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The shooting of two policemen in Las Vegas, United States |
BBC Radio recently reported, the shooting occurred in Las Vegas, five killed, two policemen were killed.
Five people were killed in a shooting at a pizza restaurant in Las Vegas on Sunday (08/06) local time.
When it is a man and a woman shot dead two police officers who were eating lunch at a pizza restaurant.
They then entered a nearby Walmart store networks and shot dead one person, before committing suicide.
Female shooter then shot her male companion before shooting himself, said local police chief Doug Gillespie of the Las Vegas Police at a press conference.
Police said no other suspects in the shooting.
Motive for the shooting is unknown.
But witnesses said the gunman shouted "It's a revolution" when they entered the restaurant Cici's Pizza and shoot cops.
"I think in any case where the person was attacked and shot to confuse the public," said police spokesman Larry Hadfield told the Associated Press.
"We do not know anything about the suspects and are still studying the case," added Larry.
The BBC has also been preaching, One person was killed and three others were injured as a result of a shooting incident on the campus of Seattle Pacific University, USA, on Thursday afternoon (05/06) local time.
Seattle police said the shooting suspects had been arrested.
EMTs Harborview Medical Center, where the shooting victims were treated, said the dead was a man in his 20s.
The injured victims include a woman of 20 years who are in critical condition and two were in stable condition, the hospital said.
In a statement posted online, the university said the campus was closed "due to the shooting near Otto Miller Hall".
Police said officers continue to clean the area around the shooting scene.
No details about the suspect and the shooting.
Seattle Pacific University is a Christian university that is privately run with approximately 4,000 students.
United States has recently experienced a series of shootings on or near college.
Canadian authorities are hunting a gunman who has killed three policemen and wounded two other officers in the City of Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada.
Police said they are searching for Justin Bourque, aged 24 years, the "armed and dangerous", with a spread complete with a self-portrait of the suspect weapon.
Local officials have warned that Moncton city residents stay home and lock the door.
A police officer told the Associated Press news agency, the search concentrated around two streets in the city.
Two Canadian police officers injured have been rushed to hospital, said a spokesman for local police.
Head region of New Brunswick, David Alward, said he was "shocked and saddened."
Various media also never preached, there is a broker in Los Angeles and New York who shot himself in the head and killed as a result of falling bankrupt in the fall of stock prices on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange, and many cases of suicide due to stress.
Is this the result of people have lost direction and way of life, for Muslims around the world who are now said to number has about 2 billion people, mainly Muslims who now live immigrate to developed countries like the United States, Australia, Japan dab of Europe, we must not forget guidelines for our lives is an Al quran and Sunnah (Hadith), if we live this life with both of these guidelines Inshallah we will be happy World and the Hereafter
The following posts Sheikh Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah bin Baaz about a Muslim character
A Muslim Morals Moral Reflection Quran And Sunnah
Sheikh Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah bin Baaz
Any person contemplating the Book of Allah and stay in touch with him, it will get the moral glory. And anyone who examines the Sunnah-sunnah of the Prophet, which is the journey of life of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam and his sayings, will receive and understand the moral glory and greatness. To re-affirm that God's moral glory at the end of Surat Al-Furqan.
