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Thursday, January 10, 2013

Amid the polemics about Islamic regulations, a member of the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) Jazuli Juwayni judge, the name of sharia regulations that have been used inappropriately.

Amid the polemics about Islamic regulations, a member of the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) Jazuli Juwayni judge, the name of sharia regulations that have been used inappropriately.

According Jazuli, in the construction of the formation of legislation in Indonesia is not known the word "sharia regulations," because Indonesia is not a religion. This needs to be clarified, because the issue is always negative impressed when called "Islamic regulations". In fact, for some people, religious values ​​are dashed with the interests of the nation and the state. In fact, our country's basic precepts of Pancasila which the first is Belief in God Almighty, which means every religion can actualize religious values ​​and beliefs fit their respective beliefs.

"That is, the values ​​of religion in Indonesia should be the basis of public morality the solution various problems facing the nation. Combating corruption, for example, will not be effective if the individual is not religious morality inculcated early. Islamic law so that speaks true sublime, beautiful , and certainly rahmatan lilalamin, "said Jazuli, Friday (01/11/2013) in Jakarta.

Jazuli suggest, rather than dragging 'frills' to sharia regulations that controversy, focus on the substance does involve discrimination or violation of the public interest. "Call it local regulations indicated discriminatory. I think this is much better and objective," he said.

DPP Chairman MCC Economics and Entrepreneurship states that, of the many regulations that assessed nuanced Sharia turns out after reading generally regulate public order, good manners / public ethics, customs / cultural sublime, the prohibition of immoral behavior, and anticipation of a crime.

"If such substance, of all religions should have the same concentration, all religions teach the same thing, so it's not just the domain (Sharia) of Islam," he said.

It's just that, he said, might be a substance of these regulations is perceived as discriminatory by some parties. "Well, so do not then immediately stigmatized as Islamic regulations. Course this is very biased and harm Muslims. Substance Call it regulation is discriminatory," said Jazuli.

For local regulations discriminatory and violate the public interest, according to Jazuli, available space evaluation by the government and the public through a judicial review. "Do not be the issue that actually affects developed mendeskriditkan Islamic or religious teachings," he said.

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