Parties Jakarta Police will assign the traffic flow in the seven point tomorrow when the announcement of the national recapitulation. In addition to the flow diversion, police will also sterilize the General Elections Commission (KPU) in Jalan Imam snag.
Diversion of traffic flows and sterilization area the Commission is scheduled to be conducted from 07.00 am.
"Yes, there will be no transfer of seven points starting at 07.00 am. We will check who those whose home here (the Jalan Imam snag) yes baseball anything. If no invitation here (KPU) yes allowed, but if does not exist and in large quantities will we ask for right turning (away), "said Police Chief Metrojaya, Dwi Priyatno, at Building Commission, Jakarta, Monday (07/21/2014).
Priyatno admitted, there the party who filed the action, a crowd of thousands of people to the Commission, but he doubted that the action report.
"There are informing. Polynomial notify usual stuff, but in reality only 600-700 people. Importantly we shared with them (the supporters), they're not our enemies. Citizens must obey, "he said.
Meanwhile, Dwi Priyatno also monitor the activities of the recapitulation in the Building Commission. Escorted by his aides that amounted to approximately three people, the arrival in Priyatno Commission, monitor the situation immediately recapitulation participants who were in a tent erected on the lawn Commission.
After looking around, he was straight into the plenum space recapitulation located on the second floor of the building Commission.
In addition to the guard in the capital, Jakarta Police will also conduct strict guard in the border region who will go to Jakarta.
"We keep in each border. If there is no obvious mass will we tell forth the right (home)," said Police Chief Metrojaya, Dwi Priyatno, at Building Commission, Jakarta, Monday (07/21/2014) night.
Tomorrow, further Priyatno, there are 31 thousand combined military police personnel who will secure the announcement of the 2014 Presidential Election.
"There are approximately 31 thousand, there are police and military 21ribu there are approximately 10 thousands. There are four layers of ring, two ring first in the Building Commission. Then rest until the roundabout and park Soerapatti," he explained.
He made sure the armed forces and police are ready to guard during the announcement of the presidential election July 22, 2014.
"Coordination has been very well between the military and police commanders. Myself and also the military commander of coordination here. Intensive coordination ya We, like yesterday April 9th, our guard," he said.
Honorary Chairman of the Board of Election (DKPP) Jimly Asshiddiqie approached reporters who were busy making news after breaking the fast together at his residence, Pondok Labu Indah, Jalan Wildlife Raya, South Jakarta, Saturday (12/07/2014) night.
Spreading smile, the former Chief Justice was chatting casually with the media crew, including the Okezone.
Greeting father about five times that so bald headline.
Wah is up? That was fast. Yes five times the bald truth is not guaranteed, especially as he (Burhanuddin Muhtadi) not bald, I was just new bald once, ha ha ha
Mutual claims quick count of his most well how this Prof?
Scientific methodology that can explain social phenomena has been proven throughout the world, as long as it is true and not the methodology of the sponsor message because it concerns the credibility and ethics researchers. It is likely that the same result and should not be imposed.
Threats to the Commission may be called the agency underestimated Prof?
Yes, It underestimated the Commission, do not speak in an extreme way
Mutual claims victory this how?
It can not be so, first we wait patiently official of the Commission. Must not be negative to the quick count, it's important in a democracy. Dululah patient.
The difference in the two candidates sound thin, if not potentially cause a riot?
The percentage is small but 1 percent of that of the 193 million voters were more than one million votes, so that's a big difference if you see the numbers.
What about the attitude of the two camps are already celebrating victory Prof?
Both of them announced a win, it should not be used, meaning that there should be no provocation. No victory, no thanksgiving.
Two presidential candidates that Prabowo and Joko Widodo has explained the vision and mission related economic growth and social welfare. Former Minister of Economy, Rizal Ramli, assess the candidates have not mengantogi a clear economic vision and mission.
When the second debate, one candidate Prabowo idea is to reduce the leakage of state finance for the benefit of the people. While candidates Joko Widodo one wants to develop a creative economy.
Is a candidate's vision and mission will be effective for economic growth and social welfare? Here is the opinion Ramli when special interview with Okezone:
What records related to the father of the second presidential debate?
In general, a presidential candidate does not need to know very technical issues, especially related to the economy, but both are expected to convey a clear vision and mission.
Then the targets qualitatively and quantitatively consistent with the mission and vision of how to achieve the mission or policies and strategies are carried.
Unfortunately I saw the vision of the mission there is to the right, but the quantitative targets are inadequate, especially policies even to the left or vice versa.