Allah says:
"Meaning: And the good servants of the Most Merciful Lord (is) the people who walk on the earth with humility and when the ignorant address them, they say the words (containing) safety. and people through the evening with Lord prostrate and standing for them. And those who say: 'Our Lord, keep our torment of Hell, it is actually adzabnya eternal destruction'. Truly Hell was the worst of places to settle and residence. And if the people who when they spend (possessions), they are not extravagant and not (also) a miser, and is (spending it) in the middle of the such. And those who do not worship the gods other and their God and do not kill the soul which Allah has forbidden (to kill) except with (reason) is true, and do not fornicate, so whoever did this, surely he got (retaliation) sin (it) ". [Al-Furqan: 63-68]
That is, associating partners with Allah or whoever kills a soul for no reason, or adultery, then the result of his actions he will get sin, that is a big ordeal. Then God explained with the following verses:
"Meaning: (Ie) torment will be doubled for him on the Day of Resurrection, and he will be forever in torment, in a state of humiliation". [Al-Furqan: 69]
They are in torment, except:
"Meaning: Except those who repent, believe and do good deeds; their crime so they were replaced God with virtue., And Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful., And those who repent and do good deeds, then verily, he repented to God with repentance in truth ". [Al-Furqan: 70-71]
It's all a reflection of the character of Faith Ahlul men and women. Then God continues His words:
"Meaning: And the people who do not give false testimony". [Al-Furqan: 72]
"Laa yasyhadun" (not giving testimony) means that "la yahdhurun" (not do). As for the "Az-Zuur" (false, false) is falsehood and munkar of various forms of disobedience and disbelief. Ahlul their faith are those who do not give false testimony, even those are people who deny and fight it.
The Word of God
"Meaning: And when they meet with (the people) are doing the deeds that are not useful, they are going through (just) to keep her honor". [Al-Furqan: 72]
More than that, the Ahlul reject Faith will not bring avail deeds, as Allah says the following:
"Meaning: And when they hear the words that are not useful, they turn away from it and they say: 'To us our deeds and for you your deeds deeds ..." [al-Qasas: 55]
"Meaning: And those who, when given a warning by the verses of their Lord, they did not confront the people who are deaf and blind". [Al-Furqan: 73]
Even they confront her with solemn and receive at the same time fully to God and glorify Him. This is the nature of the believer and the believing women, when reminded of the verses of Allah they appear solemn and gentle heart and glorify his Lord even cried because of fear Him. They do it because it expects a reward from Him and fear of punishment.
Allah says:
"Meaning: And those who say: 'Our Lord, anugrahkanlah us our wives and our offspring as penyenang liver (us), and make us priests to those who fear Him". [Al-Furqan: 74].
These are the properties of believers and the believing women, they are Ibadurrahman (Servants of God) is the ultimate perfect again.
Qurratul 'Ain (eye conditioning) is, when you see your children, whether male or female all carry out good deeds. The words "al-walad" generally includes both men and women. The boy was called Ibn often, women are being called upon to Bintu.
Likewise, the words "dzurriyah" which includes men as well as women. It is as mentioned in the hadith where:
"Meaning: When the son of Adam (man) died, interrupted his charity but three cases; Sadaqah jariyah, the science used or righteous child who mendo'akannya".
Children or al-walad, including the boy or girl, it is as an explanation in front. God bear this in His word:
"Meaning: Our Lord, we anugrahkanlah to our wives and our offspring as penyenang liver (us) ...." [Al-Furqan: 74]
Namely, dzurriyah (generation) soothing eye. That's because the condition of the offspring who obey Allah and constancy over his shari'ah. Thus the conditions of life of husband and wife, a husband, for example, when seeing his wife is obedient to God, it must be cool eyes (happy heart). Similarly, wives, when they see her obedience to God is certainly pleased her. It happens when the wife is the woman mukminah. Husband righteous are eye conditioning for his wife, as well as shalihah wife for her husband's eyes are conditioning the believer. Good Generation (dzuriyatan tayyibah) is conditioning the eyes of his father, mother and all relatives of believers and the believing women.
Allah says:
"Meaning: And make us priests to those who fear Him". [Al-Furqan: 74]
Imam for those who fear Him, namely; priests in the goodness that is capable of guiding humans. Then God confirms their replies will be obtained, namely:
"Meaning: Those are the people who rewarded with high dignity (in Jannah)". [Al-Furqan: 75]
Ghurfah is Jannah. Ghurfah called because of its height, because he was in a place that is very high, ie above the sky and below the Throne. Jannah that are in place are very high, therefore Allah says:
"Meaning: They are the ones who are rewarded with high dignity (in Jannah)". [Al-Furqan: 75]
Ghurfah (high response) which, al-Jannah. It is obtained for their patience (bimaa shabaruu). That is patience in obeying Allah, which Allah has forbidden hold patience and patience over plight. When they receive the patient, then Allah membalasi them to al-Jannah high and noble. When they perform patient kewjibannya against God, against which Allah has forbidden patient, the patient received a painful disaster, for example; sickness, poverty, and in others, then God will membalasi them very good reply.
