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Thursday, March 6, 2014

Merger Crimea to Russia confirmed through referendum

 Merger Crimea to Russia confirmed through referendum

 Pro - Moscow rulers in Crimea Thursday asked Russian President Vladimir Putin to study their desire to join the territory of the Russian Federation , which will be included in the referendum on March 16 .

" Parliament has adopted a motion Crimea Crimea joined to Russia . Parliament has asked the President of the Russian parliament as well so consider this desire , " said Grigoriy Ioffe , a senior legislator , told AFP .

Closed session of parliament also set a referendum on March 16 asking residents whether they want their territory to be " part of the Russian federation , " Ioffe said .

Crimea is an autonomous republic of Ukraine who have fallen into the hands of the last Russian troops in Kiev following the expulsion of the pro - Moscow President Viktor Yanukovych , who fled to Russia .

Ioffe said the second question in the referendum was whether the Crimea must be returned to the extensive autonomy enjoyed under the previous 1992 constitution , which gave him de facto independence .
78 of the 86 members of the local parliament legislative prefer the motion.

Crimea is Russian Black Sea Fleet base and become part of Russia since the late 18th century , Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev before transferring them to Ukraine as a " gift " in 1954 .

The move does not mean primarily the Soviet era because both Ukraine and Russia is a republic in the Soviet Union .

Crimean Parliament agreed territory became part of Russia , RIA Novosti news agency quoted the text of the decision of the regional parliament , as reported by Reuters .

Crimean Parliament agreed to enter the Russian Federation to the rights contained in the Russian Federation , the sound of the text.

While the deputy prime minister of Crimea , Temirgaliev Rustam , said that a referendum on the status of the Crimean region will be held March 16 next .

RIA news agency said that the content of the referendum will be a question whether to remain part of Ukraine Crimea or join the Russian Federation .

While the AFP news agency reported that the authorities have requested Crimean Russian President Vladimir Putin to study the Crimean caves request to join the Russian Federation will hold a referendum on March 16 next .

" Crimean Parliament has adopted a motion to join the Crimea to Russia . Parliament has asked the president and the Russian parliament to consider this petition , " said MP Grigoriy Ioffe told AFP .

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