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Esnawan Antariksa Hospital |
Unfinished journey (150)
(Section one
hundred fifty, Depok, West Java, Indonesia, November 6, 2014, 06.18 BST)
As usual I'm escorted
by my wife to do the faithful wash blood (Hemo dialysis) to
a hospital belonging to the air force of the Republic of Indonesia (INDONESIAN
AIR FORCE) hospital Dr. Esnawan Space next to the
international airport that is now whiteas well as by airlines Garuda Indonesia's Citilink for short-haul flights,
such as Jakarta-Bandung, Cirebon, Bandar Lampung, Yogyakarta, Semarang, solo
and Jakarta-Surabaya Airport, Halim headed Perdanakusumah.
I goto the scheduled washing blood
every Wednesday and Saturday afternoon. LuckilyI have a
neighbor who lives one block with me at Villa Naqvi, a retired
teacher, whose name was Mr. Yusuf Efendi, Mr. Joseph has
already this year doing the washing the blood delivered his
Usually each
Wednesday and Saturday Mr. Mardi citizens revolution Street Villa Earthalways
comes to the home of Mr. Yusuf Efendi menyupirkan vehicle for Mr. YusufEfendi,
and with a good-hearted Mr. Mardi then pick up my living one
blockdiperumahan this, so five of us on a regular basis every
Wednesday and Saturday tothe hospital Space to wash the
blood of Esnawan. Usually washing schedule of blood in the
hospital was done from Mon-day seta until Saturday, with
a three-shift schedule for morning, noon, and night shift. Those
who wash the blood there three times a week, twice a week, once
a week there's been a sembuhan only once a month. There is
a patient in the hospital space esnawan do wash the
blood of more than 20 years. I can't imagine how sabarnya these
patients do a wash of blood for it.
In my life, I know
and hear first about washing blood when I worked a Reporter
(reporter) News Agency Between Institutions (LKBN between).
During the regime of
President Suharto are usually led by General LKBN Betweenalways
on the lead by a member of the Indonesia national
armed forces (TNI) is active.
My first boss in LKBN Between his
representative Tranggono, Marshal led the officialSenior Journalist who
is also a lecturer of communications jurukan UnivesitasIndonesia Djafar Assegaf.
Then Mr. Tranggono was
replaced by Hanjojo Nitimihardjo, a Colonel of the air
force.Well Mr. Hanjojo here's what ever to write a
book about his Life with the wash of blood. Mr. Hanjojo affected
by kidney failure, so should the washing routine bloodbecause high
blood disease as a result of which he suffered for
a long time.
Now after my former
boss that exposed blood washing my own now, now a
55-year-old hit by kidney failure due to complications from diabetes that
I suffered since 1995.Although those who wash the
blood in the hospital space there are still esnawanmudia age aged
30 years an haven't even got married, others vary
between age 30yearly until the age of 70 years. As Mr Yusuf Efendi now aged 71
Usually when we do
a wash of blood as if we pray in the mosque to
mosque (small mosque) who came in first, he has
the right to pray on the first sequence (shaft), whether he's
a scavenger, Mason (vegetable vending), towing the
becak (Rickshaw) ora 4-star General. Similarly if we wash the blood first came then he
is entitled to the registration number – number one (early).
Usually when I
notice that often comes earliest was Mr. Cecep, a retired air
forceColonel. Mr. Cecep was already the sixth year wash blood Esnawan pain at
home, sometimes he himself was driving his car from home,
sometimes accompanied by his wife who also accompanies Mr. Cecep to
hospital left a lot of his grandson in the House, for the sake keseiaannya to
accompany her husband.
' ' Wash this
blood, our opportunity to repent and reflect on God
Almighty, in his four-hour wash this blood we are
not at all considering merely God's Remembrance andprayer
beads, '' said Mr. Cecep.
Mr. Cecep is
like a village head persons and always friendly rebuke samgat on
anyonehe met, and he was always cheerful and lots of storytelling
and joked to the otherpatients who are generally seriously
when four hour snooze through the process ofwashing the
Many Cecep sometimes joked (joke),
sometimes serious storytelling:
' Mr. President '
great Joko Widodo, he's faster and more powerful than the
President with a military background, Mr. Joko Widodo,
though civil, but actions and policiesfaster than an army, ''
said Mr. Cecep, told me.