Allah says:
"Meaning: Those are the people who rewarded with high dignity (in Jannah), for their patience and they were greeted with respect and congratulations on it, they will abide therein. Jannah was the best of places to settle and place of residence". [Al-Furqan: 75-76]
This is a reflection of the properties of Ahlul faith intact, either among men or women. They also are Ahlus Sa'adah wan Najah (owner of glory and success). In the Qur'an Allaah mentions many properties believers and the believing women, and their noble character. Of which are mentioned in Surat al-Baqara, Allah says:
"Meaning: It is not expose your face to the east and west was a church service, but actually worship it is faith in God, the Hereafter, angels, books, prophets and gives wealth to her beloved relatives, children orphans, the poor, the traveler (who need help) and those who beg, and (freeing) slaves, prayers and practice regular charity, and those who keep his word when he promised, and the people narrowness patient in suffering and in warfare. they are the ones who really (faith), and they are the ones who fear Him ". [Al-Baqarah: 177]
This is the state of those who fear Him from both men and women. Allah has described their properties in this noble verse.
"Meaning: worship service ..... but actually it is faith in God ..".
The meaning of the verse is: However, the owner of virtue that those who believe in Allah and the Last Day, the angels, books, prophets. Faith in God in a sense, God as Rabb and Ilah All Holy, the Most Great. They also believe in God as a place of devotion in truth, that God is the Essence of the Creator, and the One Giver of sustenance. He is the Most Holy and attributed with Asma'ul Husna and height properties. There is nothing comparable to Him, there is no match for him. He who is not perfect in Essence, the properties, in the names and in his deeds. He is the Essence that is not contained in his various shortcomings of its aspects, even he who has the absolute perfection of the various terms.
Allah says:
"Meaning: Say: 'Diallah Allah, the Almighty." God is a god who depend on Him all affairs. He did not have children and there were not also begotten, and there is no one equal to Him ". [Al-Ikhlas: 1-4]
Faith in the Last Day, that is; faith in the resurrection after death. On that day, the world lost and replaced by the final day came, the Day of Judgment. On that day, the apocalypse is definitely coming and servants of God must be raised as his word:
"Meaning: Then, after that, surely ye will actually die. Then, surely ye shall be raised up (again) on the Day of Resurrection". [Al-Mukminun: 16-17]
"Meaning: And the Hour is surely coming, there is no doubt, and that Allah will raise up all those in the grave". [Al-Hajj: 7]
End Yaumul is, the day of reckoning and retribution, jannah and naar, giving notebook from the right or the left, lifted the scales and weighed the deeds. After everything was over, the man will go to two places, namely Jannah or naar. As for the believers, they enter Jannah with happiness and noble. But the unbelievers will enter naar with a humiliating torment. We appealed to the salvation of God.
Pleased with the faith against the Angels, then we believe that the angel is being obedient to God, he is God's army and liaison between the messengers of God with His servants in delivering his commands and prohibitions.
Allah describes the nature of Angels in His word.
"Meaning: They do not disobey Allah in what He commands them, and always do what they're told". [At-Tahrim: 6]
God created angel of light, and they continue to carry out his commands.
Allah says:
"Meaning: Glory to God. Actually (the angels) is dimulyakan servants, they were not before him with their words and doing his commandments. Allah knows everything before they (angels) and the behind them, and they do not intercede, but to those who blessed God, and they were always careful for fear of him ". [Al-Anbiya ': 26-28]
Allah Almighty also says pleased with them (the angels):
"Meaning: They do not disobey Allah in what He commands them, and always do what they're told". [At-Tahrim: 6]
Pleased with the faith in the Book, then the intention is faith in the book that fell from heaven. The greatest among which there is the book of Al-Quran Al-Karim. The Ahlul faith believe all God has sent down the Book to the previous prophets. Book of the last, the greatest, the noblest is Al-Quran Al-Adzim revealed to Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam.
