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Friday, November 22, 2013

Broke Cooperation Indonesia - Australian , who is worse off than breaking up the two countries . Suspicious of each other between the two nations already have a long historical roots .

Broke Cooperation Indonesia - Australian , who is worse off than breaking up the two countries . Suspicious of each other between the two nations already have a long historical roots .

In recent days hububgan Indonesia - Australia getting hotter mnyusul
on reporting actions undertaken tapping Australian intelligence agencies against President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono and several other high-ranking officials .

Foreign Minister Marty Natalegawa in a press conference at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia, Jakarta, Monday ( 18/11 ) asserts that tapping very serious impact on the relationship between Indonesia and Australia . Therefore , he continued , would be very difficult for ambassador duties in such circumstances.

" We decided to recall the Indonesian ambassador in Canberra for consultations . Impossible and unlikely the Indonesian ambassador in a country in this regard in Canberra Australia , can perform his duties as usual , very disturbing amid this atmosphere . Summons ambassador for consultation is a step that can not be taken lightly , but the steps are the minimum we need to do to be able to consolidate the situation and showed us a firm stance and scalable , "said Foreign Minister Marty Natalegawa .

Marty Natalegawa explained , from the information gathered, the tapping was done by the Australian government through the use of diplomatic missions in Jakarta against President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono , Vice President Boediono and First Lady Ani Yudhoyono .

"The actions reported intercepts made ​​to the President of the Republic of Indonesia at least for a period of 15 days in August of 2009 . Was not only a President who tapped his phone conversations , but also other figures such as the mother country then there are some other figures including Vice President Boediono father and so on . This is a hostile act . dilabrak one by one , harmed and violated by Australia , " said Marty Natalegawa .

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono's attitude towards these events is reflected in the statement
Presidential spokesman Julian Aldrin Pasha said that the government of Indonesia will review the cooperation with Australia following the alleged wiretapping carried Australia to Indonesia .

According to the Australian attitude does not show friendly attitude with Indonesia . The tapping action has also continued confidence in Indonesia injured in Australia . Julian said the Indonesian government will review the information exchange cooperation , combating human trafficking and terrorism .

The government did not accept the continued very committed tapping action of friendly countries in their embassy in Jakarta as a sovereign country , Indonesia has a legal framework for it . The same attitude was also expressed by TNI Commander General Moeldoko which confirms , that Indonesia cease all cooperation in the field of information and intelligence with Australia . It is responding to a speech by President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono ( SBY ) .

" Second , stop the exercise with the Army and the Royal Australian Army , the joint exercises and training Kartika Bura Komodo Down Together , " said Moeldoko through press releases , Jakarta , Wednesday ( 11/20/2013 ) .

The third step , namely Moeldoko said stop practicing with the Navy and the Australian Navy , as Latma New Horizon TTX , Latma Initial Planning Conference KAKADU and Observer Ex Black Carilion .

Fourth , stop the workout with the Eagles AUSINDO between the Air Force Royal Australian Air Force ( RAAF ) underway in Darwin Australia to pull back five F - 16 fighter aircraft along with all supporting personnel and Water activities Water Man to Man Talk .

"In addition , the entire exercise will be carried out bilateral military , either the Army , Navy and Air Force with the Australian Defence Force also stopped until an unspecified time , " he said .

To note , President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono said , will pause the amount of cooperation that has been done with Australia ..

The statement was made in front of reporters with President accompanied by key officials for foreign affairs and security policy at a press conference at the State Palace on Wednesday ( 20/11/2013 ) .

In a statement , the president asks stopped first collaboration called the exchange of information and intelligence exchanges between the two countries , including the stop first joint military exercises between Indonesia and Australia , both the army, navy and air , and nature combined .

As reported, the Australian intelligence intercepted cellular telephone belonging to Yudhoyono , First Lady Ani Yudhoyono , Vice President Boediono and several other officials . [

A spokesman for the president , Julian adds , that the government of Australia and the U.S. added Julian has not dared to be honest about this tapping though they had been summoned representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Indonesia some time ago .

Julian Aldrin Pasha explained , " They ( Australian government ) have not exactly convey well if they do that or not , so we can not ascertain also whether they reject or admit it . "

Not only withdraw its forces , TNI chief Gen. Moeldoko also interesting main weaponry system ( weapons systems ) Indonesian in Australia .

" Yesterday he ordered , and today withdrawal . Among them is , six combat aircraft , " said TNI chief Gen. Moeldoko in Sanur , Denpasar on Thursday ( 21/11/2013 ) .

He admitted , all cooperation between Indonesia and Australia , such as joint military exercises immediately terminated . In fact , aircraft AUSINDO Eagles still have to be in Australia , up to three days ahead or 24 November. " Because this is the case , then everything is pulled into the ground water , " said former Regional Commander III Siliwangi it .

The combined exercise involving Kopassus , he added , were also suspended . " Dragons exercises with Kopassus , we stop , " said alumnus Akmil 1981.

However , Moeldoko did not know how long the withdrawal of troops and the joint exercise was stopped . However , he can be sure , if the relations between the two countries ( Indonesia and Australia ) improves , then the military relationship would be re-built .

Moeldoko added , the military system in Indonesia adheres to the policy of the state line . That way , when political tensions RI relationship with Australia , will clearly impact on military relations between the two countries .

Ebb and flow of the relationship between Indonesia and Australia , implies also against military policy . Because of all this country's political embrace .

