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Tony Abbott, Australian Prime Minister |
Unfinished journey (80)
(Part eighty, Depok, West Java, Indonesia, 14 September
2014, 18:10 pm)
The United States has had the support of 40 countries,
both European countries, and the Arab States Alone in his plan to destroy the
fighters of the Islamic State (ISIS), including Australia were immediately sent
Fight Daulah Islamiyah, Australia send troops
About 40 countries supporting the United States plans to
fight the Daulah Islamiyah
Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott Sunday (14/09)
announced Australia will send 600 troops and military aircraft to the Middle
East to help the international fight against militants Daulah Islamiyah
formerly known as ISIS.
Abbott said no decision what steps will be taken to
combat the forces of militant action but it is important to have the ability to
cope with disruption and thwart the operation he described as a terrorist
Abbott added this Australian action approved by the Prime
Minister of Iraq and following a specific request from the United States.
Meanwhile, the United States Secretary of State John
Kerry arrives in Paris, France after a four-day visit in the Middle East to try
to build a coalition to fight Daulah Islamiyah.
Large coalition of nations
France to host regional security summit on Monday
However, the United States does not permit a major
regional player in the Middle East, Iran, to attend the meeting due Click
Iranian involvement in Syria.
Nearly 40 countries, including 10 Arab countries, the
United States supports a plan to tackle the extremist group.
In the latest video Daulah Islamiyah, indicated the
murder of British aid workers, David Haines.
United States President Barack Obama said "a sense
of empathy for the Haines family and the citizens of the UK".
In a statement, Obama said the United States will work
closely with the UK and "a large coalition of nations" to "bring
the perpetrators of this crime to justice". (bbc)
History of Australia
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The History of Australia refers to the history of the
area and people of the Commonwealth of Australia and its preceding Indigenous
and colonial societies. Aboriginal Australians are believed to have first
arrived on the Australian mainland by sea from Maritime Southeast Asia between
40,000 and 70,000 years ago. The artistic, musical and spiritual traditions
they established are among the longest surviving such traditions in human
The first known landing in Australia by Europeans was by
Dutch navigator Willem Janszoon in 1606. Twenty-nine other Dutch navigators
explored the western and southern coasts in the 17th century, and dubbed the
continent New Holland. Macassan trepangers visited Australia's northern coasts
after 1720, possibly earlier. Other European explorers followed until, in 1770,
Lieutenant James Cook charted the East Coast of Australia for the UK and
returned with accounts favouring colonisation at Botany Bay (now in Sydney),
New South Wales.
A First Fleet of British ships arrived at Botany Bay in
January 1788[1] to establish a penal colony. In the century that followed, the
British established other colonies on the continent, and European explorers
ventured into its interior. Indigenous Australians were greatly weakened and
their numbers diminished by introduced diseases and conflict with the colonists
during this period.
Gold rushes and agricultural industries brought
prosperity. Autonomous Parliamentary democracies began to be established
throughout the six British colonies from the mid-19th century. The colonies
voted by referendum to unite in a federation in 1901, and modern Australia came
into being. Australia fought on the side of Britain in the two world wars and
became a long-standing ally of the United States when threatened by Imperial
Japan during World War II. Trade with Asia increased and a post-war
multicultural immigration program received more than 6.5 million migrants from
every continent. The population tripled in six decades to around 21 million in
2010, with people originating from 200 countries sustaining the world's 14th
largest national economy.[2]
Aboriginal Australia[edit]
Rock painting at Ubirr in Kakadu National Park. Evidence
of Aboriginal art in Australia can be traced back some 30,000 years.
Main article: History of Indigenous Australians
See also: Prehistory of Australia and Aboriginal History
of Western Australia
The ancestors of Indigenous Australians are believed to
have arrived in Australia 40,000 to 60,000 years ago, and possibly as early as
70,000 years ago.[3][4] They developed a hunter-gatherer lifestyle, established
enduring spiritual and artistic traditions and used stone technologies. At the
time of first European contact, it has been estimated the existing population
was at least 350,000,[5][6] while recent archaeological finds suggest that a
population of 750,000 could have been sustained.[7][8]
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Julia Gilbert Australian Fierst Female PM |
There is considerable archaeological discussion as to the
route taken by the first colonisers. People appear to have arrived by sea
during a period of glaciation, when New Guinea and Tasmania were joined to the
continent. The journey still required sea travel however, making them amongst
the world's earlier mariners.[9] Scott Cane wrote in 2013 that the first wave
may have been prompted by the eruption of Mount Toba and if they arrived around
70,000 years ago could have crossed the water from Timor, when the sea level
was low – but if they came later, around 50,000 years ago, a more likely route
would be through the Moluccas to New Guinea. Given that the likely landfall
regions have been under around 50 metres of water for the last 15,000 years, it
is unlikely that the timing will be ever be established with certainty.[10]
Kolaia man wearing a headdress worn in a fire ceremony,
Forrest River, Western Australia. Aboriginal Australian religious practices
associated with the Dreamtime have been practised for tens of thousands of
A Luritja man demonstrating method of attack with
boomerang under cover of shield (1920).
The earliest known human remains were found at Lake
Mungo, a dry lake in the southwest of New South Wales.[11] Remains found at
Mungo suggest one of the world's oldest known cremations, thus indicating early
evidence for religious ritual among humans.[12] According to Australian
Aboriginal mythology and the animist framework developed in Aboriginal
Australia, the Dreaming is a sacred era in which ancestral Totemic Spirit
Beings formed The Creation. The Dreaming established the laws and structures of
society and the ceremonies performed to ensure continuity of life and land. It
remains a prominent feature of Australian Aboriginal art. Aboriginal art is believed
to be the oldest continuing tradition of art in the world.[13] Evidence of
Aboriginal art can be traced back at least 30,000 years and is found throughout
Australia (notably at Uluru and Kakadu National Park in the Northern
Territory).[14][15] In terms of age and abundance, cave art in Australia is
comparable to that of Lascaux and Altamira in Europe.[16][17]
Manning Clark wrote that the ancestors of the Aborigines
were slow to reach Tasmania, probably owing to an ice barrier existing across
the South East of the continent. The Aborigines, he noted, did not develop
agriculture, probably owing to a lack of seed bearing plants and animals
suitable for domestication. Thus the population remained low. Clark considered
that the three potential pre-European colonising powers and traders of East
Asia—the Hindu-Buddhists of southern India, the Muslims of Northern India and
the Chinese—each petered out in their southward advance and did not attempt a
settlement across the straits separating Indonesia from Australia. But trepang
fisherman did reach the north coast, which they called "Marege" or
"land of the trepang".[18] For centuries, Makassan trade flourished
with Aborigines on Australia's north coast, particularly with the Yolngu people
of northeast Arnhem Land.
The greatest population density for Aborigines developed
in the southern and eastern regions, the River Murray valley in particular.
Aborigines lived and used resources on the continent sustainably, agreeing to
cease hunting and gathering at particular times to give populations and
resources the chance to replenish. "Firestick farming" amongst
northern Australian people was used to encourage plant growth that attracted
animals.[19] The arrival of Australia's first people nevertheless affected the
continent significantly, and, along with climate change, may have contributed
to the extinction of Australia's megafauna.[20] The introduction of the dingo
by Aboriginal people around 3,000–4,000 years ago may, along with human
hunting, have contributed to the extinction of the thylacine, Tasmanian Devil,
and Tasmanian Native-hen from mainland Australia.[21][22]
Despite considerable cultural continuity, life was not
without significant changes. Some 10–12,000 years ago, Tasmania became isolated
from the mainland, and some stone technologies failed to reach the Tasmanian
people (such as the hafting of stone tools and the use of the Boomerang).[23]
The land was not always kind; Aboriginal people of southeastern Australia
endured "more than a dozen volcanic eruptions...(including) Mount Gambier,
a mere 1,400 years ago."[24] In southeastern Australia, near present day
Lake Condah, semi-permanent villages of beehive shaped shelters of stone
developed, near bountiful food supplies.[25]
The early wave of European observers like William Dampier
described the hunter-gatherer lifestyle of the Aborigines of the West Coast as
arduous and "miserable". Lieutenant James Cook on the other hand,
speculated in his journal that the "Natives of New Holland" (the East
Coast Aborigines whom he encountered) might in fact be far happier than
Europeans.[26] Watkin Tench, of the First Fleet, wrote of an admiration for the
Aborigines of Sydney as good-natured and good-humoured people, though he also
reported violent hostility between the Eora and Cammeraygal peoples, and noted
violent domestic altercations between his friend Bennelong and his wife
Barangaroo.[27] 19th century settlers like Edward Curr observed that Aborigines
"suffered less and enjoyed life more than the majority of civilized(sic)
men."[28] Historian Geoffrey Blainey wrote that the material standard of
living for Aborigines was generally high, higher than that of many Europeans
living at the time of the Dutch discovery of Australia.[29]
By 1788, the population existed as 250 individual
nations, many of which were in alliance with one another, and within each
nation there existed several clans, from as few as five or six to as many as 30
or 40. Each nation had its own language and a few had multiple, thus over 250
languages existed, around 200 of which are now extinct. "Intricate kinship
rules ordered the social relations of the people and diplomatic messengers and
meeting rituals smoothed relations between groups," keeping group
fighting, sorcery and domestic disputes to a minimum.[30]
Permanent European settlers arrived at Sydney in 1788 and
came to control most of the continent by end of the 19th century. Bastions of
largely unaltered Aboriginal societies survived, particularly in Northern and
Western Australia into the 20th century, until finally, a group of Pintupi
people of the Gibson Desert became the last people to be contacted by outsider
ways in 1984.[31][31] While much knowledge was lost, Aboriginal art, music and
culture, often scorned by Europeans during the initial phases of contact,
survived and in time came to be celebrated by the wider Australian community.
Impact of European settlement[edit]
Portrait of the Aboriginal explorer and diplomat Bungaree
in British dress at Sydney in 1826.
Main article: Australian frontier wars
The first known landing in Australia by Europeans was by
Dutch navigator Willem Janszoon in 1606. Twenty-nine other Dutch navigators
explored the western and southern coasts in the 17th century, and dubbed the
continent New Holland.[32] Macassan trepangers visited Australia's northern
coasts after 1720, possibly earlier.[33][34] Other European explorers followed
until navigator Lieutenant James Cook claimed the east coast of Australia for
Britain in 1770, without conducting negotiations with the existing
inhabitants.[35] He returned with accounts favouring colonisation at Botany Bay
(now in Sydney), New South Wales.
The first governor, Arthur Phillip, was instructed
explicitly to establish friendship and good relations with the Aborigines and
interactions between the early newcomers and the ancient landowners varied
considerably throughout the colonial period—from the curiosity displayed by the
early interlocutors Bennelong and Bungaree of Sydney, to the outright hostility
of Pemulwuy and Windradyne of the Sydney region,[36] and Yagan around Perth.
Bennelong and a companion became the first Australians to sail to Europe, where
they met King George III. Bungaree accompanied the explorer Matthew Flinders on
the first circumnavigation of Australia. Pemulwuy was accused of the first
killing of a white settler in 1790, and Windradyne resisted early British
expansion beyond the Blue Mountains.[37]
Conflict and disease[edit]
Two of the Natives of New Holland Advancing, To Combat
(1770), sketched by Cook's illustrator Sydney Parkinson.
According to the historian Geoffrey Blainey, in Australia
during the colonial period: "In a thousand isolated places there were
occasional shootings and spearings. Even worse, smallpox, measles, influenza
and other new diseases swept from one Aboriginal camp to another ... The main
conqueror of Aborigines was to be disease and its ally,
Conflict in the Hawkesbury Nepean river district near the
settlement at Sydney continued from 1795–1816.[citation needed] Pemulwuy's War
(1795–1802), Tedbury's War (1808–1809) and the Nepean War (1814–1816) as well
as the interwar violence of the 1804–1805 Conflict. It was fought using mostly
guerrilla-warfare tactics; however, several conventional battles also took
place. The wars resulted in the defeat of the Hawkesbury and Nepean Indigenous
clans who were subsequently dispossessed of their lands.[citation needed]
Even before the arrival of European settlers in local
districts beyond coastal New South Wales, Eurasian disease often preceded them.
A smallpox epidemic was recorded near Sydney in 1789, which wiped out about
half the Aborigines around Sydney. Opinion is divided as to the source of the
smallpox. Some researchers argue that the smallpox was acquired through contact
with Indonesian fishermen in the far north and then spread across the
continent, reaching the Sydney area in 1789.[39][40] Other research by Craig
Mear,[41] Michael Bennett,[42] and Christopher Warren)[43] argues that, despite
controversy, it is highly likely that the 1789 outbreak of smallpox was a
deliberate act by British marines when they ran out of ammunition and needed to
expand the settlement out to Parramatta.[44] Smallpox then spread well beyond
the then limits of European settlement, including much of southeastern
Australia, reappearing in 1829–30, killing 40–60 percent of the Aboriginal
The impact of Europeans was profoundly disruptive to
Aboriginal life and, though the extent of violence is debated, there was
considerable conflict on the frontier. At the same time, some settlers were
quite aware they were usurping the Aborigines place in Australia. In 1845,
settler Charles Griffiths sought to justify this, writing; "The question
comes to this; which has the better right—the savage, born in a country, which
he runs over but can scarcely be said to occupy ... or the civilized man, who
comes to introduce into this ... unproductive country, the industry which
supports life."[46]
From the 1960s, Australian writers began to re-assess
European assumptions about Aboriginal Australia—with works including Alan
Moorehead's The Fatal Impact (1966) and Geoffrey Blainey's landmark history
Triumph of the Nomads (1975). In 1968, anthropologist W.E.H. Stanner described
the lack of historical accounts of relations between Europeans and Aborigines
as "the great Australian silence."[47][48] Historian Henry Reynolds
argues that there was a "historical neglect" of the Aborigines by
historians until the late 1960s.[49] Early commentaries often tended to
describe Aborigines as doomed to extinction following the arrival of Europeans.
William Westgarth's 1864 book on the colony of Victoria observed; "the
case of the Aborigines of Victoria confirms ...it would seem almost an immutable
law of nature that such inferior dark races should disappear."[50]
However, by the early 1970s historians like Lyndall Ryan, Henry Reynolds and
Raymond Evans were trying to document and estimate the conflict and human toll
on the frontier.
Proclamation issued in Van Diemen's Land in 1816 by
Lieutenant-Governor Arthur, which explains the precepts of British Justice in
pictorial form for the Tasmanian Aboriginals. Tasmania suffered a higher level
of conflict than the other British colonies.[51]
Truganini, a Tasmanian Aboriginal who survived the
outbreak of disease and conflicts which followed the British colonisation of
Van Diemen's Land.
Many events illustrate violence and resistance as
Aborigines sought to protect their lands from invasion and as settlers and
pastoralists attempted to establish their presence. In May 1804, at Risdon
Cove, Van Diemen's Land,[52] perhaps 60 Aborigines were killed when they
approached the town.[53] The British established a new outpost in Van Diemen's
Land (Tasmania) in 1803. Although Tasmanian history is amongst the most
contested by modern historians, conflict between colonists and Aborigines was
referred to in some contemporary accounts as the Black War.[54] The combined
effects of disease, dispossession, intermarriage and conflict saw a collapse of
the Aboriginal population from a few thousand people when the British arrived,
to a few hundred by the 1830s. Estimates of how many people were killed during
the period begin at around 300, though verification of the true figure is now
impossible.[55][56] In 1830 Governor Sir George Arthur sent an armed party (the
Black Line) to push the Big River and Oyster Bay tribes out of the British
settled districts. The effort failed and George Augustus Robinson proposed to
set out unarmed to mediate with the remaining tribespeople in 1833.[57] With
the assistance of Truganini as guide and translator, Robinson convinced
remaining tribesmen to surrender to an isolated new settlement at Flinders
Island, where most later died of disease.[58][59]
In 1838, at least twenty-eight Aborigines were murdered
at the Myall Creek in New South Wales, resulting in the unprecedented
conviction and hanging of seven white settlers by the colonial courts.[60]
Aborigines also attacked white settlers—in 1838 fourteen Europeans were killed
at Broken River in Port Phillip District, by Aborigines of the Ovens River,
almost certainly in revenge for the illicit use of Aboriginal women.[61]
Captain Hutton of Port Phillip District once told Chief Protector of Aborigines
George Augustus Robinson that "if a member of a tribe offend, destroy the
whole."[62] Queensland's Colonial Secretary A.H. Palmer wrote in 1884
"the nature of the blacks was so treacherous that they were only guided by
fear—in fact it was only possible to rule...the Australian Aboriginal...by
brute force"[63] The most recent massacre of Aborigines was at Coniston in
the Northern Territory in 1928. There are numerous other massacre sites in
Australia, although supporting documentation varies.
From the 1830s, colonial governments established the now
controversial offices of the Protector of Aborigines in an effort to avoid
mistreatment of Indigenous peoples and conduct government policy towards them.
Christian churches in Australia sought to convert Aborigines, and were often
used by government to carry out welfare and assimilation policies. Colonial
churchmen such as Sydney's first Catholic archbishop, John Polding strongly
advocated for Aboriginal rights and dignity[64] and prominent Aboriginal
activist Noel Pearson (born 1965), who was raised at a Lutheran mission in Cape
York, has written that Christian missions throughout Australia's colonial
history "provided a haven from the hell of life on the Australian frontier
while at the same time facilitating colonisation".[65]
Aboriginal farmers at Loddon Aboriginal Protectorate
Station at Franklinford, Victoria in 1858.
Hermannsburg Mission in the Northern Territory.
The Caledon Bay crisis of 1932–34 saw one of the last
incidents of violent interaction on the 'frontier' of indigenous and
non-indigenous Australia, which began when the spearing of Japanese poachers
who had been molesting Yolngu women was followed by the killing of a policeman.
As the crisis unfolded, national opinion swung behind the Aboriginal people
involved, and the first appeal on behalf of an Indigenous Australian to the
High Court of Australia was launched. Following the crisis, the anthropologist
Donald Thomson was dispatched by the government to live among the Yolngu.[66] Elsewhere
around this time, activists like Sir Douglas Nicholls were commencing their
campaigns for Aboriginal rights within the established Australian political
system and the age of frontier conflict closed.
