(Part three hundred and eighty-one, Depok, West Java, Indonesia, October 15, 2015, 15:09 pm)
World War III starts from the Middle East?
The civil war in Syria, the war in Yemen, the conflict in Korea, disputed Spratley islands in the South China Sea and the conflict in Ukraine and in North Africa seems to be the initial trigger a world war III seeds in the future. If that happens, it is hard to imagine going to the survival of mankind today, because if as a result of the dispute extends to a world war III, the fate of human existence is threatened, this might be called the Qur'an and Sunnah as the early signs of impending doom (destruction human), due to act and negligence and kezoliman man himself.
Due to World War III will inevitably involve military power possessed nuclear superpower United States, Russia, China, Britain, France, Germany, Japan, North Korea, India, Pakistan, Israel and Iran.
With nuclear-headed missiles possessed these states is enough to destroy 90 percent of the earth's population in the third world war.
Probably due to the destruction and the destruction of the earth's population, the human remains that may still be difficult to rebuild a new civilization back like those of humans today.
The war in Syria, the harder it will be over, because this war has involved political competition and the influence of world military superpower Russia and the United States.
United States with NATO allies and members of the Arab League to provide assistance weapons, ammunition and military training for opposition groups in Syria against the Assad regime that aided Iran, Shi'ite Hezbollah in Lebanon and Russia.
In addition to the political conflict in the Syrian conflict has also become a battlefield jihad for the majority Sunni opposition against assad regime-backed Shi'ite Hezbollah and Shi'ite Iran and Russia
Moreover, the ideology of Shia and Sunni (Ahlul Sunnah waljamaah) stands in stark contrast to 90 percent, Sunnis accuse Shi'ite as heresy because it has mengkafirkan the companions of the Prophet Muhammad,
Sunnis accuse Shi'ite mushab Qur'an uses different mushab Sunni. Sunni using the Koran Mushab Usmani, sdangkan Shi'ite Fatimid mushab which is much thicker than Mushab Usmani.
Sunni-majority Indonesia represented the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) issued a fatwa (since the MUI Chairman Prof. HAMKA that Shi'ite doctrine is heresy. So also the fatwa issued the famous Sunni scholars from Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, India and North African (Egypt ).
While Shi'ite clerics have their own argument that the companions had been heathen, among others accuse the companions of the Prophet Muhammad allowed for three days after the death of newly buried. While researchers Sunni melilai the delay was not due to deliberate, but due to the friends shook, shocked and could not believe the Prophet Muhammad, who had just seen die, so as a result of the delay was interpreted differently by followers of Shi'ite.
So the conflicts in Syria and Iraq between ISIS (Islamic State) is now not merely a political war, but it leads to a war of ideology. Between Iraqi Shi'ite regime that aided Shi'ite Iran and the Lebanese Shiite Hezbollah, against ISIS, which is supported by 25000 jihadists from over 100 countries, including from Russia, Tajikistan, Afghanistan, the United States and NATO member states.
Saudi Arabia and its allies in the Arab League to support a coalition of 18 countries led by the US and NATO combat ISIS. Saudi Arabia accused ISIS as a group Khawarij, as well as Shi'ite accused of heresy.
Saudi clerics argued they did not find the splinter groups of Muslims in accordance with the companions of Ahl Sunnah wal Jama'ah except among the followers of As-Salaf al-Salih Ahlul Hadeeth.
The Mu'tazilah how could correspond to the companions of the great figures while they denounce the great figures of justice and lowered their friend and accused them of heresy such as Al-Wasil bin Atho 'which states: If Ali, Az-Zubair Tholhah and then I did not testify punished because of their testimony. [See Al-Farqu Bainal Firaq hal.119-120]
The Kharijites had come out of religion and menyempal of the congregation of the Muslims because some basic points of their doctrine is mengkafirkan Ali and his son, Ibn Abbas, Uthman, Talha, Ayesha and Mu'awiyah and is not located on the properties of the companions of people harassing and mengkafirkan them.
As Shufiyah, they underestimate the legacy of the Prophets and demeaning the transmitter of the Book and Sunnah and their mensifatkan as the deceased. A great man they say: You take your knowledge, of deceased while we take our knowledge of the great life that is not dead (God) directly. Therefore, they say-with their mouths to reject sanad hadits-: Has mengkhabarkan me my heart of Rabb.
As for the Shiites, they have believed that the companions had lapsed after the death of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam except a few people, see Al-Kisyiy -one of them- priest narrates the history of the book Rijalnya case. 12.13 from Abu Ja'far, that he has stated: All the apostate after the death of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam except three, I said: Who is the third person? He replied: Al-Miqdaad bin Al-Aswaad, Abu Dhar Al-Ghifary and Salman Al-Farisiy.
And narrated in p.13 of Abu Ja'far, he said: The Emigrants and Anshor has come out (of religion) except for three. [See Al-Kaafiy work of Al-Kulaniy, hal.115]
Khomeini also see their great -tokoh at the time of this- denounced and cursed Abu Bakr and Umar in his book Kasyful Asroor case, 131, he stated: Verily syaikhani (Abu Bakr and Umar) ... and from here we find ourselves forced to submit evidence proof of their deviations are both very clear about the Koran in order to prove that the two had menyelisihinya.
And said again terms of 137: ... and the Prophet closed the eyes (d) while both his ears no remarks on Ibn al-Khattab who erect falsehood and kufr sourced from practice, kezindikan and penyelisihan of the verses in the Qur ' an glorious.
As Murji'ah, they believe that the faith of those hypocrites who are in the same faith kenifakan Assabiqunal Awalun (the first people who converted to Islam) of the Emigrants and Helpers.
How they all corresponded with the friends while they are:
Mengkafirkan chosen people from among them
Do not accept at all that they are narrated from the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam in aqeedah and shariah law.
Follows the Byzantine civilization and Greek philosophy
In conclusion
These groups all want to deny us the witnesses to the Book and Sunnah and denouncing them while they are more worthy of reproach, and they are the zindiq.
Thus it is clear that the understanding of al-salaf is manhaj Firqatun Najiyah and Ath-Thaifah Al-Mansurah in the concept of understanding, acceptance and Istidlal (legal decision).
While those who follow the example of the companions are those who labor with the narrations (Hadith) are authentic and authentic dalah Shari'a law, with the road and understanding friend, and this is his way of life Ahlul Hadeeth, not the course of Ahl-ul-bid'ah and lust. So true and the strong what we describe when we explain their success in the form arbitrate to the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam with the success of the person who took the sunnah sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam and the Sunnah of the four caliphs after him.
Disputes between Sunni with Shiite according to many historians of Islam can not be separated from the old rivalry between ethnic Persians and Arabs in the Middle East.
Moreover, after King D'Andrea (Persia / Iran) had dominated much of the Middle East and to Central Asia and parts of Europe could then conquered and defeated by the Islamic Caliphate, thus making the original Persian religion Zoroastrianism to Islam.
But apparently influences and cultural rivalry Zoroastrians do not want to be eliminated just by the Persians, so Islam that developed in Iran is very different from the Islam in the Middle East dominated the Arab nation.
Characteristics different from Sunni Islam that is called Shi'a groups. History of this split was first triggered by the rise of bin abi Talib Ali became caliph Uthman replace the killed rebels.
When the rising Ali became caliph in support of all friends, except Muawiya, who had to admit Ali after Ali prosecute once the rebels murderers Usman, but Ali found that time he just busy wants to unite the Muslims are divided, unity had become priotitas new sought search for and prosecute the murderers Usman.
Muawiyah that one clan group (lineage with Usman) perform ijtihad that justice is first established, there was recognition of the government of Ali. Ijtihad difference between Ali and Muawiyah group is what color the original origin of contention among Muslims and has now developed into ideological differences between Shia and Sunni.
Moreover, the recent Shia assume all the companions of the Prophet are kafir (apostate) except Persian descent companions like Salman Al Farisi.
Shia Rafidah even consider and purify Ali, that Ali was the one who actually deserves to be the Last Prophet. Even the Shi'ite too idolize bloodlines and lineage Ali Husein Ali's son married to the daughter of the former King of Persia conquered by the Caliph Umar Bin Khattab.
Though Ali had many children, like Hasan, but the cult only descendants of Hussein who married the daughter of the King of Persia, so that 12 Shiite Imams are all from the lineage of Ali Hussein, grandson of the Prophet Muhammad.
