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Saturday, August 31, 2013

Carley Watts, a famous model from England who is falling in love with Islam.

Carley Watts
Carley Watts, a famous model from England who is falling in love with Islam.

  "In Islam, women are treated with respect. Muslimah also respect themselves and their bodies," said Carley Watts, a famous model from England who is falling in love with Islam.

Not the usual models, Carley is a sexy model lingerie. Surprisingly, he embraced Islam and closes the body beautiful with hijab.

Met a Tunisian man, Mohamed Salah, Carley deliver on guidance. He was interested in the study of Islam and Muslim guard who is very protective of her.

After berislam, he plans to leave his job and married to Mohammed and lived in Tunisia.

Carley Watts, seorang model ternama asal Inggris yang tengah jatuh hati pada Islam.

 Carley Watts,
 Carley Watts, seorang model ternama asal Inggris yang tengah jatuh hati pada Islam.

 "Di dalam Islam, perempuan diperlakukan dengan hormat. Muslimah juga menghargai diri dan tubuh mereka," ujar Carley Watts, seorang model ternama asal Inggris yang tengah jatuh hati pada Islam.

Bukan model biasa, Carley merupakan model seksi pakaian dalam wanita. Mengejutkan, ia memeluk Islam dan menutup tubuh indahnya dengan hijab.

Bertemu dengan seorang pria Tunisia, Mohammed Salah, menghantarkan Carley pada hidayah. Ia pun mempelajari Islam dan tertarik pada penjagaan Islam yang sangat melindungi wanita.

Setelah berislam, ia segera meninggalkan pekerjaannya dan berencana menikah dengan Mohammed dan tinggal di Tunisia.

Indonesia was chosen as the best pilgrim worshipers in the world . "

Indonesia was chosen as the best pilgrim worshipers in the world . "

 "Prospective Indonesian Hajj was the easiest and most easily arranged if need along with the citizens of other countries . That 's why they were chosen as the best pilgrim worshipers in the world . "

Once the assessment Chief World Hajj and Umrah Convention ( WHUC ) Mohsin Tutla about the behavior of Indonesian pilgrims .
No wonder the annual meeting in May 2013 mendapuk WHUC Indonesian pilgrims as " the Best Pilgrim " world beat Malaysian pilgrims who got the bronze medal with a silver medal and Turkey . This award is the most prestigious awards of 15 categories WHUC version .

This predicate Indonesian pilgrims come from an online survey WHUC globally through a vote of more than 5,000 organizations involved in organizing the pilgrimage every year . As a result, Indonesia get voting majority .

" This award reflects the collective cooperation between the organizers and the pilgrims who represents a nation with his character , " Mohsin said the delivery of the gold medal " the Best Pilgrim " to the Minister of Religious Affairs (Minister ) Suryadharma Ali in Jakarta , Tuesday ( 27/8 ) .

Mohsin had expressed her experience in October 2012 when he visited the Hajj dormitory Bekasi , Surabaya and Lombok .

According to him , the most important benefit that he feels is how the pilgrims orientation condition and the way they manage expectations in Saudi Arabia . Such as , accommodation , food standards , integration with outside parties , and management coordination .

This award has inspired the international community as well as other countries Hajj missions . He recognizes every country has their culture and behavior was seen when they get together with people from other countries . "If the Indonesian pilgrims remained cool, calm although there is a problem , " he said .
Malaysia , said Mohsin , the actual implementation of the Hajj are very regular . However , Indonesia remains superior because pilgrims set ( calhaj ) which is far more than Malaysia . "Moreover , calhaj Indonesia come from different ethnicities . "

Behavior of pilgrims during the hajj organizing a polite , orderly , and easy to set up the recognition worthy of being an inspiration to other countries . Not surprisingly, last August Mohsin received representatives of Nigerian Hajj mission and expressed his intention to visit Indonesia to learn to manage the Hajj .

" They chose Indonesia , not Malaysia . All this is of course not separated from the role of the Indonesian Ministry of Religious Affairs , "said Mohsin told Reuters .

Responding to the WHUC assessment , Menag stated that this award is not addressed to him . " But , to all pilgrims who helps the smooth implementation of this pilgrimage , " he said .

The most famous Indonesian pilgrims polite , courteous , and friendly to everyone including those from other countries . " That's why we are respected for their worshipers also respect the pilgrims from other countries , " he said .

Ministry of Religious Affairs to prepare a special bus pilgrims from Indonesia from lodgement to the Grand Mosque in Makkah , Saudi Arabia , the pilgrimage season in 1434 Hijri .

" We prepare the bus for pilgrims going to the Holy Mosque from the guest-house . Vice versa , " said Secretary of the Directorate General of Religious Affairs Hajj and Umrah , CEPI Surpriatna , in Jakarta, Friday ( 30/8 ) .

This particular year he admitted difficulty in obtaining a rental lodgings were located not too far from the Haram . The cause of high rents around the mosque so had to scramble with pilgrims of other countries.

CEPI explained , since the renovation of the Grand Mosque , not a few lodgings around the mosque to raise the rent . Moreover, he said , the price increase is the right owner of lodgement and local governments do not have regulations governing the price .

" So , if there is money well , but if there is no money then have to find a new location . Though a bit far , but we will try to make as comfortable as possible when the pilgrims were there , " he said . Distance lodgement pilgrims from Indonesia to the nearest Mosque 500 meters . Meanwhile , the farthest distance up to 2.5 kilometers .

" But they do not need to worry , because for those who stay on top of 2 kilometers we prepare the bus . However , for those who do not even pemondokannya distances up to 2 kilometers , may also go up and delivered to the mosque , " he said .

Meanwhile , pilgrims circumambulate CEPI adds to the elderly, the government of Saudi Arabia has prepared a special place at the top , and could use a wheelchair . The special places built with construction pillars , which actually could also hamper rotation when pilgrims perform tawaf obligations .

 Groups of prospective pilgrims ( calhaj ) from Sukabumi will be dispatched to the Holy Land in early October.

They are members of the group flew ( Kloter ) 50 Jakarta together with calhaj of Sumedang District and City Bandung.Data Ministry of Religious Affairs ( MORA ) mentions Sukabumi , Sukabumi number calhaj origin are dispatched to reach sebanya 196 people .

Initially , there are 243 calhaj to be dispatched . However , because there is a quota reduction of the government are reduced 20 percent .

'' In accordance with the schedule , leaving October 1 calhaj Sukabumi later , '' said the head of the Office of Sukabumi MORA , E Sutisna told reporters . Calhaj group is coupled with two other areas in the West Java city of Bandung and Sumedang .

Sutisna said , calhaj Sukabumi entered in the second wave of departure . Where the calhaj directly to Makkah and then to be accompanied by officers Madinah.Rombongan calhaj MORA and medical teams .

Indonesia dipilih sebagai jamaah calon haji terbaik di dunia.

Indonesia dipilih sebagai jamaah calon haji terbaik di dunia.”

 “Calon haji Indonesia itu yang paling mudah diatur dan paling mudah jika harus bersama dengan warga dari negara lain. Itu sebabnya mereka dipilih sebagai jamaah calon haji terbaik di dunia.”

Begitu penilaian Ketua World Hajj and Umrah Convention (WHUC) Mohsin Tutla tentang perilaku jamaah haji Indonesia.
Tak heran jika pertemuan tahunan WHUC pada Mei 2013 mendapuk jamaah haji Indonesia sebagai “the Best Pilgrim” di dunia mengalahkan jamaah Malaysia yang mendapat medali perunggu dan Turki dengan medali perak. Penghargaan ini merupakan penghargaan paling prestisius dari 15 kategori versi WHUC.

Predikat ini didapat jamaah haji Indonesia dari survei online WHUC secara global melalui voting terhadap lebih dari 5.000 organisasi yang terlibat penyelenggaraan haji setiap tahun. Hasilnya, Indonesia mendapatkan voting terbanyak.

“Penghargaan ini mencerminkan kerja sama kolektif antara penyelenggara dan jamaah haji yang mewakili suatu bangsa dengan karakternya,” kata Mohsin saat penyerahan medali emas “the Best Pilgrim” kepada Menteri Agama (Menag) Suryadharma Ali di Jakarta, Selasa (27/8).

Mohsin sempat mengungkapkan pengalamannya pada Oktober 2012 ketika berkunjung ke asrama haji Bekasi, Surabaya, dan Lombok.

Menurutnya, manfaat paling utama yang dia rasakan adalah bagaimana kondisi orientasi jamaah haji dan cara mereka mengelola harapan di Arab Saudi. Seperti, akomodasi, standar makanan, integrasi dengan pihak luar, dan manajemen koordinasi.

Penghargaan ini telah menginspirasi masyarakat internasional serta misi haji negara lain. Dia mengakui setiap negara memiliki budaya masing-masing dan perilaku itu terlihat saat mereka berkumpul dengan warga dari negara lain. “Kalau jamaah haji Indonesia itu tetap tenang, kalem meski ada masalah,” katanya.
Malaysia, kata Mohsin, sebenarnya pelaksanaan hajinya sangat teratur. Namun, Indonesia tetap unggul karena mengatur calon haji (calhaj) yang jauh lebih banyak dari Malaysia.“Apalagi, calhaj Indonesia berasal dari etnis berbeda-beda.”

Perilaku jamaah selama penyelenggaraan haji yang sopan, tertib, dan mudah diatur ini diakuinya layak menjadi inspirasi bagi negara lain. Tak aneh jika pada Agustus lalu Mohsin menerima perwakilan misi haji Nigeria dan menyatakan niatnya berkunjung ke Indonesia untuk belajar mengelola haji.

“Mereka memilih Indonesia, bukan Malaysia. Semua ini tentu tak lepas dari peran Kementerian Agama Indonesia,” kata Mohsin kepada Republika.

Menanggapi penilaian WHUC itu, Menag menyatakan bahwa penghargaan ini bukan dialamatkan kepadanya. “Tapi, kepada seluruh jamaah haji yang membantu kelancaran penyelenggaraan haji ini,” katanya.

Jamaah haji Indonesia terkenal paling sopan, santun, dan ramah kepada semua orang termasuk dari negara lain. “Itu mengapa jamaah kita dihormati karena mereka juga menghormati jamaah dari negara lain,” ujarnya.

Kementerian Agama RI menyiapkan bus khusus jamaah haji asal Indonesia dari pemondokan ke Masjidil Haram di Makkah, Arab Saudi, pada musim haji 1434 Hijriah ini.