Frontier encounters in Australia were not universally
negative. Positive accounts of Aboriginal customs and encounters are also
recorded in the journals of early European explorers, who often relied on
Aboriginal guides and assistance: Charles Sturt employed Aboriginal envoys to
explore the Murray-Darling; the lone survivor of the Burke and Wills expedition
was nursed by local Aborigines, and the famous Aboriginal explorer Jackey
Jackey loyally accompanied his ill-fated friend Edmund Kennedy to Cape
York.[67] Respectful studies were conducted by such as Walter Baldwin Spencer
and Frank Gillen in their renowned anthropological study The Native Tribes of
Central Australia (1899); and by Donald Thomson of Arnhem Land (c. 1935–1943).
In inland Australia, the skills of Aboriginal stockmen became highly regarded
and in the 20th century, Aboriginal stockmen like Vincent Lingiari became
national figures in their campaigns for better pay and conditions.[68]
Removal of children
The removal of indigenous children, which the Human
Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission argue constituted attempted
genocide,[69] had a major impact on the Indigenous population.[70] Such
interpretations of Aboriginal history are disputed by Keith Windschuttle as
being exaggerated or fabricated for political or ideological reasons.[71] This
debate is part of what is known within Australia as the History Wars.
European migration[edit]
Early explorers[edit]
Main article: European exploration of Australia
Exploration by Europeans until 1812
1605–06 Pedro
Fernandez de Quiros and Luis Vaez de Torres
1606 Willem
1616 Dirk Hartog
1619 Frederick de
1644 Abel Tasman
1696 Willem de
1699 William
1770 James Cook
1797–99 George
1801–03 Matthew
Dutch explorer Frederik de Houtman discovered extensive
coral reefs off the coast of Western Australia in 1619, naming them Houtman
Abrolhos, meaning 'look out'. This warning however did not prevent the loss of
several ships, most notably the Batavia in 1629.
Although a theory of Portuguese discovery in the 1520s
exists, it lacks definitive evidence.[72][73][74] The Dutch ship, Duyfken, led
by Willem Janszoon, made the first documented European landing in Australia in
1606.[75] That same year, a Spanish expedition sailing in nearby waters and led
by Pedro Fernandez de Quiros had landed in the New Hebrides and, believing them
to be the fabled southern continent, named the land: "Terra Austral del
Espiritu Santo" (Southern Land of the Holy Spirit).[76] Later that year,
De Quiros' deputy Luís Vaez de Torres sailed through Australia's Torres Strait
and may have sighted Australia's northern coast.[77]
The Dutch, following shipping routes to the Dutch East
Indies, or in search of gold, spices or Christian converts proceeded to
contribute a great deal to Europe's knowledge of Australia's coast.[78] In
1616, Dirk Hartog, sailing off course, en route from the Cape of Good Hope to
Batavia, landed on an island off Shark Bay, West Australia.[78] In 1622–23 the
Leeuwin, made the first recorded rounding of the south west corner of the
continent, and gave her name to Cape Leeuwin.[79]
In 1627 the south coast of Australia was accidentally
discovered by François Thijssen and named 't Land van Pieter Nuyts, in honour
of the highest ranking passenger, Pieter Nuyts, extraordinary Councillor of
India,[80] In 1628 a squadron of Dutch ships was sent by the Governor-General
of the Dutch East Indies Pieter de Carpentier to explore the northern coast.
These ships made extensive examinations, particularly in the Gulf of
Carpentaria, named in honour of de Carpentier.[79]
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Australian Territory |
Abel Tasman's voyage of 1642 was the first known European
expedition to reach Van Diemen's Land (later Tasmania) and New Zealand, and to
sight the Fiji. On his second voyage of 1644, he also contributed significantly
to the mapping of Australia proper, making observations on the land and people
of the north coast below New Guinea.[81]
A map of the world inlaid into the floor of the
Burgerzaal ("Burger's Hall") of the new Amsterdam Stadhuis
("Town Hall") in 1655 revealed the extent of Dutch charts of much of
Australia's coast[82] Based on the 1648 map by Joan Blaeu, Nova et
Accuratissima Terrarum Orbis Tabula,, it incorporated Tasman's discoveries,
subsequently reproduced in the map, Archipelagus Orientalis sive Asiaticus
published in the Kurfürsten Atlas (Atlas of the Great Elector).[83]
In 1664 the French geographer, Melchisédech Thévenot,
published in Relations de Divers Voyages Curieux a map of New Holland.[84]
Thévenot divided the continent in two, between Nova Hollandia to the west and
Terre Australe to the east.[85] Emanuel Bowen reproduced Thevenot's map in his
Complete System of Geography (London, 1747), re-titling it A Complete Map of
the Southern Continent and adding three inscriptions promoting the benefits of
exploring and colonising the country. One inscription said:
It is impossible to conceive a Country that promises
fairer from its Situation than this of TERRA AUSTRALIS, no longer incognita, as
this Map demonstrates, but the Southern Continent Discovered. It lies precisely
in the richest climates of the World... and therefore whoever perfectly
discovers and settles it will become infalliably possessed of Territories as
Rich, as fruitful, and as capable of Improvement, as any that have hitherto
been found out, either in the East Indies or the West.
Stern and archway of the Batavia, housed in the Western
Australian Maritime Museum. In 1629, the ship struck a reef near Beacon Island
off the Western Australian coast. A subsequent mutiny and massacre took place
among the survivors.
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Australian Female Troops |
Dutch explorer Abel Tasman with his wife and daughter,
the first Europeans to reach Van Diemen's Land (now Tasmania)
Bowen's map was re-published in John Campbell's editions
of John Harris' Navigantium atque Itinerantium Bibliotheca, or Voyages and
Travels (1744–1748, 1764).[86] This book recommended exploration of the east
coast of New Holland, with a view to a British colonisation, by way of Abel
Tasman's route to Van Diemen's Land.[87]
Although various proposals for colonisation were made,
notably by Pierre Purry from 1717 to 1744, none was officially attempted.[88]
Indigenous Australians were less able to trade with Europeans than were the
peoples of India, the East Indies, China, and Japan. The Dutch East India
Company concluded that there was "no good to be done there". They
turned down Purry's scheme with the comment that, "There is no prospect of
use or benefit to the Company in it, but rather very certain and heavy
With the exception of further Dutch visits to the west,
however, Australia remained largely unvisited by Europeans until the first
British explorations. John Callander put forward a proposal in 1766 for Britain
to found a colony of banished convicts in the South Sea or in Terra Australis
to enable the mother country to exploit the riches of those regions. He said:
"this world must present us with many things entirely new, as hitherto we
have had little more knowledge of it, than if it had lain in another planet".[89]
In 1769, Lieutenant James Cook in command of the HMS
Endeavour, travelled to Tahiti to observe and record the transit of Venus. Cook
also carried secret Admiralty instructions to locate the supposed Southern
Continent: "There is reason to imagine that a continent, or land of great
extent, may be found to the southward of the track of former
navigators."[90] This continent was not found, a disappointment to
Alexander Dalrymple and his fellow members of the Royal Society who had urged
the Admiralty to undertake this mission.[91] Cook decided to survey the east
coast of New Holland, the only major part of that continent that had not been
charted by Dutch navigators.[92]
On 19 April 1770, the Endeavour sighted the east coast of
Australia and ten days later landed at Botany Bay. Cook charted the coast to
its northern extent and, along with the ship's naturalist, Joseph Banks, who
subsequently reported favourably on the possibilities of establishing a colony
at Botany Bay. Cook formally took possession of the east coast of New Holland
on 21/22 August 1770, and noted in his journal that he could "land no more
upon this Eastern coast of New Holland, and on the Western side I can make no
new discovery the honour of which belongs to the Dutch Navigators and as such
they may lay Claim to it as their property [italicised words crossed out in the
original] but the Eastern Coast from the Latitude of 38 South down to this
place I am confident was never seen or viseted by any European before us and
therefore by the same Rule belongs to great Brittan [italicised words crossed
out in the original].[93][94]
In 1772, a French expedition led by Louis Aleno de St
Aloüarn, became the first Europeans to formally claim sovereignty over the west
coast of Australia, but no attempt was made to follow this with
colonisation.[95] The ambition of Sweden's King Gustav III to establish a
colony for his country at the Swan River in 1786 remained stillborn.[96] It was
not until 1788 that economic, technological and political conditions in Great
Britain made it possible and worthwhile for that country to make the large
effort of sending the First Fleet to New South Wales.[97]
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Australian Troops |
Plans for colonisation[edit]
Main article: History of Australia (1788–1850)
Lieutenant James Cook was the first European to achieve
contact with the eastern coastline of Australia in 1770.
Seventeen years after Cook's landfall on the east coast
of Australia, the British government decided to establish a colony at Botany
Bay. The American Revolutionary War (1775–1783) saw Britain lose most of its
North American colonies and consider establishing replacement territories. In
1779 Sir Joseph Banks, the eminent scientist who had accompanied James Cook on
his 1770 voyage, recommended Botany Bay as a suitable site for settlement,
saying that "it was not to be doubted that a Tract of Land such as New
Holland, which was larger than the whole of Europe, would furnish Matter of
advantageous Return."[98] Under Banks' guidance, the American Loyalist
James Matra, who had also travelled with Cook, produced "A Proposal for
Establishing a Settlement in New South Wales" (23 August 1783), proposing
the establishment of a colony composed of American Loyalists, Chinese and South
Sea Islanders (but not convicts).[99]
An engraving from "Australia: the first hundred
years", by Andrew Garran, 1886 showing natives of the Gweagal tribe
opposing the arrival of Lieutenant James Cook in 1770[citation needed].
Matra reasoned that: the country was suitable for
plantations of sugar, cotton and tobacco; New Zealand timber and hemp or flax
could prove valuable commodities; it could form a base for Pacific trade; and
it could be a suitable compensation for displaced American Loyalists.[100]
Following an interview with Secretary of State Lord Sydney in 1784, Matra
amended his proposal to include convicts as settlers, considering that this would
benefit both "Economy to the Publick, & Humanity to the
Matra's plan provided the original blueprint for
settlement.[102] Records show the government was considering it in 1784.[103]
The London newspapers announced in November 1784 that: "A plan has been
presented to the [Prime] Minister, and is now before the Cabinet, for
instituting a new colony in New Holland. In this vast tract of land....every
sort of produce and improvement of which the various soils of the earth are
capable, may be expected".[104] The Government also incorporated the
settlement of Norfolk Island into their plan, with its attractions of timber
and flax, proposed by Banks' Royal Society colleagues, Sir John Call and Sir
George Young.[105]
At the same time, humanitarians and reformers were
campaigning in Britain against the appalling conditions in British prisons and
hulks. In 1777 prison reformer John Howard wrote The State of Prisons in
England and Wales, exposing the harsh conditions of the prison system to "genteel
society"."[106] Penal transportation was already well-established as
a central plank of English criminal law and until the American Revolution about
a thousand criminals per year were sent to Maryland and Virginia.[107] It
served as a powerful deterrent to law-breaking. According to historian David
Hill, "Europeans knew little about the geography of the globe" and to
"convicts in England, transportation to Botany Bay was a frightening
prospect." Echoing John Callander, he said Australia "might as well
have been another planet."[108]
In 1933, Sir Ernest Scott, stated the traditional view of
the reasons for colonisation: "It is clear that the only consideration
which weighed seriously with the Pitt Government was the immediately pressing
and practical one of finding a suitable place for a convict settlement
".[109] In the early 1960s, historian Geoffrey Blainey questioned the
traditional view of foundation purely as a convict dumping ground. His book The
Tyranny of Distance[110] suggested ensuring supplies of flax and timber after
the loss of the American colonies may have also been motivations, and Norfolk
Island was the key to the British decision. A number of historians responded
and debate brought to light a large amount of additional source material on the
reasons for settlement.[111] This has most recently been set out and discussed
by Professor Alan Frost.[112]
The decision to settle was taken when it seemed the
outbreak of civil war in the Netherlands might precipitate a war in which
Britain would be again confronted with the alliance of the three naval Powers,
France, Holland and Spain, which had brought her to defeat in 1783. Under these
circumstances, the strategic advantages of a colony in New South Wales
described in James Matra's proposal were attractive.[113] Matra wrote that such
a settlement could facilitate attacks upon the Spanish in South America and the
Philippines, and against the Dutch East Indies.[114] In 1790, during the Nootka
Crisis, plans were made for naval expeditions against Spain's possessions in
the Americas and the Philippines, in which New South Wales was assigned the
role of a base for "refreshment, communication and retreat". On
subsequent occasions into the early 19th century when war threatened or broke
out between Britain and Spain, these plans were revived and only the short
length of the period of hostilities in each case prevented them from being put
into effect.[115]
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Sydney City |
Georg Forster, who had sailed under Lieutenant James Cook
in the voyage of the Resolution (1772–1775), wrote in 1786 on the future
prospects of the British colony: "New Holland, an island of enormous
extent or it might be said, a third continent, is the future homeland of a new
civilized society which, however mean its beginning may seem to be, nevertheless
promises within a short time to become very important."[116] And the
merchant adventurer and would-be coloniser of southwestern Australia under the
Swedish flag, William Bolts, said to the Swedish Ambassador in Paris, Erik von
Staël in December 1789, that the British had founded at Botany Bay, "a
settlement which in time will become of the greatest importance to the Commerce
of the Globe".[117]
Establishment of British colonies[edit]
Arthur Phillip, first Governor of New South Wales.
A General Chart of New Holland including New South Wales
& Botany Bay with The Adjacent Countries and New Discovered Lands,
published in An Historical Narrative of the Discovery of New Holland and New
South Wales, London, Fielding and Stockdale, November 1786.
Convict remains at Norfolk Island.
Port Arthur, Tasmania a notorious prison outpost.
The Foundation of Perth 1829 by George Pitt Morison.
Adelaide in 1839. South Australia was founded as
free-colony, without convicts.
Melbourne Landing, 1840; watercolor by W. Liardet (1840)
Sir George Bowen, first Governor of Queensland.
The territory claimed by Britain included all of
Australia eastward of the meridian of 135° East and all the islands in the
Pacific Ocean between the latitudes of Cape York and the southern tip of Van
Diemen's Land (Tasmania). The western limit of 135° East was set at the
meridian dividing New Holland from Terra Australis shown on Emanuel Bowen's
Complete Map of the Southern Continent,[118] published in John Campbell's
editions of John Harris' Navigantium atque Itinerantium Bibliotheca, or Voyages
and Travels (1744–1748, and 1764).[119] It was a vast claim which elicited
excitement at the time: the Dutch translator of First Fleet officer and author
Watkin Tench's A Narrative of the Expedition to Botany Bay wrote: "a
single province which, beyond all doubt, is the largest on the whole surface of
the earth. From their definition it covers, in its greatest extent from East to
West, virtually a fourth of the whole circumference of the Globe".[120]
Spanish naval commander Alessandro Malaspina, who visited Sydney in March–April
1793 reported to his government that: "The transportation of the convicts
constituted the means and not the object of the enterprise. The extension of
dominion, mercantile speculations and the discovery of mines were the real
object".[121] Frenchman François Péron, of the Baudin expedition visited
Sydney in 1802 and reported to the French Government: "How can it be
conceived that such a monstrous invasion was accomplished, with no complaint in
Europe to protest against it? How can it be conceived that Spain, who had
previously raised so many objections opposing the occupation of the Malouines
(Falkland Islands), meekly allowed a formidable empire to arise to facing her
richest possessions, an empire which must either invade or liberate them?[122]
The colony included the current islands of New Zealand.
In 1817, the British government withdrew the extensive territorial claim over
the South Pacific. In practice, the governors' writ had been shown not to run
in the islands of the South Pacific.[123] The Church Missionary Society had
concerns over atrocities committed against the natives of the South Sea
Islands, and the ineffectiveness of the New South Wales government to deal with
the lawlessness. As a result, on 27 June 1817, Parliament passed an Act for the
more effectual Punishment of Murders and Manslaughters committed in Places not
within His Majesty's Dominions, which described Tahiti, New Zealand and other
islands of the South Pacific as being not within His Majesty's dominions.[124]
1788: New South Wales[edit]
The British colony of New South Wales was established
with the arrival of the First Fleet of 11 vessels under the command of Captain
Arthur Phillip in January 1788. It consisted of over a thousand settlers,
including 778 convicts (192 women and 586 men).[125] A few days after arrival
at Botany Bay the fleet moved to the more suitable Port Jackson where a
settlement was established at Sydney Cove on 26 January 1788.[126] This date
later became Australia's national day, Australia Day. The colony was formally
proclaimed by Governor Phillip on 7 February 1788 at Sydney. Sydney Cove
offered a fresh water supply and a safe harbour, which Philip described as
being, 'with out exception the finest Harbour in the World [...] Here a
Thousand Sail of the Line may ride in the most perfect Security'.[127]
Governor Phillip was vested with complete authority over
the inhabitants of the colony. Enlightened for his Age, Phillip's personal
intent was to establish harmonious relations with local Aboriginal people and
try to reform as well as discipline the convicts of the colony. Phillip and
several of his officers—most notably Watkin Tench—left behind journals and
accounts of which tell of immense hardships during the first years of
settlement. Often Phillip's officers despaired for the future of New South
Wales. Early efforts at agriculture were fraught and supplies from overseas
were scarce. Between 1788 and 1792 about 3546 male and 766 female convicts were
landed at Sydney—many "professional criminals" with few of the skills
required for the establishment of a colony. Many new arrivals were also sick or
unfit for work and the conditions of healthy convicts only deteriorated with
hard labour and poor sustenance in the settlement. The food situation reached
crisis point in 1790 and the Second Fleet which finally arrived in June 1790
had lost a quarter of its 'passengers' through sickness, while the condition of
the convicts of the Third Fleet appalled Phillip. From 1791 however, the more
regular arrival of ships and the beginnings of trade lessened the feeling of
isolation and improved supplies.[128]
The Hawkesbury and Nepean Wars (1790–1816) were largely
fought in the Greater Western Sydney region and was considered to be the first
conflict between settlers and the indigenous.
