0 206.0 182.1 206.7 17.5%
China 42.0 56.2 44.5 151.9 195.1 16.6%
South Korea 84.1 94.1 107.1 109.9 125.8 10.7%
India 52.7 29.6 70.9 76.7 101.6 8.6%
Taiwan 69.1 72.5 70.9 64.6 71.1 6.0%
Germany 50.6 56.2 55.7 45.9 55.1 4.7%
Turkey 22.9 25.8 21.7 22.7 30.0 2.5%
United Kingdom 56.8 48.9 49.2 42.2 29.3 2.5%
Italy 27.9 28.0 27.9 20.9 23.7 1.9%
Netherlands 25.7 29.3 23.5 22.1 22.8 1.9%
Russia 28.8 26.3 34.6 26.8 21.8 1.9%
France 24.1 22.1 24.9 18.3 20.8 1.8%
United States 40.3 38.8 37.8 23.1 20.6 1.8%
Total 991.8 1,056.5 1,063.2 1,039.8 1,178.1 100%
[show] v t e
Lists of countries by energy rankings
Compressed natural gas
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"CNG" redirects here. For other uses, see CNG
Blue diamond symbol used on CNG-powered vehicles in North
Green bordered white diamond symbol used on CNG-powered
vehicles in China
A CNG powered high-floor Neoplan AN440A, operated by ABQ
RIDE in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Compressed natural gas (CNG) (Methane stored at high
pressure) can be used in place of gasoline (petrol), Diesel fuel and
propane/LPG. CNG combustion produces fewer undesirable gases than the fuels
mentioned above. It is safer than other fuels in the event of a spill, because
natural gas is lighter than air and disperses quickly when released. CNG may be
found above oil deposits, or may be collected from landfills or wastewater
treatment plants where it is known as biogas.
CNG is made by compressing natural gas (which is mainly
composed of methane, CH4), to less than 1 percent of the volume it occupies at
standard atmospheric pressure. It is stored and distributed in hard containers
at a pressure of 20–25 MPa (2,900–3,600 psi), usually in cylindrical or
spherical shapes.
CNG is used in traditional gasoline/internal combustion
engine automobiles that have been modified or in vehicles which were
manufactured for CNG use, either alone ('dedicated'), with a segregated
gasoline system to extend range (dual fuel) or in conjunction with another fuel
such as diesel (bi-fuel). Natural gas vehicles are increasingly used in Iran,
the Asia-Pacific region (especially Pakistan[1] and the Indian capital of
Delhi), and other large cities like Ahmedabad, Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai—as well
as cities such as Lucknow, Kanpur, etc. Its use is also increasing in South
America, Europe and North America because of rising gasoline prices.[2] In
response to high fuel prices and environmental concerns, CNG is starting to be
used also in tuk-tuks and pickup trucks, transit and school buses, and trains.
The cost and placement of fuel storage tanks is the major
barrier to wider/quicker adoption of CNG as a fuel. It is also why municipal
government, public transportation vehicles were the most visible early adopters
of it, as they can more quickly amortize the money invested in the new (and usually
cheaper) fuel. In spite of these circumstances, the number of vehicles in the
world using CNG has grown steadily (30 percent per year).[3] Now, as a result
of industry's steady growing, the cost of such fuel storage tanks have been
brought down to a much acceptable level. Especially for the CNG Type 1 and Type
2 tanks, many countries are able to make reliable and cost effective tanks for
conversion need.[4]
CNG's volumetric energy density is estimated to be 42
percent that of liquefied natural gas (because it is not liquefied), and 25
percent that of diesel fuel.[5]
Contents [hide]
1 Uses
1.1 Cars
1.2 Locomotives
2 Drawbacks
3 Codes and standards
4 Comparison with other natural gas fuels
5 Worldwide
5.1 South America
5.2 Asia
5.3 Africa
5.4 Europe
5.5 North America
5.5.1 Canada
5.5.2 United States
5.6 Oceania
6 Deployments
8 See also
9 References
10 External links
CNG pumps at a Brazilian gasoline fueling station
Main article: Natural gas vehicle
Worldwide, there were 14.8 million natural gas vehicles
by 2011, led by Iran with 2.86 million, Pakistan (2.85 million), Argentina
(2.07 million), Brazil (1.7 million) and India (1.1 million).[6] with the
Asia-Pacific region leading with 5.7 million NGVs, followed by Latin America
with almost four million vehicles.[2]
Several manufacturers (Fiat, Opel/General Motors,
Peugeot, Volkswagen, Toyota, Honda and others) sell bi-fuel cars. In 2006, Fiat
introduced the Siena Tetrafuel in the Brazilian market, equipped with a 1.4L
FIRE engine that runs on E100, E25 (Standard Brazilian Gasoline), Gasoline and
Any existing gasoline vehicle can be converted to a
dual-fuel (gasoline/CNG) vehicle. Authorized shops can do the retrofitting and
involves installing a CNG cylinder, plumbing, a CNG injection system and the
electronics. The cost of installing a CNG conversion kit[7] can often reach
$8,000 on passenger cars and light trucks and is usually reserved for vehicles
that travel many miles each year.
CNG locomotives are operated by several railroads. The
Napa Valley Wine Train successfully retrofit a diesel locomotive to run on
compressed natural gas before 2002.[8] This converted locomotive was upgraded
to utilize a computer controlled fuel injection system in May 2008, and is now
the Napa Valley Wine Train's primary locomotive.[9] Ferrocarril Central Andino
in Peru, has run a CNG locomotive on a freight line since 2005.[10] CNG
locomotives are usually diesel locomotives that have been converted to use
compressed natural gas generators instead of diesel generators to generate the
electricity that drives the traction motors. Some CNG locomotives are able to
fire their cylinders only when there is a demand for power, which,
theoretically, gives them a higher fuel efficiency than conventional diesel
engines. CNG is also cheaper than petrol or diesel.
* Increased life of lubricating oils, as CNG does not
contaminate and dilute the crankcase oil.
Being a gaseous fuel, CNG mixes easily and evenly in air.
CNG is less likely to ignite on hot surfaces, since it
has a high auto-ignition temperature (540 °C), and a narrow range (5–15
percent) of flammability.[11]
Less pollution and more efficiency: CNG emits
significantly fewer pollutants (e.g., carbon dioxide (CO
2), unburned hydrocarbons (UHC), carbon monoxide (CO),
nitrogen oxides (NOx), sulfur oxides (SOx) and PM (particulate matter) than
petrol. For example, an engine running on petrol for 100 km emits 22 kilograms
of CO
2, while covering the same distance on CNG emits only
16.3 kilograms of CO
CNG fuel system are sealed.
Carbon monoxide emissions are reduced even further. Due
to lower carbon dioxide and nitrogen oxides emissions, switching to CNG can
help mitigate greenhouse gas emissions.[11] The ability of CNG to reduce
greenhouse gas emissions over the entire fuel lifecycle will depend on the source
of the natural gas and the fuel it is replacing.
The lifecycle greenhouse gas emissions for CNG compressed
from California's pipeline natural gas is given a value of 67.70 grams of CO
2-equivalent per megajoule (gCO2e/MJ) by CARB (the
California Air Resources Board), approximately 28 percent lower than the
average gasoline fuel in that market (95.86 gCO2e/MJ).
CNG produced from landfill biogas was found by CARB to
have the lowest greenhouse gas emissions of any fuel analyzed, with a value of
11.26 gCO2e/MJ (more than 88 percent lower than conventional gasoline) in the
low-carbon fuel standard that went into effect on January 12, 2010.[13]
CNG-powered vehicles are considered to be safer than
gasoline-powered vehicles.[14][15][16]
Compressed natural gas vehicles require a greater amount
of space for fuel storage than conventional gasoline powered vehicles. Since it
is a compressed gas, rather than a liquid like gasoline, CNG takes up more
space for each GGE (gasoline gallon equivalent). Therefore, the tanks used to
store the CNG usually take up additional space in the trunk of a car or bed of
a pickup truck which runs on CNG. This problem is solved in factory-built CNG
vehicles that install the tanks under the body of the vehicle, leaving the
trunk free (e.g., Fiat Multipla, New Fiat Panda, Volkswagen Touran Ecofuel,
Volkswagen Caddy Ecofuel, Chevy Taxi - which sold in countries such as Peru).
Another option is installation on roof (typical on buses), requiring, however,
solution of structural strength issues.
Codes and standards[edit]
The lack of harmonized codes and standards across
international jurisdictions is an additional barrier to NGV market
penetration.[17] The International Organization for Standardization has an
active technical committee working on a standard for natural gas fuelling
stations for vehicles.[18]
Despite the lack of harmonized international codes,
natural gas vehicles have an excellent global safety record. Existing
international standards include ISO 14469-2:2007 which applies to CNG vehicle
nozzles and receptacle[19] and ISO 15500-9:2012 specifies tests and
requirements for the pressure regulator.[20]
NFPA-52 covers natural gas vehicle safety standards in
the US.