"Kami siapkan bus untuk jamaah yang akan ke Masjidil Haram dari pemondokan. Begitu juga sebaliknya," ujar Sekretaris Direktorat Jenderal Penyelenggaraan Haji dan Umroh Kementerian Agama, Cepi Supriatna, di Surabaya, Jumat (30/8).

Khusus tahun ini ia mengaku kesulitan mendapat persewaan pemondokan yang jaraknya tidak terlalu jauh dari Masjidil Haram. Penyebabnya harga sewa tinggi di sekitar masjid sehingga harus berebut dengan jamaah haji asal negara lain.

Cepi menjelaskan, sejak renovasi Masjidil Haram, tidak sedikit pemondokan di sekitar masjid yang menaikkan harga sewanya. Apalagi, kata dia, kenaikan harga adalah hak pemilik pemondokan dan pemerintah setempat tidak memiliki regulasi yang mengatur harga.

"Jadi, kalau ada uang lancar, tapi kalau tidak ada uang maka harus mencari lokasi baru. Meski agak jauh, namun kami akan berusaha membuat jamaah senyaman mungkin ketika berada di sana," katanya. Jarak pemondokan jamaah asal Indonesia ke Masjidil Haram paling dekat 500 meter. Sedangkan, paling jauh jaraknya hingga 2,5 kilometer.

"Tapi mereka tidak perlu khawatir, karena bagi yang menginap di atas 2 kilometer kami siapkan bus. Namun, bagi mereka yang meski jarak pemondokannya tidak sampai 2 kilometer, boleh juga naik dan diantar hingga masjid," katanya.

Sementara itu, Cepi menambahkan untuk tawaf jamaah lanjut usia, pemerintah Arab Saudi telah menyiapkan tempat secara khusus di atas, dan bisa menggunakan kursi roda. Tempat khusus tersebut dibangun dengan konstruksi tiang penyangga, yang sebetulnya juga bisa menghambat perputaran jamaah ketika melaksanakan kewajiban tawaf.

 Rombongan calon jemaah haji (Calhaj) asal Kota Sukabumi akan diberangkatkan ke tanah suci pada awal Oktober mendatang.
Mereka tergabung dalam kelompok terbang (Kloter ) 50 Jakarta bersama dengan calhaj dari Kabupaten Sumedang dan Kota Bandung.Data Kementerian Agama (Kemenag) Kota Sukabumi menyebutkan, jumlah calhaj asal Kota Sukabumi yang diberangkatkan mencapai sebanya 196 orang.

Awalnya, ada 243 calhaj yang akan diberangkatkan. Namun, karena ada pengurangan kuota dari pemerintah maka jumlahnya dikurangi 20 persen.

‘’Sesuai dengan jadwal, calhaj Sukabumi berangkat 1 Oktober nanti,’’ ujar Kepala Kantor Kemenag Kota Sukabumi, E Sutisna kepada wartawan. Rombongan calhaj ini digabungkan dengan dua daerah lainnya di Jabar yakni Sumedang dan Kota Bandung.
Sutisna mengatakan, calhaj Sukabumi masuk dalam gelombang kedua pemberangkatan. Di mana para calhaj langsung ke Makkah dan baru kemudian ke Madinah.Rombongan calhaj akan didampingi petugas Kemenag dan tim medis.

OKI today proposed sending a fact-finding team to investigate the ' massacre ' Muslim Rohingya in Myanmar

OKI today proposed sending a fact-finding team to investigate the ' massacre ' Muslim Rohingya in Myanmar

Organisation of Islamic Cooperation OIC yesterday proposed sending a fact-finding team to investigate the ' massacre ' Muslim Rohingya in Myanmar Buddhist -majority .

OIC will try to persuade the Yangon government to accept a fact-finding mission of the OIC , Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu clear in the executive committee meeting yesterday .

Ihsanoglu disappointment over the failure of the world to take action to prevent the massacre , violence , oppression and ethnic cleansing by the government of Myanmar against the Rohingya Muslims . Violence broke out in June in Rakhine state between Buddhists and Rohingya group that killed 80 people from both sides .

Human rights groups , Human Rights Watch confirmed the death toll is still too low . They accused officials openly fired on Muslims and committing rape . Hundreds of men and boys Rohingya have been arrested and disappeared in the western part of the country formerly known as Burma .

Before a UN envoy called for the establishment of " truth commission " for human rights violations that occurred in Myanmar for decades to prove that the country began experiencing a transition to democracy .

Ejea UN envoy Tomas Quintana said an investigation by a parliamentary commission on various torture of Myanmar's various ethnic groups are expected to tackle the problem.

During his visit , Quintana also met with several UN staff who had been detained since clashes broke out between groups and ethnic Rohingya Muslims in Rakhine State Buddhist . He was concerned about the detention of UN staff without reasonable cause .

Joint Communiqué of the Indonesian Students Association ( PPI ) Foreign Affairs asks ASEAN to discuss the humanitarian tragedy in Myanmar which caused Rohingya Muslims are victims .

Committee statement with Indonesian Students Association ( PPI ) Foreign consisting of PPI Portugal , Yemen PPI , PPI India , HPI Iran , Morocco PPI , PPI United Kingdom , and the Republic PPI .

Chairman of PPI Portugal , Boy London Berawi told AFP on Wednesday said that the plan next agenda is the submission of an appeal letter directly to the Chairman of the House of Representatives , Marzuki Ali , by friends of PPI India .

In a joint committee urged the Myanmar government to provide security and protection to Rohingya and provide the widest possible access to the presence of international humanitarian organizations to provide assistance in related areas .

In a statement the attitude of Indonesian students in various countries condemned the Joint Communiqué deliver all forms of violence and inhumane acts that occurred in Myanmar ethnic tehadap .

 Thousands of priests or Buddhist monks in Myanmar staged a protest and demanded the expulsion of ethnic Bengali Muslims , called Rohingyas from that country .

According Wirathu , monk leader , the protest was held to let the world know that it is not part of the Rohingya ethnic group of Myanmar .

The protest was held last week in Mandalay , the second largest city , where thousands of monks demanding the expulsion of the Rohingya .

In July, the President of Myanmar to comment on web site UN High Commissioner for Refugees ( UNHCR ) Antonio Guterres that ' may not receive Rohingga people who go in there illegally and not included in their ethnicity . He even advocated sending Rohingya Muslims to a third country or to a UN-run camps .

As one of the most oppressed ethnic minorities in the world according to the UN , the Rohingya Muslims faced discrimination in Myanmar . They do not get citizenship rights since the amendment applies citizenship in 1982 and regarded as illegal immigrants in their own country .

Myanmar government and the Buddhist majority refuse to recognize the term " Rohingya " and prefers to call them as the " Bengali " .

Thousands of Rohingya Muslims were forced to flee from their homes after ethnic violence broke out in western Rakhine state last July after the killing 10 Muslims in a Buddhist mob attacks on the buses they drive .

The attack happened after the rape and murder of a Buddhist woman and three men of Rohingya have been sentenced to death .

Hundreds of men and boys Rohingya arrested and his fate is unknown up to now since the incident. Human rights groups accuse police and soldiers had used excessive force and arrested the Rohingya people .

But Buddhist monks protest the human rights group condemned as inciting hatred against the Rohingya Muslims . In 2007 , the monks led protests to force the military junta to introduce reforms in the country .

OKI kemarin mengusulkan pengiriman tim pencari fakta untuk mengusut ‘pembantaian’ Muslim Rohingya di Myanmar

 OKI kemarin mengusulkan pengiriman tim pencari fakta untuk mengusut ‘pembantaian’ Muslim Rohingya di Myanmar

Organisasi Kerjasama Islam OKI kemarin mengusulkan pengiriman tim pencari fakta untuk mengusut ‘pembantaian’ Muslim Rohingya di Myanmar yang penduduknya mayoritas beragama Budha.

OKI akan mencoba membujuk pemerintah Yangon untuk menerima misi tim pencari fakta OKI, jelas Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu dalam pertemuan komite eksekutif kemarin.

Ihsanoglu merasa kecewa aTas kegagalan dunia untuk mengambil tindakan dalam mencegah pembantaian, kekerasan, penindasan dan pembersihan etnis oleh pemerintah Myanmar terhadap Muslim Rohingya. Kekerasan pecah pada Juni lalu di negara bagian Rakhine antara kelompok Buddha dan Rohingya yang menewaskan 80 orang dari kedua pihak.

Kelompok pembela HAM, Human Rights Watch menegaskan jumlah korban tewas masih terlalu rendah. Mereka menuding aparat terang-terangan menembaki umat Muslim dan melakukan perkosaan. Ratusan pria dan anak laki-laki Rohingya telah ditangkap dan hilang di bagian barat negara yang dulunya bernama Burma.

Sebelumnya seorang utusan PBB menyerukan pembentukan “komisi kebenaran” atas pelanggaran HAM yang terjadi di Myanmar selama puluhan tahun untuk membuktikan bahwa negara itu mulai mengalami transisi menuju demokrasi.

Utusan PBB Tomas Ejea Quintana mengatakan investigasi oleh sebuah komisi parlemen Myanmar atas berbagai penyiksaan terhadap berbagai kelompok etnis diharapkan dapat mengatasi masalah itu.

Dalam kunjungannya, Quintana juga bertemu dengan beberapa staf PBB yang sempat ditahan sejak pecah bentrokan antara kelompok Muslim Rohingya dan etnis Budha di negara bagian Rakhine. Ia merasa prihatin atas penahanan para staf PBB tanpa alasan yang masuk akal.

Komunike Bersama Perhimpunan Pelajar Indonesia (PPI) Luar Negeri meminta ASEAN membahas tragedi kemanusiaan di Myanmar yang menyebabkan warga Muslim Rohingya menjadi korban.

Pernyataan Komite bersama Perhimpunan Pelajar Indonesia (PPI) Luar Negeri yang terdiri atas PPI Portugal, PPI Yaman, PPI India, HPI Iran, PPI Maroko, PPI United Kingdom, dan PPI Ceko.

Ketua Umum PPI Portugal, Boy Berawi kepada ANTARA London, Rabu menyebutkan bahwa rencana agenda selanjutnya adalah penyerahan surat desakan ini secara langsung kepada Ketua DPR RI, Marzuki Ali, oleh teman-teman dari PPI India.

Dalam Komite bersama itu mendesak pemerintah Myanmar untuk memberikan jaminan keamanan dan perlindungan kepada etnis Rohingya serta memberikan akses seluas-luasnya terhadap kehadiran lembaga-lembaga kemanusiaan internasional untuk memberikan bantuan di daerah terkait.

