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Joko Widodo, Presiden Republic of Indonesia |
The journey is not yet finished (114)
(Part one hundred and fourteen, Depok, West Java,
Indonesia, 22 September 2014, 18:50 pm)
On October 20, 2014, was elected president in 2014, Joko
Widodo and Vice President Muhammad Jusuf Kalla has been performing his duties
as a president and vice president of the Republic of Indonesia
Joko Widodo
Indonesian From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Ir. H.
Joko Widodo
Indonesian President
Start served
October 20, 2014
Vice President Jusuf Kalla
Yudhoyono will replace
Governor of Jakarta to-16
Start served
October 15, 2012
President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono
Vice Tjahaja Basuki Purnama
Preceded by Fauzi Bowo
Fadjar Panjaitan (Acting) [1]
Surakarta Mayor 16th
In office
July 28, 2005 - October 1, 2012
Pakubuwana monarch XIII
President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono
Governor Mardiyanto
Ali Mufiz
Bibit Waluyo
Vice F.X. Hadi Rudyatmo
Preceded by Slamet Suryanto
Succeeded by F.X. Hadi Rudyatmo
Personal Information
Born June 21, 1961 (age 53)
Indonesian flag Surakarta, Central Java, Indonesia
Indonesian Nationality
The political party of the Indonesian Democratic Party of
Struggle PDIPLogo.png
Husband / wife Mrs. Hj. Iriana
Children Gibran Rakabuming Raka [2]
Kahiyang Ayu [3]
Kaesang Pangarep [3]
Alma mater the University of Gadjah Mada
Employment Entrepreneurs
Islamic religion
Joko Widodo or Jokowi (born in Surakarta, Central Java,
June 21, 1961, age 53 years) was elected president of Indonesia in 2014,
Indonesian politician is a former Jakarta governor and the mayor of Surakarta
(Solo) from 2005 to 2012 was accompanied by FX Hadi Rudyatmo as deputy mayor.
[4] Two years while undergoing a period both in Solo, Jokowi appointed by his
party, the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P) to enter the
election of the Governor of Jakarta together with Tjahaja Basuki Purnama (Ahok).
Although in his childhood been displaced three times, [6]
he was able to be accepted at the Faculty of Forestry, Gadjah Mada University
and after graduating successfully into the furniture business. [6] After that,
started his political career by becoming the Mayor of Surakarta in 2005 [7 ]
His name became known after successfully considered changing the face of
Surakarta became a city of tourism, culture, and batik. [8] On 20 September
2012, Jakarta Jokowi won the elections of 2012, and is thought to reflect his
win popular support for a leader who is "new" and "clean",
although he was already more than fifty years. [9]
Since elected as governor, his popularity soared and he
continues to be the spotlight of the media. [10] [11] As a result, the discourse
appears to make the presidential candidate for the 2014 presidential elections
Indonesia [12] Furthermore, the survey results indicate that the name continues
seeded Jokowi . [13] At first, the Chairman of the PDI-P, Megawati Sukarnoputri
declared that he will not announce Presidential Candidate PDI-P until after the
April 9 legislative elections 2014 [14] However, on March 14, 2014, has
received a mandate Jokowi of Megawati to run for president of the PDI-P, three
weeks before the election and two days before the campaign. [15]
Joko Widodo with her mother, Sudjiatmi Notomihardjo
(right), and her sisters in 'My Home', Pasar Minggu, South Jakarta, Thursday,
September 20, 2012 at the time of the nomination of governor of Jakarta.
Joko Widodo born to Noto Mihardjo and Sujiatmi
Notomiharjo and is the eldest child and only son of four children. He has three
younger sisters named Iit Sriyantini, Ida Yati and volunteer point [16] Prior
to the name change, Joko Widodo has a small name Mulyono. [17] His father came
from Karanganyar, while grandfather and grandmother came from the village in
Boyolali sebuh. [18 ] His education began with the elementary school of 111
Tirtoyoso entry is known as a school for lower-middle class. [19]
With the difficulties experienced life, he was forced to
trade, mengojek umbrella, and so the porters to look for his own purposes and
the school pocket money. When the other children to school by bicycle, he chose
to remain on foot. Inheriting the trade of carpentry wood from his father, he
began to work sawing at the age of 12 years. [6] [20] The eviction that
happened three times in childhood affect his way of thinking and leadership
into the future after the current Surakarta Mayor should curb housing
residents. [21 ]
After graduating from elementary school, he then
continued his education at SMP Negeri 1 Surakarta. [22] When he graduated from
high school, he had wanted to go to Senior High School 1 Surakarta, but failed,
so in the end he went to SMA Negeri 6 Surakarta. [23]
Married with Iriana Jokowi in Solo, dated December 24,
1986, and has 3 children, namely Rakabuming Gibran (1988), Kahiyang Ayu (1991),
and Kaesang Pangarep (1995).
College and entrepreneurship
Owned by academic performance, he was accepted at the Department
of Forestry, Faculty of Forestry, Gadjah Mada University. This opportunity is
exploited to study the structure of wood, utilization, and technology. He
successfully completed his education thesis entitled "Study of Plywood
Consumption Pattern in End Use in the municipality of Surakarta".
After graduating in 1985, he worked in state-owned PT
Kertas Kraft Aceh, and placed in the Pine Forest area merkusii in the Gayo
Highlands, Central Aceh. But he was not at home and go home after his wife who
was seven months pregnant. He was determined to do business in the field of
wood and working in businesses owned Pakdenya, Miyono, under the banner of CV
Wheels Teak. In 1988, he ventured to open their own business under the name CV
Rakabu, which is taken from the name of her first child. His efforts had
debuted and also up and down because ultimately fooled orders not paid. But in
1990 he bounced back with a capital of USD 30 million loan from his mother.
This effort brought him Micl Romaknan, which ultimately
gave him the popular call until now, "Jokowi". With honesty and hard
work, he won the trust and can get around Europe who opened his eyes. Setting a
good city in Europe became his inspiration to be applied in Solo and inspired
him to enter politics. He wants to implement humane leadership and achieve a
friendly city for its inhabitants. [20]
Surakarta Mayor
Jokowi leaflet campaign to become Mayor of Surakarta in
Jokowi and his deputy F.X. Hadi Rudyatmo.
In local elections in 2005 the city of Solo, Jokowi
carried by the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P) and the National
Awakening Party (PKB) to run for mayor of Surakarta. He won the election with
36.62% of the percentage of votes. [7] Once elected, with a variety of
experiences in youth, he developed a bad arrangement previously Solo and face a
variety of social rejection to be disciplined. Under his leadership, change and
become Solo study at universities abroad. [8] Thanks to this achievement Jokowi
was re-elected as mayor of Surakarta in 2010 with the voice percentage of
90.09%. [25]
Under his leadership, Batik Solo Trans buses were
introduced, [26] a variety of areas such as Jalan Slamet Riyadi and Ngarsopuro
rejuvenated, [27] and Solo to host international events. [27] In addition,
Jokowi also known for his approach to relocate street vendors five were
"humanize humans". [28] Thanks to these achievements, in 2010 he was
elected again to the sound exceeds 90%. [25] Later, in 2012, he was nominated
by the PDI-P as a candidate for Governor of Jakarta. [5]
Rebranding Solo
Branding for Solo performed by agreeing Solo slogan is
"Solo: The Spirit of Java". Does quite a progressive step for the
size of the cities in Java: it is able to relocate the junk dealer in Park
Banjarsari almost no turbulence to revitalize the function of open green
spaces, giving requirements on investors to want to think about the interests
of the public, perform routine direct and open communication (broadcast by local
television) with the community. Balekambang parks, abandoned since abandoned by
its organizer, maketh the park. [27] Jokowi also did not hesitate to dismiss
the investors who do not agree with the principle of leadership. [29]
This rebranding was supported by the development of the
image of the city of Solo as a "city of culture" and "City of
Batik". In 2011, for example, became the capital of Indonesian batik Solo.
[30] In addition, since 2008, every year the city of Solo Solo Batik Carnival
is always held. [31] Under the leadership of the city of Solo Jokowi also
developed as a MICE city, which stands for of meetings (meetings), incentives
(incentives), conferencing (conference), and exhibitions (fairs). [27] As a
follow-up branding, Jokowi active approach to investors, especially property
developers to provide convention and hotel facilities. [ 27] He also filed
Surakarta to be a member of the Organization of World Heritage Cities and
received His pace continued in 2006 with the success of Surakarta to host the
organization's conference in October 2008. In 2007, Surakarta also has hosted
the World Music Festival (FMD) which was held in Citadel complex Vastenburg
threatened to be evicted the business and shopping center. FMD in 2008 was held
in the Palace complex Mangkunegaran. In addition, the Solo to host Euro-Asia
World Heritage Cities Conference and Exhibition in 2008, Solo International
Ethnic Music Festival (SIEM) in 2007 and 2008 and the International Performing
Arts Festival in 2009 [27]
Reconciling Kraton Surakarta
On June 11, 2004, Pakubowono XII died without a chance to
appoint the empress and crown prince, so that there is a contradiction between
his two sons, Sampeyan tradional Ingkang Sinuwun Kanjeng Susuhunan (SDISKS)
Pakubowono Kanjeng XIII and Prince Gusti Haryo (KGPH) Panembahan Supreme
Tedjowulan. For seven years there were two kings were appointed by both parties
in the palace. [32]
This conflict eventually led the Indonesian government to
intervene by offering leadership dualism, with Pakubowono XIII as King and the
Great Panembahan KGPH Tedjowulan as a representative or Mahapatih. The signing
of this agreement is supported by four representatives of the minister, the
Minister of Interior, Minister of Education and Culture, the Minister of Public
Works and Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy. But the conflict has not
been completed because of some royal families still refuse this union. [33]
The climax is the rejection of the King and Mahapatih to
enter the palace on May 25, 2012 Both are intercepted at the main door of the
palace in Korikamandoengan. [34] Jokowi finally reunite play this split after
eight months to see one at a palace party involved in the conflict. [ 35] On
June 4, 2012 House Speaker Marzuki Alie finally declared an end to conflict
Surakarta supported by the willingness of the title by removing the Supreme
Panembahan Tedjowulan, as well as readiness to reconcile the two families. [36]
Settling vendors
Programs that raised his name during become mayor of Solo
is revamping markets and street vendors. One example is a street vendor in
Monument 45 Banjarsari. Jokowi use nguwonke pendengkatan wong or humanize
humans, so do not force or even displace the merchant, instead emphasizing
dialogue and lunch together in order brave traders began to shed his complaint
directly. In addition, the track also opened discussion anywhere, such as at
City Hall, stalls, Wedangan, roadside, until at Loji gandrung. [28]
After 54 sessions lunch together for 7 months, traders
began to melt and Solo City Government favored traders who are willing to move
with the procession made up to a new place. [28]
Conflict with Bibit Waluyo
In June 2011, Joko Widodo reject the establishment of a
mall at the former ice factory Saripetojo to limit the rise of modern market
and protect traditional markets. [37] The mall establishment policy is the
policy of the Central Java Governor Bibit Waluyo, [37] so that the Seed said
Jokowi "stupid "for opposing the governor's policy. [37] The
statement provoked a strong reaction from residents of Solo, who even refuse
his presence in the city of Surakarta. [38] Jokowi himself responded casually,
and stated that" I was indeed still stupid. still have much to learn to a
lot of people ". [37]
Improvement of public transport
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During the leadership Jokowi, Batik Solo Trans (top) and
railroad Kluthuk Jaladara (below) was introduced
For matters of public transportation, the various types
of transport have been realized, such as the Batik Solo Trans is a bus
operating in the city and connects the city with the International Airport Solo
Adisumarmo. [26] In order to integrate the transportation system, Solo and
Yogyakarta government signed a Memorandum of Understanding related the use of
smart cards in Prambanan Ekspress train which connects the two cities which can
be used also on Batik Solo Trans and Trans Jogja. [26]
Jokowi also launched in 2009 by the Dutch tourist train
called the railroad Kluthuk Jaladara. Trains were made in 1896 and using
firewood as fuel is crossing the Office of Mayor of Surakarta, Loji gandrung,
Radi Museum Library, Danar Hadi Batik Museum, and Sanggrah Station, before
finally returning to Purwosari Station. [39] In addition, the February 20,
2011, also operated bus Werkudara level and soon became one of the iconic city
of Solo. [40]
In July 2011, Jokowi launched Railbus Batara Kresna
routes serving Sukoharjo-Surakarta. Railbus which started operation in August
2012 was made by PT INKA. However, in November 2012, this railbus not run again
because of a loss, and demand subsidy by the current Mayor of Solo FX Hadi
Rudyatmo Surakarta rejected by Parliament. [41]
Car-free day
In 2010, Jokowi initiated car-free days along Jalan
Slamet Riyadi every Sunday from 6 am to 9 am, even though the roads were
accosted pedestrians from 5 o'clock in the morning. [42] In addition, on
Saturday, December 31, 2011 and Sunday January 1, 2012, the city of Surakarta
successfully held the first car-free night in Indonesia. [43]
Improvement of education and health
In Solo, Jokowi establish Community Health program Solo
(PKMS) and Community Education Assistance Solo (BPMKS). [44] PKMS program
providing free medical care to the poor in Solo. [45] PKMS card holder consists
of two classes, namely "Gold" and "Silver". [45] Class
"Gold" is given to people who are really poor (so that all health
care costs borne by the government), while citizens who do not have health
insurance get a class of "Silver". [45] While the it, BPMKS cards
given to students from elementary and junior high schools in Solo are poor to
get an education at no charge (either monthly fees or operating costs) in
public or private schools. [46] There are three types of cards, the
"Platinum", "Gold ", and" Silver ". [46] Platinum
Card is given to students who attend schools plus (free school education
program in the Solo), while Gold card is given to the poor and Silver card for
citizens capable. [46] Platinum Cardholders exempt from the monthly dues,
building fees, and personal expenses such as handbags, shoes, books, while Gold
card holders are exempt from operating costs and Silver card holders are treated
like Gold card holders. [46] However, the fee waiver does not apply to high
school students and vocational , although they will be subsidized by 50%. [46]
Some relics Jokowi in Solo. From top left clockwise:
Market Windujenar, Omah Ngarsopuro Sinten in the region that have been
refurbished, Batik Trans Solo bus stop in Jalan Slamet Riyadi, and the entrance
to the park which has been rejuvenated Sriwedari.