Comparison with other natural gas fuels[edit]
Compressed natural gas is often confused with LNG
(liquefied natural gas). While both are stored forms of natural gas, the key
difference is that CNG is gas that is stored (as a gas) at high pressure, while
LNG is stored at very low temperature, becoming liquid in the process. CNG has
a lower cost of production and storage compared to LNG as it does not require
an expensive cooling process and cryogenic tanks. CNG requires a much larger
volume to store the same mass of gasoline or petrol and the use of very high
pressures (3000 to 4000 psi, or 205 to 275 bar). As a consequence of this, LNG
is often used for transporting natural gas over large distances, in ships,
trains or pipelines, and the gas is then converted into CNG before distribution
to the end user.
CNG is being experimentally stored at lower pressure in a
form known as an ANG (adsorbed natural gas) tank, at 35 bar (500 psi, the
pressure of gas in natural gas pipelines) in various sponge like materials,
such as activated carbon[21] and MOFs (metal-organic frameworks).[22] The fuel
is stored at similar or greater energy density than CNG. This means that
vehicles can be refueled from the natural gas network without extra gas
compression, the fuel tanks can be slimmed down and made of lighter, weaker
Compressed natural gas is sometimes mixed with hydrogen
(HCNG) which increases the H/C ratio (heat capacity ratio) of the fuel and
gives it a flame speed about eight times higher than CNG.[23]
Iran, Pakistan, Argentina, Brazil and India have the
highest number of CNG run vehicles in the world.[6]
Top ten countries
with the largest NGV vehicle fleets - 2013[24][25]
Rank Country Registered
fleet Rank Country Registered
1 Iran 3.50 6 India 1.50
2 Pakistan 2.79 7 Italy 0.82
3 Argentina 2.28 8 Colombia 0.46
4 Brazil 1.75 9 Uzbekistan 0.45
5 China 1.58 10 Thailand 0.42
World Total = 18.09 million NGV vehicles
South America[edit]
CNG station in Rosario, Argentina.
CNG vehicles are commonly used in South America, where
these vehicles are mainly used as taxicabs in main cities of Argentina and
Brazil.[26] Normally, standard gasoline vehicles are retrofitted in specialized
shops, which involve installing the gas cylinder in the trunk and the CNG
injection system and electronics. Argentina and Brazil are the two countries
with the largest fleets of CNG vehicles,[26] with a combined total fleet of
more than 3.4 million vehicles by 2009.[2] Conversion has been facilitated by a
substantial price differential with liquid fuels, locally produced conversion
equipment and a growing CNG-delivery infrastructure.
As of 2009 Argentina had 1,807,186 NGV's with 1,851
refueling stations across the nation,[2] or 15 percent of all vehicles;[26] and
Brazil had 1,632,101 vehicles and 1,704 refueling stations,[2] with a higher
concentration in the cities of Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo.[26][27]
Colombia had an NGV fleet of 300,000 vehicles, and 460
refueling stations, as of 2009.[2] Bolivia has increased its fleet from 10,000
in 2003 to 121,908 units in 2009, with 128 refueling stations.[2] Peru had
81,024 NGVs and 94 fueling stations as 2009,[2] but that number is expected to
skyrocket as Peru sits on South America's largest gas reserves.[26] In Peru
several factory-built NGVs have the tanks installed under the body of the
vehicle, leaving the trunk free. Among the models built with this feature are
the Fiat Multipla, the newFiat Panda, the Volkswagen Touran Ecofuel, the
Volkswagen Caddy Ecofuel and the Chevy Taxi. Other countries with significant
NGV fleets are Venezuela (15,000) and Chile (8,064) as of 2009.[2]
A CNG powered Volvo B10BLE bus, operated by SBS Transit
in Singapore.
A CNG powered Hino bus, operated by BMTA in Thailand.
In Singapore, CNG is increasingly being used by public
transport vehicles like buses and taxis, as well as goods vehicles. However,
according to Channel NewsAsia on April 18, 2008, more owners of private cars in
this country are converting their petrol-driven vehicles to also run on CNG –
motivated no doubt by rising petrol prices. The initial cost of converting a
regular vehicle to dual fuel at the German conversion workshop of C. Melchers,
for example, is around S$3,800 (US$2,500); with the promise of real
cost-savings that dual-fuel vehicles bring over the long term.
Singapore currently has five operating filling stations
for natural gas. SembCorp Gas Pte Ltd. runs the station on Jurong Island and,
jointly with Singapore Petroleum Company, the filling station at Jalan Buroh.
Both these stations are in the western part of the country. Another station on
the mainland is in Mandai Link to the north and is operated by SMART Energy.
SMART also own a second station on Serangoon North Ave 5 which was set up end
of March 2009; The fifth and largest station in the world was opened by the
UNION Group in September 2009. This station is recognized by the Guniness World
Records as being the largest in the world with 46 refuelling hoses. This
station is located in Toh Tuck. The Union Group, which operates 1000 CNG Toyota
Wish taxis plan to introduce another three daughter stations and increase the
CNG taxi fleet to 8000 units.
CNG scooters (autorickshaws) in Dhaka, Bangladesh.
As a key incentive for using this eco-friendly fuel
Singapore has a green vehicle rebate for users of CNG technology. First
introduced in January 2001, the GVR grants a 40 percent discount on the OMV
(open market value) cost of newly registered green passenger vehicles. This
initiative will end at the end of 2012 as the government believes the 'critical
mass' of CNG vehicles would then have been built up.
The Ministry of Transport of Myanmar passed a law in 2005
which required that all public transport vehicles - buses, trucks and taxis, be
converted to run on CNG. The Government permitted several private companies to
handle the conversion of existing diesel and petrol cars, and also to begin
importing CNG variants of buses and taxis. Accidents and rumours of accidents,
partly fueled by Myanmar's position in local hydrocarbon politics,[28] has
discouraged citizens from using CNG vehicles, although now almost every taxi
and public bus in Yangon, Myanmar's largest city, run on CNG. CNG stations have
been set up around Yangon and other cities, but electricity shortages mean that
vehicles may have to queue up for hours to fill their gas containers.[29] The
Burmese opposition movements are against the conversion to CNG, as they accuse
the companies as being proxies of the junta, and also that the petrodollars
earned by the regime would go towards the defense sector, rather than towards
improving the infrastructure or welfare of the people.
In Malaysia, the use of CNG was originally introduced for
taxicabs and airport limousines during the late-1990s, when new taxis were
launched with CNG engines while taxicab operators were encouraged to send in
existing taxis for full engine conversions. The practice of using CNG remained
largely confined to taxicabs predominantly in the Klang Valley and Penang due
to a lack of interest. No incentives were offered for those besides taxicab
owners to use CNG engines, while government subsidies on petrol and diesel made
conventional road vehicles cheaper to use in the eyes of the consumers.
Petronas, Malaysia's state-owned oil company, also monopolises the provision of
CNG to road users. As of July 2008, Petronas only operates about 150 CNG
refueling stations, most of which are concentrated in the Klang Valley. At the
same time, another 50 were expected by the end of 2008.[30]
As fuel subsidies were gradually removed in Malaysia
starting June 5, 2008, the subsequent 41 percent price hike on petrol and
diesel led to a 500 percent increase in the number of new CNG tanks
installed.[31][32] National car maker Proton considered fitting its Waja, Saga
and Persona models with CNG kits from Prins Autogassystemen by the end of
2008,[33] while a local distributor of locally assembled Hyundai cars offers
new models with CNG kits.[34] Conversion centres, which also benefited from the
rush for lower running costs, also perform partial conversions to existing road
vehicles, allowing them to run on both petrol or diesel and CNG with a cost
varying between RM3,500 to RM5,000 for passenger cars.[31][35]
A CNG powered bus in Beijing. CNG buses in Beijing were
introduced in late 1998.
In China, companies such as Sino-Energy are active in
expanding the footprint of CNG filling stations in medium-size cities across
the interior of the country, where at least two natural gas pipelines are operational.[citation
A CNG powered car being filled in a filling station in
In India, the Delhi government under the order of Supreme
Court in 2004 made it mandatory for all city buses and auto rickshaws to run on
CNG with the intention of reducing air pollution.
The Delhi Transport Corporation operates the world's
largest fleet of CNG powered buses.[36]
In Pakistan in 2012, the federal government announced
plans to gradually phase out CNG over a period of approximately three years
given natural gas shortages which have been negatively affecting the
manufacturing sector.[37] Aside from limiting electricity generation capacity,
gas shortages in Pakistan have also raised the costs of business for key
industries including the fertilizer, cement and textile sectors.[38]
Iran has one of the largest fleets of CNG vehicles and
CNG distribution networks in the world. There are 1800 CNG fueling stations,
with a total of 10352 CNG nozzles. The number of CNG burning vehicles in Iran
is about 2.6 million.[39]
Egypt is amongst the top 10 countries in CNG adoption,
with 128,754 CNG vehicles and 124 CNG fueling stations. Egypt was also the
first nation in Africa and the Middle East to open a public CNG fueling station
in January 1996.[40]
The vast majority 780000 have been produced as dual fuel
vehicles by the auto manufacturer in the last two years, and the remainder have
been converted utilizing after market conversion kits in workshops. There are
750 active refueling stations country wide with an additional 660 refueling
stations under construction and expected to come on stream. Currently the major
problem facing the industry as a whole is the building of refueling stations
that is lagging behind dual fuel vehicle production, forcing many to use petrol
Nigeria CNG started with a pilot project in Benin City
Edo State in 2010 by Green Gas Limited. Green Gas Limited is a Joint Venture
Company of NGC (Nigerian Gas Company Ltd.) & NIPCO PLC. As at October 2012
about seven CNG stations have been built in Benin City Edo State, with about
1,000 cars running on CNG in Benin City Edo state. In Benin City Edo state,
major companies such as Coca-cola are using CNG to power their
fork-lifts/trucks while Edo City Transport Ltd (ECTS) is also running some of
its busus on CNG.
