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Presiden Joko Widodo meluncurkan kartu sehat dan kartu pintar |
President Joko Widodo
priority to set up the healh card and smart card.
The gonernment of Joko
Widodo on his first cabinet meeting to vow to fasten to set up a health card
and smart card, so the poor Indonesian can improve their health care and
President of Joko Widodo and Vice
President Jusuf Kalla (JK) finally announced the name of the
Minister who will help him run the Government. The
announcement made at the Istana Negara, Jakarta, Monday (26/10).
"By law we
are given 14 days to assemble a Cabinet. Cabinet
Member interns, Iannounce on the sixth day after me
and Mr. JK was sworn in as President and
VicePresident. The announcement sooner than 8 days specified Act, "said Jokowi.
Jokowi also
reveals the process of assignment of Ministers carried out carefully andmeticulously. It is
visible from the inclusion of the names of the would-be Ministers to
the corruption eradication Commission (KPK) and the center of financial
transactionreporting and analysis (PPATK).
"This became keutamaaan because
of this cabinet will work for five years, we want to get clean," he
explained. (gray/jpnn)
This Work Cabinet Jokowi-JK
1. the Secretary
of State Pratikno
2. Minister of Bappenas Andrinof Randysim
3. Coordinating the
field Leading Indroyono himself Susilo
4. Transport
Minister Ignatius Jonan
5. the Minister
of marine and Fisheries Susi Pujiastuti
6. Minister of
tourism Ahmed Yahya
RESOURCES Minister Sudirman Said
8. Coordinating Tedjo Purdjianto Edy Polhukham
9. Minister of
Home Affairs Tjahjo Kumolo
10. the Foreign
Minister Retno Lestari Priansari Marsudi
11. Defense
Minister Ryamizard Ryacudu
12. the Minister
of Justice and human rights Yasonna H Laoly.
13. Minister of Informatics and Communications Between Rudi
14. Minister of empowerment
of State apparatus and RB Yuddy Chrisnandi
15. Coordinating
Minister for the economy of Sofyan Djalil
16. Minister of
finance Bambang Brodjonegoro
ENTERPRISES Minister Rini m. Soemarno
18. Minister of
cooperatives and SMALL MEDIUM ENTERPRISES Puspayoga
19. Industry
Minister Saleh Husin
20. Minister of
trade Grace Gobel
21. Agriculture
Minister Sulaiman Amram
22. Minister Hanif Ketenangankerjaan Dhakiri
23. Minister of public
housing and PU Basuki Hadimuljono
24. Minister of
environment and forestry Siti Nurbaja
25. Minister of Agrarian
Affairs and Spatial Ferry Musyidan Baldan
26. Coordinating
Minister for culture and human development Puan Maharani
27. the Minister
of religious affairs Lukman Hakim Saifudin
28. Health
Minister Nila Moeloek F
29. the Minister
of Social Affairs Khofifah Indar Parawansa
30. Minister of women
empowerment and child protection Yohanan Yambise
31. Minister of
culture Medium Anies Baswedan primary education
32. the Minister
of higher education and research & technology M Nasir
33. the Minister
of youth and sports Nahrawi Priest
34. REV. and
transmigration Minister Marwan Jafar
Minister of culture
and primary and secondary education, Anies Baswedan, says there
are three important message conveyed President Joko Widodo at the
first cabinet meeting at the Merdeka Palace, Monday, October 27, 2014. (Read: Ferry M. Baldan,
Secretary Of The Manchester United Lovers)
"The three basic outline for
the entire Ministry," said Anies's Office in the Ministry of
education and culture. The first message, he said, the President wants
all Jokowi the Minister may increase equitable prosperity. (Read: ' Alhamdulillah Saldi Isra Was
NotSo Jokowi Ministers ')
Second, each Minister must
make a breakthrough and work fast because a lot ofproblems
to be solved in each Ministry. "We are not unable,
but unwilling to resolvethat issue," said Anies mimicked speech Jokowi. (Read: This Italian Minister Addressed' Mr. Minister, ' Who's He?)
Third, each Minister must
perform the task in accordance with the tasks of the
Ministryare held. Nevertheless, the work says, Anies cross-sector Ministry can
also be done. "Ifthe work of other ministries related
to each other, immediately do a consolidation," he
said. (read: Ridwan Kamil Disappointed Labor Cabinet Jokowi,
Of what is
first rendered as Minister of education, Anies said,
will open a dialogue firstwith a number of officials in the Ministry. "Although there
has been feedback from a team in transition, still should
be discussed at the internal," said Anies.
Once inducted into the
7th President of Indonesia and complete
the composition ofhis Cabinet, President
of Joko Widodo (Jokowi) return blusukan
(exploration) activitiesas always he did while serving
as Mayor of Solo and the Governor of DKI Jakarta.
Sinabung in North
Sumatra Province being the prime purpose of the activity
of Jokowiafter blusukan (exploration) is sworn in as
President. His plan, the President would beleft for the Jokowi at
7: 00 PM Sinabung today, Wednesday (29/10) in order
to meet the displaced victims of the eruption of
Mount Sinabung.
the plan the visit, Jokowi will use the
aircraft of the Presidency. When according to plan,
then travel blusukan (exploration) Prime Jokowi also
became the first Presidentto travel to 7 using the
aircraft of the Presidency. Travel using the
aircraft of the Presidency was often done President Susilo
Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) whenintending to reach the
domestic territory.
presidential plane was being debated in the
early Jokowi was elected as President.Appear presidential aircraft to sell discourse do budget efficiency due
to the narrowfiscal space for Jokowi-JK to carry
out its programs. This discourse emerged from
thePDI-P politicians, Sirait Maruara who is a
member of Commission XI DPR period 2009-2014.
to Sinabung, Jokowi agenda gave some assistance in
the form of savings in the form of a SIM Card or SIM
card in an amount not yet known. The SIM
Card a card thatis commonly used for cell phones. The phone
number of the SIM Card will be theaccount number.
the victims of the eruption of Mount
Sinabung could disburse the
grant infranchise outlets-outlets in the vicinity
of the eruption after previously looking at the amount
of the balance of the grant through cell phones.
Before using this
system, the acceleration of National poverty
reduction Team had been to open up cooperation with
banks, telecommunications companies, includingPT Pos as one of
the agents of the disbursement of aid.
Distribution system using this advanced
technology will become a model for the citizens
of grant other poor.
Earlier, Bank Indonesia banking joint Homeland and telecommunications
companiesdevelop Digital financial services (LKD) to
expand financial access and increaseeconomic activity-based technology. This service carried
out a test in May until November 2013
and mainly positive acclaim from people in remote
areas that are difficult to get access to finance.
LKD is an
activity service payment
systems and/or finance limited which is done not
through the physical Office, however with the use of
technology among others means
of mobile based or web based service and a
third party (agent), with target unbankedand underbanked communities service.
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