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Sunday, July 28, 2013
Indonesia in Focus: Indonesia mengimbau agar Militer dan Mursi selesai...
Indonesia in Focus: Indonesia mengimbau agar Militer dan Mursi selesai...: Indonesia mengimbau agar Militer dan Mursi selesaikan konflik di Mesir dengan kompromi, untuk menghindari perang saudara Presiden Susil...
Indonesia mengimbau agar Militer dan Mursi selesaikan konflik di Mesir dengan kompromi, untuk menghindari perang saudara
Indonesia mengimbau agar Militer dan Mursi selesaikan konflik di Mesir dengan kompromi, untuk menghindari perang saudara
Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) berkomentar tentang konflik yang terjadi di Mesir, melalui akun Twitter-nya, @SBYudhoyono. Menurutnya, penyelesaian konflik Mesir harus dilakukan dengan jalan kompromi.
Dalam serial twit-nya, SBY menyampaikan bahwa ia peduli dengan perkembangan situasi di Mesir. Ia beranggapan, jika tidak ada solusi yang bijak dan segera, konflik tersebut bisa terjadi dengan skala yang lebih dahsyat.
"Saya berpendapat solusinya, "Kompromi" di antara kedua belah pihak. Bukan "the winner takes all". PBB dan dunia harus mendorong dan mendukung," kata Presiden SBY, dalam statusnya yang diposting pada Sabtu (27/7/2013) malam.
Ketua Umum Partai Demokrat ini mengungkapkan, ada baiknya PBB mengambil prakarsa untuk mencegah pertumpahan darah yang lebih besar. Menurutnya, semua upaya harus ditempuh, termasuk jalan rekonsiliasi.
SBY juga memberi imbauan pada Warga Negara Indonesia yang ada di Mesir untuk menghindari area berbahaya, memelihara komunikasi dengan Kedutaan Besar Republik Indonesia, dan tidak melibatkan diri dalam konflik tersebut.
"Dubes RI di Kairo terus melaporkan perkembangan situasi kepada saya. Termasuk upaya untuk mengamankan WNI kita di sana," kata Presiden.
81 orang tewas
Perkembangan terakhir, jumlah korban tewas akibat bentrokan antara pendukung Muhammad Mursi dan aparat keamanan Mesir pada Sabtu (27/7/2013), terus meningkat.
Kementerian Kesehatan Mesir menyatakan korban tewas di Mesir sudah mencapai 72 orang, sedangkan di Alexandria sembilan orang dipastikan meninggal dunia.
Sehingga, dalam dua hari korban tewas terkait bentrokan kelompok pendukung dan penentang Muhammad Mursi mencapai 81 orang.
Menteri Dalam Negeri Mesir Mohamed Ibrahim memperingatkan pengunjuk rasa pro-Mursi akan dibubarkan dengan cara yang "legal" sesegera mungkin.
Selain itu, Ibrahim juga meminta para pendukung Mursi "menggunakan akal sehat" dan menyarankan mereka untuk pulang ke kediamannya masing-masing.
Sementara itu, Ikhwanul Muslimin mengecam keras pertumpahan darah yang disebutnya sebagai sebuah "pembantaian tak berperikemanusiaan".
Ikkhwanul menambahkan, insiden berdarah itu hanya akan menambah kuat niat mereka untuk menolak kudeta yang menggulingkan Muhammad Mursi awal Juli lalu.
Selain korban tewas, insiden paling berdarah sejak tergulingnya Mursi itu juga melukai sedikitnya 748 orang selama dua hari terakhir.
Jumlah korban tewas akibat bentrokan antara pendukung Muhammad Mursi dan aparat keamanan Mesir pada Sabtu (27/7/2013), terus meningkat.
Kementerian Kesehatan Mesir menyatakan korban tewas di Mesir sudah mencapai 72 orang, sedangkan di Alexandria sembilan orang dipastikan meninggal dunia.
Sehingga, dalam dua hari korban tewas terkait bentrokan kelompok pendukung dan penentang Muhammad Mursi mencapai 81 orang.
Menteri Dalam Negeri Mesir Mohamed Ibrahim memperingatkan pengunjuk rasa pro-Mursi akan dibubarkan dengan cara yang "legal" sesegera mungkin.
Selain itu, Ibrahim juga meminta para pendukung Mursi "menggunakan akal sehat" dan menyarankan mereka untuk pulang ke kediamannya masing-masing.
Sementara itu, Ikhwanul Muslimin mengecam keras pertumpahan darah yang disebutnya sebagai sebuah "pembantaian tak berperikemanusiaan".
Ikkhwanul menambahkan, insiden berdarah itu hanya akan menambah kuat niat mereka untuk menolak kudeta yang menggulingkan Muhammad Mursi awal Juli lalu.
Selain korban tewas, insiden paling berdarah sejak tergulingnya Mursi itu juga melukai sedikitnya 748 orang selama dua hari terakhir.
Menteri Luar Negeri Amerika Serikat John Kerry, Sabtu (27/7/2013) sore waktu setempat, menyatakan keprihatinan mendalam terkait bentrokan berdarah di Kairo yang menewaskan sedikitnya 65 orang.
Kerry juga menyerukan digelarnya penyelidikan independen untuk mengetahui musabab insiden berdarah tersebut. Dia juga mendesak para pemimpin Mesir untuk segera bertindak menyelamatkan negeri mereka dari kehancuran.
"Saat ini adalah sebuah saat-saat menentukan untuk Mesir," kata Kerry.
"Dua tahun lalu, sebuah revolusi dimulai. Keputusan akhirnya belum diperoleh, namun hasil revolusi itu akan sangat dipengaruhi apa yang terjadi hari ini," lanjut Kerry.
Kerry menambahkan, dalam masa-masa rawan seperti ini, pemerintah Mesir memiliki kewajiban moral dan legal untuk tetap menghormati hak berunjuk rasa damai dan kebebasan berekspresi.
"Kekerasan tak hanya akan membawa kemunduran dalam upaya rekonsiliasi dan demokratisasi Mesir namun juga membawa dampak negatif terhadap stabilitas kawasan," papar Kerry.
Kerry mengatakan, dia menyampaikan keprihatinan pemerintah AS ini kepada Wakil Presiden Mohamed ElBaradei lewat saluran telepon. Dia juga menyampaikan hal yang sama kepada Menlu Mesir Nabil Fahmy dan Perwakilan Komisi Tinggi Uni Eropa Catherine Ashton.
Imam Besar Al-Azhar, Sabtu (27/7/2013), mengecam keras tewasnya puluhan orang pendukung presiden terguling Muhammad Mursi dan menyerukan pemerintah segera menyelidiki insiden itu.
"Para imam Al-Azhar mengecam kematian puluhan warga dalam insiden hari ini," kata Sheikh Ahmed al-Tayeb.
Dia menambahkan, pemerintah harus segera menggelar penyelidikan dan menjatuhkan hukuman bagi siapapun yang dianggap bertanggung jawab atas peristiwa tragis tersebut.
Puluhan pendukung Muhammad Mursi ditembak mati pada Sabtu pagi dalam bentrokan paling berdarah sejak kelompok pro dan anti-Mursi turun ke jalan memperjuangkan tujuan mereka masing-masing.
Sementara itu, Kementerian Dalam Negeri Mesir, menyalahkan Ikhwanul Muslimin sebagai biang bentrokan berdarah itu.
Kemendagri membantah telah menembaki para pengunjuk rasa dengan peluru tajam dan mengklaim hanya menggunakan gas air mata untuk membubarkan massa.
Berdasarkan klaim pendukung Mursi, lebih dari 100 orang tewas dalam insiden itu. Sedangkan seorang wartawan AFP menhitung setidaknya 37 jenazah berada di sebuah rumah sakit lapangan Ikhwanul Muslimin di masjid Rabaa al-Adawiya, Kairo.
Sedangkan tim kesehatan mengatakan di beberapa rumah sakit menerima sedikitnya 29 jenazah.
Indonesia in Focus: Indonesia has appealed to the Military and Mursi s...
Indonesia in Focus: Indonesia has appealed to the Military and Mursi s...: Indonesia has appealed to the Military and Mursi solve conflict in Egypt with a compromise, to avoid civil war President Susilo Bambang...
Indonesia has appealed to the Military and Mursi solve conflict in Egypt with a compromise, to avoid civil war
Indonesia has appealed to the Military and Mursi solve conflict in Egypt with a compromise, to avoid civil war
President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) to comment on the conflict in Egypt, through his Twitter account, @ SBYudhoyono. According to him, the Egyptian conflict resolution must be done by way of compromise.
In his series of tweets, the President said that he is concerned with the development of the situation in Egypt. He thinks, if no solution is wise and soon, the conflict could occur with a more devastating scale.
"I think the solution is," compromise "between the two sides. Instead of" winner takes all ". UN and the world should encourage and support," said the President, in his status posted on Saturday (07/27/2013) night.
Chairman of the Democratic Party said that the UN is better to take the initiative to prevent greater bloodshed. According to him, all efforts must be taken, including the path of reconciliation.
President also gave an appeal to Indonesian citizens in Egypt to avoid hazardous areas, maintaining communication with the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia, and is not involved in the conflict.
"Ambassador in Cairo continued to report the situation to me. Included the effort to secure our citizens there," the president said.
81 people were killed
Recent developments, the death toll from clashes between supporters of Muhammad Mursi and Egyptian security forces on Saturday (07/27/2013), continues to increase.
Egypt's Health Ministry said the death toll in Egypt has reached 72 people, while in Alexandria nine people are confirmed dead.
Thus, the death toll in two days of clashes related support groups and opponents of Muhammad Mursi reached 81 people.
Egyptian Foreign Minister Mohamed Ibrahim warned protesters pro-Mursi will be dissolved in a "legal" as soon as possible.
In addition, Ibrahim also asked supporters Mursi "use common sense" and advised them to return to their residence.
Meanwhile, the Muslim Brotherhood condemned the bloodshed which he called a "senseless slaughter".
Ikkhwanul added, the bloody incident will only add to their strong intention to reject the coup that overthrew Muhammad Mursi early July.
In addition to the dead, the bloodiest incident since the overthrow of Mursi was also injured at least 748 people over the last two days.
The death toll from clashes between supporters of Muhammad Mursi and Egyptian security forces on Saturday (07/27/2013), continues to increase.
Egypt's Health Ministry said the death toll in Egypt has reached 72 people, while in Alexandria nine people are confirmed dead.
Thus, the death toll in two days of clashes related support groups and opponents of Muhammad Mursi reached 81 people.
Egyptian Foreign Minister Mohamed Ibrahim warned protesters pro-Mursi will be dissolved in a "legal" as soon as possible.
In addition, Ibrahim also asked supporters Mursi "use common sense" and advised them to return to their residence.
Meanwhile, the Muslim Brotherhood condemned the bloodshed which he called a "senseless slaughter".
Ikkhwanul added, the bloody incident will only add to their strong intention to reject the coup that overthrew Muhammad Mursi early July.
In addition to the dead, the bloodiest incident since the overthrow of Mursi was also injured at least 748 people over the last two days.
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry, on Saturday (07/27/2013) evening local time, expressed deep concern related to bloody clashes in Cairo that killed at least 65 people.
Kerry also called for convening an independent investigation to determine the pathogenesis of the bloody incident. He also urged the Egyptian leader to take action to save their country from destruction.
"Today is a decisive moment for Egypt," said Kerry.
"Two years ago, a revolution began. Decision ultimately not obtained, but the result of a revolution that will greatly influenced what happened today," said Kerry.
Kerry added, in a vulnerable times such as these, the Egyptian government has a moral and legal obligation to respect the right of peaceful protest and freedom of expression.
"Violence not only be a setback in efforts to bring reconciliation and democratization of Egypt, but also adversely affect the stability of the region," said Kerry.
Kerry said, he expressed the U.S. government's concern to Vice President Mohamed ElBaradei via a phone line. He also said the same thing to the Egyptian Foreign Minister Nabil Fahmy Commission and the EU High Representative Catherine Ashton.
Great Imam of Al-Azhar, Saturday (27/07/2013), strongly condemned the killing of dozens of supporters of ousted leader Mohammed Mursi and called on the government to investigate the incident.
"The imam of Al-Azhar condemned the death of dozens of people in today's incident," said Sheikh Ahmed al-Tayeb.
He added that the government should immediately hold an investigation and punishment for anyone who is considered responsible for these tragic events.
Dozens of supporters of Muhammad Mursi was shot dead on Saturday morning in the bloodiest clashes since the pro and anti-Mursi took to the streets to fight for their own purposes.
Meanwhile, the Egyptian Interior Ministry, blamed the Muslim Brotherhood as the source of the bloody clashes.
MoHA denies shooting protesters with live bullets and claiming only used tear gas to disperse the crowds.
Mursi claims by supporters, more than 100 people were killed in the incident. Meanwhile, an AFP reporter menhitung at least 37 bodies were in a field hospital in a mosque Muslim Brotherhood al-Rabaa Adawiya, Cairo.
While the health team said in some hospitals receive at least 29 bodies.
Egypt's interim interior minister has pledged that protests calling for the reinstatement of ousted president Mohamed Morsi would be dispersed "soon".
Speaking at a news conference on Saturday, Mohamed Ibrahim said security forces would act "in a legal fashion" to disperse the demonstrations "as soon as possible".
He said security forces would act to ensure "the minimum losses possible".
