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Thursday, March 6, 2014

Putin quipped Obama , Kerry shaking his head

Putin quipped Obama , Kerry shaking his head

 U.S. President Barack Obama quipped Russian President Vladimir Putin that he is not fooling people regarding the crisis in Ukraine after Putin denied Russian forces operating in the Crimean Peninsula , Ukraine .

The U.S. and Russia still continued war rhetoric on the crisis in Ukraine , while U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry who was in Kiev was astounded to learn that Putin's statement .

Obama said the European Union , Canada and Japan all believe Russia had violated international law by mobilizing the troops following the overthrow of President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych last February 22 .

" President Putin seems to have a team of lawyers who ( had a view of the law ) is different , perhaps also a series of different interpretations . , But I do not think Russia is fooling people , " Obama said as quoted by Reuters .

In a press conference yesterday with lightly Putin said Ukraine claimed thousands of soldiers who had been sent to the Crimea as a local self-defense forces who surrounded the Ukrainian military bases in the Crimea .

When asked whether Russian troops participated in operations in the Crimea , " No, they do not participate . Much uniform ( soldiers ) that seems similar . "

When Putin hears this , Foreign Minister John Kerry immediately shook his head .

" He actually denied any Russian forces in the Crimea ? " , He asked reporters .

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