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Karyati bin Halil |
Unfinished journey (37)
(Part thirty-seven, Depok.Jawa Barat, Indonesia, 4
September 2014, 13:56 pm)
Looking at television news there is a scavenger
grandmother in Mojokerto which this 2014 pilgrimage my heart mixed, the
excited, because this grandma even an omnipotent God scavenger given sustenance
and opportunity pilgrimage, sadly, I even worked as a journalist about 30 years
yet God is great not given the opportunity to pilgrimage to Mecca, even now obstructed
kidney disease that requires dialysis me twice a week.
I often meet with people mostly, not businessmen or rich
people who actually God-given opportunity pilgrimage, as a seller Cake sweet
syrup ice which hung daily in the Market
Mardika, Ambon, Maluku Province. Instead many of my friends are rich own many
billions and even put his car to go shopping comparison Foreign pilgrimage to
Mecca. Even there my colleague from Bangkok and Singapore after he died,
leaving behind a legacy with billions of rupiah
Whereas provision in the hereafter (when we die) is our
deeds as a pilgrimage or Umra, not leaving so much money. Except heir we
practice it (charity) money we inherited it). Allaah nature. No matter how much
wealth we have accumulated that can not help us on the Day of Resurrection,
except that we have a wealth of glory, to worship God Almighty, like helping
those in need (poor) to build mosques, schools, or other public facilities.
Hopefully this post reminding myself and the world, especially Muslims, in
order to take advantage of living in a world that time is short and always
grateful for the worship of God the creator of heaven and earth and the entire
universe. May Allah Almighty to forgive all our sins and omissions that we do
during life.
Grandma Scavenger Could pilgrimage to Mecca, Saudi Arabia
TribunNews., Probolinggo - Not in vain prayer and hard
work from noon till night by Karyati Bint Halil (69) every day in the Masjid
Ar-Rahman, led him on a pilgrimage, 29 September 2013.
"Yes, happy, not everyone can go on the
pilgrimage," said the mother of four children met Surya (Tribunnews.com
group) at his home, RT14 / RW05, Raas hamlet, village cottage Wuluh, Leces
subdistrict, Probolinggo.
Understandably, grandmother's 11 grandchildren,
day-to-day work as a handyman only urup-urup or junk collector (scavengers)
food wrappers and plastic bottles and glass of mineral water to get money.
MBok Karyati her nickname, say, his desire for the
pilgrimage has existed since the year 2008, when it was, he enrolled into a
prospective pilgrims to pay 20 million dollars. Is the result of saving money
and selling his furniture and grocery shop.
Karyati said, he decided to stop selling after a
disagreement with the vendor stalls were located not far from his stall.
Because it does not have a job anymore, he finally
decided to make money by collecting junk in the Ar-Rahman Mosque in Leces Road,
approximately 1 mile from his home.
After five years, the savings collected USD 16 million,
which he paid to settle the payment of the cost of the pilgrimage.
The number of Indonesian pilgrims quota of 2014 pilgrims
were around 168 800, 155 200 consisting of 13,600 pilgrims regular and special
Signs Hajj Mabrur
Sunday, September 16, 2012 17:39:34 pm
Category: Fiqh: Hajj & Umrah
Anas Ustad Burhanuddin MA
The teachings of Islam in all its aspects has wisdom and
a specific purpose. Wisdom and purpose is termed by the Ulama with maqashid
Shari'ah, namely a variety of benefit that can be achieved by a servant, both
in this world and in the hereafter.
The beneficiaries hereafter, righteous people awaited by
the incomparable pleasure summarized in the words of the Prophet sallallaahu
'alaihi wa sallam (hadith Qudsi):
قال الله: أعددت لعبادي الصالحين ما لا عين رأت, ولا أذن سمعت,
ولا خطر على قلب بشر
Allah says: "Have I prepared for my servants the
righteous who have never seen the pleasure of the eye, the ear has never heard,
and never conceived in the hearts of men." [1]
For Hajj, in particular the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi
wa sallam said:
والحج المبرور ليس له جزاء إلا الجنة
Hajj is Mabrur no other reward is heaven. [2]
As in the world, a lot of benefit to be gained Muslims to
practice their religion. And for the Hajj in particular, there are few examples
of what we might call; such as adding a friend, met with Ulama and trade
In addition, Allah Almighty also gave signs of acceptance
of one's charities, so that Allah Almighty may hasten the happiness in the
world before the Hereafter, and that he was getting excited for the charity.