CNG powered bus in Italy
In Italy, there are more than 1173 CNG stations.[41] The
use of methane for vehicles, started in the 1930s and has continued off and on
until today. Since 2008 there have been a large market expansion for natural
gas vehicles (CNG and LPG) caused by the rise of gasoline prices and by the
need to reduce air pollution emissions.[42] Before 1995 the only way to have a
CNG-powered car was by having it retrofitted with an after-market kit. A large
producer was Landi Renzo, Tartarini Auto, Prins Autogassystemen, OMVL,
BiGAs,... and AeB for electronic parts used by the most part of kit producer.
Landi Renzo and Tartarini selling vehicles in Asia and South America. After
1995 bi-fuel cars (gasoline/CNG) became available from several major
manufacturers. Currently Fiat, Opel, Volkswagen, Citroën, Renault, Volvo and
Mercedes sell various car models and small trucks that are gasoline/CNG
powered. Usually CNG parts used by major car manufacturers are actually
produced by automotive aftermarket kit manufacturers, e.g. Fiat use Tartarini
Auto components, Volkswagen use Teleflex GFI[43] and Landi Renzo components.
In Germany, CNG-generated vehicles are expected to
increase to two million units of motor-transport by the year 2020. The cost for
CNG fuel is between 1/3 and 1/2 compared to other fossil fuels in
Europe.[citation needed] in 2008 there are around 800 CNG stations in
Germany[citation needed]
In Portugal there are four CNG refueling stations but
three of them do not sell to the public. Only in Braga, can you find public
access to CNG refueling—at the local city bus station (TUB).[citation needed]
In Turkey, Ankara has 1050 CNG buses.[44]
In Hungary there are four public CNG refueling stations
in the cities Budapest, Szeged, Pécs and Győr. The public transportation
company of Szeged runs buses mainly on CNG.[citation needed]
In Bulgaria, there are 96 CNG refueling stations as of
July 2011. One can be found in most of Bulgaria's big towns.[45] In the capital
Sofia there are 22 CNG stations making it possibly the city with the most
publicly available CNG stations in Europe. There are also quite a few in
Plovdiv, Ruse, Stara Zagora and Veliko Tarnovo as well as in the towns on the
Black Sea – Varna, Burgas, Nesebar and Kavarna. CNG vehicles are becoming more
and more popular in the country. The fuel is mostly used by taxi drivers because
of its much lower price compared to petrol.
In Macedonia, there is one CNG station located in the
capital Skopje, but it is not for public use. Only twenty buses of the local
Public Transport Company have been fitted to use a mixture of diesel and CNG.
The first commercial CNG station in Skopje is in the advanced stage of
development and is expected to start operation in July 2011.[citation needed]
In Serbia, there are four public CNG refuelling stations
in the capital Belgrade and in the towns of Pančevo, Kruševac and
Čačak.[citation needed]
In Slovenia, there is only one public CNG refuelling
station in the capital Ljubljana.[citation needed]
In Croatia, there is only one CNG station situated close
to the center of Zagreb.[46] At least 60 CNG buses are in use as a form of a
public transport (Zagreb public transport services).
In Estonia, there are two public CNG refuelling stations
- one in the country's capital Tallinn and the other one in Tartu.[47] From
2011, Tartu has five Scania manufactured CNG buses operating its inner-city
In Sweden there are currently 90 CNG filling stations
available to the public (as compared to about 10 LPG filling stations),
primarily located in the southern and western parts of the country as well the Mälardalen
region[49] Another 70-80 CNG filling stations are under construction or in a
late stage of planning (completions 2009-2010). Several of the planned filling
stations are located in the northern parts of the country, which will greatly
improve the infrastructure for CNG car users.[50] There are approx. 14,500 CNG
vehicles in Sweden (2007), of which approx. 13,500 are passenger cars and the
remainder includes buses and trucks.[51] In Stockholm, the public
transportation company SL currently operates 50 CNG buses but have a capacity
to operate 500.[52] The Swedish government recently prolonged its subsidies for
the development of CNG filling stations, from 2009-12-31 to 2010-12-31.[53]
In Spain the EMT Madrid bus service use CNG motors in 672
regular buses. Is rare to see another kind of CNG vehicle, and there are no CNG
refueling stations.[citation needed]
As of 2013, there are 47 public CNG filling stations in
the Czech Republic, mainly in the big cities.[54] Local bus manufacturers SOR
Libchavy and Tedom produce CNG versions of their vehicles, with roof-mounted
North America[edit]
The Honda Civic GX is factory-built to run on CNG and it
is available in several U.S. regional markets.
Buses powered with CNG are common in the United States such
as the New Flyer Industries C40LF bus shown here.
Natural gas has been used as a motor fuel in Canada for
over 20 years.[55] With assistance from federal and provincial research
programs, demonstration projects and NGV market deployment programs during the
1980s and 1990s, the population of light-duty NGVs grew to over 35,000 by the
early 1990s. This assistance resulted in a significant adoption of natural gas
transit buses as well.[56]
The NGV market started to decline after 1995, eventually
reaching today’s vehicle population of about 12,000.[56]
This figure includes 150 urban transit buses, 45 school
buses, 9,450 light-duty cars and trucks, and 2,400 forklifts and
ice-resurfacers. The total fuel use in all NGV markets in Canada was 1.9 PJs
(petajoules) in 2007 (or 54.6 million litres of gasoline litres equivalent),
down from 2.6 PJs in 1997. Public CNG refuelling stations have declined in
quantity from 134 in 1997 to 72 today. There are 22 in British Columbia, 12 in
Alberta, 10 in Saskatchewan, 27 in Ontario and two in Québec. There are only 12
private fleet stations.[17]
Canadian industry has developed CNG-fueled truck and bus
engines, CNG-fueled transit buses, and light trucks and taxis.
Fuelmaker Corporation of Toronto, the Honda-owned
manufacturer of CNG auto refueling units, was forced into bankruptcy by parent
Honda USA for an unspecified reason in 2009.[57] The various assets of
Fuelmaker were subsequently acquired by Fuel Systems Corporation of Santa Ana,
United States[edit]
Similar to Canada, the United States has implemented various
NGV initiatives and programs since 1980, but has had limited success in
sustaining the market. There were 105,000 NGVs in operation in 2000; this
figure peaked at 121,000 in 2004, and decreased to 110,000 in 2009.[58]
In the United States, federal tax credits are available
for buying a new CNG vehicle. Use of CNG varies from state to state; only 34
states have at least one CNG fueling site.[59]
In Athens, Ala., the city and its Gas Department
installed a public CNG station on the Interstate 65 Corridor, making it the
only public CNG station between Birmingham and Nashville as of February 2014.
The city's larger fleet vehicles such as garbage trucks also use this public
station for fueling. The city also has two slow-fill non-public CNG stations for
its fleet. Athens has added CNG/gasoline Tahoes for police and fire, a CNG
Honda Civic, CNG Heil garbage trucks, and CNG/gasoline Dodge pickup trucks to
its fleet.
In California, CNG is used extensively in local city and
county fleets, as well as public transportation (city/school buses). There are
90 public fueling stations in southern California alone, and travel from San
Diego so the Bay Area to Las Vegas and Utah is routine with the advent of
online station maps such as www.cngprices.com. Compressed natural gas is
typically available for 30-60 percent less than the cost of gasoline in much of
The 28 buses running the Gwinnett County Transit local
routes run on 100 percent CNG. Additionally, about half of the Georgia Regional
Transportation Authority express fleet, which runs and refuels out of the
Gwinnett County Transit facility, uses CNG.[60]
The Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority was
running 360 CNG buses as early as in 2007, and is the largest user in the
The Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) of New
York City currently has over 900 buses powered by compressed natural gas with
CNG bus depots located in Brooklyn, The Bronx and Queens.
The Nassau Inter-County Express (or NICE Bus) runs a 100%
Orion CNG-fueled bus fleet for fixed route service consisting of 360 buses for
service in Nassau County, parts of Queens, New York, and the western sections
of Suffolk County.