Another difference is the problem Koran, when Sunni using Mushab Usmani (Mushab collected during the Caliphate of Usman), then use Mushab Shia Fatimid (Fatima was the daughter of the Prophet Muhammad and wife of Ali).
Even the word Shia Holy Book Quran Fatimis version is thicker than Mushab Usmani.
Therefore People Shia mengkafirkan the companions (Sunni never mengkafirkan Ali and friend of Persian descent), even menhormati them, so the Hadith (Sunnah / Al-Hikmah) Prophet Muhammad narrated all friends including those from Salman Al Farisi used Sunni Islam, after Where sorted authentic Hadiths, or hasan hadith dhoif (weak sanadnya or False).
Priests who collect them Imam Buchori this hadith, Imam Muslim, Imam Syafei, Imam Hambali, Imam Hanafi and Maliki imam.
That is why the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI), which dominated the Ulama NU, Muhammadiyah, Hidayatullah, EXACTLY, all Sunni, since the Chairman of the MUI by Prof. Dr. HAMKA mengelluarkan fatwa that the Shia as Sesat flow (with 10 criteria of reason).
So that the conflict in Syria, Iraq and Yemen can be complicated and difficult to reconcile, for each of the warring parties feel equally Jihad holy war.
Snowden: ISIS Notching Israel, the US and the UK
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, former employees of the National Security Agency (NSA) United States Edward Snowden said if Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) is an organization formed of intelligence cooperation of the three countries.
Quoted from Global Research, an independent research organization in the Canadian media, Snowden revealed that the intelligence unit of British, US and Israeli Mossad working together to create a new caliphate state called ISIS.
Snowden said the intelligence agencies of the three countries forming a terrorist organization to attract extremists around the world. They call this strategy as the 'honeycomb'.
NSA documents released Smowden shows how the beehive strategy designed to protect the interests of the Zionists to create the slogan of Islam. Based on these documents, the only way to protect the interests of the Jews is to create an enemy at the border.
The strategy is made to put all the extremists in the same place so easily targeted. Not only that, the ISIS would prolong instability in the Middle East, especially in Arab countries.
Based on these documents, ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi also get a full year of military training from Mossad, Israel. Al-Baghdadi also get a course of theology and rhetoric of the Zionist intelligence agencies.
Call Iran ISIS US Puppet Protector Israel
Head of Iran's Armed Forces, General Massoud Jazayeri Bigadir call ISIS formed by the US to protect Israel. (Special)
TEHRAN - Iran's armed forces chief, General Massoud Jazayeri Bigadir call ISIS formed by the United States (US) to protect Israel. According to Jazayeri, is seen from a given covert US assistance to the ISIS.
"However, we see this issue, we look at US support for terrorist groups ISSL. They do so in order to protect Israel from the threat in this region," said Jayazeri, as reported Farsnews on Friday (16/10).
Jayazeri say, the way the US helped ISIS is with membentangan a chain of influence in the Middle East, which is slowly strengthening ISIS. The chain was shown to be able to limit the movement of Hezbollah in Lebanon, suppressing the resistance forces ISIS and even able to pressure Iran, so it can not do much in the Middle East.
Syria, said Jayazeri, is the main point to break the chains that power. Therefore, Iran will try to help Syria break the chain, which also seek to overthrow the Syrian government.
He believes, with the help of Iran, then Syria will be able to win the battle, and break the chains that have stretched the US over the last four years in Syria.
"The" rulers "over the last four years constantly trying to overthrow the Syrian government. Under the support of Iran, not only the Syrian government will not be overthrown, but also Syria to obtain a new victory," he said.
Russia and the United States about the meeting title Syrian airspace
(BBC) - The Pentagon said that the jets they have to maneuver the separation that is not too close to the Russian warplanes.
Russia has agreed to hold a meeting with the United States about the current security bombings in Syria, according to the Pentagon.
The meeting was "very likely to happen this weekend," said spokesman Peter Cook.
There are fears will crash collision because the United States and Russia are both bomb attacks in Syria despite separately.
United States and NATO allies disrupted due to jet planes Russia has several times violated the airspace of Turkey.
Earlier this week, Pentagon officials said that they have to do at least one maneuver "safe separation" that fighter jets the United States do not get too close to the Russian aircraft over Syria.
This incident occurred on October 1, but the Pentagon did not provide further explanation.
This meeting is expected to discuss how much the separation distance between the jets the United States and Russia and what is the standard language of communication of the crew.
Russia has also launched rockets from warships in the Caspian Sea.
There are concerns that Russia actually attacked opponents of President Bashar al-Assad, not a militant positions ISIS.
US Defense Secretary Ashton Carter on Friday (9/10) has accused Russia of military operations "fundamentally flawed" in Syria and will "ignite a civil war that encourage extremism".
But Moscow denied the statement saying that in the past week they attacked targets instead of ISIS.
Russian cruise missiles 'fall in Iran'
Officials at the Ministry of Defence said the United States, the Russian cruise missiles fired from the Caspian Sea to the targets in Syria falls in Iran.
Two officials who requested anonymity, said it is unclear whether there is damage due to fire these missiles.
An official said four missiles out of the line of fire.
Iran news agency quoted the governor of Takab province, western Iran, which says foreign objects falling on the village.
Russian Defense Ministry said all missiles hit the desired targets in Syria.
Russian officials said on Wednesday (07/08) had fired 26 cruise missiles of Russian combat ships in the Caspian Sea with the goal of jihadi groups in northern Syria dam northwest.
The claim that the Russian missiles to Iran this fall appears when NATO reaffirmed that they will defend their allies.
NATO says it has changed the procedure that allows the deployment of troops to be faster.
This development comes as Russia increased its military involvement in the Syrian conflict.
Syria itself welcomed "aid from Russia" by the Russian military said the attacks have weakened the power of a group calling itself the Islamic State or known as ISIS.
Four Russian warships reportedly fired 26 missiles at 11 targets ISIS.
Russia said it had launched a rocket attack on the target group calling itself the Islamic State or ISIS in Syria of its warships in the Caspian Sea which is about 1.500km.
Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said four warships fired 26 missiles at 11 targets sea and destroy it.
While the Syrian ground forces with air cover to attack Russia, said Syrian officials.
Russia denies accusations that most of the attacks that they have embarked on target non ISIS.
Institutions activists, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, reported progress' 'fierce fighting in several months' in the province of Hama and Idlib.
The clashes occurred after the launch of a Russian air raid in the same area.
It is estimated that attacks from the Caspian Sea is the first coordinated attack since the air strikes Russia, a close ally of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, began on September 30.
Russia has said it is targeting "all terrorists" but at least part of the air attacks were reported on civilians and rebel groups backed the West.
Syrian President Bashar al-Assad depicts Russia intervened in the civil war in Syria as very important for the security of the entire Middle East region.
The Syrian leader said that military action against the US-led coalition group calling itself the Islamic State or ISIS failed to prevent the spread of terrorism.
He asserted that only a coalition of Syria, Russia, Iran and Iraq that could prevent damage in the region.
"This coalition must succeed, if not, we will witness the destruction of the entire region. We believe this coalition will be successful," the Syrian president said in an interview with Iranian television aired on Sunday (04/10).
According to him, four countries united to overcome terrorism and will eventually reach "practical results", unlike the US-led coalition.
Russia has launched air strikes against the ISIS in Syria since last week.
When President Bashar al-Assad submissions, Russia continued to launch air strikes in Syria.
Mentioned that the Russians attacked positions of ISIS, but activists say the focus target is groups opposed to President Assad.
Members of the US-led coalition, which launched a resistance to a group calling itself the Islamic State or ISIS, urged Russia to halt air strikes that they said hit the Syrian opposition groups and civilians.
In a joint statement issued Friday (2 October), the United States, Britain, Turkey and other members of the coalition said the Russian attack would "only lead to more extremism".
Russia, which according to witnesses returned to the attack on Friday (02/10), said it is targeting ISIS.
A senior Russian official said the attack may last for three to four months.
Alexei Pushkov, chairman of the board of the Russian parliament's foreign, adding the US only "pretend" bombed ISIS.
He promised Russia would be a more effective operation.
Russian air forces launch an air strike in Syria on Wednesday (30 September).
Syrian military said Russia has conducted 18 air strikes since Thursday night.
Among them is done in the province of Hama and Idlib, the province where there are strengths ISIS.
