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Monday, January 14, 2013

Synergistic coordinator for the Indonesian Democratic Society (SIGMA), Said Salahudin, said the campaign through the mass media should be regulated

Synergistic coordinator for the Indonesian Democratic Society (SIGMA), Said Salahudin, said the campaign through the mass media should be regulated

Synergistic coordinator for the Indonesian Democratic Society (SIGMA), Said Salahudin, said the campaign through the mass media should be regulated. Blocking time for the campaign is a capital offense, in addition to the potential violations in the form of advertisements in the mass media occurred.

"The rule regarding the campaign message through the news, broadcasting, and advertising. Designated advertising, in terms of the new time may be conducted from 16 March to 5 April 2014," said Salahuddin, on Monday.

According to him, the regulation of campaign messages not only to the jurisdiction of the Commission, but institutions and other interested parties are also required by law to co-organize.

"The Indonesian Broadcasting Commission (KPI) and the Press Council in the campaign was a supervisor in any news, broadcasting, and the ad campaign," he said.

The basic principle of the mass media and broadcasters in delivering the campaign message, be it news, broadcasting, and advertising is fair, balanced, and allocating time and equal opportunity to each participant elections.

"Blocking time and program sponsor nuanced campaign ads is strictly prohibited by media," he said. Campaign spending through channels that will spend a lot of money.

Sources involved in the broadcast media, either dialogue or monologue, such persons must also be publicly known reputable objective and not partisan, "he said.

The general public understands that some major media tycoon owned national politicians, including Metro TV and Media Indonesia newspaper owned by Surya Paloh, founder of the Party Nasdem; TV One is owned by the Bakrie Group DPP Golkar Party Chairman, Bakrie, as a patron.

MNC network also owned by Harry Tanoesudibyo Nasdem affiliated to the Party, the new contestants Election 2014. Or network owned Trans Chairul Tandjung, one elite inner circle of President Susilo Yudhoyono.

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