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Friday, November 22, 2013

Indonesian Food Crisis Predicted Will the Year 2017. During the import of foodstuffs , always be looking for a short- term solution . the need to import food is obviously very dangerous for Indonesia .

sago plant
rice plant
Indonesian Food Crisis Predicted Will the Year 2017. During the import of foodstuffs , always be looking for a short- term solution . the need to import food is obviously very dangerous for Indonesia .

 Indonesia Agriculture is the State where the land is suitable for agriculture and livestock . But strangely we are still much dependent on imported agricultural products such as soybeans from the United States , beef from Australia . Even import rice from Thailand and Vietnam .

Just imagine the total rice imported into Indonesia from January to November 2011 amounted to 2.5 million tons with a value of U.S. $ 1.3 billion or equivalent to Rp 11.7 trillion . Rice - rice imported from Vietnam , Thailand and even from China .

For example, imports of Chinese rice re-enter the Indonesian market in November 2011. Whereas previous months China imported rice importation was stopped .

Based on data from the Central Statistics Agency ( BPS ) said detikFinance , in November 2011 there were as many as 1600 tons of rice from China with U.S. $ 5.9 million went into the ground water . In the previous 3 months , rice imports from the Bamboo Curtain country had not entered . Thus , the total rice imports from China from January to November 2011 as much as 3500 tons with a value of U.S. $ 11 million .

Aside from China , imports of rice from Vietnam is still dominated . Total rice Vietnam to Indonesia since January 2011 as many as 1.6 million tons with a value of U.S. $ 835.6 million . As for the month of November alone , the rice from Vietnam who entered the country as much as 178.1 thousand tons with a value of U.S. $ 102.9 million .

Meanwhile , for rice from Thailand , the total rice that goes from January to November 2011 reached 847.3 thousand tons with a value of U.S. $ 475.8 million . For the month of November 2011 , rice imports from Thailand were entered as 104.1 thousand tons worth U.S. $ 64.7 million .

Thus , the total rice imports from January to November 2011 , as many as 2.5 million tons with a value of U.S. $ 1.3 billion or equivalent to Rp 11.7 trillion . While the month of November alone , the entry of imported rice as much as 287.3 thousand tons with a value of U.S. $ 174.8 million .

No wonder the Rector of Bogor Agricultural University ( IPB), Prof. Dr. Suhardiyanto in 856 undergraduate graduation ceremony speech s1 , s2 and s3 in Campus IPB , Bogor , Wednesday ( 20 / / 11 ) said that , the Indonesian nation today in the first crucial issues facing the food .

This happened , said Herrera , due to food production in Indonesia is still far below the national requirement .

'' With consumption patterns in Indonesia which still prioritizes carbohydrates of rice and wheat , the challenges of food supply in Indonesia will be more severe . '' He added.

Researchers based food Bogor Agricultural University ( IPB ) , Andreas Dwi Santoso predict Indonesia will experience a food crisis in 2017 . This prediction is based on a conversion rate of agricultural land in Indonesia is increasing day by day .

This came in response to the latest research results to the People's Coalition on Food Sovereignty food community . The research shows that agricultural land in Indonesia especially Java dwindling.

" Until 2014 we are still safe food . , But if this trend continues, in the middle of the next administration is going to happen , " Andrew said at the launch of the results of research on food community in Cikini , Central Jakarta , Sunday ( 27/10 ) .

Andrew said , the lack of land coupled with import dependence will make food prices more expensive . Therefore , if the government does not solve this problem then food prices will certainly not be able to afford.

"If we import high and the exporting country does not have stock then our country could collapse , " said the lecturer IPB .

Research the People's Coalition for Food Sovereignty take samples of paddy field in Karawang , West Java . During the period 1989-2007 , the rate of land conversion in Karachi reached 135.6 hectares per year . That is , during the period of paddy field in Karawang reduced by 2,578 hectares .

