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Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Troops entered Russia missile unit in Crimea Ukraine

Troops entered Russia missile unit in Crimea Ukraine

Russian army units took over part of the missile defense Ukraine in Crimea on Wednesday , the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine , but insisted that all missiles still in the hands of Ukraine .

Volodymyr Bova , defense ministry spokesman , told AFP that Russian troops have entered the base at Cape Fiolent near Sevastopol and no shots were released .

Second base but also reportedly controlled profanity described the situation in the Crimea , where the question of " who is in control " and " since when " is still vague in many parts , although Moscow tightened its control on the peninsula .

A ministry spokesman said the pro - Moscow forces took control of the base portion in Evpatoria , northwest of the capital city of Simferopol peninsula .

A visit to the base by AFP revealed that somehow the Russians had been in place for several days .

Groups of pro - Russia is approaching the base on February 23 for talks with commanders of Ukraine , just a day after the removal of the pro - Moscow Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych .

" We let them in after the conversation , " said Sergiy Anyushkin , attendant bases in Ukraine .

Since the " 30 to 40 " members of the Russian armed forces have been at the base , patrolling the aisles between the facilities - including those who hold guns and anti- aircraft missiles - but act with " peaceful manner , " he said .

The army did not stop a large group of mostly pro - Russian civilians attacked bases of effort on Tuesday night , putting them face fellow Russian officers guarded the gate next to the Ukrainian army .

In an extraordinary step , the base commander even called for representatives of the Ukrainian government 's pro-Russian Crimea , said Yuriy Zheribtsov , for the sake of salvation .

Crimean de facto takeover by Russian largely peaceful , with skirmishes had stopped from real violence .

However , the takeover marks a new step : in a similar incident in recent days , where pro - Russian forces had largely surrounded the or block access to bases Ukraine without taking control of them .

Crimea People who speak in Russian Crimea has come under the control of the de - facto by pro - Russian forces since repel Yanukovych inaugurated the new government and the pro - EU in Kiev.

Putin however continues to deny there are Russian troops operating in the Crimea , and insisted that many armed men were identified as Russian forces were in fact " local self-defense forces " .

 Chairman of the upper house of the Russian parliament , Valentina Matvienko , called on Western countries to stop the threat catapult and start a dialogue with Russia mengenasi situation in Ukraine .

"The language of threat is not efficient in the modern world . Thing we need here is the language of dialogue , " said Matvienko told reporters after the plenary session on Wednesday as quoted by ITAR - TASS news agency .

" Currently, the Russian economy has been so involved in the global economy that it is difficult to imagine how Russia could be isolated from the worldwide economy , " said Russia 's female politicians .

Matvienko adding that the products meet the European Union 40 percent of the Russian market , otherwise the EU countries into the market for 50 percent of Russian trade volume .

" Sanctions will usher in huge economic losses , " he said . " It is important now to calm down and stop using the language of ultimatums and threats . "

" Every sane mind politicians understand that it is impossible to exclude Russia from the settlement of the situation in Ukraine , " Matvienko said .

Foreign Relations Committee, the State Council of the Federation ( the Russian parliament ) pointed to the threat of economic sanctions and isolation against Russia by American politicians that " we do not live in a unipolar world " .

" Isolation is full it is not possible , while a partial insulation would not be useful , " said the commission chairman Mikhail Margelov . " Sanctions are also completely unproductive . With all due respect we have experience in this matter . "

Half pout Margelov said if the U.S. imposed sanctions , the impact would not be felt in the Russian economy as " our economic and trade relations with the U.S. was low" so " with great regret not going to ruin our economy " .

" Investments mutual rarely . Investments Americans in Russia in the real sector is not as much speculation in securities , " he said . " And a ban on the use of U.S. dollars , if it is implemented , will only erode confidence in American institutions are in fact not very high . "

Margelov said Russia may turn to China that have become a political and economic partner for the country's good .

" More than that , there are indications that involves sanctions on Russia , China may require the United States to pay the debt the United States enormous -1169.9 billion dollars - and possibly in the form of gold . "

"I think the U.S. government will not impose serious sanctions on Russia , " he said .

Margelov also not sure on the threat of termination of negotiations on visa-free regime . He lightly dismissed this possibility will not occur .

Russian senator who portray even more to lose if European Union countries to freeze the process of issuing long-term visas ahead of the holidays .

" Citizens of our country that spends billions of euro in the greatest tourist attractions of Europe every year , will certainly be disappointed , " Margelov said . " They took their money to Turkey , Southeast Asia , India and the Red Sea coast " .

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