So which country is more harmed by the deterioration of relations between the two countries. This tenuous relationship exacerbated by the release travel warning to Australians to Indonesia .
Though the number of foreign tourist arrivals to Indonesia in August 2013 reached 771,000 visits , up 21.57 percent compared with August 2012 . Compared with July 2013 , the number was up 7.42 percent .

" It is the second largest amount in history . June first largest , ie 789 000 visits . The increase was driven by one of the growing number of migrants after the holiday. Indonesia atmosphere or climate conducive for tourists , " said Chairman of the Central Bureau of Statistics Suryamin , Tuesday ( 01/10/2013 ) , in Jakarta .

Deputy Minister Pariwisatan and Creative Economy Sapta Nirwandar said the decline is due to the length of stay of foreign tourists ( tourists) who come to Indonesia, most of Asia , the Middle East , and Australia .

" Travelers who lived until two weeks were tourists from Europe . Currently , Europe is in crisis . Thus, the reduced number of travelers there . .

Observers in International Relations from the University of Indonesia Hikmahanto Heilbron said the government could not be related software intercepts the report , given the action of tapping is a serious violation of ethical norms of international relations and international law .

The Indonesian government said Hikmahanto must undertake concrete measures against countries that have done the wiretapping of Indonesia .

" If Indonesia is mediocre would be a problem , why Indonesia as a country's strategic response turned out just like Marty did pack in the early protests demanding an explanation after explanation of no more action , " said Hikmahanto .

Heated relationship between Australia and Indonesia of course also spread to the private realm ..

Advisor to the Prime Minister of Australia , as reported by Time.com mock Abbot Indonesian Foreign Minister as similar MartyNatalegawa Philippines 1970s Porn Star ..

"Apology demanded from Australia by a man who looks like a porn star Philippines . 1970 - . Ethical and appropriate , " said Mark Textor in a tweet that had disappeared from his account ..

Media reports in Australia and Indonesia said tweet apparently referring to Marty Natalegawa , who has asked Canberra to apologize after claims emerged that the Australian government has been intercepting telephone Indonesian President , his wife and other senior politicians ..

Textor is not clear about the travesty that is intrinsically Natalegawa appearance as opposed to Indonesian Philippines , or how ethical a porn star better or worse than a politician .

Not only taunted each other between officials of both countries , but the war in the virtual world from Indonesia .. A group of hackers calling themselves " Anonymous Indonesia ' rip off hundreds of sites in Australia due to the action of the state wiretapping conducted the Kangaroos .

According to Jonathan , one of the members of the ' Anonymous Indonesia ' , this action done in retaliation for the actions of Australia who reportedly did the wiretapping of Indonesia .

" It's a form of action concern for backlash Indonesia.Kalau we will make every effort possible sovereign Indonesian maintain , " said Jonathan .

These sites are managed on the plow to change the display . In the early pages of the hackers is to convey the message that the Australian government to stop the illegal wiretapping activity against Indonesia .

Meanwhile a spokesman for the Ministry of Communications and Information Gatot Dewa Broto said it is prepared to prove the alleged wiretapping .

Marty said the Indonesian government , also expressed disappointment over the Australian government's response dismissed the wiretapping case committed Australia to Indonesia .

"The Indonesian government heard statements from certain circles that the Australian Government 's ( tapping ) is something that is done by the states . Statement so dismissive , as if this is something common and ordinary done . This is of no value and no no meaning for Indonesia , and we assume the statement was very dismissive , "said the Foreign Minister .

Meanwhile, the Observer of International Relations of the Indonesian Institute of Sciences ( LIPI ) Ganewati Wuriandari to VOA welcomed the firm stand taken by the Government of Indonesia .

" In the ethics of international relations it is tapping into something that is not justified . Especially if tapping it up to the highest level in a country is the head of state , " said Ganewati Wuriandari .

British daily The Guardian and the Australian newspaper , the Sydney Morning Herald on Monday ( 18/11 ) writes about the practice of the Australian Intelligence Agency intercepted private communications that President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono and other Indonesian officials including First Lady Ani Yudhoyono .

Sydney Morning Herald and the Guardian both refer to the document Snowden in November of 2009.

On 30 September 2013 , Prime Minister of Australia , Tony Abbott , they travel to the State Palace , Jakarta . Tony met with President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyonomembicarakan various things . The point about the bilateral cooperation of two countries . Including the economy .

Tony realized that time has made ​​a mistake against Indonesia in the past related to cooperation in agriculture and food security . In order for cooperation more closely , he realized there must be a strong economic relationship between the two countries . Not only in the field of food , but also trade and investment .

Australia became the largest investor in Indonesia's number 9 . From 2011 to 2012 the value of Australian investment surged 700 percent . In 2011, less than USD 100 million , in 2012 an increase of more than USD 700 million .

In the field of trade , total trade between the two countries reached U.S. $ 10 billion more . In targeting , could reach $ 15 billion, or around Rp 173 trillion next two years .

Based on statistical book issued in 2013 Indonesian Central Statistics Agency ( BPS ) , Indonesia is the country 's seventh largest export destination for Australia in the past year . In contrast , Australia 's eighth largest export destination for Indonesian .

However , all of persuasion when they travel to Indonesia Abbott mindless hacking scandal after it was revealed that Australia 's intelligence service conducted against President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono and other state officials . SBY finally decided to end the relationship with the Australian military cooperation .

