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Sunday, June 2, 2013

Hundreds of conference attendees NU East Java region to discuss a number of issues of religion in Bahsul Masail forum (discussion of religious issues), including wedding style supernatural teacher ''Eyang Subur'' and Rohingya Muslim fortunes.

Hundreds of conference attendees NU East Java region to discuss a number of issues of religion in Bahsul Masail forum (discussion of religious issues), including wedding style supernatural teacher ''Eyang Subur'' Rohingya Muslim fortunes.

"Not only discuss the selection committee and tausiyah (recommendation), participants also did bahsul Masail, for example, about the case of marriage over religious rules such as do grandparents Fertile," said Chairman of NU East Java Regional Board Tanfidziyah KHM Alallah Mutawakkil in Sidoarjo, Sunday.

Interrupted the opening Konperwil NU pesantren in East Java in Complex Progressive "Earth Sholawat" Lebo, Sidoarjo who attended 412 board of 44 branches of NU East Java on May 31-June 2, he explains bahsul Masail there are three studies that maudlu `iyah (problems thinking) , waqi `iyah (actual problems), and qanuniyah (existing law).

"In addition to style wedding Grandmother Fertile, waqi` iyah studied from the point of religion, among others, land leasing cane in various ways, fasting for heart disorders patients, money laundering, and failure to leave Umrah, "he said.

`Iyah waqi other issues, the selling price of subsidized goods, the delivery of shares in the name, the price difference is due to different, food flavoring, locking or sealing the fence / door of the mosque, and so on.

"To Bahsul Masail Maudlu` iyah include reviewing the status of the child lineage, journalistic immunity, operationalization maqashidus Islamic allegiance in religious practice, the principle of Jam `iyah NU, Dar status and Daula Indonesia, choosing basic policy alternatives, and so forth," he said.

While the problem qanuniyah studied among others was borrowed, the protection of domestic businesses, child custody disputes, asset confiscation as a criminal sanction, antipoligami integrity pact, children out of wedlock and public office, and so on.

"To tausiyah (recommendation), East Java NU board will sharpen problem protection against Aswaja teaching in Saudi Arabia, the fate of the Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar, Indonesian workers are poorly protected," he said.

In addition, it will also discuss the internal organization of the NU's, such as deliberation mechanism or ahlul halli wal aqdi in leadership selection and use of the name and emblem NU NU by outside groups, such as FKPNU, and so on.

"For the program, participants also formulate human resource strengthening NU, NU economic sector development, strengthening the agricultural sector, fishermen and laborers, strengthening education and health care, and concern for NU on environmental issues and global warming," he said.

NU leadership election-related issues, market potential among other Tanfidziyah chairman KH Mutawakkil Alallah (Chairman PWNU), KH Syaiful Halim (Surabaya PCNU Chairman), Dr KH Abdurrahman Syamsul Arifin / Gus Aab (Chairman PCNU Jember), and KH Abdurrahman Usman (former Chairman PCNU Jombang).

For exchanges Rais Syuriah PWNU Java, a name that stuck out among others KHM Miftachul Akhyar (Rais Syurian PWNU current Java), KHM Ali Agoes Masyhuri (Deputy Rais Syuriah PWNU current Java), and KH Idris Marzuki (Lirboyo, Kediri).

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