During the first six months of 2012, 15 235 and 47 940
cards PKMS Silver Gold PKMS cards distributed to the people of Solo at a cost
of Rp 10.9 billion, so that at that time there were 221 722 and 14 181 cards
PKMS Silver Gold PKMS cards that have been distributed. [44]
Solo Techno Park and Esemka
During the leadership Jokowi, Solo Techno Park
development completed. The complex is built on an area of 7.1 hectares in
Jebres is intended as a place of production and technical training. [47] In
2012, Jokowi make Esemka (which is a car assembled students of vocational high
school) as the official car of the official Jokowi. [ 48] initiative Jokowi
make Esemka received national media attention. [48] Solo Techno Park itself
will serve as the center of mass production Esemka car. [47] However, this car
does not qualify for national eligibility test, [47] so that the project
stalled and institutions Solo Techno Park in 2014 producing digital printing
machines. [49]
In 2011, Jokowi also signed a memorandum of understanding
(MoU) with PT GMF president director Richard Budihadianto regarding the
provision of capacity building of human resources in the field of aircraft
maintenance, so Solo Techno Park became a training aircraft technicians. [50]
Another relic
On 13 April 2008, Jokowi establish a culinary evening in
Solo called Galabo (Gladag Langen Bogan). [27] previously dormant Balekambang
park is also converted into a small botanical garden is equipped with Wi-Fi.
Plus, Bus Terminal Tirtonadi rejuvenated, while nearby Park Tirtonadi used as
open space. [27]
Jokowi also build and rejuvenate some markets, such as
Windujenar Market in 2010 [51] and Depok Bird Market. [52] The market is
located right in the Windujenar Ngarsopuro which also transformed into artistic
and equipped with open space to the public. [53] This region then connected to
Jalan Slamet Riyadi, which were enhanced by the presence of a garden and free
internet facilities. [27] Jokowi also launched an arrangement of corridors in
the city walk Mulyadi Captain and Major Kusmanto are also equipped with
facilities for pedestrians and city park. [52]
Under the leadership of Jokowi, Surakarta city government
supports public toilet provision, to the city of Solo was selected to host the
World Toilet Summit to-13 in 2013 [54] The public toilets are built in several
places like in Slamet Riyadi, Gladag Langen Bogan, and Village Batik Laweyan,
with funding from the city government and private companies that embody
corporate social responsibility. [54]
According Rushda Majeed in his case study of the city of
Solo, Jokowi has been improving slum conditions, improve health services, and
government reform to improve efficiency. [8] It is also open to the public
finance process and provide one-stop service for those who want to make a
clearance business or other licenses. [8]
Jakarta Governor
The atmosphere at the winning post Jokowi in Jalan
Borobudur 22
See also: Election of Governor and Deputy Governor of
Jakarta, 2012
Jokowi asked personally by Jusuf Kalla to run for Jakarta
governor [55] in the Gubernatorial Election in 2012 Because of the PDI-P
cadres, then Jusuf Kalla asked the support of Megawati Sukarnoputri, who was
initially seen still in doubt. Meanwhile Prabowo also lobbied the PDI-P to be
willing to support Jokowi as a candidate for governor because it requires 9
seats again for Governor Candidates can apply. [56] At that time, the PDI-P is
almost chose to support Fauzi Bowo and Jokowi own almost refuses to be
nominated. [57 ] As his deputy, Basuki Purnama T who was a member of the House
nominated Jokowi assist with moving to Gerindra because Golkar has agreed to
support the candidate Alex Noerdin as governor. [58]
The pair initially not favored. This is evident from the
incumbent candidates claim reinforced by the Indonesian Survey Circle that
couples Bowo and Nachrowi Ramli will win the election in a single round. [59]
In addition, MCC is raked more than 42 percent of the vote in the elections for
Adang Daradjatun 2007, also carries Hidayat Nur Wahid known people as the
Chairman of the Assembly 2004-2009 period. Compared to the other party, PDIP
and Gerindra only got each only 11 and 6 seats of the total 94 seats, compared
with 32 seats belong to Democrats Fauzi Bowo, as well as 18 seats belong to the
MCC for Hidayat Nur Wahid. [60] However LP3ES has predicted that Jokowi and
Fauzi Bowo will meet in round two. [61]
Quick count conducted a number of surveys agencies on
election day, July 11, 2012 and the day after that, showing Jokowi lead, with
Fauzi Bowo in second place. [62] The couple turned favored to win the election
in 2012 because of the proximity Jokowi Establishments with Hidayat Nur Wahid
when election Solo Mayor in 2010 [63] as well as supporting Faisal Basri and
Alex Noerdin of the results of the survey are likely to switch to him. [64]
He will serve for five years and ended in 2017 During his
tenure as governor, he launched a variety of programs such as Healthy Jakarta
Card, [65] Smart Card Jakarta, [66] the auction office, [67] the construction
of the Mass Rapid Transport (MRT) and monorail, [68] [69] function returns
reservoirs and rivers, [70] as well as the provision of green open space. [71]
The second round of the elections 2012
Jokowi and Basuki leaflet campaign during the election.
Images Jokowi as a governor.
Jokowi tried contacting and visiting all of the
candidates, [72] including Fauzi Bowo, [73] but only managed to stay in touch
with Hidayat Nur Wahid [74] and led to speculation of a coalition in the second
round. [75] Thereafter, Fauzi Bowo also met with Hidayat Nur Wahid.
But things turn around when the parties supporting other
candidates in the first round instead expressed support for Fauzi Bowo. [76]
The relationship Jokowi with MCC also deteriorated with the accusation that the
team raised the issue of dowry successful political Jokowi 50 billion. [77] MCC
ask this issue terminated, [78] while a successful team Jokowi assert mention
figures such fees. [79] The condition to lose potential support from the major
parties claimed Jokowi as the phenomenon of "People's Coalition against
Coalition Party". [80] This claim was denied by the Democrats because
PDI-P and Gerindra remains a political party that supports Jokowi, not like
Faisal Basri and Hendrardji who is an independent candidate. [81] Jokowi
eventually received support from key figures such as Misbakhun of MCC, [82]
Jusuf Kalla from the Golkar Party, [ 83] Indra J Piliang from the Golkar Party,
[84] as well as the Father who is the sister-in-law Heri Bowo. [85]
Political battle is also venturing into the world of
social media with the launch Jasmev, [86] the establishment of a media center,
[87] as well as the use of new media in political campaigns such as YouTube.
[88] The Fauzi Bowo also took to social media, but admits the excess team
success and support Jokowi in this channel. [89]
The second round also saw various allegations smear
campaign, which among others ranged in racial issues, [90] the issue of
deliberate fires, [91] corruption, [92] and transactional politics. [93]
Ahead of the second round, a variety of surveys returned
were predicting victory popping Jokowi, including 36.74% against 29.47% by
SSSG, [94] 72.48% against 27.52% by INES, [95] 45.13% against 37.53% in the
survey electability by Indobarometer, [96] and 45.6% versus 44.7% by the
Indonesian Survey Institute. [97]
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Muhammad Jusuf Kalla, Vice President Republic of Indonesia |
After the second round of voting, counting results
quickly Indonesian Survey Institute shows Jokowi - Ahok as the winner with
53.81%. While its rival, Fauzi Bowo - Nachrowi Ramli got 46.19%. [98] Similar
results were obtained by the Quick Count Indobarometer 54.24% against 45.76%,
[99] and five TV stations. [100] Initial estimates by the method of Quick Count
reinforced by Real Count PDI-P with the results of 54.02% against 45.98%, [101]
Cyrus Network of 54.72% against 45.25%. [102] And finally on September 29,
2012, the Election Commission of Jakarta set Jokowi - Ahok as governor and
deputy governor of the new city for the period 2012-2017 to replace Fauzi Bowo
- Prijanto. [103] [104]
Before and after Jokowi became Governor of Jakarta, he
promised that he would add 1000 units TransJakarta bus, then he can be
contacted 24 hours a reporter, that he will work 1 hour in the office and
review the rest of the public service. He also said that he would not be
evicted street vendors (PKL), and will also build the village that is not an
apartment flats; then he will improve education and health systems, provide
rewards to all RT and RW, and he also promised to increase the public space for
the city adolescents. [105] At the time elected governor of Jakarta, the
problems began to arrive, and since the rainy season hit Jakarta and the
problem is not bad after, the public and the city began to doubt the ability
Jokowi pessimistic in troubleshooting the capital. [106]
Post-Election 2012
After winning in the official vote tallies, Jokowi still
exposed to the issue of his resignation blocking attempts by Parliament
Surakarta, but denied by the parliament. [107] Interior Minister Gamawan Fauzi
also said it would intervene if these problems occur, [108] because Jokowi
appointment as Governor Jakarta is not considered to violate any rules if at
the time of registering as a candidate for governor has expressed readiness to
step down from his former position if elected, and actually resigned after his
election. [109] However after that, the House plan amendments to Regulation No.
34 2004, so that after the Jokowi, regional head candidates in other areas,
must first resign from his position at the time of registering as a candidate.
Top reasons related administrative resignation as mayor
of Surakarta and the term of office has not expired Bowo, Jokowi inauguration
delayed [111] of the schedule beginning October 7, 2012 to 15 October 2012
[112] The event was marred debate about the costs due to statements that Jokowi
want a simple inauguration costs. [113] Parliament then lowering the cost of
his assumption of USD 550 million, from the originally budgeted Rp 1,05Miliar
the budget data changes. Inaugural event was also enlivened by vendors who
provide free merchandise. [114]
The day after the inauguration, Jokowi immediately
scheduled a visit to the community. [115]
Takeover of Water Resources
Before Jokowi, water management is done by the two main
operators, Aetra (PT Thames PAM Jaya) and Palyja (PT PAM Lyonnaise Jaya). PT
Aetra Air Jakarta manage, operate, maintain water supply systems, and invest in
the region east of Jakarta, while Palyja in the western part of Jakarta. Aetra
shareholder is Acuatico Pte Ltd with 95 percent ownership and PT Alberta
Utilities by 5 percent. While serving Palyja water supply to the area of West
Jakarta, South Jakarta, as well as parts of North and Central Jakarta. Palyja
Astratel owned by 49 percent, and 51 percent of Suez Environment. Both hold a
contract with the Government of Jakarta to manage water in Jakarta.
Because they are not able to provide good customer
service, then Jokowi and Ahok since the beginning has been eyeing the takeover
of the management of drinking water in Jakarta to be more easily monitored and
controlled, but the intention is hampered by a penalty to be paid by the
provincial government if break the contract in the middle of the road. [116]
then the business is done in other ways, namely by buying their shares through
two provincial government-owned enterprises, namely PT Pembangunan Jaya and PT
Jakarta Propertindo (Jakpro). Both will try to take over ownership Palyja with
PT Pembangunan Jaya plans to buy as much as 51 percent of Suez Environment,
while PT Jakarta Propertindo Astratel acquire 49 percent stake. But
unfortunately Palyja still existed sued by LBH because water privatization
efforts that are considered incompatible with the Constitution of 1945, so the
acquisition is still awaiting a court decision [117]
On April 10, 2014, Jokowi states that have found a bright
spot of this takeover, because the provincial government has to find a deal in
the back management control of drinking water. Both sides feel they have the
same purpose to prevent the privatization of water resources, only just a
different way. If the LBH and NGOs through a lawsuit, the Government made
efforts takeover of a business to business. "Positive, you have found the
spot. Due to the same spirit. Goal equal to water management was taken over by
the government in this case our enterprises," said Jokowi, after holding a
meeting with the coalition at the City Hall. [118]
After the takeover Palyja running smoothly, the city
government also signaled Aetra will take over a similar manner. [119]
The increase in the provincial minimum wage
On October 24, 2012, there was a rally at City Hall
workers who performed a set of Confederation of All Indonesian Workers Union.