However , for the relationship or economic cooperation has not been decided . " Not up to it ( the review of economic cooperation ) . , But we'll wait , I will be meeting with the president . , But indeed this is something that is very hurt our friendship , " said Coordinating Minister for the Economy , Hatta Rajasa , in the House , two days ago .

Trade Minister Gita Wirjawan , could not hide his disappointment . Even the Gita says reviewing trade cooperation with Australia . Including the matter of imports of cattle .

Gita was wiretapping conducted by the kangaroo country is treason . Tapping this makes the two neighboring countries do not trust each other , including cooperation in economics .

" While we're very limited in terms of import , certain places only. Nah this is no attempt to change the law so that the frame ranch clearer , " said Gita at the JCC , Jakarta , Wednesday ( 20/11 ) .

If Australia and Indonesia officially ' divorced ' and not continue the relationship of economic cooperation , then some commodities from Australia is likely to disappear from Indonesia . One was a cow that had been imported from the land of kangaroos .

Trade Minister Gita Wirjawan predict if the relationship between Indonesian and Australian diplomatic end total , it will greatly affect the trade sector . Because Australia is Indonesia's strategic partners in the sector .

"I think , if Indonesia - Australia breakup lasted long enough and are not addressed by the err , it will greatly affect the cooperation of the Indonesian economy , especially about price stability , " Gita said in Jakarta , Wednesday ( 19/11 / 2013) .

According to Gita , termination of cooperation between Indonesia and Australia should pay attention to price stability and the ability of local production . He pointed out that the Australian beef import policy would interfere with price stability if discontinued due to lack of local production .

In fact , he said , Indonesia could only import beef from Australia because the country is designated as free from oral disease in farm animals .

" Actually, we could import meat that India is much cheaper . Only , the decision of the Constitutional Court stated that there is one area that is still not free from dental and oral diseases that, then the state can not enter Indonesia . So if you really disconnected , regulatory framework should be fixed , including the Livestock Act needs to be revised , " he added .

Gita said , if the regulation is not addressed and beef imports from Australia stopped , there will be a significant price spike . " Beef prices could soar to Rp 200,000 to Rp 300,000 per kilogram , " said the man is a graduate of Harvard University .

However, Gita states that eavesdropping case made ​​Australia against Indonesia can not be justified . He even called Australia has defected over the friendship that has existed so long in between these two countries . " We still can not forget this betrayal , " he said .

In addition to cattle , there are still some other commodities from Australia that had been supplied to Indonesia . Some of Australia's commodities will probably be discontinued enter Indonesia if economic cooperation the two countries do not continue ..

In terms of investment , Australia is ranked 12th as the country of origin of investment in Indonesia . In 2011 , the value of Australian investment in Indonesia amounted to USD 89.7 million with 124 projects . Anga Bratadharma

Ministry of Trade Republic of Indonesia noted , the value of Indonesian exports to Australia in 2011, the carrying amount of USD 5.6 billion , an increase of 31.53 % from 2010 of USD 4.2 billion . Meanwhile, Indonesia's imports in 2011 reached $ 5.2 billion , an increase of 26.3 % compared to 2010 , amounting to U.S. $ 4 billion .

Trade Minister Gita Wirjawan , in its press release , in Jakarta , Wednesday, March 21, 2012 , revealed that Indonesia is almost always a trade surplus with Australia over the period 2007-2011, except in 2009 when the global crisis sweeping the world .

Total trade between the two countries in 2011 reached U.S. $ 10.8 billion, an increase of 28.96 % compared to 2010 , which amounted to USD 8.3 billion .

Gita explained , the main export commodities from Indonesia to Australia include gold , reception app . for televisiĆ³n , wood , new pneumatic tires and paper and paperboard . While five of Indonesia's main import commodities from Australia include wheat and meslin , live bovine animals , cotton , artificial corundum and unwrought aluminum .

Field of interest by Australian businesses in Indonesia based on the realization of FDI in 15 areas of business sectors , including trade and repair ; other services ;
mining, hotels and restaurants ; basic metal industry , metal goods , machinery and electronics , housing , industrial estates and office , as well as the food industry .

Danpak stretched relations between the two States also berdanpak on Indonesian citizens studying in Australia , let alone Australia has simplify the requirements for Indonesian citizens who wish to study in Australia as student numbers continue to increase and visa visa compliance , the better , said the Australian ambassador in Jakarta Bill Farmer .

Farmer said this was " very good news " for the increase in the number of Indonesian citizens who wish to study in Australia and for the long -term health of the Australia-Indonesia bilateral relations .

Ambassador says Australia is hoping to be able to establish a relationship between the people of both countries closer and youth exchanges for the purpose of learning is an excellent way to reach those expectations .

From July to September this year , the number of students applying to study in Australia increased by 37 percent compared with the same period last year .

This includes a major increase in the education sector ( skills ) and vocational English language training .

" Australia is the number one destination for Indonesian citizens who wish to study abroad , " said Farmer . " This happens because of the quality of Australian education system of international standard, and because there are a variety of courses that are not available anywhere else . "

"In addition , the course contains a practical element and oriented towards future careers and the students had the opportunity to live in a country that uses English as a mother tongue , " said the Ambassador .

Currently there are around 15,000 Indonesian citizens who study in schools , universities and technical high schools throughout Australia . .

Although states Indonesia will cut ties with Australia's loss after the discovery of wiretapping against the president , but the Ministry of Trade expressed readiness to embargo imports of cattle .

