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Sunday, March 9, 2014

After Umrah , Always Strive Prayer congregation in the Mosque ( 2 )

After Umrah , Always Strive Prayer congregation in the Mosque ( 2 )

ASATUNEWS - Last week Asatunews Crew Dadi Gunadi for 10 days to worship Umrah to the holy land of Mecca and Medina, Saudi Arabia , one of the most profound impression of the experience of the Umrah pilgrimage is a spiritual experience that happened , is different from the experience when traveling to the city or to another country .

'' There is a sense of longing , that after seeing the Kaaba directly Umrah and it feels like back to the holy land , '' the story Dadi Gunadi to Asatunews in Jakarta , Sunday ( 9/3 ) . Apparently a 10-day pilgrimage to the city of Mecca and Medina gives a very deep impression for Dadi Gunadi .

One of the habits and determination Dadi is sought after worship Umrah prayers Five setaip wakru that the duty of Muslims . '' Usually prayer is quite at home alone , or in the mosque 's office , but it's a habit I increase it by seeking prayers in congregation in the mosque five times a day , or in the mosque , '' Dadi story .

Besides, he also increasingly determined to be consistent and keep prayer five times a day on time . Dadi was opened guidance booklet on prayer :

From Anas ibn Malik radi 'anhu , he said , " On the night of Isra ' ( when the Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam raised to the sky ) are required to the Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam to pray fifty times . Then reduced to five times . Then he called out , ' O Muhammad , verily my decision at hand can not be changed . And verily you ( reward ) is such five ( reward ) fifty ' . " [ 1 ]

Of Talha bin ' Ubaidullah radi anhu , he said that once a Bedouin Arab unkempt hair came to the Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam and said , " O Messenger of Allah , tell me pray what God required of me . " He replied :

الصلوات الخمس إلا أن تطوع شيئا .

" Prayer five times a day , but if you want to add something ( from the sunnah prayer ) . " [ 2 ]

Status of Prayers in Islam
From ' Abdullah ibn ' Umar anhu , he said that the Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam said :

بني الإسلام على خمس , شهادة أن لا إله إلا الله وأن محمدا عبده ورسوله , وإقام الصلاة , وإيتاء الزكاة وحج البيت , وصوم رمضان .

" Islam is built on five ( cases ) : the testimony that there is no god who is entitled diibadahi but Allah and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah , establish the prayer , issued alms, pilgrimage to the House , and fasting Ramadan . " [ 3 ]

A. Legal person who did Prayers
The entire Islamic Ummah agreed that those who deny the necessity of prayer , then he came out of the infidels and Islam . But they were at odds on leaving people still believe in prayer with its legal obligations . Because of their disagreement is the presence of a number of hadith of the Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam calling people who leave the prayer as infidels , without distinguishing between those who deny and lazing do .

From Jabir radi 'anhu , he said that the Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam said :

إن بين الرجل وبين الشرك والكفر ترك الصلاة .

" Surely ( boundary ) between a person and kufr and shirk is abandoning prayer . " [ 4 ]

Of Buraidah , he said , " I heard the Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam said :

العهد الذي بيننا وبينهم الصلات , فمن تركها فقد كفر .

' Agreement between us and them is prayer . Whoever left it , then he is a disbeliever . ' " [ 5 ]

But rajih of the opinions of the scholars ' , that is the kufr kufr here is little that is not issued from religion . It is the result of a compromise between these hadiths with some other hadith , among them :

From ' Ubadah Allaah ibn al- Samit anhu , he said , " I heard the Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam said :

خمس صلوات كتبهن الله على العباد , من أتى بهن لم يضيع منهن شيئا استخفافا بحقهن كان له عند الله عهد أن يدخله الجنة , ومن لم يأت بهن فليس له عند الله عهد , إن شاء عذبه وإن شاء غفر له .
' Five prayers are required over the servants of God . Whoever do it and not waste it in the slightest due to take lightly , then he had an agreement with God to enter into Heaven . And whoever does not do it , then he does not have a covenant with God . If He wills , He mengadzabnya . Or if He wills , He forgives . ' " [ 6 ]

We conclude that the law left the prayer is still below the level of kufr and shirk . Because the Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam submit cases of people who do not do the will of God .

While Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala says :

إن الله لا يغفر أن يشرك به ويغفر ما دون ذلك لمن يشاء ومن يشرك بالله فقد افترى إثما عظيما

" Verily Allah will not forgive the sin of shirk , and He forgives all sins apart from ( shirk ) , for whom He wills . Whoever is to Allah , then indeed he has a great sin . " [ An - Nisaa ' : 48 ]
That 's a little story Dadi , may be useful for the reader Asatunews where punberada . ( Exp. ) | MUHAMMAD JUSUF/ASN-013

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