Phillip sent exploratory missions in search of better
soils, fixed on the Parramatta region as a promising area for expansion, and
moved many of the convicts from late 1788 to establish a small township, which
became the main centre of the colony's economic life. This left Sydney Cove
only as an important port and focus of social life. Poor equipment and
unfamiliar soils and climate continued to hamper the expansion of farming from
Farm Cove to Parramatta and Toongabbie, but a building programme, assisted by
convict labour, advanced steadily. Between 1788 and 1792, convicts and their
gaolers made up the majority of the population—but after this, a population of
emancipated convicts began to grow who could be granted land and these people
pioneered a non-government private sector economy and were later joined by
soldiers whose military service had expired—and finally, free settlers who
began arriving from Britain. Governor Phillip departed the colony for England
on 11 December 1792, with the new settlement having survived near starvation
and immense isolation for four years[128] On 16 February 1793 the first free
settlers arrived. The settlers: Thomas Rose, with his wife and four children,
Edward Powell, Thomas Webb, Joseph Webb, and Frederick Meredith.[129]
Establishment of further colonies[edit]
After the founding of the colony of New South Wales in
1788, Australia was divided into an eastern half, named New South Wales, under
the administration of the colonial government in Sydney, and a western half
named New Holland. The western boundary of 135° East of Greenwich was based on
the Complete Map of the Southern Continent, published in Emanuel Bowen's
Complete System of Geography (London 1747), and reproduced in John Campbell's
editions of John Harris' Navigantium atque Itinerantium Bibliotheca, or Voyages
and Travels (1744–48, and 1764). Bowen's map was based on one by Melchisédech
Thévenot and published in Relations des Divers Voyages (1663), which apparently
divided New Holland in the west from Terra Australis in the east by a latitude
staff situated at 135 deg East. This division, reproduced in Bowen's map,
provided a convenient western boundary for the British claim because, as Watkin
Tench subsequently commented in A Narrative of the Expedition to Botany Bay,
"By this partition, it may be fairly presumed, that every source of future
litigation between the Dutch and us, will be for ever cut off, as the
discoveries of English navigators only are comprized in this
territory".[130] Thévenot said he copied his map from the one engraved in
the floor of the Amsterdam Town Hall, but in that map there was no dividing
line between New Holland and Terra Australis. Thévenot's map was actually
copied from Joan Blaeu's map, Archipelagus Orientalis sive Asiaticus, published
in 1659 in the Kurfürsten Atlas (Atlas of the Great Elector); this map was a
part of Blaeu's world map of 1648, Nova et Accuratissima Terrarum Orbis Tabula,
which first showed the land revealed by Abel Tasman's 1642 voyage as Hollandia
Nova and which served as the basis for the Amsterdam Town Hall pavement
map.[131] Longitude 135 deg East reflected the line of division between the claims
of Spain and Portugal established in the Treaty of Tordesillas in 1494, which
had formed the basis of many subsequent claims to colonial territory. An
Historical Narrative of the Discovery of New Holland and New South Wales,
published in November 1786, contained "A General Chart of New Holland,
including New South Wales & Botany Bay, with The Adjacent Countries, and
New Discovered Islands", which showed all the territory claimed under the
jurisdiction of the Governor of New South Wales.[132]
Street scene of Klemzig which was the first settlement of
German emigrants to Australia in 1837
Romantic descriptions of the beauty, mild climate, and
fertile soil of Norfolk Island in the South Pacific led the British government
to establish a subsidiary settlement of the New South Wales colony there in
1788. It was hoped that the giant Norfolk Island pine trees and flax plants
growing wild on the island might provide the basis for a local industry which,
particularly in the case of flax, would provide an alternative source of supply
to Russia for an article which was essential for making cordage and sails for
the ships of the British navy. However, the island had no safe harbour, which
led the colony to be abandoned and the settlers evacuated to Tasmania in
1807.[133] The island was subsequently re-settled as a penal settlement in
In 1798, George Bass and Matthew Flinders circumnavigated
Van Diemen's Land, proving that it was an island. In 1802, Flinders
successfully circumnavigated Australia for the first time.
Van Diemen's Land, now known as Tasmania, was settled in
1803, following a failed attempt to settle at Sullivan Bay in what is now
Victoria. Other British settlements followed, at various points around the
continent, many of them unsuccessful. The East India Trade Committee
recommended in 1823 that a settlement be established on the coast of northern
Australia to forestall the Dutch, and Captain J.J.G. Bremer, RN, was
commissioned to form a settlement between Bathurst Island and the Cobourg Peninsula.
Bremer fixed the site of his settlement at Fort Dundas on Melville Island in
1824 and, because this was well to the west of the boundary proclaimed in 1788,
proclaimed British sovereignty over all the territory as far west as Longitude
129 deg East.[134]
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Melbourne City |
The new boundary included Melville and Bathurst Islands,
and the adjacent mainland. In 1826, the British claim was extended to the whole
Australian continent when Major Edmund Lockyer established a settlement on King
George Sound (the basis of the later town of Albany), but the eastern border of
Western Australia remained unchanged at Longitude 129 deg East. In 1824, a
penal colony was established near the mouth of the Brisbane River (the basis of
the later colony of Queensland). In 1829, the Swan River Colony and its capital
of Perth were founded on the west coast proper and also assumed control of King
George Sound. Initially a free colony, Western Australia later accepted British
convicts, because of an acute labour shortage.
The colony of South Australia was settled in 1836, with
its western and eastern boundaries set at 132 deg and 141 deg East of
Greenwich, and to the north at latitude 26 deg South.[135] The western and
eastern boundary points were chosen as they marked the extent of coastline
first surveyed by Matthew Flinders in 1802 (Nicolas Baudin's priority being
ignored). The northern boundary was set at the parallel of latitude 26 deg
South by the British Parliament because that was considered to be the limit of
effective control of territory that could be exercised by a settlement founded
on the shores of Gulf St Vincent; the South Australian Company had proposed the
parallel of 20 deg South, later reduced to the Tropic of Capricorn (the
parallel of latitude 23 deg 37 min South).[136]
Convicts and colonial society[edit]
Main article: Convicts in Australia
Black-eyed Sue and Sweet Poll of Plymouth, England
mourning their lovers who are soon to be transported to Botany Bay (published
in London in 1792)
Between 1788 and 1868, approximately 161,700 convicts (of
whom 25,000 were women) were transported to the Australian colonies of New
South Wales, Van Diemen's land and Western Australia.[137] Historian Lloyd
Robson has estimated that perhaps two-thirds were thieves from working class
towns, particularly from the Midlands and north of England. The majority were
repeat offenders.[138] Whether transportation managed to achieve its goal of
reforming or not, some convicts were able to leave the prison system in
Australia; after 1801 they could gain "tickets of leave" for good
behaviour and be assigned to work for free men for wages. A few went on to have
successful lives as emancipists, having been pardoned at the end of their
sentence. Female convicts had fewer opportunities.
A painting depicting the Castle Hill Rebellion of 1804
A propaganda cartoon of the arrest of Governor William
Bligh during the Rum Rebellion of 1808.
Businesswoman Elizabeth Macarthur helped establish the
merino wool industry.
The humanitarian, Caroline Chisholm was a leading
advocate for women's issues and family friendly colonial policy.
Some convicts, particularly Irish convicts, had been
transported to Australia for political crimes or social rebellion, so
authorities were consequently suspicious of the Irish and restricted the
practice of Catholicism in Australia. The Irish led Castle Hill Rebellion of
1804 served to increase suspicions and repression.[139] Church of England
clergy meanwhile worked closely with the governors and Richard Johnson,
chaplain to the First Fleet was charged by Governor Arthur Phillip, with
improving "public morality" in the colony and was also heavily
involved in health and education.[140] The Reverend Samuel Marsden (1765–1838)
had magisterial duties, and so was equated with the authorities by the
convicts, becoming known as the 'flogging parson' for the severity of his
The New South Wales Corps was formed in England in 1789
as a permanent regiment to relieve the marines who had accompanied the First
Fleet. Officers of the Corps soon became involved in the corrupt and lucrative
rum trade in the colony. In the Rum Rebellion of 1808, the Corps, working
closely with the newly established wool trader John Macarthur, staged the only
successful armed takeover of government in Australian history, deposing
Governor William Bligh and instigating a brief period of military rule in the
colony prior to the arrival from Britain of Governor Lachlan Macquarie in
Macquarie served as the last autocratic Governor of New
South Wales, from 1810 to 1821 and had a leading role in the social and
economic development of New South Wales which saw it transition from a penal
colony to a budding free society. He established public works, a bank,
churches, and charitable institutions and sought good relations with the
Aborigines. In 1813 he sent Blaxland, Wentworth and Lawson across the Blue
Mountains, where they found the great plains of the interior.[143] Central,
however to Macquarie's policy was his treatment of the emancipists, whom he
decreed should be treated as social equals to free-settlers in the colony.
Against opposition, he appointed emancipists to key government positions
including Francis Greenway as colonial architect and William Redfern as a
magistrate. London judged his public works to be too expensive and society was
scandalised by his treatment of emancipists.[144] Egalitarianism would come to
be considered a central virtue among Australians.
The first five Governors of New South Wales realised the
urgent need to encourage free settlers, but the British government remained
largely indifferent. As early as 1790, Governor Arthur Phillip wrote;
"Your lordship will see by my...letters the little progress we have been
able to make in cultivating the lands ... At present this settlement only
affords one person that I can employ in cultivating the lands..."[145] It
was not until the 1820s that numbers of free settlers began to arrive and
government schemes began to be introduced to encourage free settlers.
Philanthropists Caroline Chisholm and John Dunmore Lang developed their own
migration schemes. Land grants of crown land were made by Governors, and
settlement schemes such as those of Edward Gibbon Wakefield carried some weight
in encouraging migrants to make the long voyage to Australia, as opposed to the
United States or Canada.[146]
Early colonial administrations were anxious to address
the gender imbalance in the population brought about by the importation of large
numbers of convict men. Between 1788 and 1792, around 3546 male to 766 female
convicts were landed at Sydney.[147] Women came to play an important role in
education and welfare during colonial times. Governor Macquarie's wife,
Elizabeth Macquarie took an interest in convict women's welfare.[148] Her
contemporary Elizabeth Macarthur was noted for her 'feminine strength' in
assisting the establishment of the Australian merino wool industry during her
husband John Macarthur's enforced absence from the colony following the Rum
Rebellion.[149] The Catholic Sisters of Charity arriving in 1838 and set about
pastoral care in a women's prison, visiting hospitals and schools and
establishing employment for convict women.[150] The sisters went on to
establish hospitals in four of the eastern states, beginning with St Vincent's
Hospital, Sydney in 1857 as a free hospital for all people, but especially for
the poor.[151] Caroline Chisholm (1808–1877) established a migrant women's
shelter and worked for women's welfare in the colonies in the 1840s. Her
humanitarian efforts later won her fame in England and great influence in
achieving support for families in the colony.[152] Sydney's first Catholic
Bishop, John Bede Polding founded an Australian order of nuns—the Sisters of
the Good Samaritan—in 1857 to work in education and social work.[153] The
Sisters of St Joseph, were founded in South Australia by Saint Mary MacKillop
and Fr Julian Tenison Woods in 1867.[154][155][156] MacKillop travelled
throughout Australasia and established schools, convents and charitable
institutions. She was canonised by Benedict XVI in 2010, becoming the first
Australian to be so honoured by the Catholic Church.[157]
From the 1820s, increasing numbers of squatters[158]
occupied land beyond the fringes of European settlement. Often running sheep on
large stations with relatively few overheads, squatters could make considerable
profits. By 1834, nearly 2 million kilograms of wool were being exported to
Britain from Australia.[159] By 1850, barely 2,000 squatters had gained 30
million hectares of land, and they formed a powerful and
"respectable" interest group in several colonies.[160]
In 1835, the British Colonial Office issued the
Proclamation of Governor Bourke, implementing the legal doctrine of terra
nullius upon which British settlement was based, reinforcing the notion that
the land belonged to no one prior to the British Crown taking possession of it
and quashing any likelihood of treaties with Aboriginal peoples, including that
signed by John Batman. Its publication meant that from then, all people found
occupying land without the authority of the government would be considered
illegal trespassers.[161]
Separate settlements and later, colonies, were created
from parts of New South Wales: South Australia in 1836, New Zealand in 1840,
Port Phillip District in 1834, later becoming the colony of Victoria in 1851,
and Queensland in 1859. The Northern Territory was founded in 1863 as part of
South Australia. The transportation of convicts to Australia was phased out
between 1840 and 1868.
Massive areas of land were cleared for agriculture and
various other purposes in the first 100 years of Europeans settlement. In
addition to the obvious impacts this early clearing of land and importation of
hard-hoofed animals had on the ecology of particular regions, it severely
affected indigenous Australians, by reducing the resources they relied on for
food, shelter and other essentials. This progressively forced them into smaller
areas and reduced their numbers as the majority died of newly introduced
diseases and lack of resources. Indigenous resistance against the settlers was
widespread, and prolonged fighting between 1788 and the 1920s led to the deaths
of at least 20,000 indigenous people and between 2,000 and 2,500
Europeans.[162] During the mid-late 19th century, many indigenous Australians
in south eastern Australia were relocated, often forcibly, to reserves and
missions. The nature of many of these institutions enabled disease to spread
quickly and many were closed as their populations fell.
Free colony at South Australia[edit]
Main article: History of South Australia
1835 advertisement
A group in Britain led by Edward Gibbon Wakefield sought
to start a colony based on free settlement rather than convict labour. In 1831
the South Australian Land Company was formed amid a campaign for a Royal
Charter which would provide for the establishment of a privately financed
"free" colony in Australia.[163]
While New South Wales, Tasmania and (although not initially)
Western Australia were established as convict settlements, the founders of
South Australia had a vision of a colony with political and religious freedoms,
together with opportunities for wealth through business and pastoral
investments. The South Australia Act [1834], passed by the British Government
which established the colony reflected these desires and included a promise of
representative government when the population reached 50,000 people. South
Australia thus became the only colony authorised by an Act of Parliament, and
which was intended to be developed at no cost to the British government.
Transportation of convicts was forbidden, and 'poor Emigrants', assisted by an
Emigration Fund, were required to bring their families with them.[163] Significantly,
the Letters Patent enabling the South Australia Act 1834 included a guarantee
of the rights of 'any Aboriginal Natives' and their descendants to lands they
'now actually occupied or enjoyed'.[164]
In 1836, two ships of the South Australia Land Company
left to establish the first settlement on Kangaroo Island. The foundation of
South Australia is now generally commemorated as Governor John Hindmarsh's
Proclamation of the new Province at Glenelg, on the mainland, on 28 December
1836.[165] From 1843 to 1851, the Governor ruled with the assistance of an
appointed Executive Council of paid officials. Land development and settlement
was the basis of the Wakefield vision, so land law and regulations governing it
were fundamental to the foundation of the Province and allowed for land to be
bought at a uniform price per acre (regardless of quality), with auctions for
land desired by more than one buyer, and leases made available on unused land.
Proceeds from land were to fund the Emigration Fund to assist poor settlers to
come as tradesmen and labourers.[166] Agitation for representative government
quickly emerged.[167] Most other colonies had been founded by Governors with
near total authority, but in South Australia, power was initially divided between
the Governor and the Resident Commissioner, so that government could not
interfere with the business affairs or freedom of religion of the settlers. By
1851 the colony was experimenting with a partially elected council.[168]
Main article: European exploration of Australia
In 1798–99 George Bass and Matthew Flinders set out from
Sydney in a sloop and circumnavigated Tasmania, thus proving it to be an
island.[169] In 1801–02 Matthew Flinders in The Investigator led the first
circumnavigation of Australia. Aboard ship was the Aboriginal explorer
Bungaree, of the Sydney district, who became the first person born on the
Australian continent to circumnavigate the Australian continent.[169]
Previously, the famous Bennelong and a companion had become the first people
born in the area of New South Wales to sail for Europe, when, in 1792 they
accompanied Governor Phillip to England and were presented to King George
Matthew Flinders led the first successful
circumnavigation of Australia in 1801–02.
In 1813, Gregory Blaxland, William Lawson and William
Wentworth succeeded in crossing the formidable barrier of forested gulleys and
sheer cliffs presented by the Blue Mountains, west of Sydney. At Mount Blaxland
they looked out over "enough grass to support the stock of the colony for
thirty years", and expansion of the British settlement into the interior
could begin.[170]
In 1824 the Governor Sir Thomas Brisbane, commissioned
Hamilton Hume and former Royal Navy Captain William Hovell to lead an
expedition to find new grazing land in the south of the colony, and also to
find an answer to the mystery of where New South Wales' western rivers flowed.
Over 16 weeks in 1824–25, Hume and Hovell journeyed to Port Phillip and back.
They made many important discoveries including the Murray River (which they
named the Hume), many of its tributaries, and good agricultural and grazing
lands between Gunning, New South Wales and Corio Bay, Port Phillip.[171]
Charles Sturt led an expedition along the Macquarie River
in 1828 and discovered the Darling River. A theory had developed that the
inland rivers of New South Wales were draining into an inland sea. Leading a
second expedition in 1829, Sturt followed the Murrumbidgee River into a 'broad
and noble river', the Murray River, which he named after Sir George Murray,
secretary of state for the colonies. His party then followed this river to its
junction with the Darling River, facing two threatening encounters with local
Aboriginal people along the way. Sturt continued down river on to Lake
Alexandrina, where the Murray meets the sea in South Australia. Suffering
greatly, the party had to row hundreds of kilometres back upstream for the return
Surveyor General Sir Thomas Mitchell conducted a series
of expeditions from the 1830s to 'fill in the gaps' left by these previous
expeditions. He was meticulous in seeking to record the original Aboriginal
place names around the colony, for which reason the majority of place names to
this day retain their Aboriginal titles.[173]
The Polish scientist/explorer Count Paul Edmund
Strzelecki conducted surveying work in the Australian Alps in 1839 and became
the first European to ascend Australia's highest peak, which he named Mount
Kosciuszko in honour of the Polish patriot Tadeusz Kościuszko.[174]
John Longstaff, Arrival of Burke, Wills and King at the
deserted camp at Cooper's Creek, Sunday evening, 21 April 1861, oil on canvas,
1907, National Gallery of Victoria.
European explorers made their last great, often arduous
and sometimes tragic expeditions into the interior of Australia during the
second half of the 19th century—some with the official sponsorship of the
colonial authorities and others commissioned by private investors. By 1850,
large areas of the inland were still unknown to Europeans. Trailblazers like
Edmund Kennedy and the Prussian naturalist Ludwig Leichhardt, had met tragic
ends attempting to fill in the gaps during the 1840s, but explorers remained
ambitious to discover new lands for agriculture or answer scientific enquiries.