Russia says 'thousands of Russian citizens' has joined the ISIS in Syria.
Russia's upper house of parliament on Wednesday (30/09) unanimously approved the request of President Vladimir Putin sent troops into another country.
This decision paved the way for the Russian government to launch air strikes pounded a group calling itself the Islamic State or ISIS.
A spokesman for the Russian government, Sergei Ivanov, said it would not send ground troops to Syria and will only use the power of the air.
According to Ivanov, Russia has interests in Syria because "thousands of Russian citizens have joined to ISIS and they have become a threat to national security".
"It's not a question of reaching a goal or ambition of our foreign policy, as alleged by Western countries. This is simply because there are national interests of Russia," Ivanov said.
Ivanov added Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, has formally requested military aid to Russia.
Earlier, during a speech at the UN headquarters, President Putin called for a larger coalition to fight terrorism.
Besides Russia, the US-led coalition has been first launched air strikes in Syria in the past year.
Russia and the United States about the meeting title Syrian airspace
The Pentagon said that the jets they have to maneuver the separation that is not too close to the Russian warplanes.
Russia has agreed to hold a meeting with the United States about the current security bombings in Syria, according to the Pentagon.
The meeting was "very likely to happen this weekend," said spokesman Peter Cook.
There are fears will crash collision because the United States and Russia are both bomb attacks in Syria despite separately.
United States and NATO allies disrupted due to jet planes Russia has several times violated the airspace of Turkey.
Earlier this week, Pentagon officials said that they have to do at least one maneuver "safe separation" that fighter jets the United States do not get too close to the Russian aircraft over Syria.
This incident occurred on October 1, but the Pentagon did not provide further explanation.
This meeting is expected to discuss how much the separation distance between the jets the United States and Russia and what is the standard language of communication of the crew.
Russia has also launched rockets from warships in the Caspian Sea.
There are concerns that Russia actually attacked opponents of President Bashar al-Assad, not a militant positions ISIS.
US Defense Secretary Ashton Carter on Friday (9/10) has accused Russia of military operations "fundamentally flawed" in Syria and will "ignite a civil war that encourage extremism".
But Moscow denied the statement saying that in the past week they attacked targets instead of ISIS.
Russian cruise missiles 'fall in Iran'
Photos from the Russian Defense Ministry shows Russian missiles fired from the Caspian Sea.
Officials at the Ministry of Defence said the United States, the Russian cruise missiles fired from the Caspian Sea to the targets in Syria falls in Iran.
Two officials who requested anonymity, said it is unclear whether there is damage due to fire these missiles.
An official said four missiles out of the line of fire.
Iran news agency quoted the governor of Takab province, western Iran, which says foreign objects falling on the village.
Russian Defense Ministry said all missiles hit the desired targets in Syria.
Russian officials said on Wednesday (07/08) had fired 26 cruise missiles of Russian combat ships in the Caspian Sea with the goal of jihadi groups in northern Syria dam northwest.
The claim that the Russian missiles to Iran this fall appears when NATO reaffirmed that they will defend their allies.
NATO says it has changed the procedure that allows the deployment of troops to be faster.
This development comes as Russia increased its military involvement in the Syrian conflict.
Syria itself welcomed "aid from Russia" by the Russian military said the attacks have weakened the power of a group calling itself the Islamic State or known as ISIS.
Four Russian warships reportedly fired 26 missiles at 11 targets ISIS.
Russia said it had launched a rocket attack on the target group calling itself the Islamic State or ISIS in Syria of its warships in the Caspian Sea which is about 1.500km.
Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said four warships fired 26 missiles at 11 targets sea and destroy it.
While the Syrian ground forces with air cover to attack Russia, said Syrian officials.
Russia denies accusations that most of the attacks that they have embarked on target non ISIS.
Institutions activists, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, reported progress' 'fierce fighting in several months' in the province of Hama and Idlib.
The clashes occurred after the launch of a Russian air raid in the same area.
It is estimated that attacks from the Caspian Sea is the first coordinated attack since the air strikes Russia, a close ally of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, began on September 30.
Russia has said it is targeting "all terrorists" but at least part of the air attacks were reported on civilians and rebel groups backed the West.
Interview of President Bashar al-Assad Iranian television broadcast on Sunday (04/10).
Syrian President Bashar al-Assad depicts Russia intervened in the civil war in Syria as very important for the security of the entire Middle East region.
The Syrian leader said that military action against the US-led coalition group calling itself the Islamic State or ISIS failed to prevent the spread of terrorism.
He asserted that only a coalition of Syria, Russia, Iran and Iraq that could prevent damage in the region.
"This coalition must succeed, if not, we will witness the destruction of the entire region. We believe this coalition will be successful," the Syrian president said in an interview with Iranian television aired on Sunday (04/10).
According to him, four countries united to overcome terrorism and will eventually reach "practical results", unlike the US-led coalition.
Russia has launched air strikes against the ISIS in Syria since last week.
When President Bashar al-Assad submissions, Russia continued to launch air strikes in Syria.
Mentioned that the Russians attacked positions of ISIS, but activists say the focus target is groups opposed to President Assad.
Smoke rising because of air strikes in Kafr Nabel, Idlib province.
Members of the US-led coalition, which launched a resistance to a group calling itself the Islamic State or ISIS, urged Russia to halt air strikes that they said hit the Syrian opposition groups and civilians.
In a joint statement issued Friday (2 October), the United States, Britain, Turkey and other members of the coalition said the Russian attack would "only lead to more extremism".
Russia, which according to witnesses returned to the attack on Friday (02/10), said it is targeting ISIS.
A senior Russian official said the attack may last for three to four months.
Alexei Pushkov, chairman of the board of the Russian parliament's foreign, adding the US only "pretend" bombed ISIS.
He promised Russia would be a more effective operation.
Russian air forces launch an air strike in Syria on Wednesday (30 September).
Syrian military said Russia has conducted 18 air strikes since Thursday night.
Among them is done in the province of Hama and Idlib, the province where there are strengths ISIS.
Parliament agreed to Russia launches air strikes in Syria
Russia says 'thousands of Russian citizens' has joined the ISIS in Syria.
Russia's upper house of parliament on Wednesday (30/09) unanimously approved the request of President Vladimir Putin sent troops into another country.
This decision paved the way for the Russian government to launch air strikes pounded a group calling itself the Islamic State or ISIS.
A spokesman for the Russian government, Sergei Ivanov, said it would not send ground troops to Syria and will only use the power of the air.
According to Ivanov, Russia has interests in Syria because "thousands of Russian citizens have joined to ISIS and they have become a threat to national security".
"It's not a question of reaching a goal or ambition of our foreign policy, as alleged by Western countries. This is simply because there are national interests of Russia," Ivanov said.
Ivanov added Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, has formally requested military aid to Russia.
Earlier, during a speech at the UN headquarters, President Putin called for a larger coalition to fight terrorism.
Besides Russia, the US-led coalition has been first launched air strikes in Syria in the past year.
Iran and Russia opposed ISIS, supporting Al-Assad
Russian President Vladimir Putin (right) supports the Syrian government under President Bashar al-Assad (left).
Iranian President Hassan Rouhani and Russian President Vladimir Putin expressed their determination to include the rule of President Bashar al-Assad in the fight against militias ISIS.
In a meeting with a number of research institutions and journalists before the session of United Nations General Assembly began, Rouhani said that Al-Assad's rule must not be attenuated if ISIS wants to be defeated.
Image caption
Iran and Russia's attitude is not in line with the position of Western countries.
British Prime Minister David Cameron, US President Barack Obama and French President Francois Hollande repeatedly urged Al-Assad was ousted from power as a condition of the peace agreement.
"(Bashar al-) Assad can not be part of the future of Syria. He has slaughtered its own people. He has helped create conflicts and crises of this migration. He is the officer who recruited members of ISIS, "said Cameron.
In New York, the country's leaders came to attend the UN General Assembly in the middle of a crisis of migrants and refugees Syrian origin.
Since the conflict in Syria in 2011, more than 200,000 people died.
This operation was held following the decision to expand the efforts of the attacks on militant groups, as reported by AFP news agency.
French first air attack against the power of the militant group calling itself the Islamic State or ISIS in Syria on Sunday (27/09).
This operation was held following the decision to expand the efforts of the attacks on the militant groups, as reported by AFP news agency.
French Presidential Office said the air strike was carried out after it carried out reconnaissance operations over the last two weeks.
