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Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Killed Three People Falling from the Roof House , Clean Abu Kelud

Killed Three People Falling from the Roof House , Clean Abu Kelud

Volcanic ash Kelud now eating victim , when many Madison residents fell from his home precarious because they clean the sand and volcanic ash Kelud , three people were killed , and dozens injured .

Sources in the department of dr . Sadono and RS Siti Aisiyah mentioned , the patient's condition when taken to the hospital , the average is unconscious or in a coma . Of the 50 patients treated over from Saturday to Sunday night , three people died.

" I was surprised there mothers dusting roof rose and fell . This he did in fact have often day-to- day tasks of men , "said dr . Nur Hidajat SpBSS , department of neurosurgery specialist dr . Soedono Madison , ( 17/02/2014 )

There were three patients are still being treated in the department of dr . Soedono Madison , they are Ariati ( 51 ) and Jarot ( 45 ) in the recovery and Tukiran ( 60 ) District residents Badegan , Roxburgh in critical condition .
More than 50 patients treated , the injury is varied . Start gagar brain , peradarahan lining of the brain , broken bones , utamannya feet and hands . dr.Nur Hidajat appealed , so that people are more careful in cleaning the rest of volcanic ash .
" Cleaning is okay , but it should be with the existing procedures so that no more disasters arise . If it is still dirty tile can be resolved , but if the head is damaged , brain injury it is also disturbing his future as well , " he said
Pascaerupsi Kelud estimated there are about 50 million cubic meters of lava material around the slopes of Mount Kelud .

" About 50 million cubic meters of cold lava is now around the slopes of Mount Kelud , especially due to the weather this last easy so cold lava flood , " said Head of Data Information and Public Relations Sutopo Purwo Nugroho BNPB through short messages in Jakarta , Tuesday ( 18/2 ) night .

Sutopo explained that the heavy rain menguyur Kelud region since at 15.00 , has led to a flood of cold lava rivers in the district of Kediri and Malang Regency .

The cold lava carry sand material , stone , and wood .

" Of course the 50 million cubic meters will not happen all at once . Depending on the rainfall that occurred , " he explained .

BNPB recorded at least five homes and a mosque that is now cold lava flood . Nevertheless there were no fatalities from the cold lava flood .

Meanwhile in Malang , cold lava flood occurs in river Sono and Sambong River , which then lead to rupture of the small bridge that connects the village Pait , Kutut , Klangon , Munjung , Sedawon with Pandansari village .

Of the incident recorded two houses were swept away , but there is not yet known whether the victims of the flood .

In anticipation of the cold lava flood which then got worse , BNPB has built sabo sabo dams that can hold 14.5 million cubic meters . The rivers are there to accommodate 14 million cubic meters , so the sabo dam and the river is able to accommodate 28 million cubic meters .

"People are encouraged always vigilant . Stay away from the banks of the river during the flood of cold lava , " said Sutopo .

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