Surveyors also acted as explorers and the colonies sent out expeditions to
discover the best routes for lines of communication. The size of expeditions
varied considerably from small parties of just two or three to large,
well-equipped teams led by gentlemen explorers assisted by smiths, carpenters,
labourers and Aboriginal guides accompanied by horses, camels or bullocks.[175]
In 1860, the ill-fated Burke and Wills led the first
north-south crossing of the continent from Melbourne to the Gulf of
Carpentaria. Lacking bushcraft and unwilling to learn from the local Aboriginal
people, Burke and Wills died in 1861, having returned from the Gulf to their rendezvous
point at Coopers Creek only to discover the rest of their party had departed
the location only a matter of hours previously. Though an impressive feat of
navigation, the expedition was an organisational disaster which continues to
fascinate the Australian public.
In 1862, John McDouall Stuart succeeded in traversing
Central Australia from south to north. His expedition mapped out the route
which was later followed by the Australian Overland Telegraph Line.[67]
Uluru and Kata Tjuta were first mapped by Europeans in
1872 during the expeditionary period made possible by the construction of the
Australian Overland Telegraph Line. In separate expeditions, Ernest Giles and
William Gosse were the first European explorers to this area. While exploring the
area in 1872, Giles sighted Kata Tjuta from a location near Kings Canyon and
called it Mount Olga, while the following year Gosse observed Uluru and named
it Ayers Rock, in honour of the Chief Secretary of South Australia, Sir Henry
Ayers. These barren desert lands of Central Australia disappointed the
Europeans as unpromising for pastoral expansion, but would later come to be
appreciated as emblematic of Australia.
From autonomy to federation[edit]
Colonial self-government and the gold rushes[edit]
Main article: History of Australia (1851–1900)
See also: Australian gold rushes
The discovery of gold in Australia is traditionally
attributed to Edward Hammond Hargraves, near Bathurst, New South Wales, in
February 1851[176] Traces of gold had nevertheless been found in Australia as
early as 1823 by surveyor James McBrien. As by English law all minerals
belonged to the Crown, there was at first, "little to stimulate a search
for really rich goldfields in a colony prospering under a pastoral economy."[177]
Richard Broome also argues that the California Gold Rush at first overawed the
Australian finds, until "the news of Mount Alexander reached England in
May 1852, followed shortly by six ships carrying eight tons of gold."[178]
A gold nugget from Hill End, unearthed in 1872
The gold rushes brought many immigrants to Australia from
Great Britain, Ireland, continental Europe, North America and China. The Colony
of Victoria's population grew rapidly, from 76,000 in 1850 to 530,000 by
1859.[179] Discontent arose amongst diggers almost immediately, particularly on
the crowded Victorian fields. The causes of this were the colonial government's
administration of the diggings and the gold licence system. Following a number
of protests and petitions for reform, violence erupted at Ballarat in late
Eureka Stockade Riot. J. B. Henderson (1854) watercolour
Early on the morning of Sunday 3 December 1854, British
soldiers and Police attacked a stockade built on the Eureka lead holding some
of the aggrieved diggers. In a short fight, at least 30 miners were killed and
an unknown number wounded.[180] O'Brien lists 5 soldiers of the 12th Regiment
and 40 Regiment killed and 12 wounded[181] Blinded by his fear of agitation
with democratic overtones, local Commissioner Robert Rede had felt "it was
absolutely necessary that a blow should be struck" against the
But a few months later, a Royal commission made sweeping
changes to the administration of Victoria's goldfields. Its recommendations
included the abolition of the licence, reforms to the police force and voting
rights for miners holding a Miner's Right.[183] The Eureka Flag that was used
to represent the Ballarat miners has been seriously considered by some as an
alternative to the Australian flag, because of its controversial association
with democratic developments.
In the 1890s, visiting author Mark Twain characterised
the battle at Eureka as:
“ The finest
thing in Australasian history. It was a revolution-small in size, but great
politically; it was a strike for liberty, a struggle for principle, a stand
against injustice and oppression...it is another instance of a victory won by a
lost battle.[184] ”
A view of the goldfields near Castlemaine in 1852,
painted by Samuel Thomas Gill
Alternatively, in 1999, the Premier of New South Wales,
Bob Carr, dismissed the Eureka Stockade as a "protest without
consequence".[185] During the 2004 Australian federal election, Deputy
Prime MinisterJohn Anderson stated his view that "I think people have
tried to make too much of the Eureka Stockade...trying to give it a credibility
and standing that it probably doesn't enjoy."[186]
Later gold rushes occurred at the Palmer River,
Queensland, in the 1870s, and Coolgardie and Kalgoorlie in Western Australia,
in the 1890s. Confrontations between Chinese and European miners occurred on
the Buckland River in Victoria and Lambing Flat in New South Wales, in the late
1850s and early 1860s. Driven by European jealousy of the success of Chinese
efforts as alluvial (surface) gold ran out, it fixed emerging Australian
attitudes in favour of a White Australia policy, according to historian
Geoffrey Serle.[187]
New South Wales in 1855 was the first colony to gain
responsible government, managing most of its own affairs while remaining part
of the British Empire. Victoria, Tasmania, and South Australia followed in
1856; Queensland, from its foundation in 1859; and Western Australia, in 1890.
The Colonial Office in London retained control of some matters, notably foreign
affairs, defence and international shipping.
The gold era led to a long period of prosperity,
sometimes called "the long boom."[188] This was fed by British
investment and the continued growth of the pastoral and mining industries, in
addition to the growth of efficient transport by rail, river and sea. By 1891,
the sheep population of Australia was estimated at 100 million. Gold production
had declined since the 1850s, but in the same year was still worth £5.2
million.[189] Eventually the economic expansion ended; the 1890s were a period of
economic depression, felt most strongly in Victoria, and its capital Melbourne.
The late 19th century had however, seen a great growth in
the cities of south eastern Australia. Australia's population (not including
Aborigines, who were excluded from census calculations) in 1900 was 3.7
million, almost 1 million of whom lived in Melbourne and Sydney.[190] More than
two-thirds of the population overall lived in cities and towns by the close of
the century, making "Australia one of the most urbanised societies in the
western world."[191]
William Strutt's Bushrangers on the St Kilda Road (1887),
scene of frequent hold-ups during the Victorian gold rush by bushrangers known
as the St Kilda Road robberies.
Ned Kelly's armour on display in the State Library of
Bushrangers, originally referred to runaway convicts in
the early years of the British settlement of Australia who had the survival
skills necessary to use the Australian bush as a refuge to hide from the
authorities. The term "bushranger" then evolved to refer to those who
abandoned social rights and privileges to take up "robbery under
arms" as a way of life, using the bush as their base.[192] These
bushrangers were roughly analogous to British "highwaymen" and
American "Old West outlaws," and their crimes often included robbing
small-town banks or coach services.
More than 2,000 bushrangers are believed to have roamed
the Australian countryside, beginning with the convict bolters and ending after
Ned Kelly's last stand at Glenrowan.[193]
Bold Jack Donahue is recorded as the last convict
bushranger.[193] He was reported in newspapers around 1827 as being responsible
for an outbreak of bushranging on the road between Sydney and Windsor.
Throughout the 1830s he was regarded as the most notorious bushranger in the
colony.[194] Leading a band of escaped convicts, Donahue became central to
Australian folklore as the Wild Colonial Boy.[193]
Bushranging was common on the mainland, but Van Diemen's
Land (Tasmania) produced the most violent and serious outbreaks of convict
bushrangers.[193] Hundreds of convicts were at large in the bush, farms were
abandoned and martial law was proclaimed. Indigenous outlaw Musquito defied
colonial law and led attacks on settlers.
The bushrangers' heyday was the Gold Rush years of the
1850s and 1860s.
There was much bushranging activity in the Lachlan
Valley, around Forbes, Yass and Cowra in New South Wales.[193] Frank Gardiner,
John Gilbert and Ben Hall led the most notorious gangs of the period. Other
active bushrangers included Dan Morgan, based in the Murray River, and Captain
Thunderbolt, killed outside Uralla.[193]
The increasing push of settlement, increased police
efficiency, improvements in rail transport and communications technology, such
as telegraphy, made it increasingly difficult for bushrangers to evade capture.
Among the last bushrangers were the Kelly Gang, led by
Ned Kelly, who were captured at Glenrowan in 1880, two years after they were
outlawed. Kelly was born in Victoria to an Irish convict father, and as a young
man he clashed with the Victoria Police. Following an incident at his home in
1878, police parties searched for him in the bush. After he killed three
policemen, the colony proclaimed Kelly and his gang wanted outlaws.
A final violent confrontation with police took place at
Glenrowan on 28 June 1880. Kelly, dressed in home-made plate metal armour and
helmet, was captured and sent to jail. He was hanged for murder at Old
Melbourne Gaol in November 1880. His daring and notoriety made him an iconic
figure in Australian history, folklore, literature, art and film.
Some bushrangers, most notably Ned Kelly in his
Jerilderie Letter, and in his final raid on Glenrowan, explicitly represented
themselves as political rebels. Attitudes to Kelly, by far the most well-known
bushranger, exemplify the ambivalent views of Australians regarding
Development of Australian democracy[edit]
Main article: Suffrage in Australia
South Australian suffragette Catherine Helen Spence
(1825–1910). In 1895 women in South Australia were among the first in the world
to attain the vote and were the first to be able to stand for parliament.
Traditional Aboriginal society had been governed by
councils of elders and a corporate decision making process, but the first
European-style governments established after 1788 were autocratic and run by
appointed governors—although English law was transplanted into the Australian
colonies by virtue of the doctrine of reception, thus notions of the rights and
processes established by the Magna Carta and the Bill of Rights 1689 were
brought from Britain by the colonists. Agitation for representative government
began soon after the settlement of the colonies.[195]
The oldest legislative body in Australia, the New South
Wales Legislative Council, was created in 1825 as an appointed body to advise
the Governor of New South Wales. William Wentworth established the Australian
Patriotic Association (Australia's first political party) in 1835 to demand
democratic government for New South Wales. The reformist attorney general, John
Plunkett, sought to apply Enlightenment principles to governance in the colony,
pursuing the establishment of equality before the law, first by extending jury
rights to emancipists, then by extending legal protections to convicts,
assigned servants and Aborigines. Plunkett twice charged the colonist
perpetrators of the Myall Creek massacre of Aborigines with murder, resulting
in a conviction and his landmark Church Act of 1836 disestablished the Church
of England and established legal equality between Anglicans, Catholics, Presbyterians
and later Methodists.[196]
In 1840, the Adelaide City Council and the Sydney City
Council were established. Men who possessed 1,000 pounds worth of property were
able to stand for election and wealthy landowners were permitted up to four
votes each in elections. Australia's first parliamentary elections were
conducted for the New South Wales Legislative Council in 1843, again with
voting rights (for males only) tied to property ownership or financial
capacity. Voter rights were extended further in New South Wales in 1850 and
elections for legislative councils were held in the colonies of Victoria, South
Australia and Tasmania.[197]
By the mid-19th century, there was a strong desire for
representative and responsible government in the colonies of Australia, fed by
the democratic spirit of the goldfields evident at the Eureka Stockade and the
ideas of the great reform movements sweeping Europe, the United States and the
British Empire. The end of convict transportation accelerated reform in the
1840s and 1850s. The Australian Colonies Government Act [1850] was a landmark
development which granted representative constitutions to New South Wales,
Victoria, South Australia and Tasmania and the colonies enthusiastically set
about writing constitutions which produced democratically progressive
parliaments—though the constitutions generally maintained the role of the
colonial upper houses as representative of social and economic
"interests" and all established Constitutional Monarchies with the
British monarch as the symbolic head of state.[198]
In 1855, limited self government was granted by London to
New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia and Tasmania. An innovative secret
ballot was introduced in Victoria, Tasmania and South Australia in 1856, in
which the government supplied voting paper containing the names of candidates
and voters could select in private. This system was adopted around the world,
becoming known as the "Australian Ballot". 1855 also saw the granting
of the right to vote to all male British subjects 21 years or over in South
Australia. This right was extended to Victoria in 1857 and New South Wales the
following year. The other colonies followed until, in 1896, Tasmania became the
last colony to grant universal male suffrage.[197]
Propertied women in the colony of South Australia were
granted the vote in local elections (but not parliamentary elections) in 1861.
Henrietta Dugdale formed the first Australian women's suffrage society in
Melbourne in 1884. Women became eligible to vote for the Parliament of South
Australia in 1895. This was the first legislation in the world permitting women
also to stand for election to political office and, in 1897, Catherine Helen
Spence became the first female political candidate for political office,
unsuccessfully standing for election as a delegate to the Federal Convention on
Australian Federation. Western Australia granted voting rights to women in
Legally, indigenous Australian males generally gained the
right to vote during this period when Victoria, New South Wales, Tasmania and
South Australia gave voting rights to all male British subjects over 21only
Queensland and Western Australia barred Aboriginal people from voting. Thus,
Aboriginal men and women voted in some jurisdictions for the first Commonwealth
Parliament in 1901. Early federal parliamentary reform and judicial
interpretation however sought to limit Aboriginal voting in practice—a
situation which endured until rights activists began campaigning in the
Though the various parliaments of Australia have been
constantly evolving, the key foundations for elected parliamentary government
have maintained an historical continuity in Australia from the 1850s into the
21st century.
Growth of nationalism[edit]
Main article: Federation of Australia
Golden Summer, Eaglemont (1889) by Arthur Streeton of the
Heidelberg School of art. The origins of a distinctly Australian style of
painting are often associated with this art movement of the 1880s and 90s.
By the late 1880s, a majority of people living in the
Australian colonies were native born, although over 90 per cent were of British
and Irish heritage.[202] Historian Don Gibb suggests that bushranger Ned Kelly
represented one dimension of the emerging attitudes of the native born
population. Identifying strongly with family and mates, Kelly was opposed to
what he regarded as oppression by Police and powerful Squatters. Almost
mirroring the Australian stereotype later defined by historian Rusel Ward,
Kelly became "a skilled bushman, adept with guns, horses and fists and
winning admiration from his peers in the district."[203] Journalist Vance
Palmer suggested although Kelly came to typify "the rebellious persona of
the country for later generations, (he really) belonged...to another
The bush balladeer Banjo Paterson contributed a number of
classic poems to Australian literature.
The Australian Native (1888) by Tom Roberts of the
Heidelberg School of art.
The origins of distinctly Australian painting is often
associated with this period and the Heidelberg School of the 1880s–1890s.[205]
Artists such as Arthur Streeton, Frederick McCubbin and Tom Roberts applied
themselves to recreating in their art a truer sense of light and colour as seen
in Australian landscape. Like the European Impressionists, they painted in the
open air. These artists found inspiration in the unique light and colour which
characterises the Australian bush. Their most recognised work involves scenes
of pastoral and wild Australia, featuring the vibrant, even harsh colours of
Australian summers.[206]
Australian literature was equally developing a distinct
voice. The classic Australian writers Henry Lawson, Banjo Paterson, Miles
Franklin, Norman Lindsay, Steele Rudd, Mary Gilmore, C J Dennis and Dorothea
Mackellar were all forged by—and indeed helped to forge—this period of growing
national identity. Views of Australia at times conflicted—Lawson and Paterson
contributed a series of verses to The Bulletin magazine in which they engaged
in a literary debate about the nature of life in Australia: Lawson (a
republican socialist) derided Paterson as a romantic, while Paterson (a country
born city lawyer) thought Lawson full of doom and gloom. Paterson wrote the
lyrics of the much-loved folksong Waltzing Matilda in 1895.[207] The song has
often been suggested as an Australia's national anthem and Advance Australia
Fair, the Australian national anthem since the late 1970s, itself was written
in 1887. Dennis wrote of laconic heroes in the Australian vernacular, while
McKellar rejected a love of England's pleasant pastures in favour of what she
termed a "Sunburnt Country" in her iconic poem: My Country
A common theme throughout the nationalist art, music and
writing of late 19th century was the romantic rural or bush myth, ironically
produced by one of the most urbanised societies in the world.[209] Paterson's
well known poem Clancy of the Overflow, written in 1889, evokes the romantic
myth. While bush ballads evidenced distinctively Australian popular medium of
music and of literature, Australian artists of a more classical mould—such as
the opera singer Dame Nellie Melba, and painters John Peter Russell and Rupert
Bunny—prefigured the 20th century expatriate Australians who knew little of
'stockyard and rails' but would travel abroad to influence Western art and
Federation movement[edit]
Despite suspicion from some sections of the colonial
community (especially in smaller colonies) about the value of nationhood,
improvements in inter-colonial transport and communication, including the
linking of Perth to the south eastern cities by telegraph in 1877,[211] helped
break down inter-colonial rivalries.
Amid calls from London for the establishment of an
intercolonial Australian army, and with the various colonies independently
constructing railway lines, New South Wales Premier Henry Parkes addressed a
rural audience in his 1889 Tenterfield Oration, stating that the time had come
to form a national executive government:[212]
“ Australia
[now has] a population of three and a half millions, and the American people
numbered only between three and four millions when they formed the great
commonwealth of the United States. The numbers were about the same, and surely
what the Americans had done by war, the Australians could bring about in peace,
without breaking the ties that held them to the mother country. ”
Though Parkes would not live to see it, his vision would
be achieved within a little over a decade, and he is remembered as the
"father of federation". Increasing nationalism, a growing sense of
national identity, improvements in transport and communications, as well as
fears about immigration and defence all combined to encourage the movement,
spurred on by organisations like the Australian Natives' Association. Despite
the growing calls for unification, loyalties to the British Empire remained
strong. At a Federation Conference banquet in 1890, Henry Parkes spoke of
blood-kinship linking the colonies to Britain and a "race" for whom
"the purpose of settling new countries has never had its equal on the face
of the earth"[213]
Sir Henry Parkes delivering the first resolution at the
federation conference in Melbourne, 1 March 1890
In 1890, representatives of the six colonies and New
Zealand had met in Melbourne and called for the union of the colonies and for
the colonial legislatures to nominate representatives to attend a
constitutional convention. The following year, the 1891 National Australasian
Convention was held in Sydney, with all the future states and New Zealand
represented. A draft Constitutional Bill was produced by the Constitution
Committee, chiefly drafted by Samuel Griffith, with Inglis Clark and Charles
Kingston, as well as the assistance of Edmund Barton. The delegates returned to
their parliaments with the Bill, but progress was slow, as Australia faced its
1890s economic Depression. Nevertheless, by 1895 five of the colonies elected
representatives for a second Convention, which was conducted in Adelaide,
Sydney and Melbourne over the space of a year, allowing time for consultation.