The City of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania has switched some of
the city's vehicles to compressed natural gas in an effort to save money on
fuel costs. Trucks used by the city's street and water, sewer and gas
departments have been converted from gasoline to CNG.[62]
Personal use of CNG is a small niche market currently,
though with current tax incentives and a growing number of public fueling
stations available, it is experiencing unprecedented growth. The state of Utah
offers a subsidised statewide network of CNG filling stations at a rate of
$1.57/gge,[63] while gasoline is above $4.00/gal. Elsewhere in the nation,
retail prices average around $2.50/gge, with home refueling units compressing
gas from residential gas lines for under $1/gge. Other than aftermarket
conversions, and government used vehicle auctions, the only currently[when?]
produced CNG vehicle in the United States is the Honda Civic GX sedan, which is
made in limited numbers and available only in states with retail fueling
An initiative, known as Pickens Plan, calls for the
expansion of the use of CNG as a standard fuel for heavy vehicles has been
recently started by oilman and entrepreneur T. Boone Pickens. California voters
defeated Proposition 10 in the 2008 General Election by a significant (59.8
percent to 40.2 percent) margin. Proposition 10 was a $5 billion bond measure that,
among other things, would have given rebates to state residents that purchase
CNG vehicles.
On February 21, 2013, T. Boone Pickens and New York
Mayor, Michael Bloomberg unveiled a CNG powered mobile pizzeria. The company,
Neapolitan Express uses alternative energy to run the truck as well as 100
percent recycled and compostable materials for their carryout boxes.[64]
Congress has encouraged conversion of cars to CNG with a
tax credits of up to 50 percent of the auto conversion cost and the CNG home
filling station cost. However, while CNG is much cleaner fuel, the conversion
requires a type certificate from the EPA. Meeting the requirements of a type
certificate can cost up to $50,000. Other non-EPA approved kits are available.
A complete and safe aftermarket conversion using a non-EPA approved kit can be
achieved for as little as $400 without the cylinder.[65]
K230UB CNG bus currently used as part of the "Scania
Koala CNG Bus Trial" at ACTION in Canberra.
During the 1970s and 1980s, CNG was commonly used in New
Zealand in the wake of the oil crises, but fell into decline after petrol
prices receded. At the peak of natural gas use, 10 percent of New Zealand's
cars were converted, around 110,000 vehicles.[66]
A Mercedes-Benz OC500LE (with Custom Coaches bodywork)
running on CNG, operated by Sydney Buses in Sydney, Australia.
Brisbane Transport in Australia has adopted a policy of
purchasing only CNG buses in future. Brisbane Transport has 215 Scania L94UB
and 324 MAN 18.310 models as well as 30 MAN NG 313 articulated CNG buses. The
State Transit Authority of New South Wales (operating under the name
"Sydney Buses") operates 100 Scania L113CRB buses, 299 Mercedes-Benz
O405NH buses and 254 Euro 5-compliant Mercedes-Benz OC500LE buses.[67]
In the 1990s Benders Busways of Geelong, Victoria
trialled CNG buses for the Energy Research and Development Corporation.[68]
Martin Ferguson, Ollie Clark and Noel Childs featured on
ABC 7.30 Report raised the issue of CNG as an overlooked transport fuel option
in Australia, highlighting the large volumes of LNG currently being exported
from the North West Shelf in light of the cost of importing crude oil to
AT&T ordered 1,200 CNG-powered cargo vans from
General Motors in 2012. It is the largest-ever order of CNG vehicles from
General Motors to date.[70] AT&T has announced its intention to invest up
to $565 million to deploy approximately 15,000 alternative fuel vehicles over a
10-year period through 2018, will use the vans to provide and maintain
communications, high-speed Internet and television services for AT&T customers.[71]
DNG, or diesel natural gas, is a retrofit system which
can be installed on trucks. It mixes diesel fuel with up to 70 percent natural
Liquefied natural gas
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Not to be confused with Natural gas processing or Liquefied
petroleum gas.
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Liquefied natural gas (LNG) is natural gas (predominantly
methane, CH4) that has been converted to liquid form for ease of storage or
transport. It takes up about 1/600th the volume of natural gas in the gaseous
state. It is odorless, colorless, non-toxic and non-corrosive. Hazards include flammability
after vaporization into a gaseous state, freezing and asphyxia. The
liquefaction process involves removal of certain components, such as dust, acid
gases, helium, water, and heavy hydrocarbons, which could cause difficulty
downstream. The natural gas is then condensed into a liquid at close to
atmospheric pressure by cooling it to approximately −162 °C (−260 °F); maximum
transport pressure is set at around 25 kPa (4 psi).
A typical LNG process. The gas is first extracted and
transported to a processing plant where it is purified by removing any
condensates such as water, oil, mud, as well as other gases such as CO2 and
H2S. An LNG process train will also typically be designed to remove trace
amounts of mercury from the gas stream to prevent mercury amalgamizing with
aluminium in the cryogenic heat exchangers. The gas is then cooled down in
stages until it is liquefied. LNG is finally stored in storage tanks and can be
loaded and shipped.
LNG achieves a higher reduction in volume than compressed
natural gas (CNG) so that the (volumetric) energy density of LNG is 2.4 times
greater than that of CNG or 60 percent of that of diesel fuel.[1] This makes
LNG cost efficient to transport over long distances where pipelines do not
exist. Specially designed cryogenic sea vessels (LNG carriers) or cryogenic
road tankers are used for its transport. LNG is principally used for
transporting natural gas to markets, where it is regasified and distributed as
pipeline natural gas. It can be used in natural gas vehicles, although it is
more common to design vehicles to use compressed natural gas. Its relatively
high cost of production and the need to store it in expensive cryogenic tanks
have hindered widespread commercial use.
Contents [hide]
1 Energy density and other physical properties
2 History [5]
3 Production
3.1 LNG plant production
3.2 World total production
4 Commercial aspects
4.1 Global Trade
4.2 Use of LNG to fuel large over the road trucks
5 Trade
5.1 Imports
5.2 Cargo diversion
5.3 Cost of LNG plants
5.3.1 Small-scale liquefaction plants
6 LNG pricing
6.1 Oil parity
6.2 S-curve
6.2.1 JCC and ICP
6.2.2 Brent and other energy carriers
6.3 Price review
7 Quality of LNG
8 Liquefaction technology
8.1 Storage
8.2 Transportation
8.2.1 Terminals
8.3 Refrigeration
9 Environmental concerns
9.1 Safety and accidents
10 See also
11 References
12 Other sources
13 References
14 External links
Energy density and other physical properties[edit]
The heating value depends on the source of gas that is
used and the process that is used to liquefy the gas. The range of heating
value can span +/- 10 to 15 percent. A typical value of the higher heating
value of LNG is approximately 50 MJ/kg or 21,500 Btu/lb.[2] A typical value of
the lower heating value of LNG is 45 MJ/kg or 19,350 BTU/lb.
For the purpose of comparison of different fuels the
heating value may be expressed in terms of energy per volume which is known as
the energy density expressed in MJ/liter. The density of LNG is roughly 0.41
kg/liter to 0.5 kg/liter, depending on temperature, pressure, and
composition,[3] compared to water at 1.0 kg/liter. Using the median value of
0.45 kg/liter, the typical energy density values are 22.5 MJ/liter (based on
higher heating value) or 20.3 MJ/liter (based on lower heating value).
The (volume-based) energy density of LNG is approximately
2.4 times greater than that of CNG which makes it economical to transport
natural gas by ship in the form of LNG. The energy density of LNG is comparable
to propane and ethanol but is only 60 percent that of diesel and 70 percent
that of gasoline.[4]
History [5][edit]
Experiments on the properties of gases started early in
the seventeenth century. By the middle of the seventeenth century Robert Boyle
had derived the inverse relationship between the pressure and the volume of
gases. About the same time, Guillaume Amontons started looking into temperature
effects on gas. Various gas experiments continued for the next 200 years.
During that time there were efforts to liquefy gases. Many new facts on the
nature of gases had been discovered. For example, early in the nineteenth
century Cagniard de la Tours had shown there was a temperature above which a
gas could not be liquefied. There was a major push in the mid to late
nineteenth century to liquefy all gases. A number of scientists including
Michael Faraday, James Joule, and William Thomson (Lord Kelvin), did
experiments in this area. In 1886 Karol Olszewski liquefied methane, the
primary constituent of natural gas. By 1900 all gases had been liquefied except
helium which was liquefied in 1908.
The first large scale liquefaction of natural gas in this
country was in 1918 when the U.S. government liquefied natural gas as a way to
extract helium, which is a small component of some natural gas. This helium was
intended for use in British dirigibles for World War I. The liquid natural gas
(LNG) was not stored, but regasified and immediately put into the gas mains.
The key patents having to do with natural gas
liquefaction were in 1915 and the mid-1930s. In 1915 Godfrey Cabot patented a
method for storing liquid gases at very low temperatures. It consisted of a
Thermos bottle type design which included a cold inner tank within an outer
tank; the tanks being separated by insulation. In 1937 Lee Twomey received
patents for a process for large scale liquefaction of natural gas. The intention
was to store natural gas as a liquid so it could be used for shaving peak
energy loads during cold snaps. Because of large volumes it is not practical to
store natural gas, as a gas, near atmospheric pressure. However, if it can be
liquefied it can be stored in a volume 600 times smaller. This is a practical
way to store it but the gas must be stored at -260 °F.