[120] Initially the workers demanding higher minimum wage to Rp 2.79 million,
which responded to the invitation by Basuki Purnama Tjahaja dialogue with labor
representatives. Finally agreed to the use of numbers Sufficiency Living survey
last month, from the previous averaged data from February 2012 to October 2012,
[121] as well as various other points that into 13 agreements. [122]
Jokowi then handed over to the proper calculation of the
UMP councils were initially led to recommendation number 1.9 million. However,
this trial interrupted by labor actions that call back their representatives,
so that this new figure represents the interests of employers. [123] Finally
agreed by all parties that the provincial minimum wage of Rp 2.2 million which
was then set by the Wages Council. [124]
Jokowi conduct consultations, including with Muhaimin
Iskandar, the Governor of Banten, and West Java Governor to determine the
appropriate minimum wage for workers in Jakarta so as not to imbalance the
buffer zone, but still deserves to be enjoyed by workers. [125]
Protests return occurs at the end of 2013 due to the
increase in re-UMP workers urged to Rp 3.7 million, [126] while employers
reject that number and want the Rp 2.29 million. Finally it was decided the
middle figure of Rp 2.44 million. Labour refused because Rp 3.7 million dead
figure [126] and was branded Jokowi and Ahok as Mr. Cheap Wage [127] and
threatened to occupy City Hall for days, but eventually broke up a
demonstration by itself and UMP Rp 2.44 million apply in Jakarta since 1
November 2013 [128]
Improvement of public transport
On October 10, 2013, Jokowi inaugurated the construction
of the Mass Rapid Transport (MRT) which previously had been discontinued for
many years. [68] Later, on October 16, 2013, Jokowi also inaugurated the
construction of the green belt along the Jakarta Monorail eleven kilometers.
[69] In addition, in November 2013, the Jakarta City Administration is planning
to hold a thousand buses for TransJakarta lane. [129] However, some of the 656
buses purchased from China found to have corroded, so that there is suspected
fraud committed by officials of the Department of Transportation (Affair)
Jakarta. [130] In response to this problem, Jokowi relieved Head of Jakarta
Transportation Department Udar Pristiono and induct Muhammad Akbar as his
successor. [131] Further reservations TransJakarta fleet will be a lot through
e-catalog system, is no longer the auction.
Establishment of PT TransJakarta
To improve the quality of service and fleet Busway, then
began December 30, 2013, PT TransJakarta is promulgated. Thus his position
stands alone as a regional-owned enterprises, no longer limited authority as
Implementation Unit under the Department of Transportation. With an independent
company, TransJakarta expected to work more efficient, agile, and flexible,
including the current fleet procurement. [132]
Passenger Transport Plan Housing acquisition Djakarta
Previously, Passenger Transport NSW or PPD is shaped SOE
Public Enterprise under the Ministry of State Enterprises. Because they have a
lot of assets and a profitable fleet transportation management, the Jakarta
Provincial Government filed a takeover PPD, with one of the conditions is to
pay off the PPD is quite large, Rp 170 Billion. But Basuki Purnama Tjahaja
assume debt settlement is proportional to the benefits to be gained by the city
government. Unfortunately, the takeover process is complicated because the
central government does not show a serious response on this offer. SOE Minister
Dahlan Iskan was actually already approved the takeover. [133]
Metromini penning and Kopaja
After a number of accidents that befall metromini and
Kopaja, Jakarta Provincial Government began to tighten rules on minimum safety
facilities owned, among others, brake, porous body, speedometer, lights, and
glass windows. If you can not show the facility, then the bus is stabled. [134]
This act of penning metromini protests from drivers who
felt their livelihood threatened. On August 29, 2013, dozens of drivers
metromini fleet parked on the street in front of City Hall and march protesting
obligations transport rejuvenation. In addition Pristono, Head of the
Department of Transportation at the time, considered to offend the driver as it
makes a statement that is no longer needed metromini in Jakarta. They demanded
that raided fleet returned, but was rejected. [135]
The drivers who do not feel heard and then damaging the
fence and broke the glass city hall and TransJakarta Bus Kopaja. For the
repression, the Governor and Deputy Governor refused to see and comment on
their complaints. The perpetrators threatened destruction was reported to the
police because it leads to criminal acts. [136]
Launch the tour bus
On February 24, 2014, Jokowi launch buses in Jakarta.
Decker bus with a capacity of 60 passengers can be enjoyed free of charge and
is intended to increase the attractiveness to tourists Jakarta. This bus
operates every day from 09:00 until 19:00 route from New Market to Hotel
Indonesia roundabout. [137]
Six toll roads
Six toll roads project inherited from the time of
Sutiyoso and Fauzi Bowo, but the inauguration of an agreement reached between
the private sector with the Ministry of Public Works Bowo shortly before term
ends, and has determined the winner of the tender. So although opposed by many
residents, and Jokowi never opposed the project, but he does not have the
authority to cancel it. [138] [139]
Jokowi could slow down the execution of the project by
asking for input of citizens, analysts, experts, Ministry of Public Works, the
investor consortium on January 15, 2013, [140] but later Tjahaja Basuki Purnama
announced that there is no longer a term 6 toll road. That there is integration
of the entire ring road in Jakarta and is equipped with a bus lane overpass.
[141] The private sector agreed to a request to hold public transportation
facilities along the expressway. [142]
Cheap Cars
Based on Government Regulation No. 41 Year 2013, the
Indonesian central government plans to develop a program of cheap cars. Joko
Widodo strongly opposed this program because he thinks the program will
exacerbate traffic congestion in Jakarta. [143] According to him, that should
be encouraged is the provision of mass transportation that is cheap, safe, and
convenient. [143] He also wrote to the Vice President of Indonesia Boediono to
the policy questioned this. [143]
Job rotation
For two years in office, Jokowi do a lot of changing
positions birkorat. Among these village chiefs through the auction office, as
well as the mayor, the chief of department and agencies through dismissal and
appointment. [144]
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General DrMoeldoko |
Auction office
In April to June 2013, Jokowi creating a new system in
the placement of the bureaucracy, the auction office. In this system, all civil
servants are given an equal opportunity to occupy the position he wants to
qualify and take the test. The test results were announced in a transparent and
provincial governments put the appropriate civil service merit and
qualifications. [67]
This caused controversy with the rejection of the village
chiefs whose position is disrupted by this selection. One of the highlights is
the groove Warakas that threatened to auction the post system. [145] He had
initially refused to participate in the selection of this position auction, but
finally managed to get a position in North Tugu village. [146]
The effectiveness of position auctions into question
after Tjahaja Basuki Purnama headman admitted 60 percent of auction proceeds
unsatisfactory position. [147] Even within one year, and the treasurer caught
Ceger groove mark up a budget of USD 450 million and is now a prisoner of the
East Jakarta District Court . [148]
Susan Headman
One of the elected village chief in the office of the
auction process is Susan Jasmine Zulkifli. He was elected to serve on the
Supreme Lanteng region. However, the appointment of Susan groove protests from
some people because headman Susan Christian, which is considered incompatible
with the majority of residents Lanteng Supreme Muslim. [149] This controversy
intensified after Interior Minister Gamawan Fauzi asked Jokowi reconsider the
appointment of Susan groove . [149] However, Jokowi confirmed that he will not
lower groove Susan on the basis of religion and will only consider the
performance of the headman. [149]
Replacement heads of agencies
Jokowi recorded replace the head office in Jakarta. The
most highlighted among other Pristono, Head of Jakarta Transportation Agency,
Taufik Yudi Mulyanto, Dept. of Education, and Unu Nurdin Jakarta Cleanliness
Department Head. All three were placed into a new position in the Governor For
Accelerated Development Team (TGUP2), along with four other people. [150]
The annual floods in Jakarta
Inheriting the city passed many rivers and position some
areas lower than sea level, Jokowi required to reduce or even eliminate
flooding of Jakarta. By passing their budgets in 2013, flooding in Jakarta
showed profound impact on city life without the accompaniment of a maximum of
prevention and treatment. [151] However, it is recognized flood flood better
than previous years. [152]
Throughout the year 2013, the normalization projects in
JEDI series (Jakarta Emergency Dredging Initiative) conducted intensive. The
best known is the return function Pluit Reservoir, Reservoir Ria Rio, and
Pesanggrahan. This effort earned high praise, even from abroad. [70] With this
normalization, recognized by the 2014 flood BPBDs that is better than the
previous year. The duration of flooding is much longer because the peak of the
rainy season is longer, but the vast pool of reduced. [153]
Announcement of a state of emergency flood
In the face of Jakarta's annual floods of 2013 and 2014,
announced Jokowi flood emergency status that allows the Governor to make
decisions that may be necessary to cope with the disaster. [154]
Weather Engineering
To divert rain path that passes through Jakarta, Jakarta
Provincial Government in cooperation with BNPB, Air Force, and BPPT through the
sowing of rain fell NaCl so far from Jakarta. In 2013 the project was quite
successful in reducing rainfall, but in 2014 a little hampered by the slow pace
of ratification of the budget and the difference in the pattern of rainfall
compared to last year. [155]
Settling waterways
Through the package Jakarta Emergency Dredging Initiative
(JEDI), Jakarta Provinces Government in collaboration with the Ministry of
Public Works and the World Bank do maintenance on drainage system in Jakarta
related to flood conditions in Jakarta with a total funding of US $ 135.5
million. This program was heated because Basuki Tjahajapurnama protesting the
slow pace of the program designed by the World Bank that require faster
execution. If the World Bank is not willing, he invited the World Bank withdrew
its aid. Demand is satisfied by the World Bank. [156]
Times and reservoirs are targeted improvement through the
JEDI program including the West Flood Canal, Cakung Drain, Cengkareng Drain,
Angke, Kali Cideng, Kamal Kali, Kali Sunter, Tanjungan Kali, Kali
Krukut-Cideng-Land Cereals, Kali-Kali Jelakeng Pakin-Kali Besar, Gunung Sahari
Ciliwung, Sunter Sentiong Sodetan, Kali Grogol - Secretary, Pluit Reservoir,
Reservoir Melati, Sunter Reservoir North, Reservoir South Sunter, Sunter
Reservoir East and III, Situ Mangga Bolong, Situ Babakan, Situ Rawa Dongkal and
Cipondoh situ. [157]
Normalization Pluit Reservoir
The main article for this section are: Pluit Reservoir
Normalization marked improvement Pluit Reservoir flood
control system in Jakarta. Characterized by dismantling his own dwelling on the
banks by residents in March 2013, initially relocation goes smoothly. But then
it had been a tension because some residents refused to be moved, even to bring
up the incident report to the Human Rights Commission. Through diplomacy lunch,
some people began to be persuaded and slowly moved into various flats that have
been prepared. [158]
Normalization Reservoir Ria Rio
The main article for this section are: Ria Rio Reservoir
Normalization Reservoir Ria Rio also had received
resistance from residents and land owners as a result of a dispute between the
owner of the land with Pulomas PT Jaya. Residents had to block, but was
persuaded to voluntarily move to a decent apartment. As for land disputes,
initially agreed resolved in court, but later negotiations allow landowners
replacement price of land to be dredged as a reservoir. [159]
Jokowi promised to build the Opera House with a capacity
of 9000 entirely located sitting on the edge of Ria Rio Reservoir. [160]
Broad view of the Reservoir Ria Rio, Pedongkelan, Pulogadung,
East Jakarta
Normalization Reservoir West Tomang
Photos Dam Tomang
The main article for this section are: Reservoir Tomang
West Tomang reservoir initially filled with water
hyacinth population explosion which exacerbates the deposition and simultaneously
displacing the natural habitat that has already been there. Thus in November
2013 Reservoir West Tomang dredged to a depth that should be returned to the
water hyacinth population and eliminated at a cost of USD 2 billion. [161]
Normalization Swamp Reservoir Bambon
Swamp Reservoir Bambon originally just a small swamp in
Kelapa Dua Wetan, Ciracas, East Jakarta, which is often flooded during heavy
rains occurred around East and South Jakarta. As a result, local people
continue to experience flooding. Then the city government decided reservoir is
dredged to a depth of 6 meters and has a park like Ria Rio and Pluit Reservoir.
Unlike the Pluit Reservoir and Ria Rio, the land around the reservoir Swamp
Bambon relative no problem so penuntasannya expected to be faster [162]
Normalization Pesanggrahan
The main article for this section are: Pesanggrahan
Due to the small capacity and poor maintenance, until
November 2012, Pesanggrahan still overflowing and soaking 2 RT in Ulujami.