Everyone who goes on pilgrimage pilgrims aspire Mabrur.
Mabrur Hajj Hajj is not just legitimate. Mabrur means accepted by Allah
Almighty, and legitimate means to abort obligations. It could be someone a
valid Hajj pilgrimage so that the obligation has fallen for him, but not
necessarily his Hajj accepted by Allah Almighty.
So, not all of which counted as a valid Hajj Hajj Mabrur.
Ibn Rajab al-Hanbali said: "The Hajj Mabrur bit, but may God Almighty give
gifts to jama`ah Hajj pilgrims are not good due to the good." [3]
How does a person know mabrûrnya Hajj? What is the
difference between Hajj Mabrur with no Mabrur? Surely the judge Mabrur least
one Hajj is Allah Almighty alone. We can not ensure that one's Hajj is the
pilgrimage Mabrur or not. The cleric said there were signs mabrûrnya Hajj,
based on the testimony of the Qur'an and Hadith. However, it can not provide
certainty whether Mabrur seserang Hajj.
Some of these signs may be related to the discussion of
how to achieve Mabrur Hajj, because of the way we run the pilgrimage can also
be used as a mirror in this case.
Among the signs of Hajj Mabrur the scholars mentioned
First: Assets used for Hajj is a treasure that is lawful,
because God Almighty does not accept except that kosher, as confirmed by the
Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam:
إن الله طيب لا يقبل إلا طيبا
Truly God is good, but the good does not accept. [4]
People who want to Hajj Mabrur must ensure that all the
property that he used for Hajj is the lawful property, especially for those who
are preparing for the Hajj implementation costs can not be separated from the
transaction with the bank. If not, then Hajj Mabrur for them is just far from
the truth.
Ibn Rajab rahimahullah said in a poem [5]:
If you are on pilgrimage with treasures lawful origin.
Then you are not hajj, the pilgrimage just your group.
Allah Almighty does not accept except that halal only.
Not all the Mabrur Hajj pilgrimage.
Second: Practice-deeds well done, in accordance with the
guidance of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam. At the very least, the
pillars and obligations run, and all prohibitions abandoned. If an error
occurs, it should immediately perform a predetermined redemption.
In addition, pilgrims also pay attention Mabrur
sincerity, which along with advanced age increasingly difficult to maintain.
Let's reflect on the words of al-Qadi Shurayh: "Who (really) little
pilgrimage, despite many jama`ah Hajj. How many people who do good, but it
would be a bit of a sincere for Allah Almighty." [6]
In ancient times there are those who perform hajj on foot
every year. One night he slept on top of his bed and his mother asked him to
fetch drinking water. He felt the weight to bounce provide drinking water to
the mother. He remembered pilgrimage he always did on foot without feeling
heavy. He is introspective and thought that the views and praise of men that
have made the trip lightly. Conversely when meyendiri, providing drinking water
for the most meritorious person feels heavy. Finally, he realized that he had
been guilty. [7]
Third: Hajj is filled with lots of good practice, such as
dhikr, prayers at the Grand Mosque, pray on time, and helping companion.
Ibn Rajab rahimahullah said: "And Hajj Mabrur is
collected in which good deeds-deeds, plus avoid sinful deeds. [8]
Among the specific practice that is prescribed to achieve
Mabrur Hajj is a charity and good speaking during Hajj. The Prophet sallallaahu
'alaihi wa sallampernah asked about the purpose Mabrur Hajj, then he said:
إطعام الطعام وطيب الكلام
Feed and speak well. [9]
Fourth: Do not commit adultery during ihram.