There are basically two processes for liquefying natural
gas in large quantities. One is a cascade process in which the natural gas is
cooled by another gas which in turn has been cooled by still another gas, hence
a cascade. There are usually two cascade cycles prior to the liquid natural gas
cycle. The other method is the Linde process. (A variation of the Linde
process, called the Claude process, is sometimes used.) In this process the gas
is cooled regeneratively by continually passing it through an orifice until it
is cooled to temperatures at which it liquefies. The cooling of gas by
expanding it through an orifice was developed by James Joule and William
Thomson and is known as the Joule-Thomson effect. Lee Twomey used the cascade
process for his patents.
The East Ohio Gas Company built a full-scale commercial
liquid natural gas (LNG) plant in Cleveland, Ohio, in 1940 just after a successful
pilot plant built by its sister company, Hope Natural Gas Company of West
Virginia. This was the first such plant in the world. Originally it had three
spheres, approximately 63 feet in diameter containing LNG at -260 °F. Each
sphere held the equivalent of about 50 million cubic feet of natural gas. A
fourth tank, a cylinder, was added in 1942. It had an equivalent capacity of
100 million cubic feet of gas. The plant operated successfully for three years.
The stored gas was regasified and put into the mains when cold snaps hit and
extra capacity was needed. This precluded the denial of gas to some customers
during a cold snap.
The plant failed on October 20, 1944 when the cylindrical
tank ruptured spilling thousands of gallons of LNG over the plant and nearby
neighborhood. The gas evaporated and caught fire, which caused 130 fatalities.
The fire delayed further implementation of LNG facilities for several years.
However, over the next 15 years new research on low-temperature alloys, and
better insulation materials, set the stage for a revival of the industry. It
restarted in 1959 when a U.S. World War II Liberty ship, the Methane Pioneer,
converted to carry LNG, made a delivery of LNG from the U.S. Gulf coast to
energy starved Great Britain. In June 1964, the world's first purpose-built LNG
carrier, the "Methane Princess" entered service.[6] Soon after that a
large natural gas field was discovered in Algeria. International trade in LNG
quickly followed as LNG was shipped to France and Great Britain from the
Algerian fields. One more important attribute of LNG had now been exploited.
Once natural gas was liquefied it could not only be stored more easily, but it
could be transported. Thus energy could now be shipped over the oceans via LNG
the same way it was shipped by oil.
The domestic LNG industry restarted in 1965 when a series
of new plants were built in the U.S. The building continued through the 1970s.
These plants were not only used for peak-shaving, as in Cleveland, but also for
base-load supplies for places that never had natural gas prior to this. A
number of import facilities were built on the East Coast in anticipation of the
need to import energy via LNG. However, a recent boom in U.S. natural
production (2010-2014), enabled by the new hydraulic fracturing technique
(“fracking”), has many of these import facilities being considered as export
facilities. The U.S. Energy Information Administration predicts, with present
knowledge, that the U.S. will become an LNG exporting country in the next few
The natural gas fed into the LNG plant will be treated to
remove water, hydrogen sulfide, carbon dioxide and other components that will
freeze (e.g., benzene) under the low temperatures needed for storage or be
destructive to the liquefaction facility. LNG typically contains more than 90
percent methane. It also contains small amounts of ethane, propane, butane,
some heavier alkanes, and nitrogen. The purification process can be designed to
give almost 100 percent methane. One of the risks of LNG is a rapid phase
transition explosion (RPT), which occurs when cold LNG comes into contact with
The most important infrastructure needed for LNG
production and transportation is an LNG plant consisting of one or more LNG
trains, each of which is an independent unit for gas liquefaction. The largest
LNG train now in operation is in Qatar. These facilities recently reached a
safety milestone, completing 12 years of operations on its offshore facilities
without a Lost Time Incident.[8] Until recently it was the Train 4 of Atlantic
LNG in Trinidad and Tobago with a production capacity of 5.2 million metric ton
per annum (mmtpa),[9] followed by the SEGAS LNG plant in Egypt with a capacity
of 5 mmtpa. In July 2014, Atlantic LNG celebrated its 3000th cargo of LNG at
the company’s liquefaction facility in Trinidad.[10] The Qatargas II plant has
a production capacity of 7.8 mmtpa for each of its two trains. LNG sourced from
Qatargas II will be supplied to Kuwait, following the signing of an agreement
in May 2014 between Qatar Liquefied Gas Company and Kuwait Petroleum Corp.[10]
LNG is loaded onto ships and delivered to a regasification terminal, where the
LNG is allowed to expand and reconvert into gas. Regasification terminals are
usually connected to a storage and pipeline distribution network to distribute
natural gas to local distribution companies (LDCs) or independent power plants
LNG plant production[edit]
Information for the following table is derived in part
from publication by the U.S. Energy Information Administration.[11]
Plant Name Location Country Startup
Date Capacity (mmtpa) Corporation
Qatargas II Ras
Laffan Qatar 2009 7.8
Arzew GL4Z Algeria 1964 0.90
Arzew GL1Z Algeria 1978
Arzew GL1Z Algeria 1997 7.9
Skikda GL1K Algeria 1972
Skikda GL1K Algeria 1981
Skikda GL1K Algeria 1999 6.0
Angola LNG Soyo Angola 2013 5.2 Chevron
Lumut 1 Brunei 1972 7.2
Badak NGL A-B Bontang Indonesia 1977 4 Pertamina
Badak NGL C-D Bontang Indonesia 1986 4.5 Pertamina
Badak NGL E Bontang Indonesia 1989 3.5 Pertamina
Badak NGL F Bontang Indonesia 1993 3.5 Pertamina
Badak NGL G Bontang Indonesia 1998 3.5 Pertamina
Badak NGL H Bontang Indonesia 1999 3.7 Pertamina
Donggi Senoro LNG Luwuk Indonesia 2014 2.2 Mitsubishi
Sengkang LNG Sengkang Indonesia 2014 5 Energy
World Corp.
Atlantic LNG Point
Fortin Trinidad and Tobago 1999 Atlantic
[Atlantic LNG] [Point
Fortin] Trinidad and Tobago 2003 9.9 Atlantic LNG
Damietta Egypt 2004 5.5 Segas LNG
Idku Egypt 2005 7.2
Bintulu MLNG 1 Malaysia 1983 7.6
Bintulu MLNG 2 Malaysia 1994 7.8
Bintulu MLNG 3 Malaysia 2003 3.4
Nigeria LNG Nigeria 1999 23.5
Northwest Shelf Venture Karratha Australia 2009 16.3
Withnell Bay Karratha Australia 1989
Withnell Bay Karratha Australia 1995 (7.7)
Sakhalin II Russia 2009 9.6.[12]
Yemen LNG Balhaf Yemen 2008 6.7
Tangguh LNG Project Papua
Barat Indonesia 2009 7.6
Qatargas I Ras
Laffan Qatar 1996 (4.0)
Qatargas I Ras
Laffan Qatar 2005 10.0
Qatargas III Qatar 2010 7.8
Rasgas I, II and III Ras
Laffan Qatar 1999 36.3
Qalhat Oman 2000 7.3
Das Island I United
Arab Emirates 1977
Das Island I and II United
Arab Emirates 1994 5.7
Melkøya Hammerfest Norway 2007 4.2 Statoil
Equatorial Guinea 2007 3.4 Marathon
World total production[edit]
Global LNG import trends, by volume (in red), and as a
percentage of global natural gas imports (in black) (US EIA data)
Trends in the top five LNG-importing nations as of 2009
(US EIA data)
Year Capacity (Mtpa) Notes
1990 50[13]
2002 130[14]
2007 160[13]
The LNG industry developed slowly during the second half
of the last century because most LNG plants are located in remote areas not
served by pipelines, and because of the large costs to treat and transport LNG.
Constructing an LNG plant costs at least $1.5 billion per 1 mmtpa capacity, a
receiving terminal costs $1 billion per 1 bcf/day throughput capacity and LNG
vessels cost $200 million–$300 million.
In the early 2000s, prices for constructing LNG plants,
receiving terminals and vessels fell as new technologies emerged and more
players invested in liquefaction and regasification. This tended to make LNG
more competitive as a means of energy distribution, but increasing material
costs and demand for construction contractors have put upward pressure on
prices in the last few years. The standard price for a 125,000 cubic meter LNG
vessel built in European and Japanese shipyards used to be USD 250 million.
When Korean and Chinese shipyards entered the race, increased competition
reduced profit margins and improved efficiency—reducing costs by 60 percent.
Costs in US dollars also declined due to the devaluation of the currencies of
the world's largest shipbuilders: the Japanese yen and Korean won.
Since 2004, the large number of orders increased demand
for shipyard slots, raising their price and increasing ship costs. The per-ton
construction cost of an LNG liquefaction plant fell steadily from the 1970s
through the 1990s. The cost reduced by approximately 35 percent. However, recently
the cost of building liquefaction and regasification terminals doubled due to
increased cost of materials and a shortage of skilled labor, professional
engineers, designers, managers and other white-collar professionals.
Due to energy shortage concerns, many new LNG terminals
are being contemplated in the United States. Concerns about the safety of such
facilities created controversy in some regions where they were proposed. One
such location is in the Long Island Sound between Connecticut and Long Island.