Indeed the
President of this beloved people of Joko Widodo as known very little
people pay attention to (poor).
Just look at the
first Cabinet meeting of President Joko Widodo, he instructed his
ministers to speed up the program of people's welfare, such as issuing a
card programis healthy, smart card and a card for the
pre-prosperous family.
Two weeks later
the Javanese Widodo has
even launched a groundbreaking programhealthy card, smart
card and the card pre-prosperous for 15 million families inIndonesia.
There was a
mother (60 years) residents of
Kampung Melayu Pedati Alley, East
Jakartaadvised me if she's washing the blood is
always filled with remembrance and prayer beads, tahmid, read 100
times beginning with the read Subhan Allah (God's Holy
of Holies), then thank God (I am thankful to
God), LaillahaIllaulah (there is no
God exceptGod worshipped eligible), Allahu Akbar (God
is great), krmudian closed
by readingWalakhaulawalaqauwataillahbillah.
This Mother says, he
heard the word Ustad quote several Hadith of
the Prophet Muhammad and the word of God Almighty, if
we read with sincerity
and routineremembrance above, God will forgive all our
sins even of the froth of the sea.
So we don't have
to wait for the first Hajj in order that our sins
are removed God, Yesif we are
given God's sustenance and wealth, longevity and
wellness so that we had the opportunity to ride the Hajj
to Mecca Saudi Arabia, well as long as the Almighty
God gave us a chance to
breathe so cheap and free worship as
above that we shouldhave done, so that we
could enjoy the beauty of life in heaven, no longer
live Dolorslingering in the world.
That obviously
we're given sick because God
was loving us, amid increasing degrees ofus, so
that we can be closer to God, because as
long as we are deceived by the fun of the world,
which sometimes makes us forget the God who
created it. So mycolleagues on the Muslims of the
world, if You now suffer from such pain wash this
blood be patient with this exam. Because God wanted to
clean our sins that reams forlife in this
world. We do not forget to carry
out Prayer (prayer) five times and berzikir,prayer
beads and tahmid says in routine.
President launches the
help to keep the purchasing power of
About 15 million poor
families will get grants from the Government through three
President of Joko Widodo unveiled the
prosperous Family Cards, cards, and IndonesiaIndonesia Smart Cards as
an attempt to anticipate the impact of rising fuel prices onthe
poor, on the Central Post Office new market Monday (3/11) morning.
According to the Jokowi Division
of three types of these cards to improve services to the
"To access to education, access to health
care, Yes to keep purchasing power and toprovide health
services and education," explained Jokowi.
"This is a form
of service was extended (from BPJS), this first step like it
used to be in Jakarta, grasp it at first, then the
second step will we solve the service in
hospitals-hospitals," added Jokowi.
The Government plans
to raise subsidized fuel prices that suck up the
State budgetRp363,5 trillion in budget income and Expenditure the
country Changes-REVISED P-2014.
However, the
President was reluctant to mention Jokowi when the fuel
price hike will be done.
The umbrella law
In the first stage, the
prosperous family of Cards will be distributed to 1
millionfamilies, Indonesia Card smart to 160,000 children of
school age, and HealthyIndonesia Card will be distributed
to approximately 4.5 million individuals spread over19 counties/cities
in 9 provinces in Indonesia.
The one that is accepts new Market resident Rusdi accept Card Cards and ProsperousIndonesia Indonesia well
in Central Post Office on Monday (3/11) this.
"So thank
God for me subsidies like this who can fund, confused even
when FUEL goes up because of rising prices for
sure, yes I do not know how but can ya dicukup-cukupinlah" obviously doesn't
have that everyday Admin work anyway.
Public policy observer Agus Pambagyo said policies issued
by the President of Jokowiis useful for the community but
needs a legal umbrella, so that was problematic in no.
"For me if
that's my support for Community policies, ACTS that
did not exist in thenomenlakturnya in the BPJS STATE
BUDGET there is no such thing as KIS, KIP is also
nonomenlakturnya in the STATE BUDGET so should be made,
therefore the use of STATE BUDGET funds and could be problematic,"
explained Agus.
The Government is
targeting the prosperous card recipients reached a
total of 15.5 million poor families with a budget of Rp 6,44 trillion.
The number of poor
population in Indonesia according to BPS data in
March 2014 and then reached 28.28 million. (BBC) (Continoe)
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