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Kaba in Mecca, Saudi Arabia |
Millions of pilgrims who come from all over the world have arrived in the city of Mecca and Medina , Saudi Arabia .
Government of Saudi Arabia to perform Haj quota cuts across the state as much as 20 percent for security reasons due to the Grand Mosque is being renovated . Impact reduction of Indonesian pilgrims quota from the previous 211,000 to 168.800 .
Director General Hajj and Umrah MORA , Anggito Abhimanyu , Indonesia has set the number of Hajj quota for the year 2013 as many as 168 800 people . With details , from the regular quota of Haj pilgrims as much as 155 200 and as many as 13,600 people specifically . This number certainly has decreased by 20 percent from the previous one as much as 211,000 .
Such determination , set by the Decree of the Minister of Religious Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia No. 121 in 2013 , on the Determination of Hajj Quota Year 1434 H / 2013 AD .
"In the meantime , according to the amount of the quota . We are also waiting for the Saudi government policy , of course, this may change if there is a dispensation , " he said during a press konfernsi , in Hajj , Pondok Gede , East Jakarta , Friday ( 06/21/2013 ) .
According to him , for the determination of the criteria , the Minister of Indonesia has issued a Ministerial Regulation No. 62 Year 2013 on Criteria Delay Repay Has Pilgrims Hajj Operation Costs in 1434 H / 2013 AD
With the criteria that the congregation has aged 75 years or older , have physical limitations that require aids such as a wheelchair, cane , etc., and based on the serial number of the last portion up to meet quota reductions specified in provincial and district / city .
Additionally , Abhimanyu explained that this was for real in Government Regulation No. 79 of 2013 , has been set up on the implementation of the Haj pilgrims haji.Sehingga the year 2013 , for the pilgrims who had performed the pilgrimage , but counselors and pilgrims who also serves as a mahram will directly enter the quota delays .
" So far, we missed that it has been stipulated in Government Regulation No. 79 of 2013 , " he explained .
So that , according to him , the criteria that will be implemented after the visits of his age , will be in the verification of the physical condition , and will check whether previously pilgrimage except as mentioned above , it will be automatically entered directly in the part assembly postponed his departure in 2014 .
Group fly Indonesian pilgrims to the Holy Land has been dispatched on 10th October. Religious Affairs Minister Suryadharma Ali admitted until now there has been no significant obstacles related to the departure of pilgrims each embarkation .
" So far there has been no report about Hajj constraints . Alhamdulillah Hajj had already left , " said Suryadharma after meeting police chief in East Java Police Headquarters , Saturday ( 14/9 ) .
He said technical problems had occurred when the first fleet flight Kualanamu Airport , Medan , North Sumatra . At that time the aircraft had to fly back to the airport .
" The aircraft returned because the drains were clogged in the toilet , but then corrected , " said Chairman of the United Development Party ( PPP ) is.
He hopes to finish organizing the pilgrimage no major obstacles. Hajj flight departure phase ( phase I) began on 10 September 2013 until October 9, 2013 .
Hajj flight departure phase ( phase II ) will be held on October 20, 2013 until 19 November 2013 . This year Indonesia dispatched 90,108 pilgrims are divided into 233 groups of flying.
Ministry of Religious Affairs has set quotas while Indonesian pilgrims . Based on the 33 provinces in Indonesia , the government get a share of 168.800 pilgrims .
Based on the decision of the Minister of Religious Affairs No. 121 in 2013 , Indonesia received translator regular pilgrimage to the amount of the quota and the quota of 155 200 special Hajj 13,600 people . The following lists the total number of regular quota of pilgrims and pedampingnya each province .
1 . Aceh : 3,140 pilgrims
2 . North Sumatra : 6,588 pilgrims
3 . West Sumatra : 3,599 worshipers .
4 . Riau : 4,036 pilgrims
5 . Jambi : 2,108 pilgrims
6 . South Sumatra pilgrims
7 . Bengkulu : 1,292 worshipers .
8 . Lampung : 5,026 pilgrims
9 . Bangka Belitung : 732 pilgrims .
10 . Riau Islands : 795 pilgrims
11 . Jakarta : 5,668 worshipers .
12 . West Java : 30 088 worshipers .
13 . Central Java : 23 717 worshipers .
14 . Yogyakarta : 2,474 worshipers .
15 . East Java : 27 323 worshipers .
16 . Banten : 6,834 worshipers .
17 . Bali : 512 pilgrims .
18 . West Nusa Tenggara : 3,596 worshipers .
19 . East Nusa Landmarks : 521 pilgrims .
20 . West Borneo : 1,872 worshipers .
21 . Central Borneo : 1,080 worshipers .
22 . South Kalimantan : 3,050 worshipers .
23 . East Kalimantan : 2,256 pilgrims
24 . North Sulawesi : 561 pilgrims .
25 . Central Sulawesi : 1,407 worshipers .
26 . South Sulawesi : 5,777 worshipers .
27 . Southeast Sulawesi : 1,347 worshipers .
28 . Gorontalo : 714 pilgrims .
29 . West Sulawesi : 1,155 worshipers .
30 . Maluku : 569 pilgrims .
31 . North Maluku : 853 pilgrims .
32 . West Papua : 569 pilgrims .
33 . Papua : 853 pilgrims .
" While the total quota for pilgrims as many as 12,899 pilgrims special , and special quotas totaling 701 officers pilgrim people , " said Director General of organizing Hajj and Umrah , Anggito Abi Manyu during a press conference in Hajj Pondok Gede , East Jakarta , Friday ( 21/6 / 2013 ) .
Anggito said it has considered carefully so that the quota is included with the pilgrim officer .
" We are guided by 80 % of pilgrims who have paid off BPHI , while 20 % will go as a reserve quota
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