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Friday, March 7, 2014

The new government of Ukraine to recruit conglomerate

The new government of Ukraine to recruit conglomerate

After losing control in Crimea , Ukraine new government turned to the oligarchic order to prevent separatism in the eastern part of the country that generally speaking Russian .

They have been appointed to lead the two conglomerates Donetsk and Dnipropetrovsk was once a base of support for the deposed president Viktor Yanukovych .

Union boss Donbass Industrik 58 -year -old , Sergiy Taruta , was appointed to lead Donetsk turbulent since Yanukovych fled to Russia .

Taruta net worth estimated by Forbes magazine to reach 600 million U.S. dollars . Rinat Akhmetov he supported the candidacy of which is the richest man in Ukraine .

Akhmetov never support Yanukovych and the Party of Regions leader Yanukovych as his native Donetsk . But he then kept his distance from the ousted president .

Akhmetov mention the use of outside force in Ukraine as unacceptable . This remark refers to the de facto takeover of the Crimea by Russian forces last week .

In Dnipropetrovsk , the new governor is Igor Kolomoiski ( 51 ) which is a group of business owners banking and mining are very powerful in Ukraine . The leader of the Ukrainian Jewish community has a wealth of 2.4 billion U.S. dollars .

" The oligarchic very interested in maintaining the sovereignty of Ukraine . Below ( Russian President Vladimir ) Putin , they will lose power and their businesses , " said Taras Berezovets , political analyst , told AFP .

Both conglomerate received a governor 's stated plan for coping with its influence spreading into southern Russia and eastern Ukraine .

" Putin is not normal . Him crazy with its mission to rebuild the Russian empire , " said Kolomoiski . " Separatism is not going to happen in Dnipropetrovsk . "

Putin replied that Kolomoiski words by calling him " trash " and " bastard " .

While Taruta Russian parliament called the decision to allow Mr Putin to use force in Ukraine as terrible and confirms that Ukraine makes it vulnerable to economic weakness of such threats .

The new government of Ukraine does not have a lever that efisein in eastern and southern regions of the pro - Russian political analyst Volodymyr Fesenko said .

" The elite that has nothing to do with party Regions ( Yanukovych ) demoralized , as well as local government and law enforcement , " he continued . " They are afraid to act , do not know who 'll rule " .

The oligarchic which controls Ukraine's economy to accommodate hundreds of thousands of workers and the long build patronasen with local elites and law enforcement , thus helping them to control areas .

But for many Ukrainian citizens are disgusted by corruption , the power of the oligarchic seen only to enrich themselves .

" They have the financial resources and administrative enormous , " wrote the journal Pravda Ekonomichna business .

Berezovets said the oligarchic rule will determine the next president of Ukraine will be chosen later on May 25 .

Analysts expect the conglomerate will maintain or increase their influence if the former boxer Vitali Klitschko , who led the movement to win demonstrations later became president of Ukraine AFP .

Lviv , Ukraine (AFP ) - In the city of Lviv , Ukraine , a group of Tatars left the peninsula is more dangerous territory with the train to avoid the Russians .

" I'm worried about my children during the Russian army in the Crimea , " says a young mother Tatars accompanied by her three children aged two to five years .

" Here I feel safe , " he said that was one of 200 people who received an invitation Crimea Lviv city administration to come and stay at the castle of Ukrainian nationalism in the west of the country on the border with Poland .

Crimea which is Russian-speaking autonomous region in Ukraine is now controlled by Russian forces and his Council unanimously agreed to join with Russia that threatens the split of Ukraine .

Most citizens who arrived in Lviv Crimean Tatars are Muslims who are minorities in the peninsula and deported to Siberia and Central Asia in the era of Soviet leader Joseph Stalin , then returned after the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 .

In Lviv , the newcomers are welcomed Petro Kolodiy , chairman of the local parliament building hotline for anyone wanting to relocate to this city .

" Like all citizens of Ukraine , you are in a difficult situation created by the Kremlin . Lviv reached out to you all , " said Kolodiy to the newcomers .

Not only the authorities , residents also opened their arms to 500 residents in the Crimea where the owner of the hotel and spa offers a free stay .

" In the first childhood , my grandmother told me that the citizens of eastern Ukraine Lviv welcome during the great famine (1932-1933) and share with them the last bread ( the hunger ) , " said Kolodiy . " Today we tried our best effort Crimean citizens . "

In addition to the Tatars , the members of the Ukrainian army in the Crimea keluara also has arrived in Lviv .

Since the overthrow of the pro - Russian President Viktor Yanukovych last month , Russian forces had surrounded a Ukrainian army base in Crimea were denied by Moscow .

In a video message , Lviv Mayor Andriy Sadovy asked residents not to trust the Crimean Russian propaganda that Moscow requires people to defend themselves from the extremists western Ukraine .

" If you all think there are armed people from the west , I can assure you that we want to back peaceful development for all of Ukraine , " he said speaking in Russian which is the common language spoken in Crimea .

Ukraine has been divided into the eastern part of the pro - Moscow and pro - western parts of the West , including the capital city of Lviv and Kiev .

Alim Aliyev , representative citizens of the Crimean Tatars in Lviv , said they were optimistic about the future of the region . Tatar men evacuate their families so that they can defend their homeland , he said .

" Throughout the Tatars in Crimea , Crimea would remain part of Ukraine , " he said .

Aliyev warned , Tatar residents will launch a guerrilla war against the Russians if Russia does not withdraw from the region .

" We will dance ( folk dance Tatars and Ukrainians ) haytarma and hopak in the ruins of post - imperialist ambitions Putin was quoted as saying by AFP .

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