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Sunday, December 14, 2014

Thousands of people protested the killings in the US

Thousands of people participated in a march in Washington, DC,
Thousands of people protested the killings in the US

Thousands of people walk from Freedom Plaza to the US parliament building which is about 2 kilometers.

Thousands of people participated in a march in Washington, DC, on Saturday (13/12) local time, to protest against a number of killings of blacks by police.
BBC correspondent, Rajini Vaidyanathan, said the marchers packed Pennsylvania Avenue and walk from Freedom Plaza to the US parliament or the Capitol building which is about 2 kilometers.

Among the marchers are a family of Michael Brown, who was shot in the City of Ferguson, State of Missouri. There are also relatives Eric Garner, who died strangled while being held in New York.

Together with thousands of others, they are carrying banners reading 'Stop racist police' and 'I can not breath'-which refers to the late Eric Garner calls the police when arrested.

"Ocean of outstanding human. If they do not look at this and make a change, I do not know what we should do. Thank you for your support, "said Lesley McSpadden, mother of Michael Brown, to the audience.

Reverend Al Sharpton, who is known as a defender of civil rights in the United States, calling for legislative action that leads to change in both the book and the criminal on the streets.

The organizers of the parade in New York, Umaara Elliott, urgent action at all levels of government to ensure the racist murder by the police stopped.

Death of Eric Garner and Michael Brown sparked protests in several cities in the US.

Earlier this month, the New York court jury decided not to indict a white police officer associated with the death of Eric Garner.

Garner died last July after a police officer named Daniel Pantaleo membekuknya. The arrest was recorded a pedestrian. In that incident, Garner, 43, heard exclaiming, "I can not breathe!" Pantaleo while attempting to subdue by holding the neck.

The decision of the jury in the case of Garner's death surfaced a week after the jury in the State of Missouri decided not to indict the police were white, Darren Wilson, who shot dead black teenager Michael Brown in Ferguson, last August. (BBC)

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