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Friday, January 25, 2013

Commissioner General Elections Commission (KPU) Rizkiyansyah Ferry Kurnia said the Commission draft regulations on political campaign funding arrangements are finalized

Commissioner General Elections Commission (KPU) Rizkiyansyah Ferry Kurnia said the Commission draft regulations on political campaign funding arrangements are finalized

Commissioner General Elections Commission (KPU) Rizkiyansyah Ferry Kurnia said the Commission draft regulations on political campaign funding arrangements are finalized. Manuscript, he added, will be consulted first with the executive and legislative branches.

In this draft, the political parties are required to register the account used for the campaign. In addition, the parties are also required to mention in detail who contributed to the party treasury.

"That accounts for over USD 30 million should write TIN (Taxpayer Identification Number). Term contributors to be clear, no one else can write a 'man of God' as a contributor," Ferry said in his office, Jakarta, Friday (25/1 / 2013).

Ferry added that campaign finance regulation in accordance with Law No. 8 of 2012 on the General Election. In Article 20 of Law legislative elections, described the campaign finance rules that must include the TIN. According to him, it is that the incoming funds are not included in the criminal elements, such as money from acts of corruption.

"We hope that the goodwill of the political parties to report campaign funds. So there must be a door in his campaign fund account. But it must be believed that PPATK also see the funds used for the campaign was appropriate or not," he said.

Ferry added that another thing that is included in PKPU reports about the use of campaign funds. He said the party's report on the use of campaign funds must be audited by a public accounting firm that is credible. In addition, the parties are also required to report periodically to the Commission concerning the use of funds.

"Three months to report to us," he concluded.

Meanwhile, a politician from the National Mandate Party (PAN), Yandri Susanto, explained his party was well prepared audited related campaign funds. According to him, PAN has proved itself ready for a transparent campaign. Other party, continued Yandri, the Commission must also support those policies, not only the PAN.

"So it's a matter of transparency in campaign finance we should be ready to open his account. DPR contents various political parties, lest, our lawmakers actually violated the law. Parties have nothing to fear, which required open ya open it to be more transparent," said a member of Commission II's.

Meanwhile, Secretary of the United Development Party (PPP) Arwani Thomasi stressed, PPATK also must actively oversee the campaign fund. KPU, said to be supported by INTRAC. Because the campaign should be open and transparent. It can not be charged all at KPU.

"In addition to anonymous (Servant of God), also to be avoided there are people who are not clear in providing campaign funds. PPATK be the focus here, not just focus on the fat bank accounts of public officials," said the former vice chairman of the Special Committee on Election Law was.

Furthermore Arwani added, should PPATK also oversees political party candidates. INTRAC, he added, need to ask the candidates so that the funds can be put up billboards and banners. In addition, the candidate advertising in the mass media also questionable INTRAC.

"That in order to produce a representative of the people who qualify for the election to be qualified," he concluded.

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