[163] In fact in December 2010 has targeted the normalization time of discharge
50 cubic meters to 115 cubic meters, but still continues to be delayed due to
the process auction is too long. During the August to October 2010 was recorded
three times Pesanggrahan have collapsed due to swift water and had her levee
walls. [164]
Houses normalization program was continued through the
Jakarta Emergency Dredging Initiative (JEDI) [165] Jakarta Provincial
Government and the Ministry of Public Works at the end of 2013 until 2014,
[166] as well supported by development projects sodetan Pesanggrahan to
straighten the flow of time around ITC Cipulir , [167] as well as the
construction of dams around South Jakarta to store water in upstream so as not
to overload the downstream rivers in Jakarta. [168] [169]
Work on the dam was stopped due to objections over the
citizens of the compensation value, but resolved by direct negotiations with
Jokowi. [170]
Settling settlements
Settling settlement is done in two ways, namely
relocation to the bunk house and village improvement program through the
series. [171]
Kampung series
The program is quite prominent from Jokowi is a village
series. This program provides an opportunity for people who want to improve the
condition of the house that are not feasible with the condition should have a
clear proof of land ownership. Kampung areas that receive assistance under the
spotlight series that often include High Land, Big South Cipinang, Petogogan,
Semper West, and Tambora. In 2013 then, the construction of the Village series
conducted at 26 points. While in 2014, targeted 70 Kampung new series will begin
in early June 2014 [172]
Development and relocation to flats
Flats be the main solution to the relocation of large
amounts. During the floods in Jakarta in 2013, Citizens Pluit Reservoir,
Reservoir Ria Rio, and Kali Pakin, for example, among others relocated to Pine
Flats Elegant, Marunda Flats, Flats Tambora, and others. While in 2014,
targeted 100 new flats to accommodate the relocation of earthquake-resistant
In addition to its own building, the city has received a
grant from the Ministry of the various terms would fix it. [173] [174]
Occupant relocation reservoir
After the floods in Jakarta in 2013, it is known that the
reservoir holds water in Jakarta difficulty because of silting and occupation
of citizens. City government then relocated gradually to the residents who
occupy land reservoirs, among others, Pluit and Ria Rio. [175] After some
persuasion, including dining with the Governor, [176] eventually people are
willing to be moved so that the reservoir could be dredged to face the flood
season 2014 [177]
Improvement of education and health
Jokowi was greeted Chairman of the Regional
Representatives Council Irman Gusman.
Great program that was launched in the Jokowi to improve
education and health are the Jakarta Health Card and Smart Card Jakarta.
Healthy Jakarta card is actually an insurance program paid by the provincial
government of DKI Jakarta allowing society gets the most basic services without
having to spend a lot of money, while Jakarta Smart Card is a selective program
for students who are not able to afford to buy the equipment and educational
Healthy Jakarta Card
The main article for this section are: Healthy Jakarta
His first program, which was immediately appreciated is
Jakarta Health Card, which aims to reform health insurance in Jakarta.
Previously, the poor have to take care of a lot of letters and references to
the bureaucracy before they can enjoy a reduction in healthcare costs. With the
Jakarta Health Card, people can instantly get free services at the health
center and was referred to a specific hospital if need further treatment. The
program is handled by Askes as Social Security Agency business (BPJS) which has
been officially designated by the Act.
Since its launch on 10 November 2012, [65] Healthy
Jakarta Card gets a lot of criticism and input from various parties. For
example, members of the City Council Budget Committee Johny Wenas were KJS be
afraid to break the rules and regulation because there is a similar program is
running in 2012 [178] Another suggestion came from the Minister of Health that
considers Nafsiah Mboi Jakarta should try to improve the lack of
infrastructure, a good source human and medical devices, as well as a referral
system so that patients can KJS handled properly and on time. [179]
Controversy occurred when 16 private Hospitals intend
backwards from KJS due to uncertainty INA-CBGS package system to be applied to
the Ministry of Health in KJS guarantee. But finally only 2 Hospital stating
KJS discontinue service to re-evaluate. While 14 other hospitals agreed to
continue KJS after this ambiguity discussed together. [180] However, this
problem already developed into a political conflict after several members of
parliament threatened to make this as a reason for impeachment against the
Governor and Deputy Governor. [181]
Until 2014, the Jakarta Health Card continues to run and
oversee a new health insurance system by BPJS.
Jakarta Smart Card
The main article for this section are: Jakarta Smart Card
In the field of education, Jokowi Jakarta Smart Card
launched since the beginning of his term, precisely December 1st 2012 Launch
Smart Card Jakarta Yappenda done in high school, Tanjung Priok, North Jakarta
and officially launched by Jakarta Governor Joko Widodo (Jokowi).
These cards help with the costs of education for children
who can not afford in Jakarta, on condition that it should not be used for consumption.
Razia monkey
On October 22, 2013, Jokowi international media attention
[182] and the support of environmentalists [183] after launching raids monkey
in Jakarta. In this raid, marches monkey arrested but granted compensation of
Rp 1 million as long as willing to give his monkey and then maintained at
Ragunan better. [184] Not only regarded as torture animals, the monkeys were
proven to be 100 per cent suffer from intestinal worms and feared other
dangerous infectious diseases that threaten the health of residents of Jakarta.
But critics also arise as a result of this policy, among
other many other important matters concerning the welfare of the citizens who
should be prioritized rather than taking care of the monkeys, [186] and fears
of a monkey handler does not receive adequate provision for changing
professions. [187]
Hospital Sunday Market Development
To anticipate and BPJS KJS users make long queues at
various hospitals in Jakarta, Jokowi start construction Moloch Regional General
Home on the Market Sunday. The hospital has a capacity of 400 beds. Eighty
percent can be used by users of Jakarta Health Card. The hospital will focus on
cancer treatment efforts, pediatric patients, and the elderly. To that end,
will put 20 units of the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) for babies and 20
units of pediatric intensive care unit (PICU). [188]
The inauguration of the Hospital Workers
To support health care workers around the Nusantara
Bonded Zone, built a public hospital dedicated to the workers. The hospital was
inaugurated SBY with Jokowi, State Enterprises Minister Dahlan Iskan, Minister
Nafsiah Mboi, Muhaimin Iskandar, and President Director of Nusantara Bonded
Zone Sattar Taba, on April 8, 2014 The hospital has a capacity of 9,000 square
meters, consists of 8 floors, and the number of beds available 184 beds.
Facilities provided include medical services, medical support services, ranging
from outpatient, emergency room, intensive care unit, central surgery,
radiology room, CSSD space, laboratories, clinics, medical check up,
fisiotherapy, and mortuary. The hospital was built with funds CSR SOEs and the
Government of Jakarta has 26% stake in the hospital. [189] [190]
Jakarta as the City Festival
Jokowi hoped to make the brand Jakarta as a city
festival. Because of the various celebrations and festivals celebrated in the
city of Jakarta, even to shut down the streets of a motor vehicle for a full
day. A total of 97 festivals held during 2013 in Jakarta. [191]
Jakarta Night Festival
Start the new year of 2013 and 2014, with a concept to
make Jakarta as a festival city, Jakarta launched Jokowi Night Festival. In
celebration of the new year in Jakarta main street is closed to motor vehicles
and the total supplied various stage arts, performances, as well as traditional
art. [192] This model was later copied by other big cities, such as Bandung,
Surabaya, and Yogyakarta. [193 ]
Party people
In June 2013, Jokowi tried to restore the function of the
Jakarta Fair (PRJ) as a party of the people by holding some festivals in the
court of the Monas, Jakarta as Kampung Festival on 15 to 16 June 2013 PRJ
considered to have deviated from the intentions initially because it tends to
be visited by the middle class top. The media dubbed this as an attempt Jokowi
"PRJ rival". However, Basuki Purnama Tjahaja dismissed it and stated
that the party of the people is not meant to compete with PRJ. [194] [195]
Kraton Festival World
On 5-8 December 2013, Jakarta Provincial Government and
the Forum Gathering Kraton Kraton Nusantara staged performances of the Great
World, December 5 to 8. The event featured a parade of various costumes and
vehicles from the various royal palaces and various parts of the world,
including Brunei Darussalam. According to the plan, the event followed by 165
and 10 archipelago palace royal envoy abroad and enlivened by a carriage parade
and entertained 1,000 attractions artist. [196]
Improvement of urban planning
Jokowi is currently being met with Trond Giske.
Weighing the problems of Jakarta starting from spatial
problems that were ignored for decades. Beginning with the endorsement RDTR, revamping
management of IMB, and management of green space, and revamping markets and
street vendors, Jokowi began to fix the underlying problem in Jakarta. [197]
Ratification of spatial detail plan
Detail Spatial Plan Jakarta has actually been compiled
since the Fauzi, but endorsement hampered. One problem is the dissemination to
the public has not been done. Therefore, Basuki Tjahajapurnama RDTR demanding
distributed to the public through the local district in order to get input
together. [198] Academics and NGOs are also invited to give their views on the
RDTR. [199]
On December 11, 2013, RDTR and Jakarta Zoning Regulations
enacted and apply to 2030 One of the legislators of the PPP, Maman Fiermansyah,
could do a walkout because the passage of the law was enforced RDTR and PZ. But
his partner, Mohamad Sanusi, stated attitudes Maman result he himself did not
understand RDTR for never present during the discussion. [200]
It stands out from Jakarta RDTR is mandated by the
addition of 6 per cent of green open space and the existence of a special space
for street vendors in the establishment of public space is determined by the
Governor, as well as liability for any office buildings, trade and services in
Jakarta who was in the mixed zone provides 5 percent of the total floor space
trading functions and services to the informal sector SMEs. It is expected that
with this obligation, the owner of the building to facilitate food traders
incorporated as part of the building, so it no longer meets the street behind
the building. [201]
Settling markets and street vendors
Jokowi best known action of the curb street vendors are
in the Sunday Market and Tanah Abang Market. If at the Sunday market traders
moved to PKL Market Location Patronage Sunday, then at Block G Block G traders
moved to Tanah Abang. Originally merchant complained lonely visitors, but
various facilities equipped Block G continues to include escalators, car
raffle, to free wifi facilities. [202]
A total of five traditional markets are built and
renovated with adequate facilities during 2013, including Mangosteen Market,
Oliver's, Kebun Onions, Kebun Duri, and Jackfruit Lagerstroemia. Traders
released from the lease, but must also maintain and obey the rules of the
market to not divert rent or sell his stall to the other party. Merchants will
only cost maintenance, electricity, and water alone. [203]
In 2014, as many as four other traditional markets have
also been completed, including Kramat Jati Market, Market Ciplak, and Market
Grogol, from a total of 14 markets that will be addressed. [204] [205]
Building Permit Online
If the previous administration of Building Permit (IMB)
loaded brokering practices and bribery, disrupting urban planning, since
February 1, 2014, the IMB can be taken care of from the internet. This shortens
processing time from half a month to permit adequate 7 days. Arrangements can
be done from home, cafe, or workplace. [206]
But as a reward behind it, Jokowi demands of citizens to
immediately take care of each building permit because the process has been
simplified. If it does not also have a permit, illegal buildings will be
demolished. [207]
Improvement of parks, urban forests and green open spaces
Joko Widodo with Greenpeace Executive Director Kumi
Naidoo, head of Greenpeace Indonesia Longgena Ginting, and Greenpeace Southeast
Asia Executive Director Von Hernandez at Tanjung Priok port, Jakarta.
Various parks, urban forests and green open spaces of new
and improved results come greening Jakarta. One that is quite prominent is
Pluit Reservoir Park City, Park City Reservoir Ria Rio, Vertical Garden Tugu
Tani, and Garden Mataram. Jakarta Green Open Space targeted increase of 16
percent from RDTR mandated target by 6 percent increase. In addition, only 40
percent of the land allowed Jakarta to tall buildings, while the remaining 60
percent in the form of green open space that can be accessed by the public.
Financial reform and budget
During the reign of Jokowi in Jakarta, city budget
continues to increase from the initial Rp 41 trillion in 2012 to Rp 72 trillion
in 2014, or almost 31 trillion in just two years. [208] [209] This is done with
ease and transparency taxes, spending efficiency, e-catalogs and e-budgetting.