But before doing so, the trade ministry will conduct a study first. Therefore , bilateral relations between Indonesia and Australia have lasted long . Trade Minister Gita Wirjawan said the government will seek alternative measures . Because some products in Indonesia is imported from Australia . Last year trade value reached USD11 - USD12 billion per year .

How big is Indonesia's dependence on the products of Australia ? .
Indeed, the same dependence , they depend on us we also depend on them . So there is always a trade relationship that co-exist in a relationship in the context of the exchange of goods and services .

For example we are currently dependent on Australia for cattle and beef imports from Australia , given our existing Act does state that we can only be imported from countries free of foot and mouth disease . For those reasons, the most competitive currently Australia , but also if we reduce the demand for Australia then Australia's infrastructure will be disrupted and our farmer - breeders .

If services how . Services eg many Australian banks operating here yes . Commonwealth Bank , ANZ fill the growing Indonesian market that they depend on our market .

If we define the market other investment course they will also be disrupted . Total trade we are currently about 15 billion to 16 billion U.S. dollars , it is quite significant for a country's trade relations . Australia is also a lot of its companies investing in Indonesia there are about 400 , about the investment value of nearly 7 billion U.S. dollars .

Indonesia is also dependent services , many of our students in the school there , a lot of aid from Australia in the field of education , other services in the context of development in Indonesia . So the relationship the two countries are technically already covered in all targets .

Trade Minister Gita Wirjawan yesterday expressed readiness to boycott the import of cattle , whether it be sector or other sectors that will be disconnected ?

Problems dark Immigrants to Australia via Indoneia also often be a stumbling block , let alone an offer from Australia to the Australian Border police 'm allowed unruk supervise the activities of the illegal immigrant in Indonesia , so this is considered as bisamelanggar Jakarta Indonesian sovereignty .

Of the trial court several times smuggling illegal immigrants who are still in progress at the Military Court III - 13 Madison , route or track journey unfold before their deployment to Australia .

The illegal immigrants come from countries in the Middle East , such as Iran , Iraq , Kuwait .

Itineraries involving a number of people , including five army officers in East Java , can be divided into two . First , the country of origin to the Indonesian border . Second , these areas are traversed while in parts of Indonesia to sail to Australia .

One of the illegal immigrants from Iran , Mohamad Hardani , 37 years old , testified through an interpreter in the dossier ( BAP ) which drafted the Military Police Military Area Command Station ( Dam ) V / Brawijaya .

Hardani is one of the witnesses in the five elements of the Army relating to smuggling immigrants in waters 134 Prigi , Psychology , East Java , December 17, 2011 . However , their trip to Australia failed because the ship they were hit by a wave sink .

On November 17, 2011, from the Iranian capital , Tehran , Hardani board a flight to Dubai . Fly from Dubai to Jakarta and arrived at Soekarno - Hatta Airport , 18 November 2011 . After a three-day stay at a hotel in Jakarta , he headed Cisarua , Bogor . Cisarua , Hardani acquainted with the citizens of Iran , Yosif . " From here comes the deal to Australia , " said Chief Military Judge Advocate Madison , Upang Juwaeni , Wednesday, September 12, 2012 .

Dated December 12, 2011 , Hardani and three members of his family back to Jakarta stay in an apartment . Dated December 15, 2011 , he and hundreds of other immigrants departed from Jakarta to Popoh Beach , vBulletin boarded four buses .

Other Iranian immigrant , Mohammad Hadi Parivash , 32 years , also testified at the BAP . Different from the route followed by Hardani . On 26 April 2011 , Hadi fly from Tehran , Iran to Kuala Lumpur , Malaysia . From Malaysia flying to Bali and arrived 27 April 2011 . From Bali to fly to Soekarno - Hatta Airport , Jakarta . From here , he picked up a man named Hussein and brought to Cisarua , Bogor .

April 30, 2011 , he went to Australia , but was arrested the police in Sukabumi , West Java . Last 1.5 months at the shelter accommodated Kalideres , Jakarta . At the shelter he met seven members of his family . June 2011 moved to shelters Cipari , Sukabumi . " Over in Kalideres familiar with other immigrants who offered to Australia , " said Upang .

Dated December 3, 2011 brought to Jakarta and lodged in an apartment . Dated December 13, 2011 departing from Jakarta to Popoh Beach , vBulletin , boarded four buses .

In addition Popoh Beach and Klatak in vBulletin and Prigi in Psychology , a number of beaches in Pacitan also several times so a transit smuggling Middle Eastern immigrants to Australia .

On 7 September 2012 , as many as 60 immigrants from Iran , Iraq , and Kuwait were caught in two locations in Pacitan . Similar actions have occurred in Pacitan in 2010 and 2011 .
Of course, the government's decision no preparations exactly that way if it was decided to perform the action now being taken over by the government . Indeed, the relations between the two countries , there are some very prominent existing pillars of the political , trade , a pillar of society and culture relations . So it certainly can not affect the matter one another but could affect others as well .

So that later we see the development of the Australian government , if the government of Australia now has a position that does not respect the sovereign rights of the Republic of Indonesia of course we can take a variety of steps in that direction .

But the network rather than the relationship we have wide , so we also have to strive to what extent can maintain the existing network . But back again Indonesia is a sovereign country , we are a great country , with dignity . We are waiting for direction leaders what we should do .

In the worst situation if we have alternative objectives eg to import beef ?

If it can be done all things deteriorate .

The area where the destination into consideration first ?

This means that we can make changes we do not need to import live cattle but we only imported beef . Many alternative , if you later have to think that way we are ready to provide an alternative . If we need to take from India so we take out of India , we change our provisions .

