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Friday, November 21, 2014

Mbak Tutut: TPI will be Based at Taman Mini Indonesia Indah

Wiranto dan Harytanoe
Mbak Tutut: TPI will be Based at Taman Mini Indonesia Indah

TRIBUNNEWS.COM, JAKARTA-Educational Television Indonesia (TPI) back to their owners the Siti Hardiyanti Rukmana after application Review PT Blessing was rejected by the Supreme Court on October 29 to November 2014. A familiar woman accostedMbak Tutut said TPI will be based in the area of Taman Mini Indonesia Indah (TMII).

"For the Office of TPI will be taking place again in Taman Mini Indonesia Indah. TheOffice long ago worn TPI, "said Mbak Tutut at the Financial Club, Graha NiagaSudirman, Jakarta, Monday (21/11/2014).
Mbak Tutut hoped ASAP TPI be back office in Taman Mini Indonesia Indah. He claimed to be enlisted the help of law enforcement authorities if there are certainparties trying to block the Office take TPI.
"If you can this month could be occupied. We will ask the relevant authorities, "he said.

As reported in decision No. 238 PK/Pdt/2014 convinced TPI belong to Ya Tutut. "It's our struggle has been such a long time and we get right back up. Thank you that has helped toughen up and prayer so that we can return to the community for broadcasts across, "said Mbak Tutut.
Mbak Tutut said, after getting a TPI, it will immediately consolidate both outward andinward to serve the community. According to him, with the return of TPI broadcastingwill serve the community with programs promoting education.

"We will give you an educated programs as well as messages from the deceased father of mine. He was told to keep programs on TPI filled with education, "he said.

MERDEKA.COM. legal Authority as the legitimate owner of the PT. CTPI television station TPI is now named MNC TV, Dedy Kurniadi MNC Group CEO statementassessing Hary Tanoesoedibjo reserved the ruling of the Supreme Court (MA) rejectedthe review (PK), not exactly.

Dedy explains, the statement said that MA must await the verdict of the (NationalArbirase Agency of Indonesia) is false and misleading statements.
"I have heard claims of blessings in the try menganulir's verdict, it's more perverse MAagain. Case No. 862 Pdt has a magnitude of this law remain essentially Tort Lawsuitrelated to a variety of adverse parties to act Ya Tutut and not purely contractualachievements wan lawsuit, "he said in a press release here on Thursday (14/11).

He reminds, Siti Hardiyanti Rukmana (Mbak Tutut) also harmed due to the blocking offraudulently in the administration system of legal entities. "These matters also involvePT Sarana Solusi Rekatama Dynamics that involve blocking related WaworuntuYohannes fraudulently or legal entity administrative system a very adverseSisminbakum Mbak Tutut Cs. so that the judicial authority is clearly a Country up toMA, rather than the authority of BANI," stated he.

Dedy asserted, acknowledged or not, the verdict of the MA has been in effect. Because it was recorded at the Ministry of Justice and human rights as well as recorded in thedata broadcasting licensing in the Ministry of communications and Informatics. Where the shareholders and Directors of PT CTPI is back on behalf of Mbak Tutut and DandiRukmana. "Please just checked at the two ministries," he said.

He appealed to all parties to respect the verdict of the magnitude of the law remain(inkracht van gewijsde). "Good decision of Cassation verdict or rejection of MA PK byMA are final and binding (final and binding) against anyone. I call upon officials, academics or politicians are not easy to dispense opinions before the real problemsdeepen. This is to avoid the utilization of opinion incorrectly, "shut him up.

As is known, the chaos in the body of this seizure starts from the FAP FAP by HaryTanoesoedibjo (MNC Group owner) from Mbak Tutut. Kubu Ya Tutut assess there isawkwardness in meeting basic budget change FAP held by the MNC stronghold.

Until the case is finally rolling up in MA. MA's ruling No. 862 K/Pdt/2013 date 2October 2013 has decided a legitimate and legal decisions of the general meeting of shareholders that is contained in the deed number 114 in 2005 organized by kubu YaTutut. It means TPI back to Ya Tutut.

Not satisfied with the decision of MA, Hary Tanoesoedibjo parties ask PK and SONS at once for a different material. 29 October 2014 MA decided to reject the submitted PKHary Tanoesoedibjo.

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