The Constitution Committee this time appointed Barton, Richard O'Connor and
John Downer to draft a Bill and after much debate, New South Wales, South
Australia and Tasmania adopted the Bill to be put to their voters. Queensland
and Western Australia later moved to do the same, though New Zealand did not
participate in the Convention.[214]
July 1898, saw the Bill put to a series of referenda in
four colonies, but New South Wales rejected the proposal. In 1899, a second
referendum put an amended Bill to the voters of the four colonies and
Queensland and the Bill was endorsed.[214]
In March 1900, delegates were dispatched to London, where
approval for the Bill was sought from the Imperial Parliament. The Bill was put
to the House of Commons and passed on 5 July 1900 and, soon after, was signed
into law by Queen Victoria. Lord Hopetoun was dispatched from London, tasked
with appointing an interim Cabinet to oversee the foundation of the
Commonwealth and conduct of the first elections.[214]
Despite a more radical vision for a separate Australia by
some colonists, including writer Henry Lawson, trade unionist William Lane and
as found in the pages of the Sydney Bulletin, by the end of 1899, and after
much colonial debate, the citizens of five of the six Australian colonies had
voted in referendums in favour of a constitution to form a Federation. Western
Australia voted to join in July 1900. The "Commonwealth of Australia
Constitution Act (UK)" was passed on 5 July 1900 and given Royal Assent by
Queen Victoria on 9 July 1900.[215]
Foundation of the Commonwealth of Australia[edit]
Main article: History of Australia (1901–1945)
Opening of the first Parliament of Australia in 1901
The Commonwealth of Australia came into being when the
Federal Constitution was proclaimed by the Governor-General, Lord Hopetoun, on
1 January 1901. The first Federal elections were held in March 1901 and
resulted in a narrow majority for the Protectionist Party over the Free Trade
Party with the Australian Labor Party (ALP) polling third. Labor declared it
would offer support to the party which offered concessions and Edmund Barton's
Protectionists formed a government, with Alfred Deakin as
Edmund Barton (left), the first Prime Minister of
Australia, with Alfred Deakin, the second Prime Minister.
Procession in support of an eight-hour work day, 4
October 1909
Barton promised to "create a high court, ...and an
efficient federal public service... He proposed to extend conciliation and
arbitration, create a uniform railway gauge between the eastern capitals,[217]
to introduce female federal franchise, to establish a...system of old age
pensions."[218] He also promised to introduce legislation to safeguard
"White Australia" from any influx of Asian or Pacific Island labour.
The Labor Party (the spelling "Labour" was
dropped in 1912) had been established in the 1890s, after the failure of the
Maritime and Shearer's strikes. Its strength was in the Australian Trade Union
movement "which grew from a membership of just under 100,000 in 1901 to
more than half a million in 1914."[219] The platform of the ALP was democratic
socialist. As noted by the historian Ross McMullin, "In the national
sphere Labor had taken the Protectionists as far in the direction of
progressive legislation as possible." In New South Wales, Frank McDonnell
dominated the agitation for the early closing of shops, which was achieved with
the passage of the Factories and Shops Act of 1900, while also securing the
extension of the grammar school scholarship system. In Western Australia,
Forrest introduced a conciliation and arbitration bill in 1900 which brought
trade unions into the state's social fabric for the first time ever. In
addition, WA Labor scored another victory with the passage of legislation which
extended workers' compensation. Under the premierships of Storey and Dooley in
New South Wales, various reforms were carried out such as the establishment of
the Rural Bank and the elimination of high school fees.[220]
The Labor Party's rising support at elections, together
with its formation of federal government in 1904 under Chris Watson, and again
in 1908, helped to unify competing conservative, free market and liberal
anti-socialists into the Commonwealth Liberal Party in 1909. Although this
party dissolved in 1916, a successor to its version of "liberalism"
in Australia which in some respects comprises an alliance of Millsian liberals
and Burkian conservatives united in support for individualism and opposition to
socialism can be found in the modern Liberal Party.[221] To represent rural
interests, the Country Party (today's National Party) was founded in 1913 in
Western Australia, and nationally in 1920, from a number of state-based
farmer's parties.[222]
Crowds gather to hear the Governor read the Queen's
proclamation on Federation in Brisbane, 1901
The Immigration Restriction Act 1901 was one of the first
laws passed by the new Australian parliament. Aimed to restrict immigration
from Asia (especially China), it found strong support in the national
parliament, arguments ranging from economic protection to outright racism.[223]
The law permitted a dictation test in any European language to be used to in
effect exclude non-"white" immigrants. While the law allowed for the
use of any European language, the English version was standardised and became
known as the "Stewart" test after the Federal MP Stewart Parnaby who
originally penned the exam.[224] The Labor Party wanted to protect
"white" jobs and pushed for clearer restrictions. A few politicians
spoke of the need to avoid hysterical treatment of the question. MP Bruce Smith
said he had "no desire to see low-class Indians, Chinamen or
Japanese...swarming into this country... But there is obligation...not (to)
unnecessarily offend the educated classes of those nations".[225] Donald
Cameron, a member from Tasmania, expressed a rare note of dissension in the
parliament, saying that no race on earth had been "treated in a more
shameful manner than have the Chinese...".[226] Outside parliament,
Australia's first Catholic cardinal, Patrick Francis Moran was politically
active and denounced anti-Chinese legislation as "unchristian".[227]
The popular press mocked the cardinal's position and the small European population
of Australia generally supported the legislation and remained fearful of being
overwhelmed by an influx of non-British migrants from the vastly different
cultures of the highly populated empires to Australia's north.
The law passed both houses of Parliament and remained a
central feature of Australia's immigration laws until abandoned in the 1950s.
In the 1930s, the Lyons government unsuccessfully attempted to exclude Egon
Erwin Kisch, a German Czechoslovakian communist author from entering Australia,
by means of a 'dictation test' in Scottish Gaelic. The High Court of Australia
ruled that Scottish Gaelic was not a European language within the meaning of
the Immigration Act (1901–25). Concerns emerged that the law could be used for
such political purposes.[228][229]
Before 1901, units of soldiers from all six Australian
colonies had been active as part of British forces in the Boer War. When the
British government asked for more troops from Australia in early 1902, the
Australian government obliged with a national contingent. Some 16,500 men had
volunteered for service by the war's end in June 1902.[230] But Australians
soon felt vulnerable closer to home. The Anglo-Japanese Alliance of 1902
"allowed the Royal Navy to withdraw its capital ships from the Pacific by
1907. Australians saw themselves in time of war a lonely, sparsely populated
outpost."[231] The impressive visit of the US Navy's Great White Fleet in
1908 emphasised to the government the value of an Australian navy. The Defence
Act of 1909 reinforced the importance of Australian defence, and in February
1910, Lord Kitchener provided further advice on a defence scheme based on
conscription. By 1913, the battlecruiser Australia led the fledgling Royal
Australian Navy. Historian Bill Gammage estimates that on the eve of war,
Australia had 200,000 men "under arms of some sort".[232]
Historian Humphrey McQueen has it that working and living
conditions for Australia's working classes in the early 20th century were of
"frugal comfort."[233] While the establishment of an Arbitration
court for Labour disputes was divisive, it was an acknowledgement of the need
to set Industrial awards, where all wage earners in one industry enjoyed the
same conditions of employment and wages. The Harvester Judgment of 1907 recognised
the concept of a basic wage and in 1908 the Federal government also began an
old age pension scheme. Thus the new Commonwealth gained recognition as a
laboratory for social experimentation and positive liberalism.[216]
Catastrophic droughts plagued some regions in the late
1890s and early 20th century and together with a growing rabbit plague, created
great hardship in the rural area of Australia. Despite this, a number of
writers "imagined a time when Australia would outstrip Britain in wealth
and importance, when its open spaces would support rolling acres of farms and
factories to match those of the United States. Some estimated the future
population at 100 million, 200 million or more."[234] Amongst these was E.
J. Brady, whose 1918 book Australia Unlimited described Australia's inland as
ripe for development and settlement, "destined one day to pulsate with
With the encouragement of Queensland, in 1884, a British
protectorate had been proclaimed over the southern coast of New Guinea and its
adjacent islands. British New Guinea, was annexed outright in 1888. The
possession was placed under the authority of the newly federated Commonwealth
of Australia in 1902 and with passage of the Papua Act of 1905, British New
Guinea became the Australian Territory of Papua, with formal Australian
administration beginning in 1906.[236]
First World War[edit]
Main articles: Military history of Australia during World
War I, Home front during World War I § Australia and Economic history of World
War I § Australia
Australian soldiers in Egypt with a kangaroo as
regimental mascot, 1914.
8 August 1918, by Will Longstaff. A depiction of the
Battle of Amiens in which Australian commanders and forces played a major role
in inflicting the "Black day of the German Army".
Naval parade through Brisbane on Heroes' Day, 1917
The outbreak of war in Europe in August 1914
automatically involved "all of Britain's colonies and
dominions".[237] Prime Minister Andrew Fisher probably expressed the views
of most Australians when during the election campaign of late July he said:
“ Turn your
eyes to the European situation, and give the kindest feelings towards the
mother country.... I sincerely hope that international arbitration will avail
before Europe is convulsed in the greatest war of all time.... But should the
worst happen... Australians will stand beside our own to help and defend her to
the last man and the last shilling.[237] ”
More than 416,000 Australian men volunteered to fight
during the First World War between 1914 and 1918[238] from a total national
population of 4.9 million.[239] Historian Lloyd Robson estimates this as
between one third and one half of the eligible male population.[240] The Sydney
Morning Herald referred to the outbreak of war as Australia's "Baptism of
Fire."[241] 8,141 men[242] were killed in 8 months of fighting at
Gallipoli, on the Turkish coast. After the Australian Imperial Forces (AIF) was
withdrawn in late 1915, and enlarged to five divisions, most were moved to
France to serve under British command.
Some forces remained in the Mid-East, including members
of the Light Horse Regiment. Light horseman of the 4th and 12th Regiments
captured heavily fortified Beersheba from Turk forces by means of a cavalry
charge at full gallop on 31 October 1917. One of the last great cavalry charges
in history, the attack opened a way for the allies to outflank the
Gaza-Beersheba Line and drive the Ottomans back into Palestine.[243]
The AIF's first experience of warfare on the Western
Front was also the most costly single encounter in Australian military history.
In July 1916, at Fromelles, in a diversionary attack during the Battle of the
Somme, the AIF suffered 5,533 killed or wounded in 24 hours.[244] Sixteen
months later, the five Australian divisions became the Australian Corps, first
under the command of General Birdwood, and later the Australian General Sir
John Monash. Two bitterly fought and divisive conscription referendums were
held in Australia in 1916 and 1917. Both failed, and Australia's army remained
a volunteer force.
General Sir John Monash in 1918.
John Monash was appointed corps commander of the
Australian forces in May 1918 and led some significant attacks in the final
stages of the war. British Field Marshal Montgomery later called him "the
best general on the western front in Europe". Monash made the protection
of infantry a priority and sought to fully integrate all the new technologies
of warfare in both the planning and execution of battles, thus he wrote that
infantry should not be sacrificed needlessly to enemy bayonets and machine
guns—but rather should "advance under the maximum possible protection of
the maximum possible array of mechanical resources, in the form of guns,
machine-guns, tanks, mortars and aeroplanes". His first operation at the
relatively small Battle of Hamel demonstrated the validity of his approach and
later actions before the Hindenburg Line in 1918 confirmed it. Monash was
knighted in the field of battle by King George V following 8 August advance
during the Battle of Amiens.[245] General Erich Ludendorff, the German
commander, later wrote of 8 August 1918 as "the black day of the German
Army... The 8th of August put the decline of [German] fighting power beyond all
doubt".[246] Amiens, fought between 8 and 11 August 1918, marked the
beginning of the allied advance that culminated in the 11 November Armistice
ended the war.[246]
![]() |
Australian Warship |
Over 60,000 Australians had died during the conflict and
160,000 were wounded, a high proportion of the 330,000 who had fought
While the Gallipoli campaign was a total failure
militarily and 8100 Australians died, its memory was all-important. Gallipoli
transformed the Australian mind and became an iconic element of the Australian
identity and the founding moment of nationhood.[247] Australia's annual holiday
to remember its war dead is held on ANZAC Day, 25 April, each year, the date of
the first landings at Gallipoli in 1915.[248] The choice of date is often
mystifying to non-Australians; it was after all, an allied invasion that ended
in military defeat. Bill Gammage has suggested that the choice of 25 April has
always meant much to Australians because at Gallipoli, "the great machines
of modern war were few enough to allow ordinary citizens to show what they
could do." In France, between 1916 and 1918, "where almost seven
times as many (Australians) died,... the guns showed cruelly, how little
individuals mattered."[249]
In 1919, Prime Minister Billy Hughes and former Prime
Minister Joseph Cook took Australia's seat at the Versailles peace
conference.[250] Hughes' signing of the Treaty of Versailles was the first time
Australia had signed an international treaty. Hughes demanded heavy reparations
from Germany and frequently clashed with US President Woodrow Wilson. At one
point Hughes declared: "I speak for 60,000 [Australian] dead".[251]
He went on to ask of Wilson; "How many do you speak for?"
Hughes demanded that Australia have independent
representation within the newly formed League of Nations and was the most
prominent opponent of the inclusion of the Japanese racial equality proposal,
which as a result of lobbying by him and others was not included in the final
Treaty, deeply offending Japan. Hughes was concerned by the rise of Japan.
Within months of the declaration of the European War in 1914; Japan, Australia
and New Zealand seized all German possessions in the South West Pacific. Though
Japan occupied German possessions with the blessings of the British, Hughes was
alarmed by this policy.[252] In 1919 at the Peace Conference the Dominion
leaders argued their case to keep their occupied German possessions and these
territories were given a "Class C Mandates" to the respective
Dominions. Japan obtained control over the South Pacific Mandate, north of the
equator.[252] German New Guinea, the Bismarck Archipelago and Nauru were
assigned to Australia as League of Nations Mandates: in the category of
territories "formerly governed [by the Central Powers] and which are
inhabited by peoples not yet able to stand by themselves under the strenuous
conditions of the modern world".[253] Thus the Territory of New Guinea
came under Australian administration.
Inter-war years[edit]
1920s: men, money and markets[edit]
Australian soldiers carrying Prime Minister Billy Hughes,
the 'little digger', down George Street, Sydney after his return from the Paris
Peace Conference, 1919.
After the war, Prime Minister Billy Hughes led a new
conservative force, the Nationalist Party, formed from the old Liberal party
and breakaway elements of Labor (of which he was the most prominent), after the
deep and bitter split over Conscription. An estimated 12,000 Australians died
as a result of the Spanish flu pandemic of 1919, almost certainly brought home
by returning soldiers.[254]
The Revd John Flynn, founder of the Royal Flying Doctor
Pioneer aviator, Sir Charles Kingsford Smith.
Edith Cowan (1861–1932) was elected to the West
Australian Legislative Assembly in 1921 and was the first woman elected to any
Australian Parliament.
The success of the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia posed a
threat in the eyes of many Australians, although to a small group of
socialists, it was an inspiration. The Communist Party of Australia was formed
in 1920 and, though remaining electorally insignificant, it obtained some
influence in the trade union movement and was banned during World War II for
its support for the Hitler-Stalin Pact and the Menzies Government
unsuccessfully tried to ban it again during the Korean War. Despite splits, the
party remained active until its dissolution at the end of the Cold
The Country Party (today's National Party) formed in 1920
to promulgate its version of agrarianism, which it called
"Countrymindedness". The goal was to enhance the status of the graziers
(operators of big sheep ranches) and small farmers, and secure subsidies for
them.[257] Enduring longer than any other major party save the Labor party, it
has generally operated in Coalition with the Liberal Party (since the 1940s),
becoming a major party of government in Australia—particularly in Queensland.
Other significant after-effects of the war included
ongoing industrial unrest, which included the 1923 Victorian Police
strike.[258] Industrial disputes characterised the 1920s in Australia. Other
major strikes occurred on the waterfront, in the coalmining and timber
industries in the late 1920s. The union movement had established the Australian
Council of Trade Unions (ACTU) in 1927 in response to the Nationalist
government's efforts to change working conditions and reduce the power of the
The consumerism, entertainment culture, and new
technologies that characterised the 1920s in the United States were also found
in Australia. Prohibition was not implemented in Australia, though anti-alcohol
forces were successful in having hotels closed after 6 pm, and closed
altogether in a few city suburbs.[259]
The fledgling film industry declined through the decade,
over 2 million Australians attending cinemas weekly at 1250 venues. A Royal
Commission in 1927 failed to assist and the industry that had begun so brightly
with the release of the world's first feature film, The Story of the Kelly Gang
(1906), atrophied until its revival in the 1970s.[260][261]
Stanley Bruce became Prime Minister in 1923, when members
of the Nationalist Party Government voted to remove W.M. Hughes. Speaking in
early 1925, Bruce summed up the priorities and optimism of many Australians,
saying that "men, money and markets accurately defined the essential
requirements of Australia" and that he was seeking such from Britain.[262]
The migration campaign of the 1920s, operated by the Development and Migration
Commission, brought almost 300,000 Britons to Australia,[263] although schemes
to settle migrants and returned soldiers "on the land" were generally
not a success. "The new irrigation areas in Western Australia and the
Dawson Valley of Queensland proved disastrous"[264]
In Australia, the costs of major investment had
traditionally been met by state and Federal governments and heavy borrowing
from overseas was made by the governments in the 1920s. A Loan Council set up
in 1928 to co-ordinate loans, three-quarters of which came from overseas.[265]
Despite Imperial Preference, a balance of trade was not successfully achieved
with Britain. "In the five years from 1924..to..1928, Australia bought
43.4% of its imports from Britain and sold 38.7% of its exports. Wheat and wool
made up more than two-thirds of all Australian exports," a dangerous
reliance on just two export commodities.[266]
Australia embraced the new technologies of transport and
communication. Coastal sailing ships were finally abandoned in favour of steam,
and improvements in rail and motor transport heralded dramatic changes in work
and leisure. In 1918 there were 50,000 cars and lorries in the whole of
Australia. By 1929 there were 500,000.[267] The stage coach company Cobb and
Co, established in 1853, finally closed in 1924.[268] In 1920, the Queensland
and Northern Territory Aerial Service (to become the Australian airline Qantas)
was established.[269] The Reverend John Flynn, founded the Royal Flying Doctor
Service, the world's first air ambulance in 1928.[270] Daredevil pilot, Sir
Charles Kingsford Smith pushed the new flying machines to the limit, completing
a round Australia circuit in 1927 and in 1928 traversed the Pacific Ocean, via
Hawaii and Fiji from the US to Australia in the aircraft Southern Cross. He
went on to global fame and a series of aviation records before vanishing on a
night flight to Singapore in 1935.[271]
Dominion status[edit]
George V with his prime ministers. Standing (left to
right): Monroe (Newfoundland), Coates (New Zealand), Bruce (Australia), Hertzog
(Union of South Africa), Cosgrave (Irish Free State). Seated: Baldwin (UK),
King George V, King (Canada).
