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Miranda Gultom |
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Nunun Nurbaeti |
The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) to immediately execute Nunun Nurbaeti, convicted of bribery checks that determine the outcome of the Supreme Court (MA), which rejected the appeal filed KPK prosecutors.
Supreme Court rejected an appeal that the prosecution team KPK Nunun is still sentenced to two years and six months in jail as judges decided the Corruption Court in Jakarta and the Jakarta High Court judge.
"Certainly we will implement the decision of the Supreme Court to immediately execute," said KPK spokesman Johan Budi said in Jakarta on Monday (07/01/2013).
Separately, Nunun lawyer, Ina Rachman convey that his client's decision was issued MA on 21 November 2012. Given this ruling, said Ina, the prosecution team has executed KPK Nunun on December 26, 2012 at the Detention Pondok Bambu, East Jakarta.
Above rejected the appeal MA, Nunun's lawyers claimed grateful. "So thankful for our clients' legal case finally finished," said Ina.
In addition, he said, with the rejection of the appeal, Nunun no need to return the money of Rp 1 billion as demanded KPK prosecutors. $ 1 billion in cash allegedly as a result of melting Commission checks are stored in a personal account Nunun.
But according to the judges, Rp 1 billion seized inappropriate. Confiscation of money was not considered appropriate because Nunun position in the bribery case checks are as bribe giver. The money from the disbursement check for $ 1 billion, it should be in control of Nunun as donor checks.
"Hopefully, with the completion of this case, our clients can live the rest of his sentence in stride for the correctional always allow the mother to the hospital outpatient NN Abdi Waluyo," said Ina.
Jakarta Corruption In court, the judge decided Nunun guilty to bribe members of the House of Representatives 1999-2004 winnings associated Miranda S Goeltom as senior deputy governor of Bank Indonesia, 2004. Bribery in the form of a number of checks. Nunun was sentenced to two years and six months in prison plus a fine of Rp 150 million subsidiary three months confinement.
Decision Corruption Court judges is then amplified through the DKI Jakarta numbered 33/PID/TPK/2012/PT.DKI decision dated July 26, 2012. In the first stage in Jakarta Corruption Court, Nunun was sentenced to two years and six months in jail plus a USD 150 million subsidiary three months confinement.
In this case, a number of members of Parliament who considered proven accept traveler's checks, had been serving a sentence each. While Miranda, still file an appeal after sentenced to three years in prison.
Former Bank Indonesia Senior Deputy Governor Miranda S Goeltom was sentenced to three years in prison plus a fine of Rp 100 million subsidiary three months confinement. Miranda deemed guilty of corruption along with bribing members of the House of Representatives in 2004 for a smooth stride DGS BI 2004. The verdict was read judges Jakarta Corruption Court, headed Gusrizal in the trial at the Corruption Court in Jakarta, Thursday (09/27/2012).
According to the judges, Miranda proved to bribe according to the first indictment of Article 5, paragraph 1 letter b of Law Eradication of Corruption (Corruption Act) in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code to-1.
"Prosecute and declare the defendant Miranda S Goeltom proven legally and convincingly of committing corruption together," said Chief Judge Gusrizal.
The verdict is lighter than the prosecution asked Miranda was sentenced to four years in prison plus a fine of Rp 150 million subsidiary imprisonment of four months.
As for the things that weigh Miranda, his actions are considered not support the government's efforts in combating corruption. While the ease, Miranda polite during the trial and has never been convicted before.
The judges judge, Miranda proved jointly bribing members of parliament 1999-2004 with a number of checks. Although the check was not done giving Miranda directly, he may be joined bribe for his actions and closely associated with the work of other actors, including Nunun Nurbaeti, Hamka Yandhu, Dudhie Makmun Murod, Udju Djuhaeri, and Endin Soefihara.
"We do not see each participant and stand on their own, but rather act as an entity and the related actions of other participants," the judge said Anwar.
Judges stated, the act was started when Miranda declared as a candidate DGS BI 2004 by the then president, Megawati. In late May 2004, Miranda proved to have a meeting with the PDI-P in Hotel Dharmawangsa and with Faction TNI / police in his office Graha Niaga, Sudirman, Jakarta. In two meetings, Miranda state the vision and mission as a candidate DGS BI 2004.
"Considering that based on witness statements Agus Condro, Dudhie Makmun Murod, and Tjahjo Kumolo, there is a meeting with the PDI-P and Djuhaeri Udju information meeting with the military / police, the defendant in meeting the vision and mission about the banking system," the judge said Anwar.
This fact is reinforced by other facts that describe the close relationship with Nunun Nurbaeti Miranda. Related nomination Miranda, Nunun ordered Arie Malangjudo proven to deliver "thank-you" to the members of the Board.
Before the fit and proper test in progress or on June 7, 2004, office boy in the office Nunun deliver four shopping bags to the room Arie Malangjudo. The next day, amid a fit and proper test candidates DGS BI 2004, Arie contacted some members of the House are asking the surrogate of Nunun.
"At the time of the fit and proper test in progress, witnesses Dudhie, Endin, Udju, together with Joseph and Suyitno Darsuf and Hamka accept traveler's checks, each worth Rp 50 million envelope," the judge added Anwar.
After the gift, Miranda was chosen as DGS BI 2004. In this case, Nunun was sentenced to two years and six months in jail for being proven as a bribe giver. While more than 25 members of the House of Representatives from 1999 to 2004 were considered proven accept traveler's checks had been serving his sentence.
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