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Monday, November 18, 2013

SBY Voiceless Alleged Agent Strong America ?

SBY Voiceless Alleged Agent Strong America ?
POLITICS | November 19, 2013 12:32:01 | Viewed : 87 times

ASATUNEWS - It seems we all are talking soial tapping . All Indonesian people agitated over the tapping but why the President has not also make an official statement ? What is it ?

" Despite a smear campaign includes Allegations that he is a CIA agent , polls show that Yudhoyono 's personal approval ratings . Asked who was their second choice up to become president should not win their candidate , electors unanimously backed Yudhoyono . A career soldier , Yudhoyono and graduate Programmes of U.S. military training at Fort Benning , Columbus (1976 & 1982) and the Command and General Staff College at Fort Leavenworth , Texas (1991 ) , Yudhoyono has fond memories of the U.S. .

The above information presented Aljazeera , firmly placing the figure of Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono ( SBY ) as president of the American target . This of course stems from military footprint SBY in the lane . He , a career soldier , and a graduate of the U.S. military training program at Fort Benning , Columbus .

SBY 's track record dismantled twitter account @ TrioMacan2000 . In kicauannnya , Saturday ( 20/7 ) in the social network , he discovered who the figure SBY and show some factual evidence about his involvement in the covert U.S. mission .

As reported by Al Jazeera , SBY is a very loyal American agent even proudly SBY hopes to be a part of America . This is evidence of the U.S. involvement in acts of any SBY in Indonesia , including the omission of the military base and the placement of U.S. troops in Darwin .

This condition , obtained SBY with the full support of President George Bush on SBY at that time . This fact is further revealed when the newspaper published by Singapore , the Business Times on 10 April 2004 . It quoted sources in the Bush administration said the U.S. supports SBY to form an unbeatable coalition .

In the eyes of Bush , the President is a figure that is credible supporting Bush policies on the war against Islamic terrorism . Newspaper The Asian Wall Street Journal ( AWSJ ) also wrote an editorial that the contents match. AWSJ assess SBY as No. loyalist leaders . 1 U.S. .

Please check the site Aljaeer , http://Jazeera.Net , July 4, 2004 , there profiles with posts SBY Paul Dillon that SBY is a very pro- US .
The picture of the brightly lit , when Paul Rowland , head of the National Democratic Institute for International Affairs ( NDI ), which always makes SBY won the poll . Rowland said that SBY " firm leader , but not an iron fist " ( the leader of the firm and not iron-fisted ) .

" Praise is certainly an exaggeration to see the attitude of SBY doubter , soft , safe search and not able to take decisions . Washington is very warm attitude towards SBY occurred for a long time and it was evident when he was on a working visit to the U.S. , " so chirp @ TrioMacan2000 .

another fact

In September 2003 , despite Hurricane Isabel in the capital of the U.S. , his visit SBY keeps going . U.S. officials meeting with SBY still do . On a visit to the U.S. SBY , SBY gets preferential treatment , especially by the US - Indonesia Friendship Association ( USINDO Society ) .

On Friday, September 19, 2003 , the President was greeted . U.S. officials like Secretary Powell , Deputy Defense Secretary Wolfowitz and FBI Director Robert S. Mueller . Wolfowitz , architect of the U.S. occupation of Iraq , invited the entire audience do the toast For SBY . Indonesian presidential candidate U.S. support and true loyalists .

Hundreds of VIP and VVIP guest invitations U.S. stands raised a toast with a glass of wine and champagne aperitif . SBY seemed touched to receive this honor with a nod of appreciation. His heart was full of flowery happy .... " I am here today to emphasize again the solidarity Indonesia - USA in the global coalition against terrorism Islamic world , " said SBY

As we know , the Bush administration's commitment to the pro- Israel , Obama continued to SBY it was not limited to mere rhetoric . According to Senator Paul Findley , both organizations lobbying organizations are two of the most influential Jews in the White House . Such funding was announced in the U.S. so most Indonesian students there easily get information .

In Jakarta , is now well established Indonesian - Israeli Public Affairs Committee ( IIPAC ) led Mossad agent , Benjamin tight . Benjamin is a former activist ketang PMII who get scholarships to Israel for services Abdurahman Wahid alias Gus Dur . And Benjamin tight so WN Israel . Whereas before he was a citizen .

Mossad agents IIPAC office leader , Benjamin ketang previously at ITC Cempaka White has now moved to Jl Sudirman . Mossad is also suspected of providing assurance to SBY to help win re- election and PD in the 2014 presidential election .

"If tomorrow is gone or twitter account suspended permanently, we hope you can understand who did it , " quipped @ TrioMacan2000 .

What is the required compensation Mossad to help guarantee victory PD in the 2014 presidential election and the election ? Papua Merdeka ? MCC ? Islam ?

"Shall we say welcome Papua Merdeka ? Aceh Merdeka ? Malay Kingdom ? Hopefully not . May Allah protect the Homeland. Aamiin Yes Robbal ' Alamin , "said the controversial ending account celotehannya .

On the other hand , Professor of Political Science at Northwestern University , Jeffrey Winters said SBY not Make U.S. Dizziness . Is the fact that the United States and Western countries like SBY SBY as long as the ruling was never made ​​them dizzy and western agenda plays very well .

" I think the U.S. and Western countries on SBY happy precisely because he mediocare . He did not make America a headache and he was a good boy , " he told reporters . Meanwhile, according to some sources SBY with imagery policies try to show citizenship and a sense of nationalism to the people of Indonesia .

Though very contrary to his statement when It was attributed to SBY when they travel to the land of Uncle Sam in 2004.

I do not know , for sure, if the media wrote about the trail outside of SBY , they are not possible with the data write fiction . Why ? Because the credibility of the media as a public information network , so they keep . So how about tapping the crowded ? Is tetep SBY still silent on tapping it ? Or does he enjoy penyadapannya ? ( ASN-018/ATA )

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