Ibrahim insisted that security forces wanted to "prevent bloodshed," and made reference to complaints he said had been made by residents of the areas where Morsi supporters are demonstrating.
"We hope that [the protesters] come to their sense and that they put an end to these protests in order to prevent bloodshed," he added.
He also denied police had opened fire, accusing the Muslim Brotherhood of exaggerating for political ends.
The country's National Defence Council met late on Saturday night to discuss the security situation.
Conflicting reports have emerged over the number of people killed in overnight clashes between those protesting against military rule and security forces in the Egyptian capital.
Ahmed Aref, the Muslim Brotherhood spokesperson, said 66 people were killed, another 61 are "clinically dead", and a further 4,500 people were injured, 700 of which were injured by live bullets.
The health ministry, meanwhile, has put the figure at 80 killed so far, based on the number of bodies received at the morgue. It said 792 people had been injured in the clashes.
Country divided
Al Jazeera's Hoda Abdel Hamid, reporting from Cairo, said: "The country is even more divided than before, and showing no signs of understanding the other side," our correspondent said.
Supporters and opponents of Morsi staged mass rival rallies across the country on Friday, bringing hundreds of thousands into the streets.
Running battles broke out at dawn, with police firing tear gas at stone-throwing protesters, the official MENA news agency said.
Egypt's interior ministry defended the actions of security forces, with spokesman General Hany Abdel Latif saying police "did not use more than tear gas".
[Morsi stands accused of the] premeditated murder of some prisoners, officers and soldiers.
He accused pro-Morsi protesters of firing on the security forces, wounding 14 policemen, including two who were in critical condition after being shot in the head.
Al Jazeera's Abdel Hamid said there was no clear information on who started the overnight violence, with each side accusing the other of starting the clashes.
"After the minister of interior spoke, both sides decided they will believe the versions they want to believe, so at the end of the day the full picture will never really emerge of who started shooting on who."
If the death toll of 120 is confirmed it would be the deadliest incident since Morsi was deposed by the army more than three weeks ago.
On July 8, 53 people, mostly Morsi supporters, died when armed men opened fire close to a Republican Guard compound in the area.
The prosecutor-general's office announced on Saturday that it would launch an investigation into the violence.
Clashes in Alexandria
Thousands of supporters and opponents of the army's removal of Morsi also took to the streets of the Mediterranean city of Alexandria on Friday, sparking fierce clashes that killed seven people and wounded 194.
The violence came after the authorities charged Morsi with murder and formally remanded him in custody for 15 days. He had been held without charge since hours after his removal from power.
Follow our ongoing coverage of the political crisis in Egypt
Morsi stands accused of the "premeditated murder of some prisoners, officers and soldiers" when he broke out of prison during the 2011 uprising that toppled veteran strongman Hosni Mubarak, MENA said.
Gihad El-Haddad, the spokesperson for Morsi's Muslim Brotherhood told Al Jazeera late on Saturday night that his group was considering a proposal made by a group of Egyptian intellectuals and civil society activists to resolve the crisis, but that there was "no meeting ground" with the military.
"There is no meeting ground. This is a zero-sum equation. It's either us or them in the equation. It's either we fully reverse this military coup, and continue back into constitutional legitimacy, or we die trying and they continue building a new military tyrannical regime. Like we've seen. [...] This is the beginning of a new military [dictatorship] in Egypt, even if a few civilian faces are slapped on top of it," he said.
Saturday, July 27, 2013
Indonesia in Focus: Civil War in Syria similar happened also threatene...
Indonesia in Focus: Civil War in Syria similar happened also threatene...: Civil War in Syria similar happened also threatened Egypt .. Civil War who now have hundreds of thousands of civilian casualties that ha...
Civil War in Syria similar happened also threatened Egypt
Civil War in Syria similar happened also threatened Egypt ..
Civil War who now have hundreds of thousands of civilian casualties that have occurred due to the conflict between the military regime and the secular group backed Shiite groups against the regime of President Assad Sunni opposition group is now beginning to be supplied weapons from Saudi Arabia who buy from Israel, now also threatened Egypt .
Fratricidal conflict more threatening Egypt after Egypt's military rulers asked the opposition-backed secular groups and non-Muslims are required to take to the streets to demonstrate the legitimacy of the People's request.
While esbagian than 300 people killed in the streets in Egypt is a support group elected president who now dugulingkan semokratis Mursi military coup. Most of them were killed by bullets hit du head by soldiers who suppressed demonstrators coup against the growing numbers across the city in Egypt.
Political conflict in Egypt is getting hotter as the ongoing clashes between the two camps, opponents and supporters of Mohammed Mursi. Reportedly, the number of casualties skyrocketed overnight since mass protests from both camps began on Friday afternoon local time.
Reported by CNN, Saturday, July 27, 2013, reports news agency MENA quoted a medical team, the death toll from Friday until today it has reached 75 people in Egypt. Meanwhile, more than 1,000 people were injured in clashes between pro-Mursi masses with police in Nasr City, Cairo.
In Nasr City that has become the place occupied Muslim Brotherhood as many as 10 people were killed. The Muslim Brotherhood has accused the police of using live ammunition in their attacks.
Clashes between pro-Mursi masses with apparatus also occurred in October 6th Bridge on the River Nile. According to eyewitnesses, the apparatus in place along with the mass anti-Mursi pounding unite the Muslim Brotherhood. Tear gas continues to drift in the direction of the mob.
Anti Mursi group took to the streets after getting the green light from the Egyptian military leader Abdel Fattah El-Sisi on Wednesday. He called on people to protest and support the military in attacking violence and terrorism after the overthrow of Mursi.
They gathered in Cairo and Alexandria. Millions of military supporters gathered in Tahrir Square. Military helicopter on it spreading leaflets and the Egyptian flag burning fighting spirit and a rejection of the Muslim Brotherhood Mursi.
Action of the Muslim Brotherhood after Mursi held on Friday sentenced 15 days in jail for allegedly cooperating with Hamas. Mursi also accused of breaking into the prison after the Egyptian revolution and helped many prisoners escape.
Previously, General Abdel Fattah El-Sisi has given 48-hour ultimatum to the Muslim Brotherhood to join in Egypt's political map. But until this Saturday deadline, there has been no response from the Muslim Brotherhood.
Egyptian court issued an order to detain former President Mohammad Mursi for 15 days pending an investigation into allegations that he called a spy for the militant group Hamas.
In addition, the government's news agency, MENA, Mursi also be helped in the event jailbreak uprising that ousted former President Hosni Mubarak.
News station Al Jazeera, Friday, July 26, 2013 launch decision was issued by the court today. According to information from the authorities, the decision was taken by Justice Hassan Sammir, who investigated the allegations against Mursi.
The report comes as supporters and opponents of the Mursi is preparing to hold a massive rally nationally appropriate Military Commander calls and Egypt's interim defense minister, Gen. Abdel Fattah al-Sisi. At the same time the Muslim Brotherhood (IM) also called for the same thing for the sake of promoting the future of Egypt.
But until now the existence Mursi is still unknown. Many people suspect he was detained at the headquarters of the Republican Guard. Foreign Ministry spokesman, Badr Abdel-Atti on July 10 and it has been confirmed that Mursi is now in a safe place and treated well.
Responding to the court's decision, a spokesman for the group IM, Gehad El-Haddad, said that Egypt had begun to return to the old regime when Mubarak ruled.
"The charges were read to them as a revenge of the old regime," said El-Haddad.
The court decision is a continuation of last month's statement called IM group working with groups Hamas and Hezbollah to attack the Wadi el-Natroun prison in 2011 ago. At that time high of 34 members including former President kelomok IM Mursi successfully released from prison.
Military commander concurrently while Egyptian Cabinet Defence Minister, General Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, the military called on supporters to take to the streets and protested massively on Friday tomorrow. But Sisi denied his appeal is an invitation to the Egyptian people to commit violent acts.
According to him, the call was more towards support for the national reconciliation efforts. News station Al Jazeera, Thursday, July 25, 2013 launch side calling it in a speech on Wednesday in the presence of the military graduates.
"I ask for action next Friday, all Egyptians are honest and can be trusted to participate. Why you should participate? They are out to give me the mandate and command, I had to fight violence and acts of potential terrorism," said the sides were broadcast live by state media.
On that occasion, he also denied the allegations that claimed to have defected to the ousted former president, Mohammed Mursi he jungkalkan July 3 yesterday. He also said that until now the military is still solid and not as has been rumored split.
"I swear before God, that the Egyptian military remains compact and solid," he said.
A similar appeal was delivered by the media adviser of President Mansour Adly, Ahmed Al-Meslemani. He asks Egyptians to protect the legitimacy of the revolution and support the efforts of stiff resistance against acts of terrorism.
Responses Brotherhood
Responding to the call side, a senior member of the Muslim Brotherhood group Essam al-Erian, issued a statement addressed directly to the military. He said the threat was not necessarily lethal side of their struggle.
"Your threats will not stop protests against the coup. You always be in the office to design a conspiracy," said al-Erian.
In the eyes of the IM group call side is no more than a declaration of civil war. Therefore, in a news conference from the Islamist opposition group called for immediate side stand trial for crimes against humanity.
"The call to action is clear tomorrow Friday the announcement of the civil war," said the representative of the IM group.
While in the eyes of senior members of other IM, Mohamed el-Beltagy, tomorrow's action Friday was nothing more to protect the side of the military coup he had done. He also said that with the call on Wednesday to be evidence that he was the real leader of this country and not the President Mansour.
"He proved himself as a true leader. President, the Vice President and the government currently in power do not have any power," he said as quoted by BBC news station.
While in a separate place approximately 10 thousand supporters gathered Mursi still in Nasr city, on Thursday and returned to the presidency demanding Mursi. Since the overthrow of the Mursi, about 100 people were reported killed in the Egyptian protests.
The Indonesian government, through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, issued a special alert, travel advisory, for Indonesian Citizen (WNI). They were asked to temporarily visit to Egypt unless there is urgent need. The decision was taken after observing that the political turmoil in Egypt since the change in leadership has not abated to this day.
That led to various protests in various areas, especially in the capital Cairo that has claimed many casualties among Egyptians. A written statement Foreign Minister Marty Natalegawa, who received headline, Thursday, July 25, 2013.
Secretary of State requested that all citizens defer travel to Egypt, especially the Sinai Peninsula to the region, until the security situation stabilizes. While on Friday, the Egyptian defense minister in the transitional cabinet, Gen. Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, the military called on supporters to take to the streets and massive demonstrations on Friday tomorrow.
The call was then rewarded supporters Mursi to perform a similar action. Associated with the rallies that will be held tomorrow, Consular Embassy in the capital Cairo Indonesi seven things appealed to citizens who still live there.
It was contained in a circular no SE.061/VII/2013/PROTKONS and posted on their official Facebook account. Seven points of appeal, among other things asks citizens to avoid going out on Friday tomorrow except for the sake of worship and the need to prepare basic needs, away from the central mass concentration as in Tahrir Square, the radio and television building, the area of the Abbasid, Rabeah el-Adaweya, region Cairo University and the Palace Ittihadiyah.
Moreover citizens are also advised not to interfere in Egypt's internal politics either verbally or in writing through social media and always bring valid identification. For those of you who need more information related to the travel advisory and the latest developments regarding the Egyptian Embassy in Cairo can be contacted at the number +201 02222 9989, 85 795 +201,051.
Or also can contact the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Directorate of the Middle East section at (021) 384 9045.
Civil War who now have hundreds of thousands of civilian casualties that have occurred due to the conflict between the military regime and the secular group backed Shiite groups against the regime of President Assad Sunni opposition group is now beginning to be supplied weapons from Saudi Arabia who buy from Israel, now also threatened Egypt .
Fratricidal conflict more threatening Egypt after Egypt's military rulers asked the opposition-backed secular groups and non-Muslims are required to take to the streets to demonstrate the legitimacy of the People's request.
While esbagian than 300 people killed in the streets in Egypt is a support group elected president who now dugulingkan semokratis Mursi military coup. Most of them were killed by bullets hit du head by soldiers who suppressed demonstrators coup against the growing numbers across the city in Egypt.
Political conflict in Egypt is getting hotter as the ongoing clashes between the two camps, opponents and supporters of Mohammed Mursi. Reportedly, the number of casualties skyrocketed overnight since mass protests from both camps began on Friday afternoon local time.
Reported by CNN, Saturday, July 27, 2013, reports news agency MENA quoted a medical team, the death toll from Friday until today it has reached 75 people in Egypt. Meanwhile, more than 1,000 people were injured in clashes between pro-Mursi masses with police in Nasr City, Cairo.
In Nasr City that has become the place occupied Muslim Brotherhood as many as 10 people were killed. The Muslim Brotherhood has accused the police of using live ammunition in their attacks.
Clashes between pro-Mursi masses with apparatus also occurred in October 6th Bridge on the River Nile. According to eyewitnesses, the apparatus in place along with the mass anti-Mursi pounding unite the Muslim Brotherhood. Tear gas continues to drift in the direction of the mob.
Anti Mursi group took to the streets after getting the green light from the Egyptian military leader Abdel Fattah El-Sisi on Wednesday. He called on people to protest and support the military in attacking violence and terrorism after the overthrow of Mursi.
They gathered in Cairo and Alexandria. Millions of military supporters gathered in Tahrir Square. Military helicopter on it spreading leaflets and the Egyptian flag burning fighting spirit and a rejection of the Muslim Brotherhood Mursi.
