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Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Officials in the Ministry of National Education should no longer make the school as a venue for the project.

Rasdi Siswoyo Eko picture by tvku semarang

Officials in the Ministry of National Education should no longer make the school as a venue for the project.

Name the character of the nation's schools and the superior fit of the Constitutional Court's decision on the dissolution of the pilot schools international school (RSBI) a valuable lesson in education.

"Government Obligations anywhere, should provide good quality schooling quality facilities and quality of teachers and the curriculum. This obligation of the government without having to create a project-project either RSBI everything," said Chairman of the Board of Education of Semarang, Rasdi Siswoyo Eko, a former Rector of the State University of Semarang when encountered in Semarang, Central Java, on Wednesday (01/09/2013).

Rasdi Eko said the government should not undue haste (haste without careful planning) when organizing school programs RSBI. Schools designated as RSBI then flushed a big budget, and the school committee race with draw money from parents wishes.

Then what happened, how their school administrators prefer the rich and give large donations. In fact, the mandate of providing a good education should be enjoyed by all citizens.

Separately, many parents are also confused by the school RSBI. In fact, the government is gradually able to equip every school with the help of pure quality without changing the status of the school. In the field of education privately run, many successful examples for grade school program.

Some parents whose children are in the city of Semarang in high school RSBI revealed RSBI school was actually a big lie. Because, since the first child RSBI graduated in 2008 and then followed a second child also passed the school apparently still a RSBI.

"When parents and school meetings, we asked when this school was really so SBI, is 10 -30 years, the school raised their hands," said Sutomo, residents Srondol, Semarang.

RSBI school programs are annoying about donations early withdrawal for new students. For example, making the school gate to be compliant schools RSBI worth USD 500 million, continues to emerge to attract donations to the new students. Gate itself from year to year is also not clear construction.

There are also parents who demanded that students made international diploma. When asked by the teacher, that's how an international diploma, GED must be answered in English reading.

Problem kastanisasi recognized the parents, because even though the status of the school RSBI turns out there is a special class that students have to pay more than other classes at the same level.

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