Adultery is forbidden in our religion in all conditions.
Under conditions of ihram, the ban becomes more assertive, and if violated,
then Hajj will Mabrur dream off.
Among the prohibited during Hajj is rafats, fusûq and
jidâl. Allah Almighty says:
الحج أشهر معلومات فمن فرض فيهن الحج فلا رفث ولا فسوق ولا جدال
في الحج
(Season) Hajj is known to a few months. He who
establishes his intention in the months to do Hajj, then it should not rafats,
fusûq arguing for pilgrimage. [10]
The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallambersabda:
من حج فلم يرفث ولم يفسق رجع كهيئته يوم ولدته أمه
Whoever Hajj and he does not rafats and not fusûq, he
will return to his mother's condition at birth. "[11]
Rafats are all forms of cruelty and cases useless.
Including intercourse, petting or talking about it, even though the couple
themselves during ihram.
Fusûq is out of obedience to Allah Almighty, regardless
of its form. In other words, all forms of immorality are intended fusûq in the
above hadith.
Jidâl is excessive arguing.
These three things are prohibited during ihram. As for
outside time ihram, intercourse with a partner back is allowed, while others
remain prohibition should not be.
Similarly, Hajj Mabrur also must abandon all forms of sin
during the pilgrimage, either in the form of shirk, or heresy maksiyat.
Fifth: Home from Hajj with better circumstances.
One sign of acceptance of one's charities in the sight of
Allah Almighty is given taufik to do good again after the practice. Conversely,
if after doing bad deeds righteous good deeds, then it is a sign that Allah
Almighty does not accept deeds. [12]
The Hajj is the madrasah. For approximately one month of
the Hajj jama`ah occupied by a variety of worship and approach to God Almighty.
For a while, they are deprived from the bustle of worldly affairs are
neglected. In addition, they also had the opportunity to take the knowledge of
pure religion of the holy land Ulama and saw practice runs true religion.
Logically, every person who perform hajj will return from
the holy land in a better state. But what happened is not the case, especially
after a long grace period from the time of the pilgrimage. Many do not look
good anymore Hajj influence on him. Therefore, repent after Hajj, changed for
the better, have a softer heart and clean, science and charity are more solid
and true, then the constancy in the goodness that is one of the signs of Hajj
The person who made the Hajj pilgrimage Mabrur as a
starting point to open a new chapter in attaining the pleasure of Allah
Almighty; it will be getting closer to and away from the world hereafter.
Al-Hasan al-Basri rahimahullah said: "Hajj Mabrur is home to the world's
in a state of ascetic and loves the hereafter." [13] He also said:
"The sign is leaving the bad deeds committed before Hajj." [14]
Ibn Hajar al-Haitami rahimahullah said: "It is said
that a sign of acceptance of Hajj is left immoral formerly done, replace the
bad friends became good friends, and change into a majlis dhikr majlis
negligence and consciousness."
Once again, the judge Mabrur least one Hajj only Allah
Almighty. The Cleric only explain the signs in accordance with the knowledge
that Allah Almighty gave to them. If these signs are present in your
pilgrimage, then you should be grateful for taufik of Allah Almighty. You can
expect your worship is accepted by Allah Almighty, and continue to pray that
your worship is perfectly acceptable. As if the signs were not there, then you
should introspect, seek forgiveness and improve your practice. And Allah knows
1. Qur'an al-karim.
2 Sahih al-Bukhari, al-Bugha tahqiq Mustafa, Dar Ibn
3 Saheeh Muslim, tahqiq Muhammad Fuad Abdul Baqi `, Dar
Ihya 'turats.
4. Musnad Imam Ahmad, al-Arnauth tahqiq Shoaib, Muassasah
5. Sunan al-Bayhaqi al-Kubra, Prints Hyderabad, India.
6 Pedigree al-ahadith al-Shahîhah, Muhammad Nasir
al-Albani, Maktabah al-Maarif.