Action of the Muslim Brotherhood after Mursi held on Friday sentenced 15 days in jail for allegedly cooperating with Hamas. Mursi also accused of breaking into the prison after the Egyptian revolution and helped many prisoners escape.
Previously, General Abdel Fattah El-Sisi has given 48-hour ultimatum to the Muslim Brotherhood to join in Egypt's political map. But until this Saturday deadline, there has been no response from the Muslim Brotherhood.
Egyptian court issued an order to detain former President Mohammad Mursi for 15 days pending an investigation into allegations that he called a spy for the militant group Hamas.
In addition, the government's news agency, MENA, Mursi also be helped in the event jailbreak uprising that ousted former President Hosni Mubarak.
News station Al Jazeera, Friday, July 26, 2013 launch decision was issued by the court today. According to information from the authorities, the decision was taken by Justice Hassan Sammir, who investigated the allegations against Mursi.
The report comes as supporters and opponents of the Mursi is preparing to hold a massive rally nationally appropriate Military Commander calls and Egypt's interim defense minister, Gen. Abdel Fattah al-Sisi. At the same time the Muslim Brotherhood (IM) also called for the same thing for the sake of promoting the future of Egypt.
But until now the existence Mursi is still unknown. Many people suspect he was detained at the headquarters of the Republican Guard. Foreign Ministry spokesman, Badr Abdel-Atti on July 10 and it has been confirmed that Mursi is now in a safe place and treated well.
Responding to the court's decision, a spokesman for the group IM, Gehad El-Haddad, said that Egypt had begun to return to the old regime when Mubarak ruled.
"The charges were read to them as a revenge of the old regime," said El-Haddad.
The court decision is a continuation of last month's statement called IM group working with groups Hamas and Hezbollah to attack the Wadi el-Natroun prison in 2011 ago. At that time high of 34 members including former President kelomok IM Mursi successfully released from prison.
Military commander concurrently while Egyptian Cabinet Defence Minister, General Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, the military called on supporters to take to the streets and protested massively on Friday tomorrow. But Sisi denied his appeal is an invitation to the Egyptian people to commit violent acts.
According to him, the call was more towards support for the national reconciliation efforts. News station Al Jazeera, Thursday, July 25, 2013 launch side calling it in a speech on Wednesday in the presence of the military graduates.
"I ask for action next Friday, all Egyptians are honest and can be trusted to participate. Why you should participate? They are out to give me the mandate and command, I had to fight violence and acts of potential terrorism," said the sides were broadcast live by state media.
On that occasion, he also denied the allegations that claimed to have defected to the ousted former president, Mohammed Mursi he jungkalkan July 3 yesterday. He also said that until now the military is still solid and not as has been rumored split.
"I swear before God, that the Egyptian military remains compact and solid," he said.
A similar appeal was delivered by the media adviser of President Mansour Adly, Ahmed Al-Meslemani. He asks Egyptians to protect the legitimacy of the revolution and support the efforts of stiff resistance against acts of terrorism.
Responses Brotherhood
Responding to the call side, a senior member of the Muslim Brotherhood group Essam al-Erian, issued a statement addressed directly to the military. He said the threat was not necessarily lethal side of their struggle.
"Your threats will not stop protests against the coup. You always be in the office to design a conspiracy," said al-Erian.
In the eyes of the IM group call side is no more than a declaration of civil war. Therefore, in a news conference from the Islamist opposition group called for immediate side stand trial for crimes against humanity.
"The call to action is clear tomorrow Friday the announcement of the civil war," said the representative of the IM group.
While in the eyes of senior members of other IM, Mohamed el-Beltagy, tomorrow's action Friday was nothing more to protect the side of the military coup he had done. He also said that with the call on Wednesday to be evidence that he was the real leader of this country and not the President Mansour.
"He proved himself as a true leader. President, the Vice President and the government currently in power do not have any power," he said as quoted by BBC news station.
While in a separate place approximately 10 thousand supporters gathered Mursi still in Nasr city, on Thursday and returned to the presidency demanding Mursi. Since the overthrow of the Mursi, about 100 people were reported killed in the Egyptian protests.
The Indonesian government, through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, issued a special alert, travel advisory, for Indonesian Citizen (WNI). They were asked to temporarily visit to Egypt unless there is urgent need. The decision was taken after observing that the political turmoil in Egypt since the change in leadership has not abated to this day.
That led to various protests in various areas, especially in the capital Cairo that has claimed many casualties among Egyptians. A written statement Foreign Minister Marty Natalegawa, who received headline, Thursday, July 25, 2013.
Secretary of State requested that all citizens defer travel to Egypt, especially the Sinai Peninsula to the region, until the security situation stabilizes. While on Friday, the Egyptian defense minister in the transitional cabinet, Gen. Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, the military called on supporters to take to the streets and massive demonstrations on Friday tomorrow.
The call was then rewarded supporters Mursi to perform a similar action. Associated with the rallies that will be held tomorrow, Consular Embassy in the capital Cairo Indonesi seven things appealed to citizens who still live there.
It was contained in a circular no SE.061/VII/2013/PROTKONS and posted on their official Facebook account. Seven points of appeal, among other things asks citizens to avoid going out on Friday tomorrow except for the sake of worship and the need to prepare basic needs, away from the central mass concentration as in Tahrir Square, the radio and television building, the area of the Abbasid, Rabeah el-Adaweya, region Cairo University and the Palace Ittihadiyah.
Moreover citizens are also advised not to interfere in Egypt's internal politics either verbally or in writing through social media and always bring valid identification. For those of you who need more information related to the travel advisory and the latest developments regarding the Egyptian Embassy in Cairo can be contacted at the number +201 02222 9989, 85 795 +201,051.
Or also can contact the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Directorate of the Middle East section at (021) 384 9045.
Indonesia in Focus: Perang Saudara mirip yang terjadi di Suriah ancam ...
Indonesia in Focus: Perang Saudara mirip yang terjadi di Suriah ancam ...: Perang Saudara mirip yang terjadi di Suriah ancam juga Mesir.. Perang Saudara yang kini telah menelan korban sipil ratusan ribu orang ya...
Perang Saudara mirip yang terjadi di Suriah ancam juga Mesir..
Perang Saudara mirip yang terjadi di Suriah ancam juga Mesir..
Perang Saudara yang kini telah menelan korban sipil ratusan ribu orang yang telah terjadi akibat konflik antara rejim militer yang didukung kelompok sekuler dan syiah kelompok rejim Presiden Assad melawan kelompok oposisi Sunni yang kini mulai dipasok senjata dari Arab Saudi yang membelinya dari Israel, kini juga mengancam Mesir.
Konflik perang saudara semakin mengancam Mesir setelah penguasa militer Mesir meminta kelompok oposisi yang didukung kelompok sekuler dan non-Muslim diminta turun ke jalan berdemonstrasi untuk meminta legitimasi dari Rakyat.
Sementara esbagian besar dari 300 orang yang tewas di jalan-jalan di Mesir adalah kelompok pendukung presiden yang terpilih secara semokratis Mursi yang kini dugulingkan militer melalui kudeta. Sebagian besar mereka yang tewas akibat diterjang peluru du kepala oleh tentara yang menekan para demonstran menentang kudeta yang jumlahnya semakin meningkat di seluruh kota di Mesir.
Konflik politik di Mesir semakin panas seiring bentrokan yang terus terjadi antara kedua kubu, penentang dan pendukung Mohammed Mursi. Dilaporkan, jumlah korban meroket dalam semalam sejak aksi protes massa dari kedua kubu dimulai pada Jumat siang waktu setempat.
Diberitakan CNN, Sabtu 27 Juli 2013, laporan kantor berita MENA yang mengutip tim medis, korban tewas sejak Jumat hingga hari ini telah mencapai 75 orang di Mesir. Sementara itu, lebih dari 1.000 orang terluka dalam bentrok antara massa pro-Mursi dengan polisi di Nasr City, Kairo.
Di Nasr City yang telah jadi tempat pendudukan Ikhwanul Muslimin sebanyak 10 orang tewas. Ikhwanul Muslimin menuduh polisi telah menggunakan peluru tajam dalam menyerang mereka.
Bentrokan antara massa pro-Mursi dengan aparat juga terjadi di Jembatan 6 Oktober di Sungai Nil. Menurut saksi mata, di tempat ini aparat bersama dengan massa anti-Mursi bersatu menggempur Ikhwanul Muslimin. Gas air mata terus melayang ke arah gerombolan massa.
Kelompok anti Mursi turun ke jalan setelah mendapatkan lampu hijau dari pemimpin militer Mesir Abdel Fattah El-Sisi pada Rabu. Dia menyerukan rakyat untuk menggelar protes dan mendukung militer dalam menggempur kekerasan dan terorisme pasca penggulingan Mursi.
Mereka berkumpul di Kairo dan Alexandria. Jutaan massa pendukung militer berkumpul di Tahrir Square. Helikopter militer di atasnya menyebarkan leaflet dan bendera Mesir semakin membakar semangat juang penolakan terhadap Mursi dan Ikhwanul Muslimin.
Aksi besar Ikhwanul Muslimin digelar Jumat setelah Mursi divonis 15 hari penjara karena dituduh bekerja sama dengan Hamas. Mursi juga dituduh membobol penjara pasca revolusi Mesir dan membantu kaburnya banyak tahanan.
Sebelumnya, Jenderal Abdel Fattah El-Sisi telah memberikan ultimatum 48 jam untuk Ikhwanul Muslimin agar bergabung dalam peta politik Mesir. Namun hingga tenggat waktu Sabtu ini, belum ada respon dari Ikhwanul Muslimin.
Pengadilan Mesir mengeluarkan perintah untuk menahan mantan Presiden Muhammad Mursi selama 15 hari sambil menunggu hasil penyelidikan tuduhan yang menyebut dia menjadi mata-mata bagi kelompok militan Hamas.
Selain itu, menurut laporan kantor berita pemerintah, MENA, Mursi juga dianggap ikut membantu pembobolan penjara dalam peristiwa pemberontakan yang menggulingkan mantan Presiden Hosni Mubarak.
Stasiun berita Al Jazeera, Jumat 26 Juli 2013 melansir keputusan itu dikeluarkan oleh pengadilan pada hari ini. Menurut informasi dari pejabat berwenang, keputusan itu diambil oleh Hakim Hassan Sammir, yang menyelidiki tuduhan terhadap Mursi.
Laporan itu muncul saat pendukung dan penentang Mursi tengah bersiap untuk menggelar unjuk rasa besar-besaran nasional sesuai seruan Panglima Militer dan Menteri Pertahanan sementara Mesir, Jenderal Abdel Fattah al-Sisi. Di waktu yang bersamaan kelompok Ikhwanul Muslimin (IM) juga menyerukan hal yang sama demi memperjuangan masa depan Mesir.
Namun hingga saat ini keberadaan Mursi masih belum diketahui. Banyak pihak menduga dia ditahan di markas Garda Republik. Juru bicara Kemlu, Badr Abdel-Atti pada tanggal 10 Juli lalu memang telah mengkonfirmasi bahwa Mursi kini berada di tempat yang aman dan diperlakukan secara baik.
Menanggapi keputusan pengadilan itu, juru bicara kelompok IM, Gehad El-Haddad, mengatakan bahwa Mesir sudah mulai kembali ke rezim lama ketika diperintah Mubarak.
"Tuduhan itu dibacakan seolah mereka merupakan pembalasan dendam dari rezim lama," ungkap El-Haddad.
Keputusan pengadilan itu merupakan lanjutan dari peryataan bulan lalu yang menyebut kelompok IM bekerja sama dengan kelompok Hamas dan Hizbullah untuk menyerbu penjara Wadi el-Natroun tahun 2011 silam. Saat itu sebanyak 34 anggota tinggi kelomok IM termasuk mantan Presiden Mursi berhasil dikeluarkan dari penjara.
Panglima militer merangkap Menteri Pertahanan kabinet sementara Mesir, Jenderal Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, menyerukan kepada para pendukung militer untuk turun ke jalan dan berdemonstrasi secara besar-besaran pada Jumat esok. Namun Sisi membantah seruannya itu merupakan ajakan kepada rakyat Mesir untuk melakukan tindak kekerasan.
Menurut dia, seruan itu lebih ke arah dukungan untuk upaya rekonsiliasi nasional. Stasiun berita Al Jazeera, Kamis 25 Juli, 2013 melansir Sisi menyerukan hal tersebut dalam sebuah pidato pada Rabu kemarin di hadapan para lulusan militer.
"Saya meminta untuk aksi hari Jumat esok, seluruh warga Mesir yang jujur dan dapat dipercaya untuk berpartisipasi. Mengapa Anda harus ikut serta? Mereka ke luar untuk memberikan saya mandat dan perintah, saya harus melawan tindak kekerasan dan aksi potensial terorisme," ungkap Sisi yang disiarkan langsung oleh media pemerintah.
Dalam kesempatan itu, dia turut membantah tuduhan yang menyatakan dirinya telah berkhianat terhadap mantan Presiden terguling, Mohammed Mursi yang dia jungkalkan tanggal 3 Juli kemarin. Dia juga mengatakan hingga saat ini pihak militer masih tetap solid dan tidak seperti yang diisukan telah terpecah.
"Saya bersumpah di hadapan Tuhan, bahwa militer Mesir masih tetap kompak dan solid," ujarnya.
