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Friday, November 21, 2014

Arrested at Nabire, this chronology of the fugitive Jean Alter

Sri Wahyuni
Arrested at Nabire, this chronology of the fugitive Jean Alter

MERDEKA.COM. only it took three days for the police to uncover who the mastermindmurder Sri Wahyuni (42), woman who was found dead in a car parked on the HondaFreed Soekarno-Hatta, Wednesday (19/11) morning. Police arrested Jean aka JAH AlterHuliselan, alleged was strong as the person behind the death of Sri, his close friend.

Polda Metro Jaya Publicist Kabid, Initializing Rikwanto explains, JAH was arrested in his flight to Nabire, Papua.

"The investigation has revealed that the alleged suspect, JAH, we tried looking in various places. From the information currently captured in Nabire, Papua, "saidRikwanto, Metro Jaya Mapolda, on Friday (21/1).

He added, has the presence of JAH after investigators traced its existence in kos in his residence Kemang, South Jakarta.

"There is no HP boxes and there's a phone number, try to connect and it turns out tobe contacted big brother JAH, and JAH got the info that there wife in Nabire," he explained.

That's the number of investigators are trying to reach and it is connected to his wifeJean.

"Cooperative, and his wife menginformasikam that JAH went there. The wife was askedto report to a police station and JAH soon secured. Last night police went to Nabire,during the last JAH was arrested at 15: 00 CEST. JAH brought to Jakarta tomorrow, "he said.

Jean Rikwanto said, fled to Nabire on Lion Air plane on Saturday after killing Sri.

"At 14 o'clock Flight heading for bali. In Bali, buy another ticket to Macassar, nginep 1malem, then fly to Jayapura after, "he said.

Merdeka.com-the case of the death of a young mother Sri Wahyuni (42), the bodieswere found in the car of Honda Freed gray in Terminal 2D Soekarno-Hatta finallyrevealed. It turned out to be pretty mother murdered friend prianya, Jean Alter H.

"The suspect strangled the victim to death," said Metro Police Publicist KabidInitializing Rikwanto, Friday (21/11).

Rikwanto added, before Sri and Jean had died fighting in the car. Sri then drove Jeanout of the car.

"But he came in again and strangle the victim. Regarding the motives of storms is still unknown, "he said,

Previously, the name of JAH or Jean Alter Huliselan appears in the case of the death ofa young mother Sri Wahyuni (42). In the CCTV footage at the Soekarno-Hatta Airport, Jean participated in accompanying Sri before finally found killed horribly in a carHonda Freed.

Jean is arrested in Papua. After killing Jean escapes with the use of aircraft.

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