Why did the two countries relations are always ups and downs . It can not be separated from the history of the two nations problems .
The arrival of the white man on the continent of Australia has brought the implications of the traditional order of the original ethnic settlers , exploitation of natural resources that took place then have led to major changes in the various fields of life .

With the opening of the fields in the gold mining areas such as Victoria , New South Wales and Western Australia , has improved the economy of the community . Along with the increase in per capita income , the purchasing power of course, increases the effect of the increase in imports into the region .

It also means increasing the state income from the import sector . Income increases the state has given the opportunity for effective construction means the economy such as transportation , education , roads , etc. . Railway from Melbourne to William Town was built in 1854 , a year after it was built anyway railroad that connects the interior Sydney . The effectiveness of this means of transport development as well as have an impact on the intensive exploitation of natural resources , especially agriculture .

The impact of the discovery of gold , it is also an effect on the increase of immigrants who came to Australia , such as from China , Asia , Japan etc. .

Thus the population growth is increasing rapidly . Immigration not only have an impact on population growth , but also increasingly diverse races and cultures are found in Australia . As a result of this all is the emergence of divisions among the community , especially among races , such as the experiences in several mines Victoria in 1957 . In that year the number of Chinese people here reach 23 623 . These numbers were alarming the people of Europe . This concern was the cause of the parliament of Victoria and New South Wales eventually passed legislation to restrict the entry of Chinese people ( cf. Manning Clark , 1981 , Chpt.7 ) .

With the increasingly heterogeneous society with increasing social mobility and the level of their education , in the end lead to the implications of the emergence of political consciousness of citizens . Immigrants increasingly aware of their political rights .

They are reluctant to pay taxes without the consent of their representatives in Parliament . This in turn affects the discretion of the Australian government and constitution , such as the appointment of members of the upper house of the rich , landowners and the educated people . Meanwhile, the owners of the land and the conservatives demanded that the constitution reflects the great interests of society . Demands Even this parliament finally approved .

In this regard it is noted , there were also several uprisings like the Eureka Stockade Ballarat . Although the uprising failed , but the British government eventually to form a parliament in Victoria on the basis of voting. The formation of the parliament is to encourage other colonies to try to separate themselves from the central government . It becomes issues that are not easy to realize a unified republic .

Geoffrey Dutton view of the " Republic of Australia " can be captured through an article published in a book edited by Arnold et al . as follows : at least what is implicated in the life of Australian society today is resentment against British rule . He asserted that not all people think that Britain is " home " , a proof that Britain was no longer able to offer for Australia's military force , neither do economic strength , moral and cultural .

The authority of the Queen of England began to fade among the people of Australia . According to colonial attitude shown by the only manifestation of the old culture and the absurd . From what we captured in Dutton 's article is the attitude towards the necessity to support Australia becoming a republic , but once the complete issue of Australia , he doubted Australia would be the establishment of the Republic .

The idea of ​​the emergence of Multiculturalism

Multiculturalism , then became the inspiration to overcome ethnic heterogeneity consisting of various ethnicities with different cultural backgrounds . Efforts for the unification of the cultural patterns of the original idea had been pioneered through assimilation and integration in order to prevent inter- ethnic divisions in Australia .

But then the idea has been challenged by various parties , especially the right-wing politicians . The idea of ​​multiculturalism is then introduced , in the context of the real is the legitimacy of the right to development of a variety of cultures in Australia are the same .

However , in practice this only emphasizes the notion of multiculturalism cultural aspects alone without coupled with the same views on employment . Thus, this idea , by the party while only regarded as a radical attempt to promote the interests of a particular ethnicity .

In the late 1940s , when Australia opened its doors to the non- British immigrants and allow them to live and settle , some of the requirements set for them to assimilate into Australian real and can forget their native culture . When the first immigrants came from Italy and Greek ( Greece ) in late 1940 into Australia , they experienced racial discrimination from the UK and Ireland . These immigrants trying to master English as well as mimicking the Australian lifestyle . It is considered a way of assimilation which is then very useful when the White Australia policy is executed , but not so with the assimilation of immigrants from Asia and Africa because of their physical differences with the Australian people are very prominent .

After the Second World War , because considerations of defense of Australia , the Australian White wisdom revisited . State relations in Southeast Asia and the Pacific oceans changed dramatically with the decline of the British navy from there and the emergence of countries that might endanger Australia's own trading system .
Many countries subsequently protested the White Australia wisdom that is based on the concept that rasism white . Australia finally could not ignore protests ( Yarwood , MJ Knowling AT & 1982:286-7 ) . When there is a debate in the Australian parliament on the subject of whether or not the door is opened for immigrants of color, there is a harsh oppositions .

Opposition lawmakers emerged from a nation that rejects the presence of color, because it too difficult adjustment of immigrants who come from different social backgrounds in Australian conditions .

In 1966 the Australian government's immigration policy changes that allow the people of non - European can obtain permission to remain in Australia , but in the 1970s when the entry of immigrants from Asia , it turns out they were not warmly received by the Australian public , because , in addition to differences very prominent physical , cultural and also background balakang very different lifestyle . This fact indicates that the assimilation of wisdom is basically useless for many Asian and black African immigrants .

When Gough Withlam elected as prime minister of Australia in 1972 , he tried to eliminate the concept of assimilation by white Australia for the peace and prosperity of the country and in the name of truth .