Seruan serupa juga disampaikan oleh penasihat media Presiden Adly Mansour, Ahmed Al-Meslemani. Dia meminta warga Mesir untuk melindungi legitimasi revolusi dan mendukung upaya perlawan terhadap tindak terorisme.
Tanggapan Ikhwanul
Menanggapi seruan Sisi, anggota senior Kelompok Ikhawanul Muslimin Essam al-Erian, mengeluarkan pernyataan yang langsung ditujukan kepada pihak militer. Dia mengatakan ancaman Sisi tidak lantas mematikan perjuangan mereka.
"Ancaman Anda tidak akan menghentikan unjuk rasa melawan kudeta ini. Anda selalu berada di kantor untuk merancang konspirasi," ujar al-Erian.
Di mata kelompok IM seruan Sisi tidak lebih dari pengumuman adanya perang sipil. Oleh sebab itu dalam sebuah jumpa wartawan, kelompok Islamis dari oposisi meminta agar Sisi segera diadili atas kejahatan kemanusiaan.
"Seruan untuk aksi hari Jumat besok jelas merupakan pengumuman adanya perang sipil," kata perwakilan kelompok IM.
Sementara di mata anggota senior IM lainnya, Mohamed el-Beltagy, aksi hari Jumat esok dilakukan Sisi tidak lebih untuk melindungi kudeta militer yang telah dia lakukan. Dia juga mengatakan bahwa dengan adanya seruan hari Rabu kemarin menjadi bukti bahwa dia lah sesungguhnya pemimpin negeri ini dan bukan Presiden Mansour.
"Dia membuktikan diri sebagai pemimpin yang sesungguhnya. Presiden, Wapres dan pemerintahan yang saat ini berkuasa tidak memiliki kekuasaan apa pun," imbuhnya seperti dikutip stasiun berita BBC.
Sementara di tempat terpisah sekitar 10 ribu pendukung Mursi masih berkumpul di kota Nasr, pada Kamis ini dan menuntut kursi kepresidenan dikembalikan kepada Mursi. Sejak peristiwa tergulingnya Mursi, sekitar 100 warga Mesir dilaporkan tewas dalam berbagai aksi unjuk rasa.
Pemerintah Indonesia, melalui Kementerian Luar Negeri, mengeluarkan peringatan khusus, travel advisory, bagi Warga Negara Indonesia (WNI). Mereka diminta untuk sementara waktu tidak berkunjung ke Mesir kecuali ada keperluan mendesak. Keputusan itu diambil setelah memperhatikan bahwa gejolak politik di Mesir sejak pergantian kepemimpinan belum juga mereda hingga hari ini.
Hal itu mendorong terjadinya berbagai unjuk rasa di berbagai wilayah khususnya di ibukota Kairo yang telah memakan banyak korban jiwa di kalangan warga Mesir. Demikian pernyataan tertulis Menteri Luar Negeri Marty Natalegawa yang diterima VIVAnews, Kamis 25 Juli 2013.
Menlu meminta agar seluruh WNI menunda perjalanan ke Mesir, khususnya ke wilayah Semenanjung Sinai, hingga situasi kemanan kembali stabil. Sementara pada hari Jumat besok, Menteri Pertahanan Mesir di kabinet transisi, Jenderal Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, menyerukan kepada para pendukung militer untuk turun ke jalan dan berdemonstrasi besar-besaran pada Jumat esok.
Seruan itu kemudian dibalas para pendukung Mursi untuk melakukan aksi serupa. Terkait dengan aksi unjuk rasa yang akan digelar esok, Konsuler Kedutaan Besar Republik Indonesi di ibukota Kairo menghimbau tujuh hal kepada WNI yang masih bermukim di sana.
Hal itu tertuang dalam surat edaran no SE.061/VII/2013/PROTKONS dan terpampang di akun resmi Facebook mereka. Dari tujuh poin himbauan, antara lain meminta WNI menghindari keluar rumah pada hari Jumat esok kecuali untuk kepentingan beribadah dan keperluan menyiapkan bahan kebutuhan pokok, menjauhi pusat konsentrasi massa seperti di Lapangan Tahrir, gedung radio dan televisi, daerah Abbasiyah, Rabeah el-Adaweya, wilayah Universitas Kairo dan Istana Ittihadiyah.
Selain itu WNI juga disarankan untuk tidak ikut campur dalam politik dalam negeri Mesir baik secara verbal atau tulisan melalui media sosial dan selalu membawa tanda pengenal yang berlaku. Bagi Anda yang memerlukan informasi lebih lanjut terkait travel advisory ini dan perkembangan terbaru mengenai Mesir, dapat menghubungi KBRI Kairo di nomor +201 02222 9989, +201 051 85795.
Atau juga dapat menghubungi Kemlu bagian Direktorat Timur Tengah di nomor (021)384 9045.
Perang Saudara yang kini telah menelan korban sipil ratusan ribu orang yang telah terjadi akibat konflik antara rejim militer yang didukung kelompok sekuler dan syiah kelompok rejim Presiden Assad melawan kelompok oposisi Sunni yang kini mulai dipasok senjata dari Arab Saudi yang membelinya dari Israel, kini juga mengancam Mesir.
Konflik perang saudara semakin mengancam Mesir setelah penguasa militer Mesir meminta kelompok oposisi yang didukung kelompok sekuler dan non-Muslim diminta turun ke jalan berdemonstrasi untuk meminta legitimasi dari Rakyat.
Sementara esbagian besar dari 300 orang yang tewas di jalan-jalan di Mesir adalah kelompok pendukung presiden yang terpilih secara semokratis Mursi yang kini dugulingkan militer melalui kudeta. Sebagian besar mereka yang tewas akibat diterjang peluru du kepala oleh tentara yang menekan para demonstran menentang kudeta yang jumlahnya semakin meningkat di seluruh kota di Mesir.
Konflik politik di Mesir semakin panas seiring bentrokan yang terus terjadi antara kedua kubu, penentang dan pendukung Mohammed Mursi. Dilaporkan, jumlah korban meroket dalam semalam sejak aksi protes massa dari kedua kubu dimulai pada Jumat siang waktu setempat.
Diberitakan CNN, Sabtu 27 Juli 2013, laporan kantor berita MENA yang mengutip tim medis, korban tewas sejak Jumat hingga hari ini telah mencapai 75 orang di Mesir. Sementara itu, lebih dari 1.000 orang terluka dalam bentrok antara massa pro-Mursi dengan polisi di Nasr City, Kairo.
Di Nasr City yang telah jadi tempat pendudukan Ikhwanul Muslimin sebanyak 10 orang tewas. Ikhwanul Muslimin menuduh polisi telah menggunakan peluru tajam dalam menyerang mereka.
Bentrokan antara massa pro-Mursi dengan aparat juga terjadi di Jembatan 6 Oktober di Sungai Nil. Menurut saksi mata, di tempat ini aparat bersama dengan massa anti-Mursi bersatu menggempur Ikhwanul Muslimin. Gas air mata terus melayang ke arah gerombolan massa.
Kelompok anti Mursi turun ke jalan setelah mendapatkan lampu hijau dari pemimpin militer Mesir Abdel Fattah El-Sisi pada Rabu. Dia menyerukan rakyat untuk menggelar protes dan mendukung militer dalam menggempur kekerasan dan terorisme pasca penggulingan Mursi.
Mereka berkumpul di Kairo dan Alexandria. Jutaan massa pendukung militer berkumpul di Tahrir Square. Helikopter militer di atasnya menyebarkan leaflet dan bendera Mesir semakin membakar semangat juang penolakan terhadap Mursi dan Ikhwanul Muslimin.
Aksi besar Ikhwanul Muslimin digelar Jumat setelah Mursi divonis 15 hari penjara karena dituduh bekerja sama dengan Hamas. Mursi juga dituduh membobol penjara pasca revolusi Mesir dan membantu kaburnya banyak tahanan.
Sebelumnya, Jenderal Abdel Fattah El-Sisi telah memberikan ultimatum 48 jam untuk Ikhwanul Muslimin agar bergabung dalam peta politik Mesir. Namun hingga tenggat waktu Sabtu ini, belum ada respon dari Ikhwanul Muslimin.
Pengadilan Mesir mengeluarkan perintah untuk menahan mantan Presiden Muhammad Mursi selama 15 hari sambil menunggu hasil penyelidikan tuduhan yang menyebut dia menjadi mata-mata bagi kelompok militan Hamas.
Selain itu, menurut laporan kantor berita pemerintah, MENA, Mursi juga dianggap ikut membantu pembobolan penjara dalam peristiwa pemberontakan yang menggulingkan mantan Presiden Hosni Mubarak.
Stasiun berita Al Jazeera, Jumat 26 Juli 2013 melansir keputusan itu dikeluarkan oleh pengadilan pada hari ini. Menurut informasi dari pejabat berwenang, keputusan itu diambil oleh Hakim Hassan Sammir, yang menyelidiki tuduhan terhadap Mursi.
Laporan itu muncul saat pendukung dan penentang Mursi tengah bersiap untuk menggelar unjuk rasa besar-besaran nasional sesuai seruan Panglima Militer dan Menteri Pertahanan sementara Mesir, Jenderal Abdel Fattah al-Sisi. Di waktu yang bersamaan kelompok Ikhwanul Muslimin (IM) juga menyerukan hal yang sama demi memperjuangan masa depan Mesir.
Namun hingga saat ini keberadaan Mursi masih belum diketahui. Banyak pihak menduga dia ditahan di markas Garda Republik. Juru bicara Kemlu, Badr Abdel-Atti pada tanggal 10 Juli lalu memang telah mengkonfirmasi bahwa Mursi kini berada di tempat yang aman dan diperlakukan secara baik.
Menanggapi keputusan pengadilan itu, juru bicara kelompok IM, Gehad El-Haddad, mengatakan bahwa Mesir sudah mulai kembali ke rezim lama ketika diperintah Mubarak.
"Tuduhan itu dibacakan seolah mereka merupakan pembalasan dendam dari rezim lama," ungkap El-Haddad.
Keputusan pengadilan itu merupakan lanjutan dari peryataan bulan lalu yang menyebut kelompok IM bekerja sama dengan kelompok Hamas dan Hizbullah untuk menyerbu penjara Wadi el-Natroun tahun 2011 silam. Saat itu sebanyak 34 anggota tinggi kelomok IM termasuk mantan Presiden Mursi berhasil dikeluarkan dari penjara.
Panglima militer merangkap Menteri Pertahanan kabinet sementara Mesir, Jenderal Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, menyerukan kepada para pendukung militer untuk turun ke jalan dan berdemonstrasi secara besar-besaran pada Jumat esok. Namun Sisi membantah seruannya itu merupakan ajakan kepada rakyat Mesir untuk melakukan tindak kekerasan.
Menurut dia, seruan itu lebih ke arah dukungan untuk upaya rekonsiliasi nasional. Stasiun berita Al Jazeera, Kamis 25 Juli, 2013 melansir Sisi menyerukan hal tersebut dalam sebuah pidato pada Rabu kemarin di hadapan para lulusan militer.
"Saya meminta untuk aksi hari Jumat esok, seluruh warga Mesir yang jujur dan dapat dipercaya untuk berpartisipasi. Mengapa Anda harus ikut serta? Mereka ke luar untuk memberikan saya mandat dan perintah, saya harus melawan tindak kekerasan dan aksi potensial terorisme," ungkap Sisi yang disiarkan langsung oleh media pemerintah.
Dalam kesempatan itu, dia turut membantah tuduhan yang menyatakan dirinya telah berkhianat terhadap mantan Presiden terguling, Mohammed Mursi yang dia jungkalkan tanggal 3 Juli kemarin. Dia juga mengatakan hingga saat ini pihak militer masih tetap solid dan tidak seperti yang diisukan telah terpecah.
"Saya bersumpah di hadapan Tuhan, bahwa militer Mesir masih tetap kompak dan solid," ujarnya.
Seruan serupa juga disampaikan oleh penasihat media Presiden Adly Mansour, Ahmed Al-Meslemani. Dia meminta warga Mesir untuk melindungi legitimasi revolusi dan mendukung upaya perlawan terhadap tindak terorisme.
Tanggapan Ikhwanul
Menanggapi seruan Sisi, anggota senior Kelompok Ikhawanul Muslimin Essam al-Erian, mengeluarkan pernyataan yang langsung ditujukan kepada pihak militer. Dia mengatakan ancaman Sisi tidak lantas mematikan perjuangan mereka.
"Ancaman Anda tidak akan menghentikan unjuk rasa melawan kudeta ini. Anda selalu berada di kantor untuk merancang konspirasi," ujar al-Erian.
Di mata kelompok IM seruan Sisi tidak lebih dari pengumuman adanya perang sipil. Oleh sebab itu dalam sebuah jumpa wartawan, kelompok Islamis dari oposisi meminta agar Sisi segera diadili atas kejahatan kemanusiaan.
"Seruan untuk aksi hari Jumat besok jelas merupakan pengumuman adanya perang sipil," kata perwakilan kelompok IM.
Sementara di mata anggota senior IM lainnya, Mohamed el-Beltagy, aksi hari Jumat esok dilakukan Sisi tidak lebih untuk melindungi kudeta militer yang telah dia lakukan. Dia juga mengatakan bahwa dengan adanya seruan hari Rabu kemarin menjadi bukti bahwa dia lah sesungguhnya pemimpin negeri ini dan bukan Presiden Mansour.