So far, France only take part in air strikes in Iraq, according to the Reuters news agency.
Operation "against the terrorist threat" Islamic State coordinated with regional partners, the statement said.
'It is futile and unrealistic'
In early September, President Francois Hollande said it has been preparing to launch air strikes against the militant group Islamic state in Syria.
However, he continued, France since the beginning ruled out sending troops to attack ISIS he called "futile and unrealistic".
So far more than 220,000 Syrians have been killed and more than nine million citizens left the country with IDPs.
Syrian opposition groups still adamantly against President Bashar al-Assad.
A coalition of about 200 human rights organizations mark the anniversary of the emergence of protests in Syria by calling on Russia and China to support UN policy towards the government of President Assad.
They asked the UN Security Council passed a resolution that pressed the Syrian government to immediately end attacks on protesters.
They emphasized the need for the international community, including Russia and China to support this resolution.
The call comes ahead of the return of the special envoy of the UN and the Arab League for Syria Kofi Annan, who this Friday (16/3) will present the results of his visit report.
Scorched earth
While in Syria fighting continues, with the forces of President Bashar al-Assad movement scorched earth in various cities they attack, said by the organization Human Rights Watch (HRW).
'' Syrian troops carry out a scorched earth in various cities while hand tertelikung Security Council by Russia and China, '' said Sarah Leah Witson of HRW.
When hostilities continue, Saudi Arabia and Italy decided to follow some previous state by closing their embassy because of the violence that continues to happen.
HRW said government forces using high-caliber machine guns, tanks, and fired mortars indiscriminately into buildings or people on the streets in cities that were targeted their invasion.
China opposed the US related to the South China Sea
Washington believes Beijing building military facilities measures aimed at strengthening the claims.
China hit back at the United States related to the South China Sea territorial disputes.
Foreign Ministry spokesperson, Hua Chunying, the current US offensive blame "some countries" which "continue to use its military power" in the region.
Last week, US officials said they were considering directing warships in the area around the Spratlys declared China as its territory.
This has sparked a war of words between the two superpowers of this.
China alarmed a number of neighbors, and the US, as it expands a series of small islands, the BBC's Michael Bristow.
Washington believes Beijing building military facilities step aims to strengthen claims over the disputed region.
China declared the construction of a legitimate and necessary to protect its sovereignty.
Iran and Russia's attitude is not in line with the position of Western countries.
British Prime Minister David Cameron, US President Barack Obama and French President Francois Hollande repeatedly urged Al-Assad was ousted from power as a condition of the peace agreement.
"(Bashar al-) Assad can not be part of the future of Syria. He has slaughtered its own people. He has helped create conflicts and crises of this migration. He is the officer who recruited members of ISIS, "said Cameron.
In New York, the country's leaders came to attend the UN General Assembly in the middle of a crisis of migrants and refugees Syrian origin.
Since the conflict in Syria in 2011, more than 200,000 people died. Then about four million Syrians have fled to various countries, including Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan, to Europe.
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This operation was held following the decision to expand the efforts of the attacks on militant groups, as reported by AFP news agency.
French first air attack against the power of the militant group calling itself the Islamic State or ISIS in Syria on Sunday (27/09).
This operation was held following the decision to expand the efforts of the attacks on the militant groups, as reported by AFP news agency.
French Presidential Office said the air strike was carried out after it carried out reconnaissance operations over the last two weeks.
So far, France only take part in air strikes in Iraq, according to the Reuters news agency.
Operation "against the terrorist threat" Islamic State coordinated with regional partners, the statement said.
'It is futile and unrealistic'
In early September, President Francois Hollande said it has been preparing to launch air strikes against the militant group Islamic state in Syria.
However, he continued, France since the beginning ruled out sending troops to attack ISIS he called "futile and unrealistic".
So far more than 220,000 Syrians have been killed and more than nine million citizens left the country with IDPs.
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Russian human rights organizations protested and China over Syria
Syrian opposition groups still adamantly against President Bashar al-Assad.
A coalition of about 200 human rights organizations mark the anniversary of the emergence of protests in Syria by calling on Russia and China to support UN policy towards the government of President Assad.
They asked the UN Security Council passed a resolution that pressed the Syrian government to immediately end attacks on protesters.
Syria, Middle East
They emphasized the need for the international community, including Russia and China to support this resolution.
The call comes ahead of the return of the special envoy of the UN and the Arab League for Syria Kofi Annan, who this Friday (16/3) will present the results of his visit report.
Scorched earth
While in Syria fighting continues, with the forces of President Bashar al-Assad movement scorched earth in various cities they attack, said by the organization Human Rights Watch (HRW).
'' Syrian troops carry out a scorched earth in various cities while hand tertelikung Security Council by Russia and China, '' said Sarah Leah Witson of HRW.
When hostilities continue, Saudi Arabia and Italy decided to follow some previous state by closing their embassy because of the violence that continues to happen.
HRW said government forces using high-caliber machine guns, tanks, and fired mortars indiscriminately into buildings or people on the streets in cities that were targeted their invasion.
China opposed the US related to the South China Sea
Washington believes Beijing building military facilities measures aimed at strengthening the claims.
China hit back at the United States related to the South China Sea territorial disputes.
Foreign Ministry spokesperson, Hua Chunying, the current US offensive blame "some countries" which "continue to use its military power" in the region.
Last week, US officials said they were considering directing warships in the area around the Spratlys declared China as its territory.
This has sparked a war of words between the two superpowers of this.
China alarmed a number of neighbors, and the US, as it expands a series of small islands, the BBC's Michael Bristow.
Washington believes Beijing building military facilities step aims to strengthen claims over the disputed region.
China declared the construction of a legitimate and necessary to protect its sovereignty.
The clash started when US officials said it was considering sending warships in the area of 12 nautical miles which China claims as the area around the Spratlys.
Saudi Arabia returned Yemen attack
22 April 2015
yemen saudi attack
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A member of the Yemeni forces stand guard in front of the mall were destroyed by airstrikes Arabia.
The coalition, led by Saudi Arabia re-launched air strikes against Houthi rebels in Yemen, while ground fighting continued.
The attack comes just a few hours after Saudi Arabia announced that they stop the air strikes against Yemen.
Saudi Arabia and coalition forces have launched air strikes during the past four weeks.
A Saudi diplomat stated that the air attacks they are doing so far has achieved the desired results in attacking military targets.
Following the air strikes, the rebel forces to take action reply to seize military base in the city of Taez.
The fighting was also reported in the city of Aden, Huta city and a small town, Daleh.
Even if the air strikes, the government of Saudi Arabia stated that a peace agreement is still ongoing and is in the process of finalization.
Iran, which is accused of being behind the rebel Houthi, had praised Saudi halt air strikes this as a step forward in the peace talks.
The conflict in Yemen makes Aden so 'ghost town'
7 April 2015
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A tank in the center of Aden crossing are torn apart by war since the last few months.
The leader of the Red Cross (ICRC) told the BBC in Aden, that the conflict has transformed the city into a "ghost town".
Robert Ghosen said medical supplies urgently needed in the city. On Monday, an aid plane to Yemen canceled flights because of logistical problems.
The World Health Organization (WHO) says more than 540 people have died in the conflict.
In recent months, Yemen has been torn apart by war between different groups.
The main conflict occurred between Houthi rebels loyal against the government of President Abdrabbuh Mansour Hadi, who has fled to Saudi Arabia.
Aden was under siege, where the Houthi rebels pushed to the south of the capital Sanaa.
Over the past two weeks, Saudi air strikes targeting Houthi rebels and civilians get caught in the middle.
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One Indian family left Yemen are increasingly distracted by the war.
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Supporters of President Abdurrabuh Mansour Hadi took the position ready for firing.
"We saw a lot of bodies were transported to the hospital, or died during the new portable," said Ghosen the BBC.
"The hospital did not have an adequate supply and the right staff," he said again.
"Nobody looks, they hide. Economic stopped completely," he added, streets "littered" by trash and debris from buildings destroyed.
"[The city is] filled with gunmen from various factions fighting. It's a big city, and there is no functioning," said Ghoden again.
UNICEF said at least 74 were killed in the conflict are children. WHO adds 1,700 people were injured.
The ICRC had earlier called a 24-hour ceasefire in Aden, while Russia asks UN Security Council to support "international break" air strikes.