For this effort he raised as Immigration Minister Al Grassby and head of the Community Relations Commission . Withlam provide English language education for immigrants in order to help them in their daily life . Through Withlam government introduced the concept of multiculturalism as a constructive action for the achievement of a new identity Australian society .

In 1978 Galbally Report suggests the basic principles of the wisdom of multiculturalism is still diperpegangi . First, it is emphasized that equal opportunities should be given to all people to realize their potential . Second , everyone should be able to maintain their culture without experiencing any prejudice . Third , courses and special services must be prepared for the immigrants while they are given short- term needs . Fourth , all established programs for immigrants must be in consultation with the immigrants .

During the first four years of the Hawke government (1983-1987) concept of multiculturalism is not going well . But in 1987 , Hawke mendirikanOffice of Multicultural Affairs ( OMA ) and is under the Department of the Prime Minister . Through this agency developed the concepts of multiculturalism in more depth and emphasize the limitations of the concept and the idea of ​​Australia as an element of unification . That way immigrants are expected to give their loyalty to Australia . Even OMA , through its national agenda clarify and sharpen the definition of multiculturalism as a term that describes the cultural and ethnic diversity in Australia's New ( Londom , 1992:93 ) .

Three references are formulated Hawke in limiting the concept of multiculturalism , namely : First , everyone should express its cultural heritage of their ancestors , as long as it does not conflict with existing laws .

Secondly , all the people of Australia are entitled to social justice regardless of skin color , language , religion and ancestry , and third , economic effesiensi containing purpose to continue and develop and use all the potential of a new community of Australia .
In the first page of the National Agenda , Hawke's apparent interpretation of the concept of unity Australia multikulturalismenya , namely : first , " multicultural policies are based on the permise that all Australians first and foremost futures " , second , " multicultural policies require all Australians to accept the basic structures and principles of Australian society - the constitution and the rule of law , tolerance and equality , parliamentary democracy , freedom of speech and religion " . ( etc. ) , and third , multicultural policies impose obligation as well as confering rights : the right to express one 's own culture and beliefs involves a reciprocal responsibility to accept and the right of others to express their views and values ​​" ( Matin , Jean , 1981:145 ) .

Some Implications of Multiculturalism

As already noted , the emergence of the idea of ​​multiculturalism in Australia is driven by different motivations , one of which the most important is because the continued influx of immigrants from neighboring Asian countries , however, this policy led to the reactions of the Anglo - Australian people who want to maintain a homogeneous form . According to them , with the implementation of this policy , means the elements threatened the hegemony of Anglo culture in Australia . Even more extreme is the view that multiculturalism has destroyed the national culture .

Such complaints are not directly have prompted the emergence of dislocations juice , even growing turmoil racism , especially among those who feel lost Anglo- Australian identity and cultural hegemony .

Among immigrants also appear different reaction to the policy of multiculturalism because in practice multiculturalism emphasis on ethnicity . Many people think that multiculturalism as an empty slogan that it is especially noticeable structural racism of economic behavior and the labor market .

Contradictory reality implementing a policy of multiculturalism is also visible from indigenous groups " Aboriginal " . Bitter experiences suffered by the natives since they lost their land as white Australian policy , assimilation , to multiculturalism , making them lose confidence in the state and Australian government itself . They feel that the policies applied are nothing but social control efforts against their culture .

Aboriginal position is ultimately a policy dilemma in multiculturalism . Therefore, at the level of bureaucracy formed Reconsiliation Aboriginal Council in cooperation with the National Multicultural Advisory Council . Here , emphasis is given to the ' cultural diversity'dari on multiculturalism , with the hope that it will be more easily accepted . But most felt in its application is the lack of a serious anti-racism efforts , particularly in overcoming racial discrimination which applies in all levels of society .

What can we please register of all Australian multiculturalism policy implication of this is political instability in the country due to social conflicts involving ethnicity issues in every aspect of community life . This fact is more or less will greatly influence political policy and Australia 's own defense in subsequent periods .
Australia is a continent shaped island which lies between the Indian Ocean and the Pacific and flanked by islands of Southeast Asia and mainland South Pole , Australia is geographically isolated position , the only nearest neighbor Australia since 1949 ( until Papua New Guinea and East Timor became independent ) is Indonesia, which was formerly called the Dutch East Indies . If Australia and neighboring countries ( such as Indonesia ) are able to build good relationships with the two countries will be able to stabilize the region ..

In the development of this relationship is colored by shades worsen Australia's relationship with Indonesia . Cultural differences and political policies and foreign relations between the two countries greatly affect both sides .

Such a situation is causing Australia to be associated with Indonesia . Before World War II, Australia 's attention to its relationship with the Dutch East Indies is very small , this is because Australia as a British dominion , entrust direct diplomatic relations between the UK and the Netherlands . In a further development driven by the interests of Australia and Indonesia cooperate copy . Australian and Indonesian relations have ups and downs are colored by the tensions that had happened ..

Australia and Indonesia economic relationship is not the worst . In the years 1977-1978 Australian exports to Indonesia amounted to 196,000 million Australian dollars , while Australian imports only 84.000 million Australian dollars to Indonesia's trade balance recorded a minus as many as 112 million Australian dollars ..

Increased exports from Indonesia to Australia because Australia itself started buying oil from Indonesian , Australian employers generally have not been so keen to invest in Indonesia . Because Indonesia has not been able to export the results to the manufacturing industry abroad . In this case is not relevant in the relationship between Australia and Indonesia .

