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A.P. Abubacker Musliyar |
The journey is not yet finished (124)
(Part one hundred and twenty-four, Depok, West Java,
Indonesia, 28 September 2014, 12:30 pm)
Pilgrims convoy were now gathered in Medina had been
heading to the city of Mecca. With full concentrate in their praying the middle
of this Hajj in worship appealed to the Ulema Indian pilgrims to and pray for
world peace.
Pilgrims urged to pray for world peace
A prominent Indian Muslim leader has called upon pilgrims
who have come for Haj this year to pray for global peace and stability during
the annual event, the largest gathering witnessed by humanity.
“We have to pray to God, the creator of universe, to
solve problems facing people all over the world to help them live in peace and
stability. This should be our main prayer during this Haj,” said A.P. Abubacker
Musliyar, general secretary of the All-India Muslim Scholars’ Association.
He emphasized the role of Haj in strengthening unity and
solidarity among Muslims.
“All pilgrims wear the same form of clothing and say the
same prayers. They glorify God, seeks his pardon and blessings and rejuvenate
their faith to lead a new life for the benefit of humanity.”
He commended Saudi Arabia’s leadership role in combating
terror, stressing that the entire Muslim nation should stand by the Kingdom.
“So-called Islamic State (IS) militants have adopted a
new method to woo Muslim youth and lead them to destruction,” he said while
denouncing the group’s heinous crimes.
Asked about reasons for growing extremism among Muslim
societies, Abubacker Musliyar, who is an influential religious leader in
Kerala, said oppressive policies and human rights violations being committed by
governments have played a big role in making Muslim youth to follow extremist
“We cannot justify terrorism and at the same time,
governments should pay attention to this fact and take corrective measures to
protect the rights of Muslims if they really want to eradicate terrorism from
the world,” he said while criticizing the international community’s lukewarm
attitude toward the Palestinians’ legitimate rights.
“There is not a single Islamic teaching that allows a
believer to kill non-Muslims except for self-defense,” Abubacker Musliyar said
while condemning IS’ killing of non-Muslims.
“IS militants will not benefit in this world and the
hereafter because of their actions. They will be isolated and they will not
able to present an ideal rule antagonizing the whole world. We have to educate
Muslim youth about the negative impact of this group and its un-Islamic
He denounced Hindu extremist groups’ move to tarnish the
image of Islam and Muslims by carrying out bombings and blaming them on
Muslims. He insisted that the Indian government should carry out its duty in
sealing loopholes that could be used by extremists as a pretext for terrorism.
Abubacker Musliyar urged Prime Minister Narendra Modi to
take the initiative of implementing the Sachar Commission report to uplift
“The congress government, as well as the leftist and
rightist parties, have so far failed to implement it, disappointing Muslims,”
he said, while emphasizing the role of Muslims in India’s freedom fighting.
He said Islamic schools or madrassas across India have
been playing an important role in preventing extremism among Muslims. “Our
madrassas, mosques and Islamic lectures have played a big role in enlightening
the Muslim community and preventing them from terrorism,” he pointed out.
“I told the chief minister and home minister of Kerala
during the Sheikh Zayed Peace Conference that we cannot expect peace and
security by just having the Home Ministry. About 90 percent Muslims follow the
country’s law because of Islamic teachings they have acquired from madrasas and
mosques. Our madrassas are centers of knowledge and culture that contribute to
eliminating extremism and terrorism.”
Abubacker Musliyar disclosed his organization’s plan to
hold a nationwide campaign to promote communal harmony and urged Prime Minister
Modi to support the move.
“We have conducted two programs in Kerala and intend to
hold another in Karnataka from Oct. 25 to Nov. 2 with the participation of
non-Muslims. Muslims want to live peacefully with other communities in
accordance with the teachings of Islam, causing no harm to our non-Muslim
friends,” he added.
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Prayer in Grand Mosque Mecca |
Haj convoys left Madinah for Makkah under the supervision
of Madinah Gov. Prince Faisal bin Salman after Friday prayers.
Government agencies have stepped up efforts to ensure
efficient completion of procedures at arrival and departure points and to
ensure that pilgrims are provided with comprehensive services.
More than 700,000 pilgrims have arrived in Madinah,
including around 250,000 who were already in the city awaiting departure.
Until early Friday, 430,000 pilgrims had arrived at
Prince Mohammad bin Abdulaziz Airport through 1,650 flights. The city has also
been receiving hundreds of conveys coming from Jordan and Palestine daily.