Dalam surat pernyataan sikap para pelajar Indonesia di berbagai negara menyampaikan Komunike Bersama mengecam segala bentuk tindakan kekerasan dan tidak berperikemanusiaan yang terjadi tehadap etnis tertentu di Myanmar.

 Ribuan pendeta atau rahib Budha menggelar aksi protes di Myanmar dan menuntut pengusiran etnis Muslim Bengali yang disebut dengan Rohingya dari negara itu.

Menurut Wirathu, pemimpin rahib, aksi protes digelar agar dunia tahu bahwa Rohingya bukan bagian dari kelompok etnis Myanmar.

Aksi protes digelar Minggu lalu di Mandalay, kota terbesar kedua, dimana ribuan rahib menuntut pengusiran Muslim Rohingya.

Pada Juli lalu, Presiden Myanmar memberikan komentar pada situs website Komisaris Tinggi PBB untuk Pengungsi (UNHCR) Antonio Gueterres bahwa ‘tidak mungkin menerima orang-orang Rohingga yang masuk ke sana secara ilegal dan bukan masuk dalam etnis mereka. Ia bahkan menganjurkan pengiriman Rohingya Muslim ke negara ketiga atau ke kamp penampungan yang dikelola PBB.

Sebagai salah satu etnis minoritas paling tertindas di dunia menurut PBB, orang Muslim Rohingya menghadapi berbagai perlakuan diskriminatif di Myanmar. Mereka tidak mendapatkan hak kewarganegaraan sejak berlaku amandemen UU kewarganegaraan pada 1982 dan dianggap sebagai imigran ilegal di negeri sendiri.

Pemerintah Myanmar dan juga mayoritas Budha menolak mengakui istilah “Rohingya” dan lebih suka menyebut mereka dengan sebutan orang “Bengali”.

Ribuan Muslim Rohingya dipaksa mengungsi dari kampung halaman setelah pecah kekerasan etnis di barat negara bagian Rakhine pada Juli lalu setelah insiden pembunuhan 10 orang muslim dalam sebuah serangan yang dilakukan massa Budha di dalam bus yang mereka naiki.

Serangan itu terjadi menyusul kasus perkosaan dan pembunuhan seorang wanita Budha dan tiga orang Rohingya telah dijatuhi hukuman mati.

Ratusan pria dan anak laki-laki Rohingya ditangkap dan nasibnya hingga kini belum diketahui sejak insiden itu. Berbagai kelompok HAM menuding polisi dan tentara telah menggunakan kekerasan yang berlebihan dan menangkap orang-orang Rohingya.

Namun aksi protes para rahib Budha dikecam para kelompok HAM karena memicu kebencian terhadap orang Muslim Rohingya. Pada 2007 lalu, para rahib memimpin protes untuk

Massacre victims Flourishing in Egypt , Now Reaching 525 people

Massacre victims Flourishing in Egypt , Now Reaching 525 people

Ibarapepatan caravan passed the barking dog . That is what is currently happening in the land of the pyramids . Amid the heat over the mass retaliation for the deaths of hundreds of Muslim Brotherhood demonstan by the authorities , the Court of Cairo , Egypt was re- extend the detention of former President Mohammed Mursi for 30 days .

According to Al - Ahram , on Thursday ( 15/8 ) the appeals court ordered the extension of the detention period Mursi during the investigative involvement with Hamas network . The investigation focused on the alleged cooperation with Hamas in bobolnya Mursi Wadi El - Natrun prison in 2011 and revolution .

Military ousted President Mursi who was also convicted of assault and attempted murder of a police station and police abduction and detention during large demonstrations two years ago termsuk charges of collaboration with foreign espionage .

While on the streets of Cairo , the massacre by forces that have killed at least 525 people , 3,000 people were injured early , based on official government data did not dampen supporters step Mursi . They still held a protest and stormed government buildings in Cairo .

Reuters news agency called mass burn a Muslim Brotherhood government building , in retaliation for the death of hundreds of their comrades were killed when the military tried to disperse the crowds in Cairo , Alexandria and some major cities in Egypt .

Reuters reporter saw more than 220 bodies wrapped in shrouds lined up at Al - Imam mosque in northern Cairo , close to the location of violence . Mosques in the city was converted into an emergency hospital or morgue .

Some of the bodies seen badly wounded, of whom there are skull crushed . The women knelt beside the bodies of their relatives . Some men look hugged family and friends wept .

Currently clashes have spread to 14 provinces in Cairo . Amok time against military rule occur everywhere . Many buildings and damaged tents and burned .

Egypt saw the condition of the ' bloody ' and in order to prevent more victims of the local government decided to impose a state of emergency and curfew in 14 provinces daily for 1 month in Cairo .

Curfew was assessed as appropriate measures to counteract violence continues to rage in Egypt since the overthrow of President Mohammed Morsi .

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry determine that it strongly condemn bloodshed and unrest in Egypt , and calling it a ' serious blow ' to reconciliation efforts in Pyramid State . " This is a serious blow to reconciliation efforts and hopes of the Egyptian people for the transition to democracy and the involvement of all parties , " said a senior American diplomat .

Chairman of the Indonesian Ulema Council KH Amidhan assume that conflict can only be resolved if the military frees Morsi . He also said that , in the near future MUI also issued a statement urging the international community asked the Egyptian army to stop the violence .

Foreign Minister Marty Natalegawa also assess the use of violence that has resulted in the loss of life would not solve the problem of what happened in Egypt so far . Therefore , Indonesia has also invited the international community to continue to support the cessation of violence in Egypt .

 Foreign Minister Marty Natalegawa requested Indonesian Citizen ( WNI ) in Egypt away from the crowd and was not involved in the internal affairs of Egypt .

" Indonesians are also expected to continue to communicate with embassy officials . Indonesian embassy staff in Cairo have been instructed to continue to monitor the situation in Egypt, including the preparation of anticipation steps to face the worst possible situation and ensure the protection of citizens in Egypt , " Marty said on Sunday , in Jakarta .

Foreign Minister delivered a statement following the return clashes between supporters and opponents of the ousted Egyptian President Mohamed Moursi ousted by the military some time ago .

80 people reported killed in the clashes since Friday ( 26/7 ) at the roundabout near Al - Rabiah Adawiyah , in the capital Cairo .

Marty added to all parties in Egypt should respect human rights and resolve issues with peaceful means and constitutional .

He also appealed to the international community in promoting reconciliation process in Egypt .

Korban Pembantaian di Mesir Terus Bertambah, Kini Mencapai 525 orang

Korban Pembantaian di Mesir Terus Bertambah, Kini Mencapai 525 orang

Ibarapepatan anjing menggonggong kafilah terus berlalu. Itulah yang saat ini terjadi di negeri piramida itu. Ditengah suasana panas seiring upaya balas dendam massa Ikhwanul Muslimin atas kematian ratusan demonstan oleh aparat, Pengadilan kota Kairo, Mesir pun kembali memperpanjang masa tahanan mantan Presiden Mohammed Mursi selama 30 hari.

Menurut Al-Ahram, Kamis (15/8) pengadilan banding memerintahkan perpanjangan masa tahanan Mursi selama masa investigasi keterlibatannya dengan jaringan Hamas. Penyelidikan fokus pada dugaan kerja sama Mursi dengan Hamas dalam bobolnya penjara Wadi El-Natrun pada revolusi 2011 lalu.

Presiden Mursi yang digulingkan militer itu juga didakwa atas penyerangan kantor polisi dan percobaan pembunuhan dan penculikan polisi dan tahanan selama demonstrasi besar dua tahun lalu termsuk tuduhan bekerjasama dengan spionase asing.

Sementara di jalan-jalan kota Kairo, pembantaian oleh aparat yang telah menewaskan sedikitnya 525 orang, 3.000 an orang terluka, berdasarkan data resmi pemerintah tidak menyurutkan langkah massa pendukung Mursi. Mereka masih menggelar aksi protes dan menyerbu ke gedung-gedung pemerintahan di Kairo.

Kantor berita Reuters menyebut massa Ikhwanul Muslimin membakar sebuah gedung pemerintah, sebagai balasan atas kematian ratusan kawan-kawan mereka yang dibantai saat militer mencoba membubarkan massa di Kairo, Alexandria dan beberapa kota besar di Mesir.

Reporter Reuters menyaksikan lebih dari 220 mayat dibungkus kafan dijejerkan di masjid Al-Imam di wilayah utara Kairo, dekat dengan lokasi kekerasan. Masjid-masjid di kota itu diubah menjadi rumah sakit darurat atau kamar mayat.

Beberapa mayat terlihat terluka sangat parah, di antaranya ada yang tengkoraknya hancur. Wanita-wanita berlutut di samping mayat-mayat kerabat mereka. Beberapa pria terlihat berangkulan, menangisi kepergian keluarga dan kawan.

Saat ini bentrokan sudah meluas ke 14 provinsi di Kairo. Amuk masa menentang pemerintahan militer terjadi dimana-mana. Banyak bangunan dan tenda-tenda rusak dan terbakar.

Melihat kondisi Mesir semakin ‘berdarah’ dan guna mencegah jatuhnya lebih banyak korban pemerintah setempat memutuskan memberlakukan status darurat dan jam malam harian di 14 provinsi di Kairo selama 1 bulan.

Penerapan jam malam itu dinilai sebagai langkah tepat untuk menangkal aksi kekerasan yang terus berkecamuk di Mesir sejak penggulingan Presiden Mohammed Morsi.

Menteri Luar Negeri AS John Kerry enyatakan sangat mengecam pertumpahan darah dan kerusuhan di Mesir itu, dan menyebutnya sebagai ‘pukulan serius’ terhadap upaya rekonsiliasi di Negeri Piramida. “Ini pukulan serius terhadap upaya rekonsiliasi dan harapan rakyat Mesir bagi peralihan ke arah demokrasi dan keterlibatan semua pihak,” kata diplomat senior Amerika itu.

Ketua Majelis Ulama Indonesia KH Amidhan menganggap konflik itu hanya bisa diselesaikan jika militer membebaskan Morsi. Ia pun menuturkan, dalam waktu dekat MUI juga mengeluarkan pernyataan mendesak dunia internasional meminta militer Mesir menghentikan kekerasan.