Indonesia is the second largest recipient of Australia , it can be seen from bilateral aid amounted to 86 million Australian dollars for a period of three years ( 1976-1979 ) in the form of project assistance , food assistance , and training programs , most of the assistance provided to project the amount of 29 million Australian dollars for 1978-1979 . In addition there is the biggest beneficiary of Papua New Guinea who received a grant of 233.4 million Australian dollars for 1978-1979 .

Australia introduced Indonesian lessons are introduced in upper secondary school . In addition Australia has a study , solid and stylish study on Southeast Asia at various universities such as Monash University in Melbourne .

Australia became the second most important learning objectives for Indonesia after the United States . Australia has managed to sell education to Indonesia , so the number of Indonesian citizens studying in Australia as many as 18 748 people in 1999 and 17 626 people in 2000 . Thus since the end of seven years , Indonesia is the biggest buyer of education in Australia .

Dutch military aggression I, Australia advises Indonesia to ask for help directly to the Secretary-General of the United Nations , at the time of military aggression II , Australia asking for help to the UN Security Council that the Netherlands attack is stopped immediately .

Australia joined the United Nations Commission On Indonesia ( UNCI ) kept an eye on talks between Indonesia and the Netherlands , ranging from talks on board Renville up to the Round Table Conference ( RTC ) .

Additionally the armed forces of Australia plays a decisive role in ousting the Japanese from Indonesia and Tarakan in East Kalimantan in 1945 , Australia also assist Indonesia in achieving independence in recognition of the international community at the end of 1949 it can be seen as a sponsor of the Australian aid independence and membership in UN .

In Australia's first political relations with Indonesia experiencing dilemma . On the one hand , there is sympathy for the struggle for Indonesian independence and genuine desire to maintain good relations with Indonesia . But on the other hand , if the Dutch out of the Indonesian archipelago , the Australian felt unsafe . Thus the question arises of the leaders of Australia : the first is when the people of Indonesia 's independence from Dutch colonial Australia will benefit ? And secondly whether Indonesia is able to stem the communist threat ? .

In this case the people of Indonesia are less mature and inexperienced in politics in the life of the nation , so they think that Indonesia would not be able to stem the communist aggression . Australia worried if the support of the Republic of Indonesia in The Netherlands expel the actions that will accelerate the end of the European colonial powers in Southeast Asia .

Thus on December 27, 1959 the government formally recognized Indonesian independence and expressed a desire to establish friendly relations with the Republic of Indonesia .

Internationally Australia to intervene in the fight for the independence of Indonesia , it is a form of attention Australian foreign policy under the leadership of Prime Minister Chifley and enthusiasm shown by his foreign minister , Dr . H.V. Evatt .

Australian aid is shown by the Australian dockworkers unions , especially the Waterside Workers Federation boycotted the back and the prohibition against Dutch ships carrying weapons for the Dutch military in Indonesia , this reaction was caused by Dutch aggression on 20 July 1947 by the Dutch themselves referred to as police action . The Netherlands tried hard to regain power in Java Indonesia .

With the change of government in Australia from Labor to Liberal - Country party coalition led to changes in Australian foreign policy under the leadership of Foreign Minister Percy C. Spender . Australian Government wanted West Papua remains controlled by the Dutch , this statement is not without reason that the fundamental due after the Japanese invasion of the islands of New Guinea before the World War II, then it is unlikely that the public and the Australian government was convinced that West Irian is very important to Australia , that's where the relationship between Australia and Indonesia have ups and downs as a result of the issue of West Irian . On the one hand wanted Indonesian province of West Papua into Indonesia .

Between the years 1950-1962 the Indonesian government take strong action to resolve the problem of West Irian , by way of deployed military forces to control and the West Irian from the Dutch repelling West Irian .

The problems that arise in the relationship between Australia and Indonesia one of them :

 Problems or Papua New Guinea

Indonesian Government strives to maintain independence from the Dutch , the international community gives great sympathy for Indonesia, one of which is Australia ..

It can be shown when requested Australian assistance of the UN Security Council , so that the Dutch military aggression to Indonesia was stopped , so that Australia was instrumental in Indonesian . Australia felt himself to be a " midwife " , the independence of Indonesia or Indonesian as his creation .

Indonesian labor party support , but the new changes noticeably after tahun1949 , because the labor party and the liberal party was defeated by pro-Dutch country . Actually in this case the problem is the status of West Irian contested between the Netherlands and Indonesia and Australia too concerned about the West Irian .

 Reason Netherlands maintains West Papua

West Irian should be maintained as a colony of the Netherlands in order to ensure the presence of the Dutch in Indonesia, especially in the Pacific region

To ensure the position of the Catholic missionaries in the area for a decade has been actively convert locals .

Even the Dutch West Irian into its constitution as a Dutch colony , the change occurs when Spender of the liberal party served as Minister of Foreign Affairs , the West Irian he assumed that :

• West Irian is the last defense of Australia from any possibility of an attack from the north .

• The future of West New Guinea is very important to Australia because western Irian very strategic for Australia

• Because it is in front of the UN General Assembly in 1950, he hoped the Indonesian side if negotiations to take place and the Dutch release of West Irian to Indonesia, Australia will lose West Irian .

• West Irian to Indonesia is not feasible because of Australia's anti- communist , while the Communist Party at that time Indonesia has otensif properties . Strain relations between Indonesia and Australia among others due west Irian problem .