Budget absorption initially predicted in 2013 that 97%
figure, realized in 84.5% and yield SiLPA Rp 7 trillion to be used in 2014
[210] This excess funds specified in the local budget in 2014, the first Rp 2.5
trillion allocated for handling congestion the city through the purchase of
thousands of TransJakarta buses and regular. And Rp 2.5 trillion for the next
five flood management and optimize the pump house in Jakarta. One way is to
support the accelerated development Ciawi Reservoir, with a budget of Rp 200
billion for land acquisition. [211]
Presidential candidates
After his election as Governor of Jakarta, Jokowi
popularity skyrocketed thanks to a good track record and are grounded and
pragmatic approach, as demonstrated through the program "blusukan" to
examine the situation on the ground directly. [10] As a result, Jokowi dominate
presidential candidate surveys and get rid of the other candidates, [13] so
that it appears to make a presidential candidate discourse. [12] However, for
months the discourse becomes uncertain because Jokowi in PDIP nomination must
be approved by the Chairman of the PDIP Megawati Sukarnoputri, and he asserts
will be define candidate after the election in April. [14]
However, on March 14, 2014, Megawati eventually wrote a
letter directly to the Jokowi mandate to be a presidential candidate, and
Jokowi announced that he was willing and ready to carry out the mandate to go
forward as a candidate for president of the Republic of Indonesia in Indonesian
presidential elections 2014 [212] He also expressed its readiness while say
"bismillah" and kissed the red and white flag at home Pitung. [212]
After this announcement, the index shot JCI 152.47 points to 4878.64, [213]
while the rupiah against the United States dollar strengthened to number
11,386. [214] The nomination Jokowi also expected to boost the sound PDIP to
30% in the elections. [215] However, on a quick count showed that the PDIP
voice failed to reach 20%. [216]
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General (ret) Ryamizard Ryacudu |
Five days after the declaration, on March 19, 2014, Joko
Widodo sued by New Jakarta Advocacy Team at the Central Jakarta District Court.
He violates the civil law for leaving his post as governor before realizing its
promises to implement populist programs. [217] However, Interior Minister
Gamawan Fauzi confirm that pencapresan Jokowi not breaking the law. He is
entitled to advance and will be easily received without the permission of the
President should resign because it is regulated in Law No. 47 of 2008 on the
Election of President and Vice President. A regional heads who want to advance
in the presidential election must submit a letter of permission request to the
President and Gamawan Fauzi do not feel they have a reason to stop him. [218]
On May 19, 2014, announced that Jusuf Kalla Jokowi would
be his vice presidential candidate. [219] announcement once the declaration was
held in the Joeang 45 in Menteng, Jakarta. [219] The nomination was supported
by a coalition of the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle, NasDem Party,
National Awakening Party, and Hanura. [219] On the same day, and Jusuf Kalla
Jokowi officially enroll in the Election Commission. [220]
Ahead of the presidential elections, there are various
kinds of black campaign addressed to Jokowi, such as the issue of presidential
dolls, [221] Islamic Jokowi questionable, [222] allegations that Jokowi is the
Chinese who is the son of Oei Hong Leong, [223] to claim that he was a
stranger, and even Zionist stooge. [222]
Vision and mission
In documents provided to the National Election
Commission, the vision-mission Jokowi Kalla titled "Change the Way for
Indonesia's Sovereign, Independent, and personality '". Vision mission
begins by describing the three main problems of the nation, the "decline
of the authority of the state", "weakening national economy
joints", and "the spread of intolerance and national identity
crisis". Furthermore, they said it would use the Pancasila and Trisakti as
a guide. The 42-page document then details the vision, mission, and programs
that will be run when they are elected as president and vice president, with 12
strategic agenda to realize the political sovereignty of Indonesia, 16
strategic agenda for economic independence, and 3 strategic agenda for
Indonesia personality in culture, the agenda of which 9 became a priority
agenda. [224] Meanwhile, in a direct dialogue with Prisca Niken Metro TV
presenter on the night of May 24, 2014, Jokowi also stated that the vision and
mission is "mental revolution of negativism into positivism", because
he thinks Indonesia is often not confident in facing the challenges of the
times though Indonesia is a big country. [225]
In the media, Joko Widodo has stated that Indonesia's
economic policy needs to be focused on two sectors, namely agriculture and
energy. [226] He said, "the future, we as a company, corporation, or state
should have the main program, what we want to focus on. our country there are
only two that we should focus on: agriculture, resulting in food sovereignty,
and second, the energy ". [226] found Jokowi Indonesian agricultural
policy is not optimal because it does not optimize government policies on
agriculture and marine sectors. [226] He also believes that the budget
allocation for higher education and agricultural research needs to be enhanced
to reap optimal results. [226]
Jokowi also stated that Indonesia needs to stop importing
cows and began to turn into cattle producers to achieve self-sufficiency.
However, he does not explain how the cattle import restrictions can stabilize
beef prices in the market or how the government should boost national beef
production. [227]
Regarding education, Jokowi said that education is a
basic human development capital. [228] According to him, the mental revolution
should begin from the world of education. Therefore, he proposed that in 80
percent of elementary school character education, while 20 per cent for
knowledge. Jokowi also revealed that in Junior High School rations for
character education was lowered to 60% and knowledge increased to 40%, while in
high school, character education to 20%, and the knowledge to 80%. [229]
To increase effectiveness, reduce costs, and address the
issue price gap between Java to the other islands, Jokowi has a vision to build
a "toll of the sea", ie procurement of large ships carrying goods to
all corners of Indonesia, with the intensity of daily departures. He also
expressed his intention to build a railroad double in every island in
Indonesia. [230]
Jokowi converted to Islam and told me that he first
pilgrimage in 2003, and after Umrah at least four times. [231] However, before
the 2014 presidential election, allegations emerged that questioned various
Islamic Jokowi, so that on the date of May 24, 2014 Jokowi states that he is
part of the "Islamic rahmatan lil alamin, Islamic descent living and
working in countries which uphold the Constitution RI 45." [232] He also
stated that he was not part of the Islamic group "as he likes mengafirkan
own brother", "oppress other religion", "arrogant and
wielding a sword in the hands and in the mouth", "like deploying the
fustun-fustunnya", "cover treasure robbery, bloodied sword covered
with the robe and turban", or "bringing God's verses to deceive
people ". [232]
For his achievement, Tempo Magazine, Joko Widodo was
elected as one of "10 People of 2008". [233] Incidentally, in the
same magazine as well, Tjahaja Basuki Purnama, or familiar with the call Ahok
also been selected in the "10 People of 2006" for his services
improve health and education services in the East Pacific Islands. Ahok then be
his best man in the Gubernatorial Election in 2012 [234]
He also received an international award from the
Partnership Democratic Local Governance for Southeast Asia (Delgosea) Solo
success doing this on humane relocation and empowerment of street vendors.
On August 12, 2011, he was also awarded the Main Service
Star for his achievements as head of the region devoted to the people. [236]
Main Service Star is the highest award given to private citizens. [237] In
January 2013, Joko Widodo crowned as the 3rd best mayor in the world for its
success in leading Surakarta as a city of art and culture, the city clean of
corruption, as well as the best city arrangement. [238] By the Commission, he
was honored for his courage to report a variety of goods received
gratification. [239]
For his ability to socialize government programs-programs
that received much public support, he was rewarded as the Marketer of the Year
2012 by Markplus Conference 2013, Marketing: Into Innovation and Technology.
No. of Category Award / Award Name Specification
1 The President of the Republic of Indonesia Main Service
Star Head area to serve the people
2 President of the Republic of Indonesia Citra Bhakti
Abdi State Cup in 2008, 2009 and 2010 Service Delivery and Field Services Prima
Citra Cup National Level (2008), Performance in the Provision of Means of City
Public Service, Deregulation Policy, Discipline and Enforcement Services
Management Development (2009) and Innovation Service Excellence (2010)
3 Wallet Dhuafa Agent of Change Independence attention on
children who are less fortunate
4 RMOL Democracy Award: Man Star Together Bowo animate
democratic competition in city elections
5 Men's Obsession Decade Award: Rising Leader Award for
cross-field leaders elected
6 Kemkominfo successful implementation of e-government
7 Kemenpera Adiupaya Puritama Construction of housing for
low-income communities and the program sequence village
8 Delgosea Best City Award Succeeding in the approach to
its citizens in Solo, to want to understand and comply with the government
policy of the city
9 Bank Indonesia Successfully Controlling inflation
control inflation in Solo
10 Ministry of Public Works best spatial development both
in Indonesia in Solo has reached 80 percent compliance with the ideal concept
of spatial planning.
11 Fortune Top 50 Best Leaders Leader No. 37 for his
services the city cleaning up and getting rid of corruption
12 Man Power Award Employment Development Index (CPI)
Development of manpower in Jakarta during the year 2013.
13 Vanessa Hudgens Bung Hatta Anti-Corruption Award
Prominent Role in Combating Corruption which
14 Anti-Corruption Eradication Commission Gratification
Local governments are the most widely reported gratification.
15 UNICEF Child Protection Program Awarded in 2006
16 The City Mayors Foundation, the Mayor's World No. 3
Surakarta success change from the city center of much crime into art and
17 Marketing Magazine and Frontier Consulting Group
Social Media Award Leaders who actively use social media to interact with the
community and gain positive sentiment
18 Tempo 10 of Selection 2008 humanize its citizens with
the removal of street vendors without conflict
18 Indonesian Institute Voters Pluralist 2013 Able
Keeping People Ethnic Equality, Religion, and the other group
19 Award Seputar Indonesia Figures Regarding Indonesia
2013 Delivered by Hary Tanoe
20 Soegeng Soerjadi Good Governance Award Awarded 20
September 2012, ahead of elections
21 Achievement of MDG targets Bappenas For KJP program
and KJS
22 Bappenas Pangripta Nusantara Utama province with the
best planning
Leadership style
Jokowi known for his style of leadership that is
pragmatic and down to earth. He often did "blusukan" or dropped
directly into the field to see first hand the problems and seek appropriate
solutions. "Blusukan" was also performed to directly meet residents
and hear their complaints. This unique style dubbed The New York Times as
"street democracy". [241] Jokowi also considered unique from others
because the leaders do not hesitate to ask questions directly to people and
approach them when going to launch a program. [242] However, this style is also
criticism. For example, the chairman of the Regional Representative Council
Irman Gusman stated that "blusukan" just spend time and energy, while
what is needed is a policy directly and not just interaction. [243] anies
Baswedan also assess "blusukan" is a mere imaging without providing a
solution. [244]
![]() |
Kuntoro Mangkusubroto |
In addition to "blusukan", leadership is also
known for its transparency Jokowi. For example, Jokowi and Basuki Purnama
Tjahaja equally to announce the amount of the monthly salary and the Regional
Budget to the public. [245] [246] He also initiated a number of programs
related to transparency such as online tax, e-budgeting, e-purchasing, and cash
management system. [245] In addition, all meetings and events attended by
Jokowi and Basuki recorded and uploaded to the account "city
government" on YouTube. [247]
Style campaign
Jokowi campaigning style to be Governor of Jakarta emphasized
the direct approach to the community by visiting them directly rather than
gathering people in the field. [248] Jokowi claims that he avoids the
installation of banners, posters, stickers, and billboards in the city park or
the street because he thinks the city can contaminate , so he took off directly
in front of cinema banners Megaria, Jalan Diponegoro. [249] During the election
campaign in Jakarta, Jokowi also known for his plaid shirt, which he purchased
one hour before going to the Regional Election Commission and is said to
represent the "color- colorful Jakarta should be accommodated ".
One of the strengths Jokowi in the campaign is the use of
social media. During the election campaign in Jakarta, he launched Jasmev or
Jokowi Ahok Social Media Volunteer, which is the tissue between groups of
volunteers without pay. [86] In addition, Jokowi also establish a media center
[87] and is able to utilize YouTube as a forum for the new campaign. [88] Bowo
parties themselves recognize excellence Jokowi in this channel. [89]
Based on the audit results of the National Election
Commission Jakarta in August 2012, entry campaign funds Jokowi-Basuki reached
Rp 16.31 billion, while expenditures reached USD 16.09 billion. [251] Most of
the funds allocated for the banners, props, and campaign materials, campaign
materials to spread the cost of Rp 4.2 billion, props Rp 2.6 billion, and the
general meeting of Rp 2.1 billion. [251] The cost of a print ad itself was Rp
729 million, while the cost of advertising radio reached USD 516 million. [251]
Jokowi claims that most of the funds used for the campaign "cheap" to
target poor people. [251] In comparison, spending campaign Bowo was Rp 62.57
billion, while the inclusion of campaign funds reached Rp 62.63 billion. [251]
2 Finger Greeting
Campaign song-pair Joko Widodo Jusuf Kalla (JK Jokowi)
received international media attention. Two journalists from Indonesia, Eveline
Danubrata and Heru Asprihanto wrote an article published by Reuters. Articles
on the campaign song titled Jokowi-JK Give us jobs, not rock songs, say
Indonesia's young voters. [252]
Political image
Thanks to his campaign during the general election
Jakarta governor in 2012 promising "New Jakarta", he soared to
national figures known clean, populist, and was able to resolve the problem.