Menteri Luar Negeri Marty Natalegawa juga menilai penggunaaan kekerasan yang telah mengakibatkan jatuhnya korban jiwa tidak akan menyelesaikan permasalahan atas apa yang terjadi di Mesir selama ini. Oleh karena itu, Indonesia juga mengajak masyarakat Internasional untuk terus mendukung penghentian kekerasan yang terjadi di Mesir.

 Menlu Marty Natalegawa meminta Warga Negara Indonesia (WNI) di Mesir menjauhi kerumunan massa dan tidak terlibat dalam masalah dalam negeri Mesir.

“WNI juga diharapkan terus berkomunikasi dengan petugas kedutaan. Staf Kedutaan Besar Indonesia di Kairo telah diinstruksikan untuk terus melakukan pemantauan keadaan di Mesir termasuk penyiapan langkah-langkah antisipasi untuk menghadapi kemungkinan situasi terburuk dan memastikan perlindungan WNI di Mesir,” kata Menlu Marty, Minggu, di Jakarta.

Pernyataan Menlu disampaikan menyusul terjadinya kembali bentrokan antara pendukung dan penentang Presiden terguling Mesir Mohamed Moursi yang digulingkan oleh militer beberapa waktu lalu.

Dilaporkan 80 orang tewas dalam bentrokan yang terjadi sejak Jumat (26/7) di dekat bundaran Rabiah Al-Adawiyah, di Ibu Kota Kairo.

Marty menambahkan semua pihak di Mesir hendaknya menghormati hak azasi manusia dan menyelesaikan masalah dengan cara-cara damai serta konstitusional.

Dia juga mengimbau agar masyarakat internasional aktif dalam mendorong proses rekonsiliasi di Mesir.

U.S. President Barack Obama stressed that the U.S. military should attack Syria.

US Warships
U.S. President Barack Obama stressed that the U.S. military should attack Syria.

In a speech related to the chemical weapons attack in Syria last week, Saturday (31/08/2013), U.S. President Barack Obama once again emphasized that the U.S. military should attack Syria.

"I have considered carefully, and I decided that the U.S. had intervened militarily in Syria," said Obama, accompanied by Vice President Joe Biden at the White House.

Obama further added that although he was considering a military strike to ensure that military operations in Syria is not an open military invasion and massive.

"We will not send ground troops to Syria. Attacks will be designed limited in both time and target," said Obama.

Even though it is a limited attack, Obama believes the U.S. invasion would be enough to stop the Assad regime's ability in the use of chemical weapons in the war against the rebels.

"The U.S. has military assets in the Middle East region. Commander in Chief gave me information, we can strike whenever needed," Obama asserted.

"We can strike tomorrow, next week or next month. Now I am preparing to give orders," he added.

However, the U.S. military raid into Syria certainly is not going to happen in the next few days.

Therefore, Obama has decided to seek approval from Congress to attack Syria plan related to this. While the current U.S. Congress is still in recess and returned to work on September 9....

Presiden AS Barack Obama menekankan bahwa militer AS harus menyerang Suriah.

kapal induk AS
Presiden AS Barack Obama menekankan bahwa militer AS harus menyerang Suriah.

Dalam pidatonya terkait serangan senjata kimia yang terjadi di Suriah pekan lalu, Sabtu (31/8/2013), Presiden AS Barack Obama sekali lagi menekankan bahwa militer AS harus menyerang Suriah.

"Saya sudah mempertimbangkan dengan matang, dan saya memutuskan bahwa AS harus melakukan serangan militer ke Suriah," kata Obama yang didampingi Wakil Presiden Joe Biden di Gedung Putih.

Lebih jauh Obama menambahkan, meski sudah mempertimbangkan serangan militer dia memastikan bahwa operasi militer di Suriah bukan sebuah serbuan militer terbuka dan besar-besaran.

"Kami tidak akan mengirimkan pasukan darat ke Suriah. Serangan  ini akan dirancang secara terbatas baik waktu maupun sasarannya," ujar Obama.

Meski merupakan sebuah serangan terbatas, Obama yakin serbuan AS akan cukup untuk menghentikan kemampuan rezim Assad dalam penggunaan senjata kimia dalam perang menghadapi para pemberontak.

"AS memiliki aset militer di kawasan Timur Tengah. Panglima Angkatan Bersenjata memberi informasi kepada saya, kita bisa menyerang kapanpun dibutuhkan," Obama menegaskan.

"Kami bisa menyerang besok, pekan depan atau bulan depan. Kini saya sedang mempersiapkan untuk memberi perintah," tambah dia.

Namun, serangan militer AS ke Suriah dipastikan tidak akan terjadi dalam waktu beberapa hari ke depan.

Sebab, Obama sudah memutuskan akan meminta persetujuan kongres terkait rencana serangan ke Suriah ini. Sementara saat ini kongres AS masih berada dalam masa reses dan baru kembali bekerja pada 9 September mendatang.

Angkatan Darat Suriah kini tengah bersiap untuk menghadapi kemungkinan serangan militer Barat yang sewaktu-waktu akan dilakukan. Demikian pernyataan PM Suriah Wael al-Halqi kepada stasiun televisi pemerintah, Sabtu (31/8/2013).

"Militer Suriah siaga penuh dengan jari siap menarik pelatuk senapan untuk menghadapi berbagai skenario yang mereka (Barat) ingin lakukan," kata Al-Halqi.

Sementara itu, seorang pejabat keamanan Suriah mengatakan negeri itu tengah menanti serangan militer yang bisa datang kapan saja.

Pernyataan ini disampaikan beberapa jam setelah tim penyidik senjata kimia PBB meninggalkan Suriah setelah menyelidiki insiden penggunaan senjata kimia yang dituduhkan kepada pemerintahan Bashar al-Assad.

Kepergian tim PBB dari Suriah memberikan kesempatan bagi AS untuk menggelar operasi militer, setelah pada Jumat (30/8/2013), Presiden Barack Obama mengisyaratkan akan menunda serangan militer.

Obama juga mengatakan, pemerintahannya tengah mencari kemungkinan sebuah aksi militer terbatas, namun menegaskan belum ada keputusan akhir terkait serangan militer ke Suriah.

Sementara itu, tim penyidik senjata kimia PBB dijadwalkan melaporkan hasil temuannya kepada Sekjen PBB Ban Ki-moon dan memaparkan hasil penyelidikannya terkait serangan kimia 21 Agustus lalu itu.

Pemerintah Suriah selalu membantah telah melakukan serangan senjata kimia yang diklaim pemerintah AS menewaskan sedikitnya 1.400 orang.

Para pejabat militer Amerika Serikat disebut tengah terlibat dalam perdebatan sengit tentang apakah tindakan militer ke Suriah akan berupa serangan terbatas memakai rudal jejalah ataukah serangan luas yang dapat dianggap sebagai invasi ke Suriah.

Pilihan penggunaan rudal jelajah menekankan pada pesan untuk pelanggaran penggunaan senjata kimia, sementara serangan meluas dapat diartikan sebagai intervensi atas perang saudara yang telah mengoyak Suriah sejak 2011 dan menewaskan lebih dari 100.000 warga negara itu.

Perdebatan berlangsung sengit sekaligus hati-hati karena kesadaran bahwa tindakan militer apa pun yang mungkin dilancarkan ke Suriah akan berdampak meluas ke kawasan sekitarnya. Tindakan militer pun dipastikan tidak akan diambil sampai seluruh tim penyelidik PBB yang memeriksa dugaan penggunaan senjata kimia di Suriah telah seluruhnya keluar dari negara itu.

Anggota terkemuka parlemen Amerika pun menyarankan tindakan militer tak tergesa diambil. Terlebih lagi, Presiden Barack Obama juga dijadwalkan menghadiri pertemuan G-20 di Rusia dan kunjungan kenegaraan ke Swedia. Bila tindakan militer diambil, perintah tersebut tidak diharapkan muncul saat Obama berada di kedua negara itu.

Presiden Obama menggelar briefing dengan tim keamanan nasionalnya terkait konflik Suriah, Jumat (30/8/2013) pagi waktu setempat. Dalam pertemuan tersebut, Obama disebut mengatakan Amerika tidak keberatan "berjalan sendiri" bila diperlukan, menyusul kekalahan Pemerintah Inggris dalam pemungutan suara di parlemen untuk memutuskan apakah Inggris akan terlibat dalam aksi militer ke Suriah atau tidak pada Kamis (29/8/2013).

Friday, August 30, 2013

Saudi Arabia set the salaries of domestic helpers from Indonesia

Saudi Arabia set the salaries of domestic helpers from Indonesia

A housemaid service called " Raha " will be launched in Saudi Arabia to allow the family to hire a housekeeper hourly wage . According to Saad Baddah , chairman of the National Committee for Recruitment , he will oversee the performance of this new service . Raha is expected to reduce the existence of a variety of problems for families who want to recruit domestic workers .

The new service will also abolish the recruitment of domestic workers who are not organized . During this time many Saudis complain because they have to wait for a long time if you want to hire domestic workers . With the Raha , long waiting times is not going to happen . Raha also can meminimanisir role of foreign markets that impose unfair terms in recruiting domestic workers .

This service can also eliminate the risk at the same time domestic workers who run away from home employers . Raha also eliminate the middlemen who recruit domestic workers . However Baddah refused to mention the nationality of the worker who will be recruited based on hourly wage scheme .

According Baddah , details about it will be announced after the service that can be operationalized . Furthermore the National Commission for recruitment are not entitled to become parties to negotiate with other countries relating to the affairs of recruitment . It is the responsibility of the Ministry of Labour to negotiate as decided two years ago .

Many Saudi families employ domestic workers to work with limited working hours because they do not have an extra room or bed room for PRT . The Ministry of Labor recently announced plans to seek domestic workers from Arab to reduce the demand for domestic workers from Indonesia and Ethiopia .

Ministry of Labor took the initiative to contact officials in 15 Arab countries despite the fact that most Arab countries do not formally agreed to send domestic workers to work in Saudi .

According to the Deputy Minister for International Affairs Ahmed F. Alfehaid , the labor ministry has prepared a Memorandum of Understanding to be signed once the destination countries agreed to send domestic workers to work in Saudi .

Arab Saudi tentukan standar gaji pembantu rumah tangga asal Indonesia

Arab Saudi tentukan standar gaji pembantu rumah tangga asal Indonesia

Sebuah layanan pembantu rumah tangga yang disebut “Raha” akan diluncurkan di Arab Saudi untuk memungkinkan para keluarga mempekerjakan pembantu rumah tangga dengan upah per jam. Menurut Saad Baddah, ketua Komisi Nasional untuk Perekrutan, pihaknya akan mengawasi kinerja layanan yang baru ini. Keberadaan Raha diharapkan dapat mengurangi berbagai masalah bagi keluarga yang ingin merekrut pekerja domestik.

