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Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Syrian troops and rebels agree ceasefire

Syrian troops and rebels agree ceasefire

Syrian soldiers and rebels agree ceasefire in the local surrounding area vulnerable Damascus , although the representatives of the government and the opposition failed to achieve progress in the peace talks in Geneva .

In the southern suburbs Babbila , AFP reporters on Monday ( 17/2 ) saw rebels and soldiers - all armed - talking , which may not be possible in a few days ago .

Local truce made ​​after 18 months of fighting in and around the capital Damascus and the rebel forces forcing President Bashar al - Assad to compromise , with each able to gain the victory .

In addition to the Babbila , the deal was also done in Qudsata , Moadamiyet al - Sham , Barreh , Beit Sahem , Yalda and Yarmouk Palestinian refugee camp .

Negotiated by public figures , the agreement includes a cease-fire , cessation of the siege and licensing of food distribution to areas under rebel control , with opposition fighters surrender heavy weapons and the government raised its flag .

The new agreement reportedly applied for Harasta , a rebel base in the northeast of Damascus , and talks about Daraya in the southwest is being done .

An AFP reporter who visited Babbila along with government officials see dozens of people chanted " One , one , one ! Syrian people are one ! "

There was extensive damage . On the main road Babbila , every building has been destroyed or damaged .

On Monday , government forces Babbila flying the flag in the township , which is a rebel base until a few months ago when soldiers surrounded it .

Armed rebels were still in the area , while the terms of the agreement also included an amnesty , a security source said .

Insurgents wearing military uniforms seen standing relaxed , chatting with soldiers . No shootings or attacks .

But the insurgents protested the government time flag symbolically by shouting " Syria is free ! "

The soldiers responded with : God save the troops ! "

Graffiti on the walls of Babbila called on the government to release the detainees .

Assad last January , told AFP that the cease - ceasefire as it could be " far more important than the Geneva talks " .

II second round of Geneva talks last week , sponsored by the United States and Russia , ended without results and plans a third round of negotiations has not been set .

Population Babbila very grateful for the ceasefire agreement . A man who looked tired told AFP : " It will allow me to eat , to buy food . I really hope this truce could walk . "

Tens of thousands of civilians in rebel areas have suffered months of siege . About 100 people , especially in Moadamiyet al - Sham and Yarmuk , reportedly died due to lack of food and medicine .

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