7 At-Tarikh al-Kabir, al-Bukhari, Sayyid Hashim tahqiq
an-Nadawi, Darul Fikr.
8. Lathaiful Maarif Fima Mawâsil li 'Am minal Wazhâif,
Ibn Rajab al-Hanbali, al-Maktabah ash-Syâmilah.
[Copied from the Sunnah magazine Issue 08 / Year XIII /
Dzulqa'adah 1430 / 2009m. Publishers Foundation Standing Committee Istiqomah
Surakarta, Jl. Solo-Purwodadi Km.8 Selokaton Gondangrejo Solo 57 183 Tel.
0271-858197 Fax 0271-858196]
Shaykh Khalil Harras
Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:
من حج لله فلم يرفث ولم يفسق رجع كيوم ولدته أمه
Whoever pilgrimage for God, then he is not cruel and do
wickedness, then he came home like the day he was born his mother. [Reported by
al-Bukhari no. 1424]
The Muslims out of the month of Ramadan in a state
already has a provision that a large force in the spiritual life is sacred;
their souls be strong and do not depend on the material; Desire desires they
have been trained to overcome lust lust; and able to bear the
exhaustion-exhaustion and against the hated things. Therefore, they entered the
Hajj months in a state of perfect spiritual ready and physical. They have had a
readiness to carry loads that are contained in the sacred obligations (Hajj),
which became the fifth pillars of the pillars of Islam.
Hajj is like fasting, obligatory long ago; Allah Almighty
has requires it to His servants since he ordered his lover, namely Ibrahim
Alaihissallam, in order to establish Baitul Haram in Mecca, and then told him
that proclaim the pilgrimage to mankind to come to him.
يأتوك رجالا وعلى كل ضامر يأتين من كل فج عميق ليشهدوا منافع
لهم ويذكروا اسم الله في أيام معلومات على ما رزقهم من بهيمة الأنعام
"... Undoubtedly they will come to you on foot, and
camel riding skinny, who came from all parts of the remote. So they watched
various benefits for them and mention the name of Allah Almighty on the day
which has been determined on the sustenance which Allah Almighty has bestowed
on them in the form of cattle ... "[al-Hajj / 22: 27-28]
Allah Almighty has shown rituals-rituals of Hajj and
syi'ar-Alaihissallam syi'arnya to Abraham and his son, Isma'il Alaihissallam.
So rituals-rituals that will still be there after the death of both the
offspring have the pilgrimage to the House and perform tawaf in situ, before
staying at 'Arafah and Muzdalifah, and carry between Safa and Marwa sa'i.
It's just that their descendants have held heresy-heresy
in it because of the length of time, debauched, and vicious decorate their
They held worship the statues and put them around the
Kaaba and the inside. They begin to worship idols and nearby slaughter as a
form taqarrub him, and before they utter in talbiahnya;
اللهم لا شريك لك, إلا شريكا هو لك, تملكه مما ملك
"O Allah, there is no partner for you, but you have
allies, you have what he has"
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Kaba, Mecca |
In the past, they tawaf of the Kaaba with bare, because
they feel uncomfortable implementing Thawaf with the clothes worn by the time
they came, to the extent that women were tawaf of the Kaaba with no dressing.
The women were covered farjinya with a cloth, and then said:
"On this day appeared partially or completely
(body); but what is seen, then I do not allow (touched) "
When Allah Almighty sent His Prophet, Muhammad
sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam as a religious reformer Abraham Alaihissallam, it
is proper that it covers liability reform Hajj. Thus, Hajj required in the
sixth year of Hijrah, and the proposition fardunya of the Qur'an is the word of
Allah Almighty:
وأتموا الحج والعمرة لله
"And complete the Hajj and 'Umrah for Allah."