Ayip Abdullah of the People's Coalition for Food Sovereignty say , agricultural land in Karawang shrunk from 94 thousand hectares to 92 thousand hectares . Agricultural land is converted to industrial areas , housing , roads and infrastructure .

" If this continues , Khanewal district status as a national rice granary will slowly disappear , " said Ayip .

Ayip added , the Master Plan for the Acceleration and Expansion of Indonesian Economic Development ( MP3EI ) participated bekontribusi reduce agricultural land in Karachi . According to him , the construction of roads connecting the port cilamaya and spent about 60 hectares of rice fields .

" If the average production in the region of 5 tons per hectare will be lost as much as 300 tons of grain , " he said .

Oxfam -funded research is also photographing the food situation in East Sumba , NTT and Nabire , Papua . Food security in the two regions due to constraints alarming climate and disaster risks .

In the same occasion , the Special Staff Assistant to the President for Economic Affairs , Rizal Edy Halim said that the government has issued a number of policies to prevent the conversion of agricultural land . However , he acknowledged that the spatial policy has not been implemented by all provinces .

" There are 17 provinces that have selelsai spatial , and 16 had not . Which we later evaluation has not been completed yet, " said Rizal .

Indonesia is a country with the fourth largest population in the world . In 2013 , based on data taken from the Central Bureau of Statistics , the population of Indonesia has the addition of approximately 20 million people from the previous census data .

In the 2010 population census , the population of Indonesia ranges from 237 556 363 souls that occupy an area has an area of approximately 1,904,569 km2 and is currently ( in 2012 ) of the population in Indonesia has reached 257 516 167 inhabitants.

With a population that so many , food is the most important fundamental to society . Fulfillment of national food is not just a matter of which is carried by the farmers , but the government and all elements of the community also needs to play an active role in it .

Many people are not aware even know that Indonesia is the tip of the food crisis . This was triggered by the rapid population growth is not matched by the increase national food production causes food crisis ahead . One of the indicators that we can look at is the rate of national food imports .

This year , Indonesia plans to re-import of 1.75 million tons of rice . If this is realized , then Indonesia is the second largest rice importer in the world . Not only rice , the dependence of national food needs against other major imports are also quite large , such as soybeans ( 70 percent ) , salt ( 50 percent ) , beef ( 23 percent ) , and corn ( 11.23 percent ) .

On the other hand , the existence of global climate change , some manufacturers state that a food supplier for Indonesia is now limiting export quotas to meet domestic kebutahan negarannya respectively .

As a result the amount of some commodity imported by Indonesia in the global market has decreased in number . Although Indonesia has the money to meet domestic food requirements through imports , if the destination country is still struggling to meet demand in the country , then this will be debated in the future for Indonesia .

Other indicators of the threat of food crisis is also reflected on the purchasing power continues to be eroded due to price hikes . There are currently a number of food commodities such as rice , cooking oil , chilli , tofu , tempeh , beef and chicken meat continues to increase very significantly .

For that is , the government needs to do a variety of regulations to support Indonesian efforts to increase food production in order to avoid the threat of future Indonesian food crisis .

If you be more , there are many other factors that contribute to national food crisis . The mindset of the farmers are very practical and not according to the prediction market and conversion of agricultural land into residential and industrial areas are some of the factors which may be a secondary factor for the food crisis in Indonesia in the future .

There are many things we can do to address the above. Based on local food self-sufficiency agenda forward that needs to be developed . Indonesia is a pluralistic society , whether ethnic, religious , racial , class , and culture.

Each region has a food staple different . The problem is the government still has a mindset like the new order in which all the people of generalized in material compliance with its food . The concept of one village one product that is applied by Thailand and Japan should be tested .

This concept is an attempt to highlight the potential of each area in order to meet the food needs of the people in the area taking into account the various factors that exist in it . Given this, Indonesia is able to independently food and not depend on other countries in compliance with food people.