Settlement efforts by the United Nations did not produce results of any proposed resolution in the UN General Assembly and always fail in finding a solution to the problem of West Irian . For example : in a meeting of the General Assembly can be seen that the group of Asian and African countries besides China voted unanimously against the resolution , Turkey cons of 20 Latin American countries , 10 voice pros , cons 7 countries and 3 abstentions . All Western European countries and countries not voting contra invaders , United States Abstain , pro Soviet Union .

Similarly, the General Assembly of 1955 X , XI General Assembly of 1956, and the UN General Assembly in 1957 and the same result was not obtained 2 /3 vote required .

• It has been 4 times failure Indonesia finally decided to seek the settlement of West Irian outside the United Nations , to the General Nasution was sent to Washington in 1960 to buy heavy weapons in the United States but the United States rejected . This greatly affects the relationship between Indonesia and America to the next .

After resolving the problem of West Irian , Australia's relationship with Indonesia began to improve , in connection with the change of government in Indonesia .

Then followed an attempted coup by the PKI in 1965 which became known events September 30 Movement ( G-30-S/PKI ) . New Order government under Suharto's Indonesia, which shows anti- communist stance and Indonesian foreign policy turned into Pro West . Indonesian political atmosphere that makes Australia so soon join in the Inter -Government Group on Indonesia ( IGGI ) , as a group of countries - donors are in a special form for the economic development of Indonesia .

The occurrence of Timor - east political turmoil especially since the inception of the decision of the people of East Timor to join Indonesia , often unfriendly looks from certain parties in Australia to Indonesia , admittedly unfriendly attitude and not sourced from Australia 's official policy on East Timor , because the Australian government has recognized the de facto and de jure integration of East Timor by Indonesia.

So in essence the voices that emerged in the Australian media that his tone is less friendly with Indonesia is often not an official voice representing the Australian government . It can be seen from censure Australian Foreign Minister Evans presented the Australian press conference commemorating the opening of the Australian dwiabad Pengakajian Center Strategy and Defence ANU ( Australian National University ) in Canberra .

Evans accused the press of the country's less accountable and less attention to how to pour a report in Australia's relationship with Indonesia regarding East Timor in particular , needs to be studied in a voice who appeared in the mass media . Sound seems to appear in the Australian media that represent the many voices of refugees or Fretilin sympathizers who do not like the progress experienced by East Timor as an integral part of Indonesia ..

Indonesia is the second recipient of the Australian side . This recipient is Papua New Guinea in the form of project aid , food aid and training programs . Also in Papua New Guinea , Australia also build the project , among others the construction of road networks in West Kalimantan , Gimanuk irrigation projects , farm research institutions , water supply , development of intensive care at the Hospital Cipto Mangun Kusumo in this Jakarta.proyek divided into 28 kinds .

• Indonesia has received grants or gifts , so it was not a loan to be paid back by Indonesia .

• Indonesia - Australia cooperate in the defense ( Defense Cooperation ) , in order to get help Indonesia 25 million Australian dollars for a period of 3 years

• Indonesia's population of about 240 million people , Indonesia is not just Australia but the immediate neighbors in the ASEAN 's largest country . Australian held in cooperation with ASEAN , then Australia needs to maintain good relations with Indonesia if you want to cooperate with ASEAN .

• Australia is the only country other than Indonesia who teach Indonesian in schools as teaching examples given in New South Wales , and also at Monash University in Melbourne .

Broadly speaking, the positive impact of the relations between the two countries is the security and interests of each country is assured , because the relationship is good ..

Australia intervened several problems within Indonesia , among others :

• Problem Papua

As a result of the Free Papua Movement ( OPM ) at the border of Irian Jaya and Papua New Guinea carry due to Australia's relationship with Indonesia rather tenuous because Australia is concerned that Indonesia refused Papua New Guinea .

• Problems rights , security , political and press freedom issues .

• West Irian issue is one issue that is still up in the settlement of Indonesian independence from the Dutch . Australia Statement on the issue of West Irian , after the Japanese invasion of Papua New Guinea ( West Irian and Irian East ) ahead of World War II , the community and the Australian government is more confident that the island is very important to the security of Australia . Australia 's own feeling of security would be guaranteed if the area of the island was under Dutch rule .

• The problem of East Timor

Former Portuguese colony , East Timor integrated into the Republic of Indonesia , Australia against the strong . They demanded the right of self-determination applied to the people of East Timor ,

they think is a separate nation and racially different from Indonesia .

So , baik.warga Indonesian and Australian citizens still keep suspicion in view of the two countries .

Primo Alui Joelianto , Indonesian Ambassador to Australia says . suspected of intent in sending children to deliver bawar age asylum seekers from Indonesia to Australia .

"It might be done , because if the minor will be returned to Indonesia , " he said .

However, up to now there are also children under the age jailed in Australia for his alleged involvement in helping asylum seekers .

" We're trying to outreach to all residents on the coast that deliver or help deliver those without a clear purpose , or out of the country , is not a good idea . They risk arrest and sentenced according to the law in force in the country , " he explained .

Primo assess these children just become a victim of fraud , because they are assigned by human smuggling mafias without given enough information .

He also explained that the cooperation between Indonesia and Australia both at the government level only , while not so at the level of citizens .

" Indonesia is still considered citizens of Australia is a country that is nosy , meddlesome , especially after the loss of East Timor . Meanwhile , Australians regarded Indonesia is a terrorist state and often violate human rights , " said Primo .

So the mutual suspicion between the two nations is memili long historical roots . This is the problem sebenatnya .

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