Broadwater Energy, an effort of TransCanada Corp. and Shell, wishes to build an
LNG terminal in the sound on the New York side. Local politicians including the
Suffolk County Executive raised questions about the terminal. In 2005, New York
Senators Chuck Schumer and Hillary Clinton also announced their opposition to
the project.[15] Several terminal proposals along the coast of Maine were also
met with high levels of resistance and questions. On Sep. 13, the U.S.
Department of Energy approved Dominion Cove Point's application to export up to
770 million cubic feet per day of LNG to countries that do not have a free
trade agreement with the U.S.[16] In May 2014, the FERC concluded its
environmental assessment of the Cove Point LNG project, which found that the
proposed natural gas export project could be built and operated safely.[17]
Another LNG terminal is currently proposed for Elba Island, Ga.[18] Plans for
three LNG export terminals in the U.S. Gulf Coast region have also received
conditional Federal approval.[16][19] In Canada, an LNG export terminal is
under construction near Guysborough, Nova Scotia.[20]
Commercial aspects[edit]
Global Trade[edit]
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In the commercial development of an LNG value chain, LNG
suppliers first confirm sales to the downstream buyers and then sign long-term
contracts (typically 20–25 years) with strict terms and structures for gas
pricing. Only when the customers are confirmed and the development of a
greenfield project deemed economically feasible, could the sponsors of an LNG
project invest in their development and operation. Thus, the LNG liquefaction
business has been limited to players with strong financial and political
resources. Major international oil companies (IOCs) such as ExxonMobil, Royal
Dutch Shell, BP, BG Group, Chevron, and national oil companies (NOCs) such as
Pertamina and Petronas are active players.
LNG is shipped around the world in specially constructed
seagoing vessels. The trade of LNG is completed by signing an SPA (sale and
purchase agreement) between a supplier and receiving terminal, and by signing a
GSA (gas sale agreement) between a receiving terminal and end-users. Most of
the contract terms used to be DES or ex ship, holding the seller responsible
for the transport of the gas. With low shipbuilding costs, and the buyers
preferring to ensure reliable and stable supply, however, contract with the
term of FOB increased. Under such term, the buyer, who often owns a vessel or
signs a long-term charter agreement with independent carriers, is responsible
for the transport.
LNG purchasing agreements used to be for a long term with
relatively little flexibility both in price and volume. If the annual contract
quantity is confirmed, the buyer is obliged to take and pay for the product, or
pay for it even if not taken, in what is referred to as the obligation of
take-or-pay contract (TOP).
In the mid-1990s, LNG was a buyer's market. At the
request of buyers, the SPAs began to adopt some flexibilities on volume and
price. The buyers had more upward and downward flexibilities in TOP, and
short-term SPAs less than 16 years came into effect. At the same time,
alternative destinations for cargo and arbitrage were also allowed. By the turn
of the 21st century, the market was again in favor of sellers. However, sellers
have become more sophisticated and are now proposing sharing of arbitrage
opportunities and moving away from S-curve pricing. There has been much
discussion regarding the creation of an "OGEC" as a natural gas
equivalent of OPEC. Russia and Qatar, countries with the largest and the third
largest natural gas reserves in the world, have finally supported such
move.[citation needed]
Until 2003, LNG prices have closely followed oil prices.
Since then, LNG prices in Europe and Japan have been lower than oil prices,
although the link between LNG and oil is still strong. In contrast, prices in
the US and the UK have recently skyrocketed, then fallen as a result of changes
in supply and storage.[citation needed] In late 1990s and in early 2000s, the
market shifted for buyers, but since 2003 and 2004, it has been a strong
seller's market, with net-back as the best estimation for prices.[citation
Research from QNB Group in 2014 shows that robust global
demand is likely to keep LNG prices high for at least the next few years.[21]
The current surge in unconventional oil and gas in the
U.S. has resulted in lower gas prices in the U.S. This has led to discussions
in Asia' oil linked gas markets to import gas based on Henry Hub index.[22]
Recent high level conference in Vancouver, the Pacific Energy Summit 2013
Pacific Energy Summit 2013 convened policy makers and experts from Asia and the
U.S. to discuss LNG trade relations between these regions.
Receiving terminals exist in about 18 countries,
including India, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, China, Greece, Belgium, Spain, Italy,
France, the UK, the US, Chile, and the Dominican Republic, among others. Plans
exist for Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay, Canada, Ukraine and others to also
construct new receiving (gasification) terminals.
Use of LNG to fuel large over the road trucks[edit]
LNG is in the early stages of becoming a mainstream fuel
for transportation needs. It is being evaluated and tested for over-the-road
trucking,[23] off-road,[24] marine, and train applications.[25] There are known
problems with the fuel tanks and delivery of gas to the engine,[26] but despite
these concerns the move to LNG as a transportation fuel has begun.
In the United States the beginnings of a public LNG
Fueling capability is being put in place. An alternative fuel fueling center
tracking site shows 56 public truck LNG fuel centers as of July 2014.[27] The
2013 National Trucker's Directory lists approximately 7,000 truckstops,[28]
thus approximately 1% of US truckstops have LNG available as of July 2014.
In May 2013 Dillon Transport announced they were putting
25 LNG large trucks into service in Dallas Texas. They are refueling at a
public LNG fuel center.[29]
In Oct 2013 Raven Transportation announced they were
buying 36 LNG large trucks to be fueled by Clean Energy Fuels locations.[30]
In fall 2013, Lowe's finished converting one of its
dedicated fleets to LNG fueled trucks.[31]
UPS is planning to have over 900 LNG fueled trucks on the
roads by the end of 2014.[32] UPS has 16,000 tractor trucks in its fleet and
will be buying more LNG vehicles next year. 60 of the new for 2014 large trucks
will be placed in service in the Houston, Texas area alone where UPS is
building its own private LNG fuel center despite the availability of retail LNG
capability. They state they need their own LNG fueling capacity to avoid the
lines at a retail fuel center. UPS states the NGVs (natural gas vehicles) are
no longer in the testing phase for them, they are vehicles they depend on.[33]
In other cities such as Amarillo, Texas and Oklahoma City, Oklahoma they are
using public fuel centers.[34]
Clean Energy Fuels has opened several public LNG Fuel
Lanes along I-10 and claims that as of June 2014 LNG fueled trucks can use the
route from Los Angeles, California to Houston, Texas by refueling exclusively
at Clean Energy Fuels public facilities.[35]
In the spring of 2014 Shell and Travel Centers of America
opened the first of a planned network of U.S. truck stop LNG stations in
Ontario, California.[36] Per the alternative fuel fueling center tracking site
there are 9 LNG capable public fuel stations in the greater Los Angeles area,
making it the single most penetrated metro market.
As of August 2014, Blu LNG has at least 18 operational
LNG capable fuel centers across 8 states.[37]
Clean Energy maintains a list of their existing and
planned LNG fuel centers.[38] As of July 2014 they had 30 operational public
LNG facilities.
In 1970, global LNG trade was of 3 billion cubic metres
(bcm).[39] In 2011, it was 331 bcm.[39]
In 2004, LNG accounted for 7 percent of the world’s
natural gas demand.[40] The global trade in LNG, which has increased at a rate
of 7.4 percent per year over the decade from 1995 to 2005, is expected to
continue to grow substantially.[41] LNG trade is expected to increase at 6.7
percent per year from 2005 to 2020.[41]
Until the mid-1990s, LNG demand was heavily concentrated
in Northeast Asia: Japan, South Korea and Taiwan. At the same time, Pacific
Basin supplies dominated world LNG trade.[41] The world-wide interest in using
natural gas-fired combined cycle generating units for electric power
generation, coupled with the inability of North American and North Sea natural
gas supplies to meet the growing demand, substantially broadened the regional
markets for LNG. It also brought new Atlantic Basin and Middle East suppliers into
the trade.[41]
By the end of 2011, there were 18 LNG exporting countries
and 25 LNG importing countries. The three biggest LNG exporters in 2011 were
Qatar (75.5 MT), Malaysia (25 MT) and Indonesia (21.4 MT). The three biggest
LNG importers in 2011 were Japan (78.8 MT), South Korea (35 MT) and UK (18.6
MT).[42] LNG trade volumes increased from 140 MT in 2005 to 158 MT in 2006, 165
MT in 2007, 172 MT in 2008.[43] IT was forecasted to be increased to about 200
MT in 2009, and about 300 MT in 2012. During the next several years there would
be significant increase in volume of LNG Trade: about 82 MTPA of new LNG supply
will come to the market between 2009 and 2011. For example, about 59 MTPA of
new LNG supply from six new plants comes to the market just in 2009, including:
Northwest Shelf Train 5: 4.4 MTPA
Sakhalin II: 9.6 MTPA
Yemen LNG: 6.7 MTPA
Tangguh: 7.6 MTPA
Qatargas: 15.6 MTPA
Rasgas Qatar: 15.6 MTPA
In 2006, Qatar became the world's biggest exporter of
LNG.[39] As of 2012, Qatar is the source of 25 percent of the world's LNG
Investments in U.S. export facilities were increasing by
2013—such as the plant being built in Hackberry, Louisiana by Sempra Energy.
