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Friday, November 21, 2014

The Chairman of the HOUSE of REPRESENTATIVES have called President Obama'sAmerica like a King

John Boehner
The Chairman of the HOUSE of REPRESENTATIVES have called President Obama'sAmerica like a King

Boehner said President Obama is acting like a King or Emperor.
Chairman of the United States House of representatives, John Boehner, accusedPresident Barack Obama of acting like a King or Emperor by issuing a policy onimmigration reform.

Boehner said President Obama's measures will encourage more illegal immigrantsenter the United States and led to a humanitarian crisis on the border of the United States.

"President Obama has said he is not a King or Emperor. But what he did was, heclearly acted like a King, "said Boehner.

He said President Obama sabotaged the chances Congress-dominated Republicanpolitician-issued immigration reform that is supported by both Republicans andDemocrats.

When announcing the first major policy since the Democrats lost the majority of seatsin Congress, President Obama insists that his decision to give temporary legal statusto at least four million illegal immigrants did not violate the Act.

A presidential decree, as the holder of the Executive power, could be put in placewithout having to ask for Congressional approval.

Based on these policies apply dark imigrap millions allowed work permits.
Who has the right to submit this permission are illegal immigrants living in the u.s. forfive years and had children who live legally in the country. (BBC)

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