This is the consequence of the believers, they believe in all the prophets and apostles, and justify it. The most recent was the Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, he was the Seal of the Prophets and the most Afdhal and prophet.
In addition, a believer is required menyedekahkan beloved treasures. And this is the meaning of the word of God:
"Meaning: Giving beloved possessions to relatives ....". [Al-Baqarah: 177]
The Ahl-ul-faith, their beloved treasures menginfakkan to fuqara and masakin close relative or otherwise, berinfak on the path of good and jihad against the enemies of God. Thus ahlul faith and goodness, they menginfakkan his property in the path of good.
In another verse Allah also says:
"Meaning: Gastric them away from the bed, and they pray to his Lord with fear and hope, and they spend most of the sustenance which We have given them". [As-Sajdah: 16].
"Meaning: Believe in Allah and His Messenger and spend in a portion of the treasure that God has made you master it. Then those among you who believe and spend (in part) of his wealth gained a great reward". [Al-Hadid: 7].
In another verse, ie Surat Al-Baqarah: 177, Allah says:
"Meaning: ... and deliver his beloved possessions to relatives, orphans, the poor, the traveler (who need help) and those who beg, and (freeing) slaves ...." . [Al-Baqarah: 177]
The meaning of the verse is; they menginfakkan their property to some form of goodness, namely; for close relatives, orphans, the needy, the poor, instead of close relatives among the weak, to Ibnu Sabil, that is, those who passed the foreign country does not have adequate living. Sa'ilun or people begging, that is, those who beg to humans because of the immediate need or because of poverty. It could also mean begging unknown circumstances. So they need to be given help to cover the deficiencies of their circumstances.
Allah says:
"Meaning: ... freeing slaves ....." [Al-Baqarah: 177]
Its meaning: menginfakkan treasure to liberate slaves or freeing slaves, women, liberate or redeem the prisoners.
Then Allah says:
"Meaning: ... establish prayer and pay alms ...."
Its meaning: Those of the believers uphold prayers and pay Zakat. Keeping the right time as prayer and pay zakat disyari'atkan God as set by God.
Allah says:
"Meaning: And those who fulfill his promise when the promise".
(Ie when promised and did not deliver on that promise to his promise udzur).
Then God said also:
"Meaning: And those who are patient in al-ba'su, adh-dhara 'and al-ba'si despicable".
This means that patient in a state of war.
They praised God in His word:
"Meaning: They are the ones that are right and they are the ones who fear Him". [Al-Baqarah: 177]
They are Ahlush Shidqi (the right) because it has been realizing his faith with good deeds and realize ketaqwaannya to God Almighty.
It is also mentioned other properties of Ahlus Shidqi properties as stated in Surat al-Anfal, Al-Bara'ah and Surat Al-Mukminun.
Allah says:
"That is the truth, fortunately for those who believe, (that) the people who fervently in prayer". [Al-Mukminun: 1-2]
In another place, Allah mentions the properties of the faithful and moral glory. Whoever observes Al-Quran Al-Karim and stay in touch with him, will undoubtedly get these properties. Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala says:
"Meaning: It is a Book which We have sent down to you full of blessings that they may pay attention to the verses and lessons that got people who have the mind". [Shad: 29].
Allah says:
"Meaning: Verily this Qur'an gives guidance to (road) is more straight". [Al-Isra: 9]
"Meaning: Say; 'Al-Qur'an is guidance and antidote for those who believe". [Fushilat: 44].
"Meaning: Do they not pay attention to the Qur'an or are their hearts locked up". [Muhammad: 24].
[Copied from the book Akhlaqul Mu'mineen wal believing women with Indonesian edition Salaf Mukminn Morals and the believing women, by Sheikh Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah bin Bazz, pp. 17-27, At-Tibyan Publication Library, translator Ihsan]
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