 Indonesia is currently in phase four food crisis stage or already in a very worrying . The reason , Indonesia has too many imported food products .

" There seems to be a grand design for the devastated Indonesian agriculture . This is evident from the attitude of the government deliberately allowed the import of food products greatly exaggerated , " said a member of Commission IV at the Viva Yoga Mauladi Public Discussion Food Cartel in commemoration of Farmers Day in Jakarta , Tuesday ( 24/9 ) .

Viva continues , the flood of imported products is exacerbated by the lack of credit support and ease of capital from the government that can realize the independence of farmers . As a result , the younger generation in the archipelago is now no longer interested in doing business in the field of agriculture . In fact , Indonesia is a country that was once known as kedigdayaannya the agrarian sector .

According to Viva , government policies and excessive imports that do not provide agricultural finance institutions ( agricultural bank ) is actually a violation of the Food Act . In the legislation , food imports should only be done with a variety of stringent requirements . Among them , the import of food commodities can not be produced in the country , insufficient stock , can as price controls , and not detrimental to farmers . " Well , it was not met all of the requirements of the government , " he said .

For that reason , Viva said , the state has been in the category of food crisis due to not being able to prepare food and not being able to control the price of food for its people .

Contact Farmers and Fishermen's Chairman ( KTNA ) Winarno Tohir added , misguided government policies not because the ministries related to the livelihood of the public affairs handed over to politicians . Politicians sit affairs minister in the ministry of food and trade policy issuance that is always political. " All policies are always shades of political interest and virtually no benefit people and farmers , " he said .

Winarno example, when the government no longer provide credit support farming which can provide loans of fertilizer during the planting . The government also eliminates the Village Unit Cooperatives ( KUD ) has a function that used to buy the crop farmers at a higher price . " Now , the government allowed farmers solve their own problems . "

Vice Chairman of the Indonesian Association of Graduate Agriculture ( PISPI ) Dianda Salman Anwar said the government impartiality in the food and agriculture sector also resulted in the younger generation is no longer interested in studying in the faculty of agriculture . Prospective students more interested in learning to another department or faculty that is considered more has a bright future . " We're just waiting for the destruction of our agriculture and food security . Unless there is political will from the government to restore our food security , " he said .

According to the data of the agricultural census conducted Central Statistics Agency ( BPS ) in May 2013 , there has been a decline in farm households from 31.17 million in 2003 to 26.13 million in 2013 , down 1.75 percent per year. n ed : eh ismail

Oxfam researcher for the People's Food Sovereignty Coalition ( KRKP ) Said Abdullah said Indonesia is now food insecure due to the many important commodities imported .

"I think Indonesia has experienced food insecurity . Not noticeably . We are not aware of what is in front of the table it came from outside , " said Said in a discussion in Cikini , Jakarta , Sunday ( 10/27/2013 ) .

Said said that in 2011 , Indonesian food commodity trade balance deficit to break the 6 million U.S. dollars . Of various food commodities , the three commodities that become the biggest contributor to the deficit , namely rice , wheat and corn .

According to Said , the current Indonesian masyarat five main commodities , namely rice , maize , sugar , meat , and soy , are imported from abroad . Indonesia , said Said , still lucky because the fifth is still stable commodity in the international market . "Just yesterday soybeans are volatile , " he said .

Meanwhile, the professor of the Institute of Agriculture (IPB ) Dwi Andreas Santosa predict if the trend continues , and left unchecked, the food crisis will occur in mid next administration .

" According to our calculations , this 2014 is still safe , " he said . The theory of comparative advantage which triggered David Ricardo , Andrew believes if the state wants to go, he should produce all commodities , especially food commodities .

The government should focus on food commodities , said Andreas , because it occupies the position of the most important commodity in a country .

" The dependence of a country for food , when there are fluctuations in the price , and then we import large , the economy will collapse , " he said .

1998 reform in the country , said Andreas , also triggered a crisis of rice in various areas which then erupted at the central level . So also with the revolutions in the Middle East that caused the food crisis . " You control food , you control people, " he said .