The number of pilgrims arriving from Eastern Europe has
declined due to ongoing turmoil in Iraq and Syria, previously their main connection
points into the Kingdom.
Mohammed Al-Bijawi, head of the region’s Haj Ministry
branch, said that the ministry has stepped up efforts at departure and arrival
centers, as well as along the Makkah-Madinah highway and all other roads
leading to Makkah in order to keep pace with the flow of pilgrims into the
Kingdom daily.
He said field teams with qualified personnel have been
trained to rapidly complete arrival and departure procedures.
Al-Bijawi said the ministry’s monitoring committees have
completed inspection visits to stations, service offices and housing sites to
ensure overall performance is on par with this year’s operational plans and
directives. He said emergency teams have completed more than 2,000 site tours
across gathering points and housing sites for pilgrims to ensure that safety
procedures are in place in accordance with Civil Defense directives. (arabnews)
Road security teams have been working around the clock to
monitor the movement of pilgrims, with field teams deployed at numerous speed
checkpoints to ensure safety, security and assistance.
The General Syndicate of Cars in the region has been
welcoming pilgrims at Madinah airport and directly supervising Haj transport
companies in Madinah in coordination with local organizations and the local
ministry branch.
The General Directorate of Health Affairs, meanwhile, is
continuing efforts at providing comprehensive health services across seven
hospitals in Madinah, he said.
A total of a 1,000 clinical beds, including 135 beds for
intensive care services, are available for pilgrims.
Additionally, 20 health centers have been set up around
the Prophet’s Mosque, at housing sites, at entrances and exits in Madinah, and
along main roadways to and from the city, as well as air, land and sea ports.
“A health work force of extensive medical, technical and administrative
expertise has been trained to provide health and preventative services to
pilgrims arriving in the city,” confirmed Al-Bijawi.
Preventive treatment has been provided for 64,038
pilgrims so far.
In addition, 43,611 pilgrims have been administered polio
ACHIEVING DOA efficacious [1]
Prayer, in Islam has a very great position. Prayer is
worship are deeply loved by God. Prayer is a testament to the dependence of a
servant to the Lord SWT to achieve anything useful and reject anything that
brings harm to him. Prayer is evidence linking a man to his Lord, and a
disposition to Allaah, bahwasannya no power and effort, but with the help of
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Prayer at Nabawi Mosque Madina |
Expand DOA
Some people there are who think, that he should not ask
Allah much. He considered it a disgrace. Rate it as a lack of gratitude
attitude referred to God or contrary to the nature qana'a. Finally he refrained
from asking God, except in cases which he considers important and urgent. Being
in the problems considered minor and trivial, he felt reluctant to ask God.
This understanding, is definitely a mistake and
ignorance. Because they include the type of worship prayer, and Allah Almighty
angry if a slave reluctant to ask Him.
Role in a hadith of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa
sallam said:
الدعاء هو العبادة
Indeed, prayer is worship. [2]
Then he sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam read the verse:
وقال ربكم ادعوني أستجب لكم إن الذين يستكبرون عن عبادتي سيدخلون
جهنم داخرين
And your Lord says: "Berdo'alah to Me, will
undoubtedly allow me-you. Surely those who boast of worship will enter Hell in
a state of Jahannam untouchable". [al believers are / 40: 60].
Prayer-with the permission of Allaah - very helpful, as
the words of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam:
الدعاء ينفع مما نزل ومما لم ينزل فعليكم عباد الله بالدعاء
Prayer is beneficial for anything that has happened or
not happened. Let you multiply prayer, O servants of God. [3]
A Muslim should pray a lot every time. Because prayer is
worship which has a very noble position on the side of Allaah, as the Prophet
sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam: "No one of the most precious in the sight
of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala than prayer". [4]
Someone who left the prayer means he loses money.
Conversely someone who prays, he will never lose money on dipenjatkannya
prayer, as long as he does not pray for a sin or terminate a silaturrahmi.
Because dipanjatkannya prayer, surely welcomed by God, either to realize what
he wants in the world, or prevent evil from it equal to the one he requested,
or save it as a better reward for him in the Hereafter. In a hadith the Prophet
sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:
ما من أحد يدعو بدعاء إلا آتاه الله ما سأل أو كف عنه من السوء
مثله ما لم يدع بإثم أو قطيعة رحم
There is no one who prayed with a prayer, but Allah will
grant that he asked for, or God withheld from him that such evils with which he
asked for, as long as he does not pray for an act of sin or to terminate a
silaturrahim. [5]
Therefore, do not be a servant objected asked his Lord in
the affairs of his world, despite the affair he considered trivial, especially
in matters of the Hereafter. Because it is a testament to the demand reliance
on God, and his need to Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala in all affairs. Prophet
sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam has said:
إنه من لم يسأله يغضب عليه
Indeed, he who does not ask Allah, then Allah will be
angry with him. [6]
In prayer, there are few cases and etiquette that must be
observed by someone, so his prayer efficacious.