[253] Its popularity soared until he dominated the presidential candidate
surveys as described in the table the following:
![]() |
Dahlan Iskan |
Source Date Candidate
United Data Centre 3-18 January 2013 Joko Widodo 21.2%,
17.1% Prabowo, Megawati Sukarnoputri 11.5%, 10.4% Rhoma Irama, Bakrie 9.4%,
7.1% Jusuf Kalla
Jakarta Survey Institute 9-15 February 2013 Joko Widodo
18.1%, 10.9% Prabowo, Wiranto 9.8%, 8.9%, Jusuf Kalla, Bakrie 8.7%, 7.2%
Megawati Sukarnoputri, Mahfud MD 5.4%, Dahlan Iskan 3.6%, 2.9%, Hatta Rajasa,
Surya Paloh 2.5%, 1.7% Rhoma Irama, Muhaimin Iskandar 1.1% 0.8% Other names
Center for Strategic & International Studies (CSIS)
9-16 April 2013 Joko Widodo 28.6%, 15.6% Prabowo, Bakrie 7%, 5.4% Megawati,
Kalla 3.7%, Mahfud MD 2 , 4%, 2.2% Hatta Rajasa has not decided 28.0%
Indonesian Institute of Sciences 10-31 May 2013 Joko
Widodo 22.6%, 14.2% Prabowo, Bakrie 9.4%, 9.3% Megawati, Kalla 4.2%, 3.5% Rhoma
Irama Wiranto 3.4%, 1.9% Mahfud MD, Hatta Rajasa, 1.2%, 1.2% Hamengkubuwono X,
Surya Paloh 1.2%
Indonesian Research Centre in May 2013 Joko Widodo 24.8%,
14.8% Prabowo, Bakrie 7.9%, 5.5% Megawati, Wiranto 3.9%, 3.7% Mahfud MD, Dahlan
Iskan 3, 5%, 2.7% Rhoma Irama, Hary Tanoesodibjo 2.3%, 2% Christian Herath
United Data Center 8-11 June 2013 Joko Widodo 29.57%,
19.83% Prabowo, Megawati Sukarnoputri 13.08%, 11.62% Bakrie 5.47% Jusuf Kalla,
Wiranto 3.59%, Mahfud MD 1.2%, 1.2%, Hatta Rajasa, Dahlan Iskan 1.11%, Chairul
0.43%, 0.26% Marzuki Alie, He was awarded 0.09%, 0.09% Pramod Edhie Wibowo
Soegeng Sarjadi Syndicate 3-22 July 2013 Joko Widodo
25.48%, 10.52% Prabowo, Jusuf Kalla, 5.69%, 4.23% Bakrie, Dahlan Iskan 4.18%,
2.72 Mahfud MD, Megawati 2.68% Sukarnoputri, Wiranto 1.18%, 1.02% Hidayat Nur
Wahid, Hatta Rajasa, 0.81%, 0.53% Chairul, Surya Paloh 0.33%, 0.33% X
Hamengkubuwana, Sri Mulyani Indrawati 0.2%, 0.2% Christian Herath, Pramod Edhie
Wibowo 0.12%
Indonesian Research Centre, 8-11 July 2013 Joko Widodo
32.0%, 8.2% Prabowo, Wiranto 6.7%, 6.3% Dahlan Iskan, Megawati Sukarnoputri
6.1%, 3.7%, Jusuf Kalla, Aburizal Bakrie 3.3%, 2.8% Mahfud MD,
Compass in July 2013 Joko Widodo 32.5%, 15.1% Prabowo,
Bakrie 8.8%, 8.0% Megawati, Kalla 4.5%, 18.2% other names, has not decided 12.9
Political Climatology Institute 12-18 August 2013 Joko
Widodo 19.6%, 18.5% Wiranto, Prabowo was 15.4%, 7.6%, Jusuf Kalla, Bakrie 7.3%,
6.1% Megawati Sukarnoputri, Dahlan Iskan 3.4%, 3.4% Rhoma Irama, Mahfud MD
3.3%, 2.5%, Hatta Rajasa, Surya Paloh 2.4%, 1.3% other names, have not decided
Alvara Research Centre 15-23 August 2013 22.1% Joko
Widodo, Prabowo 17.0%, 7.4% Jusuf Kalla, Megawati Sukarnoputri 7.0%, 6.9%
Dahlan Iskan, Bakrie 6.2%, Wiranto 4.6%, 4.0% Mahfud MD, Surya Paloh 2.0%,
1.0%, Hatta Rajasa, Hamengkubuwana X 0.9%, 1.0% other names, have not decided
Cyrus Network 23-28 August 2013 Joko Widodo 27.1%, 14.4%
Prabowo, Bakrie 12.0%, 7.5% Wiranto, Megawati Sukarnoputri 4.9%, 3.2% Jusuf
Soegeng Sarjadi Syndicate 25 August to 9 September 2013
Joko Widodo 45.8%, 9.0%, Jusuf Kalla, Dahlan Iskan 7.5%, 6.8% Prabowo, Mahfud
MD 5.8%, 3.6% Wiranto, Bakrie 2.4%, 1.8% Megawati Sukarnoputri, Chairul 1.6%,
1.0%, Hatta Rajasa, Hidayat Nur Wahid 0.7%, Surya Paloh 0.5%, 0.5% Hamengkubuwana
X, Sri Mulyani Indrawati, 0.4%, 0.4% Christian Herath, Pramod Edhie Wibowo
0.4%, 1.0% other names, have not decided 10.8%
Cyrus Network 12-14 September 2013 43.7% Joko Widodo,
Prabowo 14.0%, 12.5% Bakrie, Wiranto 7.3%, 4.9% Megawati, Kalla 4.6%
United Data Centre 21-24 September 2013 Joko Widodo
36.0%, 6.6% Prabowo, Dahlan Iskan 5.5%, 4.6% Wiranto, Jusuf Kalla 4.0%
Indonesian Research Centre (IRC) 25 September 2013 Joko
Widodo 34.5%, 10.6% Wiranto, Bakrie 8.1%, 6.2%, Jusuf Kalla, Megawati
Sukarnoputri 6%, 3.3% Surya Paloh, Rhoma Irama 3.2%, 2.8% Dahlan Iskan, Mahfud
MD 2%, 1.5% Hidayat Nur Wahid, Hatta Rajasa, 1.3%, 1.2% Suryadharma Ali Yusril
Ihza Mahendra 0.9%, Pramod Edhie Wibowo 0 , 9%, 0.4% Gita Wirjawan, Irma Gusman
0.2%, 0.4% other name, have not decided 6.9%, 1% secret answer
Pol Tracking Institute 13 September to 11 October 2013
Joko Widodo 37.6%, 11.73% Prabowo, Bakrie %% 11.67, 6.12% Jusuf Kalla, Wiranto
5.78%, 3.31% Megawati Sukarnoputri , Mahfud MD2,17%, 1.5% Hidayat Nur Wahid,
Hatta Rajasa, 1.33%, 1.17% Surya Paloh, Dahlan Iskan 1.09%, 14.52% have not yet
Alvara Research Centre in October 2013 Joko Widodo 24.5%,
9.1% Prabowo, Bakrie 7.4%, 6.8% Wiranto, Megawati Sukarnoputri 6.7%, 4.2%,
Jusuf Kalla, Dahlan Iskan 2, 7%, Rhoma Irama 1.9%, 1.2% Mahfud MD, Surya Paloh
2.0%, 1.1%, Hatta Rajasa, another name for 3.8%, 30.6% have not yet decided
Roy Morgan Research October 2013 37% Joko Widodo, Prabowo
15%, 14% Bakrie, Megawati Sukarnoputri 6%, 6% Dahlan Iskan, Jusuf Kalla 5%, 3%
Mahfud MD, Hatta Rajasa 2%, others 12% name
Political Indicators of Indonesia 10-20 October 2013 Joko
Widodo 35.9%, 11.4% Prabowo, Bakrie 11.4%, 7.8% Wiranto, Megawati Sukarnoputri
5.9%, 3.9%, Jusuf Kalla, Mahfud MD 1.2%, 1.0% Dahlan Iskan
Political Indicators of Indonesia - 4 way race 10-20
October 2013 Joko Widodo 47.4%, 15.8% Prabowo, Bakrie 12.6%, 3.7% Dahlan Iskan
Charta Politika 28 November to 6 December 2013 Joko
Widodo 34.8%, 11.2% Prabowo, Bakrie 8.3%, 5.4%, Jusuf Kalla, Wiranto 5.2%, 2.8%
Megawati Sukarnoputri,
Compass 27 November to 11 December 2013 Joko Widodo
43.5%, 11.1% Prabowo, Bakrie 9.2%, 6.3% Wiranto, Megawati Sukarnoputri 6.1%,
3.1%, Jusuf Kalla, another name 9.8%, 10.9% have not yet decided
Indo Barometer 4-15 December 2013 Joko Widodo 25.2%,
10.5% Bakrie, Prabowo 9.7%, 6.1% Wiranto, Megawati Sukarnoputri 6%,
Roy Morgan Research February 2014 40% Joko Widodo,
Prabowo 17%, 11% Bakrie, Wiranto 7%, 5%, Jusuf Kalla, Megawati Sukarnoputri 4%,
4% Dahlan Iskan, Mahfud MD 3%, 2%, Hatta Rajasa, the name Another 7%
Cyrus Network and CSIS 9 April 2014 Joko Widodo Jusuf
Kalla-41.1%, Joko Widodo-Basuki Purnama Tjahaja 39.81%
Saiful Muljani Research and Consulting 20-24 April 2014
Joko Widodo-Mahfud MD 47.6%, Joko Widodo Jusuf Kalla-46.1%, Joko Widodo-Dahlan
Iskan 44.6%, Joko Widodo-Basuki Purnama Tjahaja 44.1% , Joko Widodo-Ryamizard
Ryacudu 41.8%
Indonesian Survey Institute 1-9 May 2014 Joko Widodo
Jusuf Kalla-35.42%, Prabowo-Hatta Rajasa 22.75%
However, before the Indonesian presidential election in
2014, alleged involvement in the case TransJakarta Joko Widodo said Joko Widodo
prop electability. [254] In addition, due to the incessant smear campaign,
according to Research and Consulting Saiful Mujani A trend towards community
Jokowi decreased to 8% until April 2014 [255]
International media spotlight
Jokowi was under the spotlight of the international media
as the media called The Hindu India who covered the phenomenon Jokowi la India,
[256] [257] United States media called The New York Times who covered the
phenomenon of leadership fell down, [258] [259] Australian media The Sydney
Morning Herald called, [260] Media Thailand named Bangkok Post, [261] as well
as the Japanese media Asahi Shimbun called. [262]
He earned various nicknames from various international
media like Obama from Jakarta by the BBC, Mr. Fix by The Economist, and The Man
of Madras Shirt by TIME. [263]
Former Jokowi successful team allegedly involved in the case
busway rusty, and even family Jokowi accused of receiving funds flow busway
rusty; however, Jokowi denied it, [264] [265] [266] and the Attorney General
Basrief Arief asserts that this case "is not or should not be said
regarding the Jokowi". [267] Jokowi also criticized for not keeping his
promise to finish his term as the governor of Jakarta, [268] although Jokowi
himself stated that if he becomes president, it will be easier to take care of
Jakarta has authority over the project because the central government in the
capital. [269] There is a presumption that Jokowi including failing to cope
with flooding and traffic jams. [270] [ 271] The notion that Jokowi failed to
overcome floods and traffic jams in Jakarta making his popularity declined.
[272] Data from Statistics also showed the poverty rate rose when Jokowi Solo
became mayor of Solo. [273] Melesatnya popularity Jokowi also criticized the
media influence that is often highlight weaknesses goodness Jokowi while
covered. [274] [275] In addition, Jokowi found boarding a private jet to
campaign from Banjarmasin to Malang City, which is considered to be contrary to
a simple lifestyle. [276] In the meantime, Professor of Economics, University
of Indonesia Taufik Bahauddin alarming controversy that occurred in the
Megawati administration as BLBI scandal, SOE sales, sales Pertamina tanker VLCC
and cheap gas sales to China will be repeated on Jokowi government. [277]
The appearance of the name Jokowi about the National
Examination [278] and the arrival Jokowi at ITB [279] also controversy as it is
considered as an act of politicization.