The ICRC has been given permission by the coalition forces led by Saudi Arabia to land an aircraft carrying medical staff and medical supplies.
Al Jazeera published secret documents
Jewish settlements
Middle East talks hampered by the problem of Jewish settlements
Arab news network Al Jazeera published hundreds of secret documents mentioned details of Middle East negotiations.
The document mentions, among others, the Palestinian Authority secretly let Israel illegally occupied large areas of East Jerusalem.
The current negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians stalled for weeks because of Israel's refusal to stop building Jewish settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories.
But the leaking of confidential documents indicate that the Palestinian leader was ready to give a large area occupied by Israel since 1967 in exchange for an agreement.
The most controversial topics in the Middle East conflict is Jerusalem, claimed by Israel and the Palestinians as the capital.
Documents that can not be investigated independently by the BBC, claiming Palestinian negotiators prepared to discuss sensitive issues, including access to the Omar Mosque in the Al Aqsa Mosque compound.
For years, the leaders of the same Paletina hold negotiations with Israel and the United States, but did not achieve any results.
Palestinians themselves have often protested, especially in some important places such as East Jerusalem, against what they see as Israeli expansion and the weakness of their own leaders.
Palestinian youths, Israeli forces clashed in the Al Aqsa
28 September 2015
Al AqsaImage copyrightGetty Images
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Israeli security forces took up positions in a number appears in the corner of the mosque compound.
Violence again broke out between Israeli security forces and Palestinians around the Al Aqsa Mosque compound in Jerusalem.
Police fired tear gas and stun grenades towards Palestinian youths who threw stones and Molotov cocktails at Israeli security forces on Monday (28/09).
Palestinian youths later barricaded themselves in the mosque. They stay in the mosque and previously promised to "defend" mosques.
Al Aqsa Mosque is located in the Haram Al Sharif or known as the Temple Mount by Jews, which is considered a holy site for Muslims and Jews.
The area was located in the Israeli-occupied Jerusalem Yimur.
Jewish visitors got an escort at the Al Aqsa Mosque compound.
At that location previously had frequent clashes, but tension increased lately.
Among the causes is the suspicion on the part of Palestinians that Israel wants to change the settings at the site, but Israel denied that suspicion.
This event happened to coincide with the first day of Sukkot, or Feast of Tabernacles for the Jewish people.
It is not unusual people consider America a superpower, at least a military superpower. But Emmanuel Todd, a French science experts differ. Book. entitled Apres l'empire. Essai sur la decomposition du systeme Americain (Editions Gallimard, Paris 2002) has been translated into many languages. In the German version, which Weltmacht USA, ein Nachruf which have been published Piper Verlag GmbH, Munich in 2003, Emmanuel Todd writes that the US is not a superpower, both economically and militarily in the economy .. On fairly presented here that Todd assess the magnitude of dependence US to other nations in various aspects of the economy as an indication that America is not an economic superpower that outperform the world economy.
To discuss Todd view that America is not a military superpower we need to examine the main points of argumentation Todd. He said that the American nation has structural weaknesses in the military field. Historically Americans have never collide with an enemy force equal strength. Starting with the war that asimmetris with Indian tribes. Also in World War II, the United States dealing with the Germans who lived collapsed due to a heavy blow by the Soviet Army. After landing in Normandie American military operation that is not balanced by its superiority in material and number of people. Todd express opinions Liddell Hart, strategists and British military history, which says how slow and bureaucratic way of movement of US troops on the ground. American primacy in the sea and air is very large as a result of the power industry. After winning the naval battle of Midway, the Japanese opposed the US war-like battle with Indians. Material and logistical advantages too large US and Japan are not able to compensate. Yet another case of operations on the ground. After World War II it was clear that US ground forces are less able to win the war. Korea's success in only half, while in Vietnam fail completely. Yet the US is facing a small country and a much lower ability of the industry.
In recent years the United States developed the concept of a war with no or minimal resulting in the death toll for Americans. This way of thinking implies that the ground operations capabilities increasingly less reliable. For in ground operations is difficult to avoid a direct encounter with the power of the opponent. The US concept based on technological advantages to be utilized as much as possible. That concept. prioritize air strikes aimed at destroying enemy resistance and blow through the air bombardment with missiles. Tech precision guided munition (PGM) allows firing missiles at right perkenaan at long distances. In addition, developed smart bombs or bomb perkenaannya right. As for the use of remote sensing targeting or careful review throughout the region by utilizing air satellite. Equipped with the action of human intelligence equipped for communication to allow instant reporting and followed by air strikes immediately. In this way it is estimated that the enemy can be destroyed in the not too distant future by air attacks without the use of ground forces. After the new crushed enemy ground troops move into enemy territory to consolidate the victory .. Doing so is expected to result in minimal casualties on US troops .. But this concept would be difficult to be implemented if the enemy has an effective air defense capability, said Todd. Therefore, the US would only fight if the other party face a weak and limited military power, especially its air defense.
To show the outside world that the US is still strong and the power held placement of US troops in large numbers abroad, among others in Germany 60 053, 41 257 Japan, South Korea 35 663, Italy 11 677, 11 379 British, in Spain 3575. In addition there are 13 774 in the Balkans and in the Middle East 9956 people. However, to conduct military operations do not have the ability concrete up to his potential. Indeed, the US aircraft carrier ships (aircraft carrier) are able to move freely in the world's oceans. This is a projection of power that is important for political supremacy. But because of lack of willingness to operate the power of the land, then the US is less able to hold a military confrontation against opponents whose military power is quite large. and only act against others who believed weak. ,
Tough US stance against Islam by Todd explained as follows:
the ideological conflict after the defeat of communism;
for control of Middle East oil that is populated predominantly Muslim;
but mainly because the Islamic world militarily weak;
and as a demonstration of power of the US strategy is cheap and relatively safe.
Such subjects Todd argument that the US is not a military superpower.
It is true that after the Second World War is always a small country or underdeveloped targeted US war. Never directly with the Soviet Union. Start with North Korea, and Vietnam are all less concrete results. Then attack to Panama to arrest the president. Gulf War I is only limited to the liberation of Kuwait and did not proceed with conquering Iraq. The attack on Afghanistan fit the new concept as opposed to no air defense capability. US ground forces moved recently after Afghan forces against the Taliban, the Northern Alliance forces, first moving in. Yet until now the US has not managed to liquidate Osama bin Laden and Al Qaeda, even though it is the goal to attack Afghanistan. The attack on Iraq only after half disarm Iraq itself, namely to obey the will of the United Nations to destroy all the big guns. Even seemingly Iraq can be defeated by the concept of a new war, but until now the US has not been able to run the country. US overwhelmed by the Iraqi guerrilla attacks so enlist the help of armies of other countries. Commander of US troops in Iraq acknowledge that every day on average there are 15 times the interference or attacks from the Iraqi side that endanger members.
Incapacity US faces a somewhat strong military state appears in today's issue of North Korea. The US attacked Iraq on the pretext that it was hiding weapons of mass destruction, but the charges were until now could not be verified. In contrast to North Korea openly say that it has nuclear weapons .. If the US really consequent attitude he must also attack North Korea, which from the beginning he called Axis of Evil along with Iraq and Iran. However, the North Korean military can not be considered weak. North Korea does not want to disarm its nuclear weapons before the US said it would not attack him. He threatened that if by the US attack, North Korea will hold a retaliation in kind. US forces in South Korea and Japan could be targeted for revenge attacks North Korea. North Korea's attitude might be some kind of bluff, but in fact, until now the US does not attack him. In stark contrast to the US stance on Iraq.
That description does America not as much as or as strong as we think. Emmanuel Todd assessment seems correct that the US is not a military superpower. However, due to US hegemonic attitude, the strength becomes a threat to countries with less powerful military. This encourages small nations arm themselves for not considered weak, even if necessary with nuclear weapons. That is now done ASKekuatan attack Iran to prevent Indonesia's military is one of the main largest and strongest in the world. At that time, even the strength of the Netherlands is not comparable with Indonesia, and the Americans are very worried about the development of our military forces supported massively by the latest technology of the Soviet Union.
1960, the Netherlands is still entrenched in Papua. Seeing the power of the Republic of Indonesia which is more severe, Netherlands Western-backed designing artifice to form a puppet state that seemed to be independent, but still under the control of the Netherlands.