[Al-Baqarah / 2: 196]
Until the word of God:
الحج أشهر معلومات فمن فرض فيهن الحج فلا رفث ولا فسوق ولا جدال
في الحج
"(Season) Hajj is understandable few months. He who
establishes his intention in that month will be on the pilgrimage, should not
rafats, do wicked or arguing in the pilgrimage "[al-Baqarah / 2: 197]
His words are also others:
فيه آيات بينات مقام إبراهيم ومن دخله كان آمنا ولله على الناس
حج البيت من استطاع إليه سبيلا ومن كفر فإن الله غني عن العالمين
"For him there are signs of real, (among) the
station of Ibrahim. Whoever entered it (Baitullah it), he was safe. Pilgrimage
is a duty of man to God, that is (for) people are able to travel to the House.
Whoever denies (hajj obligations), Allah is Rich (does not require anything) of
the Worlds. "[Ali 'Imran / 3: 97]
The postulate of the Sunnah, the words of the Prophet
sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam:
إن الله كتب عليكم الحج فحجوا
"Verily Allah has made obligatory Hajj, then hajilah
you!" [HR. Muslim]
Also as narrated by Ibn 'Umar anhu:
(بني الإسلام على خمس: شهادة أن لا إله إلا الله وأن محمدا رسول
الله, وإقام الصلاة, وإيتاء الزكاة, وصوم رمضان, وحج البيت لمن استطاع إليه سبيلا)
"Islam is built on five pillars; testimony that
there is no deity worthy of worship except Allah and Muhammad is the messenger
of Allah, establish the prayer, remove zakat, fasting in the month of Ramadan,
and the pilgrimage to the House for anyone who could hold her journey.
"[Muttafaq 'alaih]
Indeed, the Prophet has interpreted the meaning as-Sabil
with supplies and vehicles, then anyone who has a living for himself and his
family to return from Hajj as well as getting a vehicle, leading him to Mecca
(ie cost roundtrip safar), then it is obligatory for him immediately
pilgrimage; because he will not know what's going to stop him after that,
because of illness or diminished his property.
Haji including worship that have a major influence in
educating the soul, in the form of separated himself from the glitzy world,
returning to the original nature, to overcome the difficulties and
exhaustion-exhaustion, honors glorify Allah Almighty to refrain from any
interference and hostile actions. Therefore, man must not kill berihrâm game,
should not cut nails, should not shave, even all the activities that the Hajj
is safety for yourself and others.
Implementation of the pilgrimage is the fulfillment of
the call of Allah Almighty through His oral lover, namely Ibrahim
Alaihissallam, so a visit to Baitul Haram. Therefore, people who pronounce his
intention haj pilgrimage or 'umrah;
لبيك اللهم لبيك, لبيك لاشريك لك لبيك, إن الحمد والنعمة لك
والملك لا شريك لك
"I call thy fill, O God, Thy call my fill. My
calling to fulfill thy no partner for Thee, my fulfill your calling. Indeed
compliments and favors just for you, also your kingdom. There is no partner for
Thee ".
Meaning لبيك: obedience to hasten towards Thee, and
fulfill your calling without long and slow.
In addition, the Hajj is an event gathering the Muslims
are repeated every year, where they come from different parts of the world, so
they can remember the unity of religion that overshadowed them all. Although
they are different types and colors of skin, as well as oral and different
dialects, then introduced brotherhood, mutual benefits switched between them,
as well as mutual understanding of each situation. In it there is an
improvement of the situation and the glory of them; also strengthen kinship
among them. It was al-Quran has signaled it will in His word:
ليشهدوا منافع لهم
"... So that they see many benefits for them
..." [al-Hajj / 22: 28]
In the above hadith (Bukhari 1424) The Prophet
sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam proclaiming that those obligations Hajj in the
right way, ie; mengikhlaskan intention to Allah Almighty in it, he did not come
out because riyâ` or sum'ah, even as faith in Allah Almighty and expect a
reward from his side, on the orders of His obedient; he fulfilled the
obligation away from things that are not worth it in the form of people who
berihrâm rafats, namely jima` and its predecessors and all associated with it;
also do not do evil, which is out of obedience to Allah Almighty, the
adulterous against him; then indeed he came home from pilgrimage in a clean
state of sin as when he was born. Unless the sin concerning the rights of
others, then this is not really sin erased with the pilgrimage and that in
others, even should return it to the beneficiary, or ask them to
Not surprisingly, the pilgrimage to the position as it
can purify from sin, because he is actually rihlah (left) towards Allah
Almighty. When on pilgrimage, Muslims bear a lot of trouble, threatened various
calamities and distress, the expense of power and wealth, and then carry out
the rituals of Hajj. He started toward the door of his Lord, came to him from
far away places to beg for forgiveness and mercy from Him, to vent their
grievances to him for his sins that can lead to destruction and doom, if it is
still there -dosa sin and not forgiven Allah Almighty.
