After reportedly fell on Thursday, July 17, 2014, Malaysia Airlines issued an official manifest of passengers MH17. 12 complete identity of Indonesian citizens (WNI), announced by the airline.
Previously the Malaysia Airlines has been preaching the manifest to the families of passengers. As of July 19, 2014, Malaysia Airlines finally summarizes the full names of passengers and crew complete with citizenship.
193 known victims were citizens of the Netherlands, with one of them holds a Dutch passport and the United States (USA). Malaysians totaled 43, including 15 crew members and two toddlers.
Australians who numbered 27 souls. Followed by Indonesian citizens, amounting to 12 people, including one baby. While Britons are 10 people with one person holding a British passport and South Africa.
Four Germans and four Belgian citizens among the victims in this incident. While three Filipinos among the victims. Each accompanied by a resident of Canada and New Zealand.
Here the name of an Indonesian citizen who was released from the manifest Malaysia Airlines, which quoted from the official website Okezone Malaysia Airlines on Sunday (20/07/2014):
1 Clarice Yelena Huizen - Women (toddler)
2 Hadiono Gunawan - Male
3. Hendry - Male
4. Gerda Leliana Lahenda - Women
5. Jane M Adi Soetjipto - Women
Ketut Wiartini 6 - Women
7 Supartini - Women
8. Vickiline Kurniati Kardia - Women
9. Wayan Sujana - Male
10.Ninik Yuriani - Women
11.Yuli Hastini - Women
12.Yodricunda Theistiasih - Women
The search of passengers on Malaysia Airlines MH17, led by the Ukrainian government, until now managed to find 196 bodies at the crash site.
Ukrainian State Emergency Service (SES) said the 380 staff was involved in the search at the crash site in eastern Ukraine. Search area reaches 34 square kilometers.
But in the end the search process is complicated by the pro-Russian separatist group, which interfere with the work of the SES. Previous Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) doubted the number of bodies found or the location of the body was taken.
OSCE parties admitted, when doing a search, they saw some people not known to move a number of body bags.
"It's hard to get credible information because many members of the pro-Russian separatist region that controls it., But the authorities do not seem to be strong," said the OSCE Michael Bociurkuw, as quoted by CNN on Sunday (20/07/2014).
"Three Ukrainian aircraft crash investigator accompany the OSCE do its job, but they do not have much time. They need time and freedom of access," he continued.
Bociurkiw also questioned the presence of a group of men carrying weapons at the crash site. They can not know where it came from that group.
Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott furious against Russia, which is considered to intervene against the crash site Malaysia Airlines MH17.
Abbott worried that Russia would allow parties who are not interested to enter the crash site was a Boeing 777-200. It becomes anxiety Abbott as 27 Australians among the victims of the tragedy.
"Russian control of the region, Russia also supports separatists and they also support the possibility of providing arms. Russians can not wash your hands on this issue," Abbott said, as quoted by the Guardian, Sunday (07/20/2014).
"The current priority for today and the future, is to ensure that the bodies (of passengers MH17) can be treated with residents and try to do a full investigation," he continued.
Abbott was again added concern to Russia. For him, Russia has not shown any intention to guarantee it will not intervene at the scene.
After reportedly fell on Thursday, July 17, 2014, Malaysia Airlines issued an official manifest of passengers MH17. Previously the Malaysia Airlines has been preaching the manifest to the families of passengers.
The passenger list including 283 passengers and 15 crew members. Manifest also shows the name of Indonesian passengers were among the victims of this accident.
Security Council of the United Nations (UN Security Council) resolution regarding the issuance of exploring the tragedy of Malaysia Airlines MH17 aircraft. This resolution also set the open access to the crash site.
"The UN Security Council urged to armed groups in the crash site to provide access to the investigation and asked relevant countries to work together to conduct an international investigation," the statement of the UN Security Council, as quoted by Reuters on Sunday (07/20/2014).
27 Australian citizens were killed in the crash, submit a proposal of the resolution to the 15-member UN Security Council on Saturday, July 19th 2014 The draft resolution is likely to be presented for a vote on Monday, July 21, 2014.
The resolution also demanded that those responsible for this incident was brought to court. All countries should cooperate fully to produce a credible investigation.
"This proposal strongly condemned the shooting of Malaysia Airlines MH17 which led to the deaths of 298 people," the contents of the resolution proposal.
"The whole country and the parties should be able to refrain from violence against civil aviation," continued from the contents of the proposal.
The international community said the plane was expected to fall after dirudal in territory controlled by pro-Russian separatists in Ukrainian airspace. Ambassador of the United States (USA) Samantha Power said Russia could help fire deadly missiles.
A commander of pro-Russian separatist bizarre accusations about the crash incident Malaysia Airlines MH17. He said most of the passengers had died a few days before boarding the plane.
"I get information from those in the crash site, some of the bodies of the victims have not fresh. Corpse was already no longer have the fishy smell of blood and because of rot," said Igor Girkin separatist commander, as quoted by the Associated Press, Sunday (20 / 7/2014).
Girkin, which is also known as Strelkov- said he could not confirm this information. But his words certainly adds more hot emotions surrounding the plane crash with 298 passengers.
"The Ukrainian could have done something," he continued.
In addition, Girkin mention that many found blood serum and drugs Okezonethat are not far from the ruins of the Boeing 777-200 made the United States (USA) it.
MH17 last time taking off from Schiphol Airport, Amsterdam, Netherlands on Thursday, July 17th, 2014 at 12:19 pm local time. When entering the airspace of Ukraine when it was about the way to Kuala Lumpur.
The international community said the plane was expected to fall after dirudal in territory controlled by pro-Russian separatists in Ukrainian airspace. Buk missile scored suspected as the weapon to shoot the fateful plane. Okezone
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