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Saturday, March 8, 2014

aerospace industry will be developed and protected

aerospace industry will be developed and protected

Industry Minister MS Hidayat said the aerospace industry that manufactures aircraft will continue to be developed and protected so that Indonesia is able to meet the needs of small aircraft to connect areas that are difficult to reach by road and sea .

" We strongly support the aerospace industry because of the development of the industry will grow hundreds or even thousands of other industries , " he said on the sidelines of his visit to PT DI Indonesia in Bandung , West Java , on Friday .

According to him, the aircraft needs in Indonesia is very large for connecting various regions . The central government and PT Indonesian Aerospace ( PT DI ) and the local government has been discussing the specification requirement that aircraft can reach remote areas .

Therefore , he said , the government supports the development of projects with a capacity of 19 aircraft N219 by PT DI , because according to the needs in the country .

" The aircraft is estimated to have been able to meet the 40 percent local components and will continue to be increased to 60 percent , " he said .

However , he continued , PT DI also need to be able to sell these products as much as possible in order to achieve economies of scale . Hidayat promised when the local component of the aircraft has reached 60 percent , it will be protected from competition with foreign -made production of a low local content .

In addition to the Ministry of Industry , the government through the National Development Planning Agency ( Bappenas ) also supported through the injection of Rp400 billion for research and development ( R & D ) aircraft N219 . PT DI will work closely with Space agency ( the National Aeronautics and Space Agency ) for research and development of four prototype aircraft N129 to be tested .

" This year , we have budgeted research assistance through Space agency as much as Rp310 billion this year and 90 billion next year , " said Minister of Planning / Head of Bappenas Armida Alisjahbana who also visited PTDI . VP of Marketing PTDI Arie Wibowo said it requires funding research and development of approximately 500 billion N219 .

" The rest we will take the results of our sales , " he said . Meanwhile , Director General of High Technology-Based Industries ( IUBTT ) Ministry of Industry Budi senior official said the aircraft industry will grow hundreds of industrial components .

" Currently there are about 40-50 of industrial components that are potentially capable of supporting the development of the aircraft , " he said

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