First: Install the right intention. A person who prays,
let his prayer intention is to enforce the worship of Allaah and drape needs to
Him. Because anyone who mengggantungkan hajatnya to Allaah, surely he would not
lose forever.
Second: Praying in a state of purification. This way is
more Afdhal. Only, if a person prays in a state of wudoo ', then it is not why.
Third: Asking Allaah to raise your palms.
The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam has said:
إذا سألتم الله فاسألوه ببطون أكفكم ولا تسألوه بظهورها
If you ask Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala, then ask to raise
your palms, and you shall not ask to raise your back palm. [7]
Kaifiatnya is, by directing the palm of the hand to the
face, as exemplified by the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam [8]. Or by
means of hand-picked to appear white armpit (the inside of the armpits).
Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:
ما من عبد يرفع يديه حتى يبدو إبطه يسأل الله مسألة إلا آتاها
(It is not a servant raised his hands up to his armpits
appeared and pleaded a request, unless God granted his request it). [9] How to
show the dependence of such a servant to God, needs to God, and the petition
which was to Allaah.
Fourth: Start by saying hamdalah and praise to Allah
Subhanahu wa Ta'ala. This way is becoming closer to a wish come true for
prayer. Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam never heard a man praying in the
prayer and he did not glorify Allaah, not shalawat on the Prophet sallallaahu'
alaihi wa sallam. Then the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:
"This man is in a hurry," then the Prophet called him and said:
إذا صلى أحدكم فليبدأ بتحميد الله والثناء عليه ثم ليصل على
النبي صلى اللهم عليه وسلم ثم ليدع بعد بما شاء
If any one of you to pray, let him start by saying
hamdalah and worship and praise to Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala, then shalawat on
the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, after which he prayed with what he
wants. [10]
Fifth: shalawat on the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa
sallam. If he leaves blessings on the Prophet, prayers can be hindered. The
Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said: "All prayer is blocked, so
that pronounced blessings on the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam [11].
Sixth: Starting pray for ourselves first. So this is
hinted at in al Qur'an, such as the verse:
رب اغفر لي ولوالدي
Yes my Lord! Forgive me, my father and mother ......
[Noah / 71: 28].
Seventh: serious in asking. Do not let anyone doubt in
his prayer, or he utter exclusion by saying "if you are willing, God, give
me this and this". Such prayer is forbidden, because there is nothing that
can force the will of God.
Eighth: Bringing heart in prayer. A servant, let the
liver presenting, concentrate the mind, mentadaburi prayer he says, as well as
revealing the need and dependence on God. She should not pray with his tongue,
but his heart some where. Because prayer will not be granted in that way.
Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:
ادعوا الله وأنتم موقنون بالإجابة واعلموا أن الله لا يستجيب
دعاء من قلب غافل لاه
Pray to Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala, while you believe your
prayer is granted. Remember that God will not grant the prayer of the heart
which is negligent and careless. [12]
Ninth: Praying with the words brief and concise, as well
as prayers ma'tsur. No doubt, the words of the most solid and the most concise
and most glorious is the blessing, prayers narrated from the Prophet
sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam. Prayers as it is widely available in the books
of Sunnah.
Tenth: Bertawasul with the names and attributes of God.
Allah the Exalted says:
ولله الأسماء الحسنى فادعوه بها
Belongs only to God asthma-ul Husna, then bermohonlah Him
with asthma-ul Husna mention it ... ... [al A'raf / 7: 180].
Or someone bertawasul the good deeds he had done, as
mentioned in the hadeeth of the renowned about three people trapped in a cave.
Or bertawasul with the prayers of the righteous that pray for him. The
arguments that show this much is shown in the al-Qur `an and the Sunnah of the
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Prayer at Al Aqsa Mosque Jerusalem |
Eleventh: Increase the words "Yaa Dzal Jalaali wal
Ikraam". The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:
ألظوا بيا ذا الجلال والإكرام
Re-Yaa repeat utterance Dzal Jalaali Wal Ikraam. [13]
That is always said and multiply in your prayers. Because
it is a word that is very high praise to Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala greatest.