Layanan baru ini juga akan menghapuskan perekrutan PRT yang tidak terorganisir. Selama ini banyak keluarga Saudi mengeluh karena mereka harus menunggu untuk waktu yang lama bila ingin mempekerjakan para PRT. Dengan adanya Raha, waktu tunggu yang lama tidak akan terjadi. Raha juga dapat meminimanisir peran pasar asing yang memberlakukan persyaratan tidak adil dalam merekrut para pekerja domestik.

Layanan ini sekaligus juga dapat menghapuskan risiko PRT yang kabur dari rumah majikan. Raha juga menghapuskan para perantara yang merekrut PRT. Namun Baddah menolak menyebutkan kebangsaan para PRT yang bakal direkrut berdasarkan skema upah per jam.

Menurut Baddah, perincian tentang hal itu baru akan diumumkan setelah layanan itu dapat dioperasionalkan. Lagipula Komisi Nasional untuk Perekrutan tidak berhak untuk menjadi pihak yang bernegosiasi dengan negara lain berkaitan dengan urusan perekrutan PRT. Ini menjadi tanggung jawab Kementerian Tenaga Kerja untuk bernegosiasi seperti yang diputuskan dua tahun lalu.

Banyak keluarga Saudi mempekerjakan PRT untuk bekerja dengan jam kerja terbatas karena mereka tidak punya ruang tambahan atau kamar untuk tempat tidur PRT. Kementerian Tenaga Kerja baru-baru ini mengumumkan rencana untuk mencari PRT dari Arab guna mengurangi permintaan akan PRT asal Indonesia dan Etiopia.

Kementerian Tenaga Kerja mengambil inisiatif dengan menghubungi para pejabat di 15 negara Arab sekalipun fakta menunjukkan bahwa kebanyakan negara Arab tidak secara resmi setuju untuk mengirimkan PRT untuk bekerja di Saudi.

Menurut Wakil Menteri untuk Urusan Internasional Ahmed F. Alfehaid, kementerian tenaga kerja sudah mempersiapkan Memorandum of Understanding untuk ditandatangani begitu negara-negara yang dituju setuju untuk mengirim PRT untuk bekerja di Saudi.

Helle Thorning - Schmidt called the owner of the slaughterhouse and the butcher to label halal

Helle Thorning - Schmidt called the owner of the slaughterhouse and the butcher to label halal

Danish Prime Minister Helle Thorning - Schmidt called the owner of the slaughterhouse and the butcher to be labeled halal or not the meat they slaughter . Appeal Thorning - Schmidt was disclosed yesterday by saying that the Danes should accommodate the interests of all faiths and cultures with food labeling .

" I think the consumer is normal to want to find out if they consumed meat halal or not . I urge all companies to label halal meat or not the product that they were, "said Thorning - Schmidt . However he insisted that the government does not require manufacturers to label halal .

This statement expressed the Danish woman prime minister last week following a heated debate about the halal labeling on foods after the Food Minister Mette has now been dismissed Gjerskov said that he rejected the idea of ​​halal labeling .

The idea was also met with skepticism by the agricultural lobby groups Landbrug og Fodevarer . " I have the impression that the label ' kosher ' has connotations for some things . Consumers do not understand that. Labeling halal meat can make our products less competitive in the market , " says Martin Merrild , spokesman Landbrug og Fodevarer .

Originally intended to label halal food , although eventually expanded into beauty products , pharmaceuticals , and financial . In addition to confirming the right of Muslims to get products labeled halal , PM Thorning - Schmidt also opposed the suggestion to eliminate all pork products for the benefit of school children in kindergartens and hospitals .

He urged that all kindergartens and hospitals to continue to provide pork roast and pork meatballs on the grounds that it is part of the culinary tradition of Denmark .

According Thorning - Schmidt , the tradition of Christmas celebrations for the Danish people sing songs of praise and eating roast pork should continue to exist side by side with the customs of other faiths .

Denmark populated Muslim minority of about 200,000 people, and representing three percent of the 5.4 million inhabitants .
This Scandinavian country in the center of Muslim anger around the world in 2005 after a newspaper published a series of illustrated cartoons of Prophet Muhammad SAW .

Following the cartoon incident , Muslims worldwide perform various initiatives in order to eliminate the negative image of Islam in the West . Muslims in Denmark established the European Committee for Honoring the Prophet Muhammad that accommodate 27 Muslim organizations in the country in Northern Europe . This committee is tasked to raise and increase awareness about kindness and personality Rasullulah .

Helle Thorning-Schmidt menyerukan para pemilik rumah jagal dan para penjagal untuk mencantumkan label halal

 Helle Thorning-Schmidt menyerukan para pemilik rumah jagal dan para penjagal untuk mencantumkan label halal

Perdana Menteri Denmark Helle Thorning-Schmidt menyerukan para pemilik rumah jagal dan para penjagal untuk mencantumkan label halal atau tidak dalam daging yang mereka sembelih. Seruan ini diungkapkan Thorning-Schmidt kemarin dengan menyebutkan bahwa warga Denmark semestinya mengakomodasi kepentingan semua penganut agama dan kebudayaan dengan pencantuman label makanan.

“Saya pikir para konsumen wajar saja bila ingin mengetahui apakah daging yang mereka konsumsi halal atau tidak. Saya mendesak semua perusahaan untuk mencantumkan label halal atau tidak pada produk daging yang mereka olah,” ujar Thorning-Schmidt. Namun begitu ia menegaskan bahwa pemerintah tidak mewajibkan produsen untuk mencantumkan label halal.

Pernyataan ini diungkapkan wanita perdana menteri Denmark ini menyusul debat sengit pekan lalu tentang pencantuman label halal pada makanan setelah Menteri Pangan yang kini telah diberhentikan Mette Gjerskov mengatakan bahwa ia menolak gagasan pencantuman label halal.

Gagasan itu juga disambut dengan skeptis oleh kelompok pelobi agrikultural Landbrug og Fodevarer. “Saya memiliki kesan bahwa label ‘halal’ memiliki konotasi untuk beberapa hal. Konsumen tidak memahami hal itu. Pencantuman label halal dapat membuat produk daging kami menjadi kurang kompetitif di pasaran,” ujar Martin Merrild, jubir Landbrug og Fodevarer.

Label halal semula ditujukan untuk makanan, meski akhirnya meluas ke produk kecantikan, obat-obatan dan finansial. Selain mengkonfirmasikan hak orang muslim untuk mendapatkan produk berlabel halal, PM Thorning-Schmidt juga menentang anjuran agar menghapuskan semua produk daging babi untuk kepentingan anak-anak di sekolah taman kanak-kanak dan rumah sakit.

Ia mendesak agar semua taman kanak-kanak dan rumah sakit untuk tetap menyediakan daging babi panggang dan bakso daging babi dengan alasan bahwa hal itu adalah bagian dari tradisi kuliner orang Denmark.

Menurut Thorning-Schmidt, tradisi perayaan hari Natal bagi orang Denmark yaitu menyanyikan lagu-lagu pujian dan makan daging babi panggang semestinya tetap eksis berdampingan dengan kebiasaan penganut agama lain.

Denmark dihuni minoritas muslim yang berjumlah sekitar 200.000 jiwa, dan mewakili tiga persen dari 5,4 juta jiwa.
Negara di Skandinavia ini menjadi pusat kemarahan umat muslim seluruh dunia pada 2005 lalu setelah sebuah suratkabar mempublikasikan serial kartun bergambar Nabi Muhammad SAW.

Menyusul insiden kartun, umat muslim di seluruh dunia melakukan berbagai inisiatif guna menghapuskan citra negatif tentang Islam di negara barat. Orang muslim di Denmark mendirikan Komite Eropa untuk Menghormati Nabi Muhammad SAW yang menampung 27 organisasi muslim di negara di Eropa Utara itu. Komite ini bertugas untuk menggalang dan meningkatkan kesadaran tentang kebaikan dan kepribadian rasullulah.

American Muslim community to protest alleged NYPD New York City Police branded the entire mosque and Islamic Center as a " terrorist organization " .

American Muslim community to protest alleged NYPD New York City Police branded the entire mosque and Islamic Center as a " terrorist organization " .

Americans angry because the Muslim community of New York NYPD police branded the entire mosque and Islamic Center as a " terrorist organization " . Muslims feel betrayed by the police after they formed a partnership with the police to increase confidence in the community .

" When we invite Commissioner Ray Kelly and police officials to come to our mosque , to our institution , he instead came through the back door , " said Linda Sarsour of the Association of Arab - American organization in New York.

After years of working with the NYPD , Sarsour feel angry because NYPD police trying to infiltrate into the body of the association , at the time they work together .

Muslim anger comes after rumors that the NYPD's mosque branded as a terrorist organization . Labeling that allows the police to spy on worshipers and the imam of the mosque , using informants and recording lectures speech silently without any evidence of criminal acts committed mosque imam or congregation . This is the tactics that police use tactics just NYPD and
Such was never used by the FBI .


AP source of news agency said , the NYPD has been opened at least a dozen terrorism investigations company ( theist ) as part of an initiative to help the police infiltrate and investigate terrorist cells in secret since the bloody 2001 attack . " We are tired of the violation of civil rights of Muslims in New York , " said Sarsour .

Growing Muslim anger against New York police after the mass media in 2011 and mentioned that the NYPD uses undercover agents to spy on the Muslim community . Police thugs to infiltrate the public to record daily life and monitor mosques and Muslim student organizations .

Chairman of the Arab American Association of New York , Dr. Ahmad Jaber felt had betrayed after he and his friends are working hard to establish a relationship between the NYPD and the Muslim community . Jaber is the Chairman of the Dawood Mosque in Brooklyn , which is the oldest mosque .

Charges against the NYPD was not the first . In September, the CIA launched an investigation in cooperation with the NYPD for spying on American Muslims .

A number of mosques in the United States have been attacked following a wave of anti - American protests over the filming of the Prophet Muhammad in the Muslim world .

" This thing has never happened before , even after the tragedy of Sept. 11, 2001 bloody , " said Ehsan Ahmed , director of the Islamic Center of Harrisonburg mosque in Virgnia and also James Madison University economics professor .