Australia achieved independent Sovereign Nation status
after World War I, under the Statute of Westminster. This formalised the
Balfour Declaration of 1926, a report resulting from the 1926 Imperial
Conference of British Empire leaders in London, which defined Dominions of the
British empire in the following way
“ They are
autonomous Communities within the British Empire, equal in status, in no way
subordinate one to another in any aspect of their domestic or external affairs,
though united by a common allegiance to the Crown, and freely associated as
members of the British Commonwealth of Nations.[272] ”
However, Australia did not ratify the Statute of
Westminster until 1942. According to historian Frank Crowley, this was because Australians
had little interest in redefining their relationship with Britain until the
crisis of World War Two.[273]
The Australia Act 1986 removed any remaining links
between the British Parliament and the Australian states.
From 1 February 1927 until 12 June 1931, the Northern
Territory was divided up as North Australia and Central Australia at latitude
20°S. New South Wales has had one further territory surrendered, namely Jervis
Bay Territory comprising 6,677 hectares, in 1915. The external territories were
added: Norfolk Island (1914); Ashmore Island, Cartier Islands (1931); the
Australian Antarctic Territory transferred from Britain (1933); Heard Island,
McDonald Islands, and Macquarie Island transferred to Australia from Britain
The Federal Capital Territory (FCT) was formed from New
South Wales in 1911 to provide a location for the proposed new federal capital
of Canberra (Melbourne was the seat of government from 1901 to 1927). The FCT
was renamed the Australian Capital Territory (ACT) in 1938. The Northern
Territory was transferred from the control of the South Australian government
to the Commonwealth in 1911.
Great Depression[edit]
Main article: Great Depression in Australia
In 1931, over 1,000 unemployed men marched from the
Esplanade to the Treasury Building in Perth, Western Australia to see Premier
Sir James Mitchell.
Ribbon ceremony to open the Sydney Harbour Bridge on 20
March 1932. Breaking protocol, the soon to be dismissed Premier Jack Lang cuts
the ribbon while Governor Philip Game looks on.
Australia was deeply affected by the Great Depression of
the 1930s, particularly due to its heavy dependence on exports, especially
primary products such as wool and wheat,[274] Exposed by continuous borrowing
to fund capital works in the 1920s, the Australian and state governments were
"already far from secure in 1927, when most economic indicators took a
turn for the worse. Australia's dependence of exports left her extraordinarily
vulnerable to world market fluctuations," according to economic historian
Geoff Spenceley.[275] Debt by the state of New South Wales accounted for almost
half of Australia's accumulated debt by December 1927. The situation caused
alarm amongst a few politicians and economists, notably Edward Shann of the
University of Western Australia, but most political, union and business leaders
were reluctant to admit to serious problems.[276] In 1926, Australian Finance
magazine described loans as occurring with a "disconcerting
frequency" unrivalled in the British Empire: "It may be a loan to pay
off maturing loans or a loan to pay the interest on existing loans, or a loan
to repay temporary loans from the bankers...[277] Thus, well before the Wall
Street Crash of 1929, the Australian economy was already facing significant
difficulties. As the economy slowed in 1927, so did manufacturing and the
country slipped into recession as profits slumped and unemployment rose.[278]
At elections held in October 1929 the Labor Party was
swept to power in a landslide and Stanley Bruce, the former Prime Minister,
lost his own seat. The new Prime Minister, James Scullin, and his largely
inexperienced government were almost immediately faced with a series of crises.
Hamstrung by their lack of control of the Senate, a lack of control over the
banking system and divisions within their party over how best to deal with the
situation, the government was forced to accept solutions that eventually split
the party, as it had in 1917. Some gravitated to New South Wales Premier Lang,
others to Prime Minister Scullin.
Various "plans" to resolve the crisis were
suggested; Sir Otto Niemeyer, a representative of the English banks who visited
in mid-1930, proposed a deflationary plan, involving cuts to government
spending and wages. Treasurer Ted Theodore proposed a mildly inflationary plan,
while the Labor Premier of New South Wales, Jack Lang, proposed a radical plan
which repudiated overseas debt.[279] The "Premier's Plan" finally accepted
by federal and state governments in June 1931, followed the deflationary model
advocated by Niemeyer and included a reduction of 20 per cent in government
spending, a reduction in bank interest rates and an increase in taxation.[280]
In March 1931, Lang announced that interest due in London would not be paid and
the Federal government stepped in to meet the debt. In May, the Government
Savings Bank of New South Wales was forced to close. The Melbourne Premiers'
Conference agreed to cut wages and pensions as part of a severe deflationary
policy but Lang renounced the plan. The grand opening of the Sydney Harbour
Bridge in 1932 provided little respite to the growing crisis straining the
young federation. With multimillion pound debts mounting, public demonstrations
and move and counter-move by Lang and the Scullin, then Lyons federal
governments, the Governor of New South Wales, Philip Game, had been examining
Lang's instruction not to pay money into the Federal Treasury. Game judged it
was illegal. Lang refused to withdraw his order and, on 13 May, he was
dismissed by Governor Game. At June elections, Lang Labor's seats
May 1931 had seen the creation of a new conservative
political force, the United Australia Party formed by breakaway members of the
Labor Party combining with the Nationalist Party. At Federal elections in
December 1931, the United Australia Party, led by former Labor member Joseph
Lyons, easily won office. They remained in power until September 1940. The
Lyons government has often been credited with steering recovery from the
depression, although just how much of this was owed to their policies remains
contentious.[282] Stuart Macintyre also points out that although Australian GDP
grew from £386.9 million to £485.9 million between 1931–32 and 1938–39, real
domestic product per head of population was still "but a few shillings
greater in 1938–39 (£70.12), than it had been in 1920–21 (£70.04).[283]
21-year-old Don Bradman is chaired off the cricket pitch
after scoring a world record 452 runs not out in 1930. Sporting success lifted
Australian spirits through the Depression years.
Australia recovered relatively quickly from the financial
downturn of 1929–1930, with recovery beginning around 1932. The Prime Minister,
Joseph Lyons, favoured the tough economic measures of the Premiers' Plan,
pursued an orthodox fiscal policy and refused to accept the proposals of the
Premier of New South Wales, Jack Lang, to default on overseas debt repayments.
According to author Anne Henderson of the Sydney Institute, Lyons held a
steadfast belief in "the need to balance budgets, lower costs to business
and restore confidence" and the Lyons period gave Australia
"stability and eventual growth" between the drama of the Depression
and the outbreak of the Second World War. A lowering of wages was enforced and
industry tariff protections maintained, which together with cheaper raw
materials during the 1930s saw a shift from agriculture to manufacturing as the
chief employer of the Australian economy—a shift which was consolidated by
increased investment by the commonwealth government into defence and armaments
manufacture. Lyons saw restoration of Australia's exports as the key to
economic recovery.[284]
Phar Lap, c. 1930.
There is debate over the extent reached by unemployment
in Australia, often cited as peaking at 29 per cent in 1932. "Trade Union
figures are the most often quoted, but the people who were there...regard the
figures as wildly understating the extent of unemployment" wrote historian
Wendy Lowenstein in her collection of oral histories of the Depression.[285]
However, David Potts argues that "over the last thirty years ...historians
of the period have either uncritically accepted that figure (29% in the peak
year 1932) including rounding it up to 'a third,' or they have passionately
argued that a third is far too low."[286] Potts suggests a peak national
figure of 25 per cent unemployed.[287]
However, there seems little doubt that there was great
variation in levels of unemployment. Statistics collected by historian Peter
Spearritt show 17.8 per cent of men and 7.9 per cent of women unemployed in
1933 in the comfortable Sydney suburb of Woollahra. In the working class suburb
of Paddington, 41.3 per cent of men and 20.7 per cent of women were listed as
unemployed.[288] Geoffrey Spenceley argues that apart from variation between
men and women, unemployment was also much higher in some industries, such as
the building and construction industry, and comparatively low in the public
administrative and professional sectors.[289] In country areas, worst hit were
small farmers in the wheat belts as far afield as north-east Victoria and
Western Australia, who saw more and more of their income absorbed by interest
Extraordinary sporting successes did something to
alleviate the spirits of Australians during the economic downturn. In a
Sheffield Shield cricket match at the Sydney Cricket Ground in 1930, Don
Bradman, a young New South Welshman of just 21 years of age wrote his name into
the record books by smashing the previous highest batting score in first-class
cricket with 452 runs not out in just 415 minutes.[291] The rising star's world
beating cricketing exploits were to provide Australians with much needed joy
through the emerging Great Depression and Post World War Two recovery. Between
1929 and 1931 the racehorse Phar Lap dominated Australia's racing industry, at
one stage winning fourteen races in a row.[292] Famous victories included the
1930 Melbourne Cup, following an assassination attempt and carrying 9 stone 12
pounds weight.[293] Phar Lap sailed for the United States in 1931, going on to
win North America's richest race, the Agua Caliente Handicap in 1932. Soon
after, on the cusp of US success, Phar Lap developed suspicious symptoms and
died. Theories swirled that the champion race horse had been poisoned and a
devoted Australian public went in to shock.[294] The 1938 British Empire Games
were held in Sydney from 5–12 February, timed to coincide with Sydney's
sesqui-centenary (150 years since the foundation of British settlement in
Second World War[edit]
Main articles: Military history of Australia during World
War II, Axis naval activity in Australian waters and Proposed Japanese invasion
of Australia during World War II
Prime Minister Robert Menzies and British Prime Minister
Winston Churchill in 1941.
Defence policy in the 1930s[edit]
The light cruiser HMAS Sydney, lost in a battle in the
Indian Ocean, November 1941.
Until the late 1930s, defence was not a significant issue
for Australians. At the 1937 elections, both political parties advocated
increased defence spending, in the context of increased Japanese aggression in
China and Germany's aggression in Europe. There was a difference in opinion
over how the defence spending should be allocated however. The United Australia
Party government emphasised co-operation with Britain in "a policy of
imperial defence." The lynchpin of this was the British naval base at
Singapore and the Royal Navy battle fleet "which, it was hoped, would use
it in time of need."[295] Defence spending in the inter-war years
reflected this priority. In the period 1921–1936 totalled £40 million on the
Royal Australian Navy, £20 million on the Australian Army and £6 million on the
Royal Australian Air Force (established in 1921, the "youngest" of
the three services). In 1939, the Navy, which included two heavy cruisers and
four light cruisers, was the service best equipped for war.[296]
Fearing Japanese intentions in the Pacific, Menzies
established independent embassies in Tokyo and Washington to receive
independent advice about developments.[297] Gavin Long argues that the Labor
opposition urged greater national self-reliance through a build up of
manufacturing and more emphasis on the Army and RAAF, as Chief of the General
Staff, John Lavarack also advocated.[298] In November 1936, Labor leader John
Curtin said "The dependence of Australia upon the competence, let alone
the readiness, of British statesmen to send forces to our aid is too dangerous
a hazard upon which to found Australia's defence policy."[299] According
to John Robertson, "some British leaders had also realised that their
country could not fight Japan and Germany at the same time." But
"this was never discussed candidly at...meeting(s) of Australian and
British defence planners", such as the 1937 Imperial Conference.[300]
By September 1939 the Australian Army numbered 3,000
regulars.[301] A recruiting campaign in late 1938, led by Major-General Thomas
Blamey increased the reserve militia to almost 80,000.[302] The first division
raised for war was designated the 6th Division, of the 2nd AIF, there being 5
Militia Divisions on paper and a 1st AIF in the First World War.[303]
On 3 September 1939, the Prime Minister, Robert Menzies,
made a national radio broadcast:
“ My fellow
Australians. It is my melancholy duty to inform you, officially, that, in
consequence of the persistence by Germany in her invasion of Poland, Great
Britain has declared war upon her, and that, as a result, Australia is also at
war.[304] ”
A patrol from the 2/13th Infantry Battalion at Tobruk in
North Africa, (AWM 020779). The 1941 Siege of Tobruk saw an Australian garrison
halt the advance of Hitler's Panzer divisions for the first time since the
commencement of the war.
Australian troops at Milne Bay, Papua. The Australian
army was the first to inflict defeat on the Imperial Japanese Army during World
War II at the Battle of Milne Bay of August–September 1942.
An Australian light machine gun team in action near
Wewak, Papua New Guinea, in June 1945
Thus began Australia's involvement in the six-year global
conflict. Australians were to fight in an extraordinary variety of locations,
from withstanding the advance of Hitler's Panzers in the Siege of Tobruk; to
turning back the advance of the Imperial Japanese Army in the New Guinea
Campaign. From bomber missions over Europe and Mediterranean naval engagements,
to facing Japanese mini-sub raids on Sydney Harbour and devastating air raids
on the city of Darwin.[305]
The recruitment of a volunteer military force for service
at home and abroad was announced, the 2nd Australian Imperial Force and a
citizen militia organised for local defence. Troubled by Britain's failure to
increase defences at Singapore, Menzies was cautious in committing troops to
Europe. By the end of June 1940, France, Norway and the Low Countries had
fallen to Nazi Germany. Britain stood alone with its dominions. Menzies called
for "all-out war", increasing federal powers and introducing conscription.
Menzies' minority government came to rely on just two independents after the
1940 election
In January 1941, Menzies flew to Britain to discuss the
weakness of Singapore's defences. Arriving in London during The Blitz, Menzies
was invited into Winston Churchill's British War Cabinet for the duration of
his visit. Returning to Australia, with the threat of Japan imminent and with
the Australian army suffering badly in the Greek and Crete campaigns, Menzies
re-approached the Labor Party to form a War Cabinet. Unable to secure their
support, and with an unworkable parliamentary majority, Menzies resigned as
Prime Minister. The Coalition held office for another month, before the
independents switched allegiance and John Curtin was sworn in as Prime
Minister.[297] Eight weeks later, Japan attacked Pearl Harbor.
From 1940 to 1941, Australian forces played prominent
roles in the fighting in the Mediterranean theatre, including Operation
Compass, the Siege of Tobruk, the Greek campaign, the Battle of Crete, the
Syria–Lebanon Campaign and the Second Battle of El Alamein.
A garrison of around 14,000 Australian soldiers,
commanded by Lieutenant General Leslie Morshead was besieged in Tobruk, Libya
by the German-Italian army of General Erwin Rommel between April and August
1941. The Nazi propagandist Lord Haw Haw derided the defenders as 'rats', a
term the soldiers adopted as an ironic compliment: "The Rats of
Tobruk".[306] Vital in the defence of Egypt and the Suez Canal, the Siege
saw the advance of the German army halted for the first time and provided a
morale boost for the British Commonwealth, which was then standing alone
against Hitler.[citation needed]
The war came closer to home when HMAS Sydney was lost
with all hands in battle with the German raider Kormoran in November 1941.
With most of Australia's best forces committed to fight
against Hitler in the Middle East, Japan attacked Pearl Harbor, the US naval
base in Hawaii, on 8 December 1941 (eastern Australia time). The British
battleship HMS Prince of Wales and battlecruiser HMS Repulse sent to defend
Singapore were sunk soon afterwards. Australia was ill prepared for an attack,
lacking armaments, modern fighter aircraft, heavy bombers, and aircraft
carriers. While demanding reinforcements from Churchill, on 27 December 1941
Curtin published an historic announcement:[307]
“ "The
Australian Government... regards the Pacific struggle as primarily one in which
the United States and Australia must have the fullest say in the direction of
the democracies' fighting plan. Without inhibitions of any kind, I make it
clear that Australia looks to America, free of any pangs as to our traditional
links or kinship with the United Kingdom."[308] ”
Dutch and Australian PoWs at Tarsau, in Thailand in 1943.
22,000 Australians were captured by the Japanese; 8,000 died as POWs.
US General Douglas MacArthur, Commander of Allied forces
in the Pacific, with Prime Minister John Curtin.
British Malaya quickly collapsed, shocking the Australian
nation. British, Indian and Australian troops made a disorganised last stand at
Singapore, before surrendering on 15 February 1942. Around 15,000 Australian
soldiers became prisoners of war. Curtin predicted that the "battle for
Australia" would now follow. On 19 February, Darwin suffered a devastating
air raid, the first time the Australian mainland had ever been attacked by
enemy forces. Over the following 19 months, Australia was attacked from the air
almost 100 times.
Two battle-hardened Australian divisions were already
steaming from the Middle East for Singapore. Churchill wanted them diverted to
Burma, but Curtin refused, and anxiously awaited their return to Australia. US
President Franklin D. Roosevelt ordered his commander in the Philippines,
General Douglas MacArthur, to formulate a Pacific defence plan with Australia
in March 1942. Curtin agreed to place Australian forces under the command of
General MacArthur, who became "Supreme Commander of the South West
Pacific". Curtin had thus presided over a fundamental shift in Australia's
foreign policy. MacArthur moved his headquarters to Melbourne in March 1942 and
American troops began massing in Australia. In late May 1942, Japanese midget
submarines sank an accommodation vessel in a daring raid on Sydney Harbour. On
8 June 1942, two Japanese submarines briefly shelled Sydney's eastern suburbs and
the city of Newcastle.[309]
Australian soldiers display Japanese flags they captured
at Kaiapit, New Guinea in 1943.