Muhammad Jusuf Kalla
Indonesian From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Indonesian Vice President elected
Start served
October 20, 2014
President Joko Widodo
Will replace Boediono
In office
October 20, 2004 - October 20, 2009
President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono
Preceded by Hamzah Haz
Succeeded by Boediono
Coordinating Minister for People's Welfare of the
Republic of Indonesia to the 9th
In office
August 9, 2001 - 22 April 2004
President Megawati Sukarnoputri
Preceded by Basri Hasanuddin
Succeeded by Abdul Malik Fajar (ad-interim)
Minister of Trade of the Republic of Indonesia to the
In office
26 October 1999 - August 24, 2000
President Wahid
Preceded by Rahardi Ramelan
Replaced by Luhut Binsar Panjaitan
Chairman of the Indonesian Red Cross
Start served
Preceded by Muhammad Mar'ie
personal information
Born May 15, 1942 (age 72)
Japanese flag Watampone, South Sulawesi, Japanese
Occupation Period
Indonesian nationality
GOLKAR.jpg political party Golkar Party Logo
Husband / wife Mufidah Miad Saad
Entrepreneur profession
Islamic religion
Drs. H. Muhammad Jusuf Kalla (born in Watampone, Bone
regency, South Sulawesi, May 15, 1942, age 72 years), or often just written or
JK Jusuf Kalla, is the Vice President of Indonesia, who served from 2004 to
2009 and Chairman of the Golkar Party in the same period. JK into a joint
presidential candidate Wiranto in the 2009 election that brought Golkar and
On May 19, 2014, JK was officially nominated as the vice
presidential candidate in a declaration accompanying Joko Widodo-vice
presidential candidates Jokowi-JK, in '45 Joang Building, Central Jakarta. The
pair carried by four parties namely PDI Nasdem Party, the National Awakening
Party, and Hanura [1] [2].
Vice President Jusuf Kalla stamps
Jusuf Kalla was born in Watampone, Bone regency, South
Sulawesi, on May 15, 1942 as the 2nd child of 17 siblings [3] of the pair Haji
Kalla and Athirah, Bugis descent entrepreneurs who have a business flag Kalla
Group. Kalla family businesses comprise a group of companies in various
industries. In Makassar, Jusuf Kalla, known familiarly called by the people to
call Ucu Daeng.
Experiences of youth and student organizations such as
Kalla is the Indonesian Muslim Students (PII) Branch South Sulawesi 1960-1964,
Chairman 1965-1966 HMI Makassar Branch, Chairman of Student Council Hasanuddin
University (UNHAS) from 1965 to 1966, and Chairman of the Presidium of the
Student Action Union Indonesia (WE) years from 1967 to 1969. Before entering
politics, Jusuf Kalla has served as Chairman of the Regional Chamber of
Commerce and Industry (Kadinda) South Sulawesi. Until now, he is still the
Chairman of Alumni Association (IKA) in alamamaternya Hasanuddin University,
after deliberation was reelected in September 2006.
Entrepreneurs [edit | edit source]
In 1968, Jusuf Kalla became CEO of NV Hadji Kalla. Under
his leadership, NV Hadji Kalla evolved from an export-import business, extends
to the fields of hospitality, construction, turnover of vehicles, shipping,
real estate, transportation, shrimp farms, palm oil, and telecommunications.
Political career [edit | edit source]
Jusuf Kalla served as a minister in the government of
Abdurrahman Wahid era (President RI-4), but was dismissed on charges of corruption
involved. Jusuf Kalla re-appointed as Coordinating Minister for People's
Welfare under Megawati administration (President of the RI-5). Jusuf Kalla
later resigned as minister as advanced as a candidate for vice president,
accompanied the presidential candidate Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono.
With the victory by President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono as
the RI-6, automatic Jusuf Kalla also won positions as Vice President of the
RI-10. Together with Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, the two became the President and
the Vice President was first elected directly by the people.
He served as chairman Akbar Tanjung replace umumGolongan
work from December 2004 to October 9, 2009 On January 10, 2007, he inaugurated
the 185 board kekaryaan Research and Development in the Office of the DPP
Golkar Golkar Party in Arcadia, West Jakarta, the majority of its members are
scholars , public officials, civil servants, retired generals, and political
observers are mostly master's degree, doctorate, and professor.
Through the XIX National Conference of the Red Cross
Indonesia, Jusuf Kalla was elected chairman of the Indonesian Red Cross
2009-2014. In addition, he was also elected as the chairman of the Indonesian
Mosque Council Central Board in the 2012-2017 period DMI VI Conference in
Personal life [edit | edit source]
Jusuf Kalla married to Hj. Mufidah Joseph, and had one
son and four daughters, and ten grandchildren.
On September 10, 2011, Jusuf Kalla received conferring
honorary doctorate from the University of Hasanuddin, Makassar. [4]
Education [edit | edit source]
Faculty of Economics, University of Hasanuddin (1967)
The European Institute of Business Administration, France
Ahead of 2009 Presidential Election [edit | edit source]
Having not committed to a coalition with the Democratic
Party, he set out in the Special National Leadership Meeting Golkar Party as a
candidate for President in the 2009 Presidential Election In the latest
development, JK decided to hold Hanura Chairman Wiranto as his running mate.
But JK declared lost in the quick count (quick count) conducted by a number of
survey institutes and the results tabulated Election Commission.
Presidential Election of 2014 and Vice President Period
II [edit | edit source]
Jusuf Kalla presidential candidate Joko Widodo towed in
the event the 2014 Presidential Election later in the draw this pair gets the
number two and has a popular tagline, "Greetings Two Fingers". By the
Election Commission, dated July 22, 2014 or six days before Idul Fitri 1435 H,
Jokowi-JK won the election but was denied by Mr Prabowo-Hatta who then sued to
the Constitutional Court.
A series of hearings in the Court apparently rejected the
request Prabowo-Hatta camp and strengthen the legitimacy legally JK Jokowi-elected
as president and vice president from 2014 to 2019 period. JK will be sworn in
as vice president on October 20, 2014 Along with the inauguration, he was
elected first vice president for two terms through general elections. First
term in its path with President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono period 2004-200
34 This is the proposal of the Minister of the People's
Candidate Name
TRIBUNNEWS.COM, JAKARTA - After opening approximately one
month, the second phase of polling Cabinet People's Alternative Proposal (KAUR)
finally closed 17 September 2014 at 17:00 pm.
Jokowi Center spokesman Vishnu Prasetya Utomo said, the
number of entries coming polls as much as 7985 entries. When compared with the
results in the first poll, the results did show a drastic decline.
He said, there are some records that can be seen from the
results of the second phase of polling:
"First, the results of the poll showed that support
was obtained either by the names of ministerial candidates from both political
parties and professional circles is relatively the same. Could be seen in
several ministries, names of people with background of political party support
is quite high," said Vishnu in a press statement received on Thursday
According to him, more public look at the capacity and
integrity of the person concerned. Secondly, there are some differences between
the results of the first phase of polling and the second stage.
A number of the names that get the highest support in the
first phase of polling decreased support in this second stage.
"But the difference in a tight voice. Only a few
ministries are supported by an absolute winner. As a side note, in these two
stage poll option has been restricted to just four candidates minister. Unlike
the poll at the stage where people are still able to propose alternative names
in addition to the options listed in the poll form, "he explained.
Third, there are two names of ministerial candidates with
the highest support number to occupy the two ministries as well. Dahlan Iskan
to be supported by most of the Coordinating Minister for the Economy and
Minister of SOEs. While anies Baswedan also received the most support to become
the Minister of Education and Culture and the Minister of Youth and Sports.
"Of course it is not possible the name could occupy
two ministries., But at least it can be said that the level of popularity
figures will affect the support they get from the community," said Vishnu.
He said, a few moments ago President Jokowi already
announced posture 2014-2019 where 34 cabinet ministries still be maintained
with a composition of 16 ministers are from political parties and 18 ministers
from among professionals.
"The composition that we hope to support the cabinet
work, as is often said by Jokowi-JK. We believe this kind of poll is good news
for democracy in Indonesia. Could oversee and scrutinize public the names that
appear," he said.
According to him, Jokowi Center through this poll do my
best to capture the names that are expected to help the government over the
next five years.
Here's a list of alternative proposals cabinet people
1 Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and
Security: Gen. Dr. Moeldoko
2 Coordinating Minister for the Economy: Prof. Dr. (HC)
Dahlan Iskan
3 Coordinating Minister for People's Welfare: Dr. Ir.
4. Interior Minister: Dr (HC) Agustin Teras Narang, SH
5. Foreign Minister: Muliana Marty Natalegawa, M. Phil,
6 Secretary of Defense: General (ret) Ryamizard Ryacudu
7 Minister of Law and Human Rights (HAM): Prof. Dr. Saldi
Isra, SH, MPA.
8 Minister of Finance: Dr. Ir. Raden Pardede, Ph.D.
9. Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM): Dr.
Ir. Arif Budimanta, M.Sc.
10 Minister of Industry: Dr. Poempida Hidayatulloh,
B.Eng. (Hon), Ph.D., DIC.
11. Trade Minister: Dr. Mari Elka Pangestu, Ph.D.
12. Minister of Agriculture: Prof. Dr. Bustanul Arifin
13. Minister of Forestry: Prof. Dr. Ir. Frans Wanggai
14th Minister of Transportation: Prof. Dr. Tech. Ir.
Parikshit Danang M.Sc.
15th Minister of Marine and Fisheries: Prof. Dr. Ir.
Rokhmin Dahuri, M.S.
16th Minister of Manpower and Transmigration: Rieke Dyah
17th Minister of Public Works: Dr. Ing. Ilham Akbar
Habibie, MBA.
18th Minister of Health: Prof. dr. Ghufron Mukti, M.Sc.,
19th Minister for Education and Culture: anies Baswedan
Rashid, Ph.D.
20. Social Minister: Eva Kusuma Sundari
21. Minister of Religion: Drs. H. Lukman Hakim Saifuddin
22. Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy: Mira
23. Minister of Communications and Information
Technology: Ir. Onno W Purbo, M.Eng, Ph.D.
24th Secretary of State: Maruarar Sirait, SIP.
25. Minister of Research and Technology: Prof. Yohannes
Surya, Ph.D.
26. Minister of Cooperatives and Small and Medium
Enterprises (SMEs): Dra. Khofifah Indar Parawansa
27th Minister for Women Empowerment and Child Protection:
Puan Maharani
28. Environment Minister: Drs. Ir. Dodo Sambodo, MS
29th Minister of Administrative Reform and Bureaucratic
Reform: Ir. Tri Rismaharini, M.T.
30th Minister of Rural Development: Drs. Andrinof the End
Chaniago, M.Sc.
31. Minister for Planning and National Development:
Faisal Basri, SE, MA
32. Minister of Housing: Mochamad Ridwan Kamil, ST, MUD.
33. Minister of State Owned Enterprises (SOEs): Prof. Dr.
(HC) Dahlan Iskan
34. Minister of Youth and Sports: anies Baswedan Rashid,
Indonesian From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Gen. Dr.
Gen. Dr. Moeldoko (born in Kediri, East Java, July 8,
1957, age 57 years) is Indonesian military figures. He served as Commander of
the TNI since 30 August 2013, he also served as Chief of Staff of the Army
since May 20, 2013 until August 30, 2013.
House of Representatives plenary session on August 27,
2013 approving the general origin of Kediri as the new Armed Forces Commander
Admiral Agus Suhartono replacement. [1] He was Chief of Staff in the shortest
of military history in Indonesia as her appointment as commander. [2]
Moeldoko is an alumnus of the Armed Forces Academy in
1981 with honors and prestigious awards won entitled Makayasa Adhi Star. [3]
During his military career, Moeldoko also many services alerted the Dharma
Star, Main Bhayangkara Star, Star Dharma Yudha Pratama, Star Kartika Eka Paksi
Primary, Nararya Dharma Yudha star, star Kartika Eka Paksi Nararya, Satya
Dharma Badges Santala, Satya Badge Loyalty XXIV years, Satya Badge Loyalty XIV
years, Satya Badge Loyalty VIII years, Satya Lotus Badges, Badges Satya Wira
Dharma and Satya Widya Sista.
Military operations have been followed, including
Operation Lotus East Timor in 1984 and Konga Garuda XI / A 1995 He also
received an assignment in New Zealand (1983 and 1987), Singapore and Japan
(1991), Iraq-Kuwait (1992) , USA, and Canada.