"Dia membuktikan diri sebagai pemimpin yang sesungguhnya. Presiden, Wapres dan pemerintahan yang saat ini berkuasa tidak memiliki kekuasaan apa pun," imbuhnya seperti dikutip stasiun berita BBC.
Sementara di tempat terpisah sekitar 10 ribu pendukung Mursi masih berkumpul di kota Nasr, pada Kamis ini dan menuntut kursi kepresidenan dikembalikan kepada Mursi. Sejak peristiwa tergulingnya Mursi, sekitar 100 warga Mesir dilaporkan tewas dalam berbagai aksi unjuk rasa.
Pemerintah Indonesia, melalui Kementerian Luar Negeri, mengeluarkan peringatan khusus, travel advisory, bagi Warga Negara Indonesia (WNI). Mereka diminta untuk sementara waktu tidak berkunjung ke Mesir kecuali ada keperluan mendesak. Keputusan itu diambil setelah memperhatikan bahwa gejolak politik di Mesir sejak pergantian kepemimpinan belum juga mereda hingga hari ini.
Hal itu mendorong terjadinya berbagai unjuk rasa di berbagai wilayah khususnya di ibukota Kairo yang telah memakan banyak korban jiwa di kalangan warga Mesir. Demikian pernyataan tertulis Menteri Luar Negeri Marty Natalegawa yang diterima VIVAnews, Kamis 25 Juli 2013.
Menlu meminta agar seluruh WNI menunda perjalanan ke Mesir, khususnya ke wilayah Semenanjung Sinai, hingga situasi kemanan kembali stabil. Sementara pada hari Jumat besok, Menteri Pertahanan Mesir di kabinet transisi, Jenderal Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, menyerukan kepada para pendukung militer untuk turun ke jalan dan berdemonstrasi besar-besaran pada Jumat esok.
Seruan itu kemudian dibalas para pendukung Mursi untuk melakukan aksi serupa. Terkait dengan aksi unjuk rasa yang akan digelar esok, Konsuler Kedutaan Besar Republik Indonesi di ibukota Kairo menghimbau tujuh hal kepada WNI yang masih bermukim di sana.
Hal itu tertuang dalam surat edaran no SE.061/VII/2013/PROTKONS dan terpampang di akun resmi Facebook mereka. Dari tujuh poin himbauan, antara lain meminta WNI menghindari keluar rumah pada hari Jumat esok kecuali untuk kepentingan beribadah dan keperluan menyiapkan bahan kebutuhan pokok, menjauhi pusat konsentrasi massa seperti di Lapangan Tahrir, gedung radio dan televisi, daerah Abbasiyah, Rabeah el-Adaweya, wilayah Universitas Kairo dan Istana Ittihadiyah.
Selain itu WNI juga disarankan untuk tidak ikut campur dalam politik dalam negeri Mesir baik secara verbal atau tulisan melalui media sosial dan selalu membawa tanda pengenal yang berlaku. Bagi Anda yang memerlukan informasi lebih lanjut terkait travel advisory ini dan perkembangan terbaru mengenai Mesir, dapat menghubungi KBRI Kairo di nomor +201 02222 9989, +201 051 85795.
Atau juga dapat menghubungi Kemlu bagian Direktorat Timur Tengah di nomor (021)384 9045.
Indonesia in Focus: Masjid Al Haram – Mataf Expansion Project
Indonesia in Focus: Masjid Al Haram – Mataf Expansion Project: Masjid Al Haram – Mataf Expansion Project The proposition of a project to increase the capacity of the mataf was shown to King Abdullah...
Masjid Al Haram – Mataf Expansion Project
Masjid Al Haram – Mataf Expansion Project
The proposition of a project to increase the capacity of the mataf was shown to King Abdullah in Ramadhan 1432 Hijri who directed to start implementing it.
-King Abdullah assigned the Ministry of Higher Education, General Authority of Masjid al Haram and Masjid al Nabawi and Saudi Bin Laden Group (Working team) to finish the studies on developing the proposed solution.
-The working team recommended a number of studies which were presented to King Abdullah, as follows:
Studies regarding air movement in Mataf Expansion and First Saudi Expansion.
Studies regarding the building structure of the First Saudi Expansion.
Studies regarding Automated systems for Tawaf and Sa’ee for people with special needs.
Studies regarding systems for shading the new mataf and the roof of Haram.
Studies regarding crowd movement through an integrated system beginning from outside Masjid-al-Haram and the areas surrounding it.
-King Abdullah ordered that these recommended studies be conducted urgently.
-The proposed design was shown to the Supreme Hajj Committee after the Hajj Season of 1432H and they ordered to conduct studies regarding increasing the width of the
Mataf with repititive floors and studies regarding re-building the structure of the First Saudi Expansion.
-The team of Ministry of Higher Education and General Authority of Masjid-al-Haram and Masjid-al-Nabawi arranged a work shop with the Security forces in the month of
Rabi-ul-awwal 1433H to inform them about the proposed design and to take their opinion and to find out their demands.
-The meetings of the working team continued in order to develop the proposed solution including the observations and recommendations of the security forces. Some of
the important observations which were taken into account are:
Studying and assessing of the structural system of the First Saudi Expansion.
Paying attention to crowd movement and fragmentation of human blocks inside and outside Masjid-al-Haram.
To Facilitate the entry and exit movement in the entrances of the Masjid al Haram building so as to provide safety and security to the visitors.
Preparing passages and roads leading to Masjid al Haram and developing a guidance system to facilitate the arrival and departure.
Developing a system for shading the mataf courtyard and the roof of Masjid al Haram and the external squares surrounding it.
Providing specific and separate passages to people with special needs and the elderly and developing an automated system to serve them.
The importance of linking (the Mataf) with the Third Saudi Expansion and activating the basement level.
-The Ministry team assigned a number of consulting offices (in the field of structural studies and supporting and re-enforcing structures) to study and assess the structural system of the First Saudi Expansion and its ability to cope with the above-mentioned demands. The results of this study suggested that the current structure was unable to support additional upper floors and future demands.
-The Ministry team and a representative of the Genral Authority recommended that the First Saudi Expansion should be rebuilt complying with the same standards that were used in building the Third Saudi Expansion.
-Based on the above, the proposed project was developed to raise the capacity of the Mataf and the parts attatched to it.
Masjid Al Haram - Proyek Perluasan Mataf
Proposisi dari proyek untuk meningkatkan kapasitas mataf yang ditunjukkan kepada Raja Abdullah pada bulan Ramadhan 1432 Hijriah yang diarahkan untuk mulai mengimplementasikannya.
-Raja Abdullah ditugaskan Departemen Pendidikan Tinggi, Otoritas Umum Masjid al Haram dan Masjid al Nabawi dan Saudi Bin Laden Group (tim kerja) untuk menyelesaikan studi pada pengembangan solusi yang diajukan.
-Tim kerja merekomendasikan sejumlah studi yang disajikan kepada Raja Abdullah, sebagai berikut:
Studi tentang pergerakan udara di Mataf Ekspansi dan Perluasan Saudi Pertama.
Studi mengenai struktur bangunan dari Ekspansi Saudi Pertama.
Studi tentang sistem otomatis untuk Tawaf dan Sa'ee untuk orang-orang dengan kebutuhan khusus.
Studi tentang sistem untuk shading mataf baru dan atap Haram.
Studi tentang gerakan kerumunan melalui sistem yang terintegrasi mulai dari luar Masjid al-Haram dan sekitarnya itu.
-Raja Abdullah memerintahkan bahwa studi direkomendasikan dilakukan segera.
-Desain yang diusulkan ditunjukkan kepada Komite Haji Agung setelah musim haji 1432H dan mereka diperintahkan untuk melakukan studi mengenai peningkatan lebar
Mataf dengan lantai repititive dan studi mengenai kembali membangun struktur Ekspansi Saudi Pertama.
-Tim dari Departemen Pendidikan Tinggi dan Otoritas Umum Masjid al-Haram dan Masjid al-Nabawi mengatur bengkel dengan pasukan keamanan di bulan
1433H Rabi-ul-awwal untuk menginformasikan mereka tentang desain yang diusulkan dan mengambil pendapat mereka dan untuk mengetahui tuntutan mereka.
-Pertemuan-pertemuan tim kerja terus dilakukan untuk mengembangkan solusi yang diusulkan termasuk pengamatan dan rekomendasi dari aparat keamanan. Beberapa
pengamatan penting yang diperhitungkan adalah:
Mempelajari dan menilai dari sistem struktural Ekspansi Saudi Pertama.
Memperhatikan gerakan massa dan fragmentasi blok manusia dalam dan di luar Masjid al-Haram.
Untuk Memfasilitasi masuk dan gerakan keluar di pintu masuk gedung Masjid al Haram sehingga memberikan keselamatan dan keamanan bagi para pengunjung.
Mempersiapkan bagian dan jalan menuju Masjid al Haram dan mengembangkan sistem panduan untuk memfasilitasi kedatangan dan keberangkatan.
Mengembangkan sistem shading halaman mataf dan atap Masjid al Haram dan kotak eksternal sekitarnya.
Menyediakan bagian khusus dan terpisah untuk orang-orang dengan kebutuhan khusus dan orang tua dan mengembangkan sistem otomatis untuk melayani mereka.
Pentingnya menghubungkan (yang Mataf) dengan Ekspansi Saudi Ketiga dan mengaktifkan tingkat bawah tanah.
-Tim Kementerian ditugaskan sejumlah kantor konsultan (dalam bidang studi struktural dan mendukung dan menegakkan kembali struktur) untuk mempelajari dan menilai sistem struktural Ekspansi Saudi Pertama dan kemampuannya untuk menghadapi tuntutan yang disebutkan di atas. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa struktur saat ini tidak dapat mendukung lantai atas tambahan dan kebutuhan masa depan.
-Tim Kementerian dan perwakilan dari Otoritas Genral direkomendasikan bahwa Ekspansi Saudi Pertama harus dibangun sesuai dengan standar yang sama yang digunakan dalam membangun Ekspansi Saudi Ketiga.
-Berdasarkan hal tersebut diatas, proyek yang diusulkan dikembangkan untuk meningkatkan kapasitas Mataf dan bagian-bagian attatched untuk itu.
Indonesia in Focus: Rp 55 trillion funds management Hajj Indonesian Mu...
Indonesia in Focus: Rp 55 trillion funds management Hajj Indonesian Mu...: Rp 55 trillion funds management Hajj Indonesian Muslims fell on Islamic banking. Stakeholders need to be convinced that Islamic banks ...
Rp 55 trillion funds management Hajj Indonesian Muslims fell on Islamic banking.
Rp 55 trillion funds management Hajj Indonesian Muslims fell on Islamic banking.
Stakeholders need to be convinced that Islamic banks are able to manage funds Haj Rp 55 trillion.
JAKARTA - The transfer of funds Haj to Islamic banking is a new breakthrough by the Director General of the Implementation of Hajj and Umrah (PHU) of the Ministry of Religious Affairs this year.
No half-hearted about Rp 55 trillion funds management Hajj Indonesian Muslims fell on Islamic banking.
Therefore, DG PHU Anggito Abhimanyu rate, need for intensive socialization in banking that has been given authority to manage funds Haj and also dissemination to other stakeholders, such as Hajj and Umrah travel agencies, including academics concerned with issues pilgrimage and Umrah.
'' We see the need to provide funds Haj transparency to stakeholders in accordance with Islamic principles,'' said Anggito Reuters in an interview in his office, Tuesday (23/7).
During this time, according to him, socialization among economists is still not enough, while the source of funds Haj this very much.
Including an understanding of how Islamic banks can utilize the funds productively great pilgrimage in accordance with the rules of Islamic and Religious Affairs.
He said that the meeting of the Islamic Finance Seminar Prospects and Challenges of Hajj Fund Management which was held on Thursday (25/7), at the Hotel Borobudur, by the Indonesian Economists Association (ISEI) and Republika is a good move as the comprehensive socialization container.
He wished there were more related to knowledge management policy which authorized funds Haj to Islamic banking.
With this seminar, it is expected more intensive socialization and friendship is getting stronger inter-stakeholders, particularly related to the development of policy issues and the latest Hajj and Umrah.
'' This meeting could also be a study for scholars, especially those who pay attention to the management of funds Haj and Umrah for this,'' said Anggito.
The same was also conveyed hope economist Aviliani. During this time, he said, the communication between the stakeholders in the management of funds Haj affairs is still lacking because it was never collected in a container of special meetings.
Therefore, this kind of seminar is required as a place of socialization. During this special pilgrimage consumers to always get confused because saving money in Islamic banks, but it has nothing to do with travel or pilgrimage bureau.
They should take care to travel or pilgrimage agency, but his money deposited into Islamic banks. '' Because of that, it needs to dipahamkan with socialization, especially to travel and pilgrimage agency,'' said Aviliani.
Stakeholders in addition to Islamic banking also need to be convinced that Islamic banks in Indonesia are able to manage such a large fund and whether between Islamic banks and travel agencies hajj can work together.
Hopefully, Islamic banks and travel agents are not confused with the new policies of the Ministry of Religious Affairs and the Government of Saudi Arabia.
Stakeholders need to be convinced that Islamic banks are able to manage funds Haj Rp 55 trillion.
JAKARTA - The transfer of funds Haj to Islamic banking is a new breakthrough by the Director General of the Implementation of Hajj and Umrah (PHU) of the Ministry of Religious Affairs this year.