In an effort to isolate Australia, the Japanese planned a
seaborne invasion of Port Moresby, in the Australian Territory of New Guinea.
In May 1942, the US Navy engaged the Japanese in the Battle of the Coral Sea
and halted the attack. The Battle of Midway in June effectively defeated the
Japanese navy and the Japanese army launched a land assault on Moresby from the
north.[169] Between July and November 1942, Australian forces repulsed Japanese
attempts on the city by way of the Kokoda Track, in the highlands of New
Guinea. The Battle of Milne Bay in August 1942 was the first Allied defeat of
Japanese land forces.
Meanwhile in North Africa, the Axis Powers had driven
Allies back in to Egypt. A turning point came between July and November 1942,
when Australia's 9th Division played a crucial role in some of the heaviest
fighting of the First and Second Battle of El Alamein, which turned the North
Africa Campaign in favour of the Allies.[310]
The Battle of Buna–Gona, between November 1942 and
January 1943, set the tone for the bitter final stages of the New Guinea
campaign, which persisted into 1945. The offensives in Papua and New Guinea of
1943–44 were the single largest series of connected operations ever mounted by
the Australian armed forces.[311] On 14 May 1943, the Australian Hospital Ship
Centaur, though clearly marked as a medical vessel, was sunk by Japanese
raiders off the Queensland coast, killing 268, including all but one of the
nursing staff, further enraging popular opinion against Japan.[312][313]
Australian Prisoners of War were at this time suffering
severe ill-treatment in the Pacific Theatre. In 1943, 2,815 Australian Pows
died constructing Japan's Burma-Thailand Railway[314] In 1944, the Japanese
inflicted the Sandakan Death March on 2,000 Australian and British prisoners of
war—only 6 survived. This was the single worst war crime perpetrated against
Australians in war.[315]
MacArthur largely excluded Australian forces from the
main push north into the Philippines and Japan. It was left to Australia to
lead amphibious assaults against Japanese bases in Borneo. Curtin suffered from
ill health from the strains of office and died weeks before the war ended,
replaced by Ben Chifley.
Of Australia's wartime population of seven million,
almost one million men and women served in a branch of the services during the
six years of warfare. By war's end, gross enlistments totalled 727,200 men and
women in the Australian Army (of whom 557,800 served overseas), 216,900 in the
RAAF and 48,900 in the RAN. Over 39,700 were killed or died as
prisoners-of-war, about 8,000 of whom died as prisoners of the Japanese.[316]
Australian home front[edit]
Main article: Australian home front during World War II
1942 Australian propaganda poster. Australia feared
invasion by Imperial Japan following the invasion of the Australian Territory
of New Guinea and Fall of Singapore in early 1942.
Australian women were encouraged to contribute to the war
effort by joining one of the female branches of the armed forces or
participating in the labour force.
The Bombing of Darwin, 19 February 1942. Japanese air
raids on Australia during 1942–43 killed hundreds of servicemen and civilians,
while Axis naval activity in Australian waters threatened shipping between 1940
and 1945.
While the Australian civilian population suffered less at
the hands of the Axis powers than did other Allied nations in Asia and Europe,
Australia nevertheless came under direct attack by Japanese naval forces and
aerial bombardments, particularly through 1942 and 1943, resulting in hundreds
of fatalities and fuelling fear of Japanese invasion. Axis naval activity in Australian
waters also brought the war close to home for Australians. Austerity measures,
rationing and labour controls measurers were all implemented to assist the war
effort.[317] Australian civilians dug air raid shelters, trained in civil
defence and first aid, and Australian ports and cities were equipped with anti
aircraft and sea defences.[318]
The Australian economy was markedly affected by World War
II.[319] Expenditure on war reached 37 per cent of GDP by 1943–44, compared to
4 per cent expenditure in 1939–1940.[320] Total war expenditure was £2,949
million between 1939 and 1945.[321]
Although the peak of army enlistments occurred in
June–July 1940, when over 70,000 enlisted, it was the Curtin Labor Government,
formed in October 1941, that was largely responsible for "a complete
revision of the whole Australian economic, domestic and industrial
life."[322] Rationing of fuel, clothing and some food was introduced,
(although less severely than in Britain) Christmas holidays curtailed, "brown
outs" introduced and some public transport reduced. From December 1941,
the Government evacuated all women and children from Darwin and northern
Australia, and over 10,000 refugees arrived from South East Asia as Japan
advanced.[323] In January 1942, the Manpower Directorate was set up "to
ensure the organisation of Australians in the best possible way to meet all
defence requirements."[322] Minister for War Organisation of Industry,
John Dedman introduced a degree of austerity and government control previously
unknown, to such an extent that he was nicknamed "the man who killed
Father Christmas."
In May 1942 uniform tax laws were introduced in
Australia, as state governments relinquished their control over income
taxation, "The significance of this decision was greater than any other...
made throughout the war, as it added extensive powers to the Federal Government
and greatly reduced the financial autonomy of the states."[324]
Manufacturing grew significantly because of the war.
"In 1939 there were only three Australian firms producing machine tools,
but by 1943 there were more than one hundred doing so."[325] From having
few front line aircraft in 1939, the RAAF had become the fourth largest allied
Air force by 1945. A number of aircraft were built under licence in Australia
before the war's end, notably the Beaufort and Beaufighter, although the
majority of aircraft were from Britain and later, the US.[326] The Boomerang
fighter, designed and built in four months of 1942, emphasised the desperate
state Australia found itself in as the Japanese advanced.
Australia also created, virtually from nothing, a
significant female workforce engaged in direct war production. Between 1939 and
1944 the number of women working in factories rose from 171,000 to
286,000.[327] Dame Enid Lyons, widow of former Prime Minister Joseph Lyons,
became the first woman elected to the House of Representatives in 1943, joining
the Robert Menzies' new centre-right Liberal Party of Australia, formed in
1945. At the same election, Dorothy Tangney became the first woman elected to
the Senate.
Post-war boom[edit]
Main article: History of Australia since 1945
Sir Robert Menzies, founder of the Liberal Party of
Australia and Prime Minister of Australia 1939–41 (UAP) and 1949–66
Elizabeth II inspecting sheep at Wagga Wagga on her 1954
Royal Tour. Huge crowds met the Royal party across Australia.
Menzies and Liberal dominance: 1949–72[edit]
Politically, Robert Menzies and the Liberal Party of
Australia dominated much of the immediate post war era, defeating the Labor
government of Ben Chifley in 1949, in part over a Labor proposal to nationalise
banks[328] and following a crippling coal strike led by the Australian
Communist Party. Menzies became the country's longest-serving Prime Minister
and the Liberal party, in coalition with the rural based Country Party, won
every federal election until 1972.
As in the United States in the early 1950s, allegations
of communist influence in society saw tensions emerge in politics. Refugees
from Soviet dominated Eastern Europe immigrated to Australia, while to
Australia's north, Mao Zedong's Communist Party of China won the Chinese Civil
War in 1949 and in June 1950, Communist North Korea invaded South Korea. The
Menzies government responded to a United States led United Nations Security
Council request for military aid for South Korea and diverted forces from occupied
Japan to begin Australia's involvement in the Korean War. After fighting to a
bitter standstill, the UN and North Korean signed a ceasefire agreement in July
1953. Australian forces had participated in such major battles as Kapyong and
Maryang San. 17,000 Australians had served and casualties amounted to more than
1,500, of whom 339 were killed.[329]
During the course of the Korean War, the Liberal
Government attempted to ban the Communist Party of Australia, first by
legislation in 1950 and later by referendum, in 1951.[330] While both attempts
were unsuccessful, further international events such as the defection of minor
Soviet Embassy official Vladimir Petrov, added to a sense of impending threat
that politically favoured Menzies' Liberal-CP government, as the Labor Party
split over concerns about the influence of the Communist Party over the trade
union movement. The tensions led to another bitter split and the emergence of
the breakaway Democratic Labor Party (DLP). The DLP remained an influential
political force, often holding the balance of power in the Senate, until 1974.
Its preferences supported the Liberal and Country Party.[331] The Labor party
was led by H.V. Evatt after Chifley's death in 1951. Evatt had served as
President of the United Nations General Assembly during 1948–49 and helped
draft the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948). Evatt
retired in 1960 amid signs of mental ill-health, and Arthur Calwell succeeded
him as leader, with a young Gough Whitlam as his deputy.[332]
Menzies presided over a period of sustained economic boom
and the beginnings of sweeping social change—with the arrivals of rock and roll
music and television in the 1950s. In 1958, Australian country music singer
Slim Dusty, who would become the musical embodiment of rural Australia, had
Australia's first international music chart hit with his bush ballad "Pub
With No Beer",[333] while rock and roller Johnny O'Keefe's "Wild
One" became the first local recording to reach the national charts, peaking
at No. 20.[334][335] Before sleeping through the 1960s Australian cinema
produced little of its own content in the 1950s, but British and Hollywood
studios produced a string of successful epics from Australian literature,
featuring home grown stars Chips Rafferty and Peter Finch.
Menzies remained a staunch supporter of links to the
monarchy and Commonwealth of Nations and formalised an alliance with the United
States, but also launched post-war trade with Japan, beginning a growth of
Australian exports of coal, iron ore and mineral resources that would steadily
climb until Japan became Australia's largest trading partner.[336]
When Menzies retired in 1965, he was replaced as Liberal
leader and Prime Minister by Harold Holt. Holt drowned while swimming at a surf
beach in December 1967 and was replaced by John Gorton (1968–1971) and then by
William McMahon (1971–1972).
Post-war immigration[edit]
Main article: Immigration to Australia
Postwar migrants arriving in Australia in 1954
Following World War II, the Chifley Labor government
instigated a massive programme of European immigration. In 1945, Minister for
Immigration, Arthur Calwell wrote "If the experience of the Pacific War
has taught us one thing, it surely is that seven million Australians cannot
hold three million square miles of this earth's surface
indefinitely."[337] All political parties shared the view that the country
must "populate or perish." Calwell stated a preference for ten
British immigrants for each one from other countries; however, the numbers of
British migrants fell short of what was expected, despite government
assistance.[338] Performers Barry, Maurice, Robin and Andy Gibb were a typical
family of "£10 poms" whose family migrated to Brisbane in 1958 and
later gained international fame as the Bee Gees pop group.[339]
Migration brought large numbers of southern and central
Europeans to Australia for the first time. A 1958 government leaflet assured
readers that unskilled non-British migrants were needed for "labour on
rugged projects ...work which is not generally acceptable to Australians or
British workers."[340] The Australian economy stood in sharp contrast to
war-ravaged Europe, and newly arrived migrants found employment in a booming
manufacturing industry and government assisted programmes such as the Snowy
Mountains Scheme. This hydroelectricity and irrigation complex in south-east
Australia consisted of sixteen major dams and seven power stations constructed
between 1949 and 1974. It remains the largest engineering project undertaken in
Australia. Necessitating the employment of 100,000 people from over 30
countries, to many it denotes the birth of multicultural Australia.[341]
Some 4.2 million immigrants arrived between 1945 and
1985, about 40 per cent of whom came from Britain and Ireland.[342] The 1957
novel They're a Weird Mob was a popular account of an Italian migrating to
Australia, although written by Australian-born author John O'Grady. The
Australian population reached 10 million in 1959.
In May 1958, the Menzies Government replaced the
Immigration Act's arbitrarily applied dictation test with an entry permit
system, that reflected economic and skills criteria.[343][344] Further changes
in the 1960s effectively ended the White Australia Policy. It legally ended in
Economic growth and suburban living[edit]
Tumut 3 power station was constructed as part of the vast
Snowy Mountains Hydro Electric Scheme (1949–1974). Construction necessitated
the expansion of Australia's immigration program.
Bruce Gyngell re-enacts his 1956 introduction to the
first regular television broadcast service to the residents of Sydney on TCN-9.
Australia enjoyed significant growth in prosperity in the
1950s and 1960s, with increases in both living standards and in leisure
time.[345][346] The manufacturing industry, previously playing a minor part in
an economy dominated by primary production, greatly expanded. The first Holden
motor car came out of General Motors-Holden's Fisherman's Bend factory in
November 1948. Car ownership rapidly increased—from 130 owners in every 1,000
in 1949 to 271 owners in every 1,000 by 1961.[347] By the early 1960s, four
competitors to Holden had set up Australian factories, employing between 80,000
and 100,000 workers, "at least four-fifths of them migrants."[348]
In the 1960s, about 60 per cent of Australian
manufacturing was protected by tariffs. Pressure from business interests and
the union movement ensured these remained high. Historian Geoffrey Bolton
suggests that this high tariff protection of the 1960s caused some industries
to "lapse into lethargy," neglecting research and development and the
search for new markets.[349] The CSIRO was expected to fulfil research and
Prices for wool and wheat remained high, with wool the
mainstay of Australia's exports. Sheep numbers grew from 113 million in 1950 to
171 million in 1965. Wool production increased from 518,000 to 819,000 tonnes
in the same period.[350] Wheat, wool and minerals ensured a healthy balance of
trade between 1950 and 1966.[351]
The great housing boom of the post war period saw rapid
growth in the suburbs of the major Australian cities. By the 1966 census, only
14 per cent lived in rural Australia, down from 31 per cent in 1933 and only 8
per cent lived on farms.[352] Virtual full employment meant high standards of
living and dramatic increases in home ownership, and by the Sixties, Australia
had the most equitable spread of income in the world.[353] Car ownership also
flourished, with 1970/1971 census data estimating that 96.4 per cent of
Australian households in the early Seventies owned at least one car.[354]
However, not all felt the rapid suburban growth was desirable. Distinguished
Architect and designer Robin Boyd, a critic of Australia's built surroundings,
described Australia as "'the constant sponge lying in the Pacific',
following the fashions of overseas and lacking confidence in home-produced,
original ideas."[355] In 1956, dadaist comedian Barry Humphries performed
the character of Edna Everage as a parody of a house-proud housewife of staid
1950s Melbourne suburbia (the character only later morphed into a critique of
self-obsessed celebrity culture). It was the first of many of his satirical
stage and screen creations based around quirky Australian characters: Sandy
Stone, a morose elderly suburbanite, Barry McKenzie a naive Australian expat in
London and Sir Les Patterson, a vulgar parody of a Whitlam-era politician.[356]
Some writers defended suburban life, however. Journalist
Craig Macgregor saw suburban life as a "...solution to the needs of
migrants..." Hugh Stretton argued that "plenty of dreary lives are
indeed lived in the suburbs... but most of them might well be worse in other
surroundings."[357] Historian Peter Cuffley has recalled life for a child
in a new outer suburb of Melbourne as having a kind of joyous excitement.
"Our imaginations saved us from finding life too humdrum, as did the wild
freedom of being able to roam far and wide in different kinds of (neighbouring)
bushland...Children in the suburbs found space in backyards, streets and lanes,
playgrounds and reserves..."[358]
In 1954, the Menzies Government formally announced the
introduction of the new two-tiered TV system—a government-funded service run by
the ABC, and two commercial services in Sydney and Melbourne, with the 1956
Summer Olympics in Melbourne being a major driving force behind the
introduction of television to Australia.[359] Colour TV began broadcasting in
Alliances 1950–1972[edit]
Harold Holt and US President John F. Kennedy in the Oval
Office in 1963. By the 1960s, Australian defence policy had shifted from
Britain to the US as key ally.
In the early 1950s, the Menzies government saw Australia
as part of a "triple alliance" in concert with both the US and
traditional ally Britain.[360] At first, "the Australian leadership opted
for a consistently pro-British line in diplomacy", while at the same time
looking for opportunities to involve the US in South East Asia.[361] Thus the
government committed military forces to the Korean War and the Malayan
Emergency and hosted British nuclear tests after 1952.[362] Australia was also
the only Commonwealth country to offer support to the British during the Suez
Menzies oversaw an effusive welcome to Queen Elizabeth II
on the first visit to Australia by a reigning monarch, in 1954. He made the
following remarks during a light-hearted speech to an American audience in New
York, while on his way to attend her coronation in 1953;
“ "We in
Australia, of course, are British, if I may say so, to the boot heels...but we
stand together–our people stand together –till the crack of doom."[364] ”
However, as British influence declined in South East
Asia, the US alliance came to have greater significance for Australian leaders
and the Australian economy. British investment in Australia remained
significant until the late 1970s, but trade with Britain declined through the
1950s and 1960s. In the late 1950s the Australian Army began to re-equip using
US military equipment. In 1962, the US established a naval communications
station at North West Cape, the first of several built over the next
decade.[365][366] Most significantly, in 1962, Australian Army advisors were
sent to help train South Vietnamese forces, in a developing conflict in which
the British had no part.
According to diplomat Alan Renouf, the dominant theme in
Australia's foreign policy under Australia's Liberal – Country Party
governments of the 1950s and 1960s was anti-communism.[367] Another former
diplomat, Gregory Clark, suggested that it was specifically a fear of China
that drove Australian foreign policy decisions for twenty years.[368] The ANZUS
security treaty, which had been signed in 1951, had its origins in Australia's
and New Zealand's fears of a rearmed Japan. Its obligations on the US,
Australia and New Zealand are vague, but its influence on Australian foreign
policy thinking, at times significant.[369] The SEATO treaty, signed only three
years later, clearly demonstrated Australia's position as a US ally in the
emerging Cold War.
Vietnam War[edit]
Main article: Military history of Australia during the
Vietnam War
Personnel and aircraft of RAAF Transport Flight Vietnam
arrive in South Vietnam in August 1964
By 1965, Australia had increased the size of the
Australian Army Training Team Vietnam (AATTV), and in April the Government made
a sudden announcement that "after close consultation with the United
States," a battalion of troops was to be sent to South Vietnam.[370] In
parliament, Menzies emphasised the argument that "our alliances made
demands on us." The alliance involved was presumably, SEATO, and Australia
was providing military assistance because South Vietnam, a signatory to SEATO,
had apparently requested it.[371] Documents released in 1971 indicated that the
decision to commit troops was made by Australia and the US, not at the request
of South Vietnam.[372] By 1968, there were three Australian Army battalions at
any one time at the 1st Australian Task Force (1ATF) base at Nui Dat in
addition to the advisors of the AATTV placed throughout Vietnam, and personnel
reached a peak total of almost 8,000, comprising about one third of the Army's
combat capacity. Between 1962 and 1972 almost 60,000 personnel served in
Vietnam, including ground troops, naval forces and air assets.[373] The
opposition Labor Party opposed military commitment to Vietnam and the national
service required to support this level of commitment.
