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Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Frustrated MH370 Search Area

 Frustrated MH370 Search Area

Search in vain throughout Monday over Malaysia Airlines MH370 did not produce a single tangible clue. In fact, the instructions could help investigators figure out the cause of the loss of the aircraft.

The frustration began to appear in the waters between Malaysia and Vietnam, aircraft search area. A similar situation is seen in hotels in Beijing and Kuala Lumpur, where families gather passengers.

"We mess around" air loss incident, said Hishamuddin Hussein, Minister of Transport of Malaysia.

Boeing 777-200 belonging to Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 carrying 227 passengers and 12 crew. The plane disappeared Saturday morning, after taking off from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing. The plane disappeared from radar in the air chamber Malaysia and Vietnam, less than an hour after takeoff. Undocumented emergency signals from aircraft.

Last Sunday, aircraft and ships chase sequence debris seen floating on the southern island of Tho Chu, Vietnam. After traced, it was not part of the fractional aircraft.

"If the plane fell to the ground, puingnya definitely there. However, if it falls into the water, we must consider the currents, tides, and waves that can shift the position of the debris, "said Martin Eran-Tasker, security experts from the Association of Asia Pacific Airlines. "Even if a plane [search] see something, it needs to be verified."

The loss of affinity with MH370 meretaskan crash operated Airbus A330 Air France. In the 2009 incident, an Air France plane lost not set foot in the Atlantic Ocean. But this time, not a single debris that could be investigated. According to Eran-Tasker, thus the similarity between the two cases are: both occur at night when the aircraft at cruising altitude, which is actually considered as the safest in the flight phase.

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