No half-hearted about Rp 55 trillion funds management Hajj Indonesian Muslims fell on Islamic banking.
Therefore, DG PHU Anggito Abhimanyu rate, need for intensive socialization in banking that has been given authority to manage funds Haj and also dissemination to other stakeholders, such as Hajj and Umrah travel agencies, including academics concerned with issues pilgrimage and Umrah.
'' We see the need to provide funds Haj transparency to stakeholders in accordance with Islamic principles,'' said Anggito Reuters in an interview in his office, Tuesday (23/7).
During this time, according to him, socialization among economists is still not enough, while the source of funds Haj this very much.
Including an understanding of how Islamic banks can utilize the funds productively great pilgrimage in accordance with the rules of Islamic and Religious Affairs.
He said that the meeting of the Islamic Finance Seminar Prospects and Challenges of Hajj Fund Management which was held on Thursday (25/7), at the Hotel Borobudur, by the Indonesian Economists Association (ISEI) and Republika is a good move as the comprehensive socialization container.
He wished there were more related to knowledge management policy which authorized funds Haj to Islamic banking.
With this seminar, it is expected more intensive socialization and friendship is getting stronger inter-stakeholders, particularly related to the development of policy issues and the latest Hajj and Umrah.
'' This meeting could also be a study for scholars, especially those who pay attention to the management of funds Haj and Umrah for this,'' said Anggito.
The same was also conveyed hope economist Aviliani. During this time, he said, the communication between the stakeholders in the management of funds Haj affairs is still lacking because it was never collected in a container of special meetings.
Therefore, this kind of seminar is required as a place of socialization. During this special pilgrimage consumers to always get confused because saving money in Islamic banks, but it has nothing to do with travel or pilgrimage bureau.
They should take care to travel or pilgrimage agency, but his money deposited into Islamic banks. '' Because of that, it needs to dipahamkan with socialization, especially to travel and pilgrimage agency,'' said Aviliani.
Stakeholders in addition to Islamic banking also need to be convinced that Islamic banks in Indonesia are able to manage such a large fund and whether between Islamic banks and travel agencies hajj can work together.
Hopefully, Islamic banks and travel agents are not confused with the new policies of the Ministry of Religious Affairs and the Government of Saudi Arabia.
Indonesia in Focus: Rp 55 triliun dana haji umat Islam Indonesia penge...
Indonesia in Focus: Rp 55 triliun dana haji umat Islam Indonesia penge...: Rp 55 triliun dana haji umat Islam Indonesia pengelolaannya jatuh pada perbankan syariah. Pemangku kepentingan perlu diyakinkan bahwa ...
Rp 55 triliun dana haji umat Islam Indonesia pengelolaannya jatuh pada perbankan syariah.
Rp 55 triliun dana haji umat Islam Indonesia pengelolaannya jatuh pada perbankan syariah.
Pemangku kepentingan perlu diyakinkan bahwa perbankan syariah mampu mengelola dana haji Rp 55 triliun.
JAKARTA -- Pengalihan dana haji ke perbankan syariah merupakan terobosan baru yang dilakukan Dirjen Penyelenggaraan Haji dan Umrah (PHU) Kementerian Agama tahun ini.
Tidak tanggung-tanggung sekitar Rp 55 triliun dana haji umat Islam Indonesia pengelolaannya jatuh pada perbankan syariah.
Karena itu, Dirjen PHU Anggito Abimanyu menilai, perlu adanya sosialisasi yang intensif pada perbankan yang telah diberikan kewenangan mengelola dana haji ini dan juga sosialisasi kepada pemangku kepentingan yang lain, seperti travel biro haji dan umrah, termasuk para akademisi yang menaruh perhatian pada masalah haji dan umrah.
''Kita melihat perlu memberikan transparansi dana haji kepada stakeholders sesuai dengan prinsip syariah,'' ujar Anggito ketika diwawancara Republika di kantornya, Selasa (23/7).
Selama ini, menurut dia, sosialisasi di kalangan ekonom masih belum cukup, sedangkan sumber dana haji ini sangat banyak.
Termasuk memberi pemahaman bagaimana bank syariah bisa memanfaatkan secara produktif dana haji yang besar tersebut sesuai dengan syariah dan aturan Kementerian Agama.
Menurut Anggito, adanya pertemuan Seminar Prospek Keuangan Syariah dan Tantangan Pengelolaan Dana Haji yang digelar Kamis (25/7), di Hotel Borobudur, oleh Ikatan Sarjana Ekonomi Indonesia (ISEI) dan Republika merupakan langkah yang baik sebagai wadah sosialisasi yang komprehensif tersebut.
Ia berharap ada pengetahuan yang lebih terkait kebijakan pengelolaan dana haji yang diberikan kewenangan ke perbankan syariah.
Dengan seminar ini, diharapkan sosialisasi semakin intensif dan silaturahim antar-stakeholders semakin kuat, terutama terkait perkembangan isu dan kebijakan haji dan umrah yang terbaru.
''Pertemuan ini bisa juga menjadi studi bagi para akademisi, khususnya mereka yang memberi perhatian pada pengelolaan dana haji dan umrah selama ini,'' kata Anggito.
Harapan yang sama juga disampaikan ekonom Aviliani. Selama ini, menurutnya, komunikasi antara stakeholders dalam urusan pengelolaan dana haji masih kurang karena tidak pernah dikumpulkan dalam satu wadah pertemuan khusus.
Karena itu, seminar semacam ini diperlukan sebagai wadah sosialisasi. Selama ini konsumen untuk haji khusus selalu bingung karena menabung di bank syariah, tapi tidak ada hubungannya dengan travel atau biro haji.
Mereka harus mengurus ke travel atau biro haji, tapi duitnya disetorkan ke bank syariah. ''Karena itu, ini perlu dipahamkan dengan sosialisasi, terutama ke travel dan biro haji,'' kata Aviliani.
Pemangku kepentingan selain perbankan syariah juga perlu diyakinkan bahwa bank syariah di Indonesia mampu mengelola dana yang besar tersebut dan apakah antara bank syariah dan biro travel haji bisa bekerja sama.
Harapannya, bank syariah dan biro travel tidak bingung dengan adanya kebijakan-kebijakan baru dari Kementerian Agama dan Pemerintah Arab Saudi.
Pemangku kepentingan perlu diyakinkan bahwa perbankan syariah mampu mengelola dana haji Rp 55 triliun.
JAKARTA -- Pengalihan dana haji ke perbankan syariah merupakan terobosan baru yang dilakukan Dirjen Penyelenggaraan Haji dan Umrah (PHU) Kementerian Agama tahun ini.
Tidak tanggung-tanggung sekitar Rp 55 triliun dana haji umat Islam Indonesia pengelolaannya jatuh pada perbankan syariah.
Karena itu, Dirjen PHU Anggito Abimanyu menilai, perlu adanya sosialisasi yang intensif pada perbankan yang telah diberikan kewenangan mengelola dana haji ini dan juga sosialisasi kepada pemangku kepentingan yang lain, seperti travel biro haji dan umrah, termasuk para akademisi yang menaruh perhatian pada masalah haji dan umrah.
''Kita melihat perlu memberikan transparansi dana haji kepada stakeholders sesuai dengan prinsip syariah,'' ujar Anggito ketika diwawancara Republika di kantornya, Selasa (23/7).
Selama ini, menurut dia, sosialisasi di kalangan ekonom masih belum cukup, sedangkan sumber dana haji ini sangat banyak.
Termasuk memberi pemahaman bagaimana bank syariah bisa memanfaatkan secara produktif dana haji yang besar tersebut sesuai dengan syariah dan aturan Kementerian Agama.
Menurut Anggito, adanya pertemuan Seminar Prospek Keuangan Syariah dan Tantangan Pengelolaan Dana Haji yang digelar Kamis (25/7), di Hotel Borobudur, oleh Ikatan Sarjana Ekonomi Indonesia (ISEI) dan Republika merupakan langkah yang baik sebagai wadah sosialisasi yang komprehensif tersebut.
Ia berharap ada pengetahuan yang lebih terkait kebijakan pengelolaan dana haji yang diberikan kewenangan ke perbankan syariah.
Dengan seminar ini, diharapkan sosialisasi semakin intensif dan silaturahim antar-stakeholders semakin kuat, terutama terkait perkembangan isu dan kebijakan haji dan umrah yang terbaru.
''Pertemuan ini bisa juga menjadi studi bagi para akademisi, khususnya mereka yang memberi perhatian pada pengelolaan dana haji dan umrah selama ini,'' kata Anggito.
Harapan yang sama juga disampaikan ekonom Aviliani. Selama ini, menurutnya, komunikasi antara stakeholders dalam urusan pengelolaan dana haji masih kurang karena tidak pernah dikumpulkan dalam satu wadah pertemuan khusus.
Karena itu, seminar semacam ini diperlukan sebagai wadah sosialisasi. Selama ini konsumen untuk haji khusus selalu bingung karena menabung di bank syariah, tapi tidak ada hubungannya dengan travel atau biro haji.
Mereka harus mengurus ke travel atau biro haji, tapi duitnya disetorkan ke bank syariah. ''Karena itu, ini perlu dipahamkan dengan sosialisasi, terutama ke travel dan biro haji,'' kata Aviliani.
Pemangku kepentingan selain perbankan syariah juga perlu diyakinkan bahwa bank syariah di Indonesia mampu mengelola dana yang besar tersebut dan apakah antara bank syariah dan biro travel haji bisa bekerja sama.
Harapannya, bank syariah dan biro travel tidak bingung dengan adanya kebijakan-kebijakan baru dari Kementerian Agama dan Pemerintah Arab Saudi.
Indonesia in Focus: Is no longer a purely Islamic party ideology accor...
Indonesia in Focus: Is no longer a purely Islamic party ideology accor...: Is no longer a purely Islamic party ideology according the Qur'an and Sunnah Rasullullah And the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) is ...
Is no longer a purely Islamic party ideology according the Qur'an and Sunnah Rasullullah
Is no longer a purely Islamic party ideology according the Qur'an and Sunnah Rasullullah
And the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) is unfeasible longer claim to be the party of Islamic ideology. Maarif Institute researchers Zully Qadir said the party did not reflect the behavior of Islamic values.
"(People) PKS always say 'we clean party, party propaganda." They do not deserve another party claimed that Islam, clean. Parties that no ideology, "said Zully discussion about political Islam movements of Indonesia in Jakarta, Friday (26 / 7/2013).
He said it looked from the viscous force of transactional politics in MCC. Dicontohkannya, in areas that are not mass base VFD, precisely applicable local regulations (regulations) sharia. These areas for example, Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara, and Tasikmalaya and Indramayu, West Java. Then Banten province, Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan, and South Sulawesi.
"There is not a strong MCC area, but apply sharia regulations. Was strong once the transaction. Enforcement of Islamic regulations, the goal that was supported in the elections (local elections) next," said Zully.
Other things, he said, many recognition research respondents claimed an amount of money held up more than Rp 1 billion to be backed up into the head area.
"The other party may do so, but the other party did not claim they were the cleanest and Islamic parties," said sociologist Muhammadiyah University Jakarta.
Indonesia in Focus: Sudah tidak ada lagi partai berideologi Islam seca...
Indonesia in Focus: Sudah tidak ada lagi partai berideologi Islam seca...: Sudah tidak ada lagi partai berideologi Islam secara murni sesuai al-qur'an dan sunnah Rasullullah Partai Keadilan dan Sejahtera (P...
Sudah tidak ada lagi partai berideologi Islam secara murni sesuai al-qur'an dan sunnah Rasullullah
Sudah tidak ada lagi partai berideologi Islam secara murni sesuai al-qur'an dan sunnah Rasullullah
Partai Keadilan dan Sejahtera (PKS) dinilai tidak layak lagi mengaku sebagai partai berideologi Islam. Peneliti MAARIF Institute Zully Qodir menyatakan, perilaku partai itu tidak mencerminkan nilai-nilai keislaman.
"(Orang) PKS selalu mengatakan 'kami partai yang bersih, partai dakwah'. Mereka tidak layak lagi mengaku partai yang Islam, bersih. Partai itu tidak ada ideologinya," ujar Zully diskusi soal gerakan Islam politik Indonesia di Jakarta, Jumat (26/7/2013).
Ia mengatakan, hal itu tampak dari politik transaksional yang kental berlaku di PKS. Dicontohkannya, di daerah-daerah yang bukan basis massa PKS, justru berlaku peraturan daerah (perda) syariah. Daerah-daerah itu misalnya, Lombok, Nusa Tenggara Barat, serta Tasikmalaya dan Indramayu, Jawa Barat. Lalu Provinsi Banten, Banjarmasin, Kalimantan Selatan, dan Sulawesi Selatan.
"Di sana bukan daerah PKS kuat, tapi berlaku perda syariah. Itu kuat sekali transaksi. Pemberlakuan perda syariah, tujuannya supaya didukung pada pilkada (pemilihan kepala daerah) berikutnya," pungkas Zully.
Hal lainnya, katanya, banyak pengakuan responden penelitiannya mengaku dimintai sejumlah uang hingga lebih dari Rp 1 miliar agar didukung menjadi kepala daerah.
"Partai lain mungkin melakukannya, tapi partai lain tidak mengaku mereka paling bersih dan partai Islami," tukas sosiolog Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta itu.
Friday, July 26, 2013
Indonesia in Focus: Egypt split into two groups and the Egyptian Milit...