On January 15, Moeldoko earned doctorate Administration
Faculty of Social Sciences Graduate Program, University of Indonesia, with the
dissertation "Scenario Planning Policies and Border Area Management in
Indonesia (Case Studies Border Army in Borneo)". [4] He graduated and
earned her the title the very satisfying. [5]
History of office [edit | edit source]
Danton Airborne Infantry Battalion 700 / BS Military
Command VII / Wirabuana (1981)
A Danki Airborne Infantry Battalion 700 / BS Military
Command VII / Wirabuana (1983)
Head of Operations Airborne Infantry Battalion 700 / BS
Military Command VII / Wirabuana
1408 District Military Command Operations Officer / BS
Deputy Commander of Battalion 202 / Tajimalela
Head of Territorial Infantry Brigade-1 PAM IK / JS
Battalion Commander 201 / Jaya Yudha (1995)
Commander Central Jakarta District Military Command 0501
Sespri the Army (1998)
Pabandya-3 Ops PB-IV / Sopsad
Commander Infantry Brigade-1 / Jaya Sakti (1999)
Asops Kasdam VI / Tanjung Pura
Dirbindiklat Pussenif
Commander Rindam VI / Tanjung Pura (2005)
Commander of Korem 141 / Todopuli Bone (2006)
Army Chief of Staff Expert pa Economics (2007)
Director Kodiklat Army Doctrine (2008)
Kasdam Jaya (2008)
Commander of the 1st Infantry Division / Strategic
Reserve Command (2010)
Military commander XII / Tanjungpura (2010)
Regional Military Commander III / Siliwangi (2010)
Deputy Governor of National Resilience Institute (2011)
The Army (2013)
Army Chief of Staff (2013)
TNI Commander (2013) [6] [7]
Dahlan Iskan
Minister of State Owned Enterprises Indonesia 6th
Start served
October 19, 2011
President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono
Preceded by Mustafa Abubakar
PLN president director
In office
23 March 2009 - October 19, 2011
President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono
Preceded by Fahmi Mochtar
Succeeded by Nur Pamudji
personal information
Born August 17, 1951 (age 63)
Indonesian flag Hove, East Java, Indonesia
Husband / wife Nafsiah Sabri
Children Azrul
Islamic religion
Prof. Dr. (HC) Dahlan Iskan (born in Hove, East Java,
August 17, 1951, age 63 years), is a former CEO of Jawa Pos newspaper and Jawa
Pos Group, based in Surabaya position is then succeeded by his son, Azrul
Ananda. He also is Director of PLN since 23 December 2009 [1] On October 19,
2011, relating to the Second United Indonesia Cabinet reshuffle, Dahlan Iskan
was appointed as the State Minister for State Owned Enterprises Mustafa
Abubakar replaces. [2]
Career [edit | edit source]
Early career [edit | edit source]
Dahlan Iskan career began as a candidate for a small
newspaper reporter in Samarinda, East Kalimantan in 1975 In 1976, he became a
reporter of Tempo magazine. Since 1982, Dahlan Iskan leading newspaper Jawa Pos
until now.
Jawa Pos [edit | edit source]
Dahlan Iskan is a figure that makes the Java Post, who
was almost dead with a circulation of 6,000 ekslempar, within 5 years as a
newspaper with a circulation of 300,000 copies. Five years later formed Jawa
Pos News Network (JPNN), one of the largest newspaper chain in Indonesia, which
has 134 newspapers, tabloids, and magazines [3], as well as 40 network printing
in Indonesia. In 1997 he successfully established Graha Pena, one of the
skyscrapers in Surabaya, and then a similar building in Jakarta. In 2002, he
founded the JTV local television station in Surabaya, which is then followed by
a TV Batam in Batam and Riau in Pekanbaru TV.
Fangbian Iskan Corporindo (FIC) [edit | edit source]
Since early 2009, Dahlan was a Commissioner of PT
Fangbian Iskan Corporindo (FIC), which will begin construction of Submarine
Cable Communication Connection (SKKL) this summer. SKKL will connect Surabaya
in Indonesia and Hong Kong, with a length of 4,300 kilometers of optical fiber.
State Electricity firms (PLN) [edit | edit source]
Since late 2009, Dahlan was appointed managing director
Fahmi Mochtar said PLN replace the much criticized for his leadership during a
power failure occurs in the Jakarta area. [4] [1] Since the lead PLN, Dahlan
create some buzz among Indonesian se byar pet free in 6 months, daily motion
million connections. Dahlan also plans to build solar on 100 islands in 2011
Earlier, in 2010 PLN has managed to build solar on 5 islands in eastern
Indonesia, namely Banda Island, Bunaken Manado, Derawan East Kalimantan,
Southeast Sulawesi Wakatobi, and Citrawangan.
Minister of State Owned Enterprises (SOE Minister) [edit
| edit source]
On October 17, 2011, Dahlan Iskan designated successor as
secretary of state enterprises were sick. He sniffed and moved so he was called
to be minister of state for heavy he left PLN which he was at the height of
enthusiasm for reform PLN. [5]
Dahlan implement several programs that will run in the
management of SOEs. The main program is an asset restructuring and downsizing
(depreciation number) number of business entities. About the restructuring is
still awaiting approval from the Minister of Finance. [6]
Some performance is highlighted. Dahlan failed to carry
five state-owned company to release IPO (initial public offering / IPO) on the
stock exchange. [7] Meanwhile, thanks to his leadership, the state assessed net
of corruption by the public is also an SOE performance and build success. [7]
He also actively supports programs that having a car
nationwide electricity. However, on January 5, 2013, he suffered an accident
while driving an electric car Tucuxi in Tawangmangu area, East Java. Dahlan
Iskan survived, but his car was badly damaged. After the accident with Tucuxi,
Dahlan Iskan not retreat to develop electric cars. Together son Lightning,
Dahlan Iskan develop second-generation electric cars that will be displayed at
the APEC Summit in Bali. Electric cars include the type of sports cars, buses,
minibuses, and others, including Selo, Arimbi and Gendhis.
Candidates 2014 Democrat Convention [edit | edit source]
In 2013, Dahlan Iskan along with 11 others; Masykur Ali
Musa, Anies Baswedan, Dino Patti Djalal, Endriartono Sutarto, Gita Wirjawan,
Hayono Isman, Irma Gusman, Marzuki Alie, Pramod Edhie Wibowo and sinyo Harry
Sarundayang follow convention Democratic presidential candidate [8]. On May 16,
2014, Committee of the Democratic Party Convention Presidential Candidate
announces the results of a survey of 11 participants at the convention of the
Democratic Party DPP's office. The result is a State-Owned Enterprises Minister
Dahlan Iskan occupies the foremost position compared to other convention
participants. [9]
Personal life [edit | edit source]
Dahlan Iskan was raised in a rural environment with the
condition of deprivation. Her parents do not remember what date Dahlan was
born. Dahlan finally chose on 17 August on the grounds easy to remember because
it coincided with the commemoration of Indonesian independence. [10]
Dahlan Iskan once wrote a book called Change Hearts in
2008 This book Dahlan Iskan experience in liver transplant operations in China.
Aside from being a leader Jawa Pos Group, Dahlan is also
the president of two private power generation companies: PT Cahaya Fajar Kaltim
in East Kalimantan and PT Prima Electric Power in Surabaya. [1]
public office
Preceded by:
SOE Minister Mustafa Abubakar
October 19, 2011-present incumbent
Preceded by:
PLN president director Fahmi Mochtar
23 March 2009 - October 19, 2011 Forwarded by:
Nur Pamudji
Indonesian From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Dr. ir
Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Indonesia 10th
In office
March 16, 1998 - May 21, 1998
President Soeharto
Preceded by Ida Bagus Sudjana
In office
May 21, 1998 - October 26, 1999
President Baharuddin Jusuf Habibie
Replaced by Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono
Director of PLN
In office
2000 - 2001
President Wahid
Preceded by Adi Satria
Succeeded by Eddie Widiono
personal information
Born March 14, 1947 (age 67)
Indonesian flag Purwokerto, Central Java, Indonesia
Dr. Ir. Kuntoro (born in Purwokerto, Central Java, March
14, 1947, age 67 years) is the Head of the Presidential Working Unit for
Supervision and Management of Development (UKP-PPP, or more familiar called
UKP4) since October 22, 2009 He is a former Minister of Mines and Indonesia's
energy Development Reform Cabinet and also a former Director of PLN in 2000 -
2001 he also served as Head of the Executive Agency - BRR Aceh-Nias region
charged with the recovery of post-tsunami Aceh and Nias devastating December
26, 2004 Currently, he is served as a member of Partners Partnership for
Governance Reform. [1]
Education [edit | edit source]
S1 - Industrial Engineering ITB (1972)
Northeastern University
Stanford University, Industrial Engineer (1976)
S2 - Stanford University, Civil Engineer (1977)
S3 - ITB, Decision Science Engineering Science (1982)
Career [edit | edit source]
Lecturer Department of Industrial Engineering, ITB
Advisor to the Deputy Minister UP3DN (1983-1988)
Maid Administrative Assistant State Secretary RI (1984)
President Director of PT Tambang Coal Bukit Asam
President Director of PT Tambang Timah (1989-1994)
Director General of General Mining, Ministry of Mines and
Energy (1993-1997)
Deputy for Planning, Investment Coordinating Board
Development Cabinet Minister of Mines (1998)
Mining Development Reform Cabinet Minister (1998-1999)
Director of PLN (2000)
Head of the Executive Agency - Agency for Rehabilitation
and Reconstruction (2005)
Head of the Presidential Work Unit for Development
Monitoring and Control in the United Indonesia Cabinet II
Other activities [edit | edit source]
Secretary General IA ITB period 1987-1992.
Chairman of the School of Business and Management ITB.
Members facer Jungle and Mountain Climber
Ryamizard Ryacudu
Indonesian From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Chief of Army Staff
In office
June 4, 2002 - February 18, 2005
Preceded by Endriartono Sutarto
Replaced by Djoko Santoso
Commander of the Army Strategic Reserve Command
In office
2000 - 2002
Preceded by Wirahadikusumah
Replaced by Bibit Waluyo
personal information
Born 21 April 1950 (age 64)
Palembang, South Sumatra
Husband / wife Nora Tristyana
Children Ryano Patria Amanzha
Patria Dwinanda Noryanzha
Patria Trynanda Nugraha
Alma mater in 1974 Akmil
Islamic religion
military service
Devotion for Indonesia
Office / Branch Coat Army military AD.png
Years of service 1974-2005
Rank Pdu jendtni Gen. staf.png
Infantry units
General (Ret.) Ryamizard Ryacudu (born in Palembang,
South Sumatra, 21 April 1950, age 64 years) is a former Army military officer
who served as Chief of Staff of the Army from 2002 to 2005 [1] Ryamizard is
daughter of former Vice President Try Sutrisno, he was known as a general
straight and firm. Brilliant career began after she took office Regional
Commander Brawijaya V, which is then passed into Pangdam Jaya.
When the national elite friction on the president Gus
Dur, who was the military commander Ryamizard Jaya threatens anyone who would
disrupt security in the region will face. [2] Following from Military District,
Ryamizard promoted three-star Army Strategic Reserve Command Commander Lt. Gen.
replace Wirahadikusumah .
His ability to embrace all elements of the current
military muster at National Monument involving elements of the Navy and the Air
Force in July 2001 attracted appointed as Deputy Chief of Staff for the Chief
of Staff and then replace Endriartono Sutarto as Chief of Staff.
Military career [edit | edit source]
Here is a position once held by Ryamizard: [3]
Military Command Platoon Commander XII / Tanjung Pura (15
November 1976)
Student Company Commander, Command Education (Dodik),
Regional Military XII / Tanjung Pura
Secaba Company Commander, Dodik, Military Command XII /
Tanjungpura (December 28, 1977)
Battalion Commander 641 and 642 infantry, military
command XII / Tanjungpura (July 22, 1980)
Head of Section-2 / Operations Battalion 641 (January 18,
Operations Section Chief Airborne Infantry Brigade 17
kujang I (January 1, 1987)
Deputy Commander of the Airborne Infantry Battalion 305 /
Skull (July 1, 1988)
Airborne Infantry Battalion Commander 305 / Skull (June
1, 1990)
Airborne Infantry Brigade Chief of Staff 17 / kujang I
Airborne Infantry Brigade Commander 17 / kujang I KOSTRAD
(June 1, 1994)
Operations Assistant Military Command VII / Wirabuana (1
April 1995)
Garuda Contingent Commander XII-B to Cambodia (1992)
Commander 5 Sector West, trusted by UN forces in Cambodia
Commander of the military resort 044 / Garuda Dempo,
Military Command II / Sriwijaya (1 September 1995)
Chief of Staff Divif 2 / Army Strategic Reserve Command
(August 1, 1996)
Chief of Staff Military Command II / Sriwijaya, serves as
Vice Chairman of the Integrated Forest Protection Team (July 15, 1997)
Commander Divif 2 / Army Strategic Reserve Command (March
15, 1998)
Chief of Staff Army Strategic Reserve Command (June 15,
Regional Commander V / Brawijaya (14 January 1999-4
November 1999)
Pangdam Jaya / Jayakarta (4 November 1999-1 August 2000)
Pangkostrad (1 August 2000-4 June 2002)
Chief of Army Staff (June 4 2002-5 February 2005)
References [edit | edit source]
^ This Morning Ryamizard Ryacudu Inaugurated
^ Ryamizard Ryacudu THE WAR COMMANDER
^ Http://www.polarhome.com/pipermail/marinir/2004-October/000397.html
External links [edit | edit source]
Ryamizard Ryacudu in Indonesian Prominent site
military posts
Preceded by:
Djoko Subroto Regional Commander V / Brawijaya
1999 Forwarded by:
Preceded by:
Djaja Supaman Pangdam Jaya / White Rose
1999-2000 Forwarded by:
Slamet Kirbiantoro
Preceded by:
Wirahadikusumah Pangkostrad
2000-2002 Forwarded by:
Bibit Waluyo
Preceded by:
Endriartono Sutarto Chief of Staff of the Army
2002-2005 Forwarded by:
Djoko Santoso (Continoe)
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