Graffiti pitched racial slurs were also seen in the walls of the mosque . Dar al - Hijrah mosque in Falls Church also attacked last weekend . The entire glass window 30 cars parked in the neighborhood mosque has been solved .

Fairfax police spokesman called the incident area as ' random acts of vandalism ' and will spread to other areas . He claimed that the attack was not just happening in the mosque .

Muslim leaders, however, saw the attack with a variety of anti - American protests that swept across Muslim countries in connection with a production of American films of the Prophet Muhammad SAW .

" Anti - Islam Video makes people angry . So are attacks on Sikh temple in Wisconsin , "said Mohammed Aslam Afridi , Pakistani-born veterinarian who is also Chairman of the Dar al - Hijrah mosque .

The protests sweeping across the Islamic state since last Tuesday, September 11 , to coincide with the commemoration of the bloody attacks in the U.S. , the US -made movie that insults the prophet .

With the title " Innocence of Muslims " , the film describes the Prophet Muhammad as a fool , seducer of women and religious counterfeiters .

The film was promoted by American pastor , Terry Jones , who in 2010 angered Muslims for planning to burn the Koran . Jones said the film was considered kind of satire about the life of the prophet Muhammad . He released a video on YouTube after claiming to have a ' trial ' symbolic of the prophet .

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton called the film disgusting and said that the U.S. government had nothing to do with the movie . Muslims in America have the support of public sympathy following a number of incidents of attacks on mosques .

By Kai Degner , legislators and also real estate agents , this incident provides an opportunity for residents to get to know their neighbors and build a positive image . He founded the site titled " We are all Harrisonburg " and inviting residents to attend solidarity meeting in the mosque that will be attended by about 500 people . Residents in the area of ​​Dar al - Hijrah also feel shocked over attack on Masid .

American Muslim leaders also condemned the attacks on American diplomatic missions in several countries . They call for Muslims to tell the world about American society and asserted that the expression of anger should not be channeled by means of violence and killing of innocent people .

Council of American Islamic Relations, CAIR , based in Washington also released a videotape in Arabic and asked Muslims not to blame the American government over the circulation of offensive film .

American Muslim group Council of American Muslim CAIR called on all Muslims in the world to ignore a movie that insults the Prophet Muhammad that triggered the attacks on U.S. embassy that killed the U.S. ambassador to Libya J Christopher Stevens after embassy attack .

The film produced and directed by real - estate developer American - Israeli , describes the Prophet Muhammad as a fool , a charmer and a forger of religion .

Movie titled " Innocence of Muslims " takes place in the modern era to describe an Egyptian Coptic Christian fleeing from an angry Muslim mob . The police only saw it while the masses in a clinic where a Christian doctor worked .

Then , the doctor was talking to her daughter about what makes an Islamic terrorist . After that , the clip was changed to a variety of historical events from the time of Prophet Muhammad SAW , mostly takes place against the backdrop of the desert.

On another occasion , the Prophet Muhammad is portrayed as a bloodthirsty leader , and encouraged his followers to loot places they attack . Prophet Muhammad also encourages his followers to make use of the children as they wish .

This movie has been circulating on the internet for a few weeks before the protests broke out . depicted the prophet Muhammad as a seducer of women , homosexuals and child abusers .

U.S. media said that the film was produced an Israeli -American property developer . Various sources on the internet says that the author is Sam Bacile , a name of Egyptian descent .

Egypt's Coptic Orthodox Church condemned some Egyptian Christian Copts living abroad and fund the production of the insulting film .

The film was posted on YouTube in June , but only captivate the attention of the world last week when an Egyptian -American Copts make a caravan in the Arabic-language blog post and e-mail newsletters that publish the movie .

The film was promoted by U.S. pastor Terry Jones , who had angered Muslims in 2010 with plans to burn the Koran .

Jones called the film as a satire on the life of Prophet Muhammad SAW and
said that he showed the promotional video trailer after holding ' court ' symbolic of the Prophet Muhammad SAW .

Masyarakat muslim Amerika memprotes tuduhan kepolisian kota New York NYPD mencap seluruh masjid dan Islamic Center sebagai “organisasi teroris”.

Masyarakat muslim Amerika memprotes tuduhan kepolisian kota New York NYPD mencap seluruh masjid dan Islamic Center sebagai “organisasi teroris”.

Masyarakat muslim Amerika marah karena kepolisian kota New York NYPD mencap seluruh masjid dan Islamic Center sebagai “organisasi teroris”. Orang muslim merasa dikhianati polisi setelah mereka menjalin kerjasama dengan kepolisian untuk meningkatkan kepercayaan di masyarakat.

“Ketika kami mengundang Komisaris Ray Kelly dan para petinggi polisi untuk datang ke masjid kami, ke lembaga kami, ia malah datang melalui pintu belakang,” ujar Linda Sarsour dari organisasi Asosiasi Arab-Amerika New York.

Setelah bertahun-tahun bekerja sama dengan NYPD, Sarsour merasa marah karena kepolisian NYPD berupaya menyusup ke dalam badan asosiasi muslim, di saat mereka saling bekerja sama.

Kemarahan umat Islam ini muncul setelah beredar kabar bahwa NYPD mencap masjid sebagai organisasi teroris. Pelabelan itu memungkinkan polisi untuk memata-matai para jemaah dan imam masjid, menggunakan informan dan merekam pidato ceramah secara diam-diam tanpa adanya bukti perbuatan kriminal yang dilakukan imam atau jemaah masjid. Ini adalah taktik-taktik yang digunakan kepolisian NYPD dan justru taktik
semacam itu tidak pernah dipergunakan oleh FBI.


Sumber dari kantor berita AP menyebutkan, NYPD telah membuka sekurangnya belasan investigasi perusahaan terorisme (TEIs) sebagai bagian dari inisiatif untuk membantu polisi menyusup dan menginvestigasi sel teroris secara rahasia sejak serangan berdarah 2001 lalu. “Kami bosan atas pelanggaran hak-hak sipil orang muslim di New York,” ujar Sarsour.

Kemarahan orang muslim semakin meningkat terhadap kepolisian New York setelah media massa pada 2011 lalu menyebutkan bahwa NYPD menggunakan agen yang menyamar untuk memata-matai komunitas muslim. Polisi preman itu menyusup ke masyarakat untuk merekam kehidupan sehari-hari dan memantau masjid serta organisasi mahasiswa muslim.

Ketua Asosiasi Arab Amerika New York, Dr Ahmad Jaber merasa telah dikhianati setelah ia dan teman-temannya berupaya keras untuk menjalin hubungan antara NYPD dan masyarakat muslim. Jaber adalah Ketua Masjid Dawood di Brooklyn, yang merupakan masjid tertua.

Tuduhan terhadap NYPD bukanlah yang pertama. Pada September lalu, CIA meluncurkan investigasi dengan bekerja sama dengan NYPD untuk memata-matai orang muslim Amerika.

Sejumlah masjid di Amerika Serikat telah diserang menyusul gelombang protes anti-Amerika atas pembuatan film yang menghina Nabi Muhammad SAW di seluruh dunia Muslim.

“Belum pernah hal ini terjadi sebelumnya, bahkan setelah tragedi berdarah 11 September 2001 lalu,” ujar Ehsan Ahmed, direktur Islamic Center of Harrisonburg mosque di Virgnia dan juga profesor ekonomi Universitas James Madison.

Coretan bernada penghinaan rasial juga terlihat di tembok masjid. Masjid Dar al-Hijrah di Falls Church juga diserang pada akhir pekan lalu. Seluruh kaca jendela 30 mobil yang parkir di lingkungan masjid telah dipecahkan.

Jubir kepolisian wilayah Fairfax menyebut insiden itu sebagai ‘aksi vandalisme acak’ dan bakal menyebar ke wilayah lain. Ia mengklaim bahwa serangan itu bukan hanya terjadi di masjid saja.

Namun para pemimpin Muslim melihat serangan itu dengan berbagai aksi protes anti-Amerika yang melanda seluruh negara Islam berkaitan dengan sebuah film produksi Amerika yang menghina Nabi Muhammad SAW.

“Video anti-Islam ini membuat orang marah. Begitu juga serangan terhadap kuil Sikh di Wisconsin,” ujar Mohammed Aslam Afridi, dokter hewan kelahiran Pakistan yang juga Ketua Masjid Dar al-Hijrah.

Aksi protes melanda seluruh negara Islam sejak Selasa 11 September lalu, bertepatan dengan peringatan serangan berdarah di AS, atas film buatan AS yang menghina nabi.

Dengan judul “Innocence of Muslims”, film itu menggambarkan Nabi Muhammad SAW sebagai orang bodoh, perayu wanita dan pemalsu agama.

Film ini dipromosikan oleh pastor Amerika, Terry Jones, yang pada 2010 lalu memicu kemarahan umat Muslim karena berencana membakar Alquran. Jones menyebut film itu tergolong jenis satire tentang kehidupan nabi Muhammad. Ia merilis rekaman video di YouTube setelah mengklaim telah melakukan ‘persidangan’ simbolis terhadap nabi.

Menlu AS Hillary Clinton menyebut film itu menjijikkan dan mengatakan bahwa pemerintah Amerika tidak ada hubungannya dengan film itu. Umat Muslim di Amerika mendapatkan dukungan simpati dari masyarakat menyusul insiden serangan di sejumlah masjid.

Menurut Kai Degner, anggota dewan legislatif dan juga agen real estat, insiden ini memberi peluang bagi penduduk untuk saling mengenal tetangga dan membangun citra positif. Ia mendirikan situs bertajuk “We are all Harrisonburg” dan mengundang warga untuk hadir dalam pertemuan solidaritas di masjid yang bakal dihadiri sekitar 500 orang. Penduduk di wilayah Dar al-Hijrah juga merasa terkejut atas serangan di masid.

Para pemimpin Muslim Amerika juga mengutuk serangan terhadap berbagai misi diplomatik Amerika di sejumlah negara. Mereka menyerukan umat Muslim untuk memberitahu dunia tentang masyarakat Amerika dan menegaskan bahwa ekspresi kemarahan tidak semestinya disalurkan dengan cara kekerasan dan membunuh orang tak berdosa.

Dewan Hubungan Islam Amerika CAIR yang berpusat di Washington juga mengeluarkan rekaman video berbahasa Arab dan meminta umat Muslim untuk tidak menyalahkan pemerintah Amerika atas peredaran film yang ofensif itu.

