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Saturday, March 8, 2014

Iranian ship carrying weapons to arrive in Israel

Iranian ship carrying weapons to arrive in Israel

One ship suspected of carrying sophisticated rockets from Iran to Gaza that the Israeli navy intercepted Saturday oelabuhan arrived in the Red Sea , Eilat , an AFP photographer said .

Israeli naval commandos seized the ship Wednesday in the Red Sea between Eritra and Sudan , the military said the ship was carrying a rocket -propelled M - 302 destination Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip .

Panama - flagged ship Klos C pelabhan escorted to Eilat by two Israeli warships .

Thousands of Israelis gathered in the hills near the harbor was cheered as the ship approached .

" We will dismantle all containers to verify whether it contains other weapons , " an army spokesman said , adding that a news conference will be conducted at the end of the operation Monday.

Israel Radio proclaim the ambassadors and attachés stationed in Israel as well as " the leading figures of Israel " will be invited untu see the weapons seized by the military.

This , the radio said , " would prove to the world that Iran helped arming the militant groups active in Gaza . "

Iran denied it was involved in arms shipments , the Israeli military said carrying missiles to attack areas in Israel .

At the time of the containment vessel Wednesday , military spokesman Brigadier General Motti AMoz told army radio that dozens of long-range missiles that the M - 302 can reach 150 to 200km . The ship was also carrying other weapons , but we can only know this when the ship arrived in Eilat .

"It is clear and unequivocal information that this shipment came from Iran , " said Almoz without elaborating.

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif accused Israel of lying and stated that the announcement of the containment vessel of the speech coincided with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at AIPAC pro- Israel lobby in the United States .

" The Iranian ship carrying weapons to Gaza . Detention exactly at the time of the annual anti - Iran campaign AIPAC .

Strange coincidence ! Or lie failed , " Zarif said in a message on Twitter on Thursday .

Netanyahu urged the international community maintain economic sanctions against Iran karea nuclear program , and use the visit to the U.S. last week untu urgent cases .

World countries loosen sanctions as part of a historic agreement last November , in which Iran curb its nuclear activities for six months .

United States , other Western countries and Israel have long suspected Iran of using its nuclear energy program as a cover to build atomic weapons , a charge denied by Tehran , AFP reported .

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