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Friday, January 25, 2013

Political Observers from the State Islamic University (UIN) Jakarta, Gun Gun Heryanto, judging board members who resigned from parliament and other political parties move to legitimate from the point of view of the constitution.

Political Observers from the State Islamic University (UIN) Jakarta, Gun Gun Heryanto, judging board members who resigned from parliament and other political parties move to legitimate from the point of view of the constitution.

Political Observers from the State Islamic University (UIN) Jakarta, Gun Gun Heryanto, judging board members who resigned from parliament and other political parties move to legitimate from the point of view of the constitution. Because, all the political parties in Indonesia, said Gun Gun, does not have an ideology and a clear work program. Finally, council members in parliament becomes clear directions to fight people.

"If we're at the party's ideology is clear baseball, baseball program works as well obviously. So move a person from one party to another baseball matter," said Gun Gun in Building Commission, Jakarta, Friday (01/25/2013).

According to Gun Gun, the circumstances in Indonesia is very different from that in democracies are far more advanced, such as the United States. In the United States, he said, the ideology and program of work of a political party has been very clear so people know which political party will choose.

"In there, you are conservative or liberal you are. You pro-abortion or anti abortion, if the democrat is fine, but if it really baseball republic. Alternatively on middle class tax cuts, if the Democrats agree, that's baseball republic . Well it was a clear example, the campaign also. If in our baseball, all the programs the same, "he said.

Gun Gun added a representative in Indonesia is due to fleas are not in line with the political party leaders before. Thus, board members worried that fleas are not nominated again by his party in the election.

"I believe this issue slot, so he now may no longer be in the same boat with the main party elite.'s Why he's looking for another boat thought to have in common with her wishes, allowing him to return to parliament," he said.

Moreover, according to him, nor is there sanctions for MPs fleas that. According to Gun Gun, the real sanction is related to ethics in society. Therefore, they left the public trust that has been given to him. However, it is returned to the community to impose sanctions on their moral or not.

"It's just a matter of ethical course. Example as a regent or mayor in the area, now baseball's rules that he violated when he ran elsewhere. Such Jokowi. Question ethical course. Klo about ethics can not just disanksi. Was only a matter propriety, "he concluded.

As proclaimed, member of Commission I of the Golkar faction, Enggartiasto Lukita, decided to move to Nasdem party. Related to that, Enggar will apologize directly and officially to the constituents in the constituency (constituencies) West Java VIII. Therefore, he was not able to continue their duties and functions in the parliament. In addition, Enggar also expressed apologies to the Golkar Party.

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