Kelompok Muslim Amerika Dewan Muslim Amerika CAIR menyerukan seluruh umat Muslim di dunia untuk mengabaikan film yang menghina Nabi Muhammad SAW yang memicu berbagai serangan di kedubes Amerika hingga menewaskan Dubes AS untuk Libia J Christopher Stevens setelah kedubes diserang.

Film yang diproduksi dan disutradarai developer real-estat Amerika-Israel, menggambarkan Nabi Muhammad SAW sebagai orang bodoh, perayu dan pemalsu agama.

Film bertajuk “Innocence of Muslims” mengambil setting di era modern dengan menggambarkan seorang Kristen Koptik Mesir melarikan diri dari massa Muslim yang marah. Polisi hanya melihat saja sementara massa menghancurkan sebuah klinik dimana seorang dokter Kristen bekerja.

Lalu, dokter itu berbicara kepada putrinya tentang apa yang membuat seorang teroris Islam. Setelah itu, klip itu berganti ke berbagai peristiwa sejarah dari masa Nabi Muhammad SAW, kebanyakan mengambil setting dengan latar belakang padang pasir.

Pada peristiwa lain, Nabi Muhammad digambarkan sebagai seorang pemimpin yang haus darah, dan mendorong para pengikutnya untuk menjarah tempat-tempat yang mereka serang. Nabi Muhammad SAW juga menganjurkan agar pengikutnya dapat memanfaatkan anak-anak sesuai keinginan mereka.

Film ini telah beredar di internet selama beberapa pekan sebelum aksi protes pecah. nabi Muhammad digambarkan sebagai perayu wanita, homoseksual dan penyiksa anak.

Media massa AS menyebutkan bahwa film itu diproduksi seorang pengembang properti Amerika keturunan Israel. Berbagai sumber di internet menyebutkan bahwa pembuatnya adalah Sam Bacile, sebuah nama dari keturunan Mesir.

Gereja Koptik Ortodoks Mesir mengutuk beberapa orang Koptik Kristen Mesir yang tinggal di luar negeri dan mendanai produksi film yang menghina itu.

Film ini telah diposting di situs YouTube pada Juni lalu, namun baru memikat perhatian dunia pekan lalu ketika seorang Koptik Amerika keturunan Mesir membuat sebuah karavan dalam posting blog berbahasa Arab dan laporan berkala imel yang mempublikasikan film itu.

Film ini dipromosikan oleh pastor AS Terry Jones, yang pernah memicu kemarahan umat Muslim pada 2010 lalu dengan rencana untuk membakar Alquran.

Jones menyebut film itu sebagai film satire tentang kehidupan Nabi Muhammad SAW dan
mengatakan bahwa ia menunjukkan karavan video promosi itu setelah menggelar ‘persidangan’ simbolis terhadap nabi Muhammad SAW.

SBY installs General Moeldoko as Commander of the Indonesian Armed Forces ( TNI ) and Lt. Gen. Budiman as Chief of Army Staff ( Chief of Staff ) ,

SBY installs General Moeldoko as Commander of the Indonesian Armed Forces ( TNI ) and Lt. Gen. Budiman as Chief of Army Staff ( Chief of Staff ) ,

 President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono ( SBY ) installs General Moeldoko the Indonesian Armed Forces ( TNI ) and Lt. Gen. Budiman as Chief of Army Staff ( Chief of Staff ) , at the State Palace on Friday ( 30/8 ) at 10:00 am.

Moeldoko appointed by Presidential Decree. 50/TNI/Tahun 2013 , replacing Admiral Agus Suhartono entering retirement . While , Budiman occupy the position left Moeldoko . Budiman previously was Secretary General of the Ministry of Defence .

" By Allah , I swear , that I was to be appointed to this position , either directly or indirectly , by any form or pretext , not to give or agreed , would give anything to anybody , " said Armed Forces Commander and Chief of Staff at the same time that new following oath is read by the President .

After taking the oath of office , the inauguration ceremony was followed by the signing of the minutes consecutively , beginning with the TNI Commander Moeldoko then followed by Army Chief of Staff Budiman .

Looks attended this event Boediono , Coordinating Minister Djoko Suyanto , State Secretary Sudi Silalahi , Defense Minister Purnomo Yusgiantoro , Transportation Minister EE . Mangindaan , Minister of Education M. Noah , Manpower and Transmigration Minister Muhaimin Iskandar , Minister Jero Wacik , Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Minister Sharif Cicip Sutardjo , Roy Affairs , Minister of Planning / Head of Bappenas Armida Alisjahbana , and Head of BIN Marciano Norman . Also present were House Speaker Marzuki Alie and Chairman of the Council Irman Gusman .

Press Release

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono will inaugurate the Indonesian Armed Forces Chief of Staff General Moeldoko and the Indonesian Armed Forces (Army Chief of Staff ) Gen. Budiman at the State Palace , Jakarta , Friday, August 30, 2013 .

According to the schedule Bureau Presidential Palace Press , the inauguration will be held at 10:00 am .

" TNI Commander in Chief Inaugural performed in conjunction with the inauguration of the Army Chief of Staff at the State Palace , " presidential spokesman Julian Aldrin Pasha .

As is known , the Armed Forces Commander Admiral Agus Suhartono retired . The president appoints Gen. Moeldoko who previously served as Chief of Staff , as Commander of the TNI replace Agus .

While the position of Chief of Staff was replaced by Lt. Gen. Budiman . Budiman previously served as the Secretary General in the Ministry of Defence .

On Tuesday, August 27, 2013 , the House of Representatives approved the appointment of General Moeldoko into Indonesian Armed Forces .

" Approving General Moeldoko as TNI commander, " said Vice Chairman of Commission I Tubagus Hasanuddin in the plenary session of the House.

Tb Hasanuddin explained , nine factions in the House of Representatives Commission I unanimously agreed that after doing due diligence and feasibility . That same day , a letter of approval is sent directly to the president .

In this new position , Moeldoko neutrality guarantees its unity in the 2014 election . Moeldoko confirms soldiers secure the democratic party is also ready for next year .

" All the soldiers in the democratic party and the best contribution is in a very neutral position . Not only neutral but very neutral , " he stated .

SBY melantik Jenderal Moeldoko sebagai Panglima Tentara Nasional Indonesia (TNI) dan Letnan Jenderal Budiman sebagai Kepala Staf Angkatan Darat (KSAD),

SBY melantik Jenderal Moeldoko sebagai Panglima Tentara Nasional Indonesia (TNI) dan Letnan Jenderal Budiman sebagai Kepala Staf Angkatan Darat (KSAD),

 Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) melantik Jenderal Moeldoko sebagai Panglima Tentara Nasional Indonesia (TNI) dan Letnan Jenderal Budiman sebagai Kepala Staf Angkatan Darat (KSAD), di Istana Negara, Jumat (30/8) pukul 10.00 WIB.

Moeldoko dilantik berdasarkan Keppres No. 50/TNI/Tahun 2013, menggantikan Laksamana Agus Suhartono yang memasuki pensiun. Sementara, Budiman menempati posisi yang ditinggalkan Moeldoko. Budiman sebelumnya adalah Sekretaris Jenderal Kementerian Pertahanan.

"Demi Allah, saya bersumpah, bahwa saya untuk diangkat pada jabatan ini, baik langsung atau tidak langsung, dengan rupa atau dalih apapun juga, tidak memberi atau menyanggupi, akan memberi sesuatu kepada siapapun juga," kata Panglima TNI dan KSAD yang baru secara bersamaan mengikuti sumpah jabatan yang dibaca oleh Presiden SBY.

Setelah pengambilan sumpah jabatan, upacara pelantikan dilanjutkan dengan penandatanganan berita acara secara berturut-turut, diawali dengan Panglima TNI Moeldoko lalu disusul dengan KSAD Budiman.

Terlihat hadir dalam acara ini Wapres Boediono, Menko Polhukam Djoko Suyanto, Mensesneg Sudi Silalahi, Menhan Purnomo Yusgiantoro, Menhub EE. Mangindaan, Mendikbud M. Nuh, Menakertrans Muhaimin Iskandar, Menteri ESDM Jero Wacik, Menteri Kelautan dan Perikanan Cicip Sharif Sutardjo, Menpora Roy Suryo, Menteri PPN/Kepala Bappenas Armida Alisjahbana, dan Kepala BIN Marciano Norman. Hadir pula Ketua DPR Marzuki Alie dan Ketua DPD Irman Gusman.

Siaran Pers

Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono akan melantik Panglima Tentara Nasional Indonesia Jenderal Moeldoko dan Kepala Staf Tentara Nasional Indonesia Angkatan Darat (KSAD) Letjen Budiman di Istana Negara, Jakarta, Jumat 30 Agustus 2013.

Menurut jadwal Biro Pers Istana Kepresidenan, pelantikan akan dilaksanakan pada pukul 10.00 WIB.

"Pelantikan Panglima TNI dilakukan bersamaan dengan pelantikan KSAD di Istana Negara," kata Juru Bicara Presiden Julian Aldrin Pasha.

Seperti diketahui, Panglima TNI Laksamana Agus Suhartono telah memasuki masa pensiun. Presiden menunjuk Jenderal Moeldoko yang sebelumnya menjabat sebagai KSAD, sebagai Panglima TNI menggantikan Agus.

Sementara posisi KSAD digantikan oleh Letjen Budiman. Budiman sebelumnya menjabat sebagai Sekretaris Jenderal di Kementerian Pertahanan.

Pada Selasa 27 Agustus 2013, Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat menyetujui pengangkatan Jenderal Moeldoko menjadi Panglima Tentara Nasional Indonesia.

"Menyetujui Jenderal Moeldoko sebagai Panglima TNI," kata Wakil Ketua Komisi I Tubagus Hasanudin dalam sidang paripurna DPR.

Tb Hasanudin menjelaskan, sembilan fraksi di Komisi I DPR bulat menyepakati hal tersebut setelah melakukan uji kepatutan dan kelayakan. Hari itu juga, surat persetujuan langsung dikirimkan DPR kepada Presiden.

Dalam jabatan barunya ini, Moeldoko menjamin netralitas kesatuannya dalam Pemilu 2014. Moeldoko menegaskan prajuritnya juga siap mengamankan pesta demokrasi tahun depan.

"Seluruh prajurit dalam pesta demokrasi memberikan kontribusi terbaik dan ada pada posisi sangat netral. Tidak hanya netral tapi sangat netral," tegas dia.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

2014 loop line train in Jakarta will be built

2014 loop line train in Jakarta will be built

Starting next year, the loop line train in Jakarta will be built into the kite lines. This is a continuation of elevated track connecting Manggarai, Gambir, Jakarta City, which was built in 1992.