So what persangkaanmu the most gracious Lord, that His
servants seek refuge in Him, devoted to her laments before Him, acknowledging
tyranny and ignorance on his side, as well as the attitude goes beyond the
limits of his rights; then he repent, regret and realize that there is no
refuge for him from Allah Almighty except only in Him. Also that there is no
one who survived the Almighty God, and behold if he did not get the grace and
virtue of God Almighty, it will be the people who are miserable with the whole
Verily Allah Almighty than most loving His servants He
returns to the condition upset after he knows her honesty in the refuge to him
and sincere in his repentance from sin. And it has come in the hadeeth:
الحج المبرور ليس له جزاء إلا الجنة
Hajj Mabrur (then) there is no reply for him but heaven
[HR. Muslim]
We ask God Almighty endowed to us and our brothers with
splendor in carrying out these obligations, and accept it with grace and His
(Reference: Al-Ashâlah Magazine, pp 31-34, Safar Th.1424
month volume-41, 6th year)
[Copied from the Sunnah magazine Issue 08 / Year XIII /
Dzulqa'adah 1430 / 2009m. Publishers Foundation Standing Committee Istiqomah
Surakarta, Jl. Solo-Purwodadi Km.8 Selokaton Gondangrejo Solo 57 183 Tel.
0271-858197 Fax 0271-858196]
OPEN HOUSE EVENT prospective pilgrims
DR Ustadz Muhammad Arifin Badri MA
Chaplain, in the area where I live, if anyone would like
a pilgrimage, a day before departure usually concerned to hold an open house
all day from morning till night. Neighbors came, he said to medo'akan which
would hopefully Hajj pilgrimage mambur. The same thing is done on his return
from a pilgrimage concerned, neighbors came to congratulate and receive a
souvenir from the holy land. Is it riya 'for the pilgrimage? And whether such
activity is heresy?
It is a culture that has spread. This culture needs to
watch out, because this culture lately seemed to have become a string of Hajj
rituals. This culture if the shari'ah routinized problematic, because if
routinized, it can rise to a belief that the pilgrimage should begin and end
with the open haouse. However, if the cause of this, the culture necessarily be
judged illegitimate? It also can not. Since the first scholars know the name
walimatus safar (walimah are done when they wanted to do a trip away). Walimah
safar classified into events or permissible, also charity and thanksgiving.
For example, after returning from a pilgrimage to the
charity you want to invite the neighbors to a dinner, for not believing as a
series of pilgrimage, God willing, why not. Because mentioned in al-Mughni by
Ibn Qudamah walimah rahimahullah there are several kinds, including the walimah
Safar, walimah circumcision and so forth, but it all is permissible, associated
with local traditions. As long as it is not regarded as necessary or part of
the pilgrimage rituals. Especially the community leaders and the scholars, they
have an important role to explain right to the public with his verbal or
explain the practice, for example by occasionally leaving the culture so that people
know that it's not an especially disunnahkan required. And Allah knows best
[Copied from the Sunnah magazine Issue 01 / Year XVII /
Jumada al-End 1434 / 2013M. Publishers Foundation Standing Committee Istiqomah
Surakarta, Jl. Solo-Purwodadi Km.8 Selokaton Gondangrejo Solo 57 183 Tel.
0271-858197 Fax 0271-858196] (Continoe)
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