These investments were spurred by increasing shale gas production in the United
States and a large price differential between natural gas prices in the U.S.
and those in Europe and Asia. However, general exports had not yet been
authorized by the United States Department of Energy because the United States
had only recently moved from an importer to self-sufficiency status. When U.S.
exports are authorized, large demand for LNG in Asia was expected to mitigate
price decreases due to increased supplies from the U.S.[44]
In 1964, the UK and France made the first LNG trade,
buying gas from Algeria, witnessing a new era of energy.
Today, only 19 countries export LNG.[39]
Compared with the crude oil market, the natural gas
market is about 60 percent of the crude oil market (measured on a heat
equivalent basis), of which LNG forms a small but rapidly growing part. Much of
this growth is driven by the need for clean fuel and some substitution effect
due to the high price of oil (primarily in the heating and electricity
generation sectors).
Japan, South Korea, Spain, France, Italy and Taiwan
import large volumes of LNG due to their shortage of energy. In 2005, Japan
imported 58.6 million tons of LNG, representing some 30 percent of the LNG
trade around the world that year. Also in 2005, South Korea imported 22.1
million tons, and in 2004 Taiwan imported 6.8 million tons. These three major
buyers purchase approximately two-thirds of the world's LNG demand. In
addition, Spain imported some 8.2 mmtpa in 2006, making it the third largest
importer. France also imported similar quantities as Spain.[citation needed]
Following the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster in March 2011 Japan became a
major importer accounting for one third of the total.[44] European LNG imports
fell by 30 percent in 2012, and are expected to fall further by 24 percent in
2013, as South American and Asian importers pay more.[45]
Cargo diversion[edit]
Based on the LNG SPAs, LNG is destined for pre-agreed
destinations, and diversion of that LNG is not allowed. However if Seller and
Buyer make a mutual agreement, then the diversion of the cargo is
permitted—subject to sharing the additional profit created by such a diversion.
In the European Union and some other jurisdictions, it is not permitted to
apply the profit-sharing clause in LNG SPAs.
Cost of LNG plants[edit]
For an extended period of time, design improvements in
liquefaction plants and tankers had the effect of reducing costs.
In the 1980s, the cost of building an LNG liquefaction
plant cost $350 per tpa (tonne per year). In 2000s, it was $200/tpa. In 2012,
the costs can go as high as $1,000/tpa, partly due to the increase in the price
of steel.[39]
As recently as 2003, it was common to assume that this
was a “learning curve” effect and would continue into the future. But this
perception of steadily falling costs for LNG has been dashed in the last
several years.[41]
The construction cost of greenfield LNG projects started
to skyrocket from 2004 afterward and has increased from about $400 per ton per
year of capacity to $1,000 per ton per year of capacity in 2008.
The main reasons for skyrocketed costs in LNG industry
can be described as follows:
Low availability of EPC contractors as result of
extraordinary high level of ongoing petroleum projects world wide.[12]
High raw material prices as result of surge in demand for
raw materials.
Lack of skilled and experienced workforce in LNG
Devaluation of US dollar.
The 2007–2008 global financial crisis caused a general
decline in raw material and equipment prices, which somewhat lessened the
construction cost of LNG plants. However, by 2012 this was more than offset by
increasing demand for materials and labor for the LNG market.
Small-scale liquefaction plants[edit]
Small-scale liquefaction plants are advantageous because
their compact size enables the production of LNG close to the location where it
will be used. This proximity decreases transportation and LNG product costs for
consumers. It also avoids the additional greenhouse gas emissions generated
during long transportation.
The small-scale LNG plant also allows localized
peakshaving to occur—balancing the availability of natural gas during high and
low periods of demand. It also makes it possible for communities without access
to natural gas pipelines to install local distribution systems and have them
supplied with stored LNG.[46]
LNG pricing[edit]
There are three major pricing systems in the current LNG
Oil indexed contract used primarily in Japan, Korea,
Taiwan and China;
Oil, oil products and other energy carriers indexed
contracts used primarily in Continental Europe;[47] and
Market indexed contracts used in the US and the UK.;
The formula for an indexed price is as follows:
CP = BP + β X
BP: constant part or base price
β: gradient
X: indexation
The formula has been widely used in Asian LNG SPAs, where
base price refers to a term that represents various non-oil factors, but
usually a constant determined by negotiation at a level which can prevent LNG
prices from falling below a certain level. It thus varies regardless of oil
price fluctuation.
Oil parity[edit]
Oil parity is the LNG price that would be equal to that
of crude oil on a Barrel of oil equivalent basis. If the LNG price exceeds the
price of crude oil in BOE terms, then the situation is called broken oil
parity. A coefficient of 0.1724 results in full oil parity. In most cases the
price of LNG is less the price of crude oil in BOE terms. In 2009, in several
spot cargo deals especially in East Asia, oil parity approached the full oil
parity or even exceeds oil parity.[48]
Many formulae include an S-curve, where the price formula
is different above and below a certain oil price, to dampen the impact of high
oil prices on the buyer, and low oil prices on the seller.
JCC and ICP[edit]
In most of the East Asian LNG contracts, price formula is
indexed to a basket of crude imported to Japan called the Japan Crude Cocktail
(JCC). In Indonesian LNG contracts, price formula is linked to Indonesian Crude
Price (ICP).
Brent and other energy carriers[edit]
In continental Europe, the price formula indexation does
not follow the same format, and it varies from contract to contract. Brent
crude price (B), heavy fuel oil price (HFO), light fuel oil price (LFO), gas
oil price (GO), coal price, electricity price and in some cases, consumer and
producer price indexes are the indexation elements of price formulas.
Price review[edit]
Usually there exists a clause allowing parties to trigger
the price revision or price reopening in LNG SPAs. In some contracts there are
two options for triggering a price revision. regular and special. Regular ones
are the dates that will be agreed and defined in the LNG SPAs for the purpose
of price review.
Quality of LNG[edit]
LNG quality is one of the most important issues in the
LNG business. Any gas which does not conform to the agreed specifications in
the sale and purchase agreement is regarded as “off-specification” (off-spec)
or “off-quality” gas or LNG. Quality regulations serve three purposes:[49]
1 - to ensure that the gas distributed is non-corrosive
and non-toxic, below the upper limits for H2S, total sulphur, CO2 and Hg
2 - to guard against the formation of liquids or hydrates
in the networks, through maximum water and hydrocarbon dewpoints;
3 - to allow interchangeability of the gases distributed,
via limits on the variation range for parameters affecting combustion: content
of inert gases, calorific value, Wobbe index, Soot Index, Incomplete Combustion
Factor, Yellow Tip Index, etc.
In the case of off-spec gas or LNG the buyer can refuse
to accept the gas or LNG and the seller has to pay liquidated damages for the
respective off-spec gas volumes.
The quality of gas or LNG is measured at delivery point
by using an instrument such as a gas chromatograph.
The most important gas quality concerns involve the
sulphur and mercury content and the calorific value. Due to the sensitivity of
liquefaction facilities to sulfur and mercury elements, the gas being sent to
the liquefaction process shall be accurately refined and tested in order to
assure the minimum possible concentration of these two elements before entering
the liquefaction plant, hence there is not much concern about them.
However, the main concern is the heating value of gas.
Usually natural gas markets can be divided in three markets in terms of heating
Asia (Japan, Korea, Taiwan) where gas distributed is
rich, with a gross calorific value (GCV) higher than 43 MJ/m3(n), i.e. 1,090
the UK and the US, where distributed gas is lean, with a
GCV usually lower than 42 MJ/m3(n), i.e. 1,065 Btu/scf,
Continental Europe, where the acceptable GCV range is
quite wide: approx. 39 to 46 MJ/m3(n), i.e. 990 to 1,160 Btu/scf.
There are some methods to modify the heating value of
produced LNG to the desired level. For the purpose of increasing the heating
value, injecting propane and butane is a solution. For the purpose of decreasing
heating value, nitrogen injecting and extracting butane and propane are proved
solutions. Blending with gas or LNG can be a solutions; however all of these
solutions while theoretically viable can be costly and logistically difficult
to manage in large scale.
Liquefaction technology[edit]
Currently there are four Liquefaction processes
C3MR (sometimes referred to as APCI): designed by Air
Products & Chemicals, Incorporation.
Cascade: designed by ConocoPhillips.
Shell DMR
It was expected that by the end of 2012, there will be
100 liquefaction trains on stream with total capacity of 297.2 MMTPA.
The majority of these trains use either APCI or Cascade
technology for the liquefaction process. The other processes, used in a small
minority of some liquefaction plants, include Shell's DMR (double-mixed
refrigerant) technology and the Linde technology.
APCI technology is the most-used liquefaction process in
LNG plants: out of 100 liquefaction trains onstream or under-construction, 86
trains with a total capacity of 243 MMTPA have been designed based on the APCI
process. Philips Cascade process is the second most-used, used in 10 trains
with a total capacity of 36.16 MMTPA. The Shell DMR process has been used in
three trains with total capacity of 13.9 MMTPA; and, finally, the Linde/Statoil
process is used in the Snohvit 4.2 MMTPA single train.