In July 1966, new Prime Minister Harold Holt expressed
his government's support for the US and its role in Vietnam in particular.
"I don't know where people would choose to look for the security of this
country were it not for the friendship and strength of the United
States."[374] While on a visit in the same year to the US, Holt assured
President Lyndon B. Johnson
“ "...I
hope there is corner of your mind and heart which takes cheer from the fact
that you have an admiring friend, a staunch friend, [Australia] that will be
all the way with LBJ."[375] ”
The Liberal-CP Government was returned with a massive
majority in elections held in December 1966, fought over national security
issues including Vietnam. Arthur Calwell, who had been leader of the Labor
Party since 1960, retired in favour of his deputy Gough Whitlam a few months
Despite Holt's sentiments and his government's electoral
success in 1966, the war became unpopular in Australia, as it did in the United
States. The movements to end Australia's involvement gathered strength after
the Tet Offensive of early 1968 and compulsory national service (selected by
ballot) became increasingly unpopular. In the 1969 elections, the government
hung on despite a significant decline in popularity. Moratorium marches held
across Australia in mid-1970 attracted large crowds- the Melbourne march of
100,000 being led by Labor MP Jim Cairns. As the Nixon administration proceeded
with Vietnamization of the war and began the withdrawal of troops, so did the
Australian Government. In November 1970 1st Australian Task Force was reduced
to two battalions and in November 1971, 1ATF was withdrawn from Vietnam. The
last military advisors of the AATTV were withdrawn by the Whitlam Labor
Government in mid December 1972.[373]
The Australian military presence in Vietnam had lasted 10
years, and in purely human cost, over 500 had been killed and more than 2,000
wounded. The war cost Australia $218 million between 1962 and 1972.[373]
Modern Australia emerging 1960s+[edit]
Arts and the "new nationalism"[edit]
Main article: culture of Australia
"Australian to the bootheels": Prime Minister
John Gorton established government support for Australian cinema.
The Sydney Opera House was officially opened in 1973.
By the mid-1960s, a new nationalism was emerging. The
National Trust of Australia began to be active in preserving Australia's
natural, cultural and historic heritage. Australian TV saw locally made dramas
and comedies appear, and programs such as Homicide developed strong local
loyalty while Skippy the Bush Kangaroo became a global phenomenon. Liberal
Prime Minister John Gorton, a battle scarred former fighter pilot who described
himself as "Australian to the bootheels", established the Australian
Council for the Arts, the Australian Film Development Corporation and the National
Film and Television Training School.[376]
The iconic Sydney Opera House opened in 1973. In the same
year, Patrick White became the first Australian to win a Nobel Prize for
Literature.[377] Australian History had begun to appear on school curricula by
the 1970s.[378] From the early 1970s, the Australian cinema began to produce
the Australian New Wave of films based on uniquely Australian themes. The South
Australian Film Corporation took the lead in supporting filmmaking, with
successes including quintessential Australian films Sunday Too Far Away(1974)
Picnic at Hanging Rock (1975), Breaker Morant (1980) and Gallipoli (1981). The
national funding body, the Australian Film Commission, was established in 1975.
Significant changes also occurred to Australia's
censorship laws after the new Liberal Minister for Customs and Excise, Don
Chipp, was appointed in 1969. In 1968, Barry Humphries and Nicholas Garland's
cartoon book featuring the larrikin character Barry McKenzie was banned. Only a
few years later, the book had been made as a film, partly with the support of
government funding.[379] Barry McKenzie both celebrated and parodied Australian
nationalism. Historian Richard White also argues that "while many of the
plays, novels and films produced in the 1970s were intensely critical of
aspects of Australian life, they were absorbed by the 'new nationalism' and
applauded for their Australianness."[380]
In 1973, businessman Ken Myer commented; "we like to
think we have a distinct style of our own. We have outgrown a lot of our
inadequacies.... There was a time when an interest in the arts threw doubts on
one's masculinity."[381] In 1973, historian Geoffrey Serle, in his 1973
From Deserts the Prophets Come, argued that while Australia had finally arrived
at "mature nationhood,"[382] until that time that the "most
important study of Australia had been found in creative treatments,"
rather than academic study at universities and schools.[383]
Perth Zoo |
Civil rights for all Australians[edit]
Statue of Sir Douglas Nicholls, former Governor of South
Indigenous people[edit]
The 1960s was a key decade for indigenous rights. In
1962, the Menzies Government's Commonwealth Electoral Act provided that all
Indigenous people should have the right to enrol and vote at federal elections
(prior to this, indigenous people in Queensland, Western Australia and
"wards of the state" in the Northern Territory had been excluded from
voting unless they were ex-servicemen). In 1965, Queensland became the last
state to confer state voting rights on Aboriginal people.[384][385]
A 1967 Referendum called by the Holt Government saw
Australians vote by a 90 per cent majority to change the Australian
constitution to include all Aborigines in the national census and allow the
Federal parliament to legislate on their behalf.[386] A Council for Aboriginal
Affairs was established.[387]
Indigenous Australians began to take up representation in
Australian parliaments. In 1971, the Liberal Neville Bonner was appointed to
the Senate, becoming the first Aborigine in Federal Parliament. Bonner remained
in the Senate until 1983.[67] Hyacinth Tungutalum of the Country Liberal Party
in the Northern Territory and Eric Deeral of the National Party of Queensland,
became the first Indigenous people elected to territory and state legislatures
in 1974. In 1976, Sir Douglas Nicholls was appointed Governor of South
Australia, becoming the first Aborigine to hold vice-regal office in Australia.
No indigenous person was elected to the House of Representatives, until West
Australian Liberal Ken Wyatt, in August 2010.[67]
Various groups and individuals were active in the pursuit
of indigenous rights from the 1960s. One of the earliest Aboriginal graduates
from the University of Sydney, Charles Perkins, helped organise freedom rides
into parts of Australia to expose discrimination and inequality. In 1966, the
Gurindji people of Wave Hill station commenced the Gurindji strike in a quest
for equal pay and recognition of land rights.[388]
One of the first acts of the Whitlam Government was to
establish a Royal Commission into land rights in the Northern Territory under
Justice Woodward.[389] Legislation based on its findings was passed into law by
the Fraser Government in 1976, as the Aboriginal Land Rights Act 1976.
In 1992, the High Court of Australia handed down its
decision in the Mabo Case, overturning the legal concept of terra nullius. That
same year, Prime Minister Paul Keating said in his Redfern Park Speech that
European settlers were responsible for the difficulties Australian Aboriginal
communities continued to face: 'We committed the murders. We took the children
from their mothers. We practised discrimination and exclusion. It was our
ignorance and our prejudice'. In 1999 Parliament passed a Motion of
Reconciliation drafted by Prime Minister John Howard and Aboriginal Senator
Aden Ridgeway naming mistreatment of Indigenous Australians as the most
"blemished chapter in our national history".[390] In 2008, Prime
Minister Kevin Rudd issued a public apology to members of the Stolen
Generations on behalf of the Australian Government.
Australia administered Papua New Guinea and Nauru for
much of the 20th century. Papua and New Guinea adopted self-government in 1972
and on 15 September 1975, the Territory became the independent nation of Papua
New Guinea.[391][392] Australia had captured the island of Nauru from the
German Empire in 1914. After Japanese occupation during World War II, it became
a UN Trust Territory under Australia and remained so until achieving
independence in 1968.[393]
In 1974, the Commonwealth Court of Conciliation and
Arbitration granted women the full adult wage. However, resistance to women
being employed in certain industries remained until well into the 1970s.
Because of obstruction from elements of the Unions movement, it would take
until 1975 for women to be admitted as drivers on Melbourne's trams, and Sir
Reginald Ansett refused to allow women to train as pilots as late as 1979.[394]
Australia had led the world in bringing women's suffrage
rights during the late 19th century, and Edith Cowan was elected to the West
Australian Legislative Assembly in 1921. Dame Enid Lyons, was the first woman
to hold a Cabinet post in the 1949 ministry of Robert Menzies and finally,
Rosemary Follett was elected Chief Minister of the Australian Capital Territory
in 1989, becoming the first woman elected to lead a state or territory. By
2010, the people of Australia's oldest city, Sydney had female leaders
occupying every major political office above them, with Clover Moore as Lord
Mayor, Kristina Keneally as Premier of New South Wales, Marie Bashir as
Governor of New South Wales, Julia Gillard as Prime Minister, Quentin Bryce as
Governor-General of Australia and Elizabeth II as Queen of Australia.[395]
Whitlam and Fraser[edit]
Malcolm Fraser and US President Jimmy Carter (1977).
Elected in December 1972 after 23 years in opposition,
Labor won office under Gough Whitlam, introducing a significant program of
social change and reform and dramatically expanding the Federal budget. Within
a few weeks the last military advisors in Vietnam were recalled, and national
service ended. The People's Republic of China was recognised (Whitlam had
visited China while Opposition Leader in 1971) and the embassy in Taiwan
closed.[396][397] Over the next few years, university fees were abolished and a
national health care scheme established. Significant changes were made to
school funding.[398]
The Whitlam government's agenda endeared it to some
Australians, but not all. Some of the state governments were openly hostile to
it, and as it did not control the senate, much of its legislation was rejected
or amended. The Queensland Country Party government of Joh Bjelke-Petersen had
particularly bad relations with the Federal government. Even after it was
re-elected at elections in May 1974, the Senate remained an obstacle to its
political agenda. At the only joint sitting of parliament, in August 1974, six
keys pieces of legislation were passed.
In 1974, Whitlam selected John Kerr, a former member of
the Labor Party and presiding Chief Justice of New South Wales to serve as
Governor-General. The Whitlam Government was re-elected with a decreased
majority in the lower house in the 1974 Election. In 1974–75 the government
thought about borrowing US$4 billion in foreign loans. Minister Rex Connor
conducted secret discussions with a loan broker from Pakistan, and the
Treasurer, Jim Cairns, misled parliament over the issue.[399] Arguing the
government was incompetent following the Loans Affair, the opposition
Liberal-Country Party Coalition delayed passage of the government's money bills
in the Senate, until the government would promise a new election. Whitlam
refused, Malcolm Fraser, leader of the Opposition insisted. The deadlock ended
when the Whitlam government was dismissed by the Governor-General, John Kerr on
11 November 1975 and Fraser was installed as caretaker Prime Minister, pending
an election. The "reserve powers" granted to the Governor-General by
the Australian Constitution, had allowed an elected government to be dismissed
without warning by a representative of the Monarch.[400]
At elections held in late 1975, Malcolm Fraser and the
Coalition were elected in a landslide victory.
The Fraser Government won two subsequent elections.
Fraser maintained some of the social reforms of the Whitlam era, while seeking
increased fiscal restraint. His government included the first Aboriginal
federal parliamentarian, Neville Bonner, and in 1976, Parliament passed the
Aboriginal Land Rights Act 1976, which, while limited to the Northern
Territory, affirmed "inalienable" freehold title to some traditional
lands. Fraser established the multicultural broadcaster SBS, welcomed
Vietnamese boat people refugees, opposed minority white rule in Apartheid South
Africa and Rhodesia and opposed Soviet expansionism. A significant program of
economic reform however was not pursued and, by 1983, the Australian economy
was in recession, amidst the effects of a severe drought. Fraser had promoted
"states' rights" and his government refused to use Commonwealth
powers to stop the construction of the Franklin Dam in Tasmania in 1982.[401] A
Liberal minister, Don Chipp had split off from the party to form a new social
liberal party, the Australian Democrats in 1977 and the Franklin Dam proposal contributed
to the emergence of an influential Environmental movement in Australia, with
branches including the Australian Greens, a political party which later emerged
out of Tasmania to pursue environmentalism as well as left-wing social and
economic policies.[402]
Hawke and Keating: 1983–1996[edit]
The new Parliament House in Canberra was opened in 1988.
Bob Hawke, a less polarising Labor leader than Whitlam,
defeated Fraser at the 1983 Election. Hawke retained office until a 1991 Labor
Party spill saw him replaced by Paul Keating.
The new government stopped the Franklin Dam project via
the High Court of Australia. Hawke, together with treasurer Paul Keating broke
with the Keynesian economics that had traditionally been favoured by the Labor
party.[403] Instead they sought a more efficient economy and undertook
micro-economic and industrial relations reform designed to increase efficiency
and competitiveness. Kelly concludes that, "In the 1980s both Labor and
non-Labor underwent internal philosophical revolutions to support a new set of
ideas—faith in markets, deregulation, a reduced role for government, low
protection and the creation of a new cooperative enterprise culture."[404]
The Australian Bicentenary was celebrated in 1988 along
with the opening of a new Parliament House in Canberra.
Hawke and Keating stressed the positive role Australia
could play as an activist and independent "middle power." [405] A
supporter of the US alliance, Hawke committed Australian naval forces to the
Gulf War, following the 1990 invasion of Kuwait by Iraq. After four successful
elections, but amid a deteriorating Australian economy and rising unemployment,
the intense rivalry between Hawke and Keating led the Labor Party to replace
Hawke as leader and Paul Keating became Prime Minister in 1991.[406]
During his time in office, Keating emphasised links to
the Asia Pacific region, co-operating closely with the Indonesian President,
Suharto, and campaigned to increase the role of APEC as a major forum for
economic co-operation. Keating was active in indigenous affairs and the High
Court of Australia's historic Mabo decision in 1992 required a legislative
response to recognition of Indigenous title to land, culminating in the Native
Title Act 1993 and the Land Fund Act 1994. In 1993, Keating established a
Republic Advisory Committee, to examine options for Australia becoming a republic.[407]
The Monarchy in Australia survived the republic debate
which was brought to a head at the close of the 20th century, with the
successor Howard Government holding a 1998 Constitutional Convention to discuss
the change. A subsequent referendum to establish a republic failed to achieve
the required dual majorities, with the No case triumphant winning with 54.87
per cent of the popular vote and 6–0 in the state count.
Hawke and Keating abandoned traditional Labor support for
tariffs to protect industry and jobs. They moved to deregulate Australia's
financial system and 'floated' the Australian dollar.[406] After the initial
failure of the Whitlam model and partial dismantling under Fraser, Hawke
re-established a new, universal system of health insurance called
Unemployment reached 11.4 per cent in 1992—the highest
since the Great Depression. The Liberal-National Opposition had proposed an
ambitious plan of economic reform to take to the 1993 Election, including the
introduction of a Goods and Services Tax. Keating shuffled treasurers,
campaigned strongly against the tax, and won the 1993 Election.
With foreign debt, interest rates and unemployment still
high, and after a series of ministerial resignations, Keating lost the 1996
Election to the Liberals' John Howard.[407]
Howard government: 1996–2007[edit]
John Howard with a Liberal–National Party coalition
served as Prime Minister from 1996 until 2007, the second-longest prime
ministerial term after Menzies. One of the first programs instigated by the
Howard government was a nationwide gun control scheme, following a mass
shooting at Port Arthur. The government also introduced industrial relations
reforms, particularly as regards efficiency on the waterfront. After the 1996
election, Howard and treasurer Peter Costello proposed a Goods and Services Tax
(GST) which they successfully took to the electorate in 1998.
Australia hosted the 2000 Summer Olympics in Sydney to
great international acclaim. The Opening Ceremony featured a host of iconic
Australian imagery and history and the flame ceremony honoured women athletes,
including swimmer Dawn Fraser, with Aboriginal runner Cathy Freeman lighting
the Olympic Flame.
Foreign policy[edit]
Aboriginal dancers perform at the 2000 Summer Olympics
opening ceremony in Sydney.
In 1999, Australia led a United Nations force into East
Timor to help establish democracy and independence for that nation, following
political violence.[409] Australia committed to a number of other peacekeeping
and stabilisation operations: notably in Bougainville, including Operation Bel
Isi (1998–2003); as well as Operation Helpem Fren and the Australian-led
Regional Assistance Mission to Solomon Islands (RAMSI) in the early 2000s; and
the 2006 East Timorese crisis[410]
The Howard government expanded immigration overall but
instituted often controversial tough immigration laws to discourage
unauthorised arrivals of boat people. While Howard was a strong supporter of
traditional links to the Commonwealth and to the United States alliance, trade
with Asia, particularly China, continued to increase dramatically, and
Australia enjoyed an extended period of prosperity. Howard's term in office
coincided with the 11 September Terrorist Attacks. In the aftermath of this
event, the government committed troops to the Afghanistan War (with bi-partisan
support) and the Iraq War (meeting with the disapproval of other political
21st century[edit]
Julia Gillard, Australia's first female Prime Minister.
Into the 21st century[edit]
The Labor Party's Kevin Rudd defeated Howard at the 2007
election, and Rudd held the office until June 2010, when he was replaced as the
leader of the party. Rudd used his term in office to symbolically ratify the
Kyoto Protocol and led an historic parliamentary apology to the Stolen
Generation (those Indigenous Australians who had been removed from their
parents by the state during the early 20th century to the 1960s). The mandarin
Chinese speaking former diplomat also pursued energetic foreign policy and
initially sought to instigate a price on carbon in the Australian economy to
combat global warming. His prime ministership coincided with the initial phases
of the Financial crisis of 2007–2010, to which his government responded through
a large package of economic stimulus—the management of which later proved to be
Following two and half decades of economic reform and
amidst booming trade with Asia, Australia avoided recession following the
collapse of financial markets, in stark contrast to most other Western
The Labor Party replaced Rudd with Julia Gillard in 2010,
and Gillard became the first woman prime minister in Australian history.
Following the 2010 Election, Labor secured office in the first hung parliament
since the 1940 election.[413] Leadership rivalry continued and Kevin Rudd was
reinstated as prime minister in a Labor leadership spill on 27 June 2013.[414]
At the 2013 Election, the Second Rudd Government lost office and the
Liberal-National Abbott Government formed. The Abbott Government concluded the
Australia Korea Free Trade Agreement and the Japan-Australia Economic
Partnership Agreement.[415](Continoe)
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