President Sukarno soon take extreme measures, objectives, retake Papua. Sukarno immediately issued proclamations on "Trikora" in Yogyakarta, and its contents are:
1. thwarted the establishment of the puppet state of Papua made in the Dutch colonial.
2. hoist Sang Saka Merah Putih throughout West Irian
3. Be prepared for a general mobilization, maintain the independence and integrity of the nation's homeland.
Thanks to the proximity of Indonesia with the Soviets, then Indonesia receive massive aid navy and air force advanced military in the world with a giant value, US $ 2.5 billion. Currently, the Indonesian military forces to be strongest in the southern hemisphere.
The main strength of Indonesia at the time it was one of the main Trikora largest and fastest warships in the artificial world of the Soviet Sverdlov class, with 12 giant cannon caliber of 6 inches. It is KRI Irian, with a giant weight 16,640 tons with a crew of 1 270 people, including 60 officers. Soviet, never even give this strong ship on any other nation, except Indonesia. (Newest ships of the class Sigma Indonesia now only weighs 1600 tonnes).
Indonesian air force also became one of the deadliest air fleet in the world, consisting of more than 100 aircraft the most advanced at that time. This fleet consists of:
1. 20 supersonic fighter MiG-21 Fishbed.
2. 30 MiG-15 aircraft.
3. 49 high-subsonic fighter MiG-17.
4. 10 MiG-19 supersonic aircraft.
MiG-21 Fishbed is one of the main world's most advanced supersonic aircraft, which have been able to fly at speeds up to Mach 2. The aircraft is even more powerful than the current America's most advanced aircraft, supersonic F-104 Starfighter and F-5 Tiger. While the Dutch still rely on the planes of World War II such as the P-51 Mustang.
For the record, the awesomeness of planes MiG-21 and MiG-17 in the Vietnam War to encourage Americans founded the United States Navy Strike Fighter Tactics Instructor, pilots training center best known as TOP GUN.
Indonesia also has a fleet of 26 long-range strategic bomber Tu-16 Tupolev (Badger A and B). This makes Indonesia became one of only four nations in the world that have strategic bombers, namely the US, Russia, and the United Kingdom. Homeport located at Iswahyudi Air Field, Surabaya.
Even China and Australia also have not had this kind of strategic bombers. This bomber is also equipped with various advanced electronic equipment and special anti-warship missiles AS-1 Kennel, whose explosive power can easily sink the battleships West.
Indonesia also has 12 Whiskey-class submarines, dozens of Corvette class battleships, 9 world helicopter MI-6, 41 helicopter MI-4, various transport aircraft including heavy transport aircraft Antonov An-12B. In total, Indonesia has 104 combat ships. Not to mention the thousands of the best assault rifles at the time and still be legendary to this day, the AK-47.
This all makes Indonesia salasahtu sea and air military power of the strongest in the world. The effect is so great, so America under the leadership of John F. Kennedy forced the Dutch to leave Papua, and stated in a UN forum that the transition of power in Papua, from the Netherlands to Indonesia is something that can be accepted
So Crimean Russian Military Fortress
A year after Russia annexed the Crimea, now a military fort to face Ukraine. Up to 40,000 well-armed Russian soldiers stationed at the military base of the Black Sea. But the people are suffering.
Russische Panzer auf der Cream
President Vladimir Putin exactly a year after the annexation of the Crimean peninsula, claimed to have ordered the annexation of Ukraine in the Black Sea region that is important for the strategy. The reason, more than 75 percent of the region's residents are ethnic Russians who want to join Russia.
In a unilateral referendum which was held March 16, 2014, according to Russia more than 96 percent of people choose to join the Crimea with Russia. The referendum was closely guarded Russian military forces in disguise and do not wear uniforms or insignia. No independent observers were allowed to monitor. The UN condemned the Russian action as a violation of international law.
Now, exactly one year after the controversial referendum, the Crimean peninsula region into a military fortress Russian forces to face Ukraine. Reported between 25,000 to 40,000 well-armed Russian soldiers stationed at the military base of the Black Sea. Russian soldiers backed new tanks, armored vehicles, warships and combat aircraft. Putin also did not rule out the placement of atomic weapons.
Bitter reality under Russia
A year after the Russian annexation under the guise of a referendum, citizens in the Crimea region must face the bitter reality. Now the various issues into everyday life in the peninsula which made the Russian military base. Traffic problems, shortages of fuel and food are just some of the problems facing citizens.
Who Actually Separatists?
Who Actually Separatists?
Number of pro-Russian separatists in eastern Ukraine reported about 20,000 people. Crimea with a population of 2 million, about 60 percent are pro-Russian. An estimated 1,500 to 3,000 Russian regular army fought a separatist. Moscow denied involvement of its soldiers, but if it proves no one was killed or captured, called they were on vacation and volunteer to fight in eastern Ukraine.
As a result of western sanctions, all European companies and the US has resigned. In Crimea is now no longer a series of McDonald's fast food restaurant. Mastercard and Visa credit cards are not valid. Also the sales outlets of leading smartphones and computers like Apple has long been closed. Lunpuh practical economic sectors.
More make miserable people in the Crimean peninsula is the enactment of the Russian currency, ruble as the official means of payment. Ruble exchange rate plunged drastically due to a variety of western sanctions, led to real income residents of Crimea shrinkage by half.
Foodstuffs are usually supplied from Ukraine, due to the embargo has been a year since discontinued. As a result, food was scarce, the price goes up, while on the other hand incomes actually fell. Residents reported that activity in the Crimean year after annexation, only focused on military affairs. Reportedly, shipping logistics and fuel for the military more than doubled, while ironically residents experienced shortages in all aspects of life.
Ceasefire agreed in Eastern Ukraine
Ukraine summit in Minsk agreed to a new ceasefire in the conflict in eastern Ukraine. Began February 15 all heavy weapons to be withdrawn from the conflict area. (12.02.2015)
Russian Start Exercise in the Crimean War
Russia started war games on its border to Ukraine at a time when efforts to peaceful solutions of Ukraine conducted intensively by Germany and France. While the results of the meeting Merkel with Obama in Washington remain unclear.
Putin Ready for Nuclear War waged for the sake of Crimea
In a documentary, Russian President Vladimir Putin claimed to be "ready" to use nuclear weapons to defend the Crimean Peninsula. He was directly involved in the crisis in Ukraine.
Wladimir Putin's expression Porträt aggressiv verärgert
Crimea is Russian President Vladimir Putin and the "ready" risked nuclear war in order to seize the peninsula on the shores of the Black Sea. "We initially did not think for separating the Crimea and Ukraine, until the overthrow of the government in Kiev."
The recognition was made Putin in a documentary produced by the television station Rossija 1 in order to mark the first anniversary of the annexation of the Crimea. The film titled "Crimea: Route to Homeland" that describe the events occurred a year ago thanks to careful planning and accurate eskekusi.
"We are ready" improve Russian nuclear alert status to the highest level, Putin said. "But I believe the situation is not going far." The president claimed to consider the matter because he does not know what the reaction of Europe and the United States against the maneuvers of Russia in the Crimea.
Crimea for the sake of stability in the Interior
The film is shown when various bad news clutching Moscow. Vladimir Putin himself exposed to the issue because never appeared in public since 5 March. The economic crisis is still raging since western embargo and the collapse of world oil prices.
1. United States - 581 billion USD
1. United States - 581 billion USD
This year's US defense budget accounts for about 39 percent of the total budget of all countries in the world for the military, according to the study of the International Institute for Strategic Studies in London. Noted US has about 1.3 million personnel, more than 30,000 armored vehicles, 13,000 aircraft and combat helicopters, 10 aircraft carriers, 72 submarines and dozens of other warships.
War Preparations orders from Moscow
Putin is scheduled to meet with the President of Kyrgyzstan, Monday (16/3) at St. Petersburg. Its presence will surely bury wild outstanding issues. Demonstratively, Putin were rumored to be ill, Sunday (15/3) commanded the Northern Fleet in order to hold a military exercise.
A total of 40,000 troops, 41 warships and 15 submarines involved in the action. The purpose of the exercise is to test how quickly create a Northern Fleet could react to threats.
Northern Fleet is part of the Russian Navy during the Cold War placed the polar circle. Currently the Northern Fleet has headquarters in Severomorsk adjacent to Norway.
China dream Strength Superpower
China raised its military budget. The development is in harmony with the new confidence displayed Beijing. But the force could be demonstrated in various ways, not just the military, according to Alexander Freund.