Indonesia in Focus: Egypt split into two groups and the Egyptian Milit...: Egypt split into two groups and the Egyptian Military panic. Egypt's military rulers solicitation that the Egyptian people stag...
Indonesia in Focus: Egypt split into two groups and the Egyptian Milit...
Indonesia in Focus: Egypt split into two groups and the Egyptian Milit...: Egypt split into two groups and the Egyptian Military panic. Egypt's military rulers solicitation that the Egyptian people stag...
Egypt split into two groups and the Egyptian Military panic.
Egypt split into two groups and the Egyptian Military panic.
Egypt's military rulers solicitation that the Egyptian people staged a demonstration to seek legitimacy if rakyay support a military coup as panic dianngap Egyptian military that is increasingly opposed by the people of Egypt are protesting in most major cities in Egypt
Invitation was even more exacerbated divisions in Egypt so that the Egyptians are split in half and further away from democracy, sehinnga clerics like Yusuf Qaradawi asks Egypt's military to restore power back to being the President of Egypt Mursi valid and legitimate.
Yusuf Qaradawi and senior clerics at Al-Azhar calls on Egyptians to unite to restore a healthy democratic life in Egypt in accordance with constitution has no power by violent means such as a coup similar in ways unhealthy and undemocratic.
Clashes between anti-and pro two camps of former President Mohammed Mursi broke out in several cities across Egypt on Friday. Nine people were reported killed, while more than 200 others injured.
According to Reuters, the victims died mostly from Alexandria, Egypt's second largest city. Al-Ahram reported, clashes occurred when mass anti-Mursi who fronted the military did a long march. Egyptian theme of their action is against terrorism.
When running in Mahatet Al-Raml, they met with mass pro-Mursi Mosque in Al-Qaed Ibrahim, the inevitable clash. One of the victims was 14 years old, was stabbed to death in her stomach. One other victim was shot in the head.
Clashes also occurred in Cairo, Damietta, Gharbiya and Sharqiya in the Nile Delta. Many were injured due to the mass of pellets from shotgun bird shot and a stone's throw from the top of the building. A total of 274 people were injured.
Mass anti Mursi took to the streets after getting the green light from the Egyptian military leader Abdel Fattah El-Sisi on Wednesday. He called on people to protest and support the military in attacking violence and terrorism after the overthrow of Mursi.
Call for this demonstration coincided with a massive action plan that considers the Muslim Brotherhood Mursi illegally deposed and demanded he be returned to the reins of leadership.
The Muslim Brotherhood has been waging in several cities after Mursi overthrown. The new Interior Minister Mohamed Ibrahim, said that the action would be immediately terminated in accordance with the law.
In his Facebook account, the Brotherhood said that the military increasingly aggressive. The military, they said, stormed their camp at night.
Previously, severe clashes occurred in front of the headquarters of the Revolutionary Guards, where Mursi allegedly detained. A total of 54 members of the Muslim Brotherhood was sprayed with bullets killed.
The Egyptian military decision to remove the majority of the legitimacy of the Egyptian people who deposited the records Mursi became fused betrayal of democracy Egypt.
Because the government only a year old, the struggle to restore stability Kinanah the country in the hands of the military must be stopped. On the other side of this decision benefits only opposition is not ready to accept the reality of democracy.
There is concern that the President-who felt betrayed now-about the future of Egypt. As a leader who understands politics, he felt the danger threatening the future of Egypt.
There are those who have feared would steal the revolution and now there along the line of the people who want it crashed.
As a manifestation of his love for the people of Egypt, Dr. Mursi took time to convey some messages and responses related to military decisions. Here is a summary of responses President Mursi:
1. I was legitimate and authorized the President, elected directly by the people of pre / post-military statements
2. It was a coup attempt. But I still advise that the stability of the country's security is maintained
3. I appeal to all to avoid conflict, and to shed the blood of fellow
4. Our Revolution (January 25) has been stolen by the old regime and the opposition
5. Several measures have been offered to complete the goal of the revolution among Pileg Jurdil, Dialog etc.. But rejected
6. It is an attempt to steal our revolution pure (January 25) that we went back to the beginning and ignore all capaian2
7. I say should be implemented legislative elections were honest and fair with military surveillance and MoHA
8. January 25 revolution was the desire of the people, how can the desire is forgotten in just 1 year?
9. I will not give legitimacy to a new legitimacy. Because of the danger
10. If this is allowed, the law will always be violated. Each month there will be a new law for the sake of removing the old one-sided
11. We all love Egypt. I say again, there is no substitute for a legitimate law
12. I admit the existence of the rejection, but I also see the support that is no less great for the legitimacy of the Law
Thus the summary of responses after the release of President Mursi Egyptian military statement.
Egyptian court issued an order to detain former President Mohammad Mursi for 15 days pending an investigation into allegations that he called a spy for the militant group Hamas.
In addition, the government's news agency, MENA, Mursi also be helped in the event jailbreak uprising that ousted former President Hosni Mubarak.
News station Al Jazeera, Friday, July 26, 2013 launch decision was issued by the court today. According to information from the authorities, the decision was taken by Justice Hassan Sammir, who investigated the allegations against Mursi.
The report comes as supporters and opponents of the Mursi is preparing to hold a massive rally nationally appropriate Military Commander calls and Egypt's interim defense minister, Gen. Abdel Fattah al-Sisi. At the same time the Muslim Brotherhood (IM) also called for the same thing for the sake of promoting the future of Egypt.
But until now the existence Mursi is still unknown. Many people suspect he was detained at the headquarters of the Republican Guard. Foreign Ministry spokesman, Badr Abdel-Atti on July 10 and it has been confirmed that Mursi is now in a safe place and treated well.
Responding to the court's decision, a spokesman for the group IM, Gehad El-Haddad, said that Egypt had begun to return to the old regime when Mubarak ruled.
"The charges were read to them as a revenge of the old regime," said El-Haddad.
The court decision is a continuation of last month's statement called IM group working with groups Hamas and Hezbollah to attack the Wadi el-Natroun prison in 2011 ago. At that time high of 34 members including former President kelomok IM Mursi successfully released from prison.
Indonesia in Focus: Mesir menjadi terbelah dua kelompok dan Militer Me...
Indonesia in Focus: Mesir menjadi terbelah dua kelompok dan Militer Me...: Mesir menjadi terbelah dua kelompok dan Militer Mesir semakin panik. Ajakan penguasa militer Mesir agar rakyat Mesir melakukan demonstr...
Mesir menjadi terbelah dua kelompok dan Militer Mesir semakin panik.
Mesir menjadi terbelah dua kelompok dan Militer Mesir semakin panik.
Ajakan penguasa militer Mesir agar rakyat Mesir melakukan demonstrasi untuk mencari legitimasi apakah rakyay mendukung kudeta militer dianngap sebagai kepanikan militer Mesir yang semakin hari semakin ditentang rakyat mesir yang melakukan unjuk rasa di sebagian besar kota-kota besar di Mesir
Ajakan itu malah semakin memperuncing perpecahan di Mesir sehingga rakyat Mesir semakin terbelah dua dan semakin jauh dari kehidupan demokrasi, sehinnga para ulama seperti Yusuf Qardhawi meminta militer Mesir mengembalikan kekuasaan Mursi kembali jadi Presiden Mesir yang sah dan legitimate.
Yusuf Qardhawi dan para ulama senior di Universitas Al-Azhar bahkan mengimbau rakyat Mesir untuk bersatu untuk mengembalikan kehidupan berdemokrasi yang sehat di Mesir sesuai dengan konstitusi tidak berkuasa dengan cara-cara kekerasan seperti kudeta yang sama dengan cara-cara tidak sehat dan tidak demokratis.
Bentrokan antara dua kubu anti dan pro mantan Presiden Mohammed Mursi pecah di beberapa kota di Mesir pada Jumat waktu setempat. Sembilan orang dilaporkan tewas, sementara lebih dari 200 lainnya terluka.
Menurut Reuters, korban tewas kebanyakan berasal dari Alexandria, kota terbesar kedua di Mesir. Al-Ahram memberitakan, bentrokan terjadi saat massa anti-Mursi yang digawangi militer melakukan long march. Tema aksi mereka adalah Mesir melawan terorisme.
Saat berjalan di Mahatet Al-Raml, mereka bertemu dengan massa pro-Mursi di dekat Masjid Al-Qaed Ibrahim, bentrok tak terelakkan. Salah satu korban berusia 14 tahun, tewas ditikam di perutnya. Seorang korban lainnya tewas ditembak di kepala.
Bentrokan juga terjadi di Kairo, Damietta, Gharbiya dan Sharqiya di Nil Delta. Massa banyak yang terluka akibat tembakan pelet dari senapan burung dan lemparan batu dari atas gedung. Sebanyak 274 orang terluka.
Massa anti Mursi turun ke jalan setelah mendapatkan lampu hijau dari pemimpin militer Mesir Abdel Fattah El-Sisi pada Rabu. Dia menyerukan rakyat untuk menggelar protes dan mendukung militer dalam menggempur kekerasan dan terorisme pasca penggulingan Mursi.
Seruan demonstrasi ini bertepatan waktunya dengan rencana aksi besar-besaran Ikhwanul Muslimin yang menganggap Mursi digulingkan secara ilegal dan menuntut dia dikembalikan ke tampuk kepemimpinan.
Ikhwanul Muslimin telah melakukan aksi di beberapa kota setelah Mursi digulingkan. Menteri Dalam Negeri yang baru Mohamed Ibrahim, mengatakan bahwa aksi ini akan segera dihentikan sesuai dengan hukum.
Dalam akun Facebooknya, Ikhwanul Muslimin mengatakan bahwa militer kian agresif. Militer, ujar mereka, menyerbu perkemahan mereka pada malam hari.
Sebelumnya, bentrokan parah terjadi di depan markas Garda Revolusi, tempat diduga Mursi ditahan. Sebanyak 54 anggota Ikhwanul Muslimin tewas diberondong peluru.
Keputusan Militer Mesir menghapus legitimasi mayoritas rakyat Mesir yang dititipkan pada Mursi menjadi catatan buran pengkhianatan demokrasi Mesir.
Pasalnya dalam umur pemerintahan yang baru setahun, perjuangan memulihkan stabilitas negeri Kinanah tersebut harus terhenti di tangan militer. Di lain sisi keputusan ini hanya menguntungkan oposisi yang tidak siap menerima kenyataan demokrasi.
Ada kekhawatiran yang dirasakan Sang Presiden -yang kini dikhianati- tentang masa depan Mesir. Sebagai seorang pemimpin yang memahami perpolitikan, dia merasakan bahaya tengah mengancam masa depan Mesir.
Ada pihak-pihak yang selama ini ditakutkan akan mencuri revolusi dan kini ada bersama barisan rakyat yang menginginkannya jatuh.
Sebagai wujud kecintaannya pada rakyat Mesir, Dr. Mursi menyempatkan diri menyampaikan beberapa pesan dan tanggapan terkait keputusan militer. Berikut adalah ringkasan tanggapan Presiden Mursi:
1. Saya adalah Presiden yang sah dan resmi, dipilih langsung oleh rakyat pra/pasca pernyataan Militer
2. Ini adalah upaya kudeta. Tapi saya tetap menghimbau agar stabilitas keamanan negara tetap dijaga
3. Saya menghimbau kepada semua agar tidak bertikai dan menumpahkan darah sesama
4. Revolusi kita (25 Januari) telah dicuri oleh rezim lama dan oposisi
5. Beberapa langkah telah ditawarkan untuk melengkapi tujuan revolusi di antaranya Pileg Jurdil, Dialog dll. Tapi ditolak
6. Ini adalah upaya untuk mencuri Revolusi kita yang murni (25 Januari) agar kita balik ke awal dan mengabaikan semua capaian2
7. Saya katakan harus segera dilaksanakan Pemilu Legislatif yang jujur dan adil dengan pengawasan Militer dan Kemendagri
8. Revolusi 25 Januari itu keinginan rakyat, bagaimana bisa keinginan tersebut dilupakan hanya dalam waktu 1 tahun?
9. Saya tidak akan menyerahkan legitimasi ini kepada legitimasi baru. Karena itu bahaya
10. Jika ini dibiarkan, UU akan selalu dilanggar. Tiap bulan akan ada UU baru menghapus yang lama demi kepentingan sepihak
11. Kita semua mencintai Mesir. Saya katakan sekali lagi, tidak ada pengganti bagi UU yang sah
12. Saya akui adanya penolakan besar, tapi saya juga melihat adanya dukungan yang tidak kalah besar bagi legitimasi UU
Demikian ringkasan tanggapan Presiden Mursi pasca keluarnya pernyataan Militer Mesir.
Pengadilan Mesir mengeluarkan perintah untuk menahan mantan Presiden Muhammad Mursi selama 15 hari sambil menunggu hasil penyelidikan tuduhan yang menyebut dia menjadi mata-mata bagi kelompok militan Hamas.
Selain itu, menurut laporan kantor berita pemerintah, MENA, Mursi juga dianggap ikut membantu pembobolan penjara dalam peristiwa pemberontakan yang menggulingkan mantan Presiden Hosni Mubarak.
Stasiun berita Al Jazeera, Jumat 26 Juli 2013 melansir keputusan itu dikeluarkan oleh pengadilan pada hari ini. Menurut informasi dari pejabat berwenang, keputusan itu diambil oleh Hakim Hassan Sammir, yang menyelidiki tuduhan terhadap Mursi.