He also pointed out that the U.S. government did not hesitate to disburse massive for growers , especially in terms of stabilizing food prices . Indonesia , said Andreas , should follow the example of the U.S. which is considered as the best model to achieve food sovereignty .

Indonesia can be separated from food imports for agricultural production could be increased . One way that can be encouraged that allow farmers to cultivate seeds .

So far, farmers could be exposed to criminal when taking certain germplasm production company . Court ensnare farmers on charges of stealing the germplasm . In accordance with the provisions of shrimp ( UU ) No. 12/1992 on Plant Cultivation System , there are a series of requirements and testing before a party is given permission to do cultivation .

Now the Constitutional Court has revised the article . Small farmers should be exempted from the government requesting permission membudidyakan own seed . " Because if farmers have to follow all the requirements , where 's the money? Trials should be carried out in two seasons and at least three locations , " said Chairman of the Indonesian Association of Horticultural Seed ( Hortindo ) , Afrizal Gindow , Wednesday ( 11/9 ) .

Hortindo also encourage farmers take advantage of these opportunities as possible . You do this by going to follow the guidance that facilitated the government or large seed companies . Hortindo members themselves are committed to provide the legal knowledge to the farmers copyright protection .

In order for these opportunities have a significant impact , the government should also implement a monitoring mechanism . First , farmers should be ensured to get a good knowledge about the cultivation of the parent plant . Furthermore , farmers also need to study the supply chain from the seed . Finally, the government and private sector should seriously undertake advisory services to farmers . "If our farmers are not too far , " said Afrizal .

Based on data Hortindo , the total requirement of horticultural seeds reached 14 thousand tons per year . This need is supplied from local seeds by 40 percent and 60 percent of imports sebsar . Of these , only the farmers are expected to produce less than half the existing local seed . The rest is the result of the production of a large company .

Each year members Hortindo spend about 20 varieties of seeds . However, on average only 3 acceptable local seed market . Geographically , many seeds that can not be produced in the country , one onion . " Farmers are acting as traders increasingly intelligent selecting seeds , " he said .

In working the land , the cost of seed is only about three percent of the total cost of production . To work the land planting tomatoes for example , one hectare takes about 9-10 bags of seeds at 10 grams per bag . Price of tomato seeds reached 30 million per kilogram ( kg ) .

The depreciation of the rupiah is now anticipated since the beginning of the year . Price seed imports increased by about 4-5 percent annually . However, for certain crops such as carrots and cabbage , certainly the price will be more expensive because they are both imported products .

Agriculture Minister ( Minister of Agriculture ) Suswono diversification reveals key to success is in the hands of local leaders .

Therefore , on World Food Day in 2013 in Champaign next week , the government will award the successful campaign for the regional head diverisifikasi food program .

" It will be awarded to the 5 head area and community groups campaigned heavily involved diversification , " said Suswono in his office , Friday ( 25/10/2013 ) .

On the same occasion , the Head of Ministry of Agriculture Food Security Ahmad Suryana said it has not been able to call the officer who will receive the award.

However , he could tell they were very active in the campaign diversification . " The regents and mayors campaign is very active and very active diversification develop local food . Campaigned There is no rice one day . Heads There are also areas that have the initiative to develop local food into food that could compete with rice and biting , " he said .

In addition to the five regional head , said Suryana , awards will also be given to groups of women , particularly in the management of food land . " They are very active and also the development of local food in the group , " he explained .

As reported , on 30 October to 3 November 2013 government will hold a World Food Day in Padang , West Sumatra . This event was attended by President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono , will also be attended by the ambassadors of friendly countries and representatives of the world organization .

The increase in food prices is said by the Governor of Bank Indonesia ( BI ) Agus DW Martowardojo contribute to inflation apart from the increase in the price of fuel oil ( BBM ) .