Combat power as a superpower certainly not owned by Chinese. Beijing has so far made only armed with economic power to spread influence in the world. Impressed, measures taken solely for economic engine running.
China also never engage in major conflicts, at least militarily. So far, economic growth has priority. But now the paradigm is believed to be changed, because the latter appeared increasingly confident China, or also can be called more aggressive.
The impression is reinforced by China's move adds to its defense budget, although less than last year. For years China invested huge funds to modernize its military forces.
China is right to become a military superpower, after economic growth menganggumkan. Moreover, other powerful countries also repeatedly impose its interests through military force. The United States is certain, while Russia has recently showed it through the conflict in Ukraine.
But the same logic trigger an arms race in Asia are not just worried neighboring China, but also internationally. This development is not just a matter of protecting the economic pulse throbbing in the Asian sea trade lanes, but the development of a common paradigm that the conflict is no longer determined by diplomatic efforts, but by force.
This can lead to disaster and its impact will be felt around the world. Because this time in addition to China, other countries such as India, Japan, the Philippines, Indonesia and Vietnam would help to strengthen its military.
There is plenty of potential for conflict in Asia. Especially regarding overlapping claims no habitable islands in the South China Sea and East largest store explosives to burn the nationalist forces.
Bomber aircraft in the Spratlys?
Bomber aircraft in the Spratlys?
Since mid-2014 the Chinese military is busy expanding the "Fiery Cross Reef" on the western edge of the Spratlys. Experts in the "Centre for International and Strategic Studies" in Washington and Asia Maritime Transparency Initiative believes the country's bamboo curtain is building the air base along three kilometers. The long runway capable of accommodating long-range bomber aircraft types belonging to the Chinese H-6
A glimpse of the conflict in the waters that raged for securing natural resources. But basically aims to expand the influence of such claims. And China provoke by building military bases in the Spratlys.
Similar to Japan, China recently enacted anti-terrorism law that allows the military to protect the interests of the country abroad.
But once the increase in China's military budget does not mean Beijing is preparing to wage war. So far Asian countries are still paying attention to the economic growth. because of a rapidly growing economy creates prosperity. And the more advantaged, getting minimal also influence the nationalist movement, whether it's in Beijing, Tokyo or Washington.
Moreover, the power can be demonstrated in many ways. Because now, even China has become a superpower without at least using its military power.
The Indonesian military strength Occupy Ranked 12th in the World
Navy forces exchanged gunfire with the enemy when the Simulation Exercise on Integrated Health Navy Pier Madura Koarmatim Ujung, Surabaya, East Java, on Tuesday (28/7). (Between // Zabur Karuru)
Navy forces exchanged gunfire with the enemy when the Simulation Exercise on Integrated Health Navy Pier Madura Koarmatim Ujung, Surabaya, East Java, on Tuesday (28/7).
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - Member of Commission I of the PKS faction Sukamta said, warning independence could be the 70th nation to reflect momentum possessed defense forces. Indonesia should be a strong state in economic, social, cultural, political, and defense and security.
"Indonesia's strong defense is not to be a threat to other nations, but for the welfare of the nation itself. It is also that Indonesia respected by other nations and contribute in maintaining world peace, as the mandate of the 1945 Constitution," he said, Thursday (6/8 ).
The spirit of Indonesian independence 70th should be reflected to fix the Indonesian defense forces. World military power rating agency Global Fire Power Military in 2015 ranked Indonesia ranks 12th with Power Index 0.5231.
With the spirit of independence, Indonesia must increase its power index. He hopes that in 2016 Indonesia power index could top 10 military powers of the world and in 2024 could enter the top five world.
"To achieve the necessary increase in human resources, defense equipment, and budget. Personnel army currently numbers 400 thousands and they have a pretty good combat capability," he said.
Sukamta explained, Indonesia has a number of elite troops specialized in each dimension, such as Kopassus and Raider in AD, Paskhas and Denbravo (Detachment Bravo) 90 AU, Kopaska (KOPASKA), Yontaifib (Taifib), and Denjaka ( Detachment Jala Mangkara) in the AL.
Combat power military personnel may still be superior than other countries when confronted by vis a vis in the field without a weapon.
"Power survival and combat power elite forces we have already recognized his greatness by other countries. This is so proud, but not complacent, Indonesia must improve the quantity and quality," he said.
From year to year, he said, the budget for the purchase and update defense equipment continues to increase. "We are also encouraged that the budget to be increased for subsequent years," he said again.
He added that if human resources, defense equipment, and budgets continue to be improved both quantity and quality through the program and the Strategic Plan Minimum Essential Forces (MEF), Indonesia could go to five major world military power in 2024.
Top 10 Countries with Largest Military Power 2015
10 Countries with Largest Military Power 2015
Military strength indicator can be seen from the budget provided, the number of defense equipment are available, as well as the sophistication possessed. Who are the countries that have the largest military power in the 2015's?
1. United States
With a budget of around 581 billion USD, the United States has been named as the country with the greatest military power in the world. In addition, the United States has recorded about 1.3 million personnel, more than 30,000 armored vehicles, 13,000 aircraft and combat helicopters, 10 aircraft carriers, 72 submarines and dozens of other warships.
2. China
With a budget of around 129 billion USD, China increasingly feared and make it as the country with the second largest military force in the world after the United States. China has recorded more than 9000 tanks, 3000 combat aircraft and helicopters and 70 warships. In addition, China is also currently developing a stealth fighter jet, named Shenyang J-31.
3. Saudi Arabia
Currently, Saudi Arabia has been recognized as the country with the strongest military power in Asia and third in the world. With a budget of 81 billion USD, Saudi Arabia can afford to buy approximately 500 modern fighter jets, 800 Leopard 2 tanks, 7000 armored vehicles and about 230 thousand soldiers.
4. Russia
With a budget of about 70 billion USD, Russia perch as the fourth country that has the greatest military power in the world. Russian military currently has 800 thousand soldiers, 45 thousand armored vehicles, 3,000 combat aircraft and helicopters and an aircraft carrier Admiral Kuznetsov type.
5. English
Britain has an annual military budget of about 62 billion USD, with the budget to make the UK ranked fifth as a country that has the greatest military power in the world. In general, the British military forces are moderate, with about 200 thousand troops, 330 combat aircraft and helicopters as well as two-class aircraft carrier of Queen Elizabeth.
6. France
France has a military budget amounted to 53 billion USD, so the country is assessed as the country's sixth-largest military force in the world. The main strength lies in the French military air and ground, with 600 aircraft and combat helicopters, 228 thousand soldiers and more than 8,000 armored vehicles. While at sea in the heart of this European country has a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, the Charles de Gaulle (R91).
7. Japan
Japan dubbed as the rising sun country, it is also entered as the country with the greatest military power in the world. With a budget of around 48 billion USD, making Japan as the country with the seventh rank in terms of military power the world. Japan has a dozen reconnaissance aircraft and six stealth fighter F-35. In addition Japan also has an aircraft carrier so that the Japanese navy Izumo referred to as the most sophisticated and well-trained in Asia.
8. India
Hindustan country is apparently not be underestimated, with a budget of around 45 billion USD, making India the country with the eighth largest military force in the world. Recorded India has more than 1000 aircraft and combat helicopters, 15 thousand armored vehicles and two aircraft carriers, among others, the former Soviet Union Kiev class, INS Vikramaditya recently completed rejuvenated.
9. Germany
Top 10 Countries with Largest Military Power 2015
10 Countries with Largest Military Power 2015
Military strength indicator can be seen from the budget provided, the number of defense equipment are available, as well as the sophistication possessed. Who are the countries that have the largest military power in the 2015's?
1. United States
With a budget of around 581 billion USD, the United States has been named as the country with the greatest military power in the world. In addition, the United States has recorded about 1.3 million personnel, more than 30,000 armored vehicles, 13,000 aircraft and combat helicopters, 10 aircraft carriers, 72 submarines and dozens of other warships.
2. China
With a budget of around 129 billion USD, China increasingly feared and make it as the country with the second largest military force in the world after the United States. China has recorded more than 9000 tanks, 3000 combat aircraft and helicopters and 70 warships. In addition, China is also currently developing a stealth fighter jet, named Shenyang J-31.