With emphasis on reading will help terkabulnya prayer of Allaah.
Twelfth: Finding efficacious times and places primary.
There are some times and places the main, as already mentioned in the texts.
People who pray, you should look for the time and multiply prayer at these
times. Among the key times and efficacious is, the time between the adhan and
iqamah, in the prayer, after doing the obligatory prayers, in the afternoon,
when breaking the fast, at the end of the night, and for a moment on
Friday-that last moment on Friday-and the days in the month of Ramadan, the
first ten days of Dhul-Hijjah, on the day of 'Arafah, at the time of
pilgrimage, on the side of the Kaaba, as well as the times and other places
mentioned in in atsar.
Thirteenth: Increase the prayer on the field moments.
This effort to Allaah granted him his wish at times narrow. Because including
the wisdom of Allaah when predetermine a bala (disaster) that Allah likes His
moans listen to Him. God saw that the servants back to Him at times narrower
and gripped. However, if a human being was bertadharru 'at times he field, it
will be immediately granted him his requests. The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi
wa sallam has said:
من سره أن يستجيب الله له عند الشدائد والكرب فليكثر الدعاء
في الرخاء
Anyone who likes God answered his prayer at times narrow
and difficult, then let him pray a lot at times he field. [14]
To support one's prayer is granted, a person should avoid
some things that can hinder terkabulnya prayer.
First: Consuming foods forbidden. As this includes the
case that block terkabulnya prayer, as the words of the Prophet sallallaahu
'alaihi wa sallam:
ذكر الرجل يطيل السفر أشعث أغبر يمد يديه إلى السماء يا رب يا
رب ومطعمه حرام ومشربه حرام وملبسه حرام وغذي بالحرام فأنى يستجاب لذلك
A man who long journey, her hair disheveled and dusty, he
raised his hands to the sky and said: "Ya Rabbi, Rabbi yes," while
food is haram, his drink unlawful, his clothing unlawful, and fed with illicit
goods, how he will be received prayer? [15]
Second: Rush in requesting the granting of the prayer.
Demand haste was forbidden, and can hinder a wish come true prayer. Someone who
pray should not despair of the mercy of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala. Attitude in
a hurry can be categorized as a form of disbelieving the promise of Allaah,
since God has promised to grant the prayer. Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa
sallam said:
يستجاب لأحدكم ما لم يعجل يقول دعوت فلم يستجب لي
Prayer will be granted one of you as long as he is not in
a hurry; he says "I've been praying, but was not granted to me". [16]
Third: Excess-overage or exceed the limit in prayer.
Allaah does not love those who exceed the limits. Allaah says:
ادعوا ربكم تضرعا وخفية إنه لا يحب المعتدين
Berdo'alah to your Lord with humility of self and a soft
voice. Surely Allah loves not transgressors. [al A'raf / 7: 55].
Sa'd radi anhu once saw his son praying, and he said in
his prayer: "O Allah, I ask Thee paradise, pleasure, splendor, such and
such. And I seek refuge in You from the fire of hell, of the chain, chains,
such and such ".
Hear the prayer of his son, Sa'ad radi anhu said: O my
son, The real I heard the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:
سيكون قوم يعتدون في الدعاء فإياك أن تكون منهم إنك إن أعطيت
الجنة أعطيتها وما فيها من الخير وإن أعذت من النار أعذت منها وما فيها من الشر
"There will be a people transgressing beyond bounds
later in prayer. Do not until you get into their group. If you are given a
heaven, surely you will be given all of what is in it. If you are prevented
from the fire of hell, thou shalt be avoided him and all of its ugliness
Fourth: Ask for the impossible cases. As someone who
prayed to be able to see the Prophet in a state of wakefulness, or he prayed that
serve as an angel, or he prayed for strength, which is the force that he can
lift a mountain, or ask God in the form of an nubuwah (prophetic). Because it
is not possible. Even if he believes nubuwah revelation after the Prophet
sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, then he could disbelieve because of it. And
demand as it also includes exaggerated form in prayer. God knows best.
Thus, hopefully taufiq God was pleased to give us to
always pray to Him, and make our prayers as efficacious prayer. Billahit
taufiq. (Umm Ihsan)
[Copied from the Sunnah magazine Issue 00 / Year XI /
1428H / 2007M. Publishers Foundation Standing Committee Istiqomah Surakarta,
Jl. Solo-Purwodadi Km.8 Selokaton Gondangrejo Solo 57 183 Tel. 0271-761016] (Continoe)
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