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Thursday, March 6, 2014

The ECB see a serious impact on the economy of Ukraine Russia

The ECB see a serious impact on the economy of Ukraine Russia

 Ukraine crisis currently pose a threat for the Russian economy and some of its neighbors , but not for the euro zone , the head of the European Central Bank ( ECB ) Mario Draghi on Thursday.

" The impact on Russia's economic growth is very serious , " Draghi told a news conference , AFP reported .

" We also see some financial impact on some countries bordering the Ukraine and Russia , " he said .

But for the euro zone , any fallout is likely to be limited for the time being , said Draghi .

" When we look at Ukraine , if we look at it purely from a technocratic standpoint , the trade figures , we would say that the interconnection is not so important to show the strong contagion of the region , " added Draghi .

But he warned that the broader picture must be kept in mind , because geopolitical risk " could be great " .

The ECB has not yet prepared a variety of different scenarios to predict what impact the wider could happen , if the crisis continues for a long time , said Draghi .

" It's hard to see what impact it will have for two or three years , for example , the impact on the energy market , " said the head of the central bank .

" If we look at just the next six months , the impact is very light , but if we look at one and a half years into the future , it could be very serious . "

" We central bankers do not have enough information to assess the impact on the early stages of the crisis , " he said .

 Ukraine crisis currently pose a threat for the Russian economy and some of its neighbors , but not for the euro zone , the head of the European Central Bank ( ECB ) Mario Draghi on Thursday.

" The impact on Russia's economic growth is very serious , " Draghi told a news conference , AFP reported .

" We also see some financial impact on some countries bordering the Ukraine and Russia , " he said .

But for the euro zone , any fallout is likely to be limited for the time being , said Draghi .

" When we look at Ukraine , if we look at it purely from a technocratic standpoint , the trade figures , we would say that the interconnection is not so important to show the strong contagion of the region , " added Draghi .

But he warned that the broader picture must be kept in mind , because geopolitical risk " could be great " .

The ECB has not yet prepared a variety of different scenarios to predict what impact the wider could happen , if the crisis continues for a long time , said Draghi .

" It's hard to see what impact it will have for two or three years , for example , the impact on the energy market , " said the head of the central bank .

" If we look at just the next six months , the impact is very light , but if we look at one and a half years into the future , it could be very serious . "

" We central bankers do not have enough information to assess the impact on the early stages of the crisis , " he said .

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