3. Saudi Arabia
Currently, Saudi Arabia has been recognized as the country with the strongest military power in Asia and third in the world. With a budget of 81 billion USD, Saudi Arabia can afford to buy approximately 500 modern fighter jets, 800 Leopard 2 tanks, 7000 armored vehicles and about 230 thousand soldiers.
4. Russia
With a budget of about 70 billion USD, Russia perch as the fourth country that has the greatest military power in the world. Russian military currently has 800 thousand soldiers, 45 thousand armored vehicles, 3,000 combat aircraft and helicopters and an aircraft carrier Admiral Kuznetsov type.
5. English
Britain has an annual military budget of about 62 billion USD, with the budget to make the UK ranked fifth as a country that has the greatest military power in the world. In general, the British military forces are moderate, with about 200 thousand troops, 330 combat aircraft and helicopters as well as two-class aircraft carrier of Queen Elizabeth.
6. France
France has a military budget amounted to 53 billion USD, so the country is assessed as the country's sixth-largest military force in the world. The main strength lies in the French military air and ground, with 600 aircraft and combat helicopters, 228 thousand soldiers and more than 8,000 armored vehicles. While at sea in the heart of this European country has a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, the Charles de Gaulle (R91).
7. Japan
Japan dubbed as the rising sun country, it is also entered as the country with the greatest military power in the world. With a budget of around 48 billion USD, making Japan as the country with the seventh rank in terms of military power the world. Japan has a dozen reconnaissance aircraft and six stealth fighter F-35. In addition Japan also has an aircraft carrier so that the Japanese navy Izumo referred to as the most sophisticated and well-trained in Asia.
8. India
Hindustan country is apparently not be underestimated, with a budget of around 45 billion USD, making India the country with the eighth largest military force in the world. Recorded India has more than 1000 aircraft and combat helicopters, 15 thousand armored vehicles and two aircraft carriers, among others, the former Soviet Union Kiev class, INS Vikramaditya recently completed rejuvenated.
9. Germany
Once the country's most feared in the plains of Europe, now with a budget of around 44 billion USD to bring the German perched ninth position as the country with the greatest military power in the world. German military's greatest strength lies on the ground with more than 5,000 armored vehicles, among others, the Leopard 2 modern technology. But the German military power attacking rated lower than English or French.
10. South Korea
Unexpectedly, ginseng country that issued the budget 34 billion USD making it one of the countries that have the greatest military power in the world. Noted South Korea has more than 5,000 tanks, 650 thousand troops and 750 combat aircraft and helicopters.
Once the country's most feared in the plains of Europe, now with a budget of around 44 billion USD to bring the German perched ninth position as the country with the greatest military power in the world. German military's greatest strength lies on the ground with more than 5,000 armored vehicles, among others, the Leopard 2 modern technology. But the German military power attacking rated lower than English or French.
10. South Korea
Unexpectedly, ginseng country that issued the budget 34 billion USD making it one of the countries that have the greatest military power in the world. Noted South Korea has more than 5,000 tanks, 650 thousand troops and 750 combat aircraft and helicopters.
Recruit 100 Million Kader State Defense
(LKBN Antara) Defence Minister presented a Ryamizard Ryacudu related to the formation of cadres to defend the state in Jakarta, Monday (12/10). (88)
JAKARTA desire Secretary of Defense (Defense Minister) Ryamizard Ryacudu recruit 100 million citizens of Indonesia established a cadre of defending the country will soon be realized.
"The potential is enormous, from 250 million population of Indonesia, about 100 million of which could potentially be militant cadres of defending the country," he said at the Ministry of Defence, in Jakarta, Monday (12/10). He was accompanied by Director of the State Defense Ministry of Defense, First Admiral M Faisal.
In the near future, the government will mendadar builder 4,500 cadres recruited to defend the country from 45 districts / cities in Indonesia. The number of new early embryo, which will continue to reach all levels of society. Even President Jokowi will participate induct these cadres.
"This is not conscription as in other countries," said Ryacudu who hurried to set the sense of defending the country instead of compulsory military service. M Faizal adds, to defend the state program does not follow the example of South Korea and Singapore.
"If South Korea and Singapore were conscripts, we are obliged to defend the country. Obviously we remain determined to improve discipline, and awareness of their rights and obligations to the state, "said Faisal. Separately, Coordinating Minister for Politics Luhut Binsar Panjaitan ensure the country's defense program different from the program conscripts. Civil defense activities to instill more discipline, especially for young children.
Former TNI chief Gen. (ret) Moeldoko assess the program is not to train people to use weapons. The program is appropriate as preparation for the formation of reserve component. He explained that the country's defense system there are three layers, namely military components, spare parts, and support components. These three components must be synergistic.
Love Homeland
About who would be subject to compulsory defend the country? Ryamizard mention for residents aged 50 years and under. "To foster love of country, such as physical exercise and psychological. The age limit of 50 to bottom, this is a never ending process, from early childhood to higher education, "he explained. All were aged 50 years and under, whatever the profession ranging from professor to chancellor.
But the severity of exercise intensity was adjusted. As a first step, the location pendadaran utilize military installations that have been there all along. Among these Depo Combat Education and Training in each of the regional military command (Kodam). In fact, on October 19, a ceremony conducted simultaneously throughout Indonesia.
Materially, modules and curriculum pendadaran defend this country has been drawn up with the involvement of all experts and stakeholders that are suitable for all ages and walks of life. Basic materials include affirmation Pancasila as the state, love of country, the value of cooperativeness, willingness to sacrifice for the sake of the country.
What is important is the cultivation of moral values, character, and devotion to God Almighty. In practical terms, the usefulness of cadres to defend this country can be at the forefront to address the many problems of the nation. He also mentioned the threat of state is non military.
He grouped into eight categories. Ranging from terrorism, natural disasters since Indonesia was in circumference ring of fire. Next is a violation of the state border, the potential threat of separatist movements, the spread of the disease, the potential for cyber attacks from abroad. Next is a drug. The latter is a cultural infiltration.
While the House of Representatives considers the plan difficult to understand. Criticism came from the commission of the House of PDIP, Tubagus Hasanuddin. "It was difficult to understand," he said. Major General (Ret) is seeing a target number of people as many as 100 million people were fantastic too. Whereas the means Board of Education and Training (Education and Training Agency) TNI is very limited, only able to accommodate 600 people.
"If the target is 100 million people in 10 years, the target is 10 million people per year, or 833,000 people per month. These numbers were fantastic, "sorotnya. The legal basis of defending the country is also judged to be lacking. Indonesia has not had a State Defense Law, whereas the 1945 Article 30, paragraph 1 already requires that defend the country and in paragraph 5 in order to defend the state mandated stipulated in the Act.
"According to Law No. 3 of 2002 on National Defence Article 9 Paragraph 3 is also mentioned, the provision of civic education, compulsory basic military training, and dedication to the profession regulated in accordance with the Act. So until now we have not had a State Defense Law, "said Hasanuddin.
Without the law, decree, or regulation, it will be difficult to realize the country's defense policy. The next points, Hasanuddin highlights about the budget. "In my opinion, we need to discuss reset, when the state has limited money we have to be more observant determine which one is the most important priority for the sake of the nation," said Hasanuddin.
Is World War III will occur, when people use a proposition or user Koran, certainly will never happen name is World War III, as God in the Koran says, sin a person who kills another human being, without cause syarrie, then as if he bore the sin of the whole human, and when someone protect (save) the human soul, as if he has saved all mankind.
Therefore the word of God, every human being when they die and on the day of resurrection (the hereafter), then the problem of man's relationship with God that was first brought to account (held accountable) is a matter of prayer (and consistency running the pillars of Islam), and about the relationship between humans is about blood, about the good relations we are on our fellow human beings, do good to our parents, relatives, Seama neighbors, racial, ethnic, nation, whether we have done well against them, such as to protect them or help them being squeezed by poverty (hunger ) and other life difficulties). If we have good benrbuat to any human being rewarded reward of God is Heaven, otherwise if we hurt let alone to kill our neighbors reply from God is Hell.
Is World War III would have occurred only God alone knows, because all that has been ordained by God and has been written in the book:
"Lawh Mahfuz".
Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam said: "Allaah has set all the destiny of all creatures from fifty thousand years before God created the heavens and the earth". (HR. Muslim no. 2653).
"No one calamity befalls on the earth and (nor) in yourselves but it is inscribed in the Book (Lawh Mahfuz) before We bring it. Verily it is easy for Allah ". (QS. Al-Hadid: 22).
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