Loop line train overpass project that will cost around Rp 9 trillion is planned to be built in two phases, namely cross-east with a length of 10 kilometers with the Duluth-Kemayoran-Kampung Senen-Pondok Jati and the west with a length of 17 kilometers with the Manggarai-Tanah Abang-Kampung Angke-Duluth.

tahun 2014 jalur lingkar kereta di Jakarta akan dibangun

 tahun 2014 jalur lingkar kereta di Jakarta akan dibangun

Mulai tahun depan, jalur lingkar kereta di Jakarta akan dibangun menjadi jalur layang. Ini menjadi kelanjutan jalur layang yang menghubungkan Manggarai, Gambir, Jakarta Kota, yang dibangun pada 1992.

Proyek jalur lingkar kereta layang yang akan menelan dana Rp 9 triliun ini rencananya akan dibangun dalam dua tahap, yaitu lintas timur dengan panjang 10 kilometer dengan rute Kampung Bandan-Kemayoran-Senen-Pondok Jati serta lintas barat dengan panjang 17 kilometer dengan rute Manggarai-Tanah Abang-Angke-Kampung Bandan.

Pullback Muhammad Jusuf Kalla and Mahfud MD from the Democratic convention conventions quality subtract

The candidate
Pullback Muhammad Jusuf Kalla and Mahfud MD from the Democratic convention conventions quality subtract

Credibility of the Democratic Party Convention Presidential Candidates are tested , following the resignation of four candidates from the list of convention attendees . Mechanisms are covered , unclear whether the candidate , and some other reasons underlying the decision allegedly candidates withdrew .

"If you 're not careful , people might think ' oh , this is just a trick alone ' , not serious . When kept closed , it will be public antipathy , " said Executive Director Pol - Tracking Institute , Hanta Yudha AR , Friday ( 30 / 8/2013 ) . In fact , he said , this convention may be the ammunition should last Democrat to improve electability after Whilst Community Direct Assistance program ( BLSM ) considered less potent .

In addition to the mechanism of a closed , Hanta Jusuf Kalla said the decision is three times turned down an offer to become the convention, helped strengthen a question mark over the credibility of the convention . " From the beginning , the convention is full of question marks , " he said .

Closure convention , called Hanta , not seen since the disclosure of the criteria clearly candidates . Convention committee actually looks more busy choosing the names that will be invited , which was then closed the discussion and no clear regulatory mechanisms . " Why Isran Noor who was diorbit not be invited ? Jumhur Why not get in ? What is the criterion ? It is not clear ! "

After all , said Hanta , the Democratic Party has not changed its constitution and bylaws ( AD / ART ) . Sepemantauan Hanta , AD / ART Democratic Party candidate for President mentioned that set by the Supreme Council .

With conditions that do not provide that assurance, Hanta is fair to judge the candidates do not want to join follow the convention . " It is rational if the caliber pack Mahfud JK and refuses to fight in this battle is not clear , " he added .

Hanta see this convention bath double-edged sword for Democrats . However , he said , if the convention seriously dealt with generating qualified candidates the Democratic Party will be fueled electability .

Previously reported four Democratic candidates are invited to follow the convention canceled . Three of them , the former Chairman of the Constitutional Court Mahfud MD , former Deputy Governor of Central Java Rustriningsih , and Lion Air President Director Rusdi Kirana , resigned .

One other candidate East Kutai Regent Isran Noor whose name was proposed the committee , apparently at the last moment it was not invited to prakonvensi . As for the figures again , former Vice President Jusuf Kalla , who is still waiting for confirmation of his willingness to continue to follow the convention , eventually declined the invitation delivered three times by the committee .

Not only retreat from the list of candidates for convention attendees , Mahfud also a hard man to criticize the workings of the convention committee . He considered how the conventions are not transparent and often change the description of the mechanisms and criteria for candidates .

 Political analyst from the University of Gadjah Mada ( UGM ) Arie Sudjito rate, pullback Mahfud MD , Rustriningsih , and Rusdi Kirana , from participation in the Democratic Presidential Candidate of the Convention , because it considers the convention as a political stage that is not clear .

According to him , this should be a lesson to be more transparent Convention Committee addressed the consequences of the convention as well as to give political lessons for the community .

Arie confirmed , canceled leaders who decided to follow the conventions of selection must have made its own calculations . Advantages and disadvantages considered convention , canceled the decision come out after the convention assessed more drawbacks .

KOMPAS.com / PUJI UTAMI Deputy Governor of Central Java Rustriningsih when met at his office Monday ( 27/05/2013 ) " It must be calculated in the future how . Kepilih If what consequences ? Now this has not been publicly declare , " Arie said when contacted by Reuters . com , from Jakarta , Friday ( 30/08/2013 ) morning .

Ideally , said Arie , Convention Committee submit all matters relating to the public convention . Not just the rules , but also the reason why a character was invited , the leaders expressed their readiness to participate , or vice versa .

He stressed that the convention should not only be transparent and credible . But also able to give a lesson on community politics . When still a lot of questions , at the same convention assessed lack of transparency and public intellectual in politics .

"Did the public know ? Committee should convey , why he resigned , why did he agree . Was it because differences in vision , or what? Its Value must exist , " he said .

As reported, the Pre - Convention Democratic Presidential Candidate that was held on Saturday ( 08/24/2013 ) has been completed . Crawl mat presidential candidate leaves the 11 names . In fact , prior to holding pre - convention , there are 15 names mentioned are invited to attend the convention .

On the last day of the implementation of the Pre- Convention , Thursday ( 29/08/2013 ) , three declared void following the convention . Former Chairman of the Constitutional Court , Mahfud MD , who first said it had canceled its participation . Mahfud entering Pre - convention hall about 15 minutes to read the decision letter . He admitted canceled following the convention because the convention mechanism is unclear.

IHSANUDDIN Lion Air President Director Rusdi Kirana shortly before the start of Pre - Convention Democratic Presidential Candidate in Wisma Kodel , Jakarta , Thursday ( 08/29/2013 ) After Mahfud , Lion Air President Director Rusdi Kirana also decided not to follow convention . Rusdi directly convey its decision to the committee . With refined language , Rusdi admitted delaying its participation in the convention because want to focus on their business .

Furthermore , the former Deputy Governor of Central Java , Rustriningsih , also decided not to follow convention . Pre - convention he attended for 30 minutes before making his decision . He admitted canceled participate because they want to focus on a career and raising a family in his hometown , Central Java .

Meanwhile , one other name , called invited to this convention , the East Kutai Regent Isran Noor , it was not scheduled in the Pre - convention stage . Democratic presidential candidate of the Convention Committee was reluctant to disclose the reasons related to the lack of Isran name .

Rully Charis Committee spokesman said it was never mention the names of those who will follow the Pre - Convention , including Isran Noor .

Here are the 11 names of participants prospective Democratic Presidential Candidate of the Convention :
1 . Masykur Ali Musa ( BPK member ) ;
2 . Anies Baswedan ( rector of Paramadina University ) ;
3 . Dahlan Iskan ( the Minister of SOEs ) ;
4 . Dino Patti Djalal ( Ambassador to the United States ) ;
5 . Endriartono Sutarto ( former Armed Forces Commander ) ;
6 . Gita Wirjawan ( Minister of Commerce ) ;
7 . Irman Gusman ( Chairman of the Regional Representatives Council ) ;
8 . Hayono Isman ( member of Commission I of the Democratic Party ) ;
9 . Marzuki Alie ( Chairman of the House of Representatives ) ;
10 . Pramod Edhie Wibowo ( former Chief of Staff of the Army ) ;
11 . Harry sinyo Sarundayang ( Governor of North Sulawesi ) .

 Convention Committee Democratic presidential candidate admitted to respect the decision of former Chairman of the Constitutional Court invalidated Mahfud MD who participated in the Convention . This was said by a spokesman for the Convention Committee on Pensions Kodel Hinca Panjaitan , Jakarta , Thursday ( 29/08/2013 ) .

According to him , each participant has the right to step in for the convention stage . " We respect the decision taken by Mr. Mahfud , " said Mahfud Hinca after reading the decree .

Democratic Convention Committee members Suaedy Marasebessy expressed the same thing . Suaedy pleaded not disappointed with the decision taken Mahfud . " I also recently heard that there are disappointed . Convention in provision mechanism , each participant is given the right to resign . Was there in the provisions , " said Suaedy .

Follow canceled Convention

As reported , Mahfud MD decided to not follow the Democratic Presidential Candidate of the Convention . The decision was delivered in front of the Convention Committee while attending the Pre - Convention Democratic Presidential Candidate in Wisma Kodel Jakarta , Thursday ( 29/08/2013 ) .

" I decided not to join the Democratic convention , " said Mahfud repeated decisions also read a letter read out in front of the Convention Committee .

There are a number of reasons that make it invalid to follow convention . One reason , as I 've mentioned previously , the mechanism is unclear convention .

Pre - Convention Presidential Candidate Democrats held since Saturday ( 24/08/2013 ) has been completed . Networking event leaves the presidential candidate of the 11 names . In fact , prior to holding pre - convention , there are 15 names on the air .

On the last day of the implementation of the Pre- Convention , four other names come off . The first person who first decided to come off is the former Chairman of the Constitutional Court , Mahfud MD .

Mahfud entering Pre - convention hall about 15 minutes to read the decision letter . Mahfud admitted canceled conventions follow the convention because the mechanism is not yet clear .

After Mahfud , Lion Air President Director Rusdi Kirana also decided not to follow convention . Rusdi directly convey its decision to the committee . With refined language , Rusdi admitted delaying its participation in the convention because want to focus on their business .

Furthermore , the former Deputy Governor of Central Java , Rustriningsih , also decided not to follow convention . Rustriningsih attend the Pre - Convention for 30 minutes before making his decision . He admitted canceled participate because they want to focus on a career and raising a family in his hometown , Central Java .

Lastly, there is also the name of the East Kutai Regent Isran Noor previously called to join the convention , but it is not scheduled in the Pre - convention stage . Democratic presidential candidate of the Convention Committee declined to mention the obvious reasons related loss Isran Noor 's name .

Rully Charis Committee spokesman said it was never mention the names of those who will follow the Pre - Convention , including Isran Noor . By doing so , this is the formation of teams of Democratic Presidential Candidate of the Convention :