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Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Four members of Al Qaeda in Yemen was killed by U.S. drone

 Four members of Al Qaeda in Yemen was killed by U.S. drone

U.S. drone strike in northern Yemen on Wednesday , killing four members of Al-Qaeda unpredictable , including an Iraq war veteran , a military official said .

The unmanned aircraft fired two rockets at a vehicle in the area Khalka Jawf province , the official said , adding that the death toll includes Juraym Ali , a local militant leader who had fought in Iraq , AFP reported .

The U.S. military operates all fly unmanned aircraft in Yemen Sana'a to support the government's efforts to crush al Qaeda , and the attacks that killed dozens of militants in the last year .

The attacks sparked criticism from human rights activists , who stated that many innocent civilians become victims .

The UN said 16 civilians were killed and at least 10 people were injured when the wedding party was subjected to two drone strikes in early December .

Victims have disalahdugakan as a member of al-Qaida , the UN said citing local officials .

Al Qaeda militants strengthen their presence in southeastern Yemen , taking advantage of the weakening of the central government due to the anti - government uprising that erupted in January 2011 that eventually oust President Ali Abdullah Saleh .

Yemeni forces launched an offensive in May 2012 repulsed the militants of Al Qaeda from a number of towns and villages in southern and eastern region for more than a year to master.

Although weakened , the terror network could still launch attacks against military and police targets .

Yemen is the ancestral homeland of the late Al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden and is still facing separatist violence in the north and south .

North Yemen and South Yemen formally united to form the Republic of Yemen in 1990, but many in the south , home to most of Yemen's oil , saying that the north uses unification to seize natural resources and discriminate against them .

Western countries , especially the U.S. , are increasingly concerned over the threat of extremism in Yemen , including the activities of Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula ( AQAP ) .

The U.S. wants the new president of Yemen , ruling after protests against the country's military predecessor making split into warring groups , uniting the armed forces and use them to fight against the militant group .

Militants launched a wave of attacks since former President Ali Abdullah Saleh in February 2012 handed over power to his deputy , Abd - Rabbu Mansour Hadi , who has promised to crack down on Al Qaeda

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