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Friday, November 22, 2013

Al Qaeda group seized the Turkish border Syrian city

Al Qaeda group seized the Turkish border Syrian city

One group affiliated with al Qaeda to seize the southern Syrian city on the border with Turkey after the overthrow of the moderate group of Islamic fighters , activists said Thursday.

Fall of Atma city , a crossing point for weapons and fighters of Syria , indicating the occurrence of chaos in between some insurgent groups .

Some of these groups are now playing a smaller role on the battlefield facing the forces of President Bashar al - Assad , opposition sources said .

Resurrection of Al Qaeda in Syria helping change in international diplomatic circles and relieve the West calls for the ouster of President Bashar al - Assad .

Europe and the United States strongly rejected military intervention

in the conflict and negotiate with Russia , a major international supporter of Assad , to hold peace talks .

Activists say pro - fighters of Al Qaeda in the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant or ISIL - attacked the headquarters Suqur al - Islam , a moderate Islamist group that controls the Atma , and put up roadblocks within 48 hours .

They hold Waddah Mustafa , head Suqur al - Islam , along with 24 supporters .

Raw guess erupted briefly in the headquarters and also near a security post in the town Bukulmez Turkey , which is located not far adri Atma , the sources said .

Atma rarely fired and air strikes Bashar . But thousands of people who fled from the bomb attacks in some areas into the city and surrounding area .

" ISIL cannons exert anti - aircraft at a crossroads and Atma remain calm , " said an activist who requested anonymity .

" Turkey does not prohibit the supply enters the city and the traffic at the border was normal . "

He said Waddah existence is unknown , but it may be brought into the city funds , the ISIL bases where the group set up a religious court .

Suqur al - Islam is a unit of the General Staff of the Free Syrian Army , led by General Selim Idriss , the main military opposition figure based in Turkey . But Suqur al - Islam and about the division of the General Staff failed weapons across the Atma .

And fighting erupted between Sukur al - Islam and the other members of the Free Syrian Army after Suqur al - Islam seized seven trucks carrying weapons sent General Staff passing through Atma .

Syria's uprising began in 2011 after Assad forces fired at the protesters and deploying tanks to crush the protest movement . More than 100,000 people have been killed and millions more displaced to neighboring countries , according to Reuters

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