Laporan itu muncul saat pendukung dan penentang Mursi tengah bersiap untuk menggelar unjuk rasa besar-besaran nasional sesuai seruan Panglima Militer dan Menteri Pertahanan sementara Mesir, Jenderal Abdel Fattah al-Sisi. Di waktu yang bersamaan kelompok Ikhwanul Muslimin (IM) juga menyerukan hal yang sama demi memperjuangan masa depan Mesir.
Namun hingga saat ini keberadaan Mursi masih belum diketahui. Banyak pihak menduga dia ditahan di markas Garda Republik. Juru bicara Kemlu, Badr Abdel-Atti pada tanggal 10 Juli lalu memang telah mengkonfirmasi bahwa Mursi kini berada di tempat yang aman dan diperlakukan secara baik.
Menanggapi keputusan pengadilan itu, juru bicara kelompok IM, Gehad El-Haddad, mengatakan bahwa Mesir sudah mulai kembali ke rezim lama ketika diperintah Mubarak.
"Tuduhan itu dibacakan seolah mereka merupakan pembalasan dendam dari rezim lama," ungkap El-Haddad.
Keputusan pengadilan itu merupakan lanjutan dari peryataan bulan lalu yang menyebut kelompok IM bekerja sama dengan kelompok Hamas dan Hizbullah untuk menyerbu penjara Wadi el-Natroun tahun 2011 silam. Saat itu sebanyak 34 anggota tinggi kelomok IM termasuk mantan Presiden Mursi berhasil dikeluarkan dari penjara.
Friday, July 19, 2013
Indonesia in Focus: Football teams seeded English-yack to Indonesia.
Indonesia in Focus: Football teams seeded English-yack to Indonesia.: Football teams seeded English-yack to Indonesia. After Arsenal, Liverpool now come to Jakarta, following Chelsia coming weeks, they will ...
Football teams seeded English-yack to Indonesia.
Football teams seeded English-yack to Indonesia.
After Arsenal, Liverpool now come to Jakarta, following Chelsia coming weeks, they will be testing the strength of the teams Indonesia
Legendary Players Liverpool, Ian Rush, assessing the Reds will play against Indonesia seriously XI in a trial match at Gelora Bung Karno Main Stadium, Saturday (07/20/2013). Liverpool, he said, want to score a lot of goals to provide entertainment to the Liverpudlian in Jakarta.
Liverpool came to Indonesia in a series of pre-season tour to Asia and Australia. Indonesia became the first destination Merseyside team's entourage before heading to Melbourne on July 24 and Bangkok four days later.
"Liverpool did want to provide entertainment to fans in here (Indonesia) and they want to score a lot of goals in the match," Rush said in Jakarta, Friday (07/19/2013).
Party in previous trials, successful Arsenal beat Indonesia to score seven goals without reply in SUGBK, Sunday (14/07/2013). Was the case with the Dutch also able to win 3-0 while challenging Sergio van Dijk and his colleagues on the 7th of June.
Rush assessed, the results of the two games will make the coach and the player attempts to defeat striking that it does not happen again. According to him, if a professional football team, then Indonesia will learn a lot from those two defeats and will perform better.
"When faced Liverpool, they (Indonesia) will learn from the experience. If they return the same seven-goal defeat against Arsenal was a sign they do not learn from mistakes," said Rush.
Ahead of the match against Indonesia XI, Liverpool manager Brendan Rodgers admitted he watched footage of the Indonesian team match against Arsenal. Rodgers assess Indonesian team when it appears pretty good. He even did not hesitate to judge the quality of the engineering team "Garuda".
"Until the 70th minute the game is quite tight. In my opinion, Indonesian players have good technique and it seems they are easily trained, "said Rodgers, Thursday (07/18/2013).
However, he agreed with the words of Arsenal manager Arsene Wenger on Indonesian players stamina. Earlier, Wenger said that the Indonesian players bad stamina.
"After 70 minutes they seemed exhausted. It may be true what Wenger called if they are lacking in terms of stamina, "said Rodgers.
Even so, Rodgers does not necessarily underestimate the team "Garuda". Moreover, the Indonesian squad will ketambahan players from U-23 team.
"There are some talented players on this team, especially perhaps in the front lines. This game will be a test, "said Rodgers.
Liverpool will wait on the challenge Indonesia XI team on Saturday (07/20/2013) at the Bung Karno Main Stadium, Jakarta. They then will resume pre-season tour to Melbourne, Australia, and Bangkok, Thailand.
Associated with their Asian tour this, Rodgers was faced with the question likely to recruit Asian players. However, Rodgers was not bothered by the origin of the player.
"Liverpool is a great club and we always want to get the best players. It does not matter where they come from, "said Rodgers.
The arrival of special guests from abroad as Liverpool always used various parties in order to reap sustenance. Of which a ticket broker, sell uniforms or team scarves.
One of the "fortune seekers" is Art. Between ticket buyers and vendors accessories, easy figure caught the eye. Her body is higher than average, white skin redness of sunburn in the sky Senayan, and blond hair began to become white.
His right hand held a scarf Liverpool, while in his left hand hanging dozens of similar scarf. White cardboard hanging around his neck that read "1 pcs 30,000".
"I'm from the Netherlands., Where I live in Amsterdam," said Art when Kompas.com him.
He claimed to be following the route the Reds to Melbourne and continues to Bangkok. However, he was not alone. "There were two of my friends, they also sell," said Art.
Given the story, it would be easy to assume if Art is a Liverpool fan. Indeed, he admitted that he likes on the Reds and Steven Gerrard. However, he was not "as religious" other Reds fans.
"I know they are a good team, but I do not really memorized the name of the players," said Art.
He openly admitted to Jakarta goal is for a vacation. "It's the holidays and I need the money," said Art.
Prior to Jakarta, he also had to come to Vietnam, where Arsenal run the pre-season tour. There he also sells scarves. Of course the sale is Arsenal scarf.
Art did not specify where he bought the scarves. He only mentioned that the merchandise is purchased in bulk. "All made in Asia," he explained.
While talking with Kompas.com, Art occasionally stopping to serve buyers. Kompas.com observations, some prospective audience Liverpool seemed to pause in front of the Art. Who knows, maybe they feel a new viewing experience "bule" peddling scarves.
Football and all fanaticism, always used to reap a profit from the commercial side. Especially, in Indonesia. Country of origin millions of fans overseas clubs like Liverpool. Art is only one figure that observant utilize the fanaticism.
Indonesia in Focus: Tim-tim unggulan sepakbola Inggris ramai-ramai ke ...
Indonesia in Focus: Tim-tim unggulan sepakbola Inggris ramai-ramai ke ...: Tim-tim unggulan sepakbola Inggris ramai-ramai ke Indonesia. Setelah Arsenal, kini Liverpool datang ke Jakarta, menyusul Chelsia beberapa...
Tim-tim unggulan sepakbola Inggris ramai-ramai ke Indonesia.
Tim-tim unggulan sepakbola Inggris ramai-ramai ke Indonesia.
Setelah Arsenal, kini Liverpool datang ke Jakarta, menyusul Chelsia beberapa pekan mendatang, mereka akan menjajal kekuatan kesebelasan Indonesia
Pemain legendaris Liverpool, Ian Rush, menilai The Reds akan bermain serius saat menghadapi Indonesia XI dalam laga uji coba di Stadion Utama Gelora Bung Karno, Sabtu (20/7/2013). Liverpool, kata dia, ingin mencetak banyak gol untuk memberikan hiburan kepada Liverpudlian di Jakarta.
Liverpool datang ke Indonesia dalam rangkaian tur pramusim ke Asia dan Australia. Indonesia menjadi destinasi pertama rombongan tim Merseyside ini sebelum menuju Melbourne pada 24 Juli dan Bangkok empat hari setelahnya.
"Liverpool memang ingin memberikan hiburan kepada penggemarnya di sini (Indonesia) dan mereka ingin mencetak banyak gol di pertandingan nanti," ujar Rush di Jakarta, Jumat (19/7/2013).
Di partai uji coba sebelumnya, Arsenal sukses mengalahkan Indonesia dengan skor tujuh gol tanpa balas di SUGBK, Minggu (14/7/2013). Pun halnya dengan Belanda yang juga mampu menang 3-0 saat menantang Sergio van Dijk dan kawan-kawan pada 7 Juni lalu.
Rush menilai, hasil dua pertandingan tersebut tentunya akan membuat pelatih dan pemain berupaya maksimal agar kekalahan mencolok itu tidak terulang lagi. Menurutnya, jika merupakan tim sepak bola profesional, maka Indonesia akan belajar banyak dari dua kekalahan tersebut dan akan tampil lebih baik.
"Ketika menghadapi Liverpool, mereka (Indonesia) akan belajar dari pengalaman. Jika mereka kembali kalah tujuh gol sama ketika melawan Arsenal itu tandanya mereka tidak belajar dari kesalahan," kata Rush.
Jelang pertandingan melawan Indonesia XI, pelatih Liverpool Brendan Rodgers mengaku sempat menyaksikan cuplikan pertandingan tim Indonesia saat melawan Arsenal. Rodgers menilai tim Indonesia ketika itu tampil cukup bagus. Ia bahkan tak segan menilai kualitas teknik tim ”Garuda”.
”Hingga menit ke-70 pertandingannya cukup ketat. Menurut saya, pemain Indonesia punya teknik bagus dan sepertinya mereka mudah dilatih,” kata Rodgers, Kamis (18/7/2013).
Hanya saja, ia sepakat dengan perkataan pelatih Arsenal Arsene Wenger mengenai stamina pemain Indonesia. Sebelumnya, Wenger mengatakan bahwa stamina pemain Indonesia buruk.
”Setelah menit 70 sepertinya mereka kelelahan. Mungkin benar apa yang disebut Wenger kalau mereka kurang di segi stamina,” lanjut Rodgers.
Meskipun begitu, Rodgers tidak serta-merta menganggap remeh tim ”Garuda”. Apalagi skuad Indonesia akan ketambahan pemain dari tim U-23.
”Ada beberapa pemain berbakat di tim ini, terutama mungkin di lini depan. Pertandingan ini akan jadi tes,” kata Rodgers.
Liverpool akan meladeni tantangan tim Indonesia XI hari Sabtu (20/7/2013) di Stadion Utama Gelora Bung Karno, Jakarta. Mereka lalu akan melanjutkan tur pramusim ke Melbourne, Australia, dan Bangkok, Thailand.
Terkait dengan tur Asia mereka ini, Rodgers pun dihadapkan pertanyaan kemungkinan merekrut pemain Asia. Namun, Rodgers ternyata tidak ambil pusing dengan asal-muasal pemain.
”Liverpool adalah klub besar dan kami selalu ingin mendapatkan pemain terbaik. Tak masalah dari mana asal mereka,” pungkas Rodgers.
Kedatangan tamu istimewa dari luar negeri seperti Liverpool selalu dimanfaatkan berbagai pihak demi menangguk rezeki. Dari yang menjadi calo tiket, menjual seragam ataupun syal tim.
Salah satu para "pencari rezeki" tersebut adalah Art. Di antara pembeli tiket dan penjaja aksesori, sosoknya mudah tertangkap mata. Tubuhnya lebih tinggi dari rata-rata, kulitnya putih kemerahan tersengat matahari di atas langit Senayan, dan rambutnya yang berwarna pirang mulai tampak memutih.
Tangan kanannya mengacungkan selembar syal Liverpool, sementara di tangan kirinya menggantung belasan syal serupa. Di lehernya menggantung karton putih bertuliskan "1 pcs 30.000".
"Saya dari Belanda. Di sana saya tinggal di Amsterdam," kata Art ketika Kompas.com menghampirinya.
Ia mengaku akan mengikuti rute The Reds ke Melbourne dan berlanjut ke Bangkok. Namun, ia tak sendiri. "Ada dua teman saya, mereka juga ikut berjualan," kata Art.
Menilik ceritanya, akan mudah berasumsi jika Art adalah penggemar Liverpool. Memang, ia mengaku suka pada The Reds dan Steven Gerrard. Namun, ia ternyata tak "sereligius" penggemar The Reds lain.
"Saya tahu mereka tim bagus, tapi saya tak terlalu hapal nama pemainnya," jelas Art.
Secara blak-blakan ia mengaku tujuannya ke Jakarta adalah untuk berlibur. "Ini liburan dan saya butuh uang," kata Art.
Sebelum ke Jakarta, ia pun sempat mampir ke Vietnam, tempat Arsenal menjalankan tur pra-musim. Di sana ia juga berjualan syal. Tentu yang dijual adalah syal Arsenal.
Art tak merinci di mana ia membeli syal-syal tersebut. Ia hanya menyebut bahwa dagangannya tersebut dibeli secara grosir. "Semua buatan Asia," jelasnya.
Sambil berbincang dengan Kompas.com, Art sesekali berhenti untuk meladeni pembeli. Pengamatan Kompas.com, beberapa calon penonton Liverpool pun tampak berhenti sejenak di depan Art. Entah, mungkin mereka merasa mendapat pengalaman baru melihat "bule" menjajakan syal.
Sepak bola dan segala fanatismenya, selalu dimanfaatkan untuk menangguk untung dari sisi komersial. Terutama, di Indonesia. Negara asal jutaan penggemar klub luar negeri seperti Liverpool. Art hanya salah satu sosok yang jeli memanfaatkan fanatisme itu.
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