Floating liquefied natural gas (FLNG) facilities float
above an offshore gas field, and produce, liquefy, store and transfer LNG (and
potentially LPG and condensate) at sea before carriers ship it directly to
markets. The first FLNG facility is now in development by Shell,[50] due for
completion in around 2017.[51]
LNG storage tank at EG LNG
Modern LNG storage tanks are typically full containment
type, which has a prestressed concrete outer wall and a high-nickel steel inner
tank, with extremely efficient insulation between the walls. Large tanks are
low aspect ratio (height to width) and cylindrical in design with a domed steel
or concrete roof. Storage pressure in these tanks is very low, less than 10 kPa
(1.45 psig). Sometimes more expensive underground tanks are used for storage.
Smaller quantities (say 700 m3 (190,000 US gallons) and less), may be stored in
horizontal or vertical, vacuum-jacketed, pressure vessels. These tanks may be
at pressures anywhere from less than 50 kPa to over 1,700 kPa (7 psig to 250
LNG must be kept cold to remain a liquid, independent of
pressure. Despite efficient insulation, there will inevitably be some heat
leakage into the LNG, resulting in vaporisation of the LNG. This boil-off gas
acts to keep the LNG cold. The boil-off gas is typically compressed and
exported as natural gas, or it is reliquefied and returned to storage.
Main article: LNG carrier
Tanker LNG Rivers, LNG capacity of 135,000 cubic metres
LNG is transported in specially designed ships with
double hulls protecting the cargo systems from damage or leaks. There are
several special leak test methods available to test the integrity of an LNG
vessel's membrane cargo tanks.[52]
The tankers cost around USD 200 million each.[39]
Transportation and supply is an important aspect of the
gas business, since natural gas reserves are normally quite distant from
consumer markets. Natural gas has far more volume than oil to transport, and
most gas is transported by pipelines. There is a natural gas pipeline network
in the former Soviet Union, Europe and North America. Natural gas is less
dense, even at higher pressures. Natural gas will travel much faster than oil
through a high-pressure pipeline, but can transmit only about a fifth of the
amount of energy per day due to the lower density. Natural gas is usually
liquefied to LNG at the end of the pipeline, prior to shipping.
Short LNG pipelines for use in moving product from LNG
vessels to onshore storage are available. Longer pipelines, which allow vessels
to offload LNG at a greater distance from port facilities are under
development. This requires pipe in pipe technology due to requirements for
keeping the LNG cold.[53]
LNG is transported using both tanker truck,[54] railway
tanker, and purpose built ships known as LNG carriers. LNG will be sometimes
taken to cryogenic temperatures to increase the tanker capacity. The first
commercial ship-to-ship transfer (STS) transfers were undertaken in February
2007 at the Flotta facility in Scapa Flow[55] with 132,000 m3 of LNG being
passed between the vessels Excalibur and Excelsior. Transfers have also been
carried out by Exmar Shipmanagement, the Belgian gas tanker owner in the Gulf
of Mexico, which involved the transfer of LNG from a conventional LNG carrier
to an LNG regasification vessel (LNGRV). Prior to this commercial exercise LNG
had only ever been transferred between ships on a handful of occasions as a
necessity following an incident.[citation needed]
Main articles: List of LNG terminals and Liquefied
natural gas terminal
Liquefied natural gas is used to transport natural gas
over long distances, often by sea. In most cases, LNG terminals are
purpose-built ports used exclusively to export or import LNG.
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The insulation, as efficient as it is, will not keep LNG
cold enough by itself. Inevitably, heat leakage will warm and vapourise the
LNG. Industry practice is to store LNG as a boiling cryogen. That is, the
liquid is stored at its boiling point for the pressure at which it is stored
(atmospheric pressure). As the vapour boils off, heat for the phase change
cools the remaining liquid. Because the insulation is very efficient, only a
relatively small amount of boil off is necessary to maintain temperature. This
phenomenon is also called auto-refrigeration.
Boil off gas from land based LNG storage tanks is usually
compressed and fed to natural gas pipeline networks. Some LNG carriers use boil
off gas for fuel.
Environmental concerns[edit]
Natural gas could be considered the most environmentally
friendly fossil fuel, because it has the lowest CO2 emissions per unit of
energy and because it is suitable for use in high efficiency combined cycle
power stations. For an equivalent amount of heat, burning natural gas produces
about 30 per cent less carbon dioxide than burning petroleum and about 45 per
cent less than burning coal. [56] On a per kilometre transported basis,
emissions from LNG are lower than piped natural gas, which is a particular
issue in Europe, where significant amounts of gas are piped several thousand
kilometres from Russia. However, emissions from natural gas transported as LNG
are higher than for natural gas produced locally to the point of combustion as
emissions associated with transport are lower for the latter.[citation needed]
However, on the West Coast of the United States, where up
to three new LNG importation terminals have been proposed, environmental
groups, such as Pacific Environment, Ratepayers for Affordable Clean Energy
(RACE), and Rising Tide have moved to oppose them.[57] They claim that, while
natural gas power plants emit approximately half the carbon dioxide of an
equivalent coal power plant, the natural gas combustion required to produce and
transport LNG to the plants adds 20 to 40 percent more carbon dioxide than
burning natural gas alone.[58]
Green bordered white diamond symbol used on LNG-powered
vehicles in China
Safety and accidents[edit]
Natural gas is a fuel and a combustible substance. To
ensure safe and reliable operation, particular measures are taken in the
design, construction and operation of LNG facilities.
In its liquid state, LNG is not explosive and can not
burn. For LNG to burn, it must first vaporize, then mix with air in the proper
proportions (the flammable range is 5 percent to 15 percent), and then be
ignited. In the case of a leak, LNG vaporizes rapidly, turning into a gas
(methane plus trace gases), and mixing with air. If this mixture is within the
flammable range, there is risk of ignition which would create fire and thermal
radiation hazards.
Gas venting from vehicles powered by LNG may create a
flammability hazard if parked indoors for longer than a week. Additionally, due
to its low temperature, refueling a LNG-powered vehicle requires training to
avoid the risk of frostbite.[59]
LNG tankers have sailed over 100 million miles without a shipboard
death or even a major accident.[60]
Several on-site accidents involving or related to LNG are
listed below:
1944, Oct. 20. The East Ohio Natural Gas Co. experienced
a failure of an LNG tank in Cleveland, Ohio.[61] 128 people perished in the
explosion and fire. The tank did not have a dike retaining wall, and it was
made during World War II, when metal rationing was very strict. The steel of
the tank was made with an extremely low amount of nickel, which meant the tank
was brittle when exposed to the cryogenic nature of LNG. The tank ruptured,
spilling LNG into the city sewer system. The LNG vaporized and turned into gas,
which exploded and burned.
1979, Oct. 6, Lusby, Maryland, at the Cove Point LNG
facility a pump seal failed, releasing natural gas vapors (not LNG), which
entered and settled in an electrical conduit.[61] A worker switched off a
circuit breaker, which ignited the gas vapors. The resulting explosion killed a
worker, severely injured another and caused heavy damage to the building. A
safety analysis was not required at the time, and none was performed during the
planning, design or construction of the facility.[62] National fire codes were
changed as a result of the accident.
2004, Jan. 19, Skikda, Algeria. Explosion at Sonatrach
LNG liquefaction facility.[61] 27 killed, 56 injured, three LNG trains
destroyed, a marine berth was damaged and 2004 production was down 76 percent
for the year. Total loss was USD 900 million. A steam boiler that was part of
an LNG liquefaction train exploded triggering a massive hydrocarbon gas
explosion. The explosion occurred where propane and ethane refrigeration storage
were located. Site distribution of the units caused a domino effect of
explosions.[63][64] It remains unclear if LNG or LNG vapour, or other
hydrocarbon gases forming part of the liquefaction process initiated the
explosions. One report, of the US Government Team Site Inspection of the
Sonatrach Skikda LNG Plant in Skikda, Algeria, March 12–16, 2004, has cited it
was a leak of hydrocarbons from the refrigerant (liquefaction) process system.
(Continue)eavy damage to the building. A
safety analysis was not required at the time, and none was performed during the
planning, design or construction of the facility.[62] National fire codes were
changed as a result of the accident.
2004, Jan. 19, Skikda, Algeria. Explosion at Sonatrach
LNG liquefaction facility.[61] 27 killed, 56 injured, three LNG trains
destroyed, a marine berth was damaged and 2004 production was down 76 percent
for the year. Total loss was USD 900 million. A steam boiler that was part of
an LNG liquefaction train exploded triggering a massive hydrocarbon gas
explosion. The explosion occurred where propane and ethane refrigeration storage
were located. Site distribution of the units caused a domino effect of
explosions.[63][64] It remains unclear if LNG or LNG vapour, or other
hydrocarbon gases forming part of the liquefaction process initiated the
explosions. One report, of the US Government Team Site Inspection of the
Sonatrach Skikda LNG Plant in Skikda, Algeria, March 12–16, 2004, has cited it
was a leak of hydrocarbons from the refrigerant (liquefaction) process system.
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