I think this process in addition to persuade voters who are still undecided or swing vote, also should be a mechanism so that the mission vision improved to make it more sharply.
Policy also more mature prepared to be more consistent so that when one terilih they already believe and know what to do.
For example, like what?
There is a presidential candidate who says he wants to create jobs as much as possible, but tagert to be achieved only create jobs for two to three million people.
If only that much, just enough economic growth of five or six per cent. Because, one percent that can create jobs to approximately 400 thousand to 500 thousand people. Loh is no different than the current dong, where progress, because we want this nation forward.
There are also candidates who want to encourage independence but busy with street vendors (PKL), relocation and arrangement of five feet.
I am pleased that the candidates truly sympathy with street vendors, but if associated with independence and productivity somewhat less disjointed, as street vendors engaged in the trade sector.
In fact, our nation wants to change from a nation that just be great consumptive and productive to compete with the rest of the world. So it does not connect the measures taken.
Is there a good vision and mission of the two presidential candidates?
There are things both good candidates. Problem creative economy. Tens of millions of entrepreneurs and small and medium entrepreneurs of our household if you just produce, they will not compete.
But if there are creative factor, the design, layout, or packaging, and brand the benefits will be enjoyed much greater. Both will make the product more acceptable Indonesian overseas.
I am also glad the candidates pledged to implement 12-year compulsory education. Right now we are still nine years. In practice the average achievement of the new Indonesia 7.6 years of education. Nine years is not enough.
That both commitment for 12 years that's great. Meaning of the vision and mission of the taget nice.
But, once there is ambiguity in the policy began. For example, there is a candidate say, 80 percent of the curriculum about mental revolution. Wow this is complicated, because the only boarding school curriculum generally 60 percent and 40 percent religious curriculum.
In communist countries, the indoctrination increasingly smaller, the remaining knowledge. I think we have to be careful there, because our children need it first encouraged curiosity, creativity second, third set of values including environmental awareness and social responsibility.
How can rancuh in policy?
We are sorry, advisors around the candidate should provide better information. For example, there is the presidential candidate said that one hectare could employ six times the number of potential jobs.
I do not think so, because the family could manage two acres if you want to prosper. So there are basic figures probably less confirms advisory team.
Or idea about the toll the sea. that if we make a kind of shipping are constantly moving from one location to the main location, mahalanya remarkable because most of the way it will be empty.
So, instead of cheap transportation expenses even be more expensive, if the concept of the sea toll. For example, in Papua cement is very expensive, I happened to former President Commissioner of Semen Gresik.
Sulusinya not make sea toll to Papua to cement cheap, but make cement plant in Papua with a capacity of 200 thousand tons quite small, it is definitely cheaper price of cement.
There is also a proposal to make a double track railway in Papua and Sumatra. I apologize, my first time to make a double track program in Indonesia. Double track was required if prekuensi solid stuff once. If in Papua prekuensi stuff is still a little, make the track first.
The goal is to actually add cost efficiency. It's like I'm a candidate well-stone in his ideas brewing more mature along with his team of experts. If not, sorry if it's implemented so the president would be a waste.
The health card program that overlaps with the social security system program. This system has a large, already reaching 80 million. It should be increased to 100 million, but the system is already great.
Staying funding plus how many tens of trillions more, jangakauannya expanded, the system repaired. It will be more devastating than the sound card.
Will there be a problem if it enforced?
Will cause problems as well as the president of a health card if implemented, perhaps he should BPJS abolish or replaced.
Problem wastage, correct the financing alternatives can be taken from the waste reduction, but there is also another source to stop wasteful spending and policy alternatives, because Indonesia does not necessarily change with money and budgets. Yesterday the candidates focus on budget, economy when not only the budget but also policies.
When I Menko, we give permission to the six national airlines including Lion Air. As a result there is competition, airfares dropped 60 percent, up five passengers up to six times. No state money at all, it could change the policy.
We look at the history of Japan and China can be great because through policy mechanisms and strategies, did not rely on debt. The focus yesterday was all in the budget.
I quote Paul Nitze that there are two types of people. One type really want to know the truth and try to find solutions to problems. Secondly, the type of man who would like to believe. Intellectuals and the media should enter the first, not just people who want to be believed.
If we want more people to know aspects of education, this aspect of enlightenment. while the candidates learn from there mistakes and fix them in the process.
Selection of July, then selected it means there is still time to October, there are still four months. If you see any inconsistency between the vision and targets there is still time to improve. So, when inducted already ready.
But, if also ternina bobo by people who just praise and deify, can stigmatize Indonesia.
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