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Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Admin @triomacan2000 was allegedly wring officials and Businessmen of Indonesian Tellecomunation Company of PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia Tbk (PT Telkom) and the Governor of Jakarta, Mr Ahok

Twitter account Trio macan@2000
Admin @triomacan2000 was allegedly wring officials and Businessmen of Indonesian Tellecomunation Company of PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia Tbk (PT Telkom) and the Governor of Jakarta, Mr Ahok

Ahok will ever Squeezed the Admin @triomacan2000

VivaViva – 22 hours ago

Ahok ever be Squeezed Admin @triomacan2000Lihat Photo
Ahok will ever Squeezed the Admin @triomacan2000
VIVAnews-Incumbent (Plt) Governor of DKI Jakarta, Basuki Tjahaja full moon, admittedhe had been the victim of extortion from the admin @TrioMacan2000 Twitter account.

Ahok, greeting familiar Basuki, said it suffered in the election campaign (Pilgub) the Governor of DKI in 2012 ago.

"The time is coming, nawarin if you want peace, he requested all macem," said Ahok inDKI Jakarta's City Hall, Wednesday, November 5, 2014.

However, detailing what sort of reluctant Ahok accusations of slander waged to himself by the Twitter account. But it was not until he had reported to police that a libel case.

To be sure, is clearly negative, campaign Ahok carried out by @TrioMacan2000 it evenindirectly boost the popularity of his time fighting for the middle seat the Governor and Deputy Governor with former Gubernatorial Joko Widodo.

"Negative Campaigns that make even the more famous. This time online. Instead,people are increasingly looking for me. So caught right track record I. Dicecar Makinmakin demen. Our team could not necessarily naikin news so cepet Ahok, "said.

Subdit Cyber Crime Directorate of the Criminal Police Metro Jaya's special capture oneTwitter account @Triomacan2000 Edi Syahputra for allegedly blackmailing one of thebigwigs, PT Telkom, the initials AP.

Catching it, started when an AP reporter and Edi meeting, on 16 October. Modusnya,Edi send link posting news stories Float to the AP via SMS and asked to pay a sum of money if you want the coverage stopped.

In addition to the Edi, the clerk also defines two admin @Triomacan2000 Twitter account the other i.e. Raden Noah, (editor-in-Chief Asatunews) and Herry KoesHaryono. (Director of Asatunews) are both well established as the suspects allegedlycommitted extortion and money laundering criminal offence (TPPU).

Admin @TrioMacan2000 Extortion victims longer than one
The motives of extortion explored by investigators of Metro Polda Jaya.
Thursday, October 30, 2014, 19: 09 Dwifantya Aquina, Rizki Aulia Rachman
A twitter account @TrioMacan2000 twitter account @TrioMacan2000

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VIVAnews-head of public relations of the Metro Jaya Police Commissioner of policeextortion victims, ensure Rikwanto conducted by ICE, a man alleged to be the maintainer admin @TrioMacan2000 Twitter account, more than one person.

According to Rikwanto, until recently investigators of the Directorate of SpecialCriminal Police on Reserse Metro Jaya continues to deepen over cases conducted byice.

"This was revealed after the ICE got caught, it turns out there is that feeling has beenharmed by ice, the PT Telkom as well, and has been reported to Polda Metro Jaya," said Rikwanto in Metro Jaya Mapolda, Thursday, October 30, 2014.

Rikwanto added, in pelaporannya, the Rapporteur reported on the ice with the allegedacts of extortion against him. "The US berisial Rapporteur, his report numberLP/3931/X/2014/PMJ/Carried. Reskrimsus. 29 October 2014, "body size.

So, go in the investigation, the investigator Rikwanto today will still be in search of a motive that made ICE for blackmail.

Preached before, ice, admin @TrioMacan2000 twitter account manager must deal withpolice after it was reported by the AP, one of the well-known company officials for allegedly had committed libel by booms in Twitter. Was not received, the ice finallyreported to Polda Metro Jaya.

"Originally reported because of the defiling the name of well, but apparently the perpetrator do squeeze as well," said Kasubdit Cyber Crime Directorate of the CriminalPolice's special Reserse Metro Jaya Police Assistant Commissioner Hilarius Duha. (adi)

This Way The Admin @Triomacan2000 Wring Sacrifices

VIVAnews-Subdit Cyber Crime Investigators of the Directorate of Special CriminalPolice on Reserse Metro Jaya continues to conduct intensive examinations to berinialman ES alleged one of the admin @TrioMacan2000 Twitter account manager.

When arrested, the ICE is suspected to have committed libel and extortion to one of the officers of the PT Telkom.

Polda Metro Jaya Publicist Kabid, Commissioner of police during the clarify, Rikwantoarrested, ICE offers its victims, the AP Telkom officials to cooperate in put an ad in the medium.

"When that ICE asks to the AP, if you want the ad loaded, 100 percent payment must be made in advance. Then because it was not suitable, the AP rejects an offer from ice,"said Rikwanto in Mapolda Metro Jaya, Wednesday 29 October 2014

After the rejection of such cooperation, said Rikwanto, unexpectedly, the ICE then made the posting about the news content is defamation against the AP and PTTelkom.

"The news that one of them inscribed" Robbery PT Telkom Impersonate Akusisisi ".Then the news links sent via mobile app. it was done the ICE many times.

Rikwanto adds, from the description of the AP, many phone numbers that send newslinks contain defamation, one of the phone number you used to send the link, phone number of the ice.

"Because it feels cornered, and then AP ask the ICE to no longer post news and sendthat link. However, to resolve problems of ICE on one condition, namely by giving an amount of cash, "said Rikwanto

Rikwanto continued, then the AP asked to give money to the ICE as a condition with a nominal Rp50 million. "After that, the AP reports to the police. Then ICE fishing by giving the money. Until that time the ICE was later arrested, "he added

After the arrest, police searched and caught ice on Roadways Supomo, Tebet. "He was arrested at the Home Office in Tebet, known money as much as Rp 49.650.000, that we are secure. Investigators there are five people and also seized a brown bag, HPSamsung with two sim cards, and Blackberry, "explained Rikwanto.

On the ICE, his actions threatened dijerat UU ITE article 27, article 368 and 369 of the CRIMINAL CODE about extortion, as well as of article 310 and 311 concerning libel.

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