. Related to these conditions , there is always a Agus calls for innovation , especially among self-employed to contribute to contribute to meet the needs and demand for dairy products such as chili and chili ..

Supporting Agus revelation about chili , on the same occasion , the entrepreneur Ciputra said processed chili product innovation is a step that should be appreciated . Modification of chili products , he said , can reduce the rate of inflation .

"Chili before they're expensive . Was found to be a modification of chili powder . This could reduce inflation , because the price is stable . So if you go into the index numbers , the price cabainya not expensive anymore, " he said .

Other problems are also other chili beef that is still highly dependent on imports , due to the small number of cattle farms results in the country .

Indeed, the development of cattle in Indonesia requires adequate infrastructure support to succeed beef self-sufficiency program in 2014 .

" Limitations of infrastructure makes cows that are not treated well during the delivery of the producer ( farmer ) to the slaughterhouse , thus making the weights ( weight ) cow weight losses up to 30 percent , " said Director General of Livestock Iwantoro Gratitude , Sunday ( 18/11 / 2013) .

Thanks be to say , this infrastructure constraints can not be handled alone but must involve other agencies , such as the availability of ports including feeder cattle .

According to him , the issue can not be left entirely to the Directorate General of Animal Husbandry , because there are things that are beyond the capability and authority of the institution , such as ports and ships that are under the authority of the Ministry of Transportation and Ministry of Commerce .

" So far , the President also supports an integrated action program to realize the self-sufficiency of food , including meat that is through the availability of land , infrastructure support , as well as the use of technology , " he explained .

To that end , the priority will be implemented in the form of port infrastructure development , loading and unloading facilities , and ship cattle . Thus , the decline in live weight of cattle can be reduced 5 percent , and cows who are disabled or die can be reduced to 0 percent .

" Then after the cow got cut but should not be directly inserted into the shelter cage then within 1 to 1.5 months given adequate feed that cow weight increases , " explains Gratitude .

To achieve this goal , Gratitude says , requires a very large area to accommodate cattle from actual production centers can be equated with the crude state enterprises that have a large asset such as Perum Jasatirta II and PTPN VIII .

 Rice print project in 2013 at some point Indragiri Hulu ( Inhu ) especially around streams Indragiri halted due to flooding since last week .

" There are several points paddy print development project activities temporarily suspended , because of the flooding still sweeping in some areas , " said Head of Agriculture TPH Indragiri Hulu , Rahmat , Tuesday ( 19/11/2013 ) .

He said , for now could not be ascertained how many points and how the breadth of project development activities were halted rice print , because it is still doing inventory in the field .

" We have already recorded and paused in the village of Wonder Week , because this area is prone to flooding and is always flooded even though the rain for a few days so that the activities would be continued if the flood water has receded completely , " he said .

According to him , if the flood had subsided rice print project development activities can be continued in the hope that people can use to print the rice farms .

Meanwhile , residents Inhu Herman ( 35 ) said although Indragiri Hulu district was hit by flooding but the project activities should be continued , only when the implementation is slightly delayed . " The flood disaster should not be used as an excuse if the project is not finished , " he said .

According to him Indragiri Hulu regency best time to think of alternatives related to the handling of the flooding problems every year many homeless people lead , ruined crops and dead livestock .

Previously , the Ministry of Agriculture to encourage the new fields created to meet national food requirements . Minister of Agriculture Suswono explained , rice area in Indonesia , particularly for rice , still less than Thailand . In fact , Indonesia's population is much larger than Thailand .

In Thailand , for paddy rice area has reached 9 million ha . While Indonesia is only 1.5 times the size of paddy to rice in Thailand reaches 13-14 million ha .

" Judging from the extent , indeed we are much more . However , to provide rice for 240 million people , the land is still less than Thailand , " said Suswono . During this import , said Rector of IPB , always menjai keterganrungan pendek.Namun term